Tomato ketchup (tomatoes) for the winter: you will lick your fingers recipes. How to make delicious homemade tomato ketchup for the winter

A few words before making ketchup:

1. It is advisable to use homemade tomatoes grown without chemical dressings for making ketchup.

2. Tomatoes must be fleshy and ripe.

3. To prepare ketchup, we will use natural preservatives - cloves, mustard, apple, and vinegar. This will help us keep our ketchup for a long time.

4. To thicken the ketchup, we will evaporate it. Although this process is lengthy, it will help us avoid including various additives in the form of starch.

5. Be sure to sterilize jars and lids before pouring ketchup.

Homemade ketchup for the winter "Lick your fingers"

Very tasty ketchup with apples and spices. You will have to tinker a bit, but the result will reward all your efforts. Indeed, you will lick not only the plate, but also your fingers. 🙂 We will use a meat grinder and a blender as helpers.

I always take products "by eye". I add spices and salt with sugar to taste, so the list shows the approximate weight of the products.

Products for ketchup:

  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • apples - 6 pcs.;
  • onions - 6 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • sugar - 8 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • cloves - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks (2 tsp);
  • allspice - 1 tsp;
  • bay leaf - 6 leaves;
  • apple cider vinegar 6% - 150 ml.

The process of making delicious ketchup at home:

1. Let's prepare the products. We select ripe, strong, fleshy tomatoes and wash them well. We cut them into 4 parts so that they can fit in the hole of the meat grinder.

2. We also thoroughly wash the apples and remove the cores. I'll cut it into slices.

3. My bell pepper, cut out the middle and cut into 4 parts.

4. We clean the onion and garlic from the "clothes". We also cut the onion into 4 parts.

5. We skip the prepared vegetables through a meat grinder. You can also grind everything with a blender, just cut the vegetables into smaller pieces.

6. Pour our vegetable mixture into a suitable pan. Preferably with a thick bottom. Add cinnamon and spices. We put the spices in a gauze bag and lower it into the pan. We put everything on fire.

7. Bring the vegetable mixture to a boil over high heat. Do not forget to mix it regularly so that the whole mass warms up evenly.

8. When the whole mass boils, then we begin to boil the ketchup to the consistency we need. Of course, if there is little time, then you can do it in several stages. For example, in the morning for an hour and in the evening for two hours, and for the third time already finish cooking. In the photo, ketchup after a three-hour boil.

9. After our mass has boiled down to the structure we need, we take out the cinnamon, if we threw it in the form of a stick, and spices. During this time, they gave ketchup all the tasty and aromatic substances.

10. Now remove the pan from the heat and add salt, sugar and vinegar to the ketchup. Be careful with vinegar. Pour in only half the norm to start and try so that the ketchup is not sour.

11. Grind the whole mass in a blender. We put everything on fire and let it boil. If you want a thicker ketchup, then you need to boil it down to the density you need.

If you want a homogeneous ketchup, without tomato seeds and pieces of vegetable skins, then you can rub everything through a sieve.

12. Boiled ketchup to the required density is poured into sterilized jars. Turn them upside down and wrap them up.

13. That's all. Delicious ketchup for the winter is ready. Enjoy your favorite homemade dish.

Homemade tomato ketchup is delicious and easy

video recipe

The video below shows a simple recipe for homemade ketchup. But despite the simplicity of preparation, it turns out very tasty.

Chinese ketchup at home for the winter

According to history, the first ketchup was invented by the Chinese. True, there were no tomatoes in it. Its composition was represented by beans, mushrooms, anchovies and nuts. Everything was filled with wine or brine left over from salted fish. Since then, the recipe for ketchup has changed significantly. There is nothing left of the original ingredients. I suggest you try to cook Chinese ketchup with tomatoes. It will be very tasty. This ketchup is perfect for barbecue and scrambled eggs, sandwiches and spaghetti with meat, as well as fish.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • sugar - 380 gr.;
  • salt - 50 gr.;
  • vinegar 9% - 120 gr.;
  • ground cloves - 4 gr.;
  • ground cinnamon - 30 gr.;
  • mustard - to taste.

How to make Chinese ketchup at home:

1. My tomatoes and cut crosswise on top. We put them in a colander and pour boiling water over them. We remove the skin from them and cut out all the hard formations. Cut into small pieces.

