Show slot machines where soft toys are pulled out. How to get a toy out of the machine? It's simple! Knowledge is power

Excitement is very great - after all, for one coin you can get a toy that costs twenty or thirty such coins! And how little children love these machines! Dad, so big, smart and strong, easily pulls out a fluffy hare, and if he still lets you press the button at the end - that's it, a hero for the rest of his life.

For schoolchildren, this is sometimes the only financially affordable way to admit their sympathies to their peers.

Entrepreneurs who own machines with prizes, of course, will not tell you how to win in them. They have a different interest!

But years of effort and training were not in vain, but helped to identify some patterns and rules that will tell you how to win a toy in the machine.

Principle of operation

All machines work in approximately the same way:

  • insert a coin, bill, token, etc.;
  • direct the exciting crane to the desired toy with the buttons or joystick;
  • press the "Finish" button, the crane descends to the toy, when successful option grabs it and rises up;
  • the crane moves to the output tray, lowers the toy into it, the win is yours.

But most often, problems arise already at the third stage: the crane does not grab the toy or cannot pick it up - it drops it, and it can also lose it on the way to the output tray. Now let's figure out how to prevent all these misses and how to win against the toy machine.

Machine selection

If there is a choice, then take a closer look at the capture blades of the cranes and approach the machine that has the strongest and most tightly compressed.

In some designs, these blades are deliberately loose or have already become loose during operation.

How to beat the toy machine if it is alone and looks rather shabby? Read on.

Choice of toys

The principle of choosing a toy is similar to going to Second Hand, that is, we take not what we want, but what we have.

If you want to get a toy, then choose visually light, fluffy and voluminous. Pay attention to the "catchy" details: laces, suction cups, additional elements(berry in paws). It is possible that the crane will hook on them, and the grip will be stronger.

The location of the toy also has great importance. Always choose the one closest to the output tray. Then the probability that it will get there, even falling along the road, will be much higher.

Be mindful of the system

How to win against the toy machine using the mind, not the dexterity? Easily!

Take some time and watch the players. Many machines are set to what wins, for example, every tenth or twenty-first.

That is, in the winning round, the grip of the crane blades will be very strong, which means that he will be able to pull out any toy for you and bring it to the tray.

This, of course, is more convenient to do if you are in a popular place where there are many slot machines or customers.

Having revealed the system settings at the machine, just wait for your turn - and the toy is in your pocket!

This method is even more preferable and more economical. As they say, the strong work with his hands, and the wise with his head.

Knowledge is power

By knowing how to win at the toy machine, you will no longer be afraid of those glass busters that stand at the entrance to every store. You will be able to earn a certain authority from the child, from which a strong friendship can form in the future. You will conquer your beloved with your skill and a pleasant, sweet souvenir for a long memory. From such actions and moments often grows

And what a savings on gifts! Are you going to a children's birthday party? Turn to the machine, with the skill worked out in half an hour you will have a gift not only for the birthday man, but for the whole honest company. And you yourself will become for the children good magician- and all this for a few coins.

Don't miss the prize machines! How to win, you already know.

Who among us has not seen the toy machines that are in almost every store? Such a small booth, completely filled with toys, into which you just need to insert a small coin, use an impromptu joystick to point the “grabber” at the toy, grab it, bring it to a special compartment, drop it and the toy is already in your hands! But, is everything so simple? It turns out not ... and not everyone is destined to pull a toy out of the machine.

As soon as you insert the money into the slot machine and try to pull out the toy, most likely you will just feed your few rubles to the slot machine. And as you wanted, after all, the owners have to earn money on something. True, there is a trick here, which just allows you to pull the toy out of the machine the first time.

The basic principle of operation of such machines is that it has a special “counter” that allows you to pull out one toy from several attempts. That is, every twentieth pulls out a toy, and the machine does not allow everyone else to do this. That is, if you carefully look at which player out of several players takes out a toy, then you can simply calculate from a distance, come up in time and immediately pull out the toy.

You can also pull out a toy, if the machine has only been put in. The thing is that when the machine is just being installed, it has not yet loosened a specially grasping tool and you can pull out the toy on the first try. On my own example, I can say that in a new machine with due skill, you can pull out as many as three toys in a row. Here important point, grab only those toys that are next to the drop hole, so even if you don’t carry a toy a little and it starts to fall, there is a chance that it will still fall into the compartment and you will win it.

Try to choose light toys, you have more chances to bring them to win than large and heavy ones. And carefully look at the blades of the grasping crane, if they are tightly linked, then the chances of winning a toy in the machine are much higher than if they are loose.

In general, now you know exactly how to get a toy out of slot machine. You can act.

And before you start I advise you to watch the video - an excerpt from the famous scientifically - popular series brainbreakers. It just highlights the method based on the calculation, in which of the attempts the machine allows you to pull out the toy without any problems.

Pulling a toy out of a slot machine is easy...

Pulling the toy out of the slot machine is very simple, namely, point the device with the joystick so that it is easy to grab the toy with the tongs of the machine and actually start.
It is important to remember: 1. Some machines are programmed to open the tongs (When, having grabbed a toy, the tongs rise up, hit and open... - this usually happens when the cost of the game is too low);
2. The toy should not be big and heavy.

If you did everything right, you will safely collect your prize. As you can see, everything is in your hands.

How to get a toy out of a slot machine.

To pull out a toy from a gaming machine, you need to look at how these toys lie. People who run slot machines are trying to break the toys in such a way that it would be more difficult to get them, because their profit will depend on it, because the more attempts it takes to pull out the toys, the more they will earn. So. If the toys lie tightly to each other, then it is better not to spend money on pulling them out. Wait for someone else to smash them in the slot machine. When you see that there is a toy in the slot machine that you can easily pick up, you can take a chance. Make sure there are no children near the machine. They can interfere with you or even press the button. Take a look at the center of the toy and press the button.

How to get a toy out of a slot machine?

Many have noticed that getting a toy out of a slot machine is not so easy. At the last moment, the coveted prize breaks down and flies down.
In order to take possession of a soft toy from a slot machine, you need to know a few subtleties and important points.

1) Some machines are programmed for a certain frequency of winning a toy. Stop at the machine and watch the players - these machines are always dominated by a large audience of onlookers. If you notice that everyone gets the toy, for example, the fifth player, in this case, wait for your turn and play only a “successful” replay.

2) Do not be greedy, choose small and light toys. In this case, there is a high probability that the crane will not drop the heavy animal, and it will successfully end up in the prize compartment.

3) Craftsmen for extracting toys from automatic machines recommend capturing prizes located next to the compartment. Most toys often fall near the compartment, and so there is a possibility that the plush animal during the game will not fall into a bunch of its fellows, but will fly into the compartment from which you can extract it.

4) Carefully inspect the machine, take part in the game only in those devices in which the crane blades have a tight grip. The chance of pulling out a toy in such a slot machine is much higher than in a machine with a loose faucet.

5) In most cases, the machines have toys with various suction cups and eyelets. Try to catch the toy for such a device. If it sticks to the faucet, there is a high probability that the winnings will reach you without loss.

I hope my information will help you win a lot of cute plush animals.
