Delicious holiday menu. Festive table menu for birthday at home

Holiday salads are a special topic of conversation. Personally, I can spend hours discussing salad recipes for the holiday table with my girlfriends on the Internet and by phone, and I always write down recipes for delicious holiday salads at a party. Salads on the festive table is a separate philosophy for every housewife, because salut is the first thing that is served on the table, and it is from salads that set the tone for the whole feast.

As the wise proverb says: “A dull pencil is better than the sharpest memory,” so I decided to collect all my favorite and proven recipes for holiday salads in one place.

To open a page before the holidays - and all the salads on the festive table in one place, you just have to choose the right salad and send your husband to the supermarket for groceries. Friends, I really hope that you will certainly like my salads on the festive table!

Salad in heaps "Yeralash"

The Yeralash salad is prepared in heaps very quickly, the ingredients are simple and affordable, and the original design allows you to serve the salad in heaps on a flat dish on the festive table. Recipe with step by step photos see .

Salad with squid, egg and cucumber

The recipe for salad with squid, egg and cucumber is one of my favorites. Cooking it is simple and fast, no special ingredients and culinary skills are required for this. See the recipe with step by step photos.

Salad with crab sticks and carrots

I want to bring to your attention a very delicious salad with crab sticks and carrots. A friend shared his recipe with me when I once complained to her that I could not find some new interesting salad - one that would be easy to prepare, look appetizing, and turn out delicious and tender. See how to cook.

Salad "Cod liver under a fur coat"

Ready-made cod liver salad is especially tender. All my friends have long since rewritten this recipe in their cookbooks and are sure to prepare it for the holiday table. I hope you, too, will enjoy the appetizing canned cod liver salad. How to cook cod liver salad under a fur coat

Salad with prunes and chicken "Venice"

I cook a delicious salad with chicken and prunes for almost all family holidays. It turns out to be hearty, with a pleasant spicy note, which is given to the dish by prunes and fried champignons. The classic combination of boiled chicken fillet, cheese and mushrooms is complemented by fresh cucumber, making the salad juicy and fresh. See recipe with photo.

A delicious salad for the festive table with pancakes, Korean carrots, Beijing cabbage, ham and chicken. Your guests will be delighted! See the recipe with step by step photos.

Delicious salad with canned beans and croutons

Well, a very tasty salad with canned beans, crackers, sausage and fresh cucumber! All the ingredients are perfectly "friends" with each other, and mayonnaise dressing with garlic makes this salad a favorite of all guests. Recipe with photo.

Salad with smoked chicken "Mosaic"

A delicious salad with smoked chicken, cheese and fresh vegetables will take a special place on your holiday table. See the recipe with step by step photos.

Layered salad with sardine

How to cook a very tasty and simple puff salad with sardine, you can see.

Chicken breast salad "Air"

This salad is really very tasty, despite the fact that it is prepared easily and quickly and from quite affordable ingredients. As a hostess, I also like this salad with chicken breast - a simple recipe, and the result is very appetizing and interesting, it is quite suitable for a regular lunch-dinner, and for holiday table. See the recipe with photos.

Salad with crab sticks and tomatoes

Who wants a simple and quick recipe delicious, but at the same time very affordable salad of the most common ingredients? I just have one - a salad with crab sticks and tomatoes. It really turns out very tasty, bright and appetizing. Recipe .

Salad with chicken and pineapples "Piquant"

The recipe for salad with chicken and pineapple "Piquant" can be viewed.

How to cook salad "Obsession" can be viewed

If you are looking for a simple but tasty salad for the holiday table, then I think you will like this recipe with the funny name "Mushrooms under a fur coat." You should not draw an analogy with the famous salad "Herring under a fur coat" - in this recipe there will be no beets and herring. But there will be mushrooms and hard cheese, pickles and green onion: this combination turns out to be very successful and tasty, and the appetizer is hearty. See the recipe with step by step photos

Salad with prunes and chicken "Birthday"

How to cook a salad with prunes and chicken "Birthday" you can see

If you are looking for a good and easy salad recipe for the holiday table, Curly is a great option. I like this salad with chicken and beets because it is easy to prepare, it is enough to boil the beets and chicken fillet in advance, and then all that remains is to chop the ingredients and lay them out in layers. How to cook a salad with beets and Curly cheese, I wrote.

Salad Red Sea with tomatoes, sweet peppers, cheese and crab sticks. This combination of ingredients is very successful, so you will definitely like the taste of this dish. And the salad is prepared simply and quickly, besides it looks bright and appetizing .... See the recipe with step by step photos

I suggest you try to cook a very simple and tasty salad with sprats and crackers, which has already managed to fall in love with all my guests. Despite the fact that there are no fresh vegetables in the salad, this does not “spoil the picture” at all. Mushrooms with sprats and crackers go well together, and for those who like spiciness, you can add garlic! You can see how to cook a salad with sprats and crackers .