2. We wipe the tomatoes through a sieve with very small cells.

3. Pour the mashed tomatoes into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add vinegar, sugar, mustard, salt and spices to them. Spices are pre-folded in a gauze bag. And you can put everything like that.

4. We put the saucepan with the future ketchup on a small fire. This takes approximately 30-40 minutes. Don't forget to stir the mixture regularly.

5. Now carefully observe. As soon as you feel the delicious aroma of ketchup, and the mass becomes homogeneous and similar to sauce, then remove the saucepan from the heat and take out the bag of spices if you put them in the bag.

6. Hot ketchup is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up.

7. Chinese ketchup is ready. Bon appetit!

Delicious tomato and basil ketchup for the winter

This ketchup is very flavorful. Even during cooking, you want to eat it. 🙂 Because it is very difficult to resist the wonderful smells hovering in the kitchen. My daughter loves this kind of ketchup with a little sweet taste. For its preparation I use the most simple products and as usual I do it "by eye". In the process of cooking, I already adjust everything to taste. Therefore, below is a sample list of products.

We will prepare the following products:

  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • garlic - 10 cloves;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • basil - 1 large bunch;
  • sugar - 130 gr.;
  • salt - 50 gr.;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • hot pepper - a small pod;
  • apple cider vinegar 6% - 4 tbsp.

Cooking ketchup with basil:

1. My tomatoes, remove damaged areas and ponytails. Cut into pieces and put in a bowl.

2. For ketchup, I took sweet and sour apples. We wash them, remove the core and also cut into pieces. Add to tomatoes.

3. We clean the onion from the husk, wash it, cut it into pieces and pour it into a saucepan with tomatoes and apples.

4. My bell pepper, remove the middle and cut into pieces. We send everything to a saucepan with vegetables.

5. Put the pan on a slow fire and cover with a lid. You do not need to pour water, as the tomatoes will release juice. However, the vegetable mixture should be stirred frequently, otherwise it may burn. Cook everything over low heat until the vegetables are soft.

If you add fresh basil to ketchup, then finely cut the grass and throw it into the vegetables for 10 minutes before turning it off. So that it can be crushed together with other products. If you have dried basil, then you can add it to ketchup after rubbing the entire mass with a blender.

6. Let the contents of the saucepan cool slightly and grind the whole mass with a blender or grind through a sieve. Of course, with the second option, the mass will be homogeneous without pieces of the skin.

7. We put everything again on a slow fire and begin to boil. Boiling time depends on what consistency you want to have ketchup. If thick, then it is worth cooking a little longer, but do not forget to stir. The mass is already quite dense and can easily burn. Add sugar, salt, ground black pepper. 10 minutes before readiness, pour vinegar into the saucepan.

8. Pour the ketchup into pre-sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down so that the lids warm up well. After cooling, you can send all the jars for storage.

How to make spicy tomato ketchup

at home for the winter

The male half of my family prefers very spicy ketchup. Therefore, I cook it with the addition of hot pepper. The recipe is very simple. All you need is tomatoes, onions, hot peppers and spices.

I use these ketchup recipes. What are your favorite recipes for this dish? I would be glad if you share them in the comments.

A sauce with centuries of history is ketchup. For modern man this seasoning for dishes is associated with red bottles and store shelves. Ketchup at home for the winter earlier, before development Food Industry, cooked in many families. Now natural nutrition is gaining popularity, and housewives tend to make sauces themselves, without preservatives, dyes and other unnecessary chemicals.

Recipes for making homemade ketchup for harvesting for the winter

To prepare a delicious ketchup that will be stored all winter and not spoil, you need high-quality tomatoes, ripe, strong, without defects. Rustic or country tomatoes grown without chemistry are ideal. As part of factory sauces, not only tomatoes or tomato paste, but also flavor enhancers, modified gum and starch. Ketchup, cooked at home for the winter, is healthier, tastes better than industrial analogues, moreover, you can make both a classic sauce and use the original and unusual recipe.

Classic tomato recipe

The sauce from which ketchup got its name did not contain tomatoes. The Chinese condiment ge-tsup was prepared with fish entrails, and later with anchovies. The British changed the recipe in their own way, replacing the fish with mushrooms and walnuts, then included olives. Much later, tomatoes were added, and a variant was born, today called the classic. Classic Ketchup Ingredients:

  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • cloves - 2 buds;
  • black pepper - 20 peas;
  • coriander - 10 peas;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - half a tablespoon;
  • greens (any) - a bunch.

