Roulette rules. Rules for playing drunk roulette Three types of games are common in modern casinos

I am not a casino owner or a gamer. I did not receive a penny for this article from the bigwigs of the gambling business, and on the contrary, I risk causing their displeasure by teaching you how to play roulette correctly. And to intrigue even more, I’ll say that I work as an auditor, I have a Ph.D. in economics and I sell my software for fin. analysis to the largest enterprises in Russia. Therefore, I often teach how to save savings, and not let them go to the wind (for this, the Sberometer project was launched). And yes, I did not lie in the title and I really will tell you a theory on the verge of mathematics and psychology that will allow you to win at the casino. It may not always be money, but a good mood - for sure!

Who loses at the casino?

The one who comes to earn money loses in the casino. If you go to the casino for this purpose - you have already lost! People go to the casino to have a great time in luxury and excitement. They go to work for money. Therefore, before going to the casino, allocate an amount that you do not mind. And how to save it is my task, for the solution of which this article was written.

Second moment. Never play slot machines (one-armed bandits). There is no more mediocre and stupid way to squander money than throwing coins into an iron box. However, according to the American Gaming Association in Las Vegas casinos, 74% of players prefer slot machines and only 5% prefer roulette.

What is the fundamental difference between a slot machine and roulette? In the first case, you are playing with a black box, which decides for itself whether to give you a win or not. In the case of roulette, your opponent is the theory of probability with objective laws that you can observe with your own eyes. The opaque operation of slot machines allows you to put any “appetite” into them. Therefore, in different countries, including Russia, the minimum return on winnings by slot machines is forcibly set at the state level. As a rule, the minimum value is limited to 90%. Those. if you play such a machine for a long time, you will find that it “eats” only every tenth ruble put into it. They say that in Las Vegas, at the initiative of individual casinos, this bar is raised to almost 95% (it is impossible to check, you can only believe in the kindness of gambling sharks). But more often the percentage fluctuates (at least it should) around 90%. Compare this with roulette, where the “appetite” of the casino is not 10%, but only 2.7%.

Roulette: The Basics

On a roulette wheel, numbers from 0 to 36 are scattered around. This is European roulette. In American roulette there is also the 38th number - "00". Be afraid of American roulette, you are twice as likely to lose in it than in European one! This means that a trip to Las Vegas should be preferred to a trip to Monte Carlo or Macau (a Chinese gambling zone that has long outdone the legendary Las Vegas in terms of turnover). Why is American roulette twice as voracious as its European sister? To do this, you need to understand how to win at roulette. Its size is determined not by the desire of the casino owner, but only by the theory of probability. And it works like this.

Let's discard the ill-fated 0 and 00 for now, imagining that we have 36 numbers. The probability that a specific number will randomly fall out is 1 in 36 (or 1/36). This means that you only have a 1 in 36 chance of guessing which number will come up (i.e. 2.78% chance (= 1/36 * 100%)). But if you guess right, you will receive from the casino 36 times more than the amount you bet.

All 36 numbers are equally colored black and red (18 black and 18 red; only zero is green). You can choose whether to bet on red or black. If you bet a chip on "red" and guess right, the casino returns you 2 times more than you bet. Why exactly 2 times, and not 3 or 4? Because the probability of guessing by betting on "red" or "black" is 18/36 or 1/2. And therefore, your reward will be 2 times the bet (ie, equal to the denominator of the fraction).

According to the rules of roulette, you can bet a chip not only on a specific number or on black-red, but also close several numbers at once with one chip. In particular, 12 numbers, 6, 4, 2 numbers (below in the article there is a picture showing how this is done on the gaming table). And in all cases, if you guess correctly, the winnings will be inversely proportional to the probability of guessing. So, closing 12 numbers, you will receive 3 times more chips than you bet (12/36 = 1/3); put a chip on 4 numbers at once, get 9 chips (4/36 = 1/9) and so on, the principle is clear - less chance of winning, more chips you get.

