Synopsis of a lesson in literature on the topic "Development of speech. Compilation of a fairy tale." Working with fairy tales in elementary school The structure of the lesson on working on a fairy tale

Chapter I. Introduction:

features of fairy tales. The meaning of fairy tales in the life of schoolchildren.

The classification of fairy tales. Characteristic features of each species

Chapter II Methods of working with fairy tales

Types of work when reading fairy tales

Principles of working with fairy tales

Scheme of reflection on fairy tales and their discussion

Forms of work and assignments for fairy tale texts

Chapter III

Literary foundations of a fairy tale

Laws of the "fantastic world"

Chapter IV Conclusion

Chapter V List of literature and sources on the Internet

2 . Practical part

1. KVN on fairy tales

2. The game "Field of Wonders" based on fairy tales

3.Summary of the lesson

Introduction I

Historical roots of Russian folk tales

Fairy tales have been known in Rus' since ancient times. In ancient writing there are plots, motifs and images reminiscent of fairy tales. Telling fairy tales is an old Russian custom. Even in ancient times, the performance of fairy tales was available to everyone: men, women, children, and adults. There were people who cherished and developed their fabulous heritage. They have always been respected by the people.

The word fairy tale has been known since the 17th century. Until that time, the term "tale" or "fable" was used, from the word "bat", "to tell". For the first time this word was used in the charter of the voevoda Vsevolodsky, where people were condemned who "tell unprecedented fairy tales." But scientists believe that the word "fairy tale" was used among the people before. There have always been talented storytellers among the people, but there is no information left about most of them. However, already in the 19th century, people appeared who set themselves the goal of collecting and systematizing oral folk art.

A.N. Afanasiev was a bright collector. From 1857-1862, he created collections of Russian folk tales that existed in many parts of Russia. Most of them were written down for Afanasyev by his closest correspondents, of which V.I. Dahl. Already in 1884, a collection of the collector D.N. Sodovnikov "Tales and legends of the Samara region". In this collection, 72 texts were recorded from the storyteller Abram Novopltsev, a simple peasant from the village of Poviryaskino, Stavropol district. To the repertoire this collection included fairy tales: fairy tales, household tales, fairy tales about animals.

IN Soviet period collections began to appear, representing the repertoire of one performer. The following names have come down to us: A.N. Baryshnikova (Kupriyanikha), M.M. Korguev (fisherman from Astrakhan region), E.I. Sorokovikov (Siberian hunter), etc.

In the XVIII century, several collections of fairy tales appeared, which included works with characteristic compositional and stylistic fairy-tale features: "The Tale of the Gypsy"; "The Tale of the Thief Timashka".

IN late XIX- At the beginning of the 20th century, a number of collections of fairy tales appeared. They gave an idea about the distribution of works of this genre, about its state, put forward new principles for collecting and publishing. The first such collection was a book by D.N. Sadovnikov "Tales and legends of the Samara region" (1884). 124 works were placed in it, and 72 were recorded only from one storyteller A. Novopoltsev. Following this, rich collections of fairy tales appeared: "Northern Tales", "Great Russian Tales of the Perm Province" (1914). The texts are accompanied by explanations and indexes.

After October revolution the collection of fairy tales took on organized forms: it was conducted by scientific institutes and higher educational establishments. They continue this work

features of fairy tales. The meaning of fairy tales in the life of schoolchildren.

In the dictionary of V.I. Dahl's fairy tale is defined as "a fictional story, an unprecedented and even unrealizable story, a legend." There are also several proverbs and sayings related to this genre of folklore: Either do business or tell fairy tales. The fairy tale is a fold, but the song is true. Fairy tale warehouse, the song is red in tune. Not in a fairy tale to say, not to describe with a pen. Before you finish reading the fairy tale, do not throw pointers. A fairy tale starts from the beginning, reads to the end, but does not interrupt in the middle. Already from these proverbs it is clear: a fairy tale is fiction, a work of folk fantasy - "folding", bright, interesting work, which has a certain integrity and special meaning.

Russian folk tale is a treasure folk wisdom. It is distinguished by the depth of ideas, richness of content, poetic language and high educational orientation ("a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it"). The Russian fairy tale is one of the most popular and beloved genres of folklore, because it contains not only an entertaining plot, not only amazing heroes, but because in the fairy tale there is a sense of true poetry, which opens the reader to the world of human feelings and relationships, affirms kindness and justice, and also introduces Russian culture, to the wise folk experience, to native language

There is always a real world behind fairy tale fiction. folk life The world is big and colorful. The most unbridled inventions of the people grow out of its concrete life experience, reflect the features of its daily life.

Among the many genres of oral prose (fairy tales, legends, tales, epics, legends), the fairy tale occupies a special place. It has long been considered not only the most common, but also an unusually favorite genre for children of all ages.

Russian folk tales served faithful service in the moral and aesthetic education of the younger generation.

The fairy tale has a great cognitive and educational value, fairy tales have a particularly deep impact on children.

In them, for the first time, children get acquainted with a variety of fascinating stories, a rich poetic language, active characters who constantly decide difficult tasks and defeat the forces hostile to the people.

Real human relations are hidden behind the fantastic nature of the fairy tale and fiction, which was noted by A.M. Gorky: “Already in ancient times, people dreamed of the opportunity to fly through the air - this is what the legends about Phaeton, Daedalus and his son Icarus tell us about, as well as the fairy tale about the “flying carpet”.

Fantastic ideals lend artistic persuasiveness to fairy tales and enhance their emotional impact on listeners.

In the tales of every nation, universal themes and ideas receive a peculiar embodiment.

In Russian folk tales, certain social relations, the life of the people, their life, their moral concepts, the Russian view of things, the Russian mind are shown, the specifics of the Russian language are conveyed - everything that makes the fairy tale nationally original and unique.

The ideological orientation of Russian classical fairy tales is manifested in the reflection of the struggle of the people for a better future. Passing on from generation to generation the dream of free life and free creative work, the fairy tale lived by it. That is why it was perceived until recently as a living art of the people. While retaining elements of the past, the fairy tale has not lost touch with social reality.

Fairy tale is a general concept. The presence of certain genre features allows us to attribute this or that oral prose work to fairy tales.

To belong to epic kind puts forward such a sign of it as the narrative of the plot.

The tale is necessarily entertaining, unusual, with a clearly expressed idea of ​​the triumph of good over evil, falsehood over truth, life over death; All events in it are brought to an end, incompleteness and incompleteness are not characteristic of a fairy tale plot.

Main genre feature fairy tale is its purpose, what connects the fairy tale "with the needs of the team." In Russian fairy tales that exist now, the aesthetic function dominates. It is due to the special nature of fairy-tale fiction.

When determining the nature of "fabulous fiction", the question of the specifics of the reflection of fairy tale reality acquires a fundamental character. The fairy tale goes back to the reality of the era that gave birth to it, reflects the events of the era in which it exists, but this is not a direct transfer of real facts into the fairy tale plot.

In the fabulous image of reality, mutually exclusive concepts, correspondences and inconsistencies with reality are intertwined, which constitutes a special fairy-tale reality.

The educational function of a fairy tale is one of its genre features.

Fairy-tale didacticism permeates the entire fairy-tale structure, achieving a special effect. sharp opposition positive and negative.

Moral and social truth always triumphs - this is the didactic conclusion that the tale clearly illustrates.

As a phenomenon of folklore, a fairy tale retains all folklore features: collectivity, oral existence and a collective character. fabulous creativity, is a variation of the fairy tale text. Each narrator reports, as a rule, a new version of the plot.

The ideas, the general scheme of the plot, the recurring general motifs coincide in the variants, but in particular they do not combine.

The ideological and artistic value of a variant depends on many reasons: on knowledge of fairy-tale traditions, on personal experience and features of the psychological warehouse of the narrator, on the degree of his giftedness.

The life of a fairy tale is continuous creative process. In each new era there is a partial or complete renewal of the fairy tale plot. When it concerns the rearrangement of ideological accents, a new fairy-tale version arises. This feature of the tale requires careful study of each fairy tale text.

In a fairy tale there are constant values ​​that have developed as a result of its traditional character, and variables that have arisen as a result of endless retellings.

Judging by the records of Russian fairy tales of the 18th - 20th centuries, the constant values ​​are the ideological orientation of the tale, its composition, the function of the characters, common places, the variables are the values ​​associated with the personality of the performer. The same story heard from different storytellers will be perceived as a new fairy tale.

The most important feature of a fairy tale is a special form of its construction, a special poetics. Narrative and plot, setting for fiction and edification, a special form of narration - these features are found in various genres of the epic cycle.

A fairy tale as an artistic whole exists only as a combination of these features. Fairy tales as a whole were one of the most important areas of folk poetic art, which had not only ideological and artistic, but also great pedagogical and educational significance.

They formed stable folk ideas about the moral principles of life, were a visual school of the amazing art of the word. And fairy tale fantasy developed the mental abilities of the people, elevating it above the world of nature since ancient times.

It can be concluded that oral folk art is an inexhaustible source for moral, labor, patriotic, aesthetic education students.

And in order for all this to reach the consciousness of the child, the teacher needs deep knowledge of the methodology for working on a fairy tale.

- The classification of fairy tales. Characteristic features of each species

According to the tradition that has developed in literary criticism, fairy tales are divided into three groups:

  • fairy tales about animals
  • fairy tales
  • household tales

a) Tales about animals

The Russian repertoire contains about 50 stories about animals.

There are several thematic groups:

Tales of wild animals

Wild and domestic animals


Man and wild animals.

This type of fairy tale differs from others in that animals act in fairy tales.

Their features are shown, but the features of a person are conditionally implied.

Animals usually do what people do, but in these fairy tales, animals are somewhat like humans, and in some ways they are not.

Here the animals speak human language.

The main task of these fairy tales is to ridicule bad character traits, actions and evoke compassion for the weak, offended.

Animal tales are included in the reading books. Most of all children are interested in the story itself.

The most elementary and at the same time the most important ideas - about the mind and stupidity, about cunning and straightforwardness, about good and evil, about heroism and cowardice - fall into the mind and determine the norms of behavior for the child.

Children's fairy tales about animals touch upon social and ethical issues in an interpretation accessible to children's perception.

In fairy tales about animals, observations, excursions, illustrations, and cinema are important. You need to learn how to write a characterization. (Remember in which fairy tales and how animals are shown).

b) Fairy tales.

A fairy tale is a work of art with a clearly expressed idea of ​​man's victory over the dark forces of evil.

To the children of the younger school age love the fairy tale.

They are attracted by the development of action, coupled with the struggle of light and dark forces, and wonderful invention.

In these fairy tales, there are two groups of heroes: good and evil. Good usually triumphs over evil.

Fairy tales should cause admiration for good heroes and condemnation of villains. They express confidence in the triumph of good.

In every fairy tale, the heroes resort to the help of objects or living beings that have magical powers.

Fairy tales are united by magic: transformations.

The dream of the people, ingenuity, talent, skill, diligence are shown.

c) Household fairy tales.

Everyday tales talk about the attitude of social classes. Exposing the hypocrisy of the ruling classes is the main feature of everyday fairy tales. These fairy tales differ from fairy tales in that the fiction in them does not have a pronounced supernatural character.

Fairy tales talk about the characters of people, the habits of animals.

The action of the positive hero and his enemy in the everyday fairy tale takes place in the same time and space, is perceived by the listener as an everyday reality.

The heroes of everyday fairy tales: the landowner, the king-prince, the khan are greedy and indifferent people, loafers and egoists. They are opposed by experienced soldiers, poor laborers - dexterous, courageous and intelligent people. They win, and in victory they are sometimes helped magic items.

Everyday fairy tales have a great educational and cognitive value. The children learn about the history of the people, their way of life. These stories help moral education students, as they convey folk wisdom.

Conclusion to the first chapter.

Thus, a fairy tale is a genre of oral folk art; fiction fantasy, adventure or everyday character.

Despite the classification of fairy tales, each of them carries a huge educational and cognitive value for the child.

Pupils from the first grade get acquainted with oral folk art, including fairy tales

The task of the teacher is to bring folk wisdom to the mind of the child.

Chapter II Methods of working on the text of a fairy tale

A fairy tale has a great educational and cognitive value for a child. This is the favorite genre of many children. And it is no coincidence that various fairy tales are included in the elementary school curriculum.

It can be seen from the program that the fairy tale occupies a large place in the reading of younger students. Their educational value is enormous. They teach modesty, disinterestedness, politeness, ridicule vices, which led to their satirical orientation.

Work on a fairy tale is carried out in the same way as on stories, but fairy tales have their own characteristics.

Fairy tales retain their national identity, and each folk tale is original and unique in its own way.

  • Usually, before reading a fairy tale, a short preparatory conversation(you can ask what kind of fairy tales are, what kind of read; organize an exhibition of fairy tales).
  • Before reading fairy tales about animals, it is advisable to recall the habits of animals, show an illustration of these animals.
  • If a fairy tale is read about nature close to children, then the material of the excursion is used, entries in the calendars of nature, that is, observations and experience.
  • Usually reading a fairy tale about animals does not require any preparation, but sometimes it should be recalled in a conversation about the manners and habits of animals.
  • The teacher reads the story, but it is desirable to tell it.
  • Work on a fairy tale should be carried out as if it were a realistic story, without explaining that “it doesn’t happen like that in life”, that it is fiction.
  • A fairy tale can be used to compile characteristics and assessments, since the characters of fairy tales are usually the spokesmen for one or two characteristic features that are clearly revealed in their actions.
  • Do not translate the moral of a fairy tale into the realm of human characters and relationships. The didacticism of the fairy tale is so strong and bright that the children themselves draw conclusions: “See right for the frog - you don’t have to brag” (the fairy tale “The Frog is a Traveler”). If children come to such conclusions, then we can assume that reading the fairy tale has reached its goal.
  • The specificity of a folk tale is that it was created for storytelling. Therefore, prose tales are retold as close to the text as possible. The story must be expressive. good welcome preparation for it is reading fairy tales in faces. The staging of fairy tales outside of class helps to express the fairy-tale character, develops speech and creativity in children.
  • The fairy tale is also used for educational work on drawing up plans, since it is clearly divided into scenes - parts of the plan, headings are easily found in the text of the fairy tale.
  • When analyzing a fairy tale, one should not focus on the fact that something in it is fiction, otherwise the charm of the fairy tale disappears.
  • After working out the content of the tale, its full analysis, the tale should be read by roles. Expressive reading, reading by roles always gives the children pleasure, facilitates the assimilation of the typical features of a fairy tale: colloquial, repetitions, special rhythm.
  • In connection with reading a fairy tale, it is possible to make dolls, decorations for puppet theater, figurines of animals and people for the shadow theater.
  • Elementary observations should be made on the features of the composition of a fairy tale, since these observations increase the awareness of children's perception of the fairy tale.
  • Already in grades I - II, children meet with fairy-tale tricks of triple repetition and notice that this helps to remember the fairy tale.
  • Working with a fairy tale (reading by children, reading aloud by adults, various forms retelling and transposition of fairy tales into other types), it is necessary to point out its features, to get to its meaning together with the children, to widely use the fairy tale as a source of aesthetic education for children and their enjoyment of art.
  • Comparison of variants of fairy tales, various "editions" of one plot in different peoples, attracting toys for a deep understanding of a fairy tale, establishing a connection between a folk tale and literature.
  • The most rewarding way to study a fairy tale is to stage it. This is facilitated by the saturation of the tale with dialogues.
  • Under the guidance of adults, the preparation of screenplays by children based on the plot of a fairy tale. this work- a reliable way to comprehend a fairy tale.
  • The speech of the fairy tale is simple, the retelling should be close to the text (with laughter, play or sadness).

Retelling according to illustrations, according to the picture plan, according to the verbal plan, but using the speech features of the tale (beginning, repetitions, ending).

  • On the board, write out vivid definitions, characteristic expressions necessary for retelling.
  • Reading in faces is important, showing cardboard puppets, puppet performance, shadow theater, audio recordings.
  • To pose a problem - what is the character, prove with your reasoning and the words of the text.
  • Lexical work on words, expressions, phraseological units is necessary.

Types of work when reading fairy tales

When reading fairy tales, the following types of work are used:

Preparation for the perception of a fairy tale;

Reading a fairy tale;

vocabulary work;

Exchange of opinions about what has been read;

Reading a fairy tale in parts and analyzing them;

Preparation for storytelling;

Telling a fairy tale;

Generalizing conversation (the moral of the tale should not be translated into human relations)


Homework assignment.

Methods of working with fairy tales

The technique gives general direction work with fairy tales, depending on their belonging to one or another intra-genre variety, but at the same time does not fully take into account the qualitative heterogeneity of the fairy tale genre, does not determine the optimal amount of skills that need to be formed in younger students when reading different types fairy tales. But it is the knowledge of literary foundations that helps the teacher to better understand the role of a fairy tale, to choose methods and techniques that correspond to this type of fairy tale and contribute to the formation of the necessary skills in the analysis of fairy tales.

Skills provide an opportunity for standards in work, to diversify it in order to create the necessary emotional tone in children's perception, to set them up for the fact that there are no identical fairy tales, that each fairy tale is interesting in its own way.

In the practice of teaching the reading of fairy tales, it is not uncommon that they go one-dimensionally, without taking into account the literary specifics of this genre, as a result of which children learn not the depth of the content of the “fairy tale world”, not its metaphorical nature and not the moral and social meaning hidden in it, but only the plot, which they often literally correlate with reality.

The main thing in any fairy tale can be comprehended by younger students if the teacher, when guiding the reading of fairy tales, will rely on their literary specifics and consistently form the necessary skills that are important in terms of literary development students.

Fairy tales retain their national identity, and each folk tale is original and unique in its own way. When working with a fairy tale (reading to children, reading aloud by adults, various forms of retelling and translating fairy tales into other types), it is necessary to point out its features, get to its meaning together with children, widely use the fairy tale as a source of aesthetic education for children and their enjoyment of art.

The reception of oral (verbal) drawing will help the children notice a characteristic detail, grasp the main idea.

Expressive reading, reading by roles always gives the children pleasure, facilitates the assimilation of the typical features of a fairy tale: colloquial language, repetitions, special rhythms.

Intonation is of great importance when reading fairy tales. Incorrect intonation "destroys the illusion of a fairy-tale world." The fairy tale becomes dull, uninteresting, colorless, and its temperament, the reflection of personality in it, the unique shades of meaning disappear.

All types of fairy tales are presented in school textbooks:
Work in this direction consists of several stages:
meaningful analysis of the tale; highlighting the main fairy-tale characters, determining their character traits and compiling their estimated characteristics;
determining the types of characters according to the role they play in the fairy tale and their features; creation of their verbal portrait (taking into account the content and function of images-details - portrait details, landscape sketches, the objective world, etc.);
summarizing the selected material about the main characters, compiling their full characteristics; finding significant connections between images in the plot of a fairy tale;
determination of the specifics of a fairy tale through the features of its system of images.
When working with a system of images, it is necessary to teach children to determine the role of each of them in the plot of a fairy tale, to characterize it from the side of its fairy-tale function. With all these characters, the younger student meets in a fairy tale, so you need to know their features.
It is also important to teach children to find in the text, name and imagine magical creatures and magical objects, which together form the basis of the wonderful world of a fairy tale, to determine, when analyzing the corresponding episodes of the text, the meaning of the miracles performed by these characters, the function of good or evil that they carry.

The work on the study of the plot consists of several stages:
clarification of the main motives of the plot, the discovery of causal relationships between them;
the definition of individual functions - the actions of characters characteristic of a number of fairy tales;
highlighting the so-called "plot milestones", or elements of the plot (the plot, the development of the action, the turning point, the climax, the denouement);
correlation of each element of the plot with the characters, actions and actions of the characters.
Compositional features of fairy tales
essential to distinguish fairy tale from fairy tales of another genre are her compositional features: closeness of the fairy tale action, triple repetitions, typical fairy tale beginnings and endings, a special spatio-temporal construction, etc. Therefore, when studying fairy tales, attention should also be paid to their composition.
The following main areas of work with children in this regard can be distinguished:
to form in children an idea of ​​traditional beginnings and endings as an integral part of the artistic construction of a fairy tale, which is distinguished by conventionality and informative richness; to form the ability to see the specific beginning of a fairy tale - "beginning" - and prosperous for goodies
end - "ending";
to form children's ideas about such a characteristic technique in building a fairy tale as triple repetitions; to teach them to find repetitions in the text of a fairy tale and determine in each case their function and role in the development of the plot and images of the heroes of the fairy tale;
form an idea of ​​the conventions of fairy tale space and time (the chronotope of a fairy tale); to teach children to see the spatio-temporal framework of a fairy tale, to determine the features of a fairy tale space and time in connection with the development of the plot action of a fairy tale.
In working on the beginning and ending of fairy tales, children must catch their repetition from fairy tale to fairy tale and at the same time their variation and diversity.

Language formulas of a fairy tale
Work on the language of a fairy tale is no less important than studying its system of images, plot or composition, as it contributes to the disclosure of the content of a fairy tale, the most complete perception of fairy tale images, understanding the accuracy, brightness and expressiveness of folk speech, the development of children's speech, enriching them. vocabulary, initiation to artistic creativity. It should be emphasized that this work is not a separate stage of the lesson, but should be organically included in all types of classes.
Proceeding from this provision, as well as from the specifics of the figurative means of a fairy tale, several areas of work on the elements of the linguistic design of a fairy tale can be distinguished:
work on the specifics of the framing formulas of a fairy tale (beginnings, sayings, endings), reflecting the features of its plot and compositional construction;
analysis of the language of the fairy tale in connection with the elements of the characteristics of the characters;
work on spatio-temporal formulas (how long is it short; a year has passed, another);
analysis of the linguistic means of the image in preparation for the retelling and expressive reading of a fairy tale.

Principles of working with fairy tales


Main focus



Awareness of causal relationships in the development of the plot;

understanding the role of each character in developing events.

General questions: what's going on? Why is this happening? who wanted this to happen? why did he need it?

The task is to show that one event flows smoothly from another, even though at first glance it is imperceptible. It is important to understand the place, pattern of appearance and purpose of each character in a fairy tale.


Understanding that one and the same event, situation can have several meanings and meanings.

The task is to show the same fairy-tale situation from several sides. On the one hand, this is so, on the other hand, it is different.

Connection with reality

The realization that each fairy-tale situation unfolds a certain life lesson for us.

The task is to painstakingly and patiently work out fairy-tale situations from the standpoint of how fabulous lesson will be used by us in real life in what specific situations.

Scheme of reflection on fairy tales and their discussion

2.Practical part

extracurricular activities

1. KVN on fairy tales


1. test knowledge of fairy tales, introduce different fairy tales: magical, everyday.

2. cultivate good feelings.

KVN course:

Today we are holding KVN based on fairy tales. And for this, guys, we need to split into two teams. Fans will help their teams.

1. Warm up for teams

What song did the bun sing?

What did the goat sing to her seven kids?

Who can correctly call Sivka-Burka?

Who can call Ivanushka's sister Alyonushka?

The next task will be like this. Teams must name the author of the fairy tale:

A) "Cinderella";

B) "Pinocchio";

C) "The Bremen Town Musicians";

D) "Frost"

3. And now it's time for the fans. You will have to think a little. Which of you guesses more fairy tales will bring an extra point to your team.

1. ... The mother mouse ran

Aunt horse in the nanny call:

Come to us, aunt horse,

Shake our baby (The Tale of stupid little mouse)

2. …Oh, oh, oh! It's me Lecheya-Crying. I’m coming from a long road, I’ve rubbed my legs, the rain has wetted me. Let it go, my friend, warm up, dry the tail (Hare tears)

3. The fox carries me

For dark forests

for the high mountains

to distant lands!

brother cat,

Save me (Cat, rooster and fox)

4. Terenty, Terenty,

And who is running after the cart?

Boo Boo Boo! Boo Boo Boo!

Foal! (Fox and black grouse)

Well done! You know these stories very well.

4. -In the next task, teams must guess which fairy tale these passages refer to:

1) Walks to school with a primer

wooden boy,

Gets instead of school

In a linen booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the boy's name? (Pinocchio)

2) Now let's talk

About the other book

There is a blue sea

Here is the seashore...

About the greedy old woman

The story goes here.

And greed guys

It won't lead to good...

And the matter ends

All the same trough.

But not new

And the old, broken (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)

3) A girl appeared

In a flower cup

And there was that girl

A little more than a nail.

In a nut shell

The girl was sleeping

What a girl

How small she is!

Who read this book

Knows a girl and a boy. (Thumbelina)

4) Someone for someone

Grabbed tight:

Oh, never pull out

Oh, stuck tight!

But more helpers

Coming soon...

Will win the stubborn

Friendly common work

Who sat down so tight?

Maybe it (Turnip)

5. - Name the fairy tales in which the main characters (show illustrations)

A) a wolf

B) a hare;

B) a fox

D) a rooster.

6. Remember the name of the fairy tale in which the characters:

A) gingerbread man, grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, mouse, fox;

B) grandfather, woman, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse.

7. Guys, now let's see which team knows more children's songs? ("Ring ring")

8. Teams are asked questions:

A) What was Koshchei's death kept in?

b) In which fairy tale are there all seasons?

D) In ​​which fairy tale, in order to wake up the Princess, you need to kiss her?

9. And last task will be hidden: which of the teams will call more fairy tales Pushkin (the names of the team's fairy tales are called in turn).

Captains competition

What character do you think the poem is about? draw it

He is a friend to animals and children,
He is a living being
But such in the whole world
There isn't one more.
Because he is not a bird
Not a tiger cub, not a fox,
Not a kitten, not a puppy
Not a wolf cub, not a groundhog:
But filmed for film
And known to all for a long time.

(After showing pictures)

This cute face
What is called:(Cheburashka)

Blitz questions (on a question for each team to think about 5 seconds.

Fairy coachman with a long tail (rat)

How many years did the old man live with his old woman until he caught a goldfish? (33)

Did he bite women in the nose, then in the eye, and even the prince? (mosquito)

The first woman in fairy tales to fly? (Baba Yaga).

Quiz: Guess the story.

1. Castle, boots, field, donkey, hat ("Puss in Boots")

2. Road, robbers, music, friendship ("The Bremen Town Musicians")

3. Pumpkin, prison, taxes, tears, generals ("Chippolino")

4. Pies, forest, lumberjacks, rope: ("Little Red Riding Hood")

The jury counts the points, sums up the results, reveals the winner (congratulations).


2. "Field of Miracles" based on fairy tales

  • Goals:
  • generalization of knowledge and expansion of ideas about Russian folk tales, about author's tales,
  • development of communication skills, creative abilities, development of logic, thinking,
  • creating a favorable emotional environment.


A long time ago, fairy tales appeared in Rus'. And miracles happen in these tales: animals and birds talk; good fellows and sorceresses protect the weak and reward the hardworking, defeating the evil Koshchei and sorcerers. And if we hear: "In the Far Far Away Kingdom, the Far Far Away State lived and were:", then exciting fabulous events await us ahead ...

Theme of the 1st round "Russian folk tales"

First task.

Name the hot place of birth of Kolobok.

We invite players of the 2nd trio:

Exercise : What "fertilizer" increased the yield of gold coins on the Field of Wonders in the Land of Fools?

Welcome to the 3rd trio of players.


The name of one of the heroines of G.Kh. Andersen's fairy tales, who was ready to sacrifice her life to save the lives of her loved ones. (Elliza)

The final.

Exercise. In the name of which king did the fabulous Karabas Barabas act?

Super game

What medical specialty did Dr. Aibolit have?

  • introduce the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Crane”;
  • develop the ability to work with text, highlight the main idea of ​​the work;
  • develop the skill of expressive reading by roles;
  • cultivate a benevolent attitude towards others, the desire to do good deeds.
  • Equipment: Multimedia projector, screen, textbooks. The lesson used puppets from the "Puppet Theater" set (it is possible to use cardboard toys, applications.

    During the classes.

    1. Greeting, motive, attitude

    2.Updating existing knowledge

    3. Creation of a problem situation.

    As soon as you hear the words “Once upon a time…..”, “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...” you immediately understand that there will be a fairy tale next.

    Guys, we'll go to a fairy tale.

    What is a fairy tale? (children's answers)

    Happen in fairy tales amazing Adventures, cautionary tales funny cases. Together with the heroes of fairy tales, we are mentally transported to that fairy world where these characters live.

    A fairy tale necessarily teaches people something, and a fictional fairy-tale world always carries with it a wise real thought. No wonder many Russian folk tales have the following ending (written on the blackboard): - How do you understand these words?

    Fairy tales are different.

    What groups are fairy tales divided into?

    What does it mean?

    The people who once created folk tales lived in our country or in some other country, but we don’t know who they are, someone composed a fairy tale and retold it to others. Another person remembered her well, changed something else in her, added something from himself and told someone else. And that one to someone else. So the fairy tale has many authors, it was composed and remade by the people.

    2. Magic, about animals, household.

    Fairy or fantasy tales

    What characters are found in these stories? (Baba Yaga, Koschei the Deathless...)

    Everything in fairy tales is extraordinary. household items, tools of labor acquire wonderful properties. What fairy tales do you know?

    Household. fairy tales

    What is special about these stories? Give examples.

    They talk about the poor and the rich. Laziness, greed of the rich is ridiculed and the mind, ingenuity of poor people is glorified. Actions take place in ordinary houses, villages ..

    Tales about animals.

    What are the characteristics of these stories? What household stories do you know?

    4. Finding a way to solve the problem

    Today our guest is Lisa. Describe her. slide 1

    What fairy tales do you know about the fox?

    What is she like in these stories? (Cunning, smart, deceiver.)

    But not all animals and birds succumb to the persuasion of the fox, not everyone believes her.

    Today we will meet another fox and find out if she succeeded in carrying out her plan.

    And we will also meet with a large and beautiful bird-crane slide 2

    Describe her. What does it eat? Where does he live?

    5 Reading a fairy tale by a teacher..

    6. Physical education minute

    7. Checking the primary perception. Exchange of impressions

    Did you like the fairy tale? What is special?

    What is this fairy tale?

    Who are the main characters? (fox and crane) slide 3

    What is the crane in this tale?

    In a fairy tale, the fox wants to outsmart the crane.

    Did the cunning fox succeed in carrying out his plan? Why?

    8. Vocabulary work. slide 4

    • A feast is a big dinner party, and also a plentiful treat in general.
    • To treat - to treat.
    • Do not blame me - do not be strict, do not judge.

    Unsalted slurping - with nothing

    9. Independent reading of a fairy tale by students.

    10. Work with proverbs. slide 5

    Find the proverb in the text. How do you understand it?

    To which of our heroes can these proverbs be attributed? Why?

    1. What is the guest, such is the treat for him.
    2. What to call, if there is nothing to give.
    3. Don't treat me with what I don't eat.

    11.Pinning control

    What phrase does the story begin with? Can a fox and a crane be friends? Why?

    What treat did the fox prepare for the crane?

    Did the invited feast turn out? Why?

    Why did the fox decide to treat the crane?

    How is the crane shown here?

    What was the fox thinking?

    What happened to her plan?

    What lesson did the crane teach the fox?

    Why did the fox stop being friends with the crane?

    Was it true friendship?

    12. Characteristics of the heroes (writing on the board and in notebooks)

    13. Reading a fairy tale by roles.

    14. Staging a fairy tale with the help of puppets.

    15. Reflection

    What does this tale teach us?

    (The fox called the crane to visit, but left him hungry, and the crane repaid the fox in the same way. The stinginess of the cunning fox turned into stupidity. She hoped to deceive the crane, but miscalculated. The crane taught the gossip fox a good lesson.)

    16. Homework.

    Retelling. Prepare illustrations for the fairy tale (optional)

    Sections: Primary School

    I. Introduction.
    II. Methodological principles of work on a fairy tale in primary school

    2.1. Fairy tale in the program for literary reading of elementary school
    2.2. Basic approaches to working with fairy tale text in the 3rd grade

    III. Conclusion.
    IV. References


    The main goal of school education is the formation of the student's personality. Reading as an academic subject has at its disposal such a strong means of influencing the personality as fiction. Fiction has a huge developmental and educational potential: it introduces the child to the spiritual experience of mankind, develops his mind, ennobles his feelings. The deeper and more fully perceived by the reader this or that work, the greater the impact on the personality it has. Therefore, as one of the leading tasks of teaching reading, the task of teaching the perception of a work of art is put forward.

    K.D. Ushinsky saw one of the most important tasks of the school in "accustoming the child to a reasonable conversation with a book". To solve this problem, the teacher needs to create favorable conditions for working on the content, analysis and assimilation of what is read on the basis of various types of work.

    According to O.I. Kolesnikova, reading lessons in the primary grades, in addition to the utilitarian goals of the didactic and educational plans, are designed to solve the problem associated with the adequate perception of works of art by children of the word ".

    Other famous methodologists also write about the importance of teaching students the perception of a fairy tale, such as M.S. Vasilyeva, M.I. Omorokova, N.N. Svetlovskaya, O.I. Nikiforova, M.S. Soloveichik, A.A. Leontiev. Adequate perception is formed in the process of analyzing a fairy tale, which should be joint (teachers and students) thinking aloud, which over time will allow the development of a natural need to understand what has been read. According to the Methodists A.I. Shpuntova and E.I. Ivanina, the analysis of a fairy tale should be aimed at revealing the content, the main idea that the author seeks to convey, at revealing the artistic value of the fairy tale.

    Among the tales, one can distinguish, first of all, the animal epic - tales about animals, known both in Greek adaptations (Aesop's fables), and in oriental versions, and in Western nations. In Russian fairy tales, these are numerous tales about a fox and about her meetings with a wolf, with a cat, with a ram, with a bear, these are tales about a bear and a peasant, about a crane and a heron, tales on the theme "Wintering of animals", tales about a cat and rooster, about a goat with kids.

    The second group of folk tales is wonderful tales: "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf", "The Frog Princess", "Sivka - Burka", etc. The third genre group is formed by satirical tales. During the curriculum of elementary and secondary schools, acquaintance with all three types of fairy tales should be provided. In elementary school, work with fairy tales about animals predominates.

    The huge world of fairy tales is also represented by literary - author's works.
    The literary fairy tale did not grow from scratch. It was based on a folk tale, which became famous thanks to the records of folklorists.

    Methodological principles of work on a fairy tale in elementary school

    Fairy tale in the program for literary reading of elementary school

    “The student must name and give examples: folk and literary tales (everyday, magical, about animals); works of folklore (proverbs and sayings, riddles, fairy tales, tales, legends, traditions, epics); distinguish, compare: works of folklore (a riddle, a proverb, a song, a tongue twister), folk and literary tales, genres of children's fiction (a fairy tale, a story, a poem, a play, a ballad, essays, myths).

    These requirements can be met by elementary school graduates, provided that a sufficient circle of reading is formed (from folklore works, as well as classical works of domestic and foreign writers), allowing students not only to name works, give examples of works of different genres of folklore, but also to distinguish between them, be able to indicate their features.

    The educational and methodical set of the program meets all these requirements. In the textbook literary reading 1-4 classes include works of folklore of the peoples of Russia and other countries of the world. The task of teaching in each class is to deepen the knowledge of children about works of folk art, to expand and enrich the reader's experience, to introduce literary ideas and concepts. Sections of textbooks include riddles, proverbs, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, legends, tales, tales. From class to class, the circle of reading expands, the level of erudition increases. Gradually, children form concepts about literary (author's) and folk tales, types of fairy tales (magic, everyday, about animals), and a comparison of fairy tales of the peoples of the world makes it possible to highlight similarities and differences, the "similarity" of plots, the peculiarity of the language of folk and literary tales.

    New fairy tales are introduced into the reading circle of third graders, reading and analysis of which show them not real world, the existence of positive and negative heroes, the peculiarities of the language of fairy tales of each nation, the presence of repetitions, sayings, beginnings and endings. Third graders get the idea that the plots of many fairy tales are similar, although they differ in the manner of presentation, since they were created at different times, different people, in different countries.

    In grade 4, the reading circle includes fairy tales that are more complex in form and content, which creates conditions for enriching the reading experience, expanding the circle of reading, and increasing the level of erudition. Fourth-graders repeat all genres of folklore and types of fairy tales, study literary fairy tales (A.S. Pushkin, V.A. Zhukovsky, V.M. Garshin, P.P. Ershov, H.K. Andersen, etc.). Such a construction of the content of education allows you to constantly expand the circle of reading of children, to form basic reading skills.

    Consider now the requirements for the level of formation literary ideas and concepts. The mandatory minimum content includes literary propaedeutics of the following concepts:

    Genres of works - a story, a fairy tale (folk or literary), a fable, a poem, a story, a play;
    - genres of folklore: riddles, tongue twisters, songs, proverbs and sayings;
    - the theme of the work;
    - Main thought;
    - plot;
    - hero-character, his character, actions;
    - writer, author, storyteller;
    - means of artistic expression in the text - epithets, comparisons; in verse - sound recording, rhyme.

    Literary knowledge is necessary for more in-depth work with the work. This knowledge is not given to the student in finished form, but is “discovered” by children in the course of their reading activity.

    Observations of various forms of fairy tales (folk and literary) lead children to the conclusion that some fairy tales have an unusual introduction or ending in the form of a joke, a joke. The selection of fairy tales with sayings, their reading expand the reading circle of the novice reader, enrich speech and reader experience. Picking up jokes, jokes, proverbs for sayings or inventing their own sayings to familiar fairy tales, telling fairy tales with sayings, students learn the world of fairy tales and master the literary concept of “saying”.

    Working with text in grade 1: practical difference between a text and a set of sentences; selection of a paragraph and semantic parts; heading semantic parts, drawing up a schematic or picture plan (under the guidance of a teacher).

    In 2nd grade: understanding of words and expressions used in the text; distinguishing between the simplest cases of polysemy of words and comparisons; dividing the text into parts and drawing up a plan under the guidance of a teacher; definition of the main (main) idea of ​​the work; drawing up a plan and retelling according to the plan; independent work on assignments and questions to the text of the work.

    In 3rd grade: awareness of the sequence and meaning of events; isolation main idea text; knowledge of the structure of the text: the beginning, the development of the action, the ending; drawing up a plan and retelling the content of the text (in detail and selectively) according to the plan and independently, independently completing tasks for the text.

    In 4th grade: understanding and explaining the meanings of words and expressions; drawing up a plan for a story and a fairy tale; detailed, brief and selective retelling of the text according to the plan; creative retelling (changes in the face of the narrator).

    Basic approaches to working with fairy tale text in the 3rd grade

    For teachers, the problem of aesthetic education of children on the basis of a fairy tale is especially significant. Aesthetic perception develops as a result of a wide acquaintance with fiction, mastery of the necessary knowledge, accumulation of experience of experiences and life impressions. Therefore, serious, thoughtful work with a fairy tale is so important from the very beginning of introducing a child to literature.
    Tasks involve primary and secondary perception of the work. Primary perception reflects the general, predominantly emotional impression of what is read; the secondary provides reflection on the work. For the organization of primary perception, such tasks are offered, for example: observe the events and heroes, express your attitude towards them, express your impressions. These tasks are based on the children's emotions and their understanding of the actual content of the work. With secondary perception, after the text is read again, students explain their understanding of the characters and events, their attitude to what they read, reason, prove, and reflect.

    Next, work is organized based on the creative imagination of children when perceiving the work: imagine the characters, events, try to “see” them ( appearance characters, scene) explain the behavior, emotional state of the hero; think and confirm with words from the text, how the author treats him, how we learn about it, etc.

    Since the work has not only content, but also form, tasks are specially provided for identifying the features of a fable, fairy tale, poem (as genres), establishing their similarities and differences, as well as understanding the features of the language of the work, its composition (construction). It is important that students understand how the work they read is built, what is achieved by this, what words the author chooses to portray the character, how they characterize this character.

    The work on the work is completed by expressive reading, which is specially prepared by the teacher. It is very important that children understand that there can be different versions of expressive reading, as it reflects different perceptions of people of the same work of art.

    All tasks of the textbook are aimed at developing the learning activities of students. Children must: 1) understand the learning task (what needs to be done and why), 2) understand (think about) how to complete the task, and 3) monitor and evaluate their work.

    What is the content of the work in each section of the textbook, in what sequence is it carried out? Let's show this on the example of studying a fairy tale. Is not new material for students. Turning to him in the third grade allows you to deepen children's knowledge of folk art, teach them to distinguish between genres of literary works, as well as to see the poetry and diversity of the work of the Russian people, the richness of the Russian language.

    First, students are given information about the fairy tale, its sources, genre features, leading ideas (the triumph of good over evil, the establishment of moral standards of life, people's ideas about happiness, human dignity, etc.). It is important, without violating the poetry of the fairy tale, to show the children that fairy tales combine the real and unreal worlds, and all heroes are divided into positive and negative. Tasks offer to evaluate the actions of the heroes, pay attention to the special manner of their description, the folk language, the presence of repetitions, sayings, beginnings, etc.

    The next stage of the work is the formation of ideas that the plots of many fairy tales are similar, although they differ in the manner of presentation, in the way they were created at different times, in different places and were told by different storytellers.

    Children compare fairy tales with similar plots, get acquainted with fairy tales, including riddles, and heroes who defeat enemies not by force, but by wisdom, intelligence and ingenuity. Riddle tales are also studied in comparison.

    And, finally, we consider the fairy tale as a source of the writer's creativity. Folk and author's fairy tales are often similar in plot and are studied in comparison.
    In the first and second grades, children mastered free and selective retelling. Teaching begins in third grade retelling and telling that preserve the artistic features of the text. It is advisable to start with a retelling of individual episodes so that you can save (and therefore notice) all the expressive means of the language (epithets, comparisons, personifications, etc.), as well as convey the intonation pattern of the text, which allows not only to understand the author's point of view, but also to express their own attitude to what they read.

    How to organize training artistic retelling! This work should be carried out when the students have already mastered the content of the work well, made a plan, and highlighted the features of each episode. Given that the works for reading in the third grade are quite voluminous, 2-3 lessons are allotted for their study. For learning artistic storytelling it is more expedient to involve fairy tales. After reading the fairy tale, discussing it, you should work on the form of presentation and plan. Together with the students, determine what content can be filled with each point of the plan, how to convey the mood of each character when retelling, which author's words should be completely preserved when retelling, and why.

    Artistic retelling allows not only to master the content of the work well, but also to see the features of its construction, to notice unusual words, to convey dialogues, to present the characters and their relationships. Observations on the artistic features of the tale are carried out in the process of working with the text.

    Such work with the text is necessary to reveal the image of the hero of a fairy tale: a description of his appearance, actions, attitudes towards other characters. It makes students listen, read, peer into the author's text in order to understand what the author wanted to say and determine their attitude to the characters and the whole work.

    In the third grade, children not only learn that fairy tales are about animals, everyday and magical, but also observe their form (riddle tales, fairy tales in prose and verse; riddles built on the basis of the opposition of phenomena and objects, riddles - questions, riddles, which are based on specific signs).

    When studying fairy tales, it is desirable to use diagrams, tables and crossword puzzles. In the course of literary reading, this is a form of independent work of students, which is introduced to generalize the knowledge gained, increase reader's vigilance, and develop attention to the word.

    Tasks of this type are best done in groups, which include children with different levels of training.

    There are no special methods for diagnosing the level of development and analysis of fairy tales, so a survey can be conducted.


    The results of the study allowed us to draw the following conclusions. Fairy tales are of great pedagogical and educational value. They form stable folk ideas about the moral principles of life, they are a visual school of the amazing art of the word. Fairy tales contribute to the development of imagination and literary and creative abilities in children. The study of fairy tales increases the interest and motivation of schoolchildren to study literature. The fairy tale instills love for one's land and one's people. It forms the communicative qualities of younger students.

    When relying on folk traditions such a pedagogical task as the formation of a creatively developed personality of a schoolchild is being solved. Various components of folk art culture have a powerful creative potential. And, of course, the possibilities of a fairy tale in the development of children's creative abilities are obvious. The meaningful world of the fairy tale, its poetics and composition are close and accessible to children. Therefore, the use of fairy tales in different types creative activity opens wide horizons for the formation of a creative personality.


    1. Conversations with a teacher (teaching methodology): Fourth grade of a four-year elementary school / Ed. L.E. Zhurovoy. – M.: Ventana-Graff, 2001. – 480 p.
    2. Conversations with the teacher. Teaching Methods: First grade of a four-year elementary school / Ed. L.E. Zhurovoy. – M.: Ventana-Graff, 2002. – 384 p.
    3. Conversations with a teacher: Second grade of a four-year elementary school / Ed. L.E. Zhurovoy. – M.: Ventana-Graff, 2002. – 320 p.
    4. Conversations with a teacher: Third grade of a four-year elementary school / Ed. L.E. Zhurovoy. – M.: Ventana-Graff, 2000. – 384 p.
    5. Bibko N.S. Teaching first-graders the ability to read fairy tales. Primary school, - M ..: Education, 1986, No. 4, p.17-21
    6. Bibko N.S. The story comes to class. Primary school, - M .: Education, 1996, No. 9, pp. 31-34 and 47-48
    7. Pedagogy. Fairy tale lessons - M., 1989, p. 6-7
    8. Kolesnikova O.I. Philological foundations of work on a work in reading lessons // Elementary School. - 2000. - No. 11. p. 6.
    9. Voyushina M.P. Analysis of a work of art in reading lessons in the second grade of a four-year elementary school. - L .: LGLI im. A.I. Herzen, 1989. - p. 3.
    10. Kozyreva A.S. Types of work on the text in reading lessons // Primary School - 1990. - No. 3. p. 67.
    11. Leontiev A.A. Fundamentals of psycholinguistics: A textbook for university students. – M.: Meaning. 1997. - p. 201.
    12. Leontiev A.A. Teaching reading to younger students: From work experience. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981. - p. 76.
    13. Russian language in elementary grades. Theory and practice of teaching. Ed. M.S. Soloveichik. M.: Enlightenment, 1993. - p. 321.
    14. Nikiforova O.I. Perception of fiction by schoolchildren. – M.: Uchpedgiz, 1959. – p.116.
    15. Vasil'eva M.S., Omorokova M.I., Svetlovskaya N.N. Actual problems of methods of teaching reading in elementary grades. - M .: Pedagogy, 1977. - p. 99.




    Improving speech skills, perception and understanding of the differences between a fairy tale and literary work, the skill of retelling;

    Repetition of the "laws" of a fairy tale;

    Mastering the skill of creating creative works.

    Planned results of the study of the topic:

    Item Skills: know basic norms of the Russian literary language;be able to create written statements, select and use means of expression language in accordance with the communicative task.

    Meta-subject UUD (universal learning activities):

    Personal : is aware of his difficulties and strives to overcome them, shows the ability to self-evaluate his actions, deeds.

    Regulatory : adequately assesses his achievements, is aware of the difficulties that arise, searches for causes and ways to overcome them.

    cognitive : performs educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form; carries out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification to solve educational problems, establishes cause-and-effect relationships, makes generalizations, conclusions.

    Communicative : builds small monologues, carries out joint activities in pairs and working groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.

    During the classes

    1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

    Think and say what genre of oral folk art will be discussed in the lesson.

    (this is a fairytale)

    - In a number of different genres of oral folk prose, the fairy tale occupies a special place. This is the most popular, unusually favorite genre of children and adults.

    "What a delight these fairy tales are!" - wrote in XIXcentury A. S. Pushkin.

    Fairy tale. What a beautiful word. It seems that the whole world begins to ring when a child pronounces this wonderful word. Magic bells are ringing magical forest and takes us to the amazing world of beautiful and dangerous adventures, fantastic wonders.

    Guys, look at our exhibition presented books. What can you tell about them?

    You can get acquainted with these books in the school library.

    Tell me, please, what fairy tales have you already read?

    Do you have a favorite fairy tale?

    Let's remember some fairy tales

    (Illustrations for Russian folk tales. Children should name them.)

    Name the stories. What do these stories have in common?

    (These are Russian folk tales)

    2. Motivation for learning activities

    - Let's recap what it isfairy tale ?

    - What kinds of fairy tales do you know?

    - What must be in a fairy tale?

    - Which ones do you like best and why?

    - Who composed the fairy tales that we have studied?

    - Is it hard to be a writer?

    - Have you ever written fairy tales?

    3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Only the person who loves, understands and cherishes fairy tales can write and compose fairy tales.

    Acquaintance with several sayings, beginnings, endings.


    On the sea, on the ocean,

    On the island of Buyan

    There is a green oak,

    Under that oak is a gilded table,

    Sit down, eat

    Listen to my story!

    Let's think. Why does a fairy tale need a saying?

    (Introduces fairy tales into the world, tunes in to the poetic perception of the text, turns on the reader's creative imagination).

    After the saying in a fairy tale, there is a beginning. He reminds us that all the events in a fairy tale take place somewhere, the place of action cannot be determined or shown on geographical map. All events in a fairy tale occur only in a miraculous way.

    Find and readbeginnings fairy tales.

    - There lived an old man and an old woman...

    - In the old years, in the old days, in the red spring, in the warm summers...

    - In a certain kingdom, a distant (some) statethere lived a king...

    Think of examples of fairy tale endings.

    I was there and ate honey. And when I drank tea, it flowed down my lips, but it didn’t get into my mouth. Here is the end of the story. The whole story, you can't lie anymore

    - Here the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done.

    - And they began to live, live, make good and drink honey.

    What role do endings play in a fairy tale?

    (They make a fairy tale beautiful and unusual, set us up for a good perception of life).

    The creation of a fairy tale.

    Let's start creating a fairy tale. We begin the tale with a beginning or with a saying.

    Plan to work on your own fairy tale

    1. Choose the type (magic, everyday, about animals) and the theme of the fairy tale.

    2. Select or invent heroes of a fairy tale based on its type, heroes can be: a person, an animal, an object.

    3. Select the desired beginning.

    4. Use folk language turns (proverbs, sayings, constant epithets).

    5. Make a plan, scheme, plot of a fairy tale.

    6. Choose an ending.

    7. Think over the design of the fairy tale.


    Write and design your own story.

    The word "fairy tale" appeared in written sources no earlier than the 16th century. It is formed from the word "show" in the meaning: list, list, exact description. Modern meaning"fairy tale" acquires from the XVII-XIX centuries. Previously, the word fable was used, until the 11th century - a blasphemer.

    In the literary encyclopedia of terms and concepts, "fairy tale" is interpreted as a kind of folklore prose known to all peoples; genre system and genre varieties.

    Kudina G.N. in dictionary literary terms deciphers the concept of "fairy tale" as a genre of epic.

    Fairy tale - predominantly prose fiction oral story, fantastic, adventurous or everyday nature with a fantasy setting. Such a concept is given in the dictionary of literary terms.

    One more definition of "fairy tale" can be singled out, which is indicated by Turaev S.V. and Timofeev L.I. A fairy tale is a type of oral narrative with fantastic fiction, the forms of which historically developed in the initial connection with mythology and, in an artistically transformed form, became an inseparable property of this folk prose.

    The fairy tale goes back to the reality of the era that gave birth to it, reflects the events of the era in which it exists. In the fabulous image of reality, mutually exclusive concepts, correspondences and inconsistencies with reality are intertwined, which constitutes a special fairy-tale reality. The world of fairy tales is beautiful and exciting for younger students. They are captivated by the sharp, entertaining plot of fairy tales, the unusual setting in which events unfold; attract heroes - brave, strong, resourceful people; fairy tales captivate with their ideological orientation: good forces always win. For children, the very form of narration adopted in a fairy tale, melodiousness, colorful language, and brightness of visual means are of interest. The characters of fairy tales are expressive, and for the most part they are clearly divided into kind, fair, deserving respect, and evil, greedy, envious. The strength of the influence of the images and the plot of the fairy tale is such that even in the process of the first reading, younger students clearly show their sympathy and antipathy for the characters of fairy tales, wholly take the side of the oppressed, the disadvantaged, and are ready to come to their aid. Children sincerely rejoice that they are winning justice: ordinary poor people get out of trouble, and the evil ones die, that is, evil is punished, good has triumphed. Children want life to always be like this. This, above all, is the great pedagogical value of the tale.

    Folk tales differ from author's tales in that fairy tale writers often use folk fairy tale motifs or create their own original tales. Analyzing the attitude to reality in a folk tale and in literature, one can draw a clear line between the forms of thinking typical of folklore and the forms of thinking of storytellers. Also, different laws underlie the poetics of folklore and the poetics of literature. V.Ya. Propp does not deny that literature and folklore are connected: "The process of transition of plots or narrative style into literature was carried out not only by borrowing, but also through overcoming the attitude to reality that is characteristic of fairy tale narrative folklore." This is where the differences between the author's tale and the folk tale originate.

    The fairy tale develops schoolchildren's value judgments. In the process of analyzing a fairy tale, they repeatedly face the questions: “What is most valued in people? What are they punished for, and what is encouraged? Fairy tales carry a great potential for positive moral teachings. Strong point fairy tales is their active, effective focus on victory, on the triumph of truth, their major ending, which is especially appealing to children, their worldview. A.A. Gorky conveys this effect of a folk tale in this way: “From her words,” he recalls of his grandmother’s tales, “there has always been a feeling of winged joy, unforgettable to this day.

    The plot of the fairy tale is unreal, far from life, but the conclusion is always vital: "The fairy tale is a lie, and there is a hint in it! Good fellows have a lesson!" The cognitive side of the tale is extremely important.

    The importance of fairy tales as a means of developing the speech of students is great. The text of fairy tales is an excellent material for the formation of coherent speech skills. Younger schoolchildren are happy to tell fairy tales, keeping fabulous figurative expressions and figurative means, as well as the peculiar syntactic structure of speech adopted in fairy tales, the structure of sentences, and the liveliness of the narration.

    In the elementary grades of the school, according to the traditional program, students only practically get acquainted with the peculiarities of the fairy tale as a genre of folklore. There are two significant features of the tale:

    • the presence of fiction;
    • compositional originality - beginnings, repetitions, ending.

    In a fairy tale, one main episode is usually repeated. At the same time, in last time after a recurring episode, as a rule, a contrasting event takes place and a denouement follows. Repetitions occur most often because more and more characters appear in the tale or new details are introduced.

    In Nikiforov's book, three main features of a fairy tale are distinguished:

    ) oral story with a mindset for the entertainment of listeners;

    ) events are unusual in the everyday sense;

    ) the specifics of fairy-tale poetics.

    In the fairy tale epic, three genre varieties are distinguished:

    ) fairy tales about animals;

    ) fairy tales;

    ) household novelistic fairy tales.

    Tales about animals differ from others mainly in that animals act in the tale. These fairy tales convince the child of the right attitude to the world.

    Children early learn to evaluate the dimensions of phenomena, deeds and actions and to understand the ridiculous side of all life's inconsistencies. The most elementary and at the same time the most important ideas - about the mind and stupidity, about cunning and straightforwardness, about good and evil, about heroism and cowardice, about kindness and greed - fall into the mind and determine the norms of behavior for the child. It is noticed that children easily memorize fairy tales about animals. This is explained by the fact that the people's pedagogical experience, rightly, caught the peculiarities of children's perception.

    Fairy tales about animals can also be called children's because they contain a lot of action, movement, energy - which is also inherent in a child. The plot unfolds rapidly. There is a lot of humor in animal tales. This wonderful property of them develops in children a sense of the real, entertains, pleases, sets in motion mental strength. However, fairy tales also know sadness. How sharply contrasted here are the transitions from sadness to fun. The feelings that are spoken of in fairy tales are as vivid as children's emotions.

    A sharp distinction between positive and negative in the nature of fairy tales. The child never doubts how to relate to this or that fairy-tale character. The rooster is a hero, the fox is a cunning liar, the wolf is greedy, the bear is stupid, the goat is deceitful. This is not primitiveness, but that necessary simplicity that must be mastered by the baby before he is ready to accept complex things. When working with fairy tales about animals, the following techniques can be used: selective reading, answers to questions and posing questions by students, verbal and graphic drawing, drawing up a plan, all types of retelling, compiling a fairy tale by analogy with the one read. School practice convinces us that younger students are well aware of the unreality of animal behavior in fairy tales, the conventionality of the plot, but they are happy to stay in this fabulous, conditional world. Therefore, it is necessary to tell the children a fairy tale in such a way and organize the conversation in such a way that they find themselves in this fairy-tale world for a while.

    First, the fairy tale is analyzed as a realistic story, and everything is aimed at ensuring that students clearly perceive the specific content, correctly imagine the development of the plot, the motives for the behavior of the characters, and their relationships. Just on last step When working on a fairy tale, the teacher puts the children in the conditions of "transferring" the conclusion of the fairy tale to similar cases in life. This is quite enough so that, on the one hand, a fairy tale remains a fairy tale for students, and on the other hand, they enrich themselves with knowledge of certain phenomena of life. It should be emphasized that the teacher must constantly work on the formation of such aspects of reading skills as expressiveness and consciousness. Noticing the features of this or that character in a fairy tale, students, as it were, convey with their voice his appearance, attitude towards others. A well-constructed work on the lexical meaning of the word, its use in a sentence, will play a significant role in this. An excellent example of author's fairy tales about animals are such fairy tales by S.Ya. Marshak as "Quiet Tale", "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse", etc.

    In ancient times, there were beliefs in witches, sorcerers who can work miracles. The people in those distant times also believed in magical things: a ring, an ax, a belt, a scarf, a mirror. Later, people realized many phenomena, the connection between the fairy tale and ritual magic was lost. At the same time, the poetic imagination of people grew. Man dreamed of subordinating the forces of nature, building beautiful palaces, moving fast, and living long. I wanted to do a lot, but real opportunities did not allow this to be done. The dream found scope in fairy tales. They are distinguished by a special character of fiction. Supernatural forces always operate in them - sometimes good, sometimes evil, working miracles. Here are terrible monsters: Kashchei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, and wonderful objects: a flying carpet, an invisibility hat, walking boots. The Russian fairy tale has created an amazingly lively, intricate world. Everything in it is unusual: people, earth, mountains, rivers, trees, even things - household items, tools - and those acquire wonderful properties in fairy tales. In fairy tales there are no unique life troubles, at the same time they do not hide the fact that the real world knows severe human suffering, but everything ends happily thanks to a miracle. The imaginary miraculous victory of good over evil always activates the child's senses. The need for justice, the desire to overcome life's hardships forever become part of his attitude. This is extremely important for the formation of a person's vitality and qualities of a fighter for justice.

    A fairy tale with its harmonious composition teaches a child to think logically: the events in it unfold in a strict sequence. The story captures the dynamics of the plot. The closer the end is, the sharper and more tense the relationship between the characters becomes. Very often, having brought the hero to the moment of almost complete achievement of the goal, the fairy tale allows a sharp turn of the event to its original position - and again he begins the struggle for the triumph of justice. This technique helps the child to understand that in order to achieve the goal, perseverance, fidelity to duty and the desire to win at all costs are necessary. In a fairy tale, the characters of the characters, the characters from the beginning to the end are endowed with certain positive forces or vices.

    The heroes of fairy tales always remain true to their characters, no matter what happens to them. For a child, this feature of fairy tales is very important: this is the necessary simplicity of human relationships. Which must be mastered before he learns to understand the complexity of the affairs and actions of people. The construction of phrases, the selection of words are determined by the nature of the content. A calm narrative is replaced by a swift one when it comes to sudden and quick actions - this is achieved with the help of verbs of motion. About swan geese, for example, they say this: "flew", "caught", "carried away" and others. The choice of verbs clearly conveys the dynamics of events, the severity of the situation. At the same time, the little listener becomes, as it were, a participant in what is happening, empathizing with the heroes of the fairy tale. Storytellers reproduce the world in all its objective materiality, in a variety of sounds, in the brilliance of colors. Fairy tales are filled with sunlight, forest noise, the whistling of the wind, the dazzling brilliance of lightning - all the features of the world around us.

    The complexity of the plot characteristic fairy tales. There are no developing characters in the fairy tale, only their actions and deeds are reproduced. Therefore, when analyzing, it is advisable to ask the question: "By what actions of the hero can we judge his character?" Distinctive feature fairy tale is a multi-event fairy tales. The hero must go through a series of trials that get more difficult as the story progresses. The tale is necessarily entertaining, unusual, with a clearly expressed idea of ​​the triumph of good over evil, falsehood over truth, life over death. All events in it are brought to an end, incompleteness and incompleteness are not characteristic of a fairy tale plot. The main genre feature of a fairy tale is its purpose, that which connects the fairy tale "with the needs of the collective." In Russian fairy tales that exist now, the aesthetic function dominates. It is due to the special nature of fairy-tale fiction. Fairy-tale didacticism permeates the entire fairy-tale structure, achieving a special effect by sharply contrasting the positive and the negative. Moral and social truth always triumphs - this is the didactic conclusion that the tale clearly illustrates.

    Thus, finishing the second chapter of the work, we note that the world of fairy tales, in which it is interesting to live and develop a child, is very diverse. The main function of fairy tales is to educate a morally developed generation, able to think, feel and express their thoughts. Folk tales are permeated with this idea, but it should be noted that author's tales have the same direction. The main motive of the fairy tales of S.Ya. Marshak is the motive of careful human attitude to the world around. His fairy tales develop schoolchildren's value judgments.

    Teaching children to compose literary fairy tales.

    Fairy tale therapy for younger students

    storyteller child

    This work is addressed to teachers and psychologists working with children of senior preschool and primary school age. It describes my experience in teaching children to compose literary fairy tales and the elements of fairy tale therapy used in the course of this work.
    One of the areas of psychological and pedagogical work to harmonize the child's personality in order to socialize and adapt to school requirements is fairy tale therapy. This method, which uses a fairy tale to integrate the child's personality, develop creative abilities, and improve interaction with the outside world, is popular today for good reason. But often fairy tale therapy means only work on folklore and therapeutic tales with their subsequent illustration and dramatization. We teach children directly to children's literary creativity. We believe that work on the author's fairy tale is necessary for the development of artistic imagination, the emotional sphere, for mastering speech not just as a means of communication, but as a means of artistic expression. Besides, author's fairy tale is an excellent diagnostic and harmonizing tool for the child's psyche.
    The fairy tale story that the child composes is essentially close to fantasies and dreams and is a product of the unconscious. In such stories, the element of projection, identification is very strongly expressed. The hero of a fairy tale is the child himself, a fairy tale story is his drama. inner life. If an adult writer can separate himself from personal experiences and passions and create works in accordance with logic and design, then a child is not yet capable of such detachment. Fantasies burst out of him like steam from a boiling kettle.
    Our work is carried out on the basis of the creative studio "Lepnaya Skazka" and in extracurricular activities with first-graders secondary school. The children are seven to eight years old.

    In our work, we use the following techniques and methods:
    1. Writing stories (collective and author's).
    2. Reflective analysis, discussion.
    3. Dramatization games.
    4. Simulation of a fairy-tale world.
    5. