I dreamed of beautiful ripe tomatoes. Why dream of red, yellow and green tomatoes? What will the dream book say

Interest in the future has always existed. Today, each person has a great opportunity to open the curtain of secrecy and find out what can happen in the near future. To get more accurate information, you need to do two things: firstly, you need to take into account other details of the plot, and secondly, it is worth drawing analogies between the received transcripts and events real life.

What is the dream of a red tomato?

Because the great importance has a color, and in this case it is red, such a dream is related to love. Another such dream promises an improvement in the material condition. In the near future there will be no situations that could spoil. A dream where red tomatoes were in the garden or on the counter of the store means that all problems will bypass you. For a patient, a dream of such vegetables promises a speedy recovery. If you managed to not only see, but also taste red tomatoes, this is a harbinger of good news, and it also indicates that your plan will eventually end with great success.

To dream of red canned tomatoes that tasted bitter means that you will soon feel embarrassed or disappointed. The dream book says that because of your own words and behavior you will have to “blush”. There is information that red tomatoes in a dream represent an existing secret romance that the dreamer is trying to long time hide from prying eyes. Most likely, in the near future everything will become known. Still ripe vegetables can be taken as a recommendation that it is worth moving on to action. For example, singles need to talk about their feelings, and people in a relationship might need to think about getting married. For pregnant women, seeing red tomatoes in a dream is a favorable sign, indicating that existing fears will not become a reality and everything will be fine. To see a huge number of fruits means that an unexpected acquaintance will soon occur. It can also be a harbinger of a festive feast.

A huge red tomato is a symbol of a good time. Night vision, which featured a dish of red tomatoes, promises a long and happy life among close relatives. Cut tomatoes into a salad, which means that a depressive state may develop in the future. If in a dream you saw red rotten fruits, this is a harbinger of various failures and material problems. Throwing out such tomatoes means you should prepare for defeat in a serious fight, in order to avoid this, you need to be on the alert. If red tomatoes turned out to be sour, this is a warning about problems in a relationship with a loved one. The dream where you bought and brought home fruit promises betrayal loved one. If someone threw ripe tomatoes at you, it means that you will soon have to feel contempt from others.

Why dream of red tomatoes in the garden?

Vegetables in a garden or greenhouse symbolize favorable changes that will occur in the very near future. Most often they concern exactly. The dream interpretation claims that the ideal period has come to start a new relationship or move to another stage. Red tomatoes on a branch mean the onset of great happiness. Watching the growth of vegetables means you can count on success in life.

What does it mean to pick red tomatoes in a dream?

Such a dream promises joyful chores that will be related to the new life stage. If you yourself tore the fruits, then you can count on a rich and happy life.

Tomatoes are also called "love apples". Seen in a dream, they portend the onset of that favorable period in life when you will love and be loved. The article tells what it means to dream of large or fry tomatoes in slices, roll them and cucumbers into jars, buy (eat, collect, sell) spoiled a lot and small, huge (very large), pulp, in a garden, tree, bushes, cut (chopped) on the table, in the garden, ripe, unripe, unripe, overripe, overripe, crushed and much more.

Dream interpretation tomatoes white, yellow, green, orange, pink, black

White or green tomatoes for unmarried people dream that in real life they will meet a worthy life partner, but will not be ready to develop further relationships. The dream predicts that it will take a long time to understand that this person is your destiny.

Orange or pink tomatoes dream that in real life you will find yourself in an awkward situation and blush with shame.

The dream in which you see black tomatoes symbolizes the manic passion that you will experience in the near future.

Dream Interpretation to close tomatoes, canned in a jar, in boxes, in a greenhouse, in a bucket, on the bushes

This dream symbolizes that the time has come to radically reconsider your views on family life - to forget your past hobbies and settle down. You will experience a new surge of feelings for your other half and find real family happiness.

Why dream of red tomatoes for a woman, for a girl

To an unmarried woman or girl, tomatoes dream of the fact that in real life she will have to experience sublime romantic feelings or all-consuming love.

Dream interpretation rotten tomatoes, cook, throw away, crush, eat, fried, cut, pickled, wash

Dreaming of rotten tomatoes means that you are trying to meet you in every way, sometimes unethically. love adventures.

Cooking (cutting or crushing) tomatoes is a dream meaning that you cannot sort out your feelings.

The dream in which you throw out tomatoes means that in real life you want to break off relations with your chosen one.

Fried or pickled tomatoes indicate that your relationship with your loved one has reached the climax of its development and will soon cool down or come to naught.