Salad with croutons and Carmen ham

Very tasty and original salad with croutons chicken and ham dressed with adjika and mayonnaise. Your guests will be happy. How to cook salad look

Salad with mushrooms, chicken and nuts "Leshy"


  • 1 PC. boiled chicken breast,
  • 400 g champignons,
  • 2 pcs. Luke,
  • 3 pcs. boiled eggs,
  • 100 g hard cheese,
  • 0.5 tbsp ground walnuts
  • mayonnaise.


Mushrooms, onion cut, fry separately.

Cut the breast into cubes, boil the eggs, rub on a coarse grater, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add nuts, season with mayonnaise, mix.

Put a glass or a bottle in the center on a flat dish, lay out our salad and press it down a little. Then very carefully pull out the glass and decorate.

We decorate our salad with herbs and flowers from olives.

Salad with squid, mushrooms and nuts "Kiev"

How to cook salad "Kyiv" look

Salad with chicken and mushrooms "Table"


  • boiled eggs 5 pcs
  • smoked chicken breast 200g
  • marinated mushrooms 200g
  • cheese 100-150g
  • greenery for decoration
  • mayonnaise or sour cream.


Separate whites from yolks. Grate separately.

Finely chop the meat and mushrooms.

Cheese grate on a fine grater. Season the meat with mayonnaise.

We spread it in layers from the bottom up: meat, mushrooms, mayonnaise, proteins, mayonnaise, cheese, mayonnaise. yolks. Decorate with greenery.

Salad with tomatoes and croutons "Astra"

Astra salad recipe, you can see.

Salad "You'll lick your fingers"


  • 300 g cabbage
  • 200 g boiled meat (pork or beef)
  • 3 small beets
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 medium onion
  • 4-5 potatoes
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 tomatoes
  • hard cheese
  • mayonnaise
  • soy sauce
  • vegetable oil


Boil carrots (one), beets and meat and cut into strips separately. Cut the potatoes into strips, then fry (make french fries). Cabbage and cucumber - straws.

1 layer - cabbage (salt, lightly squeeze and pepper, mayonnaise);

2 - carrots (1 fresh + 1 boiled, soy sauce and a little mayonnaise);

3 - beets + garlic and mayonnaise;

4 - meat + mayonnaise;

5 - finely chopped onion;

6 - potatoes + mayonnaise.

Put sliced ​​​​tomatoes on top, salt them, put a little mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese and garnish with herbs.

Salad with cheese, pineapple and garlic

Spicy salad with cheese and pineapple and garlic is especially liked by women, because it turns out incredibly tasty and at the same time inexpensive. Another plus of this recipe is that for its preparation it is not necessary to boil vegetables or eggs in advance, chop all the ingredients for a long time and then lay them out in layers. Everything is very simple. Recipe with photo.

Salad with smoked chicken and fresh vegetables "Versai"

How to cook salad "Versai" you can see

Salad with crab sticks and Delicate cheese

The salad is really soft and airy. Prepares quickly and easily. Great budget salad option for the holidays!


  • 200 g crab sticks
  • 200 g cheese (non-spicy varieties)
  • 6 boiled eggs
  • 30 g butter
  • mayonnaise


We arrange the salad in layers.

The first layer is to grate frozen crab sticks on a coarse grater, coat with mayonnaise.

The next layer is grated cheese, the next is grated protein, then grate the yolk on a fine grater. And grate 30 grams of butter on top.

Coat each layer with mayonnaise. Leave to insist.

See the recipe with step by step photos.

Salad with croutons and red fish "Pinnacle of Bliss"

The salad is prepared quite quickly and simply, but amazingly tasty.

Dedicated to all lovers of red fish!


  • 200 g salted red fish (I have trout)
  • small head of chinese cabbage
  • 100 g of white (!!!) crackers (recommended "Klin", but I did not find)
  • mayonnaise.


We cut the fish into small strips, chop the cabbage, mix.

Add mayonnaise, mix and add croutons.

Mix again and eat. You can let the salad stand for about ten minutes and the croutons soften slightly. Delicious and so and so!

Salad with smoked ham "Na Ura!"

A very original salad with an amazing composition. All ingredients blend well. If you don't like celery, replace it with cucumber.


  • Smoked leg pcs.
  • Celery (stalks) 100 gr.
  • Tomato 1 pc.
  • Eggs boiled 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise 2 tablespoons
  • Sour cream 1 tablespoon
  • A little bit of garlic.


Chicken, celery, tomato and eggs cut into cubes + sauce (mayonnaise + sour cream + garlic).

Salads on the festive table: new recipes with photos in your piggy bank!

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A difficult question for most housewives: what to cook for the festive table? After all, I want the dish to be not only tasty and beautiful, but also new, not beaten. Best Recipes such treats are collected below.

Snacks on the festive table

The choice of unusual snacks on the festive table is huge. Among all the existing recipes, every culinary specialist will find the ideal one for himself.

