Presentation on the topic "Chechens are the people of Russia". Traditions and customs of the Chechen people Presentation on the topic Chechen peoples

Chechen people: culture, traditions and customs ancient people of the world, the inhabitants of the Caucasus are considered
Chechens. According to archaeologists, at the dawn of human
Civilization The Caucasus was a hotbed in which the
human culture.
Those whom we used to call Chechens appeared in the 18
century in the North Caucasus due to the separation of several ancient
childbirth. They passed through the Argun Gorge along the Main Range
Caucasus and settled on the mountainous part of the modern
The Chechen people have centuries-old traditions, national
language, ancient and original culture. History of this
people can serve as an example of building relationships and
cooperation with different nationalities and their neighbors.

Culture and life of the Chechen people

Since the 3rd century, the Caucasus has been a place where the paths of civilizations crossed.
farmers and nomads, the cultures of different
ancient civilizations of Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean. This
reflected in mythology, oral folk art and
Unfortunately the entry folk epic Chechens began
quite late. This is due to armed conflicts
that rocked this country. As a result, huge layers
folk art- pagan mythology, the Nart epic were irretrievably lost. creative energy of the people
swallowed up by the war.

A sad contribution was made by the policy pursued
leader Caucasian highlanders- imam
Shamil. He saw in the democratic, popular
culture a threat to their rule. For more than 25 years of his tenure in power in Chechnya, there were
prohibited: folk music and dancing, art,
mythology, observance of national rites,
traditions. Only religious ones were allowed.
chants. All this had a negative impact on
creativity and culture of the people. But the Chechen
identity cannot be killed.

Traditions and customs of the Chechen people

Part Everyday life Chechens
is the observance of traditions, which
passed down by previous generations. They
evolved over the centuries. Some are recorded in
code, but there are also unwritten rules,
which nevertheless remain important
for everyone in whom Chechen blood flows.

hospitality rules

The roots of this good tradition originate in the mists of time.
Most families lived in difficult, difficult places. They
always provided the traveler with shelter and food. The person needs
Acquaintance or not - he received it without further questions. This
established in all families. The theme of hospitality runs red
line throughout the folk epic.
Custom associated with the guest. If he liked a thing
accepting his dwelling, then this thing should be presented to him.
And more about hospitality. When away, the host takes a position closer
to the door, saying that the important thing here is the guest.
The owner sits at the table until the last guest. Stop receiving first
food is indecent.
If a neighbor or relative, albeit a distant one, came in, then serve
they will be young men and younger members of the family. Women shouldn't
show to guests.

Man and woman

Many may have the opinion that in Chechnya they are infringed
women's rights. But this is not so - a mother who raised a worthy
son, has an equal voice in decision-making.
When a woman enters a room, the men who are
there, get up.
Special ceremonies and propriety must be performed by
visiting guest.
When a man and a woman walk side by side, the woman must
step behind. A man must be the first to accept danger.
Wife young husband first feeds his parents, and only then
If there is a relationship between a guy and a girl, even if
very distant, the connection between them is frowned upon, but also rude
it is not a violation of tradition.


If a son reaches for a cigarette and the father finds out about it, he should
through the mother to make a suggestion about the harm and inadmissibility of this, and
he himself must immediately give up this habit.
In the event of a quarrel or fight between children, parents must first
scold your child, and only then figure out who is right, who
It is a grave insult to a man if someone touches him.
papakha. This is tantamount to a publicly received slap in the face.
The younger one should always let the older one through, let him pass
first. At the same time, he must politely and respectfully
say hello.
It is extremely tactless to interrupt the elder or start without him
requests or permission conversation.

This word cannot be translated. But it can be explained. "Nokhcho" means Chechen. The concept of "nokhchalla" is all the features of the Chechen character in one word. "Nokhchalla" - Chechen character Plan 1. Slide 3. 2. Slide 4. 3. Slide 5. 4. Slide 6. 5. Slide 7. 6. Slide 8. 7. Slide 9. "Nokhchalla" is not a set of recommendations. This is what a Chechen follows voluntarily and consciously. In this concept - the formula of what a real Chechen should be. This includes the full range of moral, ethical and ethical standards Chechen life.

