Easter games and fun. Entertainment "Easter games and contests

Easter is a holiday that is customary to spend with family and friends at the laid table. But Easter traditions include not only a festive meal, but also various games and entertainment - especially if there are children among the celebrants. What are the Easter games for children?

Search for Easter eggs and surprises

This game can be organized both in the apartment and in the summer cottage or in the forest. It will be interesting to spend it both with one child and with a group of children.

You will need colored eggs and small surprise prizes: sweets, stickers, small toys, etc. An adult hides Easter eggs and prizes indoors or in a summer cottage in advance, and a child or a group of children will have to find them. If there are many children, then you can divide them into two teams. Found surprises children take away.

The easiest version of the game is to simply hide the gifts in different places. Unusual Options caches: stick with tape under the chair seat or put in paws soft toys. Here are more difficult options for the game?

Before putting the prize in the cache, tie a thick thread to it, then walk around the apartment with this thread, entangling various objects on its way with it. The child finds the end of the thread and, winding it into a ball, reaches the prize. Use threads of different colors.

You can borrow the idea from the game of "Cossack robbers" by marking the path to the surprise with arrows.

Most interesting option when a child finds a surprise on a series of notes. Moreover, the first note indicates where the second is hidden, the second - where the third, etc. From the last note, the child will find out where the cache with the prize is located.

egg rolling

The traditional Easter game is egg rolling. For these purposes, adults made a slide with sides for children, along which eggs could be rolled. Small souvenirs and colored eggs were laid out around it on a flat surface. Playing children approached the hill in turn and each rolled their own egg. The object that the egg touched became the winner. The trajectory of the eggs is set by turning the slide.

An Easter slide for rolling eggs can be made from wood or plain cardboard, as in the picture below.

Easter catcher

One of the players is chosen to be the "catcher". He sits at a distance of 4-5 meters facing the rest of the players. In his hands he has a plastic cup or cup with which he must catch Easter Egg.
In the hands of the other players are ropes, to the ends of which Easter eggs are attached. The Easter eggs themselves are laid not far from the "catcher".
The "catcher" counts yes to three and tries to catch one of the Easter eggs while the other participants in the game pull their strings.
The player whose Easter egg is caught by the "catcher" is out of the game.

Easter dance

Players put caps on their heads and make a recess in them on top, into which they put their Easter egg. In the center of the room, chairs are placed around, the number of which is 1 less than the number of players.
To the music, all participants in the game begin to dance, trying not to drop the egg from their heads. The host suddenly turns off the music, the task of the participants is to have time to take a chair, while not losing their Easter egg.

What will we put in the cake

A game with “yes” or “no” answers is great for warming up. Good game for children to test their knowledge of what Easter cakes consist of. They loudly shout "Yes!" if they think that in Easter cake this ingredient can be put. If you can’t, then shout “No!” even louder:
I put cinnamon in the cake,
Honey will flow there,
Vanillin powder
and a big sack of oats,
I'll add cucumbers.
Here is my grandmother
I poured flour there,
The eggs will be on top.
The cake needs water
Rum is always put there,
And also raisins, candied fruits,
Nails, hammers, shovels,
Cottage cheese, butter, curdled milk,
And our prayer
Salt and sugar and cement.
And the cake is ready in a moment!

spin the egg

Competitions can be held both between children and between adults. On command, children or adults simultaneously spin their colored Easter eggs sharply. And we look, whose egg spins longer, he becomes the winner and receives a small prize.

egg beating

Which hand

Also a very simple and familiar game. The first player hides his Easter egg and the Easter egg of the second player in his hands behind his back. Certainly. Easter eggs should vary in color or pattern.
The second player needs to guess in which hand the first player has his Easter egg. If he guesses correctly, he takes both Easter eggs for himself, if not, he gives his Easter egg.
Whoever did not have enough chair or who dropped the egg is out of the game. Music sounds again, and the number of chairs is 1 less than those dancing ... And so on until one of the players wins.

Reach for the egg

This game requires a lot of space, so it is best played outside, on a lawn, or in a clearing. The first player occupies a certain place from which he must not move yet and observes. The second player at this time moves away to a distance of 15-20 steps and lays the egg on the ground.
The first player, observing the actions of the second, tries to approximately determine the distance to the Easter egg and estimate how many steps he will need to cover this distance. Then he is blindfolded and blindfolded, he must reach the Easter egg, focusing on his preliminary calculation of steps.
When the required distance has been passed, the bandage is removed from the eyes and the player needs to reach for the egg. At the same time, you can’t move from a place, take steps to the side, lean your hands on the ground or lie down. If the player reached out, the egg - his, if he could not reach - gives up his Easter egg.

