Oro olo examples. Old Slavonicisms - la-olo, ra-oro, re-ere, le-olo

This rule always bothered me:
Write two letters o in the combinations oro and olo, for example: crow, head.
Write two letters e in combinations ere and barely, for example: wood, silver.

And if I say: Parody - justify it? 🙂

Spelling vowels in the root of a word

Testable unstressed vowels

In an unstressed position, the same vowel is written in the root as in the corresponding stressed syllable of a single-root word: harden (hardening) - stab (pin), sing (sing) - wash down (wash down), tremble (tremble) - irritate (tease), dry up (to dry up) - to excise (to excise), winter (winter) - to the ground (on the ground), cast (brought) - a ghost (to see), to try on (to try on) - to reconcile (peace), to flutter (to blow) - to develop (development), old-timer (old resident) - guarded (watchman).

Note 1. If e is written in the root, then in the unstressed position in single-root words one should write e: speckled (motley), starfall (stars), spring (spring), nests (nests) [About the spelling e (e)-o in the root after hissing and after ts, see section 1.1.4.].

Note 2. You cannot check unstressed a - o in the roots of perfective verbs with imperfective forms in yvat (ivat). So, in the words flood, be late, swallow, bifurcate, trample, etc. the vowel o is checked by single-root words drown, late, throat, two, tramples, although there are verbs to flood, be late, swallow, bifurcate, trample.

Note 3. Unstressed a - o in roots with partial vowel combinations ra, la (barber, stop, drag, cloud) cannot be checked with the corresponding full vowel combinations in the root oro, olo (beard, shorten, drag, shell). Incomplete combinations are characteristic of Old Church Slavonic roots, and a is always written in them.

Note 4. You cannot check the unstressed vowel e in the words sedok, saddle, sciatic (nerve) with single-root words sitting, sitting. In this root, the vowel [e] goes back to the Old Russian (yat): sdti.

Note 5. This rule does not apply to foreign words, since in them the tested and test vowels can refer to morphemes of different origins. So, in the word accompaniment the suffix -ement is of French origin, and in the verb to accompany the suffix -irova- is German; Wed: subscription - to subscribe, engagement - to engage.

Full-vowel and half-vowel combinations: examples

There is such an alternation in the Russian language, which is known as full-vowel and half-vowel combinations.

Origin of the phenomenon

This linguistic phenomenon is historical. It is connected with the baptism of Rus'. In connection with this historical process, the Church Slavonic language appeared. And words with disagreement are his only units. In the Russian language proper, they correspond to their full-vowel variants. There are such ratios:

  • oro - ra: crow - corvid;
  • ere - re: stop - stop;
  • olo – la: canvas – board;
  • olo – le: full – captivity.
  • Let us give examples of words in which we can observe full-vowel and half-vowel combinations oro-ra:

    • beard - brada;
    • furrow - rein;
    • enemy - enemy;
    • gate - gate;
    • turn around - rotate;
    • city ​​- city;
    • vegetable garden - fence;
    • dear - dearest;
    • zorok – pupil;
    • the queen is the king;
    • short - short;
    • darkness - darkness;
    • temper - disposition;
    • turnover - back;
    • gunpowder - ashes;
    • healthy – health;
    • side – country;
    • mansions - temple;
    • bury - protection;
    • good - brave.
    • In modern language there are also many words in which there are full-vowel and half-vowel combinations olo-la:

      • swamp - blato;
      • drag - drag;
      • hair - hair;
      • Volodya - Vlad;
      • voice - voice;
      • head - head;
      • hunger - hunger;
      • gold - gold;
      • ear - class;
      • hammer - mlat;
      • young - young;
      • well done - baby;
      • molonia – lightning;
      • shell – cloud;
      • malt is sweet;
      • cold - cold.
      • There are fewer examples in which we can observe full-vocal and half-vocal combinations of ere-re:

      • pregnancy - burden;
      • vered – harm;
      • middle – Wednesday;
      • to make a fuss is nonsense.
      • tree - tree.
      • And very few words have been preserved in which there is an alternation of full-vowel and half-vowel combinations olo-le:

      • milk – milky;
      • rinses - splashes;
      • drags - drags.
      • Words with alternation, differing in style

        Some of the words that have full-vowel and half-vowel combinations, examples of which we will give below, mean the same thing and differ only in that they are used in different styles of speech.

        High style words

        During the week that dad spent hunting, he grew a beard.

        The series of passing years has silvered him.

        Somewhere in the forest a raven cawed.

        The black corvid was calling for trouble.

        It was terribly cold outside.

        And the chill of death came over him.

        Immediately behind the bushes a swamp began.

        The steppes and the blat of native expanses.

        Tanya braided her hair.

        She doesn’t tear Vlasov’s head out, but silently accepts grief.

        The blacksmith was wielding a hammer.

        The Mate of Fate descends to the long-suffering land.

        The gates were locked at night.

        And the gates of heaven will open before you.

        My grandfather mined gold in the mines of Siberia.

        I don’t need either gold or silver!

        The crops in the fields have already begun to grow.

        In the arable fields the heavy classes are already bowing down.

        Lightning struck an oak tree outside the outskirts.

        Lightning cast him down for his sins.

        When grandfather was young, our country was called the Soviet Union.

        From a young age he was taught that he must love his homeland.

        Kolka could hardly drag his feet from fatigue.

        And somehow his days in exile dragged on.

        Our city is relatively young.

        The city of Petrov stands and will stand on the banks of the Neva River.

        Alternating words that have different meanings

        Some words that contain full-vowel and half-vowel combinations ( vociferous And vowel, for example), have different lexical meanings.

        Or let's take words head And chapter. The first names a part of a living organism, and the second most often designates the position of a person in charge of a locality.

        Here are some more examples of words that have full-vowel and half-vowel combinations: cloud And shells A. One floats across the sky, and the other serves as a covering for something.

        Words Well done And baby have the opposite meaning: “a person full of strength” and “a helpless child.”

        Queen And king– of course, a controversial case, but the difference in meaning is still obvious. The first of them names a female person crowned with autocratic power, and the other is an arrogant person who knows her worth.

        Words mansions And temple The difference is that one of them means the home of a rich, but still ordinary person, and the other means the house of God.

        Darkness And trouble They also have different meanings: the first is darkness, and the second is a partial loss of the ability to reason sensibly.

        In words powder And dust, it seems, there is not even a hint of a common root left. One is a substance capable of exploding, and the other is decay, dust. Although one can still guess that the similarity of the meanings of these words is that both evoke in our imagination the image of a small granular substance.

        Middle is a place equidistant from the beginning and end, and Wednesday– day of the week or environment.

        Word garden has the following meaning: a place for planting cultivated plants, and fence- This is a fence around the site.

        Short/brief– these units with alternation also differ in semantics: the full-vowel version means extension in space, and the half-vowel version means extension in time.

        The words are outdated

        Some of the words, which have full-vowel and half-vowel combinations of letters, differ in the degree of active use in the Russian language. Let's give examples.

        From active vocabulary

        Outdated, rarely used

        The words from the right column can only be found in historical works.

        Work with text

        We already know what words are that contain full-vowel and half-vowel combinations of letters. It will be interesting to apply this knowledge in practice. Read the text.

        Oleg was the first of the Rurik family to become a Kyiv prince. He subjugated all the Slavic tribes to his power and moved the capital from Novgorod to Kyiv. In the year nine hundred and seven he undertook a successful campaign against Constantinople (Constantinople). The defeated Byzantines agreed to a large ransom and concluded an agreement with Oleg, according to which Russian merchants were allowed duty-free trade throughout Byzantium.

        In honor of his victory, Prince Oleg left a sign on the gates of Constantinople - his shield. When he returned to Kyiv, his subjects greeted him with jubilation, “. marveling at his courage, intelligence and wealth,” they proclaimed him Prophetic.

        Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, having familiarized himself with the chronicle source, created on its basis his original work “Song of the Prophetic Oleg”, in which he artistically rethought the plot. At the heart of Pushkin’s idea, Oleg, being a great commander, remains by nature an ordinary person, inclined to believe in predictions, afraid of death. He is opposed to a truly great man - a sorcerer, endowed with the ability to speak the truth, penetrating with his inner gaze into the most hidden depths of human destinies. This gift, as Pushkin believed, is given only to selected, truly free and independent individuals.

        Let's find words with partial and complete agreement in the text, write them down and find a pair for them.

