Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effective use of interactive methods. Interactive technologies in pedagogy Demo version


interactive learning multimedia

The main goal of education is the formation of a free, responsible, humane personality capable of further self-development. An educated person who easily navigates in a changing society, quickly masters new areas of activity, has a high level of tolerance, is able to analyze a new situation, evaluate it and make an appropriate decision - this is a citizen of society.

The use of new interactive technologies in the educational process allows teachers to implement their pedagogical ideas, present them to the attention of colleagues and get a prompt response, and gives students the opportunity to independently choose an educational trajectory - the sequence and pace of studying topics, a system of tasks, ways to control knowledge. This is how the most important requirement of modern education is realized - the development of an individual meaning of activity, a culture of self-determination in the subjects of the educational process, their personal development takes place.

More recently, there was a popular belief that a computer can only be used by a teacher of computer science, and other subjects do not seem to need it, but today it is already becoming clear that information technology opens up truly enormous opportunities in professional activities. The use of a computer allows you to combine various technical teaching aids with visual aids; organize methodological material and use it effectively in the classroom, taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

Information, communication and interactive technologies open up unique opportunities in various fields of professional activity, offer simple and convenient means for solving a wide range of problems, including in the field of education.

Interactive learning

Object of study: technologies in the educational process.

Subject of study: interactive technologies in education.

Purpose of the study: study the concept of "technology" in education, explore the use of interactive technologies in the educational process.

Research objectives:

1. Define the concepts of "interactive learning", "interactive technology".

2. To study the main aspects of the use of interactive equipment in educational activities.

Develop classes for children of senior preschool (primary school) age using interactive teaching aids.


1.1 The concept of interactive learning and interactive technologies

Interactive learning

The student becomes a full participant in the educational process, his experience is the main source of educational knowledge. The teacher (leader) does not give ready-made knowledge, but encourages participants to search independently.

· Compared to traditional teaching, interaction between the teacher and the student is changing in interactive learning: the activity of the teacher gives way to the activity of the students, and the task of the teacher is to create conditions for their initiative.

· The teacher refuses the role of a kind of filter that passes educational information through himself, and performs the function of an assistant in work, one of the sources of information.

Interactive learning- this is a special form of organizing cognitive activity, when the educational process proceeds in such a way that almost all students are involved in the process of cognition, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think.

· The joint activity of students in the process of learning, mastering the educational material means that everyone makes their own individual contribution, there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, ways of activity.

This happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support, which allows students not only to acquire new knowledge, but also to develop their communication skills: the ability to listen to the opinion of another, weigh and evaluate different points of view, participate in discussions, develop a joint decision.

· The educational possibilities of interactive forms of work are also significant. They contribute to the establishment of emotional contacts between students, teach them to work in a team, relieve the nervous stress of schoolchildren, helping to experience a sense of security, mutual understanding and their own success.

Interaction levels From the point of view of the degree of interaction under interactivity, the following cases (levels) can be considered:

· linear interaction(1:), or lack of interactivity, when the message being sent is not related to previous messages;

· reactive interaction(1:1) when the message is related to only one immediately previous message;

· multiple or conversational interaction(1:m) when a message is related to a set of previous messages and to relationships between them.

Sometimes interactivity in a given series of communication interactions is defined as an expression of the degree to which the third (or later) message is related to the level of interaction of the previous information exchange (messages) with even earlier exchanges (messages).

Interactive learning requires the use of special forms of organizing cognitive activity and sets quite specific and predictable goals, for example, creating comfortable learning conditions and involving students in learning interaction, which makes the learning process itself productive.

Pedagogical technology is a meaningful technique for the implementation of the educational process (V.P. Bespalko).

Pedagogical technology in educational practice is used at three hierarchically subordinate levels:

The structure of pedagogical technology includes:

Organization of the educational process

Methods and forms of educational activity of students

The activity of the teacher in managing the process of mastering the material

Diagnostics of the educational process.

Any pedagogical technology must satisfy some basic methodological requirements:

Conceptuality. Each pedagogical technology should be based on a certain scientific concept.

Consistency. Pedagogical technology must have all the features of the system: the logic of the process, the interconnection of all its parts, integrity.

Manageability implies the possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, varying means and methods in order to correct the results.

Efficiency. Modern pedagogical technologies exist in competitive conditions and must be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs, guaranteeing the achievement of a certain standard of learning.

Reproducibility implies the possibility of using pedagogical technology in other educational institutions of the same type, by other subjects.

To summarize: interactive technologies are increasingly being included in the educational process. To date, there is no established term that defines what is meant by interactive technologies. Interactivity is the interaction inherent in the software, aimed at presenting information, navigating through the content and placing any information. It (interaction) includes the use of hyperlinks, filling out forms, searching for data by keywords and other forms of dialogue with the user. Technology (pedagogical technology) - a set of forms, methods and techniques of the means of transferring social experience, as well as the technical equipment of this process. The main problem that is solved with the help of technology is the controllability of the learning process.

1.2 The use of interactive and multimedia equipment in educational activities

To optimize the educational process in modern educational institutions, it is necessary to apply a visual teaching method. When organizing the educational process, teachers try to use a variety of technical teaching aids, illustrations, technological maps; quite recently, audio and video equipment was used for these purposes: a tape recorder, a television, a vinyl disc player, a film projector and a slide projector. But time does not stand still, and in modern conditions, multimedia functions are successfully combined in a personal computer, supplemented by a subject media library.

More recently, there was a popular belief that a computer can only be used by a teacher of computer science, and other subjects do not seem to need it, but today it is already becoming clear that information technology opens up truly enormous opportunities in professional activities. The use of a computer allows you to combine various technical teaching aids with visual aids; organize methodological material and use it effectively in the classroom, taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

The lesson lasts only 45 minutes, and the teacher needs to do a lot: conduct a survey, check homework, conduct some practical exercises, explain new material, reinforce it. How can one do without the all-powerful electronic assistant - the computer? After all, with skillful use, it can take on a significant part of this work, and its powerful intellectual base, interactivity, combined with visibility, makes it possible to become a direct participant in events and allows you to manage its development.

Computer technologies qualitatively change the content, methods and organizational forms of education and, under certain conditions, can contribute to the development of individual abilities of trainees, their personal qualities; the formation of cognitive abilities; striving for self-improvement. Practice shows that the use of a computer has many advantages over traditional teaching methods. When using a computer in the classroom, the student is involved in the learning process as an active participant. Computer programs allow for the individualization of learning, make it possible to organize independent actions of students.

Each student has the opportunity to work at his own pace, not depending on weaker or, conversely, stronger classmates. The computer contributes to the formation of children's reflection of their activities, allows you to visualize the result of their actions.

Work experience shows that students who actively work with a computer develop a higher level of self-educational skills, the ability to navigate in a turbulent flow of information, the ability to highlight the main thing, to generalize, to draw conclusions. Therefore, the role of the teacher in revealing the possibilities of modern information technologies in the process of teaching both natural and humanitarian disciplines is very important.

In the learning process, one of the most important roles is played by the visibility of the material being studied. Physiologists have proven that about 95% of the information a person receives with the help of a visual analyzer. Thus, the more clearly the studied material is presented, the better it is remembered by students.

