Questioning. Questionnaire on native language and traditional culture Questionnaire on the preservation of native languages


Dear friends!

The results of the survey of the IPM "Supreme Council of Ossetians" on the attitude to the native language and national culture of the Ossetian people have been summed up. The general results are published on the organization's website (see the address under this material), and everyone can get acquainted with them. Let's try to compare them.

While some numbers might have been expected, others came as a surprise to ourselves. And above all, the most unexpected was the number of people who took part in the survey. The planned survey of 2-3 hundred people on the fifth day through social networks began to disperse at such a speed that on Friday evening we were forced to stop the survey. As a result, the number of participants reached 7556 people.

When reviewing the results, 137 spoiled questionnaires were found (with an unspecified age, nationality, etc.) We did not consider them. Of the remaining questionnaires, 284 were completed by representatives of other nationalities. This was a pleasant surprise for us. We decided to analyze their results separately. Their point of view is of undoubted interest to us.

Certain factors certainly influenced the final results of the survey, and we are aware that the results do not 100% reflect the opinion of the entire population of Ossetia. People who are indifferent to certain issues usually tend to ignore surveys on these topics. At the same time, residents of South Ossetia also filled out the questionnaire, where, as is known, the state and state status of their native language are somewhat different. It also slightly affected the results. But, despite all this, we got good opportunities for comparative analysis.

The first thing that catches your eye is that women in our country are much more socially active (64.7% of survey participants) than men (35.3%). In the process of discussing and finding solutions to today's national problems, it would be desirable to have at least equal proportions and equal participation.

50.2% of the survey participants were born or raised in Vladikavkaz or another city in Ossetia, 40.3% - in a rural area, and 9.5% - outside of Ossetia. The age of the majority of survey participants is in the range of 21-43 years (62.3%), over 43 years old - 31.5% and only 6.2% - under 20 years old.

In response to the first question, the respondents almost unanimously answered that knowledge of the Ossetian language is necessary to ensure the future of our people (95.95% - men and 94.32% - women). At the same time, 65.5% of representatives of other nations also think the same way, and this pleases. 4.7% of Ossetians think that it is better to know their native language, but they can do without knowing it, and 24.3% of representatives of non-titular nationality agree with them. Well, 0.4% of Ossetians and 29.0% of representatives of other peoples expressed the opinion that there is no need to know their native language, it is enough to know Russian.

77.5% of the Ossetian male participants in the questionnaire and 81.69% of the female participants have a good command of their native language, and these figures seem to be slightly overestimated for the reasons mentioned above. But all the same, it is obvious that the situation with the Ossetian language among the adult population is noticeably better than among children. At the same time, more women speak their native language than men. 10.5% of all Ossetians who participated in the survey can speak, but cannot write, and in total 9.2% speak poorly or do not speak at all. At the same time, among rural residents, 92.28% speak their native language well, and 5.57% speak but cannot write. The same indicators among the urban population look different - 75.1% and 12.1%. Well, among those who were born or grew up outside of Ossetia, those who speak their native language are noticeably less - 56.9%.

It is noteworthy that 20.8% of representatives of other peoples also have a good command of the Ossetian language, and 13.4% - colloquial. But there are still more of those who do not own - 65.8%.

Among Ossetians, 78.25% of men and 82.15% of women believe that it does not matter how to learn their native language, if there is a desire. Almost the same number of representatives of other nations think the same way. And this fully confirms the need to create conditions in the republic for the emergence of such a desire among our population, that is, to stimulate the study of the Ossetian language.

59.44% of men and 54.5% of women consider their native language as a key that opens the door to the treasury of the people, somewhat less - a means of communication with representatives of their nationality. 6.05% of Ossetians and 14.4% of representatives of other peoples consider their native language doomed to extinction as archaism. It seems that among the population as a whole, these percentages are somewhat higher.

