Where Aziza's wedding recently took place. Aziza's wedding and young husband

Two months ago, businessman Alexander Brodolin made an offer to the star of the 90s, the winner of the show "Just Like It" Azize, in the studio of Andrey Malakhov's program "Let them talk." However, apparently, the wedding will not take place. The other day, the singer announced that she had terminated all relations with her fiancé.

“Exactly a minute ago, Alexander and I put all the dots on the “and,” the singer stunned the fans while talking with them in one of social networks. “The engagement that was five years ago is broken off. My mother never saw her daughter's wedding. And I never became a wife and mother. Finita la comedy. Officially, we are now free from all obligations previously given to each other.

Marvelous! After all, Brodolin so touchingly looked after the singer, supported her in every possible way. For example, on the show Just Like It, in which the star won, he was always backstage, ready to lend a shoulder. When Aziza was announced the winner, she said: “Without Sasha, I would not have been the first!”

They met Brodolin six years ago in Cyprus. A handsome businessman noticed a sultry Uzbek woman and began to show signs of attention to her. And although at first Aziza perceived their relationship as a holiday romance, later became attached to her lover with all her heart.

“The moment we met, I was disappointed in love,” the artist said. - I WAS VERY ILL. Before the trip to Cyprus, I went to the temple and prayed: “Lord, if there is real love, show me her. Let me know what it is."

What caused the quarrel, Aziza did not say. It is possible that the fault is the obstinacy of the singer, who is used to taking “all or nothing” from life.

“Aziza really wanted a wedding,” people close to the singer told ProZvezd. But Sasha was in no hurry to triumph. He wanted Aziza to move to him in St. Petersburg, but she did not dare to move. Living in two cities is very difficult.

They met Brodolin six years ago in Cyprus. A handsome businessman noticed a sultry Uzbek woman and began to show signs of attention to her.

It is possible that in this way the star just decided to drop negative emotions. Last year it turned out to be difficult for her. At the end of the year, the beloved mother of the star died. The singer hoped to distract from the tragedy with the help of work. She agreed to participate in a complex television project that lasted almost three months and took a lot of effort. Plus, the financial crisis broke out and many artists were left without earnings. Meanwhile, Aziza has already announced that she is going to radically change her life and emigrate from Russia.

- I decided to leave forever in another country. I will live in the mountains. There is nothing left here. Mom is not. No husband. Have no children. I wanted to move to Ruza, where mommy is now. But there is no way to complete your house. So there is no choice. These are not emotions, these are forced life changes. Mom died, Sasha fell out of love. In this situation, one does not sing and does not breathe. I - strong man but there is a limit to everything!

Interestingly, the artist has already deleted these messages on the network. Has she really calmed down and gone to reconcile with her beloved? ProZvezd will monitor the development of the situation.

Singer Aziza is an Uzbek and Russian artist, creative career who knew both ups and downs, as well as a period of absolute oblivion, but in the hearts of her fans she will forever remain the same as they saw her during the fantastic popularity of the song “Your Smile”.

Childhood and family

The full name of the famous artist is Aziza Abdurahimovna Mukhamedova, but fans from her native Uzbekistan and Russia call her simply by the name that she once decided to choose as a pseudonym.

Aziza was born on April 10, 1964 in Tashkent, the capital of the Uzbek SSR. Her father was the director of the Uzbek Philharmonic. Before working at the Philharmonic, Abdurahim Mukhamedov, who went through the whole war, taught music at the Tashkent Pedagogical School and served as a music editor at the National Uzbek Television. Aziza's father left a mark on history by writing many musical compositions: comedies, plays, works for choral performance, national and children's songs.

The mother of the artist, Rafik Mukhamedova, was opera singer, the leading actress of the Tashkent musical theater named after Mukimi. After the birth of her first daughter, Rafika left the stage, but she could not completely give up music and successfully combined family care with the work of a teacher at a children's music school.