If there were only 36 numbers on roulette (by the way, the sum of all numbers from 1 to 36 is 666, which is why roulette is called the “ferris wheel”), then we could play casinos for hours on end, remaining with our money. As shown above, winning would exactly balance the probability of losing. But the casino is not a charity, so it wants to take a bite out of your pie. To do this, the 37th was added to the 36 numbers - “0” (European roulette). And the greedy Americans also have the 38th - "00". The rules for calculating the winnings remained the same, as if we had 36 numbers. It turns out that the 37th (and 38th) number is the income of the casino. Now the probability that your number will fall out is 1/37 (or 1/38 in the American version), but you still get 36 times more than you bet. It turns out that on average the casino receives 1 ruble out of every 37 rubles that you bet on roulette. Casino income - 2.7% (1/37 * 100%); and from American roulette - 5.3% (2/38).

How much does the casino earn from me?

Yes, playing roulette you pay the casino only 2.7%. But that's not enough, you say?! Supermarket margin on food can be 20% or 30%! Why, then, are golden walls, marble floors, and free booze in a casino and not a supermarket? Everything is simple. The store bears the costs of delivery of the goods, their storage, etc. And the casino takes your banknote and, figuratively speaking, cuts off the 37th part from it without leaving the gaming table. Money flows like a river, and a small stream leaving this river in favor of the casino turns into a very rather big lake with goldfish on the hacienda of the owner of the gambling establishment. So why am I writing this article, if 2.7% must be guaranteed to be given to the institution, the game is obviously losing? Because you can lose in different ways. You can lose all your money in one moment, or you can enjoy your victories all evening, getting sharp, but mostly positive emotions. How-read below.

A story from the 90s. The first casinos in the best traditions of capitalism appeared in Moscow, pompous, with free drinks, but the minimum bet is too high for ordinary citizens. But it was not there where ours did not disappear! There were tricksters. They came two by two to the casino, pretending not to know each other. One bet on black, and the other at the same time on red. As you understand, in 36 cases out of 37 one of them won, and exactly as much as the second lost. That is, in the amount they remained practical with their money. And what's the catch? And the drinks are free! True, the guards quickly learned to recognize such greedy to drink rogues and bring them under white hands.

Casino myths and magic schemes to win at roulette

Myth 1: Beginners are lucky.

Of course, newcomers are no more lucky than regulars. It's just that when an old-timer wins, they don't pay much attention to it. And when a beginner wins (especially when he puts his chip on one number and receives a stack of 36 chips in return), he rejoices louder, others focus on his success. The casino is profitable to attract newcomers, and the old-timer of the establishment is a good explanation why the newcomer won, and not he :)

Myth 2: If 10 (20, 30 ...) times "red" fell out, then now "black" will surely fall out!

This delusion is exclusively from the field of psychology. Indeed, the probability that “red” will fall out 10 times in a row is very low, less than 0.1%. Therefore, when we see that “red” has fallen out 9 times, we have no doubt that “black” will definitely fall out on the 10th time. In fact, the key point here is that "red" has ALREADY rolled 9 times, so now the probability of "red" and "black" appearing is still 50/50 (or, if you dig deeper, the probability of getting "red" 10 times is exactly the same like 9 times “red” and then “black”). I rarely went to the casino, but I found such long series of the same color, as well as those who believe that they cannot continue indefinitely. Yes, they can’t go on forever, but the probability that a “one-color” series will end on the next move is 50 to 50.

Myth 3: The casino cannot be beaten.

No, I'm not wrong. The fact that it is impossible to win in a casino (theoretically) is as much a myth as it is possible (practically). According to the rules of roulette, you can theoretically win. But to prevent this from happening in practice, the casino introduced an additional rule - the maximum bet. Otherwise, the rich would be able to multiply their fortunes without getting up from the table. To do this, you need to constantly bet on red (or black): first, 1 chip; losing - 2 chips, losing again - 4, then 8, 16, 32 and so on until you win. You will win only 1 chip, but you will not be able to lose endlessly; as I wrote above, the probability that one color will fall out 10 times in a row is less than a tenth of a percent. In a clever way, this is called the martingale system, but usually this thought comes to all players by itself. And now, if it comes to Bill Gates, who has enough money to “survive” a black streak of almost any length, the casino will be unhappy. To do this, the casinos have two tricks: they limit the maximum bet that can be placed at the table, and they increase the minimum bet for the simplest red-black option. That is, those who want to wait for a bright streak in life will have to start with a larger amount, and the likelihood of finishing the “race” without waiting for the desired color is no longer so ghostly.