The way of life of the nation and aesthetic principles were reflected in the national clothes of the Chechens. Chechen national clothes The main details of the men's costume were beshmet and trousers. Beshmet - a type of semi-caftan - tightly fitted the figure, fastened to the waist with knotted buttons and loops made of lace. Festive men's suit included a Circassian coat, which was worn over a beshmet and sewn from the best varieties of cloth. The cut of the Circassian coat coincided with the beshmet, but it was fastened only at the waist and had no collar. Typical Chechen clothing is a cloak. This is a cape with narrow shoulders, widening downward like a bell. Plan 1.Slide 3. 2.Slide 4. 3.Slide 5. 4.Slide 6. 5.Slide 7. 6.Slide 8. 7.Slide 9.

Women's clothing usually emphasized age and social differences. All Chechen women wore a tunic-type shirt with a slit on the chest and a small stand-up collar fastened with a button. Ceremonial dresses were sewn from velvet or heavy silk. Under the dress, over the shirt, they wore a short tight-fitting caftan with narrow sleeves. It fastened in front to the waist, sometimes there was a standing collar. The most beautiful and valuable were silver belts. They, along with breast clasps, were inherited from generation to generation. The headdress of a Chechen woman is a scarf. The girls folded it at an angle, the ends were drawn under the chin and stabbed from behind. A married Chechen woman wore a "chuht" on her head - a bag where braids were put. When leaving the house and in front of strangers, the “chuht”, which covered the braid, was covered with a scarf. Plan 1.Slide 3. 2.Slide 4. 3.Slide 5. 4.Slide 6. 5.Slide 7. 6.Slide 8. 7.Slide 9.

Papakha - a symbol of honor A Chechen's hat - a symbol of honor and dignity - is part of the costume. “If the head is intact, it should have a hat”; “If you have no one to consult with, consult with a hat” - these and similar proverbs and sayings emphasize the importance and obligation of a hat for a man. With the exception of the hood, hats were not removed indoors either. Since ancient times, the Chechens had a cult of a headdress - both female and male. Plan 1.Slide 3. 2.Slide 4. 3.Slide 5. 4.Slide 6. 5.Slide 7. 6.Slide 8. 7.Slide 9.

With hospitality in direct connection with the Chechen greeting. Greeting, they open their arms, that is, they open their hearts, thus expressing the purity of thoughts and sincerity in relation to a person. Hospitality is especially pronounced in rural life. For receiving guests in each house there is a "guest room", it is always ready - clean, with fresh bedding. No one uses it, even children are not allowed to play or study in this room. The owner should always be ready to feed the guest, so at any time in the Chechen family, food was specially set aside for this occasion. Hospitality of the Chechen people Plan 1. Slide 3. 2. Slide 4. 3. Slide 5. 4. Slide 6. 5. Slide 7. 6. Slide 8. 7. Slide 9

The Chechen word "wedding" in translation means - "game". The wedding ceremony itself is a series of performances, which include singing, dancing, music, pantomime. Music sounds when fellow villagers, relatives, friends go for the bride and bring her to the groom's house. Other performances take place during this stage of the wedding. So, for example, the bride's relatives delay the wedding train, blocking the way with a cloak or a rope stretched across the street - you need to pay a ransom to get through. Wedding ceremony Plan 1.Slide 3. 2.Slide 4. 3.Slide 5. 4.Slide 6. 5.Slide 7. 6.Slide 8. 7.Slide 9.