      • authority - volost;
      • Novgorod - Constantinople;
      • agreed - vote;
      • gates - gates;
      • returned - returned;
      • they praised - they shouted;
      • sorcerer - Volokh;
      • gaze - the pupil.
      • Rules for spelling vowels: spellings at the root of a word

        Spelling- this is the spelling of words that corresponds to the rules of spelling or the established linguistic tradition. These are the places in words where schoolchildren most often make mistakes. A large and diverse group called root word spellings is associated with the spelling of vowels and consonants.


        Working with the student spelling at the root, the student does not think about its place among the others, although the root spellings form a coherent, logically based system. Similar cases require similar verification methods. Mistakes can be avoided if you learn correctly identify prefixes, suffixes, endings in words and especially root spellings, determine their place among others and check by applying a rule or looking into orthographic dictionary.

        Scope of the rule

        is a common part of related words, but this does not mean that it will be the same in all cases. Alternations, build-ups, and drops of sounds and letters make it difficult to recognize. In Russian there is even a zero (in the word take out), which is devoid of sound and letter expression, and appears only in other forms of this word.

        Correctly identifying the desired morpheme is possible only by selecting and comparing words with the same root. It is necessary to take into account their significance. For example, will the words be related mountain And burn? At first glance, the morpheme -mountain- they look the same, but there is no commonality in the semantic meaning of these words, which means there is no relationship between them. The verification methods will also be different.


        Root spellings can be divided into 4 groups:

      • unverifiable
      • verifiable
      • alternating,
      • selectable.
      • The ways of choosing the desired letter depend on their belonging to a certain group. How to highlight spelling: designate the morpheme, underline the letter being tested with one line. This method will help you write words correctly.


        This variety includes several spellings. Unverifiable may be:

    1. unstressed vowels;
    2. consonants: unclear, voiced-voiceless pairs, unpronounceable, doubled.

    What unites them is the inability to cope with difficulties without a dictionary.


    Checked spellings at the root, words regulate the choice of letters in place of the sound in a weak position, the spelling of which is established by the selection of test words or forms, where a vowel or consonant sound is placed in a strong position and is clearly audible. How to check the spelling at the root of a word, examples:

    For vowels, the strong position is stressed. To check an unstressed vowel in the root of a word, you need to find a cognate in which it is stressed, or change the given one so that the questionable letter becomes stressed:

    G O ra - g O rka, in g O ry.

    Unclear paired voiced and voiceless consonants are clearly audible before vowels and sonorants. Unpronounceables also appear at the end of a word. A test word or changing the form will also help here:

    • du b– du b ok, duh b s;
    • ches T ny – ches T uh, oh T en.
    • spring - spring, spring.

    In the latter case, by analogy with the previous one, I want to insert an unpronounceable consonant, but checking shows that it is not there.

    There is another way to check unstressed vowels, but it is not suitable for all words, but only for those containing certain combinations of letters. In modern Russian, traces of both Old Russian and Church Slavonic have been preserved. In the first there was full vowel, that is, each syllable ended in a vowel. The second allowed incomplete vowel combinations - consonants not separated by vowels. Both influenced the formation of the language, and now there are morphemes that in some words contain the Old Russian variant, in others - the corresponding Old Church Slavonic. By alternating full-vowel and half-vowel combinations, the spelling at the root of the word is checked: examples of their mutual replacement are given in the table:

    Two different variants replace each other only in such pairs, so that one is checked by the presence of the other in related words. Now, knowing about the existence of the word m la last, m olo milk through A you won't write anymore. Incomplete forms are also found instead of the modern ones we are accustomed to in the solemn poetic works of past centuries, and their presence indicates modern spelling.

    « ABOUT-Yo after sibilants" also applies to those being checked, but for checking it is necessary to select not words with a stressed variant, but words of the same root, where in this place appears E. If such options are found, the root is written Yo, if not - then ABOUT(w e sweat - sh e bird, sh O rokh - related to E No).


    Both vowels and consonants can have variants of use, but the main difficulties are associated with the choice of the former.

    What are the spellings of roots with alternating vowels and how do the checked spellings in the root of a word differ from them. A word with an alternating vowel, although superficially similar to another, differs from it in meaning. At world yat (friends) – test word world. At measures In no case should you wear clothes - select a test word to check the unstressed vowel in the root, there is alternation here.

    Alternating vowels are not cleared up by placing them in a strong position, like the spellings being checked in the root. For example, words with the root lag-lie and other cases with alternations require other verification methods.

    The spelling of radical vowels with alternating consonants depends on one of four reasons.

    Subsequent consonants

    Fundamentally -growing-(-growing-)//-growing- before SCH and combination ST is written A, and before WITH without follow-up T- Always ABOUT. Exceptions - proper names Rostov And Rostislav, common nouns sprout And moneylender are written through ABOUT, and the word industry- through A. This type is not included in the list. The reasons will be explained below.

    From suffix -A- depends on the choice of vowel AND: choose - choose And R A eat, tear it apart - cont. And R A burn out, burn out - survive And G A yea, despise – despise And R A huh, freeze - deputy And R A t, unlock - otp And R A t, cover - distance And l A is, wipe - st And R A t, deduction - subtract And T A nie, brilliant – bl And st A t;

    vowel A: -kos-//-kas-(touch - to A With A nie)

    combinations THEM, IN on site AND I):

  • press A t - szh ima t
  • Mon I t - prin ima t
  • cl I exist - damn ina t
  • beginning A lo – beginning ina t
  • change I t - cm ina t
  • Words with roots -lag-//-false- obey both of these rules. A written before G, but the same words always have a suffix -A-(By lodge it - with lag ed), so two methods are suitable for checking them.

    In words with alternations:

  • -gor-//-gar- (burn – tan),
  • -clone-//-clan-(bend over - bow),
  • -kop-//-drop-(dig up - dig up),
  • -silent-//-silent-(be silent - keep silent),
  • -morgue-//-marg-(blink - blink),
  • -late-//-late-(to be late - to be late),
  • -flutter-//-flutter-(to flutter - to flutter),
  • -stop-//-stay-(stand - insist),
  • -creation-//-creature-(create – creature),
  • -push-//-push-(push - push),
  • -torop-//-torap-(hurry up – hurry up) –
  • in unclear cases (without accent) the letter is used ABOUT.

    Spelling vowels in the root -zar-//-zor-(zarya - zorka) obeys the opposite law: without stress it is written A.

    The exceptions are the dialectal and special words vygar (vygar), vygarki, prigar, izgar, zorevat, which do not obey the rule.

    Shades of meaning

    Semantic shades also determine the spelling at the root of a word. Examples of choosing a vowel based on this characteristic:

    -mac-//-mok-(dip - get wet): the first option is written in words with the meaning of immersion in liquid, the second - the ability to pass liquid, to be saturated with it.

    -swim-//-swim-//-swim-(buoyant - quicksand - swimmer): the ability to stay afloat / move directionally in the flow / a combination of both meanings.

    -jump-//-jump-(jump - jump): repeated or long-term action/single action. The exception is a jump.

    -equal-//-equal-(equation - equalize): semantic connection with the concepts equal (same) and equal. Team "Equal!" and the word plain is not an exception, as it seems at first glance. "Be equal!" - the requirement is not to stand up straight, but to stand the same way. And the plain is not a flat surface, it has hills and holes, but is equal in height to sea level.

    Alternating consonants do not cause spelling difficulties; their presence is taken into account only when identifying a morpheme.

    Selectable vowels

    Selectable root spellings include cases in which the choice of letter depends on its surroundings in the word.

    The chosen ones include vowels after sibilants and Ts, the spelling of which is established by several rules:

  • zhi-shi, thicket, chu-chu– combinations in which it is not written Y, I, YU, with the exception of the words jury, julienne, parachute, brochure, borrowed from French, foreign names and surnames such as Julie, Ciurlionis, Mkrtchyan, as well as Russian ones, in which a certain spelling has traditionally been fixed;
  • after C is written AND(except for the words chick, gypsy, chick, chick, tiptoe).
  • Also included in this group is the rule that AND, which stood at the beginning of the word, changes to Y after consonant prefixes, except above- (And interesting - without s interesting - beyond And interesting).

    Part 1. Spellings with root vowels

    Russian language. Spelling: Checkable unstressed vowels in the root.

    The rules governing the writing of the considered options do not apply to other morphemes. There are only two exceptions: the method of selection I-Y, I-A, Yu-U applies to spelling in any morpheme, and replacement AND on Y also applies where the stem after a consonant prefix began with a prefix from- (is-). In other cases, the choice of letter requires other verification methods.

