What not to do at home: ten main prohibitions of feng shui. Household signs for the home - how to keep peace in the family

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui will help you organize the space of your home and make it harmonious. In order not to attract negative energy flows into your life, follow the main prohibitions of the teaching, and your home will become a place of restoration. life force and energy, writes Daylihoro.

The space in the house for each person plays a role. So that you can feel under reliable protection, recuperate and live in complete harmony with yourself and your household, use the recommendations of the teachings of Feng Shui. The knowledge accumulated over the centuries will help you get rid of any negativity and fill your living space with flows of positive energy.

Top 10 feng shui prohibitions

Prohibition 1. Avoid hanging mirrors opposite front door. Thus, you prevent the passage of energy flows into your home. Mirrors located in the bedroom negatively affect married life. They are able to attract rivals and lovers into your relationship. In other rooms, mirrors do not pose a threat, but remember that mirrors with chips and cracks must be disposed of immediately. It is desirable that the house has a mirror that reflects a person in full height without fragmentation.

Prohibition 2. Never leave a trash can in front of the front door. Any dust, dirt and unnecessary rubbish poison the energy of space, causing irreparable harm to the health and energy protection of households. Get rid of unnecessary things, making room for new useful and beautiful acquisitions that will soon appear in your home.

Prohibition 3. Repair any broken items you plan to use. Throw away items that cannot be restored without pity or delay. This will help you get rid of negative energy, attracting happiness and abundance into your life. In addition, broken objects lead to more quarrels and conflicts. Feng Shui teaching says that every faulty thing or object removes a problem from a person's life by taking it upon himself. Pay special attention to leaking faucets and pipes. A constant flow of water is not conducive to increasing happiness in your home, so any leak must be fixed as quickly as possible.

Prohibition 4. Multi-level floors in the house also serve as a stumbling block for the free circulation of positive energy. Genders of different levels contribute to the fragmentation of fate into pieces, and this can cause failures and troubles in business and personal life.

Prohibition 5. Try to get rid of sharp corners in the house. Furniture with protruding corners must be directed so that the point of the corner is directed to empty space, and not to the places of your probable location and rest. Hanging shelves also cause negative energy, so it is important to round off or mask their corners, for example, with an amulet of beads and coins.

Prohibition 6. Bathroom and toilet areas should be kept clean. Timely cleaning and closed doors will help you maintain coziness and comfort in the house. If you have a pet in the bathroom, use the built-in doors, but don't leave the doors open.

Prohibition 7. Ventilate the house. The more often you keep windows and vents open, the more often the energy of the living space is updated. In order not to become victims of colds, ventilate the house in your absence.

Prohibition 8. Proper organization of the workspace will help you perform your duties much more productively. You need to sit with your back to a solid wall without windows and doors. As a last resort, block the openings to protect the rear from the outflow of energy. Proper arrangement of items on the table will provide you with greater efficiency, and the absence of unnecessary items will help you concentrate and not be distracted from the main things.

Prohibition 9. The area adjacent to the house should be as open as possible. Growing trees and cars blocking the passage prevent the flow of positive energy from entering your home. The exception is landings that block the entrance from the roadway. The same applies to the internal door space. Get rid of clutter and put your shoes in a designated area.

Prohibition 10. Before buying a home, evaluate its neighborhood with other buildings. The most successful would be the presence of a nearby fountain, square or park. A dangerous neighborhood will be a cemetery, a prison and a hospital. These "neighbors" have a huge field negative energy which can complicate your life.

By changing the space around you, you change your life in better side. Remember that to achieve happiness in own house not so difficult!

In the old days, every person knew the signs for the house. Observance of household superstitions promises good luck and money, prevents troubles and helps to predict the future without guesswork. We recommend following the precepts of the ancestors and joining the folk wisdom.

Household superstitions - the meaning of the threshold

In Slavic signs about the house, the threshold was identified with a portal to another dimension, the boundary between the world of spirits and familiar reality. From here take the roots of superstition about the treatment of infants. The patient is allegedly forever handed over to the sorceress through the threshold, then they take him out of the window, meeting him like a new addition to the family. wedding omen advises the groom to carry the bride over the threshold. If she stumbles at the entrance to the house, happy life you can not wait.

It is impossible to talk and pass things (especially money and bread) over the threshold - to a quarrel. To level the sign, you need to step over it with one foot. Road superstition recommends last words before leaving, speak before leaving the threshold so that there are no delays on the way.

