Drawing "dawn" step by step with a photo for schoolchildren. light in drawing

Dawn painting with oil paints. Step-by-step instruction with photo

Master class on drawing for schoolchildren: Dawn

Author: Shubyonkina Margarita,
student of the MSCE "Kostanay Pedagogical College" of the Department of Education of the Akimat of the Kostanay region, Republic of Kazakhstan
Supervisor: Syzdykova Bakyt Saparbekovna, teacher of physics and mathematics, KGKP "Kostanay Pedagogical College" of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Purpose: For students in grades 1-7 of schools, for leaders of circles, in the preparation and conduct of extracurricular activities.
Target: fostering a sense of love for the native nature.

The facets of any phenomenon are only given to art to know.
V. Shefner

Tools needed for work:
Canvas, oil paints,
brushes of different sizes (hard bristles),
palette, apron, napkins,
sunflower oil (boiled).

The oil must be boiled. This oil is used to dilute oil paint. Later, the oil will be used to wash the brushes. Before work, it is advisable to wear an apron, as Oil paint hard to remove from clothes. It is better to use a white palette, because it is on white that colors and mixed shades are clearly visible. For painting, it is best to use a medium-grained canvas. It is most suitable for smooth thin-layer painting.
Making a pencil sketch

Dawn is the phenomenon before sunrise. It is manifested by an increase in illumination environment due to the approaching sunrise.

Let's get down to the actual work with oil. We start from a distance. To depict the sky, we need the following colors: ultramarine, yellow, dark red and titanium white. By adding white to each of these colors, you can achieve light and delicate shades.

We make underpainting, that is, we apply the main colors that are in the picture. The main colors in our work are yellow, green and brown. We make the trees in the background more blurry.

We draw a house. To do this, we use brown and yellow shades (burnt umber, yellow ocher) and white. A dark shade can be obtained by mixing of blue color with brown.

We draw trees. Considering how the light source is located, we represent the shadow. Illuminated places we show light shades (yellow and white)

We depict the surface of the water. We use yellow, brown, red and blue shades.

When the Russian artist Yuri Alekseevich Vasnetsov was asked: “What is the most amazing thing about nature for you?” He replied: “... The sun is amazing. How different it is!”

With the help of white we show glare on the surface of the water, as well as reflection from objects.

We are working on the details. We draw a rocky shore, grass and a path leading to the house.

... It's getting light. Silence in the field.
Thick fog like a veil
With silver border
It swirls over the Dnieper River.

To create fog, you need to mix blue with white. To create this effect, you can use your finger as a brush. This will give translucency and weightlessness to the fog, which will make it more realistic.

Depicting fog, I tried to convey its lightness and translucency. And in the picture you can see how the fog creates the effect of weightlessness.

We slightly correct the shape of the boat.

Add a yellow tint to the trees, the roof of the house and the ground.

Thus, I tried to convey the unique atmosphere of the early morning on the banks of the river, to depict amazing natural phenomena in my work:
sunrise, refraction and reflection of light, shadow formation.

“... looking from the shore of a steep
On the rosy surface
Sometimes he will say one word,
And this word - "Grace!".

Authors' verses used:
M.Yu. Lermontov
S. Marshak

What a beautiful sunrise. How it excites the mind, fascinates and fills us with an inexplicable feeling of lightness. Dawn is the beginning of a new day, a great opportunity to get the most out of it and spend it in such a way as to remember every moment of it.

Nature reveling in sunlight, the incredible smell of a new day - what could be better than this moment, which every person can contemplate at dawn.

Start of a new day

Watching the dawn is incredible interesting activity. After all, you can become a part of a little magic created by nature. And how beautiful are the pictures and photos of this beautiful phenomenon, which you can look at for eternity.

Many photographers are passionate about creating masterpiece photos that depict the sunrise. They can become a screensaver on your desktop, be used as a postcard. close person and the wish of good morning.

Dawn is the most beautiful time of the day, because it is just beginning, which means that you can live it the way you want. Watching how nature wakes up every minute, is filled with energy and light, mood rises, cheerfulness and inspiration appear.

Awakening of nature

With the onset of dawn. This happens within minutes. The rays of the sun break through the darkness, scattering it. The sky gradually changes its color, playing with colors.