    Spelling and spelling charts for grades 1-4

    Spelling in Russian, these are the rules for writing words. Those. under spelling understand all cases of writing, where a spelling error is possible, where it is necessary to apply a rule or look in the dictionary.


    1. Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and in proper names (Use of large (capital) letters).

    At the end of the corridor I saw Sasha with his puppy Pepin.

    2. An unstressed vowel in the root of a word, verifiable and unverifiable (Unstressed vowel in the root).

    marine - sea, pencil case - no test word

    3. Paired by voicedness - deafness consonant at the root (Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants at the root of the word)

    tub - tub, friend - friend

    4. Letter combinations zhi - shi, cha - sha, chu - chu(Combinations - ZHI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SHCHU - in different parts of the word)

    lives, hissing, child, thicket, miracles, pike

    5. Letter combinations -oro-, -olo-, -ere- , -barely-(Spelling of combinations -ORO-, -OLO-, -ERE-, -ELE)

    crow, hair, quail

    6. Letter combinations -chk-, -chn-: soft sign is not written (Soft sign in words as an indicator of softness)

    bump, of course, finish, bathhouse attendant

    alley, Saturday, class, Marianna

    9. Spelling prepositions (Preposition)

    by, for, from, over, through, from

    on your elbow, crazy, behind glass

    ran, ran, ran

    12. Soft sign indicating the softness of consonants (Soft sign in words as an indicator of softness)

    drops, delicious, day

    13. Soft sign in the indefinite form of verbs before -SY (Soft sign in words as an indicator of softness)

    14. Separating soft and hard signs (Dividing soft and hard sign)

    monkey, detour, champignon

    15. Soft sign after sibilants in nouns (Grammar soft sign)

    16. Soft sign in the 2nd person singular of verbs (Grammatical soft sign)

    love, hug, sing

    18. Case endings of adjectives

    19. Spelling suffixes

    20. Spelling “not” with verbs

    Presentation of a project on the Russian language in grade 3 on the topic: “Spelling dictionary”

    Student presentation of a project on the Russian language in grade 3 on the topic: “Spelling dictionary.”

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    “Presentation of a project on the Russian language in grade 3 on the topic: “Spelling dictionary””

    MBOU "Nikolskaya Secondary School" Project on the topic of: "Orthographic dictionary" Completed by: 3rd grade student Victoria Tsyplyonkova

    Target: find out what a spelling dictionary is and when we use it.

    Tasks: 1. Remember the rules of writing that we learned about. 2. Choose any rule and compile your own dictionary of words with a spelling for this rule. 3. Write down the words in alphabetical order and underline the spellings for the chosen rule. 4. Present your dictionary in class. 5. Draw a conclusion.

    Hypothesis: I’ll assume that a spelling dictionary is needed to check the spelling of a word. Information sources: textbook, workbooks, dictionaries, Internet resources. Product: orthographic dictionary.

    Rule: combinations - ORO-, -OLO- always write with the letter “O”.

    The concept of full consent

    Full agreement- a specific lexicophonetic feature of modern East Slavic languages. In the Russian language, P. manifests itself in the presence of a graphic sequence "oro", "olo", "ere", "elo" in words of common Slavic or East Slavic origin: cow, milk, swamp, shore, gutter. P. arose under the influence of the tendency towards an open syllable in the 3rd-5th centuries. as a result of the transformation of Proto-Slavic diphthong combinations (or), (ol), (ег), (el) between consonants

    In modern Russian there are hundreds of words with full vowels: ORO, OLO, ERE, ELO. This circumstance allows us to quickly remember the spelling of dictionary words with these letter combinations. However, there are a couple of things you need to pay attention to.

    What to pay attention to

    1. Words with full vowel often have their half-vocal twin brothers. They seem to have the same root words, but the letters are different: gold - gold, gate - gate. Do not select such words to test unstressed vowels.

    2. There are also many words in the Russian language with the letter combinations ARA, ALA. As a rule, these are words of eastern origin: peanuts, arabesque, caravan, robe. That's why It cannot be considered a rule that ORO and OLO are always written with O. Words with O and A in full voice should be memorized. Our courses

    Night has come, the sky has eclipsed,
    A cloud-like hand watered the shore.
    Elen is one, like a guard at his post,
    Listens to the sweet darkness.

    Keep your hopes alive, golden days,
    Let time silver your hair.
    Listen to these simple truths -
    The heavens are right...
    Day after day goes by.
    Are we alone in the entire Universe?


    Night, hand, shore, fir tree, united, guardian, sweet, keep, hope, golden, hair, succession - Old Slavonicisms; Moreover, “noch (night), dlan (right hand), elen (deer)” are archaisms that are not used in modern speech.

    And this is a short excerpt from a book-brochure about alternating vowels. The book “lying on the table” is looking for its publisher...


    Complicated name? Let's find out what Russianisms are. If we look into the Explanatory Dictionary, we will read:

    Russianism is “1. A figure of speech or a word characteristic of the Russian language. // A figure of speech or a word borrowed from the Russian language or modeled after Russian words and expressions.
    2. A feature of the Russian language or Russian writing, recorded in Church Slavonic monuments copied in Rus'.”

    This means that Russianism is something associated with the Russian language or created in its likeness.
    From here we conclude that Old Church Slavonicism is, on the contrary, something associated with the Old Church Slavonic language.

    And where did the Old Church Slavonic language “intersect” with the Russian language so much that in modern Russian the words are written both as in the Old Russian “watchman” and as in the Old Church Slavonic language “guard”?

    And this happened in the tenth century, when the Prince of Ancient Rus' Vladimir the Red Sun baptized Rus'. Along with the Christian religion, religious books came to Rus'. And so that they would be understandable to Russian people (and other Slavs), the brothers Cyril and Methodius translated the Bible into the Old Church Slavonic language, which they created on the basis of existing Slavic languages. And for this, the brothers had to “invent” the alphabet - the “Cyrillic alphabet”.

    Old Church Slavonic is a language specially created for translating Christian literature and creating your own Slavic religious works.

    Thus, Old Church Slavonicisms (Church Slavonicisms) entered the vocabulary of the Russian language with liturgical books during the spread of Christianity in Rus' (since 988).
    Old Slavonicisms enriched the language with many names of abstract concepts that were not in the Russian language. A sign of Old Church Slavonic words is the beginning of a compound word: good, god, vanity, sin, good, soul, evil, great, small, sweet, womb, honor.
    For example:
    blessing, good behavior, good news, thank;
    theologian, god-like, god-like, God-fearing;
    superstition, superstitious, idle talk;
    fall from grace;
    good nature, benevolence, good morals, virtue, virtuous, integrity, good-hearted, conscientiousness;
    executor, soul-saving, soul-stirring, soul-beneficial;
    great martyr, generosity;
    cowardice, lack of faith;
    mercy, merciful, merciful, mercy, alms;
    malice, malefactor, slander, gloating, malevolence;
    gluttony, ventriloquist;
    Please note that there is no “l” in the word “merciful”!


    We have already found out what Russianisms and Old Slavonicisms are, where and when they met. We will not explore how Russianisms and Old Church Slavonicisms coexisted in our language all this time (a little over a thousand years!). This is a big and interesting topic for other books.
    It is important for us to learn to “recognize them by sight.” To understand why we write, for example, in the word head, the second letter “o”. And we cannot check the stress, for example, with the word chapter.
    First, let’s make it clear that full-glashes are Russianisms. And disagreement is Old Slavonicism.


    Imagine a thin man and a fat man walking towards each other. Thin - completely transparent, thin, skinny, pale and very sad, but proud and sublime. This is Old Slavonicism. Old Slavonicism is dressed in long and dark clothes. He is solemn and strict.
    And full, that is, fat, pot-bellied, ruddy and cheerful Russianism in bright clothes. He is a little simple-minded and not trained in high pomp.
    They met and decided to live together. It is so important to complement and help each other in different life situations.

    Remember that full vowels are...? That's right - Russianisms. And the partial ones are...? That’s right – Old Church Slavonicisms.

    And here is the girl Lara. She has a “relay” in her hands.
    And the boy extends his hand to her and asks: “Lara, give me the relay!”

    Let's remember: LARA, GIVE THE RELAY!

    This “memo” encodes four incomplete, that is, Old Slavonic alternating letter combinations: LA - RA - RE - LE.