Myth 4: The casino twists the roulette to make you lose.

Quite the contrary, the casino goes out of its way to make the roulette work as correctly as possible, i.e. The numbers came out in a completely random order. This slot machine can be tweaked, we will set any probability of issuing a win - the player will not check it anyway. Roulette is a completely different matter. A slight tilt of the table is enough and the casino will start losing money. Players will quickly notice if the numbers from one sector of the roulette start to fall out more often. And that's it, the roulette wheel will become unprofitable for the owner. Therefore, the tables are not only set perfectly even, but also a special counter controls the randomness of the loss of numbers, signaling in case of suspicious deviations from the theory of probability.

History from zero. Once I happened to meet a crooked roulette wheel. Of course, in a serious casino this is practically impossible. But there was a time when automatic roulettes stood alongside the usual one-armed bandits in provincial Russian cafes ... It was the only time in my life when I bet on a specific number (never do that, see below!) and ... won :)

Myth 5: Casinos are expensive, they lose a lot there.

They lose in the casino exactly as much as they want to lose. For example, in the Monte Carlo casino, the minimum bet is 5 euros. This means that you can play for 100 euros all evening, getting positive emotions. And you can lose this hundred in 3 minutes without getting a single gram of pleasure. Details are below.

How to win a good mood at roulette with minimal costs

First, never bet on a specific number! Did you bet on "14"? The probability that exactly “14” will fall out is less than 3%. So, instead of getting 36 chips instead of one placed on the table, you will most likely just lose it.

Secondly, do not bet on "black-red". This is the easiest and most attractive option for beginners. With a probability close to 50 to 50, you will either lose your chip or win 2 instead of 1 placed on the table. This is better than betting on a specific number, naively believing that Fortune is sleeping and seeing how to treat you with attention. But it's still not smart enough. Because:

a) for bets on the "black-red" casino, as a rule, sets the minimum bet 5 times higher compared to other betting options (so that you lose money faster, and do not pull the cat by the tail);

b) we don’t want to be happy or upset with a 50/50 probability, we want to be more happy than sad :)

So what to bet on?

Bet 5 chips at once, closing 5 blocks of 6 numbers each (called "six-line" in English). In roulette, there is such a bet option when 6 consecutive numbers are closed with one chip. It looks like this - point "F" (in the picture, the numbers from 31 to 36 were closed like this):

By betting on 6 numbers, if you win, you get 6 chips instead of one bet. The probability of winning is 1/6 (more precisely, 6/37 due to the presence of "0", but for simplicity we will assume that "one sixth"). However, we do not want to win on average 1 time for every 6 bets. Therefore, we close not 1 block of 6 numbers, but 5 at once. In other words, we leave only 6 unclosed numbers plus "0". Which 6 numbers to leave open is up to you, practice your intuition. The main thing is that now we will win with a probability of 5/6 (or more precisely, 30/37), and we will lose with a probability of 1/6 (or, taking into account zero, 7/37). That is, the probability of winning is 5 times greater than losing. Yes, miracles do not happen, when we win, our wallet will grow with only one chip, and if one of the “not our” 7 numbers falls out, we will lose 5 chips. But the key point here is that we will win 5 times more often than we lose!

The whole point is that we rejoice in winning 1 chip not 5 times less than we regret losing 5. This is subjective, it is difficult to prove, but in practice it is so. Winning more often but less is a more positive pastime than winning a lot and rarely (or even never). In fact, if you bet on one number, you will win on average 37 times. But you need it, depressingly lose chips 36 times and wait for this rare moment of winning?! Moreover, there can easily be more than 36 losses in a row, and in order to “wait out” them, waiting for a win, you need more chips ... Do you need it, spend money on a cloud of chips and then watch your fiasco over and over again? You did not come to the casino for this!