Do not sit on the threshold - lure bad rumors about yourself. Single belief promises difficulties in love affairs. Do not stand for a long time at the entrance, through open door leave happiness and well-being. Old people say that one who stands on the threshold of money and happiness closes the road to the house. Pregnant women are in danger in the form of evil spirits, so expectant mothers were forbidden to stand at the entrance to the house and sit on the threshold.

When going on business, step over the threshold with your right foot to attract good luck. Do not eat at this time, you risk getting a demon in your neighbors. To drive away an unwanted guest, seat him with his back to the exit. Soon he will remember urgent matters and say goodbye to you.

Notes about windows

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Throwing trash out the window is a bad idea. Angels sometimes look through it, you can offend them. When the window is opened by a gust of wind, divine messengers warn of something good. Sitting on the windowsill - to loneliness. This refers not only to failures in personal life, but also to the absence of friends, poor relations with colleagues and relatives.

The curtain torn or fell - the hostess of the room will quarrel with her friend. If the window is broken or cracked, the protection of the apartment is weakened. Are you threatened by an evil sorcerer or devilry. The first consequences will concern communication with people.

In an apartment with windows facing north, few people stay for a long time. Sometimes this sign has a positive meaning - the most inveterate sloths in such a house may have a craving for travel or another reason to spend less time at home. But more often we are talking about the heavy energy that repels residents.

Kitchen beliefs

Bake - heart of home, the place where magic is born. If the hearth has not been used for a long time, it should be crossed before kindling. And in general, fire is supposed to be kindled with prayer. It flares up quickly - which means that the spirit of an ancestor or a brownie is nearby. Do not sit on the stove while cooking, otherwise the food will spoil. A brick fell out of the fireplace - to trouble. The “color” of the energy at home primarily affects the state of the hearth.

Sprinkle salt - to the scandal. But another belief advises throwing three pinches over the left shoulder to stop the argument. Scattered sugar - to a pleasant surprise, reconciliation, good luck.

Do not store crockery with cracks or chips. It brings misfortune and brings disharmony into the energy of the house. Needed for needlework - take it to the barn, superstition is not considered its living quarters. Do not be discouraged, the dishes beat for happiness.

Borrowed a bucket, pan or other container - return them full. According to signs, to return an empty bucket - to desolation and poverty. The more you give, the more you will receive from the universe.

Do not forget to leave treats for the brownie in the most secluded place in the kitchen. He will help with the housework, warn of trouble, protect from evil spirits and witchcraft. Sweets, porridge, pastries with honey are suitable. In honor of the holiday, you can leave a little wine.

Dining table and tablecloth

The kitchen table in rustic magic plays the role altar, desktop for witchcraft affairs. Direct his energy to your benefit. In order to acquire your own housing, often hold on to the corner of the table.

Sitting on the table - lose wealth. For a girl, they acquire additional meaning - they will forget how to cook deliciously. Leave shoes on the table or put your feet on it - to the gallows. A cat lying on the table - to the death or departure of one of the household members. “One of the tenants is lying down” - this is how the ancestors spoke about it.

Lending a kitchen table to neighbors or giving it to a young family is not forbidden by superstition. Just cover it with a tablecloth and give it away with it, otherwise poverty will come to the house where the table will be. You can not seat guests at an uncovered table. If someone from the household is late for dinner, shake the tablecloth over the table, and all obstacles in his path will disappear. You can store coins under the tablecloth, it attracts wealth.

While eating, do not knock on the table and dishes with cutlery, otherwise your teeth will ache. When you receive guests, put the spoons with the notch down so that outsiders cannot interfere in your personal life. If during the feast two spoons end up in one dish, there will be a wedding soon.

An unmarried girl must not sweep crumbs off the table with her hand, otherwise she will remain an old maid. The young man is also not worth it - the wife will be bald. Do not do this with paper napkins or a newspaper, you will invite scandals into the house. Use a sponge or cloth.

Bread is the head of everything

There are many signs about bread. They take it with their hands, it is not supposed to prick with a knife or fork, so as not to drive away happiness. You can’t eat from a knife at all, so as not to spoil your character.

When cutting, you can not leave the notched edge against the wall - all friends and acquaintances will turn away from the owner of the house. If the product crumbles and breaks during cutting, expect marital disagreements.