    Head – head – LA//OLO
    The word head cannot be checked by stress with the word alternating - heads! The letter “o” can be checked with the word head.
    Grad – city – RA//ORO
    Breg – shore – RE//ERE
    Milk – milk – LE//OLO

    Even at the beginning of the 19th century, Old Church Slavonicisms were often found in artistic speech. Find in the lines A.S. Pushkin's Old Slavonicisms and Russianisms:

    1. Show off, city of Petrov, and stand
    Unshakable, like Russia.

    2. Here he is entering the city,
    Suddenly a light ringing sound was heard.

    3. Before the tomb of the saint
    I stand with my head bowed.

    4. She leaned her head towards his shoulder.

    5. The forest drops its crimson headdress,
    The frost will silver the withered field.

    6. In a pure field it turns silver
    The snow is wavy and pockmarked.

    7. Deep in Siberian ores
    Be patient and proud.

    8. Is the brownie buried?
    Do they marry off a witch?

    9. Onegin, my good friend,
    Born on the banks of the Neva.

    10. Balda, without arguing with the priest in vain,
    He went and sat down by the seashore.

    11. Hello,
    A young, unfamiliar tribe!

    12. At that time from the guests home
    Young Evgeniy came...

    13. Hm! Hm! Noble reader,
    Are all your relatives healthy?

    14. Why did the joyful voice cease?

    16. A formidable guard stands around her,
    They hold axes on their shoulders.

    17. My golden cockerel
    He will be your faithful watchman.

    18. There is a green oak near the Lukomorye,
    Golden chain on oak volume.

    19. I love the lush decay of nature,
    Forests dressed in scarlet and gold.

    1. city 2. city
    3. head 4. head
    5. silvered 6. silvered
    7. store 8. bury
    9. on the shores 10. near the shore
    11. young 12. young
    11. hello 13. healthy
    14. voice 15. voice
    16. guard 17. watchman
    18. gold 19. gold

    Now let's get down to scientific work. Don't be alarmed. It's not difficult at all. Simply by “examining and comparing” draw conclusions and answer the questions:

    Moreover, Old Church Slavonicism firmly entered our speech, ceased to be important and solemn, and became the norm of use, a neutral word. But the word clothes has disappeared from the literary language. And you can only find it in works of art or films about Ancient Rus'. And even in some places in common speech and dialects.

    Moreover, Old Slavonicism has now become archaism. That is, its synonym boat lives in our speech, and the word rook in the meaning of boat “floats” in the historical past.
    But I’ll argue with myself. The word rook lives in our language even now, but in a different meaning. This is the name of a chess piece that is somewhat similar to a turret. Perhaps in ancient times, the word rook was used to describe not only boats, but also castle turrets?
    And, looking in the dictionary, I read that a boat is now also called a vessel or vase in the shape of a boat. Here. The proverb is true: “Live forever, learn forever.”
    But let’s continue our scientific research into Old Church Slavonicisms and Russianisms.

    Recumbent recumbent;

    Burning hot;

    Current flowing;

    Sitting sedentary.

    To what language would you classify these participles, and to what language would you classify these adjectives? Which words in modern language are more bookish and “important” in appearance and internal “article”? What words are used more often in written language than in spoken language?

    Enough questions. Here are the answers if you haven’t guessed everything.

    1. How does Old Slavonicism clothing differ from Russianism clothing?
    1.Old Church Slavonicism clothing differs from Russianism clothing in letters.

    Old Slavonicisms “love” the letter combinations “zh”, but Russianisms are simpler - only the letter “zh” is pronounced there. A couple of words can confirm this:

    Hope hope;

    The word reliability is outdated and preserved only in colloquial speech.

    The leader is the leader;

    Between between;

    Preposition between - conversational style, between - book style.

    Before before.

    The word first works in our speech either as an adverb (met before), or as a preposition (came before it). But you can only find the word “formerly” in ancient Russian written sources.

    From the pair of words “clothing” and “clothes” we can draw another conclusion.
    Old Slavonicisms “love” the letter “e”, and Russianisms “love” the letter “e”. A couple of words can confirm this:

    Hope hope;

    Cross of the Cross;

    A procession of the cross, but the Godfather and Godmother are those participating in the baptismal ceremony. Please note, we write with a capital letter!

    Sky palate;

    The word palate in modern speech is the roof of the mouth in the mouth. Nebo, nebushko - this is what the ancient Russians called the vault of heaven.

    Finger thimble.

    You know that a thimble is a device that you put on your finger when sewing with a needle to avoid pricking yourself. A finger is a finger. Remember the expression “pointing finger”? the origin of the words ring and gloves are also related to the word finger.

    2. How does Old Slavonicism “ladya” differ from Russianism “boat”?
    3. How does Old Church Slavonicism equal differ from Russianism equal?
    4. How does Old Slavonicism Odin differ from Russianism Odin?

    2. 3. 4. Let's answer three questions at once. The letters “a” and “e” are closer to Old Slavonicisms, and the letter “o” is closer to Russianisms. We confirm our conclusion with more examples:

    Rook boat

    equal equal

    Slave, work to rob

    Elen the deer

    One, one, the only one

    Jezero lake

    The words yelen and ezero can only be found in ancient Russian texts. The word “robit” (that is, to work) is also outdated; it has been preserved in the Ukrainian language. But for some reason the word “timid” reminds me of a very familiar word to you – robot! Yes, they are relatives!

    5. How does Old Slavonicism daughter differ from Russianism daughter?
    5. Well, besides the vowels “e” and “o”, we observe differences in sibilant consonants. In Old Slavonicisms, the “favorite” sound is the sound “sch”, and in Russianisms – the sound “ch”!

    daughter daughter

    Night night

    Infirmity, infirm infirmity, unable to bear, able

    The words daughter, night have been archaisms for a couple of centuries. But they are found in church language and poetry. M.V. Lomonosov in the 18th century wrote:

    "Goddess, daughter of the deities who founded science...",

    A K.N. Batyushkov at the beginning of the 19th century:

    “Oh, sweet is the dream, daughter of the silent night...”

    The word night can be found in poetic speech in the 20th century. For example, from Sergei Yesenin we read:

    Night and field, and the crow of roosters...
    Hosts are looking down from a golden cloud.

    The word night has also been preserved in phraseological units: “Like a thief in the night” - like a thief in the night. This is what they say about something sudden that happened without warning.
    The word “infirmity” has left the literary language and has been preserved only in common parlance.
    6. By comparing the prefixes pre and pere, can we say where the Old Church Slavonic prefix is ​​and where is the Russian one?
    7. By comparing the prefixes (through-through) and (through-through), we can say where are the Old Slavonic prefixes and where are the Russian ones?

    Questions 6. and 7., I think, did not cause any difficulties for you. This is the alternation RE//EPE that is already familiar to us.

    PRE//PERE interrupt – interrupt;

    THROUGH // THROUGH excessive – through the grain;

    CHRES//CHERS striped - striped.

    The prefix “chres” is becoming obsolete... Although back in the 19th century:
    "Wonderful city, striped; - Land, sea in pieces (Vyazemsky)."

    Cross-grain - incomplete setting of seeds in an ear of cereals.
    (There is no word “excessive.”) Quite a lot of words with alternating pre//re have been preserved in our language:

    To block - to block;
    transgress - step over;
    stop - cross;
    refract - break;
    interrupt - interrupt;
    translate (translate) – shift;
    betray - convey;
    incessantly - stop...

    There is a rule: if the prefix can be replaced with “per” and the meaning of the word does not change, feel free to write the prefix “pre”!

    But let's open the dictionary to:
    1) “through”: excessiveness;
    2) “through”: through the grain;
    3) “cross”: interstriped;
    2) “cross”: interlaced, interlaced, interlaced, too.

    And a few more cognate words. This is everything that is written in dictionaries with these prefixes. Do not confuse prefixes with prepositions through, via:
    across the river; through the ravine...

    8. Having compared the words pour out and pour out according to the solemnity and scope of their use, we can conclude where the prefix is ​​from the Old Church Slavonic language and where from Russian?

    And the eighth question should not cause you any difficulties. You already remember that Old Church Slavonicisms are a bookish, sublime style, perhaps poetic. So, pour out - without a doubt, Old Slavonicism, pour out - Russianism. Thus, the prefixes from (s), bottom (s), times (s), voz (s), through (s) are Old Slavonic morphemes.