Aziza grew up with her two older sisters, the girls studied music and vocals from childhood, and their first teachers were, of course, their parents. In 1980, Aziza's father died, and she, like her sisters, was forced to help her mother.

Early career: variety ensemble "Sado"

Despite the fact that Aziza dreamed of entering the medical school, she nevertheless accepted the proposal of Valery Baramykov, the head of the famous variety ensemble"Navruz", and became one of three soloists his new team "Sado". Kumush Razzakova and Mira Romanidi also joined the newly-created pop-folklore ensemble.

According to Aziza, in 1980 she was in the ninth grade and, of course, she was warned that she would have to combine study and work, but she was not ready for a busy schedule. Despite the fact that Razzakova and Romanidi, who had already graduated from school at that time, took on the main touring load, Aziza also took part in traveling concerts in Uzbekistan and other republics of the USSR.

Sado - Sing, my dutar (1984)

In 1981, a young girl group was chosen as a representative of the Uzbek SSR at the Second All-Union Competition of Commonwealth Performers. According to the terms of the competition, the members of the ensemble "Sado" had to perform a song native land, which has not been heard anywhere before and is not performed by anyone, as well as several songs from the Commonwealth countries.

Especially for this prestigious competition, the poet Ilya Reznik and the composer Raimonds Pauls created several songs, with one of which, called "Do not be embarrassed", the Uzbek ensemble got to the "Song of the Year-81" and won the hearts of all citizens Soviet Union. The Russians compared the girls with their famous colleagues from the then popular Western group "Arabesques", whose star was the singer Sandra.

At the competition, girls from Soviet Uzbekistan took first place, and victory opened the door for them concert venues not only the Soviet Union, but also many foreign countries. After graduating from school, Aziza continued her education at the Tashkent Conservatory, and until 1986 she performed as part of the Sado team. Together with Mila Romanidi and Kumush Razzakova, she performed in Rwanda, Laos, Vietnam, Austria, Switzerland and Germany.

In the period 1982-1984, brave Uzbek girls gave several concerts in Afghanistan, exposing their lives to deadly, without exaggeration, danger. On the way to the city of Mazar-i-Sharif, where the joint Afghan-Soviet enterprise was located, the car with the artists was fired upon, but, fortunately, none of the girls were injured.

Solo career

After graduating from the conservatory, Aziza Mukhamedova took part in the All-Union Television Competition for Young Performers pop song held in Jurmala in 1988. And although the singer did not manage to win, the performance of the songs "Namangan Apples" and "Kind Angel" brought her the audience award.

solo career Aziza Mukhamedova started in 1987, and as a pseudonym she decided to take given name. Having moved to Moscow in 1988, she continued her ascent to musical fame by releasing her debut album. The album, named after the name of the singer, included six pop songs, including the songs "Cleopatra", "Sergeant" and "Good Angel".

Aziza - Your smile

All-Russian fame came to Aziz a year later. The song "Your Smile", which was written by the poet Boris Beskrovny and composer Oleg Beskrovny, has become a musical event on a national scale. This fervent bright composition sounded in the television programs "With Good morning"And" Blue Light "and was awarded in the main musical show of the Soviet Union" Song of the Year ". Far from the last role in the all-Union popularity, which fell upon the young singer like an avalanche, was played by her excellent external data: the delicate sensual face of an oriental beauty and the magnificent figure of a top model.

The murder of Igor Talkov

The death of a rock idol of the late USSR era, musician and actor Igor Talkov, had a negative impact on the career of Aziza, who also took part in the autumn concert on the stage of the Yubileiny St. Petersburg Sports Palace.

According to the most common version, the singer died from a bullet fired at him by his concert director Valery Shlyafman on October 6, 1991. However, according to the initial version of the investigators, Igor Malakhov was named the killer, the director and bodyguard of Aziza, who at that time was her lover, as well as a former kickboxer, fled the scene of the crime.