Pancake bags with chicken and mushrooms


  • pancakes - 10 pcs. ready;
  • chicken fillet - 300 - 350 g;
  • peeled mushrooms - 0.2 kg;
  • grated cheese - a glass;
  • sour cream / classic mayonnaise - to taste;
  • butter;
  • salt, spices and smoked cheese braid for tying pouches.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Cut the onions and mushrooms into smaller pieces, fry them in butter.
  2. Boil the meat, cut into small pieces. Send to fry.
  3. Add sour cream/mayonnaise to the pan. Salt, add spices. Soak for a couple of minutes.
  4. Rub the cheese.
  5. Spread the stuffing from the pan over the pancakes. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top.
  6. Tie the delicious pouches with strips of smoked cheese.

Before serving, warm the snack in the microwave.



  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cheese and ham - 100 - 150 g each;
  • cherry - 12 - 14 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh herbs - 1 bunch;
  • homemade mayonnaise and salt.


  1. Grind eggs, cheese, ham with a grater. Salt as needed.
  2. Add mayonnaise, mix everything.
  3. Blind from the mass of the legs of "mushrooms". Set each on a circle of fresh cucumber and put the blanks on a plate covered with chopped herbs.
  4. Make hats from cherry tomatoes and drops of mayonnaise.

Refrigerate and serve to guests.

Roll "Crab"


  • thin lavash- 2 pcs.;
  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • processed and hard cheese - 150 g each;
  • garlic - 5 teeth;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • mayonnaise, salt.


  1. Boiled eggs, two types of cheese and finely rub the garlic. Mix with mayonnaise and chopped herbs. Salt at will.
  2. Divide the resulting filling into two portions.
  3. Spread two pita breads with it in turn. Lay them on top of each other and roll up.

Cool the appetizer, covering it with a film, then cut into portioned pieces.

What salads to prepare for the holiday

From salad recipes for the holiday, it is better to choose those that do not have quickly spoiling and soaking ingredients. If the appetizer is with crackers, then the latter are best served separately with the dish.

With meat and crackers


  • any boiled meat - half a kilo;
  • Chinese cabbage - half a kilo;
  • cucumbers (fresh) - 4 pcs.;
  • peeled champignons - half a kilo;
  • dry garlic and yesterday's White bread- for crackers;
  • oil;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • mayonnaise sauce and salt.


  1. Rinse the lettuce leaves and lay them on a beautiful dish.
  2. In a separate bowl, send boiled meat cut into thick strips. Chicken and pork are best suited for such an appetizer.
  3. Send thinly chopped cabbage to the meat.
  4. Finely chop the mushrooms and fry them in oil until light brown.
  5. Then, on the remaining fat, lightly brown the diced yesterday's bread. Sprinkle with dry garlic as you go.
  6. Cut fresh cucumbers into cubes.
  7. Mix all prepared products. Salt. Fill with sauce.

Put them on a plate with lettuce leaves.



  • chicken fillet - 250 - 280 g;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • raw potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - optional;
  • bow arrows - 3 - 4 feathers;
  • hard cheese - 50 - 70 g;
  • salt, mayonnaise sauce;
  • quality vegetable oil.

Action algorithm:

  1. Boil the chicken until fully cooked. Cool it directly in the broth for greater juiciness of the meat. Cut into small arbitrary pieces.
  2. Mix the chicken with slices of tomato, grated cheese and chopped cucumber in the same way. Season everything with salted sauce mixed with crushed garlic.
  3. Put the composition on a flat plate with a slide.
  4. Cut the potatoes into very thin long strips. Fry the product in small portions in hot oil until golden brown and crispy.
  5. Cover a slide of lettuce with potato straws.

Complement the appetizer with finely chopped green onions.



  • hunting sausages - 250 - 300 g;
  • red salad pepper - 1 pc. (large);
  • fresh strong cucumber - 1 - 2 pcs.;
  • canned corn grains - 1 tbsp.;
  • red onion - 1 head;
  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise sauce - ½ tbsp.;
  • French mustard - 1 dessert spoon;
  • salt and spices.


  1. Cut the sausages into slices.
  2. Cut all vegetables and eggs into cubes. Drain liquid from corn.
  3. Mix all.
  4. Dress the salad with a mixture of sauce, mustard, salt and spices.


Duck with sauerkraut in the oven

Ingredients: duck, sauerkraut, onion, salt, pepper

Quite often, I cook poultry dishes for the festive table. Duck with sauerkraut in the oven is liked by absolutely all my family members. It turns out the duck is tasty and tender.


- 1 duck;
- 400 grams of sauerkraut;
- 150 grams of onion;
- salt;
- black pepper.


Salad "Peppa Pig" for the New Year

Ingredients: potatoes, chicken, cheese, pickled cucumber, boiled sausage, salt, beets, mayonnaise

Very little is left before the New Year 2019. It's time to think about what we will treat our guests to. Since the year of the Pig will come, you can arrange a delicious salad in the form of your favorite cartoon character - Peppa Pig.