Chechens, like other highlanders, are very moderate in food and drink. Chureki or cornbread smeared with lamb fat, as well as wheat stew with the same fat - these are their usual food; water is a refreshing drink. Such observations on the food of the Chechens were left to us by the 19th century. Meanwhile, since the end of the 19th century, many European garden crops have already been grown in the mountain gardens of Chechnya - tomatoes, cabbage, radishes. From century to century: Chechens produced all foodstuffs except for spices and sweets on their farm. And although now the women of Chechnya have mastered many dishes from the cuisine of the most different peoples, they carefully preserve the unique originality of traditional cuisine. Chechen cuisine Plan 1.Slide 3. 2.Slide 4. 3.Slide 5. 4.Slide 6. 5.Slide 7. 6.Slide 8. 7.Slide 9

The peasant always lives by worries about the harvest. Therefore, drought is its enemy. According to an old Chechen belief, a snake is a reliable remedy against drought. As you know, snakes crawl out especially willingly in rainy days, hence the belief arose in their connection with the desired heavenly moisture. To make it rain, the Chechens killed and hung up snakes. In folk beliefs, the crow was also considered a messenger of bad weather, therefore, in order to cause rain, it was necessary to destroy the crow's nest. Among the well-known ancient Chechen rites of invoking rain is the plowing of the bed of a dried-up river. This ceremony was performed separately by both women and men. Men gathered in the yard of a lucky and revered person in the village, harnessed to a plow and dragged it along and across the riverbed. At the same time, everyone diligently poured water on each other. Women, having come to the river, dragged the plow along its bottom two or three times, while they themselves fell into the water and doused each other, and also tried to push the passing men into the river. Then the women who "plowed the river" walked around the village, and they were presented with money or food. The pagan meaning of the sacrifice was the rite of invoking rain, in which the teenager was dressed up as a sheaf of green grass. He was led through the streets of the village by a crowd of young people in sheepskin coats turned inside out. At the same time, everyone had fun, because it was not clear who was hidden under the grass. The costumed man also saw almost nothing, since his head was covered with elderberry branches hanging to the ground, or a sheaf of hemp, or a bag with holes for the eyes, covered with grass. It was believed that throwing pebbles into the river, accompanied by the recitation of a prayer, also helped to bring rain. The water that washed the pebbles will flow to the sea and return from there as rain. In mountainous Chechnya, this ritual was usually attended by the male part of the population. The old men, led by the mullah, prayed, and the young people collected pebbles. The stones were piled near literate residents who could read the Koran, who whispered a prayer over them, and then put them aside. After that, the youth threw stones into the water. Sometimes these pebbles were put in a bag and lowered into the water. At the end of the ceremony, sacrificial animals were slaughtered and a common meal was held.

Chechens are considered the most ancient people of the world, the inhabitants of the Caucasus. According to archaeologists, at the dawn of human civilization, the Caucasus was the center in which human culture was born.

Those whom we used to call Chechens appeared in the 18th century in the North Caucasus due to the separation of several ancient families. They passed through the Argun Gorge along the Main Range of the Caucasus and settled in the mountainous part of the modern republic.

The Chechen people have centuries-old traditions, National language, ancient and original culture. The history of this people can serve as an example of building relationships and cooperation with different nationalities and their neighbors.

Culture and life of the Chechen people

Since the III century, the Caucasus has been a place where the paths of civilizations of farmers and nomads crossed, the cultures of different ancient civilizations of Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean came into contact. This was reflected in mythology, oral folk art and culture.

Unfortunately, the recording of the Chechen folk epic began rather late. This is due to the armed conflicts that shook this country. As a result, huge layers of folk art - pagan mythology, the Nart epic - were irretrievably lost. The creative energy of the people was swallowed up by the war.

A sad contribution was made by the policy pursued by the leader of the Caucasian highlanders - Imam Shamil. He saw in the democratic folk culture a threat to his rule. For more than 25 years of his tenure in power in Chechnya, the following were banned: folk music and dances, art, mythology, observance of national rituals and traditions. Only religious chants were allowed. All this had a negative impact on the creativity and culture of the people. But Chechen identity cannot be killed.