Easter curling

For the game, you need to draw a circle, in the center of which the egg will be placed. It is better if this egg is different from the rest of the Easter eggs, for example, you can take a plain white hard-boiled egg.
Players are dealt Easter Eggs in equal numbers, but different color, i.e. each player has eggs of a certain color or coloring.
Now players from the same distance try to roll their Easter Egg as close as possible to white egg in the center, while trying not to hurt him with your egg.
The winner is the one whose Easter egg turned out to be closer to white.



A game with “yes” or “no” answers is great for warming up. A good game for kids to test their knowledge of what Easter cakes are made of. They loudly shout "Yes!" if they think that this ingredient can be put in the Easter cake. If you can’t, then shout “No!” even louder:

I put cinnamon in the cake,
Honey will flow there,
Vanillin powder
and a big sack of oats,

I'll add cucumbers.
Here is my grandmother
I poured flour there,
The eggs will be on top.

The cake needs water
Rum is always put there,
And also raisins, candied fruits,
Nails, hammers, shovels,

Cottage cheese, butter, curdled milk,
And our prayer
Salt and sugar and cement.
And the cake is ready in a moment!


Competitions can be held both between children and between adults. On command, children or adults simultaneously spin their colored Easter eggs sharply. And look ... Whose Easter egg spins longer, he becomes the winner and receives a small prize.


A very simple, but familiar and beloved game from our childhood. Goals of the game: keep your Easter egg whole as long as possible in egg battles.

The broken egg is given to the winner to be eaten. Team winners fight each other. The main winner is the one who was able to keep his Easter egg intact until the end of the game.


Also a very simple and familiar game. The first player hides his Easter egg and the Easter egg of the second player in his hands behind his back. Certainly. Easter eggs should vary in color or pattern.

The second player needs to guess in which hand the first player has his Easter egg. If he guesses correctly, he takes both Easter eggs for himself, if not, he gives his Easter egg.


Everyone knows the children's game. You can play it without leaving your holiday table. Considering that we are celebrating the Bright Holiday of Easter, we will think of words of the appropriate theme that characterizes the history or traditions of Easter.

The host thinks of a word, quickly and barely audibly pronounces it in the ear of the first player, this player passes the heard word to the next and so on until the turn reaches the last player.

The last player says out loud the word that has reached him, and the leader calls the original word. The result is simply stunning.


For this game, a prize is prepared in advance, which is wrapped in several layers of paper (for example, 10 or 15). On each layer of paper, you need to write a riddle corresponding to the topic.

A mysterious prize is awarded to the first participant. The player unfolds the first "clothes" and "silently" reads the written riddle. If the player knows the answer, then he calls it and continues his research further, unfolding the next "clothes". And so on, how many "clothings" the prize has, so many answers he must name.

If the player does not know the answer to the next riddle, then he reads it aloud, whoever finds the correct answer faster will continue the game.

Only the winner will be able to reach the "prize". Having unfolded the last paper layer, he receives his rightful "prize" - an Easter gift, and what kind of gift it will be - you will decide for yourself.



The Easter game "Egg rolling" has always been a favorite game on Easter in Rus'. Especially for this game, adults made an Easter slide with sides, along which they rolled Easter eggs.

A slide or “groove” can be built from wood or cardboard, and to make it inclined, make a stand on one side of the slide. The slide is installed on a flat, preferably smooth, surface.

Each player is given a colored Easter egg, with which he will take part in the game. The participants of the game approached the hill one by one and each rolled up their own Easter egg. The one whose Easter egg rolls farthest wins.


Just like the Egg Roll game, a slide or chute is used, along which players take turns rolling their Easter eggs. Only around the hill on a flat empty surface were painted eggs, small souvenirs or toys laid out.

The participants of the game approached the slide in turn, aimed at the desired prize (turning the slide so that the egg rolled towards the “prize”) and rolled their Easter egg down the slide.

The “prize” of the player was the souvenir that affected his Easter egg. The trajectory of rolling eggs is set by the player by turning the slide.


One of the players is chosen to be the "catcher". He sits at a distance of 4-5 meters facing the rest of the players. In his hands he has a plastic cup or cup, with which he must catch the Easter egg.

In the hands of the other players are ropes, to the ends of which Easter eggs are attached. The Easter eggs themselves are laid not far from the "catcher".

The "catcher" counts yes to three and tries to catch one of the Easter eggs while the other participants in the game pull their strings.

The player whose Easter egg is caught by the "catcher" is out of the game.


This game is suitable for playing in an apartment, as well as in a summer cottage or a forest clearing. You will need colored Easter eggs and small surprises: sweets, small toys, stickers, etc. You can also use Kinder Surprises, which are loved by children.

Hide the Easter Eggs and prizes in different places in advance, and the children or guests will have to find them at the time allotted for the game. Found surprises guests and children take away. Show your imagination by choosing hiding places for surprises: stick it under a table or chair with tape, hide a soft toy in the paws, hang it on strings from the ceiling, etc.