Products for the recipe:

- two potatoes;
- 100 g of chicken meat;
- 1 pickled cucumber;
- 50 g of cheese;
- 150 g of sausages or boiled sausage;
- salt;
- mayonnaise;
- 2-3 pieces of boiled beets.


Chicken tobacco in the oven

Ingredients: chicken, spice, salt, garlic, butter

In the oven, you get an excellent tobacco chicken - tender, with a crispy crust, beautiful and tasty. It's much easier than cooking it in a pan. Don't believe? See for yourself by reading our recipe.

- chicken - 1 carcass weighing 700 gr;
- spices for tobacco chicken - 1.5 tsp;
- salt - 1 tsp without a slide;
- garlic - 3 cloves;
- butter - 2-3 tbsp.


Chanterelles fried with sour cream and onions

Ingredients: chanterelle, onion, sour cream, oil, salt, dill, parsley


- 350 grams of chanterelles;
- 100 grams of onion;
- 110 grams of sour cream;
- 30 grams of butter;
- salt;
- parsley;
- dill.


Duck with apples and oranges in the oven

Ingredients: duck, apple, orange, honey, salt, pepper

Duck meat is very tasty. Today I want to tell you how to cook very tasty holiday dish- duck with apples and oranges in the oven.


- 1.2-1.5 kg. ducks,
- 1 apple,
- 2 oranges,
- 2-3 tsp honey,
- salt,
- black pepper.


Air cake with glaze on gelatin

Ingredients: eggs, butter, sugar, yeast, salt, cream, cognac, flour, raisins, vegetable oil, water, gelatin

I suggest you cook a very tasty tender and airy cake with icing on gelatin. I have detailed the recipe for you.


- eggs - 2 pcs.,
- butter - 50 grams,
- sugar - half a glass + 4 tablespoons,
- yeast - 10 grams,
- salt - a pinch,
- cream or fat milk - 100 ml.,
- cognac - 1 tbsp,
- flour - 300 grams,
- raisin,
- vegetable oil - 1 tbsp,
- water - 3 tablespoons,
- gelatin - half a teaspoon


Eggs stuffed with herring

Ingredients: herring, eggs, dill and any other herbs, onions, butter, red caviar, melted cheese, mayonnaise

In order to prepare a delicious and original snack for the festive table, it is enough to buy lightly salted herring. You can make stuffed eggs out of it. How to do this, see the recipe with a photo.

Products for the recipe:
- salted herring fillet - 200 g,
- eggs - 5 pcs.,
- fresh herbs (dill and parsley),
- a small bulb
- 2 tbsp. butter spoons,
- 20 g of red caviar,
- processed cheese - 70 g,
- 50 g of mayonnaise.


Rabbit stewed in sour cream

Ingredients: rabbit, sour cream, onion, carrot, garlic, butter, salt, spicy mixture of Italian herbs, ground pepper, spices

For dinner or for a festive table, I suggest you cook a very tasty dish - stewed rabbit in sour cream. The recipe is very simple and fast enough.


- 1 kg. a rabbit;
- 150 ml. sour cream;
- 1 onion;
- 1 carrot;
- clove of garlic,
- 50 grams of butter;
- salt;
- spices.


Braised pork ribs with potatoes

Ingredients: pork rib, potato, carrot, onion, pepper, salt, laurel, paprika, garlic, water, oil

I don't know a single man who would refuse pork ribs. This is a truly masculine dish. For my beloved, I cook a very tasty, hearty dish - stewed pork ribs with potatoes


- half a kilo of pork ribs,
- 400 grams of potatoes,
- 1 carrot,
- 1 onion,
- 1 sweet pepper,
- salt,
- pepper,
- paprika,
- dry garlic
- 1 bay leaf,
- chilli,
- 2 glasses of water,
- 30 ml. vegetable oil.


Pork in sweet and sour sauce with pineapple and bell pepper

Ingredients: pork, sweet pepper, canned pineapple, garlic, ground ginger, starch, soy sauce, refined oil, salt, spices, fruit vinegar, sugar, ketchup

If you like unusual flavor combinations, such as those inherent in Asian cuisine, then you will certainly like pork in sweet and sour sauce with pineapples and bell pepper. This dish turns out very tasty and is suitable for both weekdays and holidays.

- pork meat (tenderloin) - 500 g;
- sweet pepper - 0.5 - 1 pc.;
- canned pineapples - 150 g;
- garlic - 1-2 cloves;
- ground ginger - 1 tsp;
- starch - 1 tablespoon;
- soy sauce - 3 tablespoons;
- refined oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
- finely ground salt, spices.

For sauce:
- vinegar (preferably fruit) - 1 tablespoon;
- sugar - 1 tablespoon;
- ketchup - 2 tablespoons;
- soy sauce - 3 tbsp.