The photos in which this was captured are incredibly beautiful and mysterious. They convey the reality of a phenomenon that nature makes it possible to admire daily.

Beautiful pictures that can decorate your computer desktop, you can choose for every taste. magical works contain an image of dawn in the forest. What could be more beautiful than awakening trees, through the crowns of which the first rays of the sun break through, falling on the ground. Every blade of grass, twig, flower is saturated with them. All nature absorbs the morning smell.

Gradually, the fog dissipates in the morning light, giving the earth early coolness, peace, and delight. Rising Sun awakens animals, birds living in the forest. From all this you can paint pictures, because in this light nature looks pristine, pure, immaculate.

Pictures and photos, looking at which you want to plunge into this atmosphere, can be installed on your desktop, sent to the mail of a loved one, friend, sharing your excellent mood with him.

Beautiful morning time

Dawn symbolizes the beginning of something new. It is for this reason that the photos and pictures in which he is captured are saturated with a certain mystery. During the time, the luminary hides in the sea, and during the dawn it is born again, and you can look at this phenomenon endlessly.

The sea, the rays of the sun, filling the infinitely blue water, awakening all its inhabitants - this is the rising of the brightest star, brightening the whole Earth.

The sea is incredibly beautiful during sunrise, it seems to come to life, every drop of it wins in the sun, it is charged with its energy. All the most beautiful things on earth are created by nature. Therefore, pictures depicting the sunrise, able to illuminate, decorate the desktop, are not only a category that is in demand among people looking for beautiful work, but also among those who regularly replenish these collections.

Morning is the most beautiful time of the day. This is pure untouched air, animate and inanimate nature waking up after sleep, the awakening deep sea. Sunrise is a day that has just begun. It can be filled with optimism, fulfill all the plans, give loved ones a smile, live it the way you want.

These tips should be used as a base, because each case is unique. The color is influenced by many factors in addition to the position of the sun: weather, season, geography, the own colors of objects and the properties of their surfaces, as well as additional light sources and, finally, personal perception (remember the story about the blue and gold dress?). Lighting at 4 in the morning is one, and at 5 already another. A sunny morning in July is different from a rainy one in October. Even each city has its own light and color palette.

How to draw sunrise. Scheme I

In the morning, the lighting changes rapidly. What happens after the purple twilight has already faded, but the sun has not yet risen high above the horizon?

– The contrast of color and tone is low. – Colors are muted, pastel due to layers of mist. – The shadows are long, but transparent and scattered, because the sun is still very low. - aerial perspective well defined (because of the fog again). – The colors are close and have a golden or pinkish undertone. The earlier (closer to night) - the darker and colder, the closer to noon - the warmer. At dawn, in contrast to sunset or twilight, we reliably distinguish green, red, blue shades, they are just muted. Therefore, if it is already light enough, the picture cannot be pink, purple, blue - this is unrealistic. All colors of objects are already distinguishable. Every sunrise is unique. In nature, a lot of fog gathers in the grass and the picture stands milky white for a long time. In the city, the colors are louder. And winter and frost add brightness. If the city is located near the water, then the dawn will not be pinkish, but rather golden-blue.

How to draw noon. Scheme II

This time is considered the most unfortunate for artists and photographers. Even if the work is called "some noon", most often it depicts the plot a little "before" or a little "after" noon. Or the action is not strongly tied to the atmosphere, but takes place in the interior or under the shade of trees.

There is a lot of sun at noon, and it shines strictly from above. What it gives: - The tones are as contrasting as possible. At this time the white will be white. And the shadows appear black relative to him. A little before or after noon, the white takes on a golden hue. – Colors are open, bright, clean – Shallow depth of perspective: all the distances are equally illuminated and clearly visible. – Shadows own and falling – dark with sharp borders. - On a vertical surface (wall), shadows fall straight down. - On a horizontal surface (ground), the falling shadows are very short, maybe not even at all. WHAT DOES IT MEAN IN PRACTICE? If you do not intentionally create depth and softness in your work, the picture seems rough and inexpressive. For example, black pits appear on the face under the nose, chin, eye sockets and in the nasolabial folds. Around noon, when the sun is lower and shines on the face, it appears flat. In a landscape, too short shadows kill the space, making it boring and unrealistic. The absence of air between planes enhances this effect. WHAT TO DRAW AND HOW? Reveal shadows more. Although they seem black relative to illuminated objects, however, they are actually quite light inside. For example, people and objects in a room, or under an umbrella, or in the shade of trees, will look soft and interesting, plus there will be additional reflexes. All colors are as loud as possible. You can focus on the variety of shades, rather than depth, and get really bright, emotional work. Well, or creatively rethink reality: make the space deeper, and the shadows more transparent and longer. All of the above we observe on a clear sunny day. If it is cloudy or raining, the depth will be higher, and the colors and shadows will be softer.