Bread is not “poked” into the salt shaker and a knife is left in it so that hungry times do not come. It is impossible to throw away the leftovers of baking, God will punish with hunger and poverty. Feed them to animals or birds. Undereat or underdrink, throw away food - bad omens in most Russian regions.

Culinary beliefs

Egg and chicken dishes are useful for newlyweds, in the old days they were eaten to conceive a child quickly. But do not forget to crush the empty shell so that the devil does not start in it. Watch the eggs while they cook. They crack at the guests.

Baked apples burst - expect good news. The owner who confused salt with sugar or vice versa can also count on good news. But he will have to come to terms with the fact that for another three days the food he cooked will be tasteless.

Forgetting to add spices is a nuisance. The sooner you correct the mistake, the less difficulties will fall on your head. Pancakes and cereals burn to the scandal in the family. In order for dishes, especially festive ones, to succeed, quarrels should be avoided.

Signs in the bedroom

Signs about mirrors do not advise keeping them in the bedroom. Especially if the mirrors are damaged. Cracks open the way for dark entities that are not averse to feeding on the energy of homeowners. Guests from mirror dimensions can harm the psyche and biofield of residents.

Another unwanted accessory for the bedroom - stuffed animals and horns. They radiate the energy of death and violence. Signs do not recommend leaving cold boiled water in the bedroom at night. It teases the demons. In the room where they sleep, it is not supposed to dry umbrellas, to tears. But it’s worth keeping them there, then there will always be “good weather” in the house.

The TV has no place where the husband and wife sleep, this is a divorce. Ficus has a bad effect on the physical side of love. Beliefs also accuse him of problems with conception. Ficus is also contraindicated for unmarried people, it will drive away boyfriends.

Home plants disappear where the spouses sleep - the marriage will not last long. This is one of the signs of damage or evil spirits. Call a priest, bless the house. And then start flower "women's happiness", which will neutralize the harm already done and protect the relationship. Also suitable is hibiscus, a flower that revitalizes relationships and returns passion.

The elephant is a symbol of family and fertility. Put a figurine depicting him in the bedroom of the newlyweds, and they will not have problems conceiving. To receive one as a gift with a covenant to put near the bed - for an early pregnancy. Seashells are best avoided as they negatively affect the health of sleepers.

Folk omens about house cleaning

Having garbage from the house of an enemy, you can damage it. Therefore, in the old days, rubbish was burned in a furnace or buried away from prying eyes. You can not dispose of garbage after sunset - to poverty. According to other signs - to the death of the owner of the house. It's better to clean up during the day. It should be clean at night, after sunset angels go home, look after their wards. The mess will offend them. Not cleaned in bad weather.

Do not wash floors after guests leave, wash them out of the house forever. The sign can be used to get rid of annoying visitors. "They block the road" and for good purposes - the mother of the bride washes the floor after her departure to the groom's house, so that she lives happily in a new place and does not aspire back.

Brooms and brooms in the old days were considered sacred objects. They can both heal and protect from evil, and ruin life - depending on whose hands they end up in. Keep the broom handle down and you will be protected from the evil eye. There can be only one broom in the house, sweeping with two sweeps out the positive energy of love, luck and money. People say: "You will scatter wealth in foreign corners." The old broom is supposed to be burned outside the house, and only after that buy a new one.

They sweep and wash the floor towards the kitchen so that the bins are full. The hostess, rushing to the front door, will lose her beauty and youth. You can't clean up when you're in a bad mood. And the result will not please, and quarrel with someone from home. If a girl does not know how to sweep, she will swear with her husband after the wedding.

The state of the mirror reflects the energy of the apartment. Therefore, do not keep it dirty, wipe it as often as possible. After cleaning, do not walk with an empty bucket, bring bad luck to those who meet along the way.

What to expect if "imagining"?

A lot can be imagined, and not all of this portends something. But if you happen to see a flickering light in your windows when no one is at home, expect happiness. Angels have marked your home with their presence.

To see a brownie - to grief. According to legend, the domovikha (wife of the brownie) cries at night before a misfortune in the family. Can you hear her crying? Get ready for the worst.

Knocking on the window at night is a sign of the death of a relative. But you can trust her only if there were not even traces of the visitor on the street. If this happens more than once, think about which of the deceased relatives you have undeservedly offended. He demands an apology. This interpretation is especially true if light steps are heard after a knock.