How the sauce is made:

  1. Select the tomatoes, rinse, remove the stalks with a knife, cut into small pieces, place in a saucepan, wait for the boil. Add water if necessary, and the juice that stands out is enough. Switch the stove to medium heat, cook for 20 minutes.
  2. Cool the boiled tomatoes, pass through a sieve, into the same pan. Boil the mass of future ketchup until thickened, an hour or more.
  3. Put the spices in a piece of gauze, tie the ends, get a bag, dip it in liquid tomatoes, add salt, vinegar, sugar, mix the mixture, cook for 10 minutes, making a slow fire.
  4. Pour the finished ketchup into sterilized containers, cool, place in the refrigerator or cellar.

With apples and bell pepper

Ketchup for lovers of interesting flavor combinations will complement any snack. A little secret: if you add dried or smoked onions, you get an unusual aroma. This addition is useful for those who are not against culinary experiments with ketchup. If you're unsure if your eaters will approve of an unusual taste, stick with the original recipe. To make this savory ketchup you will need:

  • red soft tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • apples (green is preferable) - 1 kg;
  • bell pepper (yellow, red) - 1 kg;
  • onion (turnip) - 1 kg;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 cup;
  • sugar - a tablespoon;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • black pepper - 10 peas;
  • allspice - 6 pcs.;
  • garlic - 5 teeth;
  • savory - to taste.

Step by step recipe making ketchup:

  1. Cut the tomatoes and onions, remove the core from the apples, cut the middle with the seeds from the peppers.
  2. Pour a few tablespoons of water into vegetables and fruits, put on fire, boil until gruel.
  3. Rub the mixture through a sieve, pour into a saucepan, dip the spices in a gauze bag, boil to a thick consistency.
  4. Pour sugar and salt, pour in vinegar, add squeezed garlic, chopped savory.
  5. Pour the hot mixture into bottles (heated), tighten the lids tightly, put in a container for sterilization (large pot, tank), sterilize, then cool.

Preserved spicy tomato chili sauce

The popular "hot" sauce is made simply, with a minimum of ingredients, the chili will still kill all other flavors. You can season them with many dishes, with care. Chili is combined with pasta and their varieties, potatoes, rice, fish, meat. It is important to remember that if you intend to season a dish with this sauce, do not add pepper when cooking it, otherwise there will be a fire in your mouth. For hot sauce you need to take:

  • fleshy tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • chili (or cayenne pepper) - 1-3 pods;
  • salt - a tablespoon with a slide;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
  • peppercorns, allspice and black - 10 pcs.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Wash, cut tomatoes into slices, pour into a saucepan, put on fire (medium). Cook until soft, about 40 minutes, stirring all the time.
  2. Cut and peel the chili, add to the tomatoes at the end of cooking. If a very hot sauce is desired, do not remove the seeds from the pepper. Add peppercorns, cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Rub the mixture with a sieve using a wooden spoon or spatula. The skin, seeds, spices will not pass through the sieve. Grinding can be simplified using a juicer that has the function of squeezing juice with pulp, or a conventional appliance, but then the peel from the tomatoes must be removed before cooking.
  4. Boil the pureed mixture, season with salt, vinegar, sugar, pour ketchup into jars or bottles, close.

From tomato juice with starch in a slow cooker

In the preparation of ketchup at home for the winter, starch is rarely used; housewives prefer to boil off excess moisture without adding thickeners. Sometimes the obtained degree of density is not enough, for example, when cooking pizza. The sauce may spread, the dish will turn out wet. Dish of the day will save homemade ketchup with added starch. For him you will need:

  • Very ripe tomatoes- 5 kg;
  • onion - 400 g;
  • apple cider vinegar - 50 g;
  • sugar - a glass;
  • allspice - 15 peas or 1-2 teaspoons;
  • hot pepper, garlic - to taste;
  • starch - 2 tablespoons.

The sauce is prepared like this:

  1. Squeeze out tomato juice, it is better with a juicer, or you can scroll through the tomatoes in a meat grinder with a fine grate, discard the pulp in a colander, let it drain. Leave a glass of juice, pour the rest into the multicooker bowl, select the stew mode.
  2. Peel and chop the onion: use a meat grinder or puree in a blender.
  3. Wait until the tomato juice boils, add onion puree. Simmer in a slow cooker for an hour and a half.
  4. Pour salt, vinegar, sugar into the multicooker bowl.
  5. In the previously prepared glass of juice, stir the starch and pepper. While stirring the ketchup, pour in the resulting mixture. When the mixture thickens, turn off the multicooker.
  6. Pour into jars, twist hot.