Of course, it will be great if each child finds something and takes it with them. You can come up with various incentive prizes for those guys who did not find anything during the game.


If there are not many children, then you can use this version of the game with the search for Easter eggs and surprises, but a little more difficult. Tie thick ropes of different colors to the surprises hidden in the caches. Walk with each of the ropes around the apartment, entangling various objects on the way.

Each child finds the end of the rope of their color and, winding it into a ball, reaches the prize.


Another variant of the game is to search for Easter eggs or prizes. In this version, hidden surprises and Easter eggs are found by children using arrows of different colors that indicate the path to the “treasure”.


You can think of many different options game "Search for the Easter Egg", we offer you another interesting option when the child is looking for the "Easter Treasure" according to a series of notes. If there are several children, then for each kid a series of notes should be of its own color.

In this case, the first note indicates to the child where the second note is hidden, the second directs him to the third note, and so on. The last note tells you where the "Easter Treasure" is located.

You can also use puzzles, riddles or small tasks in notes. The answer to each rebus or riddle should contain the place where the next note is hidden.


Players put caps on their heads and make a recess in them on top, into which they put their Easter egg. In the center of the room, chairs are placed around, the number of which is 1 less than the number of players.

To the music, all participants in the game begin to dance, trying not to drop the egg from their heads. The host suddenly turns off the music, the task of the participants is to have time to take a chair, while not losing their Easter egg.

Whoever did not have enough chair or who dropped the egg is out of the game. Music sounds again, and the number of chairs is 1 less than those dancing ... And so on until one of the players wins.



This game requires a lot of space, so it is best played outside, on a lawn, or in a clearing. The first player occupies a certain place from which he must not move yet and observes. The second player at this time moves away to a distance of 15-20 steps and lays the egg on the ground.

The first player, observing the actions of the second, tries to approximately determine the distance to the Easter egg and estimate how many steps he will need to cover this distance. Then he is blindfolded and blindfolded, he must reach the Easter egg, focusing on his preliminary calculation of steps.

When the required distance has been passed, the bandage is removed from the eyes and the player needs to reach for the egg. At the same time, you can’t move from a place, take steps to the side, lean your hands on the ground or lie down. If the player reached out, the egg - his, if he could not reach - gives up his Easter egg.


All participants in the game are divided into 2 teams. The essence of the game, as in any relay race, the players must run to the finish line and come back, passing the baton to the next player. Only in the role of a baton we use a spoon in which the Easter egg is laid.

You can diversify and complicate the game, keep the spoon not in your hands, but in your mouth.

All team members must take turns running with an egg in a spoon to the finish line and back, trying not to drop or break the Easter egg.

The winner is the team that completes the task faster and with the least losses, with fewer eggs falling to the ground.


For the game, you need to draw a circle, in the center of which the egg will be placed. It is better if this egg is different from the rest of the Easter eggs, for example, you can take a plain white hard-boiled egg.

Players are given Easter eggs in equal quantities, but of different colors, i.e. each player has eggs of a certain color or coloring.

Now players from the same distance try to roll their Easter egg as close as possible to the white egg in the center, while trying not to hit it with their egg.

The winner is the one whose Easter egg turned out to be closer to white.

We hope that they will help make this bright holiday special for you and your family - kind, unforgettable, and equally exciting not only for kids, but also for adults.

There are special games that were played in the old days at Easter and Easter week boys and girls, children and adults. Let's remember them and have fun with all our hearts.

"Where do you soar?"

The guys lay the brought eggs on the table and cover them with hats. On the table are also hats under which there is nothing. Then the caps are driven around the table. One of the participants in the game at this time is in another room. They call him and ask: “Where do you soar?” The driver and, if there are krashenki, takes them for himself. The game continues until all the eggs are gone. Who is luckier has the most eggs


They compete to see whose egg will spin the longest. On command, the children simultaneously spin their dyes. Whose egg spins longer is the winner, he takes the loser's egg.

"Easter Egg Rolling"

The facilitator gathers two teams of five people. Each is given one Easter colored egg. A chair is placed at a distance of 4-5 meters from each team.

Each participant must carefully, without breaking the egg, roll it with his hands to the chair, go around the chair around and, returning back, pass the egg to the next team member. The team whose members roll the egg first wins.

"Egg rolling"

There are trays with grooves on the tables. We need to roll colored eggs along these grooves. As you roll your egg along the groove, try to break the other eggs. The one whose egg remains intact wins.

"Egg rolling"

The players sit against the walls of the room against each other and roll the eggs. Krashenki collide. Whose egg breaks, he gives it to his opponent.

"Egg rolling"

"Egg rolling"

A wooden or cardboard "skating rink" was installed. The principle of the game is the same. And around it they freed up a flat place on which they laid out painted eggs, toys, plain souvenirs. The playing children approached the "skating rink" in turn and each rolled their egg along the sloped grooves. The object that the testicle touched became the winner.