A night knock on the door also portends death. In the old days, it was believed that it was Grim Reaper knocks with the handle of his scythe. But do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to receive guests after sunset. Use your eyeball. If no one is there, don't open it. Better sprinkle the door with holy water and read "Our Father". If the door was opened out of ignorance, consecrate the apartment. If unknown people knock at night on the door or window of the house where there is a seriously ill person, one can give up hope of his recovery.

A strong knock can be emitted by branches or raindrops. Such sounds warn of the impossibility of starting a new business. Delay with the implementation of ideas. If insects hit the glass, a scandal can happen.

What not to do at home

The sign that forbids whistling in the apartment has many meanings. Some promise a lack of money, others - separation from one of the household members. The latter can expect both a long-awaited departure and death. Another superstition says that whistling is a witch's technique for summoning devils. To an ordinary person no good can be expected from them.

Don't stand near red corner(places where icons hang) in a headdress. This is a big sin, for it will definitely be punished. You can not store a broom near the images. The Bible and other sacred texts are not left where they eat and sit - on tables, sofas, chairs.

It is undesirable to pour water (water plants, wash, etc.) first thing after waking up. This is how luck is spilled, destined for a new day. You must not sing before breakfast, otherwise after dinner there will be a reason for tears.

Avoid accepting animals as a gift, they will not take root. Give the donor at least a few coins. Even a symbolic payment negates the negative meaning of belief. Steal a cat - to poverty, take it from the street - to prosperity.

Reeds are not allowed in the apartment. Along with this plant comes the evil spirits living in the swamp. It provokes illness and brings bad luck.

After the 50th anniversary, do not build a house for yourself. It is permissible to help children build and live in the house they have built for you. You can participate in the construction of housing for several generations.

Home and family signs keep the secrets of the happiness of bygone generations. They will tell you how to preserve marital relations, peace and comfort in the house, the calm energy of the home. Follow folk signs at home, and you will be successful in the workplace.

Even though we live in modern world, in which much can be explained in terms of science, many people will continue to believe in various superstitions. Returning home from work, we do not sit in our favorite chair in front of the TV, but start doing household chores. Most likely, many have heard that you can not clean up after or take out the trash. But what if, for example, a child left traces of dirt on the floor tiles? Can floors be washed at night? We propose to understand.

What did our ancestors think about it?

The older generation certainly knows whether it is possible to wash the floors in the evening. From time immemorial, people believed that doing such chores after sunset was a bad omen. It was believed that with the onset of darkness, an unclean force is activated, which seeks to use its knowledge. Witches began to conjure, inflict damage and evil eye on people. And the one who decided to wash the floors, unconsciously removed the energy protection of his house.

Evil spirits or negative energy can freely enter the dwelling of such a hostess, which will bring quarrels, illnesses, disappointment and poverty. As a rule, in houses, the owners of which did not know whether it was possible to wash the floors in the evening, the children grew up ill-mannered and naughty, had serious health problems.

In a room where people live, any object, even garbage, contains a certain part of the energy, releasing it only in the morning. As the saying goes folk omen, wash the floors in the evening - wash out positive emotions.

Taboo on wet cleaning before a long journey

In addition to the above signs, our ancestors believed that it was impossible to wash the floors if one of your relatives was going on the road. Cleaning is left until the person reaches their destination. Since earlier it was not possible to call and inform about your arrival, and you had to travel for a long time, the floors were not washed for three days after departure.

Who came to the house

Among Slavic peoples there is a belief that you can neither wash the floors nor sweep them until the people who were visiting the owner come to their homes. It is believed that in this way you can call trouble on guests. Sweeping debris will cling to them and will certainly bring a lot of trouble.

You can wash floors and sweep in the evening only if you have been visited by uninvited guests, people who make you dislike. Sweeping after such a visit, you get rid of the energy left by them. As a rule, after such a simple ritual, the effect is amazing. These people will never return to your home.

Taboo by day of the week

Our ancestors strictly followed the signs and knew whether it was possible to wash the floors in the evening. There are days on which you can not do wet cleaning day or night. For example, it is strictly forbidden to wash the floors on Friday and Monday, as it is believed that on these days you can wash all the wealth, leave the family without a livelihood. On Sunday, it is also not recommended to wash the floor and do other household chores.