How to draw a sunset. Scheme III

Often, looking at a photograph or painting, we do not understand what time of day is depicted. Sunset or dawn.

REALLY, WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? - The dawn light is pink, golden. Sunset light - reddish, bronze, brown. That is, the sunset is warmer, the dawn is colder. - If you make the picture black and white, then the dawn will be more gray, smoothed, and the sunset will be contrasting. - At dawn, the colors are pastel, grayish. At sunset, rich and bright. In clear weather, in both situations, the shadows are long and sharp. But in the morning they are softer, more transparent. We see more shades in the morning. In the evening they are generalized through the red sunset light. - The morning light is soft, the outlines of objects are blurry. In the evening, the boundaries are clearer and sharper. HOW TO USE? For objects standing against the light, you can observe a golden "stroke". It's very spectacular - which is why many artists and photographers love this time of day. But it is not necessary to outline the object with a line of the same thickness. Somewhere it is thin, somewhere it disappears, and somewhere it is so wide that it turns into a spot. In the same position, translucent objects (for example, lush hair, balloon, drying clothes) are filled with light, and it seems that they themselves begin to radiate light.

How to draw twilight. Scheme IV

At sunrise/sunset, the light pattern changes very quickly. The boundary state between light and darkness is twilight. I want to devote a separate block to this short moment.

The picture of the late evening and the emerging morning is very similar: - High tone and color contrast. Objects fuse and plunge into darkness against a relatively bright and saturated sky. - We see objects colder due to the structure of the eye. If the early sunset is golden, then at its peak it is bronze-red. In this case, twilight is the realm of blues, purples and pinks with emerald shades. - Bright highlights are not completely gone. But there are few of them and, importantly, they are located close to the ground, or illuminate objects from below, since the sun is also very low. For example, we see bright flashes in the grass. And the road, puddles, rails can become the brightest spots in the picture. - Amazing sky pattern. You can see pink, orange and gold clouds lit from below in a dark purple sky. HOW TO USE? The fabulous combination of pink and lilac shades serves as an inspiration for many romantic natures. Create simple but effective paintings in a limited palette. Two or three colors are enough to write a convincing twilight. Pay attention to the work with openwork graphic silhouettes. Such silhouettes look very impressive against the background of the twilight sky. Buildings, people, trees can be safely made almost flat, in contrast to the sunset, where even dark objects need to be worked out in detail. Create impressive landscapes, where the main characters will be the sky or water. Interesting urban theme. We have already turned on the lights, lights, headlights - these scattered lights will be a good accompaniment to the bright colored sky.

How to draw night. Scheme V

Night falls and the moon appears in the sky. What will we see? On a moonless night, the picture will resemble Malevich's square. But with a full clear moon, the night landscape is fully revealed. Are all cats gray at night? No, they are more greenish.

Moonlight: - The sky is often the darkest or average object in a landscape. Which is important, because at dusk we see the opposite picture: ALL objects are black against a bright sky. – We can clearly distinguish white, medium and reflective surfaces at night. For example, human skin is also fairly light and reflective. - The range of colors is limited. Red completely disappears from the night picture. All shades are as cold as possible. These are blue and green, which turn into lilac and purple closer to dawn. - White and yellow are indistinguishable from each other, they turn into lemon, light green and emerald. - The shadows are long and clear. - Layers of fog make the perspective deeper. HOW TO USE? You can recreate a full-fledged night lighting with just one paint - good exercise for newbies. Night is not the most popular time to display. Therefore, your work will always stand out with atmosphere and unusual lighting. Especially if you try to depict light, yellow and red objects. Scenes with an additional light source deserve special attention. The plot played out in the light of a lantern, headlights of a car, a candle flame is always very impressive. Of course, the themes of the city and the sea with a moonlit path are classics of night scenes.