Traditions and customs of the Chechen people

Part of the daily life of Chechens is the observance of traditions that have been passed down by previous generations. They have been building up over the centuries. Some are written in the code, but there are also unwritten rules, which, nevertheless, remain important for everyone in whom Chechen blood flows.

hospitality rules

The roots of this good tradition originate in the mists of time. Most families lived in difficult, difficult places. They always provided the traveler with shelter and food. A person, familiar or not, needs it - he received it without unnecessary questions. This is done in all families. The theme of hospitality runs like a red line throughout the folk epic.

Custom associated with the guest. If he liked the thing in the host home, then this thing should be presented to him.

And more about hospitality. With guests, the host takes a position closer to the door, saying that the guest is important here.

The owner sits at the table until the last guest. It is indecent to interrupt the meal first.

If a neighbor or relative, albeit a distant one, comes in, then young men and younger family members will serve them. Women should not show themselves to guests.

Man and woman

Many may have the opinion that women's rights are violated in Chechnya. But this is not so - a mother who has raised a worthy son has an equal voice in decision-making.

When a woman enters the room, the men who are there stand up.

Special ceremonies and decorum must be performed for the guest who has arrived.

When a man and a woman walk side by side, the woman should be one step behind. A man must be the first to accept danger.

The wife of a young husband first feeds his parents, and only then her husband.

If there is a relationship between a guy and a girl, even if it is very distant, the relationship between them is not approved, but also gross violation it is not a tradition.


If the son reached for a cigarette and the father finds out about it, he should make a suggestion through the mother about the harm and inadmissibility of this, and he himself should immediately give up this habit.

In a quarrel or fight between children, parents must first scold their child, and only then figure out who is right and who is wrong.

A grave insult for a man if someone touches his hat. This is tantamount to a publicly received slap in the face.

The younger must always let the elder pass, let him go first. At the same time, he must say hello politely and respectfully.

It is extremely tactless to interrupt the elder or start a conversation without his request or permission.

| 26.11.2014 | 14:00

The North Caucasus is famous for its ethnic diversity and rich cultural traditions mountain peoples Russia. Of course, there are Caucasian customs that are typical for the inhabitants of the whole region, but, meanwhile, every nation North Caucasus unique and has its own special traditions and culture. Unfortunately, after the war in Chechnya, many have an erroneous idea of ​​Chechen culture, or even are not familiar with it at all.

Chechens are a people of about one and a half million people, most of them living in the North Caucasus. It is generally accepted that the basis of the Chechen people is 156 types, which gradually expanded, in addition, new ones emerged from them. And today the question young man“Where is he from?”, Chechens always call the aul from which the clan of his family comes. So, in Grozny it is impossible to meet a Chechen who will answer such a question “I am from Grozny”.

On early developments Chechen society played an important role hierarchy. So, only the higher types had the right to build a tower, while the lower ones, as a rule, aliens, did not have such permission. Different Chechen tribes have different traditions, but there are rituals that unite the entire Chechen people and their difficult history.

The tragic pages of the history of this people date back not only Chechen wars twentieth century and Caucasian war second half of the nineteenth century. In February 1944, more than half a million Chechens were completely deported from their places of origin. permanent residence V Central Asia. The turning point for the people was 1957, when the Soviet government allowed the Chechens to return to their homes after thirteen years of exile. As part of the policy of the Soviet government, the people were prevented from returning to the mountains, thereby seeking to encourage the Chechens to move away from their rituals and customs.

However, the Chechen people largely managed to preserve their traditions and culture, passing it young generation. So, today one of the main traditions of Chechen society is the preservation of family etiquette and honorable respect for guests.

So, even in poor families, the owners always keep cakes with butter and cheese for a guest who may suddenly come to their house. It is noteworthy that the Chechen people are characterized by the manifestation of hospitality to any good man, regardless of its national, religious and ideological affiliation. Many sayings, legends, parables among Chechens are dedicated to the sacred duty of hospitality. Chechens say: “Wherever a guest does not come, grace does not come there”, “A guest in the house is joy” ... One of the basic rules of Chechen hospitality is to protect the life, honor and property of the guest, even if it is associated with a risk to life. The guest does not have to offer a reception fee, but he can give gifts to the children.