It was Malakhov who started a fight with the security guards and Talkov's concert director over which of the artists - Talkov or Aziza - would close the concert. The fact is that in the show business of those years it was more honorable to perform closer to the final than to the middle. The final number on that fateful evening was to be Oleg Gazmanov, Aziza in front of him, and Talkov in front of her. But Igor and Aziza were swapped. The singer was afraid that she would not be able to prepare for the performance. Through long disputes and threats, Malakhov agreed on a replacement, which provoked a fight with Talkov's guards. In the ensuing turmoil, the artist was shot dead, but no one could say for sure whose pistol fired that shot.

The case of the murder of Igor Talkov

Ten days later, the suspect Malakhov voluntarily appeared before the investigators, and as a result of the investigation, Shlyafman was found guilty, who, however, managed to escape punishment. After many years, there are those who do not believe that the fatal shot was fired as a result of a scuffle, question the guilt of Valery Shlyafman and call the murder ordered.

For almost thirty years, the artist's relatives and fans have repeatedly tried to initiate the resumption of the investigation, but law enforcement officers were unable to reopen the case due to newly discovered circumstances.

Life after the tragedy in the Yubileiny sports complex

Be that as it may, the tragedy that happened in the dressing room of the "Jubilee" not only cut short the life great artist, who at the time of his death was only 34 years old, but almost buried the career of a young singer. Overnight, the rising pop star became persona non grata, she was no longer invited to television, and Aziza disappeared from the musical horizon for several years. Subsequently, the singer will call the murder of Talkov an absurd tragedy that divided her life before and after.

In the mid-90s, the singer reappeared on the screens as part of the "Song of the Year" and recorded the album "All or Nothing", but she was unable to regain her former popularity. At the dawn of the 2000s, Aziza Mukhamedova released a collection called “After so many years”, which included compositions dedicated to her father.

Aziza - I carried my misfortune (cover of Vysotsky)

Persistence and the desire to break through to the hearts of the listeners again helped her not to break down and survive in the years of absolute oblivion. In 2008, the singer recorded the album "Reflection", and a year later - the disc "On the Shore of Chanson". Participation in entertainment television projects, such as "You are a superstar" and "Just the same", somewhat "warmed up" the almost cooled interest in her work, so unfairly consigned to oblivion.

Aziza also participated in several pop shows in which she talked about the relationship that connected her with Talkov, but some, a very significant part of the Russians, did not appreciate the singer's revelations, calling them an attempt to restore her popularity at the expense of a dead artist.

Aziza's personal life

Nothing is known about the details of the star’s personal life before she moved to Moscow in the late 80s; in the homeland of Aziz, who had just graduated from the conservatory, for obvious reasons - her young age, studying and working in the Sado team - she simply did not have time to acquire romantic stories.

With the athlete and entrepreneur Igor Malakhov, the artist began to meet after moving to Moscow, but the tragedy that happened in the fall of 1991 at Yubileiny became the reason for their separation.

As Aziza admitted many years later, at the time of Talkov's murder, she was pregnant by Igor Malakhov, but she lost her child due to stress.

A miscarriage that left Aziza without a chance to ever become a mother, and also, albeit indirect, but accusations of her and Malakhov in the death of Talkov divorced them. Relations with Aziza and Malakhov continued until about 1994. Many years later, the diva admitted that it became difficult for her to endure the alcoholic addictions of her roommate, and she was forced to leave him.

In the early 2000s, Aziza met entrepreneur Alexander Brodolin, with whom she may have been in a relationship until 2017. According to some sources, Aziza and Alexander did not live together.

In 2005, the singer changed her faith, converting to Orthodoxy, and, according to the artist, her family supported her choice.

In 2008, the singer gave an interview for the publication "Friend", in which she said that her creative life not limited to music. Aziza tried herself as a jewelry and clothing designer, but came to the conclusion that this activity should remain in the status of a hobby.

The artist sewed many outfits for her performances herself, she was especially successful in turbans, which she even created to order. One of Aziza's clients was the famous Svetlana Svetlichnaya, who, as you know, had huge collection headwear.