Thick homemade plum ketchup for meat

Ripe plums are the basis for a fragrant, sweet and sour sauce ideal for barbecue. In nature, this seasoning will be a huge success. The chef regulates the sharpness of ketchup on his own, the recipe does not set a clear framework for how hot such a sauce should be. Everything is done based on the desires of consumers, ketchup will not become less tasty from a decrease in the amount of pepper, the main ingredient of the sauce is plums, they set the tone. Ketchup Ingredients:

  • ripe plums - 5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • bell pepper - 500 g;
  • garlic - 300 g;
  • red pepper (hot) - to taste;
  • so - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 300 g.

Sauce preparation:

  1. Wash the vegetables, remove the pits of the plums.
  2. Scroll plums, peppers, tomatoes in a meat grinder.
  3. Place everything in a saucepan, cook for 2 hours, stirring occasionally.
  4. Grate the garlic on a fine grater, or pass through a garlic press, add to the pan, cook for another 40 minutes.
  5. Pour hot ketchup into jars, roll up. Turn the jars over, wrap in a blanket until cool.

Find out more recipes on how to cook delicious.

Quick Tomato Paste Recipe

Ketchup is prepared in haste, with a minimum of ingredients. Tomato paste bought in a store is more natural than factory ketchup in its composition. Read the label, choose pasta with only tomatoes and salt. Boiled tomatoes contain lycopene, this pigment is not destroyed by high temperatures, it is an antioxidant, good for the heart. Ingredients for "quick" ketchup:

  • tomato paste - 100 g;
  • seasonings: a mixture of dry herbs, garlic, black pepper - all together 50 g;
  • salt - a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • mustard (ready) - a tablespoon.

How to cook:

  1. Dilute the paste with boiled water (about 200 ml).
  2. Pour sugar, salt, spices into one glass, pour boiling water over it, let it brew, pour into the paste.
  3. Put on the stove, cook for 2 minutes on low heat.
  4. Pour into a processed jar. Store in refrigerator for up to three weeks.

Aromatic redcurrant ketchup with spices without vinegar

The national Georgian delicacy, tkemali sauce, is made from sour plums. Its classic unique taste is not easy to reproduce, there are modifications of the sauce, plums are replaced by some other sour fruits or berries, for example, red currants. If you want to bring the taste of ketchup closer to the classic tkemali, cilantro should be among the spices, add it to the ingredients below:

red currant (without green twigs) - 1 kg;

  • water - a quarter of a glass;
  • garlic - medium head;
  • dry dill - 2 tablespoons;
  • coriander seeds, ground - 3 teaspoons;
  • hot red pepper (ground) - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • salt - 2 teaspoons.


  1. Put currants in a saucepan, pour in water, bring to a state of mashed potatoes over low heat (do not bring to a boil).
  2. Drain the liquid, taking a separate container, wipe the berries through a sieve.
  3. Mix juice and puree, put on fire, boil until thickened.
  4. Grind spices and spices to a state of powder, add to mashed potatoes, salt, add sugar, cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour into jars, cool.

Video: how to cook ketchup for the winter at home

Store-bought ketchup contains sodium benzoate. Manufacturers love this additive because it prevents molds and yeasts from developing, allowing ketchup to be stored for a long time. A substance with such an effect contains cinnamon, cloves, mustard, cranberries, apples, if you see these components in recipes, know that they protect the sauce from spoilage. For the same purpose, culinary experts use vinegar. Practical Tips how to cook your favorite seasoning for the winter, you will hear in the video below, reproduced there step by step cooking ketchup at home.

Homemade ketchup according to this recipe is undoubtedly worth preparing, because unlike ketchup bought in a store, you will get a natural product - it does not contain harmful additives that are used in industrial production, it has a bright rich taste and delicate texture. And if you are an avid gardener, then you probably have harvested a large crop of tomatoes, and you also have an apple tree with apples that are not suitable for long-term storage. These same apples, which you have already eaten, and made jam from them, but they still do not end, so send them to this sauce along with tomatoes. I'm sure that homemade ketchup with apples will not leave you indifferent, you will definitely remember this recipe and share it with your friends. By the way, you can cook it even in winter, in the absence of fresh tomatoes, replacing them with tomato juice.