"Bowling in Russian"

Prizes were placed around the perimeter of the table: whistles, gingerbread, sweets, soldiers, nesting dolls, dolls, kinder surprises. The task of the players is to knock out the thing that they liked with their egg. You have to take turns. Each player receives the prize that he knocked out of the table with his egg. The game continues until all prizes are won.

"Easter Gifts"

Various small gifts-souvenirs are placed on the floor. Everyone who wants to participate. The facilitator gives the participant an Easter egg. You need to roll it on the floor, knocking down any gift - this is the prize.

Competition for the most unusual, beautiful egg

Offer the children boiled, blown or plastic eggs, food and inorganic dyes, leaves and blades of grass, stickers, i.e. everything that (as you think) will help children in the fulfillment of their creative ideas. Let on this day the children give their egg to whomever they want, and say the words "Christ is risen." Thus, they will learn one of the Easter rites.

"Decorate the Easter Egg"

Two people participate, each of whom is given one balloon and sets of Easter stickers. In a minute, they have to decorate their ball - "egg" with stickers. The one who sticks them more than the opponent wins.

"Hunting for Easter Eggs"

The children who gathered for Easter were very fond of looking for eggs in the apartment or in the garden. Some of the elders hid cardboard, paper or plastic eggs with surprises in advance. To get a surprise, you had to find an egg. If there were many children, they were divided into "teams", and each team tried to win by finding as many eggs as possible in the allotted time.
Notes will help children look for eggs, in which you indicate (allegory) the place where the next egg is hidden. In total, the team needs to collect, for example, 4 eggs. So there should be 4 hint notes, each of which is found with a newly found egg. Which team will be smarter and faster?

Krasinka fight

The players shout out: “One, two, three! My egg, get stronger! Ready to fight!" Players hit with krashenki with either side, usually sharp. Whose egg breaks or cracks is the loser.

Knock and I won

Two people each take one egg and hit it with the sharp ends. Whoever breaks - he lost, and the winner gets a point. Of all the couples, who will be the winner?

Relay "Easter table"

2 teams are participating. Depending on the number of participants, determine and come up with the stages of the relay race. For example.

1st stage
The first participant runs to the table (removal of 5-6 meters). He needs to peel an egg boiled for Easter and painted, eat it (put salt, warm tea so that he can drink it), put the shell in a matchbox, close it and return back with it.

2nd stage
The second participant, having reached the table, must carefully cut the cake, put it on a plate in pieces.

Stage 3
The third participant prepares Easter from the proposed set of products: cottage cheese, butter, raisins, cream.

Stage 4
The fourth participant is given a spoon and an egg. He must roll an egg along the paper path to the Easter table with a spoon. And the fifth participant must roll the egg with his nose .. You can continue the number of stages of the relay yourself.

"Merry round dance"

On Easter it was customary to sing cheerful songs and dance round dances. Now we will try to restore this tradition.

All guests get up big circle, in the center of which is the host with a basket of Easter eggs. He is blindfolded. Sounds like fun folk music. The round dance moves clockwise, and the leader circles in place counterclockwise.

The music is suddenly turned off. The leader and the round dance stops. In front of whom the host stopped, he must complete any simple task that the host offers, and for this he receives an Easter egg.

"Easter Bell"

During the Easter holiday in Rus', bells rang in all churches.
Several people are involved in the game. Everyone chooses a sheet with the name of the song proposed by the presenter, for example, “Evening Bells”, “Bell”, “Walks along the Don” or any other melodic Russian folk songs.

It is necessary not to sing the selected song, but to portray the bell ringing, saying instead of the words “Bom-bom-bom” or “Ding-ding-ding”. The one who more accurately performs the motive and makes it interesting and fun wins.

Holiday, Christmas and others.

As you know, Easter is preceded by a long fast, during which Christians must refrain from eating meat, milk and eggs. And if now the question is “to keep the post or not?” a person decides for himself, then earlier it was an obligatory part of the way of life, which was also facilitated by support from the state. For example, in pre-revolutionary Russia during the especially strict weeks of Great Lent - the first and last, drinking establishments were closed, the meat trade was stopped, balls and other entertainments were canceled.