Washing tomatoes is a dream, meaning that you will be ashamed of your fleeting hobby.

Why dream of red cherry tomatoes

Ripe cherry tomatoes seen in a dream portend the emergence of numerous hobbies.

Dream interpretation of Miller's tomatoes

In Miller's dream book, tomatoes symbolize the harmonious development of relationships and the creation of a family.

For families, a dream portends a surge of past feelings for their chosen one.

Freud's dream interpretation of tomatoes

Seeing tomatoes in a dream in Freud's dream book is interpreted as a lack of close relationships, which the dreamer feels on a subconscious level.

If you dream of cherry tomatoes, in reality you crave a group experiment.

Seeing unripe tomatoes in a dream is a desire to enjoy intimacy with those who have not reached puberty.

Dream interpretation of Felomen tomatoes

If you consider the dream book online, you can find out what the dream says about a new acquaintance.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov tomatoes

In this case in question about secret love, and for married (married) to treason.

Islamic dream book tomatoes

We are talking only about joy or a pleasant event in your personal life.

Dream interpretation Juno tomatoes

To eat means to recover. Growing tomatoes symbolize family well-being, and ripe ones in a dream for a girl speak of a happy marriage.

Muslim dream book tomatoes

In a modern interpretation, such a dream will indicate that you will be lucky in any endeavors. It also symbolizes pregnancy.

You can dream of brown tomatoes in a jar, in a basket, a bag, grow, on a tree, on the ground, sour, throw, crumpled, on a branch, unripe, vegetables, steal, stole, rotten. Sell, sort out tomatoes, seedlings, growing, salted, fresh, plant, rotten, tomatoes, steal (steal), bloom or choose about all this, you can read in the comments or ask your question there and get a detailed answer.

The egg symbolizes the emerging life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life ...

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Tomato in dream books famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Tomato

Summer dream interpreter

We saw in a dream ripe tomatoes on the bushes - to joy and happiness in family life, so the dream book interprets the dream that you had, read on if you want to know what the Tomato is dreaming of.

Modern dream book

I dreamed that you were eating tomatoes - great. So you are recovering. Growing tomatoes dream of happiness and joy in family life. A girl who sees ripe tomatoes in a dream will be happy in marriage.

Spring dream interpreter

Dreaming of a red tomato - angry; green - to bewilderment.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does Tomato dream in a dream?

Tomatoes. There is - to improve health or recovery; to see growing tomatoes - fortunately and joy in family life. For a girl to see ripe tomatoes in a dream - to a happy marriage, an improvement in relations with her lover, this means a dream that you had a dream, for more details on why Tomato is dreaming, see below.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

What does Tomato dream about for a woman:

Tomatoes - Tomatoes mean secret love. Tomato seedlings - an unexpected visit from an unpleasant guest. Watering tomato bushes is a rivalry in love. Collect ripe red tomatoes - to happiness and wealth. Collect unripe, brown or green tomatoes - to an unforeseen and unwanted hitch in business and at work. Spoiled, blackened tomatoes - weakening of vision. Canning tomatoes is a change of heart. Cutting tomatoes is a love that will soon spill out with insane passion. Buy tomatoes - you can suffer a serious defeat

Autumn dream interpreter

Tomatoes - There are red tomatoes in a dream - to enjoy.

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

Why dream of Tomato in a dream book?

We saw Tomatoes on a plate in a dream - in the very near future a pleasant surprise awaits you. Cutting tomatoes for salad - you will make an important decision, the consequences of which will affect later life. Pick up scattered tomatoes from the floor - things or household items that you thought were lost long ago will suddenly be found, moreover, in the most inappropriate place.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

What does Tomato dream about in a dream:

Examining tomatoes in a dream - experiencing secret love for someone; beautiful tomatoes on the bushes or picking tomatoes - fortunately, the joys of family life. There are tomatoes - get well. Green tomatoes are a sign of premature and wrong decisions.

I dreamed that in a dream you grow tomatoes in greenhouses, then you are expected complete absence any troubles related to family life, children or parents.

Tomatoes - Only for women - For a girl to see ripe tomatoes - to a successful marriage.

Tomato - secret love..

Lunar dream book

What does Tomato dream about, what does it mean:

Seeing Tomatoes from the dream book is good health. Sexual pleasures.

Worldly dream book

Seeing a Tomato in a dream:

We saw tomatoes in a dream - a good sign that promises good luck in all your endeavors. If you had a dream in which you eat tomatoes, then in real life you don’t have to worry about your own health - your health is excellent.