To play on the “five-sixths” tactic, 20 “start-up capital” chips will be enough for you. That is, 100 euros in Monte Carlo is enough. The probability that you will never win is 0.13%. That is, you must be very guilty of Fortune so that she jokes so cruelly on you. No one has canceled the legal casino income of 2.7% with any approach to betting. But if you bet your 100 euros entirely on one number, or, which is a little better, on "red-black", you will learn about such a moderate casino income only from this article, but not from practice :)

The described theory of “positive visits to the casino” has been tested by me more than once in practice and I can confirm that:

a) the joy of winning 1 chip may be less than the bitterness of losing 5, but definitely not 5 times. Therefore, by winning 5 times more often than losing, you spend the evening positively, feeling first hand the basic rules of probability theory, some of which are not emphasized at the university.

b) 20 chips are enough for the evening. I didn't go to the casino often, but I never left without a chip. As a rule, with what he came, he left with that, but sometimes in the black. This is explained by the fact that I did not play often and not all night long, so these legitimate 2.7% simply were not felt. Fortune forgives petty pranks;)

Are there any other betting options?

Eat. According to the same theory of enjoying the game, you can bet 2 chips, closing 2 lines of 12 numbers each (which closes a line of 12 numbers - this is the “B” chip in the figure above). With a probability of 2 out of 3 you will increase your budget by 1 chip, otherwise you will lose 2 chips. In this case, you will need even less "seed capital". If you have only 12 chips, then blow them all down without ever winning - you need to try very hard, because. the probability of this is only 1.7%. But personally, the probability of losing every 2 wins seems to me not a positive enough rest, so I like the “five-sixths” option more.

And you can bring my theory to the point of absurdity - take 35 chips and close 35 numbers at once, leaving only 2 numbers at the discretion of evil fate. With a 95% chance (i.e. 35 times out of 37) you will get 35 chips back and an additional 1 prize. But in 5% of cases you will say goodbye to all 35 chips, which is very, very disappointing. It's more of an approach for someone who chooses between suicide and "getting rich." A person takes 35 million in debt, puts them on 35 numbers and with a probability of 95 out of 100 becomes a millionaire. Well, in 5 cases out of 100 creditors will implement the first option... We don't need such a roulette.

Instead of a conclusion

Roulette is the theory of probability in its purest form, which can be seen and touched. Roulette is the most honest way of taking money from the population, it is much more honest than contributions for major repairs or funded pensions.

The above approach is applicable not only in roulette. For example, movements in financial markets sometimes do not differ much from random ones. No wonder FOREX is often compared to a casino. If you rely not only on your knowledge and intuition, but also on the theory of probability, then you can earn not so much, but at least not lose much :)

We offer you several options drunk roulette rules, the choice depends on how sober you want to stay

Option one
Any drink of your choice is poured into glasses. Each glass is numbered with two or three numbers. Accordingly, each player is assigned a number (or a glass, to increase the chances). Players throw a ball into a spinning roulette and wait until the ball stops in the cell. There are two further developments in the game:
1. If the number (glass) of the player who threw the ball fell out - he drinks, if not - passes the ball to the next one (in this case, you can leave the party completely sober);
2. Drinks the one whose number (glass) fell out (a).

In order to diversify the game and make it more intriguing, we suggest pouring various drinks into glasses: vodka, cognac, wine, absinthe, sambuca, juice, sweet water - anything, up to tea. In this case, it makes no sense to assign numbers, the player will drink the contents of the glass, the number of which he has dropped out in roulette. But be careful with mixing alcohol, it can have a negative effect on your health.

Option two
You can place bets just like in a real casino. To do this, however, you will need additional props in the form of a gambling table, which can be easily drawn on paper. It will look something like this:

Everyone makes bets and drinks the one whose bet has played. Of course, where it is more likely to catch fortune by the tail, betting on red or black, or odd or even, then your chances increase to 50%!