In the same interview, when asked about the presence of a man in her life, the singer replied that her heart was really busy, and her lover was famous businessman from Tashkent. However, during the indicated period of time, the media already attributed to her an affair with Petersburger Alexander Brodolin.

In the fall of 2015, the fate of Aziza was marked by another tragedy - her mother died. The singer was very upset by the loss loved one who was by her side during the most difficult moments of her life. For more than two and a half, the artist struggled with depression, which caused serious problems with health.

“It’s very hard for me to be strong. I tried to hold on, but my strength left me. Wish me recovery and love, which I now need especially,” said the singer, who has lost ten kilograms.

According to Aziza, for five years she lived in America, where she helped relatives open music school. In gratitude, the relatives offered to name the school after her, but she refused due to her natural modesty.

While everyone is at home. Visiting Aziza

Several dogs lived in her Moscow apartment with her and her mother, each of which, according to the artist, was thrown to her by fate.

The death of Talkov: the continuation of the scandal

A new round of popularity took place in Aziza's career after her return from the United States, where she left, parting with Igor Malakhov, who became addicted to alcohol. The advice to leave was given to the singer Iosif Kobzon. Having become a guest of Boris Korchevnikov’s author’s show “The Fate of a Man” in the fall of 2018, the singer mentioned that she had survived only a few months in America, although in earlier interviews, for example, for the Friend publication, she said that she had lived in the States for almost five years.

The fate of man. Aziza

Looks like doom famous musician, which once caused a forced break in musical career Aziza now helps her get back in Russian show business. Aziza’s statement that psychics should be involved in the investigation of Talkov’s murder, as the artist put it, like Vanga or Messing, who will be able to explain exactly what exactly happened on that fateful day at Yubileiny, caused a great resonance in society.

Fans of the Soviet rocker were angered by the words of Aziza, who, as you know, was, if not a participant tragic events autumn 1991, it was definitely their eyewitness. The Russians were also outraged by the singer's refusal to participate in investigative experiments, which, in her own words, can injure her psyche and harm her emotional state.

In December 2018, Aziza again became a member music show"You are a superstar", in which Irina Ponarovskaya also took part, at the very beginning next year she performed in a concert dedicated to the birthday of the parodist Alexander Peskov, and Irina Gribulina, Olesya Yapparova, actor Vyacheslav Grishechkin and many others made up the company in the Solo restaurant in the capital.

In the spring of 2019, the singer agreed to take part in the intellectual Russian TV show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. The actress answered the questions of Dmitry Dibrov together with the son of the Soviet rock icon, Igor Talkov Jr. Azize failed to show high level intellectual development, besides, the audience noted the arrogant and rude behavior of the artist, who looked out of place, especially in comparison with the restrained and educated Igor. Unfortunately, Aziza and Igor could not answer the ninth question of the intellectual Dibrov and left without a win.

Aziza and Igor Talkov Jr. - Memory (2016)

In the summer of 2019, in Dmitry Shepelev's show "Actually," the singer and her sister said that Talkov was trying to bring Aziza together with some kind of criminal authority. Aziza told the details of the evening when she was running away through the snowy forest from angry bandits, to whom Talc allegedly offered her. The representative of the family of the deceased musician, Irina Krasilnikova, said that the Talkovs intend to bring Aziza to justice, including for libel, the punishment for which is provided for by the corresponding article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Shortly after the broadcast, Igor Talkov Jr. posted a video on YouTube in which he explained that he sincerely wanted to help Azize "get on the path of evolution and finally become a kind, bright person." Igor apologized to the fans for his cooperation with Aziza, as well as for her behavior. In his opinion, the singer denigrated the good name of the rock prophet, accusing him of pimping.

Also, Talkov's son spoke out that Aziza was either crazy or received money for desecrating the musician's memory. Many Russians supported Igor Igorevich, and some even suggested that the broadcast of the show “Actually”, which aired after his trip to Shiyes, whose residents clashed with the authorities and oppose the construction of a landfill, was indeed custom-made.