If you dreamed of tomatoes that grow in the garden, in the country, then soon you can expect good news, joyful events in your life.

If a young woman saw tomatoes in a dream, then the most favorable period in her life is coming for a romantic acquaintance, a successful marriage - the chosen one will be a reliable and worthy young man, and the marriage will be strong, happy and durable.

I dreamed about green tomatoes at night, then such a dream may mean that in the near future you will have to spend a lot of time and effort in order to achieve your goal. And at the same time, if you do not give up, but go through all the trials sent to you by fate, then the result will exceed your wildest expectations.

If you watch in a dream how tomatoes grow, then in reality you can achieve amazing success in your chosen field in a fairly short time.

I dreamed that in a dream you were caring for tomatoes - watering them, weeding them, and so on, then in reality your efforts would pay off doubly.

What is the dream of a tomato

Miller's dream book

If you eat tomatoes in a dream, then you are recovering.

Growing tomatoes - promise you happiness and joy in family life.

If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream, it means that she will be happy in marriage.

What is the dream of a tomato

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Secret love.

What is the dream of a tomato

Family dream book

I dreamed that you were eating tomatoes - great, which means you are recovering.

Growing tomatoes - dream of happiness and joy in family life.

A girl who sees ripe tomatoes in a dream will be happy in marriage.

What is the dream of a tomato

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Ripe, strong tomatoes in a dream - symbolize activity and vigor. Often such dreams portend great success to your plans. However, at the same time, you should remember that excessive assertiveness or immoderate pride threatens to greatly interfere with your plans.

Rotten or damaged tomatoes are a harbinger of failure and loss. The dream suggests that your arrogance or excessive ambition may be the cause of these failures.

What is the dream of a tomato

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Tomato - it is possible that there are stones in your kidneys or liver.

What is the dream of a tomato

Spring dream book

Dreaming of a red tomato - angry; green - to bewilderment.

What is the dream of a tomato

Summer dream book

Seeing ripe tomatoes on the bushes in a dream is a joy and happiness in family life.

What is the dream of a tomato

Autumn dream book

There are red tomatoes in a dream - to enjoy.

What is the dream of a tomato

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Growing tomatoes at home in a dream means secret love, carefully hidden from envious rivals. Caring for tomatoes in the garden - portends that excessively curious persons can find out and divulge your heart secret.

Seedlings of tomatoes - means confusion in business and an unexpected visit from an unwanted guest.

Watering high large bushes of tomatoes in a dream - portending a bountiful harvest, suggests that you will soon learn about the existence of a rival who lives right next door to you. Collect ripe red tomatoes - to happiness and wealth; unripe, brown or green - to an unforeseen and unwanted hitch in business at work.

Spoiled, blackened from unexpectedly early fogs, tomatoes are a bad sign, portending a weakening of vision or a progressive eye disease. Throwing rotten tomatoes - fail due to your own indiscretion, feed to cattle - to the illness or death of loved ones.

Canning salted or pickled tomatoes in a dream means a change in views on what seemed to you an unshakable axiom. Cutting tomatoes for a salad portends a decline in business or a delay in salaries, cooking borscht with tomatoes - love ripens in the soul and will soon spill out with insane passion.

Buying tomatoes in a dream portends that you can suffer a serious defeat in the competition from your commercial rivals. There are fresh tomatoes - keep a close eye on your property, which you may lose; tomato dishes - you will reach a ripe old age.

What is the dream of a tomato

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Tomatoes - secret love.

What is the dream of a tomato

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Eat tomatoes in a dream - to recover from an illness.

Growing tomatoes - portend happiness and joy in family life.

If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream, she will be happy in marriage.

What is the dream of a tomato

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Tomatoes - secret love.

What is the dream of a tomato

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Tomatoes - secret love.

What is the dream of a tomato

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Tomatoes - a secret love affair or friendship; shame.

What is the dream of a tomato

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What do Tomatoes mean in a dream - Happiness and joy in family life. Imagine that you are making a tomato salad and feeding the whole family.

What is the dream of a tomato

British dream book

Tomato - Tomatoes were once called love apples and were considered an aphrodisiac mainly due to their bright color and many small seeds. Interestingly, according to some studies, the consumption of tomatoes can help prevent a number of male diseases, such as prostate cancer. Why dream: Tomatoes in a dream can indicate a healthy sex life.