For the last decades, the textbook has been the most important methodological aid in the educational process. But modern information technologies are developing in such a way that a multimedia presentation can claim the role of a textbook in the educational process. Thanks to modern information technologies, it is possible to develop teaching aids that will more clearly show the material being studied. One of the active forms of learning that offers the use of computer technology is the creation of a multimedia abstract or presentation. The purpose of a multimedia presentation is to convey information in a visual, easily perceived form.

Power Point makes it easy to create multimedia presentations. The main property of this program is that it supports the use of not only textual information, but also allows you to insert and operate on objects created in other programs. Examples of such objects are audio fragments that can be used for sound accompaniment, and graphic objects, which allows you to most clearly present the material being studied. Multimedia presentations can be used to explain a new topic, knowledge control, as a means of information in extracurricular activities.

When showing multimedia presentations, an interactive whiteboard plays an important role. It is one of the most important tools in obtaining knowledge of students. With this board, the teacher can make the lesson more interesting and exciting. The interactive whiteboard makes it possible to use multimedia resources, enrich the lesson with additional material. Electronic interactive whiteboards enrich the possibilities of computer technology, providing a large screen for working with multimedia materials.

Interactive equipment, in particular, an interactive whiteboard, a document camera, ensure the efficient use of computers during lessons, classes, extracurricular activities, parent-teacher meetings, meetings, presentations, etc.

An interactive whiteboard is a flexible tool that combines the simplicity of a whiteboard with the power of a computer. In combination with a multimedia projector, this board becomes a large interactive screen, with one touch on the surface of which you can open any computer application or page on the Internet, display the necessary information, or simply draw and write. Anything drawn or written during the session can be saved as computer files, printed, emailed, saved as Web pages, and posted on the Internet.

interactive board is a touch screen connected to a computer, the image from which is transmitted to the board by a projector. Just touch the surface of the board to start working on the computer.

It implements one of the most important principles of learning - visibility.

The interactive whiteboard works together with a computer and a video projector, representing a single complex. On it you can do everything the same as on a regular computer.

The interactive whiteboard combines projection technologies with a touch device, so this board does not just display what is happening on the computer, but allows you to control the presentation process (two-way traffic!), make corrections and adjustments, make notes and comments with color, save lesson materials for later use and editing. A microscope, document camera, digital camera or video camera can be connected to a computer, and, as a result, to an interactive whiteboard. And with all the displayed materials, you can work productively right during the lesson.

Multimedia presentation is a modern and promising information advertising technology. The created audio, video, photographic range provides an effective and interesting perception of information. The composition of multimedia technology includes the following components: digital photographic images; formatted text; computer drawings and animation; audio sound, voice accompaniment of the sketch.

Multimedia presentations help convey information to the audience in a short time, visually show objects in three dimensions. The uniqueness of a multimedia presentation lies in the fact that it can be used in all types of lessons.

In a lesson devoted to the presentation of new material, a multimedia presentation can become an indispensable assistant to the teacher: the material presented in an accessible form is partially shown on the slides of the presentation, the teacher only needs to supplement it, make comments and explanations to the most difficult moments and images.

The use of electronic interactive whiteboards can make the educational process more exciting, bringing real pleasure to students.

Observations show that when using an interactive whiteboard, students are more attentive, enthusiastic and interested in the lesson than when working on a regular whiteboard. In addition, the researchers argue that absent-minded students perceive information best on a television or computer screen, and the interactive whiteboard meets these requirements. The use of an interactive whiteboard can make learning more fun, more enjoyable for students, and they, in turn, begin to pay more attention to learning. An interactive whiteboard can enrich any lesson and keep students focused on learning. This technology helps educators to creatively capture the attention and activate the imagination of their students.

Thus, in our opinion, interactive whiteboards allow you to solve the following tasks when organizing the educational process:

· Get ​​away from the purely presentational form of presentation of material introduced by computer culture. The latter is good for an introduction to the topic, for a primary acquaintance with the material. Deeper development will require interactive interaction with the computer, preferably with the inclusion of the student's motor skills.

Allows you to save class time by refusing to take notes of the material. At the end of the lesson, students receive a file with its recording, which can be viewed at home on a PC in step-by-step mode. At the same time, not only the illustrations and notes offered by the teacher are available, but also the sequence of his actions at the blackboard is correctly reproduced.

・Improve material feed efficiency. The projector displays on the surface of the interactive whiteboard a background image or a background slide show pre-selected by the teacher. Acoustic systems create the necessary background sound in the classroom, and the teacher needs to take care of the content of the material, he can, say, write or draw on an interactive whiteboard. In terms of the strength and depth of impact on the audience, a well-structured lesson using a computer and an interactive whiteboard can be compared with cinema and theater. However, this will require directing knowledge and skills from the teacher. However, a couple of decades ago, photography and video filming were the lot of the elite; Perhaps in the coming years, directing will also go to the masses.

· Allows you to organize group work (or group games), the skills of which today are fundamentally important for success in many areas.

Working with an interactive whiteboard, the teacher is always in the center of attention, facing the students and maintaining constant contact with the class. Thus, the interactive whiteboard still saves precious time.

Using this whiteboard, you can combine the proven methods and techniques of a regular whiteboard with a range of interactive and multimedia features.

Thus, multimedia presentations help convey information to the audience in a short time, visually show objects in three dimensions. The uniqueness of a multimedia presentation lies in the fact that it can be used in all types of lessons.

Information and interactive technologies make it possible to use text, sound, graphic and video information in a new way in the organization of educational work, increase interest in creativity, and the further use of creative works performed on a computer stimulates the cognitive activity of students. In research work, the child completely moves away from cramming, he consciously absorbs knowledge.

But first of all, it should be remembered that the board is just a tool, and the effectiveness of the educational process largely depends on the skill of the teacher and the quality of specialized software.


Examples of tasks using interactive teaching aids in the senior group of preschoolers (first graders)

1. The task of correlating a number with a quantity (Fig. 1).

The teacher invites the children to find a card with a number and match it with a card with objects. Children take turns approaching the interactive whiteboard and move the cards with objects to the jacket with the image of the corresponding number.

2. Task for a quantitative account (Fig. 2).

The teacher opens the "screen" and asks the children to decorate the doll's hair with bows. The child moves the bows on the doll's head, the children count the number of bows in unison.

Similarly, children "give" flowers to the doll and count them.

I would like to note the active participation of children in the implementation of practical tasks.

3. Task to determine the composition of the number 7 of the two smaller ones (Fig. 3).

Children are invited to add by moving the number of two strips of different colors (one child does the task at the blackboard, the rest at the tables do the work on their own from the Kuizner set). After completing the task, the guys are invited to compare the result with the one behind the "screen".

. Task for attention, knowledge of geometric shapes, classification according to three criteria: color, shape, size A (Fig. 4).

It is necessary to resettle the tenants in the houses using hint signs (the task at the blackboard is performed by one child, the rest at the tables do the work on their own with Gyenesh blocks).

5. Task for the classification of groups of animals: domestic, wild (Fig. 5).

Children move images of animals to the symbols, name them. Subject to the correct completion of the task, the children activate the sound accompaniment that imitates the voice of the animal.

6. The task of compiling a riddle based on a diagram (Fig. 6).

Children are offered pictures and a diagram. The children need to read the text of the riddle and guess it. If the answer is correct, the teacher moves the “screen” and shows a guessing picture.

