Irkutsk Regional Psychiatric Hospital 1. Irkutsk Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital

Psychiatric clinic. S.S. Korsakov since its inception, has been practicing advanced, effective and safe methods of treatment for all mental illnesses. Even in 1887, when the hospital was built, the living conditions of patients were incomparably better than in all other institutions of this profile.

Korsakov was at one time the first psychiatrist to suggest (and the first to do so) the use of straitjackets, strict isolation, and certain painful and dangerous treatments. Moreover, during the work of S.S. Korsakov, the bars were removed from the windows of the clinic, and the patients were given a place to walk - a huge garden, securely fenced off from the street. It is believed that this garden was part of the possessions of Leo Tolstoy, who lived in the neighborhood, and was received by the clinic as a gift from the writer, who learned a lot from communication with employees and patients.

The hospital was built at the expense of the widow Morozova. Her husband suffered mental illness and was treated at home (by the decision of Morozova herself). Morozov's doctor was Professor Korsakov, who, even at home, could maintain a relatively stable remission in the patient. After the death of Morozov, his widow determined part of the inheritance for the construction of a clinic for the mentally ill, headed by S.S. Korsakov.

The concept of the clinic at PMSMU named after Sechenov: comfort, convenience and safety of the patient come first

After Professor Korsakov, the position of the head of the clinic was transferred to his student, V.P. Serbsky, who was in charge of the hospital until 1911. After him, the psychiatric clinic was headed by scientists, followers of the psychiatric school of S.S. Korsakov (F.E. Rybakov, P.B. Gannushkin, N.M. Zharikov), who adhered to the same traditions, focusing the work of the clinic, first of all, on patients. The comfort, convenience and safety of patients have always been top priorities for the hospital staff. This concept has not changed even now.

Today the clinic is one of the clinical bases of PMSMU named after A.I. I.S. Sechenov. In their work, psychiatrists use the latest and effective methods treatment (the method is introduced into practice only after a series of clinical trials that prove its safety - until then it will not be used in the treatment of patients in the clinic).

First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov Clinic of Psychiatry in Moscow

Head of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology of PMSMU Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor N.N. Ivanets. This man makes a huge contribution to the development modern science. His guide to addiction is certainly known to all experts in this field as a work, in the most detailed way covering the most subtle mechanisms of the development of addictions and their treatment.

Clinic them. S.S. Korsakov (PMGMU Psychiatry) – Father's house modern psychiatry

Psychiatric clinic. S.S. Korsakova has always been the place of work of the best psychiatrists not only in Russia, but also in the world. Within its walls, leading psychiatrists combined drug and non-drug treatment methods to achieve optimal results. Many studies carried out within the walls of this clinic have acquired international significance.

The idea of ​​“non-restraint”, which is now used everywhere and is considered an axiom, originated in this clinic in the 19th century at the suggestion of Korsakov. Also, it was here that anonymous psychiatry, free treatment and maintenance of mentally ill people were actively introduced into practice.

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The page in the contact of this "doctor" is filled with information about cakes and kids. It seems that she is not interested in her work at all.

This place is interesting, Urban mental hospital, Department No. 6 of the acute regime! After a month of being inside these "caring" walls, you understand all the charm of lack of freedom and mind control on the part of the hospital staff and the charm of your brain being unhealthy, because you can forget about a healthy brain there!

I deliberately volunteered to lie there.

Yes, I'm mentally ill. Yes, I am mentally ill. I understand this and I know that I need psychological, psychotherapeutic and sometimes medication (that is, psychiatric, because it is psychiatrists who prescribe medications) help. But I'm human! And I deserve to remain Human even in places of this level! And I almost got killed...

I thought about suicide: real, not "tired of living." Life was unbearable for me different circumstances, I cried all the time, and therefore I turned to the so-called "doctors" for help, with the hope of help and recovery. And she just got hurt!

The reasonableness / rationality of such an act is not difficult to calculate - you cannot finish and kill a person, even if you are this person. And I asked for help. I chose the "sharp six" and the next day I went to bed in the morning.

Despite my willingness, no one listened to me. As soon as I crossed the threshold, I turned from an adult into ... I don’t even know who ...

They don’t even treat animals like that - how badly they treated me - humiliated, grabbed my hands painfully, pumped drugs and changed them without my knowledge (I always look at side effects And I wouldn't drink too much! But in six...

By the way, at the time of my voluntary arrival, I was able to alcohol intoxication. I clearly and calmly told the nurse of the sixth department about this and thought that they would not give me medicines and wait until I sober up.

Then I once again said this at the time of distributing the medicines, but they immediately shoved an unknown drug into me, without talking to the doctor and without any explanation. And as most doctors know, alcohol and drugs are incompatible!...

There, in a public hospital, I realized what Hell could look like: patients are deprived of human rights, civil rights, and indeed any rights!

This is especially true for those who have no one to visit - orphanage girls; runaway children abandoned by their parents; grandmothers whose families sent them to life-long "treatment" for their property.

Within these walls people can live out their last days and doctors, with their "heartfelt and diligent" help, will help families get an apartment quickly. It hurt me to look at it. Yes, it hurts a lot! But if you raise your voice above a half-whisper, you become "violent." Therefore, no one wants to be mating in the corridor with haloperidol in the gluteal muscle!

I left the walls of the sixth department without own will, but by the decision of the doctors, who, in my opinion, wanted to hide their negligence. The reason: I changed drugs very quickly, without washing, as they did for other patients. And they gave a mixture of 5-6 drugs. As a result, swollen strange bruises appeared on my thighs, I could not speak clearly, lexicon and I lost the ability to cry.

Lepakhina said that if you do not urgently flush out the drugs, then you can die from this condition. Lymphopenia was suspected.

Now I have been transferred to the 14th day department, as I believe, in order to avoid problems and legal proceedings due to the fact that my health was seriously damaged. Moreover, my sister was going to file a complaint against the doctor for such treatment. I want people to know what goes on behind the closed walls of state mental hospitals!

As the Hippocratic Oath says: "The main thing is do no harm!" ....