The Chechens have always followed the custom of hospitality, and they do not forget about it today. Yes, in modern families as before, guests are always offered special guest food - boiled meat with dumplings - zhizhig galnysh.

Photo source: website "Vkusnye Notes"

Historically, dumplings were made from cornmeal with the addition of a glass of hot water, in modern time housewives are increasingly preparing a dish of wheat dough, for the formation of which you should already add a glass cold water. Particular attention is paid to the quality of the broth in which the meat is cooked - it is in it that dumplings fashioned from dough are then boiled. Chechen housewives say that the taste of dumplings depends on the broth. Dumplings should be cooked silently, "so that they do not disperse." Separately, a special sauce is prepared for the dish - from onion or garlic. So, today in the city of hostesses, onions are cut into rings and fried in ghee or sunflower oil, depending on taste preferences.

According to Chechen traditions, only a woman should cook every day and for holidays. Only at funerals, mostly men cook, which is due to the absence of Chechen women in the main part of the ceremony. In traditional Chechen families, a woman always takes food after the head of the family, in modern ones, everyone often dine at the same table, but the tribute to the head of the family is invariably present.

Preserved in Chechen families and wedding traditions, as well as the attitude towards the son's wife in new family. So, the daughter-in-law still expresses great respect for her husband's parents, calling them only "dada" and "nana" - father and mother.

Despite the fact that Ramzan Kadyrov abolished the historically obsolete law of "bride theft", the groom's role in the wedding ceremony is still insignificant. The code of the Chechens even says that "the groom should never be present at his wedding." As a rule, he is always nearby, sitting in the next room.

An interesting Chechen custom that has survived to this day is called “untying the tongue of the bride.” According to Chechen tradition, the bride did not have the right to talk in her husband's house without receiving special ritual permission to do so. In modern Chechen families, this ceremony, as a rule, takes place already on the wedding day. So, at the beginning of the ceremony, the father-in-law asks the bride about the weather, trying to talk her, then, having failed, he asks to bring her a glass of water. When the girl fulfills the order of her husband's father and returns to the guests with a glass in her hands, the father-in-law begins to inquire in surprise why she brought him a glass. After the silence of the betrothed son, the senior guests drink from the mug, putting money on the tray with the mug and “talking” to the bride. Only after this ceremony the bride receives full right talk to the husband's family.

However, this tradition does not at all mean a belittled position of a woman in Chechen families. On the contrary, according to Chechen customs it is strongly recommended not to enter into marriage between a man and a woman without mutual consent, as this may affect the mental and physical development of their children. According to a number of historians, this is precisely why bride kidnapping is not, and never has been, a true Chechen custom.

An old Chechen legend beautifully illustrates the observance of these commandments. “When a girl was brought to the groom’s house, who agreed to marriage in order to fulfill the will of her father and brothers, although she loved another, the young man caught sadness in the girl’s eyes, began to inquire until he found out the reasons. And when the girl told about her great, like a starry sky, love, he did not touch her with a finger. He took her out of the house, and with it the love from his heart, and on a dark night he brought the yearning lover to the house. And since then the young men have become friends, ready to give their lives for each other. Because life is in our hands, and love is from God…”

Earlier, according to tradition, a young man and a girl met at the spring, because in the view of the Chechen people, the spring was given to people from the creator. Meeting at the source, lovers proclaimed the desire that their relationship be as pure as its waters. According to Chechen customs, a girl and a young man could not be on a date together. A man who flocked at a distance from his beloved was accompanied by a friend, a girl by a friend. The meeting always took place before dark, but in the afternoon, when the girl, having shown herself obedient and industrious, received permission from her mother to go to the spring. The girls always came to the meeting place after the boys. It is not customary among the Chechen people for girls to be the first on a date even today.