. The task "Who lives where?" for comparison (Fig. 7).

Children name the animal, its dwelling and draw lines with a marker connecting the image of the animal with its dwelling.

8. Game for attention (Fig. 8).

The children need to carefully look at the drawing, then the drawing is closed with a screen, and the children must reproduce it in notebooks, on the board.

9. The game "Movement on the playing field" for the development of algorithmic thinking (Fig. 9).

One of the willing players stands at the board with his back to it, the other player carries out his commands on the board. Game condition: the star starts moving from the center of the field, moves around the field, executes commands: forward, left, right, down. The one who stays on the playing field the longest wins.

The use of interactive learning tools allows you to:

organize training more intensively and qualitatively;

· to promote the development of creative abilities in children, through the use of photo-objects, objects with sound, drawing and solving interactive problems;

Actively involve children in the learning process.


Interactive learning(from the English interation - interaction), learning, built on the interaction of the student with the learning environment, the learning environment, which serves as an area of ​​mastered experience.

Interactive learning requires the use of special forms of organizing cognitive activity and sets quite specific and predictable goals, for example, creating comfortable learning conditions and involving students in learning interaction, which makes the learning process itself productive.

The concept of "pedagogical technology" has recently become more widespread in the theory of learning.

The term "technology" is used in the pedagogical literature and has received many (more than three hundred) formulations.

Technology is a set of forms, methods, techniques and means used in any activity.

Interactive technologies are increasingly being included in the educational process. To date, there is no established term that defines what is meant by interactive technologies.

Technology (pedagogical technology) - a set of forms, methods and techniques of the means of transferring social experience, as well as the technical equipment of this process. The main problem that is solved with the help of technology is the controllability of the learning process.

To optimize the educational process in modern educational institutions, it is necessary to apply a visual teaching method. When organizing the educational process, teachers try to use a variety of technical teaching aids.

For the last decades, the textbook has been the most important methodological aid in the educational process. A multimedia presentation can claim to be a textbook in the educational process. The purpose of a multimedia presentation is to convey information in a visual, easily perceived form.

Multimedia presentations can be used to explain a new topic, knowledge control, as a means of information in extracurricular activities.

When showing multimedia presentations, an interactive whiteboard plays an important role. It is one of the most important tools in obtaining knowledge of students. With this board, the teacher can make the lesson more interesting and exciting. The interactive whiteboard makes it possible to use multimedia resources, enrich the lesson with additional material.

Observations show that when using an interactive whiteboard, students are more attentive, enthusiastic and interested in the lesson than when working on a regular whiteboard. In addition, the researchers argue that absent-minded students perceive information best on a television or computer screen, and the interactive whiteboard meets these requirements. The use of an interactive whiteboard can make the educational process more exciting, involve all students in an active cognitive process.

In our work, we have developed tasks using an interactive whiteboard for students of the senior preschool group. It can also be used in the first grade of a general education school in general developmental classes.


1. Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. -M.: Pedagogy, 1989.

2. Bulanova-Toporkova M.V., Duhavneva A.V. Pedagogical technologies.- M.: Phoenix, 2010.-336s.

3. Zakharova I.G. Information technologies in education. Textbook for students of higher pedagogical institutions. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2003. - 192 p.

4. Krivshenko L.P. Pedagogy : Textbook . - M .: TK Welby, Prospekt, 2008.- 428 p.

5. Popova E.N. Interactive technologies are not a luxury, but a learning tool // Internet and Education, August, Volume 2009, No. 11 (

6. Selevko G.A. Modern educational technologies. - M: Public education, 1998. - 255 p.

7. Khutorskoy A.V. Pedagogical innovation: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008. - 256 p.

Khutorskoy A.V. . Modern didactics. Tutorial. 2nd edition, revised / A.V. Khutorskaya. - M.: Higher School, 2007. - 639 p.

9. Yakupova G. Z. The use of interactive and multimedia equipment in educational activities // Journal of informatization of education, 2007, No. 1.

Revealing the conditions for the effective organization of the educational process using interactive methods, it is important to recall the words of A.N. Leontiev, who argued that any activity is mediated by a person's attitude to other people. The author of the theory of contextual learning A.A. Verbitsky concludes that "any objective action is performed in a social context, is socially conditioned, involves the participation of other people and their response, personal and social responsibility for what is being done" . Therefore, it is important for the teacher to operate not only with the subject-technological component of his activity, but also with its social context. With regard to social interaction, G.M. Andreeva notes the activity of each side. The leading side is often referred to as the "initial" side, while the second side is called the reactive side. But since the state of each of the parties is active, then the one who is outwardly passive (reactive) performs the action of accepting or not accepting the influence of the active party, making a decision on participation or non-participation in joint activities. These provisions allow us to make an unambiguous and simple conclusion that, in the educational process, the teacher takes responsibility for the acceptance by the student of the impact and his participation in the planned activities.

The deepest and most complete is the systematization of the main types of intersubjective interaction that determine the structure of D.A. Leontiev. YES. Leontiev considered this practical implementation in the educational process, revealing various situations of interaction. In his opinion, the scheme of subject-subject interaction is incomplete, since in the philosophical understanding the subject exists only in opposition to the object. Therefore, it is important to see the object of activity of interacting people and transform the scheme into "subject-object-subject". Individual human activity, being collective in origin, transforms the linear scheme of interaction into a jointly distributed, cooperative one, in which subject-subject interaction acts as a form of coordination and integration of individual actions of participants.

Such activity has a common not only operational, but motivational and semantic structure.

IN AND. Panov, performing a psychological analysis of pedagogical activity, also proceeds from the paradigm of "subject-subject" relations in the educational process. According to this paradigm, the main attention is paid to the learning activities of the student, the task of the teacher is to organize learning activities in such a way as to achieve the goals of the lesson. Note that in modern pedagogy, the methodology of working in this paradigm has not yet been developed and presents significant difficulties for the teacher. The main difficulty in implementing the subject-subject approach is that the teacher must set a goal that must be accepted by the student. Only by accepting the goal, the latter turns into the subject of educational activity. Each of the components of the structure of the lesson, the lesson is influenced by external conditions (in relation to the teacher, these are the states of students, characteristics of the external environment, events occurring in micro- and macrosociety) and internal conditions, determined by the ability of the teacher to assess the situation and make a decision adequate to external conditions on their actions. That. the teacher must be competent in the field of professional activity, i.e. ready to display knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities that allow to successfully solve functional tasks that make up the essence of professional activity. However, the question of how formed the position of the subject of the teacher himself remains open. The teacher purposefully implements his professional activity in the form of certain professional competencies (actions), and the unit of analysis and the criterion for the formation of professional pedagogical activity is the formation of the subjectivity of the teacher, i.e. the formation of his ability to be the subject of pedagogical actions.

IN AND. Panov emphasizes that in order for pedagogical activity to acquire the highest form of its development - the form of pedagogical activity, it needs a gradual formation.