And of course, Orthodox people We are looking forward to this Great Holiday, starting to prepare for it in advance. During almost the entire Holy Week - from Monday to Thursday. On Monday-Tuesday they painted eggs, on Wednesday-Thursday they baked Easter cakes, made Easter, and on Saturday they blessed Easter dishes in the church. Dishes with consecrated Easter cakes, Easter, eggs were always placed in the center of the festive table. Traditionally, the Easter table in Rus' is very hearty and plentiful. The testimony of the Easter feast of Prince Nikolai Vasilyevich Repnin, a nobleman of the era of Catherine II, has remained for centuries:

“... In the middle of a huge table lay a whole lamb, depicting the lamb of God. Then there were four large boars, corresponding to the four seasons. Inside each boar were sausages, pieces of ham and piglets. Twelve deer with golden antlers, also fried whole and stuffed with game, depicted the twelve months of the year, sometimes bison killed in Belovezhskaya Pushcha lay mixed with deer. There were 365 Easter cakes around these wonders of culinary art; then mazurki (this is something like sweet cakes), Zhmud pies and cakes decorated with dried fruits in sugar. There are as many women behind them; these women were decorated with monograms and inscriptions. - (M. I. Pylyaev. “Old Life”)

Of course they dyed the eggs! It was customary to dye eggs only in red, but in our time the flight of fancy is not limited to this - perhaps because not only a dish with colorful eggs creates a special, festive mood, but also the process of coloring them. Eggs dyed the same color were called eggs; if on a common colored background there were spots, stripes, specks of a different color - it was a speck. There were also pysanky - eggs painted by hand with plot or ornamental patterns.

Russian Easter is characterized by a number of customs that have entered everyday life as games and festive entertainment. Most people know the custom of breaking eggs at Easter. The game is very simple: one holds an egg in his hand with the nose up, and the other beats it with the nose of another egg. The one whose egg remains intact continues the game with another participant. Here are some more interesting games:

Easter games

egg rolling

The favorite Easter game in Rus' was egg rolling: they made a simple wooden or cardboard "skating rink", and around it they freed up a flat empty space on which they laid out painted eggs, or small prizes, or toys. The players take turns approaching the rink and rolling their egg; the object that the egg touches is won.

Easter Egg Search

You can play the following game with visiting children: one of the elders hides eggs with surprises in different places in advance - cardboard, plastic, glued egg-shaped envelopes with small prizes (you can, of course, hide such delicacies popular with today's children with a toy like Kinder Surprise). If there are many children, you can divide them into two teams, each of which will strive to win as many eggs as possible in the allotted time. Of course, we must try to ensure that each child finds at least one egg and takes it home as a prize.

choking eggs

This is also an old Russian game: by hitting the opponent's egg with a blunt or sharp end of a colored egg, a person tries to win as many whole eggs as possible. If the egg cracked - lost!

relay race with egg

The players are divided into two teams and must run with an egg in a spoon to get to the finish line and go back to pass the egg to the next teammate. You can diversify the game and hold the spoon not in your hands, but in your mouth.

Find a thimble

This is a very old game, it is five hundred years old. The players leave the room, and the leader at this time hides a thimble somewhere, but so that it is in the field of view of the players. Then the host invites everyone who left into the room, and they begin to look for the thimble with their eyes. When the player finds the thimble, he silently sits down. Anyone who does not find a thimble in five minutes pays a forfeit.


One of the players is chosen as the driver, he goes on a trip, and all the players ask him to bring them gifts from different cities. They name cities, but do not name gifts - they do not yet know what "relatives" will "send" to them. It is better to call cities well-known and preferably with different letters. The driver accepts all requests, says goodbye and goes on a journey, i.e. leaves the room. The “journey” lasts no more than five minutes - during this time the driver must figure out who to bring what.

The name of the gift must begin with the same letter as the name of the city mentioned by each player. So, for example, one who named the city of Kaluga can bring a basket, a cat, a trough, a hoof, a wheel, cabbage, etc., and one who named Stavropol - boots, a samovar, soup, a chest, etc. The funnier the gift, the better. The main task of the driver is to remember who named which city, and it’s easy to come up with a gift for the corresponding letter. The journey is over. Everyone congratulates the traveler on a safe arrival. The distribution of gifts begins.

Your grandfather had one, - the driver addresses the one who named the city of Omsk, - he sent you a collar. The player must accept the gift, but if the driver made a mistake and he did not name such a city, the gift is rejected. When more than five people play, then one mistake is not taken into account, but the driver is fined for two mistakes - he must give his forfeit.

Who is the leader?

At least six players must participate in the game, one of the players leaves the room. At this time, the rest sit in a circle and choose a leader. Lead does simple moves, for example, clapping, shaking his head, shaking his fists in the air, etc. The rest of the players must repeat the movements of the leader and, as quickly as possible, perform new movements after him. Now the player who left the door returns and becomes the center of the circle. His job is to find out who's in charge. This is not at all easy, because while he is looking at the leader, he will not make new movements. When the leader is found, he must leave the room, and the players choose a new leader.


Usually forfeits, if they are not invented in advance, are quite monotonous: sing a song, read a poem, dance, tell a joke. But if you prepare in advance, you can come up with a lot of interesting things: stage a trainer and a trained animal, depict some familiar picture with your own figure, compose a ditty about tonight, using pantomime to talk about an event known to everyone present, etc.