    9. Consider participles with the suffixes “ashch”, “yashch”, “ushch”, “yushch” and adjectives with the suffixes “ach”, “yach”, “uch”, “yuch”:

    Recumbent recumbent;

    Burning hot;

    Current flowing;

    Shedding shedding.

    Which words in modern language are more bookish and “important” in appearance and internal “article”? What words are used more often in written language than in spoken language?

    I think you answered this question correctly right away. Remember, “night” - “night”? Old Church Slavonicisms “love” “Ш”, and Russianisms “Ч”... There were no participles in the Russian language before. Now how can we live and write without them? The suffixes ashch, yashch, ushch, yushch are morphemes of the Old Church Slavonic language.

    We have completed our research work. Let's...

    Next is a table of comparisons based on morphemic and letter characteristics “Old Church Slavonicism - Russianism”. Since the tables here (on the printable field provided to us) are “not supported” (I can’t copy them), I’ll send them in WORD format to your email if anyone needs them.

    If anyone is interested, I’ll add here a small list of “Old Church Slavonicism - Russianism” pairs I have collected :)

    Total found: 7

    Russian help desk response

    In the meaning ‘bound by friendship, mutual agreement’ the adjective should be used friendly: friendly team.

    Correctly: Based on the statements of the “living links” that connected him with the Monk Paisius - Bishop Nektarios, E. Yu. Kontsevich, Father Adrian, Father Seraphim wrote... Comma after a word Paisiy closes the participial phrase, comma after the word Adriana– participial; the second dash after the separate application is omitted, because the context requires a comma.

    It is impossible to “get an opinion.” You can refer to someone else's opinion.

    Antagonism– 1) irreconcilable contradiction caused by disagreement in opinions, opposition of interests; rivalry, struggle of interests; 2) biol. the struggle for existence, based on the desire of organisms for self-preservation and the preservation of their species.

    Exercise – exercise for development and improvement of performance technique (in dance, music).

    No, such a spelling rule does not exist (and never existed). About letter combinations -oro- / -olo-(Also -ere-, -elo-) they say in relation to the history of the language: such combinations are a sign of Russian words, while combinations are ra-, -la-, -re-, -le- – a sign of Old Church Slavonic words, cf.: enemy - enemy, city - hail, gold - gold, head - head, swamp - blato, shore - shore, shelom - helmet etc. (in linguistics this is the presence of a graphic sequence oro, olo, ere, elo in Russian words it is called by full consent). In such words it is really written -olo-, -oro-, but this is only a pattern characteristic of a limited group of words and caused by historical processes in the language.

    If this is a participle (the subject of the action is obvious), then one should write _n_. If this is an adjective (the same as _having mutual agreement, unity_), two _n_ are written, for example: _the decision is agreed upon with the authorities, their actions are agreed upon_.

    Full-voice_ is the presence of combinations [oro], [olo], [ere] between consonants in words (city, gold, shore, etc.), characteristic of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages. _Disagreement_ - the presence of combinations _[ra], [la], [re]_ in words. One can speak about the presence of full agreement (discordance) only if there were or are corresponding words with disagreement (full agreement): _city - hail, gold - gold, shore - coast_.

    © 2000-2018. When using materials in full or in part, a link to Gramota.ru is required.

    Certificate of registration of mass media El No. FS77-57155, issued by Roskomnadzor on March 11, 2014.

    Mini-course " Unstressed vowels"

    • Krista ll ic – crista l ny.
    • Meta ll- A l yuminium.
    • Artie ll eria – kava l eria.
    • Zhu LJ at - draw and at.
    • Ba ll y – cymba l s.
    • AND mm game - uh m game.
    • Dile mm a – problem m A.
    • Ba ll(score) – ba l(dancing).
    • Ra With even, prudent – ​​ra ss read, ra ss read.
    • Prince ss ah, clown ss a, - director With a, bisector With A.

    Only Teachers can update the site directory

    Full agreement

    The concept of full consent

    What to pay attention to

    1. Words with full vowel often have their half-vocal twin brothers. They seem to have the same root words, but the letters are different: gold - gold, gate - gate. Do not select such words to test unstressed vowels.

    2. There are also many words in the Russian language with the letter combinations ARA, ALA. As a rule, these are words of eastern origin: peanuts, arabesque, caravan, robe. That's why It cannot be considered a rule that ORO and OLO are always written with O. Words with O and A in full voice should be memorized. Our courses Spelling without rules and Spelling by rules include tasks that will help you quickly and easily remember the spelling of hundreds of words with letter combinations oro, olo, ere, ara, ala.

    Rules for Oro Olo

    5.2. Formation of words with full vowel combinations -ORO-, -OLO-,
    -ERE-, -ELE-

    One type of open syllable in late Proto-Slavic was a syllable in which the last two elements were [ŏ] or [ĕ]
    and smooth [r̥] or [l̥]. These smooth ones had increased vocality, which made them syllabic-forming sounds, and the syllable itself was of the type t o r ̥ / t, t o l ̥ / t,
    t e r ̥ / t , t e l ̥ / t was considered open. These sounds acquired increased vocality only in a position before another consonant, i.e. it was a positional rather than a phonemic property. However, these syllables were also subject to the action of the law of the open syllable, but according to a more complex scheme: there was a rearrangement of sounds in the syllable with a gradual loss of increased vocality. This process began in the late Proto-Slavic period
    and continued during the period of separate existence of the Slavic languages, therefore the results of changes in syllables in related languages ​​turned out to be different.

    In the South Slavic language (for example, Old Church Slavonic), the smooth one first loses its increased vocality and transfers it to the preceding vowel, which lengthens; then the vowel changes
    and smooth:

    * t o r ̥ / t → * t ō r t →* t a r t → * t r a t .

    This form is called partial .

    In the East Slavic language (Old Russian), increased vocalization of smooth ones gave a new sound, which forms an additional syllable:

    * t o r ̥ / t → * t o r o t .

    This form is called full voice .

    In the West Slavic language (for example, Polish) the same process went through, only the vowel before the smooth one was lost:

    * t o r ̥ / t → * t o r o t → * t r o t .

    * g ŏ r ̥ d - o - s → dr. city

    * g ŏ l ̥ v — a → dr. g o l o v a

    → Polish g l o w a

    * b ĕ r ̥ g - o - s → dr. b e r e g

    → Polish b rz e g

    * m ĕ l ̥ k — ŏ → dr. milk

    → Polish m l e k o

    In the latter case, due to hardening [l], we received no -barely-,
    A -olo-. However, if the initial consonant was velar, then the change proceeded somewhat differently: first, under the influence of the first palatalization, the velar changed into a sibilant, then full consonant developed,

    but according to the law of synharmonicity, the non-front [o] could not stand next to the soft sibilant, so after the sibilant [e] was preserved:

    * ch ĕ l m - ŏ - s → s l e m(s.-s.) // sh e l o m(Old-R.).

    The fact that this process was still alive in the 8th - 9th centuries is indicated by the fact that the name of the Frankish king Charlemagne, who lived at the end of the 8th - beginning of the 9th century, underwent corresponding changes in different Slavic languages:
    s.-s. k r a l, russian king, Polish k r o l .

    Younger schoolchildren should pay special attention
    for the correspondence of full-vowel and half-vowel forms of words

    (or related words), which will help children better remember spellings: gold - gold, gate - goalkeeper, head - head, milk - milky, shore - coastal etc., and especially point out the impossibility of checking an unstressed vowel by placing it under stress in a correlating partial/full vowel form.



    § 26 . Spelling unstressed vowels V roots And consoles

    EXCLUSIONS: ferry, ferocious, blaze(at flash).

    Note: Prefixes re-, through-, before- also contain full-voice and have partial-voice variants pre-, pre-, through(s)-.

    Words that have one verifiable vowel in the full-vowel version, as well as those that have a partial-vowel version, for example: b e R e lively(since there is a check b e speech and since there is disagreement in careless), b e belt(burden), about O rona(about O rona and abuse), ox O there is(power), thief O G(enemy), and e R e hitting(and e rebiy, lot), To O lodets(treasury), m O l O co, m O local(milky), about O lock(cloud, vestment), about O mouth(back), P e speak, pop e river(reproach, contrary, reproach, reproach), P O fishing(tares) P O lotnik(handkerchief), P O horn, P O born(stool, idle), With e rib(lover of money, unmercenary), With e rare(average), X O timid(brave), cm O homeland(stench), X O Roma(temple), X O R O a thread, X O drops(keep), h e red(series), black e h, h e R e stripe, h e R e saddle holder, h e R e too much(extreme, excessive).