  • Stage 1. The ability to perceive and form an image (perceptual model) of the required action. At this stage, the subject should develop a perceptual model, the subject examines, listens, peers, a perceptual, conceptual model of what needs to be done is formed. In other words, there is a perceptual internalization of the pattern action. There is no control function.
  • Stage 2. Performing an action by imitation without control over the correctness of its implementation. This is the stage of development of the subject of reproductive reproduction, the subject of imitation. At this stage, the principle of assimilation to what a person sees as a model for reproduction is implemented. The means of control is a perceptual model of what needs to be done.
  • Stage 3. Performing a sample action with external control over the correctness of this execution. This stage is characterized as the stage of apprenticeship (the position of the student), when the subject is able to voluntarily perform the required action, but with external control over the correctness of the performance, which is carried out by the teacher (external locus of control). This is the stage at which the process of internalization begins again, but internalization is no longer so much the action itself, but the function of monitoring the correctness of this action.
  • Stage 4. Reproduction of an action-model in the presence of subjective, internal control (the internalized function of control, i.e. voluntary regulation is the stage of development of the subject of voluntary performance of an action under internal control, when, performing the required action, the subject himself is able to assess the correctness of his performance of this action (position masters).
  • Stage 5 The implementation of external control of the learning activity of students, when the object of this control is learning actions (exteriorized function of arbitrary regulation) is the stage of development of the subject of exteriorization of control, the subject of expert assessment of the correctness of the performance of the required action by other individuals (the position of the expert). The subject returns to the situation where the action took place. At the same time, both the executive and the regulatory (controlling) aspects of the action required to be performed are exteriorized.

Based on this model, it follows that the ability to be the subject of an action includes the ability not only to perform an action, but also to exercise conscious control over the correctness of its implementation. Moreover, the action is internalized first, and only then the control function. At the same time, two cycles of implementation of the principle of unity "interiorization - exteriorization" take place: at the level of formation (interiorization) of the perceptual model and its exteriorization in the form of imitation, and at the level of formation of the function of control over the correct execution of the required action and the ability to exteriorize it. But it is clear that the teacher becomes a real subject of pedagogical activity only when he is ready to reflect and extrariorize the action, which occurs at the last stage.

The given theoretical model of the formation of the subject, the formation of activity to the “form” of activity is an ideal model, but in reality, the distinguished stages (stages) of the development of objectivity overlap each other, and the formation of some of them, perhaps, is ahead of the development of others.

One of the determining factors for the success of pedagogical activity is the ability to develop subject-subject relations, which is also impossible without the formed subjectivity of the teacher himself.

IN AND. Panov includes relations in the system of eco-psychological interactions, which is understood as a set of human interactions with the environment and acts as a system-forming factor for the unification and development of "human" and "environment" into the systemic relationship "human - living environment". The type of interaction between the components of the specified relationship is determined by the role position of each of its components. The following six types are distinguished as basic types of ecopsychological interaction:

  • - object-object, when the interaction in the "student - teacher (educational environment)" system is purely abstract and formal and is characterized by passivity, and in this sense, voluminousness, on both sides;
  • - object-subject, when the student, taking a passive position towards the learning process, acts as an object of influence from the educational environment, in particular, in the form of pedagogical influence from the teacher;
  • - subject-object, when the educational environment acts as an object of perception, analysis, design, examination (evaluation) by the teacher or student (possibly together with the teacher) as the subject of these or other active actions in relation to the educational environment, its components and subjects;
  • - subject-subject, when the components of the "student - teacher (educational environment)" system take an active role position in relation to each other. However, this interaction can also have different types:
    • a) subject-separate, when each of the components takes an active position, but without taking into account and without taking into account the subjectivity of the other component. The educational situation is in the nature of mutual misunderstanding and even rejection of each other;
    • b) joint-subjective, when the interaction between the student and the teacher has the character of a joint action, subordinate to the achievement of a common goal, but at the same time not requiring a change in the own subjectivity of the interacting subjects;
    • c) subject-generating, when the interaction in the “student-teacher (educational environment)” system has a jointly distributed character, since it is subordinated to a single goal, the achievement of which is impossible without combining its subjects into a certain subjective community. In turn, this requires from its subjects the mutual exchange of methods and operations of a jointly performed action, their appropriation (intsriorization and extrariorization) and, consequently, a change in their own subjectivity.

Thus, the jointly distributed, cooperative and generating subjectivity of its participants requires the teacher to seriously rethink the established habitual ways of implementing professional tasks in the educational process. This is important, because the main differences between the interactive learning model are, firstly, the real, and not declared, joint activities of teachers and students at all stages of the educational process; secondly, the use of the actual experience of students as a source of learning.

The core of interactive forms of learning is group work, including in small groups, which largely determines the educational effect and gives rise to the following characteristics of joint activities:

  • - high activity of all participants in the educational process, due to the presence of a single goal and common motivation; division of the process of activity between its participants adequately to the individual capabilities, experience and abilities of the members of the group; taking responsibility for the overall result;
  • - the comfort of interaction generated by work in a small group. Working in a small group, participants are more free, confident. Psychological barriers to learning are removed, everyone's opinions are accepted and valued by the group. A close psychological contact is established;
  • - development of personal qualities, increasing the self-esteem of the participants in the interaction. Everyone has the opportunity to learn both the leading role and the role of an ordinary participant in a group decision situation, develop the ability to openly interact with others while maintaining their own individuality, learn to subordinate personal interests to the interests of a common cause, and build constructive communication models.
  • - Developing the ability to speak to an audience, succinctly and clearly express their thoughts.

Active and interactive methods and techniques have become increasingly included in such a traditional form of education as a lecture. For example, a lecture-conversation, a lecture with pre-planned errors, a lecture using elements of "brainstorming" (brainstorming), a lecture with the analysis of microsituations involve direct contact with the audience, allow you to draw students' attention to the most important issues of the topic, determine the content and pace presentations taking into account the specifics of the audience, expand the circle of students' opinions, use collective experience and knowledge. Such techniques activate the cognitive activity of the audience, make it possible to control the opinion of the group, use this opinion to change the negative attitudes and erroneous opinions of some students; lecture with intensive feedback.

Summing up what has been said, it is important to emphasize that two processes go in parallel in interactive learning: mastering the content of education and the communicative process. There is no doubt that each teacher is a specialist in the field of the content of his academic subject, but in addition, it is necessary to remember the following psychological and pedagogical conditions for achieving effectiveness in educational interaction:

  • 1. Creation of a favorable psychological climate that reflects the qualitative side of relations and is characterized by the desire for jointness, mutual assistance, the desire to achieve a constructive result, positive emotions;
  • 2. Dialogue communication style, implying high personal involvement of the participants, mutual respect, equality, co-creation, active listening;
  • 3. Taking into account the phases of group dynamics (the content of the concept of "group dynamics" will be disclosed in the second chapter of the manual);
  • 4. Development of group interaction skills, which occurs through the organization of activities in pairs, triplets, small groups with a dynamic, changing composition;
  • 5. Reflective summing up, which helps each participant to determine the personal level of progress, and the group - to develop rules for effective joint activities.

15 minutes

Part 1: Using an Interactive Learning Model

Presentation by the presenter (head of the educational organization or his deputy). After the abstracts are expressed, the participants discuss important points and discuss.