Using materials from the site www.prazdnik.by

MOU Sredneyakushkinskaya secondary school

Methodical development

Easter themed classes

for children primary school

Easter games


primary school teacher

MOU Sredneyakushkinskaya secondary school

Andreeva Lyubov Ivanovna


Target : the formation of interest in the history of the Orthodox culture of our Motherland.


1. Introduction to Easter games.

2. Development life experience students in the process creative learning past and present of his people in connection with universal values.

3. Shaping respectful attitude to Russian customs and Orthodox holidays.

Lesson type: combined.

Methods and forms of work: illustrated story, visually-illustrated, conversation, a game.

Material for the lesson: phonogram, background music.

Plan class hour

    Organizing time.

    Statement of the purpose of the class hour.

    Identification of students' knowledge about the celebration of Easter.

    The story of the teacher about the history of the origin of the holiday.

6. Understanding the meanings of egg colors.

Class hour progress

(The class is smartly decorated, candles are burning, Easter cakes are on the tables, eggs painted and painted by children. Bells ring out.)

1 . Organizing time


Hello good fellows!
Hello red girls!
Easter has come
Joy swept over.
beloved Jesus,
Resurrected, resurrected.
Congratulations on the kindness
Happy Easter -
a wonderful holiday,
Miracle of miracles.

Student 1: Drops drip loudly

Near our window

The birds sang merrily

Easter has come to visit us

Student 2: Everywhere the blessing is buzzing

And the people bring down all the churches

The dawn is already looking from heaven

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!!

Student 3: The earth is waking up

And dress up the fields

Spring is full of wonders

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Teacher: Guys, let's listen to the poem own composition Dima Rodionov "Christ is Risen!"

The sun is shining bright today

I rejoice in the purity of heaven.

A holiday comes into every house loudly

He says to everyone: "Christ is Risen!"

Streams overtaking each other,

Joyfully carry the good news.

The bell ringing fills the world,

Notifies everyone: "Christ is Risen!"

And my soul trembles more strongly,

Waiting for a miracle of miracles.

Every Orthodox applauds:

"Christ is risen! Risen indeed!”

2. Reporting the purpose of the class hour.

3. Revealing students' knowledge about the celebration of Easter.

What do you know about it Orthodox holiday?

How long have our ancestors celebrated this day as a great religious holiday?

What attributes did they use that day?

What are the customs of this holiday?

Guys, do you know how to celebrate this holiday?

4. The story of the teacher about the history of the origin of the holiday.

And today at the class hour we will learn a lot of new and interesting things about Easter traditions and its attributes.The feast of the great Easter was approved in the city of Nicaea in 325 AD. e. Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter is celebrated only on Sunday, while Easter is always celebrated between March 22 and April 25, but never on the same date. I want to note that Easter is preceded by Palm Sunday. After Palm Sunday, which is known for the fact that people, adults and children, go to church, carry willow branches, consecrate them in churches. Palm Sunday recalls that Jesus Christ entered the city of Jerusalem, which is now in the territory of the State of Israel.Easter is the most important significant holiday, it is celebrated for 40 days. All this time, people go, visit each other, congratulate on the bright Sunday of Christ and rejoice that Jesus Christ opened the way to a bright life.

5 . The story of the teacher about the decorations and attributes of the holiday.

Now let's take a closer look at the decorations and attributes of this holiday.On Easter Day, Christians around the world remember and glorify the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Later, when many nomadic tribes took up farming, the spring holiday of Easter chose a cult of thanksgiving to heaven for the fact that the sun shines from them, warms the earth after winter, accepting the seeds thrown by the sower's hand. This is where the custom of baking Easter cakes comes from.

What do you think the cake symbolizes? (children's answers).

to ancient man it seemed that Easter cake was like the red sun on his table on a holiday, and if you try it, it’s like touching the sun, absorbing its life-giving rays, and just as everything on earth comes to life in the spring under the sun, so a person acquires new strength. Our ancestors treated Easter with reverence. On this holiday, public institutions were closed, work was stopped, holidays were announced in schools. Illuminations were arranged in churches and streets. Gathered at a common table and younger and older relatives, relatives, friends sent congratulations to each other, gave gifts. People of all classes were united by the common memory of the great suffering and miraculous resurrection of Christ.

What do you think, what was the main sign holiday? (children's answers) Of course, the main sign of the holiday was the dyeing of eggs. Myths and legends also tell about the egg, as the beginning of all living things: The world, which has the shape of an egg, consists of the upper part of the inner part - the yolk. The yolk is the world of all living things: people and animals. The bottom of the egg is the world dead people, night country. When it is night in the night country, we have day. To get into the night country, you need to dig a well through and through a stone, if it falls into this well, it will fly for 12 days and nights. For the Easter holiday, they painted chicken, less often goose eggs. It is not customary to paint eggs in dark, gloomy colors. As a rule, red color and its shades predominate. The red testicle has created around itself, in our people, many different kinds of beliefs and superstitions. And now I suggest that you consider on the slide what color of the egg that could mean.

6. Acquaintance with the meanings of the colors of eggs.

Red is a sign of happiness;: Yellow- a sign of the sun;
Green is a sign of life; Blue color is a sign of the sky;
Blue is the color of night and mystery; Brown color- the color of the earth.
Most ancient pattern- geometric.
Triangles - the unity of the spirit, mind and body; the unity of the present, past and future; family unity - mother, father and child; the unity of the earthly elements - earth, water, fire.
Cuckoo - this bird, according to legend, holds the keys to paradise.
oak leaves - male sign(strength, beauty)
Asterisks - female sign(health, beauty)
Dots (teardrops) - tears of the Mother of God
The circle is the sign of infinity.

- That's how important it was to dye the eggs a certain color.

7. Acquaintance of students with Easter games.

Teacher: In ancient times, on the day of the Easter holiday, it was customary for the whole family to gather at the table, to have leisurely conversations, to play games. And I invite you to Easter games.

1) The game "Roll, testicle" It is necessary to roll the egg along the chute so that it does not break and rolls away as far as possible. If it breaks, then you need to eat it. Who is sooner? Helps to have a friend that the child chooses

2) The game "Take a place"

One of the participants in the game is chosen as the driver. They give him a branch of willow in his hands. The rest of the players, forming a circle, walk holding hands. The driver follows the circle in the opposite direction and says:

"With willow, with willow
I'm coming for you.
Touch the willow
Run after me! Hop!

Having said “Hop”, the driver lightly hits one of the players with a twig on the back, the circle stops, and the one who was hit rushes from his place in a circle to meet the driver. The one who ran around the circle earlier takes an empty seat, and the remaining one becomes the driver.
We remind you: during the game, that the circle must immediately stop at the word “Hop”, it is allowed to run only in a circle, without crossing it while running, you cannot touch those standing in a circle.

3) The game "Rolling eggs"

1. Arrange sweets in a row (6-7 pieces). The player, being at distances of 1-1.5 m, rolls an egg towards the sweets. If the egg touches the candy, he takes it. The game is continued by other players.

2. Fill an oblong hill of sand with gentle slopes. They pose many obstacles, for example,

4) The game "Who said" Egg "?

The leader chooses a player. He must turn away so as not to see the rest of the players, and one of the players is placed under the cheek of a half of the peeled eggs, he must say: "Egg, egg." The first player must guess the speaker.

5) Game "Eggs in the groove" Pour an oblong hill of sand with gentle slopes. They pose many obstacles, for example,through which the egg can roll. At the foot of the hill, make a wide, shallow groove and put a painted Easter egg in it.
The first player rolls the egg down the hill, aiming accurately, because the egg must overcome all the obstacles and fall into the groove. If successful, the player may roll the second egg. If a player misses, he becomes at the end of the line. The player who managed to roll into the groove largest number eggs, becomes the winner and receives a prize.

6) The game “Name the Easter word”

The host offers to name all the Easter words. The last person to say the word gets a souvenir.

7) The game "Battle of eggs"
One player holds a colored egg in his hand, the other hits it with both
ends of the egg. An egg is considered lost if both
2. Each is given 3 eggs, the players spin them and whose eggs will spin longer, he will win. The winner is awarded the medal "COOL"

8) The game "Dolbyanka"

Players knock with colored eggs, whose egg remains intact, then he won.

9) The game "Whose next"
You will need a meadow on a hillside. At the bottom, mark the line with branches or stones. All players line up on the hill and roll one egg down the mountain. The winner is the one whose egg rolled farthest. The one whose egg does not reach the line is out of the game.
10) The game "Whose egg will spin longer"
If it’s a pity to break the eggs, you can check whose egg will spin longer. Players at the command of the host must simultaneously spin the eggs on the surface. The player whose egg spins the longest wins. As a prize, he takes the opponent's dye.
11) Game "Hot egg"
This game requires an Easter egg. Children should sit in a circle. They need to turn on the music they like. While the melody sounds, you need to pass the egg in a circle.When the music stops, whoever has the egg leaves the circle. The game continues until the last player remains, who receives the winner's prize.

12) The game "Reach for the egg." One of the players places an Easter egg on the ground and takes 5 steps. The other player was blindfolded, wrapped around himself three times and forced to take 5 steps. Then they opened their eyes, and he tried to reach out to the Easter egg with his hand. If he reached out, he took it for himself.

13) The game "Find the egg" ". The player was taken away from the Easter egg, and he, covering his face with a hat, tried to approach him.

14) The game "The best egg". The players "knocked" Easter eggs. Whose crashed, he lost.

15) The game "Throws". Two Easter eggs were laid so that a third egg could not roll between them. The player threw his Easter egg between the eggs, trying to break both eggs at once.