From the point of view of modern man

If you are skeptical about all kinds of superstitions and signs, you can try to find a logical answer to the question "Can I wash the floors in the evening?". If you are going to clean up after work, remember that your manipulations will lead to increased humidity in the room in which you will rest very soon. You may feel uncomfortable in a room where the air is damp and cool.

You do not need to do this cleaning if you are going to use chemical detergents. You will not be able to completely wash them off the floor, and after some time the evaporation process will begin. Perhaps you will already be sleeping peacefully and will not feel anything at all. However, vapors of chemicals are very dangerous not only for the respiratory tract, but also for the entire human body, especially for children.

If you live in an apartment building, then your evening cleaning may not please the neighbors. No one will be happy with a vacuum cleaner, dishwasher or automatic machine turned on behind the wall, which can vibrate strongly, creating deaf and unpleasant sounds. Many people, while cleaning, prefer to listen to loud music that cheers them up. Your neighbors won't appreciate it either.

If you are familiar with this sign, then it is better to refrain from evening cleaning, leaving it in the morning. Also, do not take out the trash at night. Whether you get rid of favorable energy or not is unknown, but you can find unnecessary adventures. As a rule, not very adequate companies go around at night, which can provoke you into a verbal skirmish, a fight.

From the point of view of doctors

Professional psychotherapists have own opinion about this sign and explain why it is impossible to wash the floors in the evening. According to unofficial statistics - women who do household chores after work, as a rule, are more likely to suffer from tantrums and nervous breakdowns. Doctors came to this conclusion after studying the statistics of visits to psychiatrists and psychologists.

Aesculapius recommend not to do evening cleaning for those women who work. Why you can’t wash floors in the evening - doctors explain that after labor day the body needs to rest, and excessive loads lead only to excessive stress. Best time to do household chores - morning. It is better to sacrifice a few minutes of your sleep and get up early so that there is time to mop the floors and take out the trash. If you change your habits and refuse to clean the house in evening time, then you will more often be in a good mood, less likely to break loose on your spouse and children. In your family there is a place for harmony and mutual understanding.

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui will help you organize the space of your home and make it harmonious.

In order not to attract flows of negative energy into your life, follow the main prohibitions of the teaching, and your home will become a place of restoration of vitality and energy.

The space in the house for each person plays a role. In order for you to feel under reliable protection, recuperate and live in complete harmony with yourself and your household, use the recommendations of the Feng Shui teachings.

The knowledge accumulated over the centuries will help you get rid of any negativity and fill your living space with flows of positive energy.

Top 10 feng shui prohibitions

Prohibition 1

Avoid hanging mirrors in front of the front door. Thus, you prevent the passage of energy flows into your home.

Mirrors located in the bedroom negatively affect married life. They are able to attract rivals and lovers into your relationship. In other rooms, mirrors do not pose a threat, but remember that mirrors with chips and cracks must be disposed of immediately.

It is desirable that the house has a mirror that reflects a person in full growth without crushing into fragments.

Prohibition 2

Never leave a trash can in front of the front door. Any dust, dirt and unnecessary rubbish poison the energy of space, causing irreparable harm to the health and energy protection of households.

Get rid of unnecessary things, making room for new useful and beautiful acquisitions that will soon appear in your home.

Prohibition 3

Repair any broken items you plan to use. Throw away items that cannot be restored without pity or delay.

This will help you get rid of negative energy, attracting happiness and abundance into your life. In addition, broken objects lead to more quarrels and conflicts.

Feng Shui teaching says that every faulty thing or object removes a problem from a person's life by taking it upon himself.

Pay special attention to leaking faucets and pipes. A constant flow of water is not conducive to increasing happiness in your home, so any leak must be fixed as quickly as possible.

Prohibition 4

Multi-level floors in the house also serve as a stumbling block for the free circulation of positive energy.

Floors of different levels in your house contribute to the fragmentation of fate into pieces, and this can cause failures and troubles in business and personal life.

Prohibition 5

Try to get rid of sharp corners in your home. Furniture with protruding corners must be directed so that the point of the corner is directed to empty space, and not to the places of your probable location and rest.

Hanging shelves also cause negative energy, so it is important to round off or mask their corners, for example, with an amulet of beads and coins.

Prohibition 6

Bathroom spaces and toilets should be kept clean. Timely cleaning and closed doors will help you maintain coziness and comfort in the house.

If you have a pet that has space in your bathroom, use the built-in doors, but don't leave the doors open.