Thesis 1. New forms and methods of working with students are needed


The Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” contains a definition of the concept of “education” - this is “an activity aimed at developing the personality, creating conditions for self-determination and socialization of the student on the basis of socio-cultural, spiritual and moral values ​​and accepted in a society of rules and norms of behavior in the interests of a person, family, society and the state.
In the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897(as amended on December 31, 2015, hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education), the following features of educational work are approved:
  • ideal orientation;
  • value judgments;
  • following a moral example;
  • dialogical communication with significant others;
  • identification;
  • polysubjectivity of education and socialization;
  • joint solution of personally and socially significant problems;
  • system-activity organization of education.
It is necessary to choose new methods and forms of work with students. There is a need for interactive technologies aimed at:
  • on the development of the communicative culture of the student;
  • providing conditions for its effective socialization;
  • development of individuality;
  • education of the personality in situations of communication and interaction of people with each other.

Thesis 2. Technology is a tool for the professional activity of a teacher


The success of the implementation of the goals and objectives determined by the Federal State Educational Standards of basic general education depends on the close interaction of teachers and parents of students. It is necessary to apply new technologies not only in educational activities, but also in work with their parents.
What is educational technology?


Strictly scientific design and accurate reproduction of pedagogical activities that guarantee success.


The teacher is required to be able to organize his influence in such a way that its end result is personal interaction at a pedagogically optimal level. The technology used in this case should be optimal from the point of view of the influence of the teacher on the students, to form their value attitudes towards the world.
The central component of the technology is a clearly defined end goal, built on a diagnostic basis. The precise definition of the final and intermediate goals allows you to develop an optimal algorithm for achieving them, choose tools for tracking the planned results and, if necessary, make step-by-step adjustments. Technology is a tool for the professional activity of a teacher.
Pedagogical technology is distinguished by:
  • specificity and clarity of goals and objectives;
  • the presence of stages: primary diagnosis; selection of content, forms, methods and techniques of its implementation;
  • the use of a set of means in a certain logic with the organization of intermediate diagnostics of achieving the goal, criteria-based assessment.

Thesis 3. The interactive model of education and upbringing focuses on the personality of the child


In modern pedagogy, the most significant types of technologies include the technologies of student-centered education and training of schoolchildren. Their leading principle is to take into account the personal characteristics of the student, the individual logic of his development. In the process of education and upbringing, it is necessary to focus on children's interests and preferences in content and activities. Pedagogical activity with a focus on the personality of the student naturally contributes to his prosperous existence, and hence health.
What learning models are used in pedagogy?


There are several models of education:
  • passive - the student acts as an "object" of learning (listens and looks);
  • active - the student acts as the "subject" of learning (independent work, creative tasks);
  • interactive - inter (mutual), act (act) - the learning process is carried out in conditions of constant, active interaction of all participants in educational relations; teacher and student are equal subjects of the educational process.


An interactive model of training and education is an imitation of life situations, the use of role-playing games, project activities, and joint resolution of problem situations.
Interactive technology is an integral system covering a specific part of the educational process. It includes sequentially games and exercises that form the personal qualities of students, which ensure the effectiveness of entry into society, their self-realization in accordance with interests and capabilities.
Advantages of interactive, including gaming technologies:
  • activation and intensification of educational relations;
  • creation of interpersonal interaction;
  • making collective decisions in various situations simulating real conditions;
  • flexible combination of various techniques and methods of work;
  • the ability to simulate almost any type of activity.
Name the principles of interactive learning and upbringing.


Dialogic interaction; work in small groups on the basis of cooperation and cooperation; active-role playing and training forms of work.
List interactive forms and working methods.


Discussion: dialogue, group discussion, analysis of situations from practice, analysis of situations of moral choice, etc.
Game: didactic and creative games, including business/management games, role-playing games, organizational and activity games.
Training: forms of conducting classes (communicative trainings, sensitivity trainings), which may include discussion and game teaching methods.


In the extracurricular activities of students, interactive technologies can perform the following functions:
  • value-oriented (translation of social norms for solving urgent problems of social interaction);
  • individual orientation (self-determination in status and function in social interaction);
  • instrumental orientation (acquisition of orientation experience in various social situations);
  • the function of self-realization (getting pleasure from the process of interaction, realization of one's own capabilities and needs);
  • stimulating (an incentive to participate in extracurricular activities, to achieve success, to analyze and reflect on one's own behavior);
  • constructive, diagnostic and corrective.
At today's pedagogical council, held in the form of an organizational and activity game, we have to develop a set of conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the use of interactive technologies in the activities of our school.

25 min

Part 2. Organizational and activity game

It is useful to play the game with parents of students at parent meetings and with high school students at class hours, and discuss the results at the pedagogical council.


Break into 4 equal teams: administration, teachers, parents, students. Tasks have been prepared for you, where questions are indicated from the positions of four social groups.
The game will start in all teams at the same time. You have 15 minutes to think.
After completing the first task, the teams change places (“move” to the next social group), etc. You must play the roles of representatives of each social group.

The results of the discussion of issues in each group are recorded, then collectively discussed, analyzed, and corrected.


Now let's start developing a system for the organization's activities on the introduction of interactive pedagogical technologies.

Participants summarize the results of the game. The expert group selects the most acceptable options for solving the tasks and prepares the decision of the pedagogical council.


The Board of Education decides:
  1. In order to master teachers with modern interactive pedagogical technologies, the methodologist should develop and conduct theoretical and practical classes with the team.
  2. To summarize the experience of teachers who effectively use interactive pedagogical technologies in working with students and their parents.
  3. The psychologist should organize individual and group consultations, the purpose of which is to correct the activities of teachers to introduce interactive technologies into the educational process.
  4. The administrations develop and provide organizational and pedagogical conditions that provide the possibility of using interactive pedagogical technologies in the educational space of the school.
  5. Create a new organizational management structure in an educational organization that ensures the inclusion of teachers and parents of students in self-management activities through the use of interactive technologies.
  6. Class teachers at parent meetings to acquaint the parents of students with the results of the pedagogical council.
  7. Deputy heads of educational organizations for educational and educational work to create a bank of interactive pedagogical technologies for working with parents and students, taking into account age characteristics and various areas of educational activities.

Olga Pronyaeva
Modern interactive pedagogical technologies in work with preschool children

At present, the rapid development of information and communication technologies there is a need to modernize the content and structure of all areas preschool education. This is reflected in the new educational standards. It was the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards, their introduction that became the impetus for the implementation interactive learning and interactive technologies in the work of a preschool institution.

IN pedagogy there are several models learning:

In the passive method of learning, information comes from teacher to student.

With an active learning method - interactions teacher and student.

At the core interactive learning lies in the interaction in the structure « teacher-child-child» .

Interactive teaching methods are ways of purposeful interaction of an adult with children that provide optimal conditions for their development.

Interactive learning for preschoolers- this is a specific form of organization of educational activities, the purpose of which is to provide comfortable conditions for interaction, in which each child feels his successes and, performing a certain intellectual work, achieves high performance.

Interactive teaching methods provide such learning that enables children in the classroom in pairs, microgroups or small groups to work through the educational material, talking, arguing and discussing different points of view.

The basis of activity teacher in an interactive learning is a student-centered approach. Its main requirements compliance:

Humane pedagogical position;

Value attitude to the child, his creativity;

Creation of a cultural-informational and subject-developing environment in the classroom;

Possession of methodology and basics of educational technologies;

Targeted development of children's individuality.

Structure interactive GCD

1. Motivational-indicative stage

The teacher introduces the topic selected on the basis of a preliminary analysis of tasks, educational needs, problems, etc. It is reported in what form the Job.