    Words from which both vowels are checked, but there is no partial vowel option, for example: b O R O on(harrows, harrow), P O l O sa(stripes, stripe).

    Words that do not have a tested vowel, but have an incomplete vowel variant of the root, for example: T e R e beat(because demand ).


    Table on the Russian language for grades 1-2 “Combinations oro - olo”

    Hurry up to take advantage of discounts of up to 50% on Infourok courses

    Alternation of full-vowel and half-vowel combinations
    oro - ra, olo - la, olo - le, ere - re

    Exercise 1. Formulate a rule for spelling vowels a, o, e in words with these combinations, apply it in these words.

    Cool_wait, cold_dilnik, g_r_da, fence_wait, citizen, health, other_vesina, congratulations, zag_d_dit, other_valuable, other_goy, contents.

    Task 2. Write these words in pairs: V ra container - in oro that .

    1) Brief, hail, breg, succession, junior, hair shirt, barber.
    2) Bearded man, city, shore, short, alternating, well done, hairy.

    1) The son rose to his feet,
    I rested my head on the bottom.

    2) Everyone calls them loudly
    And the prince is crowned
    Princes cap and head
    They shout above themselves.

    3) Sees: all shining in gold,
    Tsar Saltan is sitting in his chamber.

    4) He sees the squirrel in front of everyone
    The golden one gnaws a nut.

    5) ...Suddenly the sea
    shook around
    Splashed in a noisy run
    And left on the shore
    Thirty-three heroes.
    All the handsome men are daring,
    The giants are young.

    6) An island lies on the sea,
    There is a city on the island
    With golden-domed churches,
    With towers and gardens.

    7) And the wave obeyed:
    She's right there on the shore
    I carried the barrel out lightly
    And she left quietly.

    8) Mother and baby are saved.

    9) A formidable guard stands around her
    They hold axes on their shoulders.

    10) And thirty beautiful knights
    One by one, clear waters emerge.

    Task 4. Match the words with the same root with complete agreement.

    Ashes, storehouse (of wisdom), milky (juice), disgust, captivating, reins (fluffy), hair shirt, excessively, mediocre, careless.

    Task 5. Find and write down all the words with full-vowel and half-vowel combinations.

    1) Hottabych took Volka by the hand and placed him next to him in the very middle of the carpet. 2) Everyone stopped drinking tea and soft drinks and rushed to look at the bearded child. 3) At that very moment he found himself next to old man Hottabych, as we will call our acquaintance for brevity. 4) Varvara Stepanovna turned to Volka again. 5) “May your birthday be blessed!” – Hottabych declared, moved. 6) What would you like now, O most precious pupil of my eye? 7) Is Volodya Vladimir?

    (L. Lagin)

    Task 6. Match the words with non-vocal pairs.

    Fence, watchman, powder, turn back, step aside, say hello, bury, crow, beard, shorty, ice cream.

    Verified vowel in the root

    Theoretical charging

    1) What is a root? 2) Are words related that are close in meaning, but do not have a common part? 3) How should you choose related words? (Find without prefixes or with other prefixes.) 4) What is alternation? 5) What fluent vowels do you know, what do they alternate with? 6) What is the difficulty of substituting a single-root “control” word? (The similarity of different roots means that when checking it is necessary to determine the lexical meaning of the roots.) 7) Try to distinguish between pairs:

    old-timer And guarded;
    dedicate and dedicate;
    trying on and reconciling;
    beg and beg;

    boil and open;
    to console and subside;
    thin out and discharge;
    develops and flutters.

    Exercise 1. Choose related words, place emphasis.

    Sample: exhaustion- exhausted, maybe, perhaps, helpless.

    Imply, on an empty stomach, association, conversion, no wonder, encourage, impenetrable, inveterate, refute, definitively, teacher.

    Task 2. Eliminate unrelated words from each triad.

    1) Roast, roasting pan, hot; 2) wind, whirlwind, windless; 3) pine, tree, wood; 4) running, rushing, runner; 5) teach, cram, scientist; 6) regret, sympathy, pity.

    Task 3. Given two “relatives”, select a word for them without a prefix or with another prefix, find the root.

    1) Ignorant, ignorant; 2) connect, signalman; 3) sunset, has set; 4) stand, stopped; 5) combine, connection.

    Task 4. Insert these words into phrases to “highlight” their meaning.

    Hurry - write down, thin out - defuse, reconcile - try on, develop - flutter, caress - rinse, turn gray - sit, guard - old-timer, dedicate - shine, sing - wash down.

    Task 5. Write down, indicating the root, give a test word.

    Option 1

    to slay, to slay, to cover, to guess, to get used to, regret, to tremble, to know, to worry, to mature, to measure, to apprehend, to compose, to convey, to crouch, to sit, to sit (from grief), to apology.

    Option 2

    Protect, fence, rule, steal, close, wash (linen), become puffy, sweat, wish, enchanted, undress, amazing, save, sweat, fall out, sleep, tension, harness, unit.

    Third wheel

    A. Forest, stairs, forester.
    B. Driver, driver, driver.
    V. Left, lion, left.

    G. Honest, garlicky, garlic.
    D. Saddle, saddle, gray hair.
    E. Funny, mix, mix.

    Game "WORD BALL"

    The person conducting the game throws the ball to the student and names a word with an unstressed vowel at the root, the student catches the ball, names the test word and throws the ball back.

    UV I give, uv And children, spl O tit, opl A tit, obv e wow, dear O shake, paint A pour, paint O lot, prot A shield, select e sorry, isn't it And that one e fell (in the wind), in And ntovka, op. e management, management e farewell, time e del, VP e h A smoldering, extinguishing A vat.

    Alternating vowel in the root

    Theoretical charging

    1) What groups are the alternating vowels in the root divided into?
    2) Name the roots, choice A or O in which it depends on the subsequent consonant.
    3) Remember and list exceptions to this rule.
    4) In what three roots in unstressed position is it written O , and in two – A ?
    5) Name the exceptions to the four roots of this group.
    6) What does the choice depend on? e And And in the nine roots of the next group?
    7) Name them and two roots where the choice is O or A depends on the same.
    8) What features do words have: calculate And calculation, count And combination ?
    9) How can you distinguish the spelling in the roots? -mok- – -mac- And -equal- – -equal- ?
    10) Do you know the exceptions of this group?

    Collective exercises

    1) Match these words with words of the same root with an alternating vowel:

    in leaps and bounds



    laid down
    I'm burning
    wiped it off

    take your leave
    burned out

    2) Explain how the roots of words in pairs differ:

    bl e brush – bl And become
    vysk O chil – posk A even
    op. e tanning - counting And thief
    h A duckweed – oz A rip

    vyg O army - vyg A rivers
    To A satative – to O I'm dreaming
    popl A wok - pl O sneeze
    def And Rushka – sob e RU

    calc And tanning - calculating e there is
    h O ri – z A rya
    adj A gat - hall O live
    R O lines - vyr A became

    3) In which series are all words the same root?

    A. Growing, sprouted, simplest, sprout.
    B. Simpleton, grown up, watered, grow up.
    V. Luxurious, grow, melt, soluble.
    G. Vegetable, algae, moneylender, Rostov.
    D. Overgrow, grow, bungler, disheveled.

    4) For perfective verbs, choose a pair of imperfective.

    borrow, take in, compress, crush, begin, remember, take out, take (tax).


    Jumper, jumped out, galloped, jumped, galloped, galloped, jumped, galloped, galloped, galloped A chu, prompt O chu.

    (What is the difference between the last words? Write down the infinitive form of the verbs, give their lexical interpretation.)

    6) Work with vowels that command meaning.

    A. Write down how to name objects that are equal in weight, in age, and have the same rights.
    B. Replace with one word: indifferent to everything, having the same rights, acting with equal force, a day in which day and night are the same.
    IN. Insert vowel: R_regular movement, at a relatively low altitude, tries to maintain R_balance.