Igor Talkov Jr. about Aziz

Singer Aziza now

Aziza continues to collaborate with the poet and musician Oleg Beskrovny, who presented her to her many years ago famous hit"Your smile". Last summer 2019 All-Russian festival On the Fatyanovo Song and Poetry Festival, Aziza sang the song that once glorified her, and the singer's mischievous dance did not leave the audience indifferent, many of whom came out to support their favorite.

Behind the official Instagram account famous singer Several thousand fans are watching, Aziza regularly pleases them with photos from concerts in clubs and restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg and shares news and creative plans.

In 2019, the famous artist presented her eighth studio album"We are happy", which included fifteen songs. Many songs were already familiar to fans of Aziza's work, and the singer dedicated the song "Voice" to the memory of the princess Russian stage Yulia Nachalova, who died suddenly in March 2019.

However, much more interesting for Aziza's fans is the information that Nargiz indicated in the hashtags. According to them, the popular 52-year-old actress Aziza finally married not Alexander Brodolin, whom the singer told reporters about, but a certain Rustam. Apparently, the wedding celebration took place abroad, apparently so that domestic reporters would not hear about it.

A photo posted by NARGIZ (@rocknnargiz) on Aug 5, 2016 at 4:53pm PDT

Very little is known about Aziza's personal life. A year ago, the artist met with a certain Alexander Brodolin. Aziza met Alexander when she was already over 40 and she almost despaired of finding her love. Their first meeting took place in Cyprus, where Aziza arrived on vacation. About any romance, according to her, she did not think.

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“I looked at the sea, admired the local beauties. At some point I noticed that from the shore a man is walking. I did not see the features of the face, only the silhouette was visible. He complimented us. Soon the waiter brought a bottle of champagne and fruit. At dinner, I noticed him and decided to thank him, ”the singer said in an interview. All evening Alexander and Aziza talked about life and faith in God. Then the singer realized that in front of her was her man.

Last summer, singer Aziza Mukhamedova vacationed in Cyprus. She stood on the seashore, not far from the place where, according to legend, Aphrodite emerged from the sea foam, and looked into the distance. Suddenly someone came up to her and touched her shoulder. “You are so beautiful ...” When Aziza saw Alexander, she immediately understood: it was him, her betrothed. That was what she asked God for. Then there were conversations from dawn to dusk about the meaning of life, about Orthodoxy, about traveling to holy places. And when they went home: he - to St. Petersburg, she - to Moscow, they realized that they could no longer live without each other ... This autumn, Aziza is getting married. Her chosen one is the leader construction company Alexander Brodolin. This summer, the lovers were again in Cyprus, where they once saw each other for the first time, where they met and fell in love.

Blitz poll "Cleo":
— Are you friends with the Internet?

- It depends.

What is an unaffordable luxury for you?
- Living beyond your means.

Where did you spend your last vacation?
- In Cyprus.

Did you have a nickname as a child?
- Yes, it was - Gypsy Aza.

Are you an owl or a lark?
- Depending on the season.

- How do you relieve stress?
- Massage.

Tell us a little about your chosen one. Alexander is a believer?

Yes, he is an Orthodox person, and he, like me, was baptized in adulthood. As Sasha says, life is given to us in order to work on our soul - to become cleaner, more humble.

Who do you feel next to him? More like a mother or a daughter?

Next to him, a strong and intelligent man, I sometimes feel like a little girl. Although outwardly my fiancé looks very young, much younger than his 40 years.

Could you describe your chosen one in one word?

He is noble. Sasha came to Cyprus with his son Dmitry from his first marriage.

The union broke up 10 years ago, the boy is an adult at all - 20 years old. I saw how they communicate. Sasha managed to maintain a spiritual connection, he guides him in life.

The son, like his father in his youth, married early. Him less than a year ago the baby was born. I think Matthew likes me. When he sees me, he laughs so happily.