Tiramisu with mascarpone and Savoiardi cookies

Ingredients: mascarpone cream cheese, cream, coffee liqueur, ground coffee, instant coffee, water, sugar, Savoyardi cookies, cocoa powder, grated chocolate

It is difficult to find a dessert that surpasses tiramisu in sophistication and sophistication. Absolutely perfect, with a delicate aroma of buttercream, this delicacy, it would seem, cannot be made even better. However, our culinary research does not stand still, we decided to make coffee tiramisu.


- 200 g of mascarpone cream cheese;
- 100 ml cream 35% fat;
- 40 ml of coffee liqueur;
- 2 tsp ground coffee
- 1 tsp instant coffee;
- 100 ml of water;
- 3 tsp Sahara;
- 8-10 pcs. Cookies "Savoyardi";
- cocoa powder and grated chocolate.


Juicy minced beef patties

Ingredients: veal, egg, onion, ground paprika, thyme, ground black pepper, salt, garlic, breadcrumbs, vegetable oil, canned tomatoes, sour cream

Don't know what to feed your family today? And you buy a small piece of veal and cook according to our recipe very tasty and hearty cutlets in sauce.

For the recipe you will need:

- 300 gr of meat;
- one egg;
- head of onion;
- 1/2 teaspoon ground paprika;
- 1/2 teaspoon thyme
- ground black pepper - to taste;
- salt - to taste;
- two cloves of garlic;
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of breadcrumbs;
- 20 ml of vegetable oil;
- 300 gr of canned tomatoes;
- half a glass of low-fat sour cream.


Jellied beef and pork

Ingredients: beef, pork ribs, bay leaves, peppercorns, gelatin, salt, water

I suggest you cook delicious aspic. Beef and pork go well together in this dish. I have detailed the recipe for you.


- beef - a piece,
- pork ribs,
- bay leaf - 2 pcs.,

- gelatin - 10 grams,
- salt,
- water.


Beef jelly

Ingredients: beef, water, peppercorns, gelatin, salt

Kholodets is a very tasty and satisfying dish. There are a lot of jelly recipes and they are all insanely delicious. Today I have prepared for you an excellent recipe for beef jelly.


- beef - a piece,
- water,
- black peppercorns - a few pieces,
- gelatin - 10 grams,
- salt.


Fast and tasty economy pizza on lavash

Ingredients: lavash, tomato, salami sausage, cheese, mayonnaise, ketchup, salt

Pizza can be cooked in 10 minutes if you do not use a flatbread as a base yeast dough, but ordinary thin pita bread. It will turn out just as tasty and beautiful, but preparing such a dish is much faster and easier.


2 pieces of thin pita bread;
- 1-2 pieces of tomato;
- 200 gr of sausage (such as Salami);
- 100 gr of hard cheese;
- 2 tablespoons mayonnaise;
- 2 tablespoons ketchup;
- salt.


Beef Wellington

Ingredients: beef tenderloin, puff pastry, mushroom, onion, oil, mustard, bacon, thyme, salt, pepper

From now on, you will be able to prepare a great Beef Wellington in your own kitchen. I already did it, it worked out top level Today I am sharing the recipe with you.


- 700 grams of beef tenderloin,
- 500 grams of puff pastry,
- 300 grams of champignons,
- 1 red onion,
- 70 ml. vegetable oil,
- 1 tbsp american mustard,
- 3-4 slices of bacon
- thyme,
- 2 yolks,
- salt,
- black pepper.

Today we give you a double gift - we reveal the recipe for the wonderful classic Stolichny salad and tell you how to make mayonnaise at home. The sauce, prepared with your own hands and from proven ingredients, turns out to be unusually tasty and tender.

for mayonnaise:
- 1 egg;
- 220-250 g sunflower oil;
- 1-1.5 tsp mustard;
- 1.5-2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
- salt and sugar;
- 2-3 pinches of ground black pepper;

for salad:
- 200-250 g of boiled beef;
- 4 boiled eggs;
- 4 large tubers of potatoes;
- 2 medium onions;
- 1/2 can of canned green peas;
- 3 pickled cucumbers;
- 2 boiled carrots;
- 4-5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
- salt.


"Herring under a fur coat" roll

Ingredients: salted herring, beets, potatoes, pumpkin, hard cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, dry gelatin, egg, olives, dill, salt

We are actively preparing for the holidays, and today we are preparing everyone's favorite salad with the eloquent name "Herring under a fur coat". However, this year we decided to turn on the imagination and serve the dish in a special way - in the form of an appetizer roll. What did we get?

- 1 salted herring;
- 2 baked beets;
- 2 baked potatoes;
- 110 g of baked pumpkin;
- 50 g of hard cheese;
- 2-3 tbsp. l. sour cream;
- 3 tbsp. l. thick mayonnaise;
- 2 . l. dry gelatin;
- 1-2 boiled eggs;
- 4 olives;
- 1 bunch of dill;
- salt.