What is the dream of a tomato

Dream interpretation of A. Mindell

Why do you dream about Tomatoes - you see growing tomatoes in a dream - a dream suggests that you are a zealous owner, everything is yours free time you dedicate the house, housework; you have exemplary order everywhere; you will live a long happy life. A young woman sees ripe tomatoes in a dream - this woman will have a happy marriage. A young woman dreams of unripe tomatoes - this woman will be disappointed in love. It is as if you are eating tomatoes - if you are sick, then recovery will come soon. It’s like you are pickling tomatoes - your loved ones will bother you; instead of resting after work, you will have to deal with the affairs of relatives.

What is the dream of a tomato

Phoebe's big dream book

What do Tomatoes mean in a dream - fortunately and joy in family life. Imagine a garden where a rich, abundant crop of tomatoes has grown. You harvest this crop and see that all the fruits are large, ripe, red, without a single flaw. Having collected a large crop, you bite a tomato - it turns out to be very tasty and juicy. You eat a few tomatoes, and make a salad out of the rest, which you treat to your whole family and give everyone a few whole tomatoes.

What is the dream of a tomato

Jewish dream book

What do Tomatoes mean in a dream - To see growing unripe green tomatoes A dream that occurred in the spring is a disease; in the summer - to refuse to fulfill your request; in the fall - to failures and losses; in winter - to chagrin and chagrin. To see growing ripe red tomatoes A dream in the spring - to improve well-being; in the summer, - to luck; in the fall - to an unexpected find; in winter - to good luck and the fulfillment of the plan. There are unripe green tomatoes A dream in the spring means that you will receive an unpleasant letter or you will have an unpleasant meeting; dreaming in the summer, it means that you will be drawn into an unpleasant story; and in the fall - that someone will spread bad rumors about you. A dream that occurred in winter is a sign of malaise. There are ripe red tomatoes A dream that occurred in the spring - to receive a letter that will give you pleasure; in summer - to a pleasant surprise; dreaming in the fall, he warns that they are trying to circle you around your finger; and in winter - to good health.

What is the dream of a tomato

Women's dream book

Tomatoes - Eat tomatoes in a dream - to recover from an illness. Growing tomatoes portend happiness and joy in family life. If a girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream, she will be happy in marriage.

What is the dream of a tomato

Magic dream book

You dreamed of Tomatoes - ripe tomatoes - fortunately married to long years. Green tomatoes are a manifestation of impatience. There are tomatoes - to health.

What is the dream of a tomato

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Tomato - passion. There are tomatoes - sex that brings satisfaction, growing or ripe tomatoes - happiness and joy in family life.

What is the dream of a tomato

Online dream book

Why dream of a tomato? Such a plot promises you a new interesting acquaintance.

Were engaged in their cultivation - which means, subconsciously, you tend not to advertise your personal relationships.

Seeing seedlings is a warning that an unpleasant guest may visit you.

Watered tomatoes in a dream - be prepared for the fact that soon you will have a competitor.

Their good harvest indicates that you will be rich. Bad

Tomatoes that have gone bad can be harbingers of health problems.

According to the dream book, throwing them away is a sign that you yourself bring problems to yourself.

To dream about pickled tomatoes is a warning that you can change your own ideals.

I dreamed that they cut them - which means you can lose income.

Bought them - be careful, competitors in the business sharpen their teeth on you

Tomato, as an ingredient in a dish, is a reflection of the fact that you will live for a long time.

In a dream, you chop tomatoes - in reality, temporary material difficulties await you, there will be problems with the source of your funding.

If you put them in tomato soup

The dream book interprets yellow tomatoes as a warning that your significant other may be dishonest with you and even betray you.

If they have deteriorated and rotted, this is a sign of some kind of trouble in your life, which, however, you can handle perfectly, it is also a warning that there are not quite worthy people next to you.

You are harvesting a successful harvest of these vegetables - in the near future all your problems will be resolved, failures will leave you alone, you will become much wealthier financially.

Collect unripe tomatoes in a dream

I dreamed of unripe green tomatoes - which means that because of doubts in yourself and your own abilities, you will find yourself in an awkward position. This is a clue that you should act decisively and believe in yourself.

Beautiful red fruits - promise well-being in absolutely everything, you will feel great, achieve what you want in business, and at the same time find happiness in your personal life.

According to the dream book, ripened tomatoes are a harbinger of the fact that in the very near future you will play your own wedding, and your married life will be full of love and joy.