— What turns you on?
— Pleasant SMS from a loved one.

Which animal do you associate yourself with?
- The mongoose is the killer of snakes.

- What is your psychological age?
- When I'm next to my mother, then 7 years.

- Do you have a talisman?
- A godmother's prayer, sewn into a bag on which an ornament is embroidered with beads.

What ringtone is on your mobile?
Moonlight Sonata.

- What is your favorite aphorism?
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven.

They say that when a woman marries, she marries the whole family. Have you already made friends with your future relatives?

Of course, with my grandson and daughter-in-law Elena, we walk around St. Petersburg together, we go to the dacha near St. Petersburg. The northern capital is now my second home. But Moscow is the first, because my mother lives here.

And when you play the wedding, in which of the capitals will you live?

I will live where my husband lives, and I will move my mother. By the way, I recently realized how close St. Petersburg and Moscow are. I travel from Moscow by car or by Sapsan, I am surprised: very quickly. We recently called back, Sasha gets on a plane, flies to St. Petersburg, I drive home from the airport in a car. We arrived at the same time!

Distance is a relative concept. I am sure: even if he lived very far from me, this would not be an obstacle for a real relationship.

Are you talking to Sasha about future children?

He really wants a girl. And I'll be happy with the boy. Before, I always planned. I'll get married, have a baby. But it didn't come true! And there was some bitterness, an abrasion on the heart. They made me an offer a few years ago - it did not grow together. I expected, for example, that after winning the Superstar competition there would be career growth, but, on the contrary, there was a stop. Sometimes my plans do not come true, and now I am careful.

You probably dreamed about this meeting with your loved one ...

I begged for this meeting ... Alexander is special. I see how he treats people with kindness and understanding. He is currently the founder public organization"Svir brotherhood", which is engaged in the construction of a pilgrimage center. It will be inhabited by people who come from all over the world to visit the Svir Monastery. I asked the Lord for such a man and for renewal in my life.

There is love, so there will be a new song?

Of course there will be, and not just one.

Soon I will be recording songs to the verses of Ilya Reznik, music by Raymond Pauls. Like love, songs are also from God.

At 52, she went down the aisle for the first time. This became known from a close friend of Aziza, popular singer Nargiz Zakirova, who posted an intriguing photo on her Instagram page.

Wedding of Aziza and Rustam. Photo from www.womanhit.ru

The flamboyant singer from Uzbekistan posted a picture on her official microblog that intrigued many fans of both famous singers. The photo shows a wedding bouquet held by Nargiz. In the picture, however, only the singer's hand is visible, however, it can be easily recognized by the characteristic tattoos that cover almost the entire body of the Uzbek artist. Under the photo taken in Nice, Zakirova left a caption that clearly indicates that the bouquet fell into the hands of Nargiz directly from the hands of her friend Aziza.

As you know, Aziza extremely jealously protects her personal life from prying eyes and ears. It has been established that she long time Was in love relationships with Alexander Brodolin. The singer met him when she was already over forty years old and she practically had no hope of finding her happiness. Then it seemed to Azize that she had finally met her love. However, as it became known from the same source - from Nargiz Zakirova - 52-year-old Aziza nevertheless married, but not for Alexander Brodolin, but for an unknown Rustam. Obviously, the wedding of the famous singer and her chosen one took place abroad, so that the newlyweds would not be annoyed by Russian paparazzi.

Aziz. Photo from musicalbrunch.ru

Aziza's fans noticed that their favorite has changed a lot. For a long time the singer did not appear big stage, however, she returned to the audience thinner and rejuvenated. As it turned out, Aziza decided to lose weight and radically change her image in order to participate in the annual competition " New wave”, which takes place in Sochi. When fans and journalists saw Aziza so slim and noticeably younger, gossip could not be avoided. Many liked new image favorite star, but there were also those who hinted that Aziza resorted to help plastic surgeon.