It is worth noting that today, like two hundred years ago, a Chechen reacts very sharply to obscene language against a woman, perceiving it as an insult. This is due to the fact that the biggest shame is if a woman from the family allowed herself any kind of relationship with an outside man. Even today in the Chechen Republic there are rare cases of lynching of women for free behavior. Women who lost their honor were killed and are being killed. However, the reason for such a harsh punishment lies primarily in the fact that the Chechens attach particular importance to heredity through the female line. A Chechen has the right to take a wife of any nationality, although he is condemned by relatives and fellow villagers, but it is very rare for a Chechen woman to marry a foreigner.

We also note that among the Chechen traditions that have survived to this day, there is an obligatory ability of a woman to sew. So, for a wedding, young Chechen women inevitably receive a sewing machine as a dowry.

Among other traditions revered by the Chechen people for centuries, it should be notedspecial attention to the patient. A sick person is always visited by all friends and acquaintances, supporting him financially and morally, regardless of the age of the sick person. It is indecent to come to the sick with empty hands. Next to the sick Chechens do not talk about ailments, on the contrary, they try to make him laugh. During the illness of a Chechen, his relatives and friends manage his affairs, and in the countryside they harvest and chop wood.

According to Chechen customs, a man should have such qualities as: taciturnity, slowness, restraint, caution in statements and in people's assessments. It is restraint that is the main feature of a Chechen man. According to custom, he will not even smile at his wife in front of strangers and will not take the child in his arms in front of acquaintances.

One more hallmark Chechens is attentive when meeting. First of all, every Chechen will ask: “How are you at home? Is everyone healthy? When parting, and today it is considered good manners to ask: “Do you need my help?” It is especially important to offer help to an elderly and simply older person.

Of course, the wars of the late twentieth century had a huge impact on the culture of the modern Chechen. So, in Chechnya, a whole generation of young people grew up, for whom real ammunition served as toys, and wartime tragedies gave rise to senseless bravado. Many children were never able to complete their school education. The problem of migration from villages to big cities is also difficult.

Today the Chechen government has shown itself capable of solving these problems. It not only rebuilt cities and villages, organized jobs and sport sections, opened additional schools, but also supports programs about the culture of the Chechen people and the study mother tongue Chechens. So, in October of this year, a new Chechen-Russian dictionary was published, the author of which is Dr. philological sciences Professor Zulai Khamidova. In addition to the fact that the book contains over 20 thousand purely Chechen words, the dictionary contains a lot of useful material and transcription of words. This is especially important, since in the Chechen language the same word has several meanings and is read with different intonations. The cost of the dictionary is about one and a half thousand rubles (1,500 rubles).

The Chechens carefully keep the memory of their musicians. The song performed by Belukhadzhi Didigov, dedicated to the legendary abrek Zelimkhan from the village of Kharachoy, is widely known among Chechens.

The best way to reflect the traditions of the Chechen people is the word "nokhchalla", which, roughly translated into Russian, means "to be a Chechen Chechen" or "Chechenness". This word includes a set of rules of ethics, customs, traditions accepted in Chechen society, is a kind of code of honor. So, nokhchalla is the ability to build one's relationships with people without demonstrating one's superiority in any way, even being in a privileged position. Nokhchalla is a special reverence for a woman and the rejection of any coercion. A Chechen from an early age was brought up as a defender, a warrior. Most ancient view Chechen greeting, which has survived to this day, - “Come free!”

Thus, despite the difficult history, the Chechen people managed to preserve their traditions and culture. Of course, the course of time has made its own adjustments, but the customs of family upbringing, hospitality, and respect for women still dominate among Chechens. And that means that time changes everything for the better, testing people for strength moral principles and confirming the Chechen proverb: "he who does not keep up with the times, he runs the risk of falling under its wheel."

The article was prepared within the framework of the project of the Scientific Society of Caucasian Studies "Ethno-cultural diversity of Russia as a factor in the formation of a common civic identity", carried out with the support of the All-Russian public organization Social science"