You see how they mature

The dream in which you ate delicious tomatoes

Sleep with canned tomatoes - talks about changing your worldview positions understand that even the impossible is possible.

A tomato in a dream is a good sign, it is often compared with a person who sees a dream and his personal life. For the interpretation of sleep, the color, shape and size of the fetus is of great importance. Each situation in which a tomato is present is interpreted differently.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Dream Interpretation of Meridian says that if a woman saw tomatoes in a dream, then great love awaits her in the near future, possibly marriage.

According to the Lunar Dream Book, tomatoes dream of love that you intend to hide, that is, you will meet with your partner in secret.

A female dream book promises recovery from a terrible disease to those who saw tomatoes. If a woman dreamed of ripe juicy tomatoes, then she would marry successfully and be happy throughout her life.

By Spring dream book to see red tomatoes in a dream means to be angry with someone, but if the vegetables are green, you will be at a loss.

The summer dream book portends happiness and joy in family life to the dreamer.

The autumn dream book says that a person who sees tomatoes in a dream will enjoy something good in his life.

By Children's dream book tomatoes portend a new acquaintance.

The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation interprets a dream with tomatoes as follows: a person will have love affair for which he will be ashamed in the future.

Miller and Hasse's dream books interpret dreams in which people see tomatoes as secret love in the near future.

In general, the interpretation of sleep can be not only positive, but also negative.

When do tomatoes dream for good?

Seeing ripe tomatoes means successfully getting married or getting married. Great happiness will happen in the family if vegetables grew on a bush in a dream. In general, dreams about tomatoes for a family person only mean that there are no problems and disagreements in his family. A sick person dreamed of eating tomatoes - to a speedy recovery, and tomatoes can be both in a salad and as an individual snack. Tearing tomatoes in a dream - to wealth, especially if the fruits are large and juicy. If you watered and looked after the fruits in a dream, then you will be lucky in life. Everything that you spent over the years will come back and turn out to be ten times more. If a pregnant girl sees tomatoes, then there is nothing to worry about, everything will be fine. To dream of a large crop of tomatoes - to a chic feast, perhaps with a pleasant occasion (wedding).

The negative meaning of sleep

Seeing damaged tomatoes or rotten vegetables in a dream is a sign of failure and loss. If tomatoes grow in your apartment on the windowsill or on the balcony, the dream indicates the presence of an opponent or rival. If in a dream you water the fruits, this indicates that the opponent will be stronger than you, because of him you will be in trouble. Tomatoes that have turned black from phytophthora portend a disease. After this, special attention should be paid to the organs of vision. In a dream, feed livestock with tomatoes, whether they are good or rotten, to the illness of a loved one, relative. Cutting a tomato salad - to a breakdown and delay wages or debts. Buying tomatoes is a betrayal, and this can happen both on your part and on the part of your spouse. If, when buying, you see yourself in the market and choose vegetables from a common pile, then expect financial problems. Seeing in a dream bushes of tomatoes without fruits - to problems at work. Throwing vegetables in a dream is a big nuisance. Tomatoes in a dream along with cucumbers are special sign you will have to repay the debts.

The meaning of sleep about tomatoes of different colors

The red tomato is usually associated with personal affairs person. Seeing in a dream exactly a ripe red vegetable - to good news in family. If a girl sees a tomato in a dream, she will successfully marry. If a family man had a dream, then you should expect a secret relationship on the side. A speedy recovery promises a dream about tomatoes to a sick person. Red tomatoes, large, attractive (as in the picture) can characterize you as a strong-willed person, full of strength and energy, ready to do an incalculable number of good deeds. Seeing a red tomato with rot in a dream is a loss and loss.

Seeing green tomatoes is difficult, but don't give up! It takes a lot of effort, and the result will exceed all expectations. Collecting green vegetables from a bush is a hardship at work. Apart from labor activity a green tomato indicates that the dreamer is a slacker in love, does nothing to achieve haste from the opposite sex.

Yellow tomatoes in a dream are a warning. From what they warn you - guess for yourself. Perhaps there are difficulties at work, there may be discord in the family, dislike from the other half, financial difficulties, illness, a losing streak, and so on.

In general, to see a tomato in a dream - to events in the family, whether it be a wedding, divorce, the birth of the first child, deceit by the spouse, and so on. Different interpreters of dreams in their dream books describe tomatoes as signs of something different. To fully understand your dream, you need to study information from several sources and draw a generalized conclusion. Relying on one dream book is not worth it.