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Hot dishes for birthday

The most popular holiday dish in our area, the recipes of which are known to many housewives, is chicken with potatoes in the oven. share good and simple recipe cooking chicken with potatoes with photo.

Hashbrown is a popular American potato dish that is very simple and easy to make. We need potatoes, butter and onions. And we will cook in the oven and on the stove. Go!

A popular and very tasty dish of baked meat with potatoes under a beautiful melted cheese crust. Meat in French with potatoes - this is something you should definitely try!

For you - a recipe for cutlets in Kiev with a photo. Kiev cutlets made from beaten chicken fillet wrapped around a piece of butter, fried in boiling oil. I'll tell you how to cook!

The name of this recipe is somewhat arbitrary - French chops are the most common chops, only baked with cheese. Nothing to do with French cuisine. But most importantly, it's delicious!

For me, there is nothing tastier and more satisfying than a well-cooked meatloaf. Meatloaf is real holiday life for lovers of meat and meat products. Sharing a proven recipe! :)

Beef goulash is a classic Hungarian dish. For me, this is both soup and the second. You can not do without the popular Hungarian paprika. You will also need potatoes, bell peppers, onions and spices.

Chicken tabaka is a popular Georgian dish. It is prepared simply and quite quickly. Fry the chicken with coriander and cumin. Two or three chickens will be enough for a family. You will need a hammer and mortar.

Fragrant, juicy potatoes in cream in the oven can be cooked in portioned pots or a large heat-resistant form - choose the dishes yourself, and it will turn out delicious anyway, I promise!

Another “exotic” poultry and fruit dish is for those who like unusual culinary solutions. The original recipe for chicken breast with pear is also relevant for those who follow the figure!

Scientists call potatoes "a botanical masterpiece." This root crop is one of the most valuable on earth. The options for its preparation simply cannot be counted, one of them is potato casserole with bacon.

Another unusual fruit and meat dish. The recipe for beef with pear is perfect for a romantic dinner for two or a solemn family feast.

Only three ingredients, but what a colorful and tasty dish we get! You can please your family with an unusual dinner, feel free to put the boats on the festive table. Sharing the recipe!

I came across an excellent piece of beef just now. It was a pity to cut such meat into pieces. I decided to cook beef, baked in a piece. The beef came out tender, melting, and the spices were baked crispy.

Chicken with apples is delicious, and chicken with apples and prunes is even tastier! It is easy to prepare and the dish turns out amazing - try it! :)

Chicken fillet and bell pepper make a delicious and very beautiful roll. It can be served both as a hot dish, and cut into a snack or used in the preparation of sandwiches.

Legs with apples will amaze you with a combination of chicken and sour apples flavored with onions. I got this recipe from a friend, and she came up with this dish when she couldn't buy duck.

Meat in French with tomatoes is a great festive dish for dinner with friends or family members. The meat is very juicy and tender, and the dish is fragrant and appetizing.

To your attention - simple, but very effective recipe pork in the oven. With this recipe, you can easily prepare a hot dish that can be safely put even on the festive table.

Tender beef with mushrooms and sour cream served with rice or noodles. The recipe was invented by Count Pavel Alexandrovich Stroganov in 1890 in St. Petersburg.

A properly cooked piece of meat is the best that can be served on the table. Beef medallion prepared according to this recipe is a dish of just such a category.

Duck with apples is a classic New Year and Christmas dish in many European countries especially in Germany and Austria. If you do not know what to cook for the new year - try this!

Pork zrazy is a great way to cook pork zrazy. The dish fits perfectly into the harmony of a festive feast - for example, in honor of the New Year. Try it - everyone will be delighted! :)

Turkey Shank with Garlic and Rosemary is a trivial dish, but it's worth making it once and you'll be making it all the time.

Château potatoes are a very popular side dish of potatoes for meat or fish in France. A wonderful alternative to boring mashed potatoes and fried potatoes :)

Baked Potato with Avocado Sauce is an insanely easy dish for vegetarians. Potatoes are very appetizing and fragrant, and avocado sauce makes the taste more varied. Try it!

Duck baked with oranges is a very festive and solemn dish that I usually cook on New Year or Christmas. The hostess cooks, the host cuts and puts each on a plate ... ah!

Pork loin - the meat is quite dry, and it is not easy to cook it deliciously. I share very good recipe- pork loin on the bone with carrots. A couple of tricks - and the meat is very juicy.

Pork recipe with mushrooms and cheese - a wonderful dish for New Year's table. Festive serving, tender and juicy meat, magnificent spicy aroma - the dish meets all quality criteria.

Chicken baked with pineapples is an easy-to-prepare, but very tasty dish that can be prepared for a holiday - New Year or birthday. Effective, unusual and original.

French-style spicy potatoes are potatoes cooked in a very original way, which will serve as a great side dish for any meat, fish or vegetable dish.

Recipe for chicken with tomatoes, sweet peppers and olives in white wine. French cuisine.