2. Search stage

Based on the results of the analysis of the information received from the participants, the goals and objectives of the upcoming work, a plan is made.

3. Main stage

Implementation time of the basic active learning method chosen teacher in accordance with the content of the topic under consideration, the cognitive and behavioral characteristics of children. It may be: "Brainstorm", KVN, project, etc.

4. Reflective-evaluative stage

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the work, correspondence of the result to the set goals, identification of personal acquisitions (what new did I learn, what did I learn, etc.).

Interactive technologies dealt with in two values:

technologies, built on interaction with a computer and through a computer, these are Information and Communication technologies(ICT)

organized interaction between children and teacher without using a computer. -This interactive pedagogical technologies

Please look at the slide for the main differences between forms and methods. interactive learning from traditional

Distinctive features interactive lessons:

The utmost clarity, compactness, and high information content of the educational material are required.

Logical interdependence, interconnection integrated items.

Free placement of visual material.

Changing dynamic poses.

Involvement of narrow specialists and parents in conducting classes.

Interactive methods and technologies there are more than a hundred. In our kindergarten, we most often use the following interactive methods in the organization of educational process:



Synthesis of thoughts





Multi-channel activity method

Knowledge Tree

Case Method (analysis of specific, practical situations)


A cluster is a method to help you think freely and openly about a topic. This is a non-linear form of thinking. Clustering is very simple.

A picture depicting a keyword is posted on the board and the children are invited to name the words related to this word. This method can be used both in a group and individually with each child who is offered several pictures and find the connection between them.

« Work in pairs»

Children learn to interact with each other, teaming up in pairs at will and complete the proposed task. Working in pairs, children improve the ability to negotiate, consistently, jointly perform work. Interactive pair learning helps work out cooperation skills in a situation of chamber communication. Examples pair work:

Children take turns describing the picture.

-"Name the first sound in the word"

-work on mnemonic tables


Microphone - method work, during which the children, together with the teacher, form a circle and, passing each other an imitated or toy microphone, express their thoughts on a given topic. For example, a child takes a microphone, talks about himself in a few sentences, and passes the microphone to another child. All statements of children are accepted, approved, but not discussed.

"Foresight"- method work with children, during which it is proposed "predict" possible solutions to the problem.

For example, invite children to name all the autumn months, tell what they expect from each month.

Later, imagine yourself in the place of one of the months and talk about your predictions: “I am the first month of autumn - September. I am a very warm month. All the children love me because they start going to school.”

The next child continues to talk about this very month (work in pairs) .

"Round dance"

At the initial stage, the adult is the leader, because the children cannot independently complete the task in turn. The teacher, with the help of the subject, teaches children to perform the task in turn, thereby educating them in such qualities as the ability to listen to answers and not interrupt each other.

reception "Round dance" promotes the formation of initial skills of voluntary behavior in children preschool age.

The teacher, with the help of a ball or other object, teaches children to perform tasks in turn, thereby educating them in such qualities as the ability to listen to answers and not interrupt each other.

"Edible - not edible"

"Call it sweetly" The children practiced vocabulary.


« Synthesis of thoughts»

Synthesis of thoughts - method of work, during which children are united in small groups, performing a specific task, for example, a drawing on a piece of paper. When one group draws, it transfers the drawing to another group, whose members finalize the completed task. Finishing work make up a general story about what was completed and why.


Such technology implemented for the organization work in pairs. It is the dynamic couple that has great communicative potential, and this stimulates communication between children.

interactive technology"Carousel" forms in the child such moral and volitional qualities as mutual assistance, cooperation skills.

To do this, you need to find a mate and agree who will be in the outer circle and who will be in the inner one. Children standing in the inner circle call a hard consonant, and children standing in the outer circle call a soft consonant. Children actively interact with each other, fix hard and soft consonants.


Discussion is a method of collective discussion of some complex issue. All participants in the educational process are actively involved in the discussion, all children are actively involved.

At the end of the discussion, a single collective solution to the problem, problem or recommendation is formulated. Questions (tasks) No more than five must be offered. They should be formulated in such a way that it is possible to express different views on the problem raised. Children learn to express themselves opinion: "I think.", "I think.", "In my opinion.", "I agree, but.", "I disagree because.".


"Brain attack (brainstorm)"- one of the methods that contributes to the development of creativity of both the child and the adult. This method is useful when discussing complex problems or issues.

Time is given for individual reflection on the problem (it can even be up to 10 minutes, and after a while additional information is collected about the decision.

Children - participants "brain attack" should express all possible (and logically impossible) solutions to the problem that you need to listen to and make the only right decision.


"Aquarium"- a form of dialogue when the guys are invited to discuss the problem "in front of the public". interactive technology"Aquarium" consists in the fact that several children act out the situation in a circle, while the rest observe and analyze.

What does this method give preschoolers?

Opportunity see their peers from the outside, see how they communicate, how they react to someone else's thought, how they settle a brewing conflict, how they argue their own thought.

"Method of multi-channel activity"

Multi-channel activity method - method work with children, during which various analyzers: sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell.

For example, when viewing a picture, it is advisable to use such subsequence: selection of objects depicted in the picture; representation of objects through perceptions by various analyzers.

After considering all the objects depicted in the picture, it is worth putting the children creative tasks:

"listen" picture sounds through "headphones"; conduct virtual dialogues on behalf of the depicted characters;

Feel "aroma" flowers depicted in the picture; "go beyond the picture";

Mentally touch the picture, determine what its surface is (warm, cold, what weather (windy, rainy, sunny, hot, frosty) etc.

For example, when looking at a picture "Walking in the Forest" should ask the following questions: What do you think the girls are talking about? Consider the bark of trees, what is it? Listen to the sounds of leaves rustling, magpies chirping, etc.

"Knowledge Tree"- method work which includes several stages: Selecting a problem that does not have a unique solution, for example, What does a tree need to be happy?. Considering a diagram in which a rectangle is "trunk"(which stands for this problem, straight lines - "branches"(the ways to solve it, and the circles - "leaves" (solution to the problem). Solution Problems: children in subgroups agree, discuss and draw, for example, a butterfly, a bird and the like, placing them on "decision tree" and explain their choice.

"Case- technology»

Case - technologies is a way of organizing short-term learning based on real or fictional situations.

Case types - technologies:

Photo - case;

Case - illustrations;

Analysis of specific situations;

role playing (role design).

Most often in working with children we use technology"Photo-case" And "Case illustrations". Technology"Case illustration" relevant, because it makes it possible to form a decision-making strategy, with the help of which the child in the future will be able to overcome life situations that have arisen independently of varying complexity. Essence provided technologies is the analysis of the problem situation.

This technology contains:

An illustration corresponding to real events, which shows a simulated or real problem situation;

The teacher describes this problem situation;

The teacher asks questions that motivate children to analyze the problem and make the best solution to the problem.

Children reason, express their opinion, analyze, as a result of which they come to the correct solution to the problem.

The teacher shows a photo of the correct solution to the problem.


Thus, interactive training is definitely interesting, creative, promising direction pedagogy. It helps children reach their full potential. preschool age taking into account their psychological capabilities. Usage interactive technologies relieves nervous stress in direct educational activity preschoolers, makes it possible to change their forms of activity, switch attention to the issues of the topic of classes.