Option three
We propose to slightly modify the famous American game "truth or dare" with the help of drunken roulette. The rules remain the same, the person pointed to by the ball in the roulette is asked a question (of what nature, it is up to you to decide) and is given a choice whether to answer the question or drink.

You can come up with your own rules of the game, which are limited only by your imagination! But which of the options drunken roulette games You did not choose, remember what the Ministry of Health warns us about

It is difficult to establish the exact date, the place of the first appearance and the inventor of roulette - the main symbol of modern casinos. Games with a disk and a spinning wheel have been known since ancient times. But the roulette we know today, according to most historians, was born in France in the 17th century, gained popularity in Europe, and then spread to America and other parts of the world.

Three types of games are common in modern casinos:

  • European roulette (Single Zero) acquired its modern look in the middle of the 19th century and is widespread in most gambling establishments in the world. 37 numbers per wheel. 0 and numbers from 1 to 36.
  • American roulette (two Zero fields, Double Zero) - an additional Double Zero field has been introduced to increase the advantage of the gambling establishment. Widely used in US casinos and Latin American countries. 38 numbers per wheel. 0, 00 and numbers from 1 to 36.
  • French roulette is the oldest type of roulette. The wheel is standard, but the betting field is different.

The rules of Russian roulette (with champagne and revolver) are not covered in this article.

Games differ from each other in the following features:

  • By how much and how, the numbers are arranged on the roulette wheel.
  • Field for rates.
  • Betting options.
  • Additional rules (equal chances).
  • Procedural matters (behavior at the table, chips, etc.).


The rules of American roulette require you to play with special chips of different colors, designed specifically for this table. Players exchange money or standard chips for roulette to avoid confusion with bets. Special chips facilitate the payout procedure and speed up the game process. At the end of the game, roulette chips are exchanged for standard ones, which can be used in other games or exchanged for cash.

European roulette rules dictate playing with standard casino chips received at the cashier. The dealer collects bets in different ways:

  • In the American version of the game - with a special spatula.
  • In the European version - by hand.


When playing foreign roulette, in European casinos there are tables with one wheel and two playing fields. This extended gaming table can accommodate up to 16 people at the same time. This roulette is served by three people. One throws the ball, and two dealers serve the gaming tables.

In the US, the gaming table is served by two people - a dealer and an assistant who helps sort the chips. Standard European table - similar.

Behavior in the casino

Casinos in Europe have a stricter approach to appearance than in America. The dress code rules imply that shorts and tracksuits are not for a gambling establishment. In North American gambling establishments, the attitude is more loyal. The strictest rules, of course, are in English gambling establishments, especially in club-type casinos with a limited circle of visitors.

Tips for staff in American and Russian institutions are welcome, and in many French institutions they are required.

Russian casinos

The Russian gambling industry, which is going through difficult times, has developed a version of roulette with one zero (European), but for the convenience of customers and staff, bets are made with special colored chips (American version), and the table also corresponds to the American one.

Special rules - equal chances

  • The "En Prison" Rule. In some gambling establishments in Europe, a rule that brings additional benefits to players is applied, which concerns bets on "equal chances": Black - Red, Even - Odd, Small - Large. If Zero falls on the roulette table, the bet does not lose, but remains on the table, and only if the next move is Zero again, then the bet goes to the casino. If the next move is positive for the player, then he gets his bet back, but without winning. In such establishments, when playing on equal chances, the advantage of the casino over the player is 1.35% - there is no less in any game.
  • The "La Partage" Rule And Surrender. If this rule is accepted at the roulette table, then when Zero falls out, the player who bet “on chances” loses only half of the bet. It is commonly used in French and American roulette, respectively. The chances of the casino in such games are reduced from 5.26% to 2.63%, that is, twice.

You are probably thinking: “I will play in an online casino where all bets are highlighted and highlighted, and you can place them with one click. Why should I think about anything else?”.

Firstly, knowing the rules for placing different types of bets will allow you to estimate the total amount placed on the bet field. This is the main rule of effective bankroll management. In addition, knowing the rates will allow you to accurately calculate the rates of the players if you decide to set up a small casino in your home, say, on the occasion of the birth of a friend.