Chicken with Garlic and Thyme is another simple but very effective method delicious baked chicken in the oven. The garlic and thyme marinade makes the chicken very tender and flavorful.

Armenian-style stuffed eggplant is my signature dish, which was taught to me by a professional Armenian chef. Eggplants turn out just excellent - you will lick your fingers!

Chicken with peanuts is somewhat unusual for a Slavic person, but a very tasty dish of Chinese traditional cuisine. Properly prepared, it is simply doomed to success. Preparing is very easy!

"Meat in French" minced chicken

The recipe for a popular meat dish using minced chicken. In fact, we cook the same meat in French, but instead of chops, we use minced chicken. Delicious!

Pork stuffed with dried apricots and onions is a very unusual and original meat dish, which is pork chops with very juicy and delicious minced meat. Surprise your eaters!

If you do not know how to cook beef, I recommend paying attention to this recipe. Beef chops with garlic are very soft, tender, with a pleasant garlic flavor and aroma. Try it!

Transylvanian puff cabbage is a very tasty Romanian national dish, somewhat reminiscent of lazy cabbage rolls. Delicious dish made from simple and affordable ingredients.

Rooster in wine is a gourmet French dish that you can cook in your home kitchen. As for me, the dish has full right be called festive - and it looks solemn, and very tasty.

Escalopes are boneless, lean cuts of meat that are pan fried without breading. It is best to use pork tenderloin. Escalope is prepared from the kidney part, where the meat is especially soft and tender.

If you do not know what to cook for the New Year - I recommend trying chicken breasts baked in spices. This is a fairly simple to prepare, but very festive and worthy hot dish.

An easy chops recipe for fried pork lovers. Step by step cooking with photos.

Are you looking for something original for a side dish or for a snack? Then meet - balls of thread. This chicken dish will not only surprise you appearance, but also pleases with its taste.

I tell you how to cook a classic schnitzel - a thin pork chop, which is rolled in batter and fried in oil. A wonderful men's lunch or dinner - simple and satisfying.

Breaded pork - very unusual way cooking the most trivial pork meat. Thanks to the original breading, the taste of pork is very original and unexpected.

Kefir-marinated chicken with potatoes is a great option for a fairly quick and simple dinner or lunch with simple ingredients. No frills, everything is very simple, but delicious.

Lavangi is a delicious chicken dish that is traditionally prepared in the southern regions of Azerbaijan. Sharing cooking secrets!

Chicken in almond crust is another great way to prepare everyone's favorite chicken meat. The almond crust gives the chicken a perfect new taste- try it, you won't regret it!

I have not cooked such a bright, colorful and delicious dish like stuffed peppers and tomatoes. The ingredients are simple, but the dish - real masterpiece both visually and tastefully :)

Stuffed baked potatoes are a chic side dish for a meat dish. A very satisfying, attractive and beautiful side dish for some (for example, for vegetarians) can become a separate serious dish!

Mackerel with bell pepper - perfect union and great flavor combination. Before cooking mackerel, remember this instruction and you will get an excellent dish!

Ragu is a great solution for those who like to cook dishes in earthenware. Meet a very simple recipe for a stew with meat and green beans in a pot.

Zucchini and meat go together just great, but I don’t like large pieces of meat with zucchini, so I mix this vegetable with minced meat. It turns out a very juicy and tender casserole.

fried tomatoes- one of my favorite snacks for both everyday and festive tables. Prepared in two counts, but it turns out very tasty and beautiful.

Found another one interesting way cooking pork meat - pork with bell pepper. It turns out a very juicy, fragrant and tender dish.

As always, before the holiday, every housewife begins to be tormented by the question: what to put on the table? It seems that there are a lot of products in stores now. But there is one thing: in our wallet there will not always be funds for expensive delicacies and delicacies.

And then I remember my grandmother. She was a distinguished needlewoman and culinary specialist. I could whip up a festive dinner even with my small pension. And if she was preparing, then from the simplest and most ordinary products she served a chic banquet table to the envy of Astoria and the Metropol. And she always taught me: our native land yields fruits no worse than overseas, and you can always surprise your guests with tasty, healthy, and most importantly not expensive treats.

Announcements related to the request


Let's start with the king of any of our tables - salad. It looks like a popular herring under a fur coat, but it has a "highlight" - pickled mushrooms.


1 boiled beetroot - 1 pc.

2 boiled carrots - 1 pc.

3 sour apple - 1 pc.

4 pickled mushrooms - 150 gr

5 herring - 1 pc.


We divide all the ingredients in half and put them layer by layer in the festive dishes, not forgetting to coat with mayonnaise to your liking.


1 boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.

2 boiled chicken - 200 gr

3 onions - 1 pc.

4 eggs - 2 pcs.

5 pickled cucumber (large) - 1 pc.

6 boiled beets - 1 pc.