Answers to the question “Who has more responsibility for teaching children their native language?” turned out to be quite unexpected for us. Only 5.63% of the survey participants placed this responsibility on the school, while 80.71% placed it on the family. Perhaps the results were affected by the personal experience of each: positive in the family and negative in school. The educators, and us too, have a lot to think about. The family is undoubtedly responsible for laying the foundation of national self-consciousness in the minds of children, but from the age of seven, the school must seize this initiative. From this moment on, the family becomes an assistant to the school, and in the process of learning, the child receives the bulk of knowledge and skills from teachers.

Even more unexpected were the results of the answers to the next question about the legitimacy of parents to choose their native language for their minor children. 35.35% of Ossetians think that we should have such a right. Moreover, this opinion is shared by 30.34% of rural residents, 38.3% of urban residents and 42.36% of those who were born outside of Ossetia. At the same time, there are much more men who think so than women. This is also the opinion of 66.2% of representatives of other peoples. And if, with the current educational standards and federal regulations, a third of Ossetians do not consider their native language uncontested, the threat of being in the future without this language is not so illusory. And in this case, we have another question: “Do we feel fully responsible to our ancestors, who passed on priceless treasures from generation to generation so that they come down to us? Do we feel even greater responsibility to our descendants, to whom, through our fault, these treasures may no longer reach?

This is supported by the answers to the following question. 51.86% of Ossetians put the rights of the individual above the rights of society. Such survey results would be very typical for European or North American countries. There, the rights of the individual always prevail over the rights of society, and there is nothing special about this. After all, they do not have the concepts of “sykhbæstæ”, “hhuæubæstæ”, “myggag”, and each person lives primarily for himself, comparing his actions with his personal rights and the laws of the state. Disunity in Western society is obvious and quite natural. On this basis, ties within this society are weakening, the institution of the family as a cell of society is being destroyed, and demographic problems are deepening. The more a person thinks about his personal pleasure, the less about the surrounding society, its needs and its future. Fewer marriages, more divorces, a catastrophic decline in the birth rate, forcing states to fill this gap by importing millions of emigrants. Everyone knows what consequences this leads to. Ossetian worldview has always been based on public consciousness. "I" and "me" were placed lower than "we" and "we, the whole society." From here the concepts “æfsarm” and “ægdau” grew, since they could only be applied in relation to others, to society. The last 30-35 years have greatly changed our consciousness, and the results of the survey confirm this well. This is not a vice of the survey participants, but rather a disease of the Ossetian society. How to treat it? Let everyone try to answer this question on their own.

Answers to the question about spiritual, moral and material values ​​were expected, but it is also obvious that many could not answer frankly. Only 1.33% in the questionnaire put material values ​​higher. However, even here almost half (45.26%) believe that one does not interfere with the other, and perhaps this is correct. But very often in real life the situation poses the question point-blank “either this or that”, and then the answer of many is different. Material goods have taken too much place in our lives, crowding out spiritual and moral values.

What is Iron Ægdau? We have listed five answer options, and the vast majority of respondents (63.80%) considered that all of the above is the constituent of Iron Ægdau. At the same time, only a few separately noted table etiquette and almost no one - faith, religion. Useful information for those who believe that Ægdau should be observed only at the table, as well as for those who start talking about this Ægdau exclusively with the “Ossetian religion”. It is also interesting that for almost a third of representatives of other nationalities Iron Ægdau is traditions and customs.

68.41% of survey participants, Ossetians, believe that the Ossetian language and Ægdau are closely related and not viable separately, while 28.7% think that one can exist without the other. In other words, in their opinion, one can be a carrier of Iron Ægdau without knowing the Ossetian language. Is it right to think so?

It is gratifying that 91.9% of Ossetians think that it is necessary to know and observe Iron Ægdau. 62.3% of representatives of other nationalities also think, but at the same time, 12.7% of them are of the opinion that ægdau is not relevant today and you can do without it.

79.58% of Ossetians try to follow the rules of Iron Ægdau, but not always succeed, and 18.32% are sure that they always follow them. A total of 41 Ossetians (0.57%) and 26 (9.2%) representatives of other nations said that they did not care. We thank all of them for participating in the survey and frank answers.

In the opinion of 57.9% of Ossetians, the responsibility for the preservation of our Ægdau lies more with the elders among the families and neighbors, and 20.57% lay it on the leadership of the republic and deputies. Apparently, a tenth of the participants do not agree with them, who believe that this responsibility lies with the Supreme Council of Ossetians (Ira Styr Nykhas). We are happy about this, and are ready to take on this responsibility, but better together with the first two categories. Moreover, we are ready to share it with other public organizations, to which 30 (0.42%) of the survey participants assign it.

And if 5416 (75.9%) Ossetians say that they will do everything in their power to preserve Iron Ægdau, it would be great to see these people united by this common idea and common intentions. This is a huge army of like-minded people, capable of moving mountains. Why do we usually get it with great difficulty? Why do three Ossetians always have three mutually exclusive opinions? Perhaps the answer to this question lies in the results of the response to question #7. And we would like to unite those 3.5 thousand people who put public interests above personal ones, in order to serve these interests together, for the sake of a better future for our society. By the way, 37.3% of representatives of other peoples are also ready to do everything in their power together with us to preserve and strengthen the foundation of the worldview of the Ossetian people - Iron Ægdau.

The results of the answers to the penultimate question about the preferred method of raising children are also interesting. With all our apparent advancement towards Western values, which they non-stop bestow on us through TV and the Internet, 81.78% of the respondents spoke in favor of the traditional upbringing of children, which also allows punishment for serious misconduct. 5.8% of men and 9.5% of women prefer a Western upbringing based on the power of persuasion and individual rights. As you know, in many countries, physical punishment of children is prohibited by law, and in the Scandinavian countries, for a slap in the face or a slap on the bottom of a child, he can be removed from the family forever with subsequent transfer to another family. But it is also well known that in Western countries, child abuse, physical harm by parents or persons replacing them is very common. Therefore, through their legislation, they strictly control the process of raising children in a family, which for us has always been more a personal or public matter than a state one. Our ancestors, with their traditionally strict attitude to the upbringing of children, did not have either of these extremes. Children were not harmed even by blood enemies. Children have always been under the care and protection of the whole society. Maybe we should return to such an attitude towards our children, and therefore to our future?

Well, the last question was included in the questionnaire with a specific purpose - to find out your attitude to the opening of national schools, which is so far the only Alanian gymnasium. Judging by a survey in the region15, its opening was the most significant event in the republic in the past year. Children in it take all subjects in the Ossetian language, and federal educational standards are not decisive here. The participants in our survey confidently confirmed the need for such schools. 1819 (72.2%) men and 4132 (50.2%) women are ready to send their children to a national school in the future if it is available in their area. What is even more interesting is that 24.3% of the representatives of other nations living with us in Ossetia would also like such schools for their children.

21.12% of respondents (men and women) prefer regular school, and 20.97% doubt the quality of education in the national school.

I would like to draw the attention of the workers of the education system, the leadership of North Ossetia - Alania and South Ossetia to all these figures. Obviously, we need more such schools in Ossetia, and this can be a good help in the overall set of measures aimed at preserving and developing our native language.

In conclusion, we want to thank everyone who was not too lazy and gave frank answers to the questions of the questionnaire. It's good when we can sit down together and tell each other what we think about this or that problem. Even if it's anonymous. This gives us the opportunity to better understand the situation and draw the right conclusions.

We will continue this practice on other interesting topics. Your opinion is important to us.

Ruslan Kuchiev,

Chairman of the Coordinating Council

IPM "Supreme Council of Ossetians"

Schools are not provided with native language textbooks, classrooms do not meet modern requirements, and many teachers are poorly trained, participants of the conference "Problems of Preservation and Development of the Languages ​​of the Peoples of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic" said. They adopted an appeal to the parliament of the republic with a request to come up with a legislative initiative and propose to the State Duma to cancel the amendments to the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" adopted in 2018, which provide for the voluntary study of native languages.

The conference was held on December 19 at the Karachay-Cherkess State University (KCHSU). In addition to the KChSU, the organizers were the Ministry of Education and Science of the KChR, the Ministry of Nationalities and the Press of the Republic, the public organizations "Rus", "Karachai Alan Halk", "Adyge Khase", "Nogay El" and the association for the development of the Abaza people "Apsadgyl", reports correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot" who was present at the conference.

Among the conference participants are employees of the Karachay-Cherkess State University for the Humanities, the Karachay-Cherkess Institute for Humanitarian Research, teachers of native languages ​​of the republic's secondary schools, representatives of national public organizations and national printed publications.

Learning the native language is treated according to the residual principle

National public organizations "Karachay Alan Khalk", "Adyge Khase", "Nogay El", "Apsadgyl" united in connection with numerous requests to take measures to preserve and study their native languages, one of the main speakers, the deputy head of the public organization, said during the conference " Karachay Alan Halk" of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Suleiman Botashev.

“Even in rural settlements, residents speak Russian. All four public organizations created working groups, sent appeals to educational institutions of the republic. In total, nine groups were created, they dispersed to regions and cities, found out many points that do not contribute to the preservation and development of relatives languages, but destroy what is. In the course of meetings with teachers, parents, we found out a lot and compiled a final report, "Suleiman Botashev explained.

He expressed regret that no one from the government, except Deputy Minister of Education Elizaveta Semyonova, came to the conference. "This is the attitude towards native languages," he added.

“Schools treat teaching the native language on a residual basis. Schools are not provided with textbooks. One textbook is issued for five to seven people. Children cannot study at home from textbooks, there is no such possibility. Some textbooks do not meet standards. back in Soviet times," said Suleiman Botashev.

Rooms for native language lessons do not meet the requirements for area and equipment

The premises allocated for teaching native languages ​​do not meet the requirements for space and equipment, Suleiman Botashev said. "Cabinets where they teach native languages ​​can accommodate 12-13 children, and, for example, in many classes of Karachays, 20-25 people each, especially in the city of Cherkessk, where every third student is a Karachay. Teachers of native languages ​​themselves do not influence this situation they can,” says Suleiman Botashev.

As for teaching native languages, many teachers are professionally poorly trained, the speaker noted.

"Many of them do not undergo retraining. At the same time, highly professional teachers should be encouraged at the level of ministries, departments and public organizations," Botashev stressed.

The speaker expressed concern about the reduction of hours for mother tongue lessons in schools. "It used to be five hours a week. Today there are only three hours of native language a week, in some schools - two hours," Suleiman Botashev stated.

He drew attention to the fact that, in addition to those included in the educational process, a number of schools have additional hours for studying native languages. "In the Prikubansky, Malokarachaevsky, Zelenchuksky districts, Cherkessk, not a single additional lesson is used to teach their native language. They use these hours for various activities, but not for teaching their native language," Suleiman Botashev said.

The most important problem, he says, is that there is no state program for the study of native languages. "Teachers make up their own programs. There is no systematic approach," the speaker added.

Parents are beginning to give up learning their native languages, he said. "In 2018, they made changes to the federal legislation on the choice of learning a language as a mother tongue. This is the death of small peoples," said Suleiman Botashev.

He also said that he considers it necessary to train teachers of the native language for preschool institutions and primary classes.

There is no funding for publishing dictionaries, reprinting textbooks

A year ago, a single commission for the preservation of native languages ​​was created, consisting of representatives of the organizations Karachay Alan Khalk, Adyghe Khase, Apsadgyl and Nogay El, the deputy head of the Apsadgyl organization confirmed during his speech Ramzaan Mkhtse.

"Native languages ​​are treated on a residual basis. Backrooms are allocated in schools for the study of the native language. The native language should be compulsory for learning in schools. It is necessary to change federal legislation. We propose to enter into cooperation with other national organizations of the country to solve the problems of preserving native languages "The problems in Tatarstan, Buryatia, Udmurtia and other regions are similar. We propose to convene an all-Russian conference to identify all these problems, in order to then turn to the country's leadership so that our initiatives are heard," Mkhtse said.

He also drew attention to the lack of funding for the publication of dictionaries, reprinting of textbooks, and advanced training of personnel.

We need a state program for the preservation and development of native languages

Karachay, Circassian, Abaza and Nogai languages ​​have the status of state languages, the rector of Karachay-Cherkess State University said during the conference Tausoltan Uzdenov.

"The problem of studying and preserving native languages ​​is systemic. We need a long-term republican program for the preservation and development of native languages. We will prepare an appeal to the leadership of the republic so that it initiates the creation of a commission to develop such a program," Uzdenov said.

As a result of amendments to the federal legislation in 2018 that abolished the compulsory study of national languages, the number of children learning the language of their people has decreased, said Vice-Rector of KSSU, Professor Sergei Pazov.

School principals should meet with parents and explain to everyone what their native language means, said during a speech by the head of the department of languages ​​of the peoples of Karachay-Cherkessia of the Republican Institute for Humanitarian Research, Doctor of Philology Fatima Erkenova.

"Native language education should be compulsory, and parents do not have the right to decide for children whether to learn their native language or not. None of us knows what our children will grow up to be. Maybe he will become a writer who writes in his native language, or composer. It is also necessary to start teaching native languages ​​in preschool institutions," she said.

Textbooks on Circassian literature published in recent years are not included in the federal list of publications, Associate Professor of the Karachay-Cherkess Institute for Advanced Training of Educators, Candidate of Philological Sciences said during the conference Marina Dyshekova.

"This requires serious financial resources. This topic was thoroughly disclosed to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin by the President of the International Circassian Association Khauti Sokhrokov at their recent meeting in Nalchik. Moreover, Sokhrokov spoke not only about the Kabardino-Circassian language, but about all the languages ​​of the peoples of the Caucasus. We will hope that the federal authorities will respond positively to the proposals made," Dyshekova added.

The conference participants adopted a final resolution in which they decided to appeal to the deputies of the KChR parliament with a request to come up with a legislative initiative to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the abolition of amendments made in 2018 to Article 14 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", providing for the voluntary study of native languages.

They also decided to apply to the head of the KChR, Rashid Temrezov, with a request to establish the post of Deputy Minister of Education and Science, who will deal exclusively with the study, preservation and development of national languages. In addition, it was proposed to create an inspection to oversee the state of the study of national languages ​​of the KChR and an interdepartmental commission to develop a state program for the development of national languages ​​of the peoples of the KChR.

Note that Karachay-Cherkessia is a multinational republic. Karachays, Russians, Circassians, Abaza and Nogais are the subject-forming ethnic groups.

In accordance with Part 6 of Art. 14 of the Law "On Education" provides for the choice of the studied native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including the Russian language as a native language, it is carried out at the request of the parents (legal representatives) of minor children who are educated in schools.

Before starting work on the project, a survey of students was conducted: “Do you know the traditions and customs of your family, village, district?". An important prerequisite for the implementation of the project is the willingness of students to study and preserve the cultural values ​​of their people in the process of various forms of work.

Questionnaire for students

1. Do you know your family history?

I know everything about my parents

I know everything about my parents and grandparents

Difficult to answer

I have some information

2. Are you a native of the Shentalinsky district?



Difficult to answer

3. Does a person need to know the history of his ancestors?



Not necessary

4. If necessary, why?

It's a shame not to know the history of your ancestors

I'm just curious to see my family in the background of history

A person needs to know the history of his ancestors in order to be proud of his ancestors.