16) The game "White Egg"Each child is given a colored egg of a certain color. One egg must be white. A white egg is placed in the center of the room, after which each child must roll their egg once towards the white egg. The player whose egg is closest to the non-colored egg receives a point. The first person to reach a certain number of points wins.

17) The game "Search for Easter eggs and surprises"

You will need colored eggs and small surprise prizes: sweets, stickers, small toys, etc. An adult hides Easter eggs and prizes indoors in advance, and a child or a group of children will have to find them. If there are many children, then you can divide them into two teams. Found surprises children take away.

18) The game "Running with an egg in a spoon" Who will run around the chair faster without dropping the egg.

19) The game "Roll, roll testicle"

Children stand in a circle. The driver gives one egg to the child in a circle.

With the words, the children pass the egg in a circle in any direction.

"Roll, roll testicle

According to our circle

Find, find the testicle

For myself my friend"

WITH last words transfer of eggs in a circle ends

20) The game " Hats» The props for this Easter game for kids are hats according to the number of players. We choose the leader, the rest of the players turn away. The host hides the egg under one of the hats. Players take turns guessing under which hat the egg is. The one who guesses becomes the leader.

21) The game "Cool". Each is given 3 eggs, the players spin them and whose eggs will spin longer, he will win. The winner is awarded the medal "COOL"

22) The game "In which hand"

Also a very simple and familiar game. The first player hides his Easter egg and the Easter egg of the second player in his hands behind his back. Certainly. Easter eggs should vary in color or pattern.

The second player needs to guess in which hand the first player has his Easter egg. If he guesses correctly, he takes both Easter eggs for himself, if not, he gives his Easter egg.

23) Easter catcher game

One of the players is chosen to be the "catcher". He sits at a distance of 4-5 meters facing the rest of the players. In his hands he has a plastic cup or cup, with which he must catch the Easter egg.

In the hands of the other players are ropes, to the ends of which Easter eggs are attached. The Easter eggs themselves are laid not far from the "catcher".

The "catcher" counts yes to three and tries to catch one of the Easter eggs while the other participants in the game pull their strings.

The player whose Easter egg is caught by the "catcher" is out of the game.

24) Egg Hiding Game

The game requires ingenuity and the ability to navigate in space. The game is similar to blind man's buff.

How to play:

1. On the ground (or in modern version on the floor, on the table, on the chair) put an egg.

2. One girl is blindfoldedand take her away from the place where the egg lies. For the first time, girls rarely remember the “road”, in the future they themselves guess that they need to count steps and remember turns in order to understand where they took you and where the egg is from you.

3. A blindfolded girl goes to the egg. She goes to the place until she herself decides that she has already approached the egg (no one tells her and no one stops her).

4. Having reached the right place (as she thinks), she stops and removes the bandage.

5. Now she needs to get this egg and take it in her hands. If the girl came to the right place, then this task will be solved simply. What if it's far? You'll have to be creative to get the egg! If the girl managed to get the egg, she takes it for herself. It was believed that winning the egg brings happiness to the house, health and wealth!

25) Egg rolling game

Pair play. Each player stands against the wall of the room. One says: "Christ is risen!". The second answers him: "Truly Risen!". After that, the players roll the eggs across the floor towards each other. The task is for the eggs to meet and collide. Whose egg is broken at the same time - gives it to the winner.

You can play this game big group. Then one team stands at one wall, and the other at the other wall. Each pair rolls eggs towards each other. The task is to roll so that the eggs meet. If this happens, then the couple hugs.

8. Summing up the class hour.

What Easter traditions did you learn about?

What is the main signholiday?

Why are eggs the decoration of the Easter table?

What Easter games did you meet in class?

Dear children, let there be many people on our way to whom we would like to say “Christ is risen!” and in response to hear "Truly risen!". Let the Easter holiday evoke only good memories in all the people of our country and the world. May the festive Easter table always be generous, and the church bells be as joyful and solemn as the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here comes the end of our Classroom hour about the celebration of Easter - the brightest and most have a nice holiday Russia. Let's light small candles on the eve of this holiday,(candles are lit) , let's keep quiet, think about the good and the bright, about the good things that are ahead of us and about what we have to do in order to meet the Easter holiday with pure soul and an open heart.

List of used literature.

    “Education of schoolchildren” No. 3, 2009, article by Ageeva E.S. “Easter Holiday”.

    Bible for kids”, JSC “Young guard”, M., 1993

    Medrigan E. V., extracurricular activity on the topic "Easter Holiday

    "Ped.advice" No. 1, 2004

    Tobacco Yu.“Gospel Stories”, Russian Bible Society, M., 1995

    Dear testicle for Christ's day // Primary School. - № 2. – 2001.

7. Pankeev K. I. Russian holidays. - M., 1998.

8. Easter traditions of the Russian people // Primary school. - No. 3 - 2005.