You will need:

  • tomatoes 4 kg (or 2.5 liters of tomato juice)
  • onion 0.5 kg
  • apples 0.5 kg
  • hot pepper (optional)
  • sugar 1 glass (glass volume 200 ml)
  • salt 2 tbsp (without slide)
  • ground black pepper 1 tsp
  • cinnamon 1 tsp
  • carnation 10 pcs
  • vinegar 9% 1 glass (glass volume 200 ml)

You can cook this ketchup in saucepan with a volume of 6-7 liters. You will also need meat grinder, colander with mesh and second pan to rub the tomato mass into it.

From this amount of products you will get about 3 liters of finished ketchup.

Step by step photo recipe:

Clean and wash onion, wash tomatoes And apples, remove the middle from apples, no need to peel - everything is needed grind with a meat grinder. If you like it spicy, add hot peppers (I don't). Bring the ground mass to a boil and cook for 2 hours on a small fire. If you have a gas stove, put the pan on the divider. Stir and make sure that the mass does not burn.

The aroma of this ketchup will fill your house for a long time, causing appetite in all households. And of course, such a delicious sauce will not stagnate in your pantry.

Bon appetit!

Have you read the composition of store-bought ketchup? And you still want to eat it? I strongly advise you to switch to home preservation: tomato ketchup is easy to cook at home. It's much healthier and much tastier. The simplest ketchup is made from tomatoes and bell peppers. The site already has a recipe for how to cook classic tomato ketchup for the winter at home. But this year I decided to try a slightly different recipe that my friends advised me. And if the first one turns out to be very light and sweet, then the second option comes out with a pleasant apple sourness. Nevertheless, the first ketchup recipe remained my favorite, but my husband liked the second option more. But, as they say: “there are no comrades for the taste and color”, so see the recipe with step by step photos and choose the one that suits you best. Spices, salt and sugar are also advised to adjust to taste, focusing on the proportions given. Ground cinnamon and cloves go well not only with apples, but also with tomatoes, they bring such a light, slightly noticeable aroma and only improve the taste of ketchup. But if you do not like these very specific spices, you can easily refuse them and replace them with, for example, dried basil, mint, oregano. Quite a bit of garlic is added to ketchup for a richer flavor, as well as a little chili pepper for spiciness. It turns out a sour spicy sauce. You can make it sweeter just by adding sugar, or spicier by adding pepper.

Important point: to prepare ketchup from tomatoes and apples for the winter, you need to take only ripe and fleshy tomatoes, without defects. Surprisingly, best time for the preparation of ketchup - autumn, September. Although, fleshy ground tomatoes appear already in August and will be on the market somewhere until mid-October. Too juicy tomatoes for ketchup will not work, because the finished product will turn out to be watery, more like vegetable juice. But tomatoes of the "cream", "alyonka" variety will be an ideal choice for making a thick sauce. And, of course, ground tomatoes, soaked in summer solar heat, are much more aromatic than greenhouse relatives.


  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 500 g of bell pepper;
  • 200 g sour green apples;
  • 0.5 kg of onion;
  • 1.5 tbsp salt;
  • 0.5-1 st. sugar (to taste, depending on the acidity of apples and tomatoes);
  • 0.5 st. 9% vinegar;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 3 pcs. cloves;
  • 0.5-1 tsp ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers;
  • a small ring of red chili pepper (to taste).

Recipe for homemade ketchup with apples for the winter

1. Let's start preparing the most delicious ketchup with its main ingredient - tomatoes. Rinse thoroughly, randomly cut, cut out the hard upper part at the place where the tails are attached.

2. Put the tomatoes in a 4-5 l saucepan.

3. bell pepper also wash, cut into 2 parts, remove the stalk and seeds, then randomly cut. The same with chili peppers if we want to make spicy ketchup. I add quite a bit.

4. Put the pepper pieces in the pan next to the tomatoes.

5. Cut the apples into small cubes, peeling them from the seed box.

6. Now it's the bow's turn. We clean, cut into large enough.

7. Garlic put at will. All vegetables are already in the pot. Squeeze the garlic here and add a few pinches of salt so that the vegetables release the juice faster. There is no need to add water, the vegetables will be stewed in their own juice, due to which the ketchup will turn out thick and more saturated. We put the pan on the stove and cook over medium heat under the lid. If the mixture boils away, reduce the heat.