To understand who to look up to

To know what good people you came from

To know who you are

5. Do you speak your native language at home?



6. Does your family prepare national dishes?



On holidays

7. Do you know the history of your region (village)?

The origin of the village, its names

Features of speech

Traditions and customs of holidays

Features of the local costume

Legends, fairy tales, legends

Other ________________________________________________________________________

8. Do you have national holidays in your village (district)?

- Yes



9. Do you take part in national holidays?

- Yes



10. Would you like to expand your knowledge?

About the history of the village, district, region

About the traditions and customs of your village, region

Other ________________________________________________________________________

11. If so, with what?

From the stories of their relatives

In the classroom at school

As part of additional education (circles, children's associations)

Reference sources, Internet

12. Plans for life after graduation

I will go to the city, there are more prospects for finding a job and developing

I will stay in my native village and live for the benefit of the prosperity of my beloved Shentalinsky district

Haven't decided yet


Survey results

“Do you know the traditions and customs of your family, village, region?”

OO JV Children's Art School GBOU secondary school No. 1 "OTs" railway. Art. Shentala

the date of the August-September 2016

Total participated 149 children (from the villages of the region)

Do you know your family history?

I know everything about my parents

I know everything about my parents and grandparents

I know everything about my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents

Difficult to answer

I have some information





Are you a native of the Shentalinsky district?



Difficult to answer



Does a person need to know the history of his ancestors?








If necessary, why?

It's a shame not to know the history of your ancestors

I'm just curious to see my family in the background of history

A person needs to know the history of his ancestors in order to be proud of his ancestors.

To understand who to look up to

To know what good people you came from

To know who you are







Do you speak your native language at home?





Does your family prepare national dishes?



On holidays




Do you know the history of your region (village)?

The origin of the village, its names

Features of speech

Traditions and customs of holidays

Features of the local costume

Legends, fairy tales, legends







Are there any national holidays in your village (district)?






Do you take part in national holidays?







Would you like to expand your knowledge?

About the history of the village, district, region

About the traditions and customs of your village, region





If yes, then with what?

From the stories of their relatives

In the classroom at school

As part of additional education (circles, children's associations)

Reference sources, Internet





Plans for life after graduation

I will go to the city, there are more prospects for finding a job and developing

I will stay in my native village and live for the benefit of the prosperity of my beloved Shentalinsky district

Haven't decided yet




Conclusion:half of the children surveyed know the history of their family, not only about their parents, but also about grandparents, the second half divided in half: of them, they know only about their parents, and there are those who know about great-grandparents. 90% of students are indigenous people of the Shentalinsky district. Almost all (99%) believe that a person needs to know the history of their ancestors, and only 1% believe that this is not necessary. Well, firstly (43%) answered that it is a shame not to know the history of their ancestors, 37% - believe that you need to know the history of your ancestors in order to be proud of them, 16% - to know who you are. It is gratifying to note that 79% of the respondents speak their native language at home, and almost every family (97%) cooks national dishes, 38% of them on holidays. 67% of children know the history of the origin of their village, its names, 32% - the traditions and customs of holidays, and a small percentage: speech features, costume features, fairy tales, legends and giving. Most of the respondents (80%) noted the high activity of holding national holidays in the village (Chetyrla, Saleikino, Balandaevo, Bagana, Deniskino), less - with. Kamenka. 68% of children take an active part in folk holidays, 30% sometimes, and only 2% of the respondents do not take part at all. It is also good that students want to replenish their knowledge about the history of the village, district, region (70%), about traditions and customs (32%) both within the framework of additional education - 55%, and from the stories of their relatives - 40%, on lessons at school - 25%, 12% - reference sources and the Internet. With plans for life after graduation, 64% have not yet decided, but 26% decided they will leave for the city, and only 10% will stay in their native village and live for the prosperity of their beloved Shentalinsky district.