In this article, we will show and tell in detail what bets are and how to place them on the example of European roulette. If you are looking for both payout ratios and game tactics, go to the “Roulette Strategies” section.

Outside Bets on Roulette

The outside bet is the best option to get started with betting options. Such bets cover a significant part of the field. They play more often, but the payouts for them are far from the largest. Beginners will be able to gain hands-on experience with minimal risk.

Red and black

This bet is one of the most popular on roulette: the player makes a choice in favor of either black or red sectors. Similar to betting on even and odd, the player wins if the desired sector falls. The number of red and black numbers is the same, 18 cells each.

A bet on all red sectors is made by placing chips on the red sector as shown in the picture. It is important that the chips do not touch the borders. Similarly, betting on all black numbers is done by placing chips on the black sector.

Even and Odd

Next to the red and black number betting area, you will find another even odds betting option.

  • To bet on all even numbers, place your chips in the area marked EVEN.
  • You can bet on odd numbers by placing chips on the ODD area.

Big and small

This bet is placed either on the lower numbers (from 1 to 18) or on the higher ones (from 19 to 36). This bet, like the previous ones, refers to equal chances, that is, the chance that it will play is approximately 50%.

You can bet on the lower sectors by placing chips on sector 1-18.

To make a choice in favor of higher numbers, move the chips to the sector 19-36.


Having carefully examined the diagram, you will see that the playing field is divided into 3 sectors, namely: 1-12, 13-24, 25-36. The bet will play if the ball falls into one of the numbers belonging to the selected dozen.

  • To bet on the first dozen, move the chips to the sector “1-12”.
  • To place a bet on the second dozen, move the chips to the “2-12” sector.
  • You can place a bet on the third dozen by moving the chips to the “3-12” sector.


All sectors (except 0) in European roulette are divided into 3 columns. The column bet therefore covers one-third of all available wheel numbers. Placement of chips in these sectors pays 2 to 1, so they are even more attractive than equal odds bets.

Roulette inside bets

After you get comfortable with simple bets, you can move on to mastering more complex ones. These include everything that is placed on the sector with numbers. They cover either individual numbers or groups of numbers with different payout ratios.

One Number (Straight Up)

Such a bet is placed only on one sector, and not on several. Because of this, the probability of winning decreases, but the payout ratio increases.

Such bets are made by placing chips in the center of a certain number. Please note that the chips should not touch the borders of adjacent sectors.

The payout when a number comes up is 35 to 1.


A split is a bet placed on two adjacent numbers at once. For example: 5-8, 16-17, 32-33, etc. You can place such a bet on the dividing line between two numbers as shown in the picture.

In the event of any of these numbers falling out, the payout will be 17 to 1.


The street bet works immediately on 3 numbers located in one row, for example: 1-2-3, or 16-17-18. If the ball falls on one of these numbers, then the payout for such a bet is paid 11 to 1.

Four of a kind, Angle or Cross (Corner)

This bet involves placing chips on any 4 neighboring numbers. Hitting the ball on one of these numbers means that this bet has won. The payout ratio is 8 to 1.

The bet is placed by moving the chip to the intersections of four numbers.

Sixline or Six numbers (Sixline)

This combined bet (sometimes called a double street) covers six numbers at once. The bet pays 5 to 1 if any of the six rolls.

To place a bet on the Sixline, move the chips to a line of two rows of numbers.

Basket or First Four (Basket)

In European roulette it is called a bet on the first four numbers, and in American - on the first five. It is placed on 0, 1, 2 and 3, or in the American version of the game on 00, 0, 1, 2, 3. Accordingly, the payment is made as for four of a kind 8 to 1, when the ball hits one of the numbers.

What are the most profitable bets on roulette?

Let's be honest with you: there is no 100% win-win bet on roulette. However, there are better and worse ways to place bets in terms of odds of winning and profitability. These two concepts do not contradict each other: as you can see, the more bets on different sectors, the higher the chance of winning, but not profit.

For example, if you bet 100 rubles on black, you will have 48.65% to win: much higher than if you bet on one number (2.7%). Of course, the payout is also different: 1 to 1 when betting on a color, and 35 to 1 when betting on an exact number. The higher the risk, the higher the reward.