    7) Selective dictation. Guess riddles (orally), write down words with alternating vowels.

    a) Post e I love matting, I sow peas,
    floor O I'm eating a roll, no one can take it. (Sky, stars, month.)

    b) What is higher than the forest, more beautiful than the light, without fire d O rit? (Sun.)

    c) Bely Tikhon has been pushed out of the sky.
    Where he runs - like a carpet of lips And barks. (Snow.)

    d) Warms in winter, smolders in spring, mind in summer And roars and comes to life in the fall. (Snow.)

    d) In autumn, in the gap e rushes and wakes up in the spring. (Fly.)

    e) They fly, circle, fall to the ground O huddle,
    They don’t get up from the ground and disappear here. (Leaves.)

    g) Green above, red below, into the ground O word (Carrot.)

    h) Miracle meets miracle all around:
    there are many holes, and high O there is nowhere to read. (Sieve.)

    i) I want it, so O I’m tired, but if I’m too lazy, I’ll fall down. (Axe.)

    j) A poultry hen came from the forest And thief. (Fox.)

    l) An eagle flies across the blue sky:
    wings spread, the sun has stopped And barks. (Cloud.)

    8) Distributive dictation: in the left column - words with an alternating vowel, and in the right - with a “foreign” spelling. What is she like? Is it possible to check?

    Sit, unlock, sunbathe, try on (dress), kill, half, pigtail, touch, branch, dewdrop, grew, build-up, run away, clean up, lightning, blotter, plain, beggar, begin, combine, bent over, races, lay out, suppose , creation, kosovorotka, burns out.

    9) Explain the difference in spelling of words.

    You whine a lot O whip - exchange A put cracker into tea;
    above ur O out of the sea - solve ur A opinion;
    good pl A take into account - Russian pl O vtsy;
    vyr O take the line - p A listen to the best;
    prom O chilled feet - pom A add bread to honey;
    ur O stream of water - nar A out with the eyelid;
    solve ur A opinion – charge O listen to the hole.

    10) From the verb sk A chu(excl.) form new verbs using prefixes: re-, about-, to-, under-, from-, for-, you-. Write them down, always checking the 2nd or 3rd person vowel of the same verb.

    11) Take dictation and compare it with the note on the board.

    Balanced, uniform step, flat forests, leveled area, keep level, level with the ground, cannot be compared with anything, spring equinox, girls the same age, incomparable beauty, equal to heroes, equalize rights, level the hem of a skirt.

    12) Remember all the exceptions in the block “Vowels in the root” and write a dictation of the exceptions.

    Test cards

    Card 1

    Exercise. Paste O or A, indicate the spelling.

    Boots get wet, soaked r_stitches, soak_in_milk, dip_in_ink, terrible(?) filth_mole, wet_mush, wet_clothes, muffin_soaks, limp, bending over, touching my m_crits, soaked float, it's too bad, incomparable levels, incomparable _external region.

    Card 2

    Third wheel

    1. Level_hear, compare, charge.
    2. Extinction, extinction, dying.
    3. Compounding, subtracting, adding.

    4. Wash, wash, rinse.
    5. Creation, utensil, creator.
    6. Posk_chu, vysk_chu, skip_chu.

    Card 3

    Third wheel

    1. Akats_ya, ts_niya, ts_pka.
    2. Swim_wok, swim_vets, swim_vonets.
    3. Take_ri, choose_paradise, arrive.

    4. Fever, gloomy, gloomy.
    5. Thicket_ba, study_ba, slum_ba.
    6. It grows, grows, grows.

    Card 4

    Exercise 1. Arrange in three columns: checkable vowels, unchecked vowels, alternating vowels..

    top_up, crouch, impression, impression, voters, touch, sit (from grief), position, wash out, swimmer, try on (dress), cake, which, dying, interesting, guards (Voronezh), spread, jumped up, grow_up, burn rel, rage, level, teran, find out, ask, defy, rely, swear.

    Task 2. Write down ten words in which after ts is written s .

    Card 5

    Exercise 1. Write down those words where it is written after the sibilants e, justify your choice.

    Sh_pot, rustling, chick, zhelt, ch_tky, burn_the hand, s_rnik, zh_key, acorn, comb, sh_gul, gooseberry, thicket, sh_rts, sh_kovaya, brush, zh_rnov, chocolate, from Scotland, vulgar, ch_knuty, alien, ch_rt, stove_nka, sh_lk.

    Task 2. Distribute in two columns. With a checked vowel in the root and with an alternating vowel in the root.

    open_mouth, open_pasta, spread, r_sli, wash, wipe, sealed, cover, v_rshin, fulfill a dream, sprout, skipped, burn, marriage, shiny, lay, minus, tangent, started, at supply (of leaves), unburnable, grain , natv_ril, bow.

    Card 6

    Exercise 1.Fill in the missing letters and explain your choice.

    bow your head
    close the window
    combustion products
    rage with a fishing rod
    burnt to ashes
    get ready to go

    burning flame
    write songs
    lean on the edge
    lucky(?) combination
    erase what is written
    lay the floors

    verb inflection
    sk_ku on everything
    ran at a gallop
    green industry
    was born in R_stov

    Task 2. Select and write down words with the same root e after the hissing ones.

    Acorn, stubble, whisper, turn yellow, line, crevice, wool, bee, millstone, descended, brow, shuttle, bile, wife, silky, cross out.

    Card 7

    Exercise 1. Divide into groups: a) depends on the consonant, b) depends on the stress, c) depends on the suffix -A- .

    I calculate, express, bend, offer, jumped up, freeze, epiphany, loan shark, angry, upstart, R_stislav, don’t bother, jumpy, pull out, cover, subtracted, creation, prom_chu, problem, growth.

    Task 2. Write down and explain the conditions for choosing a vowel.

    Ts_trusovy, ts_ganka, ts_ferblat, for martens_, ts_kory, from behind the doors_, ts_klychny, ts_pnoy, ots_thread, from ts_geika, akat_ya, ts_klop, armor, ts_pki.

    Card 8

    Exercise 1. Arrange in three columns: with a verifiable, unverified and alternating vowel at the root.

    F_salt, tidy up, or_shat, watercolor, r_stenie, s_lat, spread, sell, k_leta, showed up, waterproof, touched, k_rosin, zas_zasya, during, spread, adjective, r_vnina, seal, sunbathe, ripening, swimming, with to_chu, prompt, level , pay_heed.

    Task 2. Write down ten words where in the root after the hissing under stress it is written O .

    Card 9

    Exercise 1. Write down, inserting the missing letters, indicate spelling patterns: checkable and alternating vowels in the root. Sample: pom And rit - m And r, deputy e burrow – no suffix -A-, R O stochek – excl .

    carved, z_rnitsa, raised, dedicate a lantern, dedicate poems, r_ves(?)niks, illuminated, intransigence, dying out, develop_imagination, carved, guarded the garden, guarded Voronezh, application, tamed beast, steadfastness, beat_by_jumps, beat_ rushka, attack, r_stovskie children.

    Task 2. Explain the difference in spelling.

    SG O growling – prig A ry
    h A roar - s A duckweed
    survive e g – vyzh And rotting

    utv A ry – tv O retz
    bl e stingy - bl And become
    sk A chu - high O chu

    popl A wok - pl O vec
    calculation e t – ra ss h And poke
    pokl O down - down A take care

    Card 10

    Exercise 1. Paste O or A, indicate the spelling at the root.

    Unseen levels, dissolve, ignition, balance, spreading length, jump.

    Task 2. Write down all exceptions to alternating vowels in the root.

    Card 11

    Exercise 1.Distribute in two columns: those tested with stress (with a test word) and those with an alternating vowel. Label the roots.

    Got sunburned in the morning, thought about forgiveness, asked the teacher to wipe the leaves of the plant, the sprouting grain, the guards who sprouted early, the sunburned swimmer, to make apologies, to polish the washed linen, to dedicate poems to the rivers(?)niks, to the orphans rey, settle down on the bed, ra( ?) to deal with debtors, to freeze, to faint in a ravine, to faint from fear.

    Task 2. Write exceptions to the rule s – and after ts fundamentally.

    Card 12

    Exercise 1.Insert the missing letters and indicate the spelling patterns.

    Pl_vets , touch, ignite, express, affirm, touchingly, express, beggar, warmed, warm, pretend, look bright, level, pull out, attach, skip, dissolution, usurious, wet, smear, spit, stagnation _years, death_creation, extinct, sleep_sleep, melt_down, extinct, died, pose (with a fishing rod), river.

    Task 2. Find the third odd one out.

    A. Zach_tka, solve_tka, ratchet_tka.
    B. Psh_naya, goose_vennaya, zh_vannaya.

    V. Major, black, black.
    G. Sh_rokh, sh_pot, sh_mpol.

    Card 13

    Exercise 1.Copy by inserting the missing letters and marking the morphemes, underline the words with an alternating vowel in the root.