8. Vegetables have noticeably boiled down, the contents of the pan have decreased in volume by about 2 times.

9. Let's briefly remove the pan from the stove. We take an immersion blender and begin to grind everything into a homogeneous mass. We grind carefully, everything is hot.

10. From the photo in the recipe, you can see that a medium-density mass of red color should be obtained.

11. Grind at will through a sieve so that there are no tomato seeds, the blender does not take them. We remove everything unnecessary.

12. Add salt, sugar, spices to ketchup. Mix thoroughly.

13. Boil our ketchup from tomatoes and apples with onions over medium heat for another 30 minutes, remove the foam. At the end, remove from heat and pour in vinegar, mix. Vinegar is a natural preservative that will keep your sauce going through the winter and beyond.

14. We will roll up ketchup in jars or bottles. They are well suited for storing brandy or vodka bottles, only they need to be corked with plastic caps so that the contents do not oxidize. Before rolling the bottles, it is enough to rinse well with soda and pour over with boiling water. But if you want, you can sterilize it, it definitely won’t be superfluous. Pour the tomato ketchup into prepared containers, for convenience we use just such a funnel. We clog. Ketchup is prepared without sterilization, the added vinegar is quite enough. It is also not necessary to put it in the refrigerator, the workpiece is perfectly stored in the closet.

15. Natural and delicious tomato ketchup with apples is ready. Serve it with vegetable, meat, fish dishes, or simply spread on bread. Bon appetit!

Homemade ketchup with apples is a worthy alternative to even the most advertised products from the store. And if the first recipe of the sauce is more reminiscent of the taste of foreign "Hines", then ketchup with apples is very similar to "Lagidny" from several local producers. I hope this recipe will add to your culinary piggy bank!

Ketchup is a great addition to spaghetti, meat, fried potatoes and other dishes. You can buy it in any grocery store, but it is difficult to choose exactly the real product, without dyes, chemical additives and at the same time with a pleasant taste.

The solution is to make the sauce yourself, using quality ingredients. In addition, the taste of ketchup can be adjusted to your own preferences: make the product spicier or, conversely, sweeter, add more seasoning or use a minimum of ingredients. The most important thing is to store ketchup correctly - in sterilized jars so that it does not deteriorate.

For this recipe, it is better to use low-juicy varieties of tomatoes. This will make the sauce thicker and take less time to cook.

The main secret to creating thick ketchup is adding apples to the dish. The fact is that these fruits contain the thickener pectin. Ketchup is not only thicker, but also brighter, and the taste is more intense and contrasting.

Cooking will take 2 hours. The output will be 900 ml of product .

first of all, let's deal with tomatoes: we wash, remove the spoiled parts and cut into arbitrary pieces. For the recipe, crumpled, ugly fruits are suitable - everything that has a “non-marketable” appearance.

Then grind the prepared pieces in a blender.

To get rid of the seeds and skins, pass the resulting tomato juice through a sieve or use a juicer that separates the pulp from the juice.

Then put the juice on fire. The foam should be removed from the surface as soon as the boiling process begins.

Apples are next in line: I also wash them and cut them into 1.5 cm pieces, you do not need to remove the skin and seed box.

Pieces of fruit are sent to boiled tomato juice, then we throw dry spices. You need to cook for 1.5 hours. During this time, the sauce should reduce to 1/3 of the original volume and become thick.

Next, ketchup must be removed from the heat and passed through a sieve again. Put the sauce back on the stove, add the remaining ingredients - vinegar and oil (mix well). Just 5 more minutes left to cook.

Ketchup is ready. Arrange it in sterilized jars and cool in a blanket. After that, the sauce will become even thicker.

Delicious ketchup for the winter at home

Let's start cooking:

We select the most suitable tomatoes and cut them into small pieces, send them to the pan. We cut onions there. Make sure that the tomatoes are not overripe - this is the main ingredient on which the taste of the sauce depends. It is better to use tomatoes grown on your own plot.

We send the vegetables to the stove and cook for an hour until the onion softens.

We take out the mass and grind it in a blender to a creamy state. Add sugar and salt, put back on the stove. As soon as it boils, add finely chopped apples.