Cut potatoes, chicken, eggs, cucumber into cubes, season with mayonnaise, add scalded onions to them. We spread everything in a deep plate. Top - grated beets on a coarse grater and decorate with a mesh of mayonnaise.



1 chicken ventricles - 1 kg

2 red onions - 2 pcs.

3 garlic - 2 cloves

4 soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons

5 vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. spoon


Boil the cleaned chicken ventricles for 1.5 hours. Fry the onion cut into half rings together with the stomachs. Add spices, soy sauce, garlic, vinegar. We mix all this yummy and - in a cold place.

There can be many filling options, all that is from the products. I offer 2 options. The form of submission may be different, try the envelopes.


1 thin lavash - 1 pack

2 canned fish - 1 can

3 grated cheese - 400 gr

4 greens (dill, parsley, cilantro)


First filling: mash canned fish with a fork, mix with cheese, dill

The second filling: mix any cheese with a lot of greens, add spices, a little mayonnaise

Expand thin pita bread, you can cut it into several parts, put your filling on each sheet, roll up a small envelope. I love stuffed pita bread to fry a little on 2 sides.

From this fish you can make dishes for a whole banquet. I will add another recipe.


1 large fresh-frozen herring - 3 pcs.

2 onions - 2 pcs.

3 spices, granulated sugar

4 mustard

6 vegetable oil


Peel and cut the herring into strips, sprinkle with salt, ground pepper, sugar. We cut the onion into rings and put them tightly in jars in layers: onion - herring - onion, and so on to the top. Fill with sauce: vegetable oil, vinegar and mustard. Close the lid and put the refrigerator in for a few hours.

And, of course, my favorite lightly salted cucumbers in haste. I make them for any occasion. And no matter how rich the table is laid, my cucumbers are swept away first! They will be especially relevant for the lenten holiday menu.


1 cucumber - 5-6 pcs.

3 garlic - 4-5 cloves


My cucumbers, large - cut into several parts, if small - can be into 2 parts. We put it in any dense container - a bag, a jar - add coarsely chopped garlic, dill and salt well. Close, shake the contents and put in the refrigerator. While waiting for guests, shake regularly.

Second course

I remind you that today I offer you inexpensive dishes for the festive table. And hot you can cook tender and juicy liver pancakes.


1 liver (any, your favorite) - 1 kg

2 onions - 2 pcs.

3 egg - 2 pcs.

4 flour - 3 tablespoons

5 semolina - 3 tablespoons

6 carrots - 1 pc.


Pass the liver, onions and carrots through a meat grinder, add eggs, semolina, flour, spices, mix everything thoroughly. We spread the minced meat on a preheated pan with a spoon and fry on 2 sides. Serve with sour cream

You can cook original potatoes as a side dish


1 potato - 6 pcs.

For sauce:

2 butter - 100 gr

3 grated cheese - 5 tablespoons

4 sour cream - 1 tablespoon

5 garlic - 3 cloves

6 greens, spices


Wash potatoes and boil until tender. Once cool, cut in half lengthwise. Put each slice on a baking sheet and spread with garlic sauce: mixed butter, cheese, sour cream, garlic and herbs. Next, you will need to bake it all. Everyone knows their stove, cook on moderate heat for 15 minutes.


Let's move on to desserts. From savory pastries, I suggest puff boats with vegetables. They have a great aromatic taste.


1 frozen puff pastry - 1 pack

2 red onions - 3 pcs.

3 tomatoes of sweet varieties - 6 pcs.

4 bell peppers

5 greens, spices


Fry all chopped vegetables, herbs, garlic in vegetable oil and simmer for about 5 minutes. Roll out the dough and cut out small squares, put them on a greased baking sheet. Along the perimeter of the squares, slightly retreating from the edge, make shallow cuts. Put the filling in the middle of our boats. Bake 20 minutes.

And with tea you can serve wonderful unusual muffins. Guests will be satisfied: healthy, and most importantly, delicious!


1 peeled pumpkin - 200 gr,

2 finely ground oatmeal - 100 gr

3 peeled nuts - 100 gr

4 butter - 150 gr

5 sugar - 150 gr

6 eggs - 3 pcs.

7 flour - 150 gr

8 baking powder - 2 teaspoons


Three pumpkins on a fine grater, chop the nuts in a blender. Rub the butter with sugar and eggs, add pumpkin, nuts, oatmeal, flour and baking powder for dough. We mix everything thoroughly. We spread the dough in small molds, filling in half of the volume, as it will rise 2 times. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 C for 25 minutes. Finished cupcakes are decorated with powdered sugar.

And for dessert, fruit.


1 any fruit

2 skewers or toothpicks


Any fruits that are on the counter of the store at this time of the year - apples, pears, raspberries, gooseberries, bananas - cut into small cubes. Thread onto skewers or toothpicks, alternating in color. It will be bright and original.

So, with a minimal budget, we have prepared 11 dishes for the holiday menu. It is affordable even for our respected pensioners and students. Bon appetit!