    Ass_dation, departed, got hot, put on a dress, die, half-wine, touch, hanged too much, off_left, red, dawn, kill, enjoyment, application, voter, beggar, r_stki, sunbathe, swimmers, adulation, starry , at the top, level, lined , m_rovoy.

    Task 2. Make four examples of the "Ted One" spelling game. s – and after ts at the root of the word.

    Control vocabulary dictation

    Dipping a brush into paint, jumping around a corner, smoothing out an uneven edge, dedicated to pre-anniversary celebrations, with a fearless circus performer, not contradicting elders, not being subject to the vicissitudes of fate, misinterpreting, making your way through unknown terrain, participating in a swimming competition, in a luxurious collection of works of art , pause in indecision, gather in a beautiful three-story building, rub yourself with a canvas towel, freeze from continuous screaming, find a money lender, buy a magnificent waterproof raincoat with a hood, give a fancy shape to a figurine, incorrectly calculate the drawing, a dog with silk fur, be perplexed, lag behind railway siding, attaching a chapel to the church, does not take into account any explanations, does not take advantage, approaches spreading thickets, despises for a dishonorable act, stands on tiptoe, neglects uninteresting work, arrives at the army's location, overcomes a very difficult obstacle, achieves at the cost of supernatural efforts , touches the shell of a lovely little turtle, almost touched a robin when it was dawning at dawn.

    Block “Spelling consonants in words”

    Didactic material for the block
    “Spelling of consonants at the root of a word”

    Theoretical charging

    1. Remember the identifying features of the spelling “Consonants at the root of words”:

    1) at the end of a word,
    2) at the junction of consonants.

    2. We create an algorithm for writing a consonant sound with a letter:

    1) choose a word with the same root so that the consonant is followed by a vowel or l, m, n, r, v (in a strong position);
    2) if it’s not possible, then remember the exceptions to the rules;
    3) or look it up in the dictionary;
    4) when the consonant is long, make a morphemic analysis of the word.

    Collective exercises

    1. Selective dictation. Write down words with unpronounceable consonants and explain their spelling.

    Late fall. The rooks flew away.
    Only one strip is not compressed, it makes me sad.
    And walking with dignity, in decorous calm, a peasant leads the horse by the bridle.
    And he sings a daring, boastful song to himself.
    Frost and sun! Wonderful day! You are still dozing, dear friend...

    2. How to check the spelling of words that sound the same?

    Forge young_ – still very young_;
    fine rime - silvery rime;
    deep wire_ – flexible wire_;
    quickly grow_ – bushes grow_;
    came to eat_ - he quickly ate_;
    light along the forest - light hay;
    The big argument is that the soil is soft.

    3. Fill in the missing letters, give a test word or mark in brackets excl.

    A long answer, a terrible incident, sixteen kilometers, participating in a game, reed thickets, honoring a veteran, a bulky closet, mysteriously silent, splashing water, dangling at the dog, festive evening, both the same age, my peers.

    4. Explain the spelling of phonetically similar words.

    Kos T brain - co sn 1st person;
    whistled loudly T no - svi sn get off the branch;
    lawsuit sn 1st master - art st Vienna flower;
    boss st howling over kids is important st howl.

    5. Replace with one word, explain the spelling.

    To take part, to experience feelings, to exercise power, to make a crunching sound that has good speed, burnt at the stake, a sound formed with the help of voice and noise, uttered with great feeling.

    6. Explain the spelling.

    I stva - I V actually, swish T no – bleh sn yes, forest T nitsa - kola sn itsa, uch ac yours - I'm oozing V swaying, walking f to stave – sh EU wow, wow V stvu – h EU yours, row sn ik – svers T nickname, draw LJ and – vi zzh And.

    7. Write these words in three columns depending on the letter inserted: g, h, d, provide a test word next to it.

    Tetra_ka, zaste_ka, lody_ka, u_kiy, rug_ka, v_ka, relish, sweet_ka, flask, magpie, thunderous, ploshcha_ka, razvyak_ka, klas_china, vya_kiy.

    8. Words with double and contained in the riddle: “Who LJ yeah, yeah LJ it and holds in LJ and eats mo LJ Evelnik and drinks draw LJ And?". Form as many cognates as possible from these words and write them down.

    9. Why ra ss read, But ra sch fussy?

    Write down 12 words in which a double consonant appears at the junction of morphemes - prefix and root or root and suffix.

    10. How can you explain the following lines:

    And the snake sn oh and oops sn o letter T there is no point in writing!
    We all know T but how lovely T but the letter T write well T But!

    Test cards

    Card No. 1

    Exercise 1. Insert the missing letters and explain them.

    1) The word is not an arrow, but clings to the heart. 2) A happy daughter takes after her father, and a son takes after his mother. 3) If I knew where to fall, I would have sent up the straws. 4) From the oblique fish the ear is sweet. 5) A skilled person is called a jack of all trades. 6) Pood – six_ten_kilograms.

    Task 2. Write down twelve words with a double consonant.

    Card No. 2

    Exercise 1. Insert a consonant where necessary, check using the example:

    taste sn y - taste With e n, pichu and ka – pichu and e To.

    He shed, pay the costs, lost a trace, healing mother, woodworking, a clever acrobat, a valiant knight, a green pasture, a remote town, a dangerous age, charcoal, a tiny forest, splashed in the face, dangled to the dog.

    Task 2. Underline the "extra" word.

    A. Mustache, wedding, prayer.
    B. Fly_ka, cha_ka, hand.
    V. Splashed, splashed, flashed.

    Card No. 3

    Exercise 1. Insert a consonant where necessary.

    A lost brew, a furious onslaught, a tragic outcome, a skilled craftsman, a vile deed, the trumpet of the world, an icy iceberg, my rose, a low bere, a crafted pearl, rattled in the hall.

    Task 2. Form using prefixes ( about-, pro-, for-, times (o)-, under-) new words from verbs burns And buzzing .

    Card No. 4

    Exercise 1.Select the same root adjectives for these nouns and write them down, highlighting the spelling.

    Bad weather, strength, selflessness, giant, valor, happiness, horror, miracles, surface, position, news, cross, envy, deputy.

    Task 2. Fill in the missing vowels and check using the example. Sample : vyd O whine - vd O x, st A gave birth - st A ry resident.

    To drink medicine, to sing a song, to guard a warehouse, to cry for mercy, to cry for dignity, to climb a tree, to heal wounds, to brew tea, to open potatoes, to open a window, a charming smile, to connect.

    Card No. 5

    Exercise 1.Insert a consonant (if necessary), write down the test word.

    event participant
    u_kiy k_ridor
    flashed brightly
    the padlock

    same age

    some problems
    terrible story
    small navo_chik
    certificate from pre_sy

    Task 2. Write a vocabulary dictation of twenty exception words in this block and unverifiable consonants in the root of the word.

    Card No. 6

    Exercise 1.Enter these words into the table.

    Road, neighborhood, forest, river (wind), measured, well-known, feeling, coeval, celebrate, ren_gen, squaw, lovely, Soviet, burn, great argument, bring on horseback.

    Task 2. Fill in the missing letters, select the test word.

    To enjoy poetry, an unfathomable talent, an amazing r_s_ka, to pour out white, even if your eyes are gone, to unite efforts, to honor work, to embody an idea, to pay for travel, to empty a gun, occasionally.

    Control vocabulary dictation

    Wedding, flight of stairs, gingerbread, backpack, juniper, kindle, spelling, cerebellum, Finnish, humanism, literacy, gallery, hang from a branch, whistle loudly, splash in the face, flashed lightning, hello, peers, bulky, patronize a kindergarten, delicious , skillful, hateful, safe, column, station, centipede, iceberg, sixteenth, viands, clearly, fascist, insensitivity, honoring, landscape, peer, fastener, alley, drama, play, terrain, gigantic, ham, threshing, go, refined sugar , sweet tooth, it's dawned.


    I remembered what and how to write
    fundamentally -skoch- And -with how- !
    He will tell me languages h OK: A write to sk A chu, sk A choke.

    And in prudent, calculation ,
    let's remember the root -even- !

    You will dip into liquid -
    Must root -poppy- write.
    And write the root -mok- ,
    If you were able to squeeze it out.

    Eternal torment -
    These exceptions!
    Flat Valley
    Called R A vnina...
    And what is smooth is even
    WITH O write - Remember!