We cook until the density of the product suits us. As soon as we see that there are 10 minutes left to cook, add vinegar.

It remains to pour ketchup into prepared containers, cool and figure out what you can try it with.

To make the taste brighter and a little spicier, you can add a little ground red or black pepper.

Tomato ketchup at home for the winter

Let's get cooking:

First, cut the sweet and ripe tomatoes into large slices.

We try to cut the onion as small as possible.

Stew vegetables for 20 minutes under a closed lid.

Then let the mass cool and wipe through a sieve.

We put the extracted juice on a small fire and hold until exactly half of it remains.

We put all the spices in a gauze bag and send it to a boiling sauce.

Shortly before the end of cooking, we send sugar, finely chopped garlic (you can use a crusher), salt and, of course, vinegar into the pan. At this point, the flavor of the sauce can be adjusted to your preference.

After 7 minutes, take out the spices. Pour hot fragrant sauce into containers.

Spicy ketchup at home for the winter

Recipe for spicy lovers. Great with any meat and fish. In addition, this ketchup goes well with pasta, pizza and meatballs.

Step by step preparation:

Step 1: grind the ingredients in a blender: onions (500 gr.), tomatoes (half a kilo), bell peppers (1 kg) and bitter (2 pods).

Step 2: pass the resulting mass through a sieve.

Step 3: Transfer to a saucepan and boil for an hour.

Step 4: Pour in 1/2 cup vegetable oil, sugar (half a cup), 1 tsp. salt.

Step 5: Put spices and minced garlic (6 cloves).

Step 6: boil for 30 minutes.

Step 7: add apple cider vinegar at the end of cooking (6% - half a glass), cook for another 20 minutes.

Ready. We remove jars.

Sweet ketchup at home for the winter

Spicy ketchup is a product for everyone. But the sweet will appeal even to children. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on this type of sauce.

Ketchup preparation algorithm:

  • Tomatoes and onions cut into 4 parts, put in a cauldron and on a slow fire. Waiting for them to weld.
  • Grind vegetables through a sieve, then in a food processor.
  • Pour the juice back into the pan and boil until it becomes half as much. At the same time, add the spices in the bag, salt, cinnamon and sugar.
  • We put on the maximum fire, we wait for boiling. It boils - reduce the fire and let it simmer for about 10 minutes.

Sweet homemade ketchup is ready!

Bulgarian ketchup at home for the winter

In the 80s, on the shelves were beautiful glass jars of 1 ruble 30 kopecks with the same Bulgarian ketchup. Many are familiar with its unique taste. There are many recipes for Bulgarian ketchup, perhaps it will be possible to create exactly that taste - originally from the USSR.

Getting Started:

  1. Scroll onions, peppers and tomatoes through a meat grinder, and pass the garlic through a crush, grate the horseradish root.
  2. Vegetables, except for garlic and horseradish, are sent to the pan, pour oil and cook. When it boils, reduce the heat (no lid needed).
  3. The hour has passed, so it's time to add horseradish, garlic and sugar, a little salt. Let it cook for 2 more hours.
  4. You should try the sauce, if anything, you can add salt or sugar.
  5. Jars are ready. You can roast them in the oven. After 3 hours, ketchup is poured into containers and allowed to cool.

You should get about 4 liters of ketchup.

Classic ketchup at home for the winter

Cooking like this:

  • Washed and sliced ​​​​tomatoes as finely as possible are put in a cauldron and straight to the fire.
  • Cook until 1/3 of the original volume remains.
  • Add sugar and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Add salt and keep on the stove for 3 minutes.
  • Carefully wrap the cloves and peppers in gauze and lower them to the tomatoes. Send cinnamon there.
  • After 10 minutes of cooking, you can remove the pan from the heat.
  • Wait for the sauce to cool down, pass through a sieve (do not forget to remove the bag of spices). Put the mass back into the saucepan.
  • Crush the garlic and add to the puree.
  • Vinegar is added last. It remains to bring the sauce to a boil and pour into jars or bottles (sterilize in advance).

The taste of ketchup is universal. It is served with any meal.

Krasnodar ketchup at home for the winter

Cooking begins with slicing tomatoes, onions and apples into small pieces. Next, we pass the vegetables through a juicer. To make the ketchup more tender, you should additionally beat the whole mass with a blender.

