Presentation on the theme of the peoples of the Chechens. Chechens - the people of Russia Chechens are a North Caucasian people living in the North Caucasus, the main population of Chechnya

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"Musical theater" - Meyerbeer. Therefore, ensembles often appear at the climax or final moments of dramatic development. combined with signs of a romantic drama. Verdi, one of the most remarkable masters of world realistic art. The Spanish court opera, the so-called zarzuela, also experienced a crisis.

Chechen people: culture, traditions and customs ancient people of the world, the inhabitants of the Caucasus are considered
Chechens. According to archaeologists, at the dawn of human
Civilization The Caucasus was a hotbed in which the
human culture.
Those whom we used to call Chechens appeared in the 18
century in the North Caucasus due to the separation of several ancient
childbirth. They passed through the Argun Gorge along the Main Range
Caucasus and settled on the mountainous part of the modern
The Chechen people have centuries-old traditions, national
language, ancient and original culture. History of this
people can serve as an example of building relationships and
cooperation with different nationalities and their neighbors.

Culture and life of the Chechen people

Since the 3rd century, the Caucasus has been a place where the paths of civilizations crossed.
farmers and nomads, the cultures of different
ancient civilizations of Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean. This
reflected in mythology, oral folk art And
Unfortunately the entry folk epic Chechens began
quite late. This is due to armed conflicts
that rocked this country. As a result, huge layers
folk art - pagan mythology, the Nart epic were irretrievably lost. creative energy of the people
swallowed up by the war.

A sad contribution was made by the policy pursued
leader Caucasian highlanders- imam
Shamil. He saw in the democratic, popular
culture a threat to their rule. For more than 25 years of his tenure in power in Chechnya, there were
prohibited: folk music and dancing, art,
mythology, observance of national rites,
traditions. Only religious ones were allowed.
chants. All this had a negative impact on
creativity and culture of the people. But the Chechen
identity cannot be killed.

Traditions and customs of the Chechen people

Part Everyday life Chechens
is the observance of traditions, which
passed down by previous generations. They
evolved over the centuries. Some are recorded in
code, but there are also unwritten rules,
which nevertheless remain important
for everyone in whom Chechen blood flows.

hospitality rules

The roots of this good tradition originate in the mists of time.
Most families lived in difficult, difficult places. They
always provided the traveler with shelter and food. The person needs
Acquaintance or not - he received it without further questions. This
established in all families. The theme of hospitality runs red
line throughout the folk epic.
Custom associated with the guest. If he liked a thing
accepting his dwelling, then this thing should be presented to him.
And more about hospitality. When away, the host takes a position closer
to the door, saying that the important thing here is the guest.
The owner sits at the table until the last guest. Stop receiving first
food is indecent.
If a neighbor or relative, albeit a distant one, came in, then serve
they will be young men and younger members of the family. Women shouldn't
show to guests.

Man and woman

Many may have the opinion that in Chechnya they are infringed
women's rights. But this is not so - a mother who raised a worthy
son, has an equal voice in decision-making.
When a woman enters a room, the men who are
there, get up.
Special ceremonies and propriety must be performed by
visiting guest.
When a man and a woman walk side by side, the woman must
step behind. A man must be the first to accept danger.
Wife young husband first feeds his parents, and only then
If there is a relationship between a guy and a girl, even if
very distant, the connection between them is frowned upon, but also rude
it is not a violation of tradition.


If a son reaches for a cigarette and the father finds out about it, he should
through the mother to make a suggestion about the harm and inadmissibility of this, and
he himself must immediately give up this habit.
In the event of a quarrel or fight between children, parents must first
scold your child, and only then figure out who is right, who
It is a grave insult to a man if someone touches him.
papakha. This is tantamount to a publicly received slap in the face.
The younger one should always let the older one through, let him pass
first. At the same time, he must politely and respectfully
say hello.
It is extremely tactless to interrupt the elder or start without him
requests or permission conversation.

On the southern outskirts of Russia, in the mountains North Caucasus, with all its natural splendor, the Chechen Republic is located. Chechnya is rivers and lakes, mountains, valleys and ancient cities, with their historical monuments cultures, ancient settlements, located above the clouds. The Chechen people, having survived the years of adversity, devastation and war, did not lose heart, while maintaining their historical heritage customs and traditions passed down from generation to generation.

Family as the basis of Chechen traditions

The people of Chechnya assign a huge role to the family and family rituals, which are honored everywhere. So, what are the Chechen traditions.


The father has always been considered the head of the family. The female half was engaged in the economic part. It was considered offensive and humiliating for a husband if he interfered in women's affairs or tried to help.

women in the house

When a daughter-in-law appeared in the house, the main duties of housekeeping fell on her. The girl got up before everyone else, did the cleaning and went to bed later than everyone else. If any of the women did not want to observe the traditions established in the family, she was subject to severe punishment, up to and including exile. The upbringing of daughters-in-law was carried out by “nana” - mother. The newly-appeared wives did not have the right to freely talk with their mother-in-law, to appear before her in an untidy form or with their heads uncovered. Part of their duties "nana" could shift only to the eldest daughter-in-law. The mother-in-law, in addition to household chores, had the duty to observe all family rituals and traditions, and the oldest woman was rightfully called the keeper of the hearth.