Prohibition 7

Ventilate the space in the house. The more often you keep windows and vents open, the more often the energy of the living space is updated. In order not to become victims of colds, ventilate the house during your absence.

Prohibition 8

Proper organization of the workspace will help you perform your duties much more productively. You need to sit with your back to a solid wall without windows and doors.

As a last resort, block openings to protect your rear from the outflow of energy. Proper arrangement of items on the table will provide you with greater efficiency, and the absence of unnecessary items will help you concentrate and not be distracted from the main things.

Prohibition 9

The area adjacent to the house should be as open as possible. Growing trees and cars blocking the passage prevent the flow of positive energy from entering your home.

The exception is landings that block the entrance from the roadway. The same applies to the internal door space. Get rid of clutter and put your shoes in a designated area.

Prohibition 10

These "neighbors" have a huge field of negative energy that can complicate your life.

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui will help you organize the space of your home and make it harmonious. In order not to attract flows of negative energy into your life, follow the main prohibitions of the teaching, and your home will become a place of restoration of vitality and energy.

The space in the house for each person plays a role. In order for you to feel under reliable protection, recuperate and live in complete harmony with yourself and your household, use the recommendations of the Feng Shui teachings. The knowledge accumulated over the centuries will help you get rid of any negativity and fill your living space with flows of positive energy.

Top 10 feng shui prohibitions

Prohibition 1. Avoid hanging mirrors in front of the front door. Thus, you prevent the passage of energy flows into your home. Mirrors located in the bedroom negatively affect married life. They are able to attract rivals and lovers into your relationship. In other rooms, mirrors do not pose a threat, but remember that mirrors with chips and cracks must be disposed of immediately. It is desirable that the house has a mirror that reflects a person in full growth without crushing into fragments.

Prohibition 2. Never leave a trash can in front of the front door. Any dust, dirt and unnecessary rubbish poison the energy of space, causing irreparable harm to the health and energy protection of households. Get rid of unnecessary things, making room for new useful and beautiful acquisitions that will soon appear in your home.

Prohibition 3. Repair any broken items you plan to use. Throw away items that cannot be restored without pity or delay. This will help you get rid of negative energy, attracting happiness and abundance into your life. In addition, broken objects lead to more quarrels and conflicts. Feng Shui teaching says that every faulty thing or object removes a problem from a person's life by taking it upon himself. Pay special attention to leaking faucets and pipes. A constant flow of water is not conducive to increasing happiness in your home, so any leak must be fixed as quickly as possible.

Prohibition 4. Multi-level floors in the house also serve as a stumbling block for the free circulation of positive energy. Floors of different levels in your house contribute to the fragmentation of fate into pieces, and this can cause failures and troubles in business and personal life.

Prohibition 5. Try to get rid of sharp corners in your home. Furniture with protruding corners must be directed so that the point of the corner is directed to empty space, and not to the places of your probable location and rest. Hanging shelves also cause negative energy, so it is important to round off or mask their corners, for example, with an amulet of beads and coins.

Prohibition 6. Bathroom spaces and toilets should be kept clean. Timely cleaning and closed doors will help you maintain coziness and comfort in the house. If you have a pet that has space in your bathroom, use the built-in doors, but don't leave the doors open.

Prohibition 7. Ventilate the space in the house. The more often you keep windows and vents open, the more often the energy of the living space is updated. In order not to become victims of colds, ventilate the house during your absence.

Prohibition 8. Proper organization of the workspace will help you perform your duties much more productively. You need to sit with your back to a solid wall without windows and doors. As a last resort, block openings to protect your rear from the outflow of energy. Proper arrangement of items on the table will provide you with greater efficiency, and the absence of unnecessary items will help you concentrate and not be distracted from the main things.

Prohibition 9. The area adjacent to the house should be as open as possible. Growing trees and cars blocking the passage prevent the flow of positive energy from entering your home. The exception is landings that block the entrance from the roadway. The same applies to the internal door space. Get rid of clutter and put your shoes in a designated area.

Prohibition 10. Before buying a home, evaluate its neighborhood with other buildings. The most successful location of the house will be the presence of a nearby fountain, square or park. A dangerous neighborhood will be a cemetery, a prison and a hospital. These "neighbors" have a huge field of negative energy that can complicate your life.

By changing the space around you, you change your life for the better. Remember that achieving happiness in your own home is not so difficult. It is enough to follow the suggested recommendations to make your home a receptacle of positive energy.