We put on fire. Spice put in cheesecloth and throw into the pan. At the end of cooking, add vinegar and garlic. Let it boil for another 10 minutes, remove the spices. Pour the prepared hot sauce into jars.

Depending on the juiciness of the tomatoes, ketchup will take three to five hours to cook.

Barbecue ketchup at home for the winter

Step by step preparation:

Step 1: Wash the tomatoes and grind through a meat grinder.

Step 2: boil on fire for 5 minutes, wait for it to cool completely and grind the mass through a sieve (you get 1 liter of juice).

Step 3: put the juice on the fire, when it boils, cook for 15 minutes.

Step 4: mix juice with spices, vinegar, add sugar and salt.

Step 5: Pour 100 ml of juice from the pan and cool.

Step 6: stir the starch in the cooled mass (it is necessary to give the ketchup thickness), pour back to the sauce. Let it boil for another 5 minutes.

Step 7: it remains to roll up the jars (sterilized) and close.

Ketchup Hines at home for the winter

On average, the preparation of ketchup takes 6 hours. Let's get started:

We find a juicer or meat grinder and send ripe tomatoes there, followed by onions. It is necessary not only to grind the vegetables, but also to get rid of the peel, the seed box.

Pour dry spices (cloves and cinnamon), salt and sugar into the pan. We also throw in bay leaves and vinegar (6%). Last but not least, tomato juice. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.

At the very end, add chili pepper and paprika, stir again and cook for 4 hours (over low heat). Stir from time to time.

Ketchup can be cooked for more than 4 hours, the main thing is that it becomes 2 times less. The juice will thicken and darken.

We take out the bay leaf and pour the sauce into small sterilized jars.

Baltimore ketchup at home for the winter

Please note that the recipe contains tarragon (it is called tarragon) - this is a herb that contains essential oil and ascorbic acid, which gives ketchup a lemon-mint tangy taste. Plus, the sauce is good.

How to cook:

  1. Cut ripe red tomatoes into 6 pieces.
  2. Put the slices to the already chopped garlic, onion, add the bay leaf.
  3. Stew the ingredients until soft, then remove the bay leaf, and wipe the mass through a sieve.
  4. Boil the resulting mixture until it resembles thick sour cream in consistency.
  5. Add the remaining products: sugar, tarragon, salt, lemon juice and pepper.
  6. Boil for another 2 minutes, then lay out in jars, pour a little vegetable oil on top.

Tarragon can be replaced with 2 gr. mint, and use olive or corn oil.

Spicy ketchup at home for the winter

Prepare as follows:

  • Remove the skin from the tomato, peel the seeds (if you don’t like them in ketchup), chop the fruits in a blender.

How to peel tomatoes: cut each vegetable crosswise, pour boiling water over, then dip in ice water. The skin will begin to peel off easily.

  • In the same way, chop the garlic and onion, and grind the spices in a mill.
  • We combine all the ingredients (except sugar, salt and vinegar) and put on the stove.
  • We fall asleep sugar (1/3 cup) and boil down to half the volume.
  • Pour the rest of the sugar, cook for another 12 minutes.
  • It remains to add vinegar and salt and boil for 10 minutes.

Horseradish ketchup at home for the winter

Hot sauce is very useful: it helps fight germs, lowers sugar and cleanses the blood. The sauce is also called horseradish or horloder because it is hot.

Preparing horseradish is easy:

  • Cut the tomatoes into 4 parts and twist in a meat grinder. Then send to the pan and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat.
  • The rest of the vegetables: pepper - peeled, cut; garlic - soak in water and peel; horseradish - clean and cut coarsely.
  • Grind vegetables and add to puree - cook for 10 minutes.
  • Final touches - salt to taste, add pepper and sugar.

Delicious horseradish is ready!

There is a simple recipe for making gorloder without cooking, presented in the video.

Videos ketchup lick your fingers

In conclusion, let's name 3 secrets for making delicious thick ketchup:

1. The secret of thick ketchup lies in the tomatoes and the time it takes to cook them. If you want ketchup thicker, then you need to cook it longer. And in order to save a little time on winter preparations, you can use cream tomatoes (they are meatier). Very juicy specimens will cook for a long time.

2. To make the product homogeneous, the tomatoes must first be boiled, and then rubbed through a sieve or mashed with a meat grinder.

3. In order for unnecessary moisture to evaporate, you should choose a wide cooking container, and cook without a lid.