In the Chechen family there is a special cult of fire and hearth, it came from ancient times, when big family was called "people of the same fire." The Chechens have preserved the tradition of swearing and cursing with fire.

The prohibition, or the so-called custom of "avoidance", atypical for Slavic peoples, represents a taboo on communication or showing feelings in public. This rule of conduct applies to all members of the family: husband, wife, son-in-law, daughter-in-law and numerous relatives.

wedding and children

Many rituals are associated with the wedding and the period before it. The groom could not see his bride before the wedding, and after him for some time the young man visited his beloved secretly. In a quarrel between children, the primary action of the father and mother was to punish both, without understanding their guilt.


Remember, honor for a Chechen woman is the main treasure. You should not try to talk to her on the street or show signs of attention, as this will be regarded by the girl's relatives as an insult.

warlike people

Chechens have long been known for their warlike disposition and big number their rituals and ceremonies are associated with war and weapons. It was considered shameful and cowardly to take a sword out of its scabbard on your offender and not use it, so the blade was taken out only if necessary. At the age of 63, men reached the “age of untying the belt”, and he could freely go out into the street unarmed. Until now, we will allow such a Chechen custom as blood feud, in which brothers and brothers-in-arms take part. When a girl is kidnapped, even minors are allowed to use weapons to protect their honor and dignity.

Chechen customs and traditions
  • slide 1

    • Chechens are a North Caucasian people living in the North Caucasus, the main population of Chechnya. Historically, they also live in the Khasavyurt, Novolak, Kazbek, Babayurt, Kizilyurt, Kizlyar regions of Dagestan, the Sunzha and Malgobek regions of Ingushetia, the Akhmeta region of Georgia.
  • slide 2

    • IN currently the vast majority of Chechens live in the territory Russian Federation namely, in the Chechen Republic.
    • The document, on the basis of which mountainous Chechnya became part of Russia, was signed on January 21, 1781 and confirmed in the autumn of that year.
  • slide 3

    • According to the TSB in 1920, 0.8% of Chechens were literate, and by 1940, literacy among Chechens was 85%.
    • In February 1944, the entire Chechen population (about half a million) was deported from their places of origin. permanent residence to Central Asia.
    • On January 9, 1957, the Chechens were allowed to return to their former place of residence. A certain number of Chechens remained in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
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    • After the first and second Chechen war a significant number of Chechens left for the countries Western Europe, Turkey and Arab countries.
    • The Chechen diaspora in the regions of the Russian Federation also increased significantly.
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    • The Chechen language belongs to the Nakh branch of the Nakh-Dagestan languages, which is included in the hypothetical Sino-Caucasian macrofamily.
    • It is distributed mainly in the Chechen Republic, in other regions of the Russian Federation, in Georgia, and partially in Syria, Jordan and Turkey.
    • The number of speakers before the war 1994-2001 - approx. 1 million people.
  • slide 6

    • Most Chechens belong to the Shafi'i madhhab of Sunnism.
    • Religion - Islam.
    • Sufi Islam among Chechens is represented by two tariqats: Nakshbandiyya and Qadiriya, which in turn are divided into small religious groups - vird brotherhoods, total which reaches thirty-two among Chechens.
  • Slide 7

    • A constitutional order was established in Chechnya, and Akhmat Kadyrov came to power, who was later replaced by AluAlkhanov, and then by Ramzan Kadyrov.
    • Chechen society is very conservative.
    • It breaks up into tukhums, teips and gars (families).

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The peasant always lives by worries about the harvest. Therefore, drought is its enemy. According to an old Chechen belief, a snake is a reliable remedy against drought. As you know, snakes crawl out especially willingly in rainy days, hence the belief arose in their connection with the desired heavenly moisture. To make it rain, the Chechens killed and hung up snakes. In folk beliefs, the crow was also considered a messenger of bad weather, therefore, in order to cause rain, it was necessary to destroy the crow's nest. Among the well-known ancient Chechen rites of invoking rain is the plowing of the bed of a dried-up river. This ceremony was performed separately by both women and men. Men gathered in the yard of a lucky and revered person in the village, harnessed to a plow and dragged it along and across the riverbed. At the same time, everyone diligently poured water on each other. Women, having come to the river, dragged the plow along its bottom two or three times, while they themselves fell into the water and doused each other, and also tried to push the passing men into the river. Then the women who "plowed the river" walked around the village, and they were presented with money or food. The pagan meaning of the sacrifice was the rite of invoking rain, in which the teenager was dressed up as a sheaf of green grass. He was led through the streets of the village by a crowd of young people in sheepskin coats turned inside out. At the same time, everyone had fun, because it was not clear who was hidden under the grass. The costumed man also saw almost nothing, since his head was covered with elderberry branches hanging to the ground, or a sheaf of hemp, or a bag with holes for the eyes, covered with grass. It was believed that throwing pebbles into the river, accompanied by the recitation of a prayer, also helped to bring rain. The water that washed the pebbles will flow to the sea and return from there as rain. In mountainous Chechnya, this ritual was usually attended by the male part of the population. The old men, led by the mullah, prayed, and the young people collected pebbles. The stones were piled near literate residents who could read the Koran, who whispered a prayer over them, and then put them aside. After that, the youth threw stones into the water. Sometimes these pebbles were put in a bag and lowered into the water. At the end of the ceremony, sacrificial animals were slaughtered and a common meal was held.