Usage interactive technologies provides an opportunity to enrich children's knowledge and ideas about the world around them, about relationships with peers and adults. Encourages children to actively interact in the system of social relations.

Designing an individual educational route preschoolers in preschool conditions.

One more modern technology is the design of an individual educational route preschoolers.

Priority direction in the organization of the educational process preschool institutions should be an individual approach to the child, preserving self-worth preschool childhood and nature itself preschooler.

In practice, the process of education and upbringing is mainly focused on the average level of development of the child, so not every pupil can fully realize their potential. This puts before preschool teachers educational institution the task of creating optimal conditions for the realization of the potential of each pupil. One of the solutions in this situation is the compilation and implementation of an individual educational route (IOM). The individualization of education, upbringing and correction is aimed primarily at overcoming the discrepancy between the level set by educational programs and the real possibilities of each pupil.

An individual educational route is a purposefully designed differentiated educational program (SV Vorobieva, N. A. Labunskaya, A. P. Tryapitsyna, Yu. F. Timofeeva, etc.). An individual educational route is determined by the educational needs, individual abilities and capabilities of the pupil (level of readiness for mastering the program).

When compiling an IOM, it is necessary to take into account certain principles that will be observed interests child and focused on the educational needs, individual abilities and capabilities of the pupil.


The principle of relying on the learning ability of the child;

The principle of correlating the level of actual development and the zone of proximal development;

Compliance principle the interests of the child;

The principle of close interaction and consistency work"teams" of specialists, in the course of studying the level of development of the child;

The principle of continuity, when the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem;

The principle of rejection of the average rationing;

The principle of reliance on children's subculture.

Role teacher consists in creating conditions for the free creative activity of children and organizing the educational process by the method of real co-creation (with teacher, parents, others children) in different forms of interaction.

teacher the role of assistant, partner in a common cause and consultant is assigned. He performs the difficult task of creating optimal conditions for the self-realization of the child in the educational environment as a free person.

Thus, the activity the teacher is sent, first of all, to create conditions for a meaningful choice children individual educational strategy, individual assistance to each child in planning their activities, advice on the use of certain information sources, teaching aids, art materials and tools.

Target (IOM):

Creation of conditions in the kindergarten conducive to positive socialization preschooler, his social and personal development, which is inextricably linked with the general processes intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, physical and other types of development of the child's personality.


Create a favorable subject-developing environment for the development of the child;

Organize a unified system administration work, teaching staff, medical personnel of the preschool educational institution and parents on the development of the child;

Improve your communication style teacher with child: adhere to a psychologically correct style of communication, achieve respect and trust of the pupil;

Create conditions for the development of a positive attitude of the child towards himself, other people, the world around him, the communicative and social competence of children;

To form in the child a sense of dignity, awareness of their rights and freedoms.

The route is created in order to maximize the educational and social needs of children. In an individual educational route, a ratio of forms and types of activity specific to a given child, an individualized volume and depth of content, specific psychological pedagogical technologies, teaching materials.

Development and implementation of an individual educational route in preschool educational institution carry out teachers, specialists (educational psychologist, teacher speech therapist) in close cooperation with the child's family. When designing an individual educational route, specialists and preschool teachers institutions are guided by the educational needs, individual abilities and capabilities of the pupil.

To determine the level of development of the child and in the construction of IEM, the educator can use various methods.

Methods used in work:

Conversations, observations, games, classes, exercises;

Interaction with parents.

When compiling the IOM, there is a certain system that helps teacher properly plan your work and create an individual development path for each child. The essence of IOM is that it reflects the process of change (speakers) in the development and education of the child, which allows timely adjustment of the components pedagogical process. An individual educational route can be implemented in all types of activities, at any time, it all depends on the desire of the child, on his choice, self-determination.

An individual educational route is a personal way to realize the personal potential of a child (pupil) in education and training.

IOM fully allows you to implement the principle of individualization, which consists in preschooler, is able to go his own way, purposefully mastering what is a priority for him, relying on his strengths, natural inclinations and abilities.

An example of an individual route in our kindergarten (on slide)

Thus, by building individual educational trajectories for the development of children, we provide our pupils with equal starting opportunities.

First, the teacher dwells in detail on what is needed for the assimilation to be considered complete. As a general overview, he can show and explain the table of objectives he has compiled for this course. For a more detailed explanation, the teacher can show a preliminary test, i.e. demonstrate to the students a variant of the final test, but using other test questions.

Then the teacher introduces how the learning process will be structured in order to achieve full assimilation. In the practice of working on this system, the main emphasis is usually placed on the following main ideas:

Teaching will be carried out according to a new method, which will allow achieving good results not for a small part of it, but for all students;

Everyone receives a mark only on the basis of the final knowledge test for the entire course;

The mark of each is determined not by comparison with the results of others, but by a predetermined standard;

Each student who has reached the standard receives an "excellent" mark;

The number of excellent marks is not limited. Accordingly, mutual assistance does not reduce the possibility of each getting an excellent mark. If everyone helps each other and everyone studies well, then everyone can earn excellent marks;

Each student will receive whatever assistance they need. Therefore, if he cannot master the material in one way, then he will be given alternative opportunities;

Throughout the course of study, each student receives a series of "diagnostic" checks (tests) designed to guide his progress, the results of these checks are not

are graded. Information on the results of these checks serves only to make it easier for the student to navigate his gaps or errors and correct them;

In the event of difficulties in performing the current assessments, an opportunity will immediately be given to select alternative training procedures to help overcome difficulties, misunderstandings or errors.

The only evaluation criterion is the standard of complete assimilation of knowledge and skills. After completing the test work, students are divided into two groups: those who have achieved and those who have not reached the full assimilation of knowledge and skills. Those who have achieved full assimilation at the required level can study additional material, help those who are lagging behind, or simply be free until the next study unit begins. The teacher pays the main attention to those who could not demonstrate complete assimilation of the material. Auxiliary (corrective) educational work is carried out with them. To do this, the existing gaps in knowledge and skills are first identified. For that part of the educational material that is not properly mastered by the majority, classes are held with the entire group; the presentation of the material is repeated anew, and the method of presentation changes (for example, with the active use of visual aids that were not used during its first presentation; with the involvement of additional types of educational activities of children, etc.). When eliminating particular gaps and difficulties, individual work is often used.

The transition to the study of a new educational unit occurs only when all or almost all students have mastered the content of the previous educational unit at the required level.


I.S. Peshnya (Irkutsk Institute of Medical Advanced Studies)

The most important feature of the modern education is its direction to the preparing of the students not only to adapt themselves to the situation of the social changes but to perform actively and the innovative student helps to manage with it. Innovative approaches to the study are divided in two groups: Technological and searching. The technology ofcomplete adopting of know ledge became popular.


1. Guzeev V.V. Educational Technology: From Admission to Philosophy. - M.: September, 1996 - 112 p.

2. Selevko G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on the intensification and effective management of educational institutions. - M.:

Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005. - 288 p.

Klarin M.V. Innovative models of teaching in foreign pedagogical research. - M.: ARENA, 1994 - 222 p.

The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010. - M.: APKiPRO, 2002. - 24 p.

© VINOKUROVA M.I. - 2006


M.I. Vinokurov

(Irkutsk State Linguistic University, Rector - Doctor of Philology, Prof. G. D. Voskoboinik)

Summary. Interactive learning technologies have great pedagogical potential in the field of education, upbringing and development. To realize this pedagogical potential and, thus, to achieve a high degree of satisfaction with the learning process, is possible only if a number of conditions for interactive learning are observed. These include: organizational-pedagogical, socio-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical conditions. Keywords. Interactive learning technologies, pedagogical potential, organizational and pedagogical conditions, socio-pedagogical conditions, psychological and pedagogical conditions.__________________

The pedagogical potential of interactive learning technologies gives and justifies the advantages of their use in solving all the problems of education and upbringing.

So, in the field of didactics - this is the expansion of horizons, the activation of cognitive activity; the possibility of applying knowledge and skills in practical activities; the formation of certain skills and abilities necessary in professional activities; developing or developing a technique for regrouping, reorganizing and systematizing something; the ability to formulate questions and answer them.

In the field of education - the development of independence, activity and will; the formation of certain approaches, positions, moral and worldview attitudes, the formation of the ability to work in a team and communicative qualities.

In addition, we come to the conclusion that the use of interactive learning technologies contributes to the development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, the ability to compare, contrast, combine together; creativity, reflection, the ability to find the best or simplest solutions, predict the expected result, find a way to vary or rearrange something.

In addition, interactive learning technologies make it easier to familiarize yourself with the norms and values ​​of society; adapt to environmental conditions; exercise control, self-regulation; teach communication, psychotherapy, improving the ability to express one's thoughts orally and in writing, the ability to establish and maintain psychological contact; the ability to listen to the interlocutor, understand his motives, determine his current psychological state, the skill of mastering a wide range of behavior; the ability to prove, convince, express agreement / disagreement.

The use of interactive technologies implies a high intellectual load on students, tense work schedules and sometimes frustrating situations associated with psychological discomfort (in case of incompatibility of team members, making wrong decisions, ineffective actions of a teacher or training colleagues, etc.), which requires qualified, psychologically competent management of the process of such training and the availability of a teacher's communicative and interactive potential, which allows proactively monitoring potential difficulties and, if they arise, overcoming them, or providing psychological and pedagogical support to students.

As a result of the study, we stated that a teacher working in an innovative educational paradigm achieves greater effectiveness if he organizes the educational process as a communication process, working through each element of this process at the program-target level: goal - content - means - channels - result - feedback, taking into account the principles of working with a student audience, demonstrating their didactic and communicative competence. In the course of the study, it was possible to establish that to achieve educational performance, that is, to develop the communicative competence of students, to increase their motivational

readiness for the manifestation of cognitive activity and, at the same time, to achieve a high degree of satisfaction with the learning process, is possible only if a number of conditions for interactive learning are observed.

As you know, the conditions express the relation of an object to the phenomena surrounding it, without which it cannot exist, and the object itself acts as something conditioned. Consequently, the condition, as the diversity of the objective world relatively external to the object, in contrast to the cause that generates this or that phenomenon or process, constitutes the environment, the environment in which they arise, exist and develop.

An analysis of the experience of using interactive learning technologies allowed us to identify, first of all, organizational and pedagogical conditions. This is a reasonable combination of traditional and innovative learning technologies; program-targeted study of each technological “step” or procedure of a methodological complex of interactive technologies (setting educational, developmental and gaming goals, modular selection of means and determination of action vectors for the development of skills, forecasting “alarming” situations and the final result); the presence of a common system for evaluating the results achieved at the end of the cycle of classes, the establishment of subject-subject relationships based on positive interpersonal interaction between the teacher and the student and students among themselves.

The joint expedient activity of two subjects of educational activity within the framework of classes using interactive learning technologies, “effective socio-pedagogical interaction”, is aimed primarily at approving and self-affirming the status of students in the world of social relations, phenomena, developing knowledge, skills, attitudes and personal qualities. The teacher, taking the position of a partner-assistant, contributes to the creation of real prerequisites for the self-development of the personality of students.

With this approach, the role of the teacher becomes mainly partner and audit, his main function is to manage the communication process, that is, to instruct, stimulate competitive activity, educational and cognitive activity, create a creative atmosphere, encourage individual and collective success, adjust the process of achieving goals. and actions of participants in the interactive learning process, organize discussions and reflective analysis.

At the same time, in the process of classes, students enter into communication with each other. Readiness for constructive communication, an unbiased attitude to the opposite opinion, recognition of a rational moment in a different position are not only principles, but also necessary conditions for activity in the “student-student” system.

An essential characteristic of dialogic communication in this case is the equality of positions and the active role of the interacting parties. The individualized attitude of subjects of learning to each other, to the content of classes is manifested in actions, moods and is transformed into a group attitude of subjects. The latter is not a simple sum of

people's wearing, and it should be considered as a complex integrative formation, the result of interaction, mutual influence and complementarity of the participants in the lesson.

These circumstances require the development of didactic, communicative culture and gaming technological competence among teachers using interactive learning technologies.

The socio-pedagogical conditions, as shown by the analysis of the use of interactive learning technologies, should include the creation of a creative atmosphere in the classroom and the implementation of the principles of game simulation, which include: the activity of the position, expressed in the manifestation of the physical and intellectual forces of students, starting with preparation for the lesson, and also later in the process of the lesson itself and during the discussion of the results obtained; the principle of entertainment in playing and performing roles, based on game modeling of activity and having a strong emotional impact on students; the principle of individuality and collectivity: in our classes there is a manifestation of purely individual qualities as a condition for self-expression and self-affirmation, collectivity expresses the joint nature of interconnected and interdependent activities; the principle of problem-ness, which is implemented when solving problems that arise in the process of studying.

In addition, the correct organization of the spatial environment (“communicative playing field”) and training regulations are important, that is, it is necessary, in accordance with the laws and principles of organizing educational and gaming activities, to develop rules for each specific stage of the complex of interactive technologies that should create favorable

conditions for maximum manifestation of the potential abilities of students.

To the psychological and pedagogical conditions, isolated as a result of experimental work, we attribute a high motivational readiness for educational and developmental activities. As you know, psychologists attribute the game to introgenic behavior, that is, behavior determined by internal factors of the individual (needs, interests), in contrast to extra-gene behavior, determined by external necessity, it follows that interactive technologies only really teach and educate when awaken the inner strength of students, stimulate their initiative. Based on this, the teacher needs to use the whole complex of interactive technologies as a set of educational and social and communicative activities, which simultaneously provides the transfer of subject knowledge, skills, develops mental strength and awakens internal incentives for self-knowledge, self-development and self-learning. Therefore, when organizing classes, it is necessary to ensure that students form and develop ways of their own moral consciousness, forms of behavior, the ability to analyze, adequately choose and decide on actions in conditions of communication and interaction.

Thus, if classes with the use of interactive learning technologies are designed on the basis of a diagnosis of the development of personality traits, then they are one of the means that contribute to the development and education of students. And if the teacher uses interactive technologies purposefully, taking into account all the pedagogical features, then he will definitely “win”.


M.I. Vinokurova (Irkutsk State Linguistic University)

Interactive technology of training has a great pedagogic potential in the sphere of studying, upbringing and development. To realize this pedagogical potential and to reach a high degree of satisfaction of the training process you should observe some conditions of interactive training. They are: organizational - pedagogic, social - pedagogic and psychological - pedagogic conditions.


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