At the same time, American roulette should be avoided, since the casino has a slightly better chance of winning due to the double zero (00). However, if you like this type of roulette, don't forget the basket bet, which has a 7.89% chance of winning.

best roulette betting strategy

No one can predict the future, so there is no better roulette betting strategy. Some strategies involve increasing the size of the bet after each loss, which should eventually lead to a small profit. Other strategies involve placing bets only around a certain sequence of numbers. Each of these methods has the right to exist, but none of them is 100%. Each player chooses a strategy himself, and a list of the most popular strategies can be found in the Roulette Strategies section.

Summing up

After reading this article, you began to understand all types of bets, which means you have moved to a new level of knowledge. If you decide to try roulette for the first time, we recommend starting with low risk bets (even/odd, black/red, low/high). Good luck!

It is one of the most famous games in online casinos, and it is known in three main formats - American, French and European.

The most important principle of this game is that the result is completely random - it does not depend on either the strategy or the system. In order to determine the winning numbers on the field, the ball is thrown into a spinning wheel and wait until it stops. When the wheel stops, the ball remains in one of the boxes behind some number. This is how the number of the winner is determined.

European and American roulette wheel

In European video roulette, the wheel contains numbers from 0 to 36, while the American wheel includes a double zero. Each number is marked in red or black, except for zero and double zero. These numbers are shown in green and are often referred to as "home" numbers because players bet on them extremely infrequently, and therefore when zeros come up, only bets placed on these numbers win and all other bets lose. American roulette has two house numbers, while European roulette has only one. Thus, if you have a choice, it is worth making it in favor of European roulette, as the house edge is lower in this version of the game.

Bets in classic roulette rules

To play roulette, you must choose your bet according to the rules of the game. There are several common types of bets:

  • Even \ Odd: You can bet on whether an odd or even number will come up. This bet pays 1:1.
  • Red and black: This is a bet on the color, instead of the number. It pays out 1:1.
  • First half and second half: This is exactly what it sounds like. This is a bet that the number will be either 1-18 or 19-36 and pays 1:1.
  • Dozens \ Columns: You can bet on the first, second or third column, or you can bet on the first, second or third dozen. These roulette bets pay out 2:1.
  • Six number bet: This bet is made by placing a chip on a line between two rows of numbers on the left side of the column. It bets on two rows of numbers and pays out at 5:1 odds.
  • Five number bet: This is an unusual bet that, according to the rules of the roulette game, can only be made at the American table. This is a bet on 0, 00, 1, 2 and 3 - it pays 6:1.
  • Four number bet: There are two types of this bet. On European roulette, this is a 0-3 bet. The second type concerns setting the chip at the intersection angle between four numbers. Both types of bets pay out 8:1.
  • Three number bet: This bet is placed on a series of numbers and pays out at 11:1.
  • Bet on two numbers: A two number bet is placed on a line between two numbers and pays out at 17:1 odds.
  • Rate per number: This bet is called a "Straight-Up". You simply place the chip on the number you want, and if you win, the casino pays out 35 to 1.

Traditional roulette

In real casinos, you will be playing roulette with a group of people. Each person uses chips of an individual color. After everyone has finished placing their bets, the croupier announces that you cannot bet any more and spins the roulette wheel and the ball. The ball gradually loses its speed and stops in one of the cells of the wheel, thus determining the winning number. The dealer removes all the losing chips and pays out the winnings to the winning players according to the roulette rules.

The difference between the rules of roulette in online casinos

It is important that the roulette rules themselves do not differ from the game in a real casino. In an online casino for real money, the process is slightly different. For example, the rotation takes an incredibly short time, but you are shown the rotation, thereby increasing the voltage. The casino automatically pays out the winning bet, which can mean you miss out on it without even noticing that you've won. To avoid this problem, most online casinos report winnings in a separate area of ​​the screen.

However, live dealer roulette solves most of these problems. Try them and you will feel the same excitement as in a real casino according to the classic roulette rules.
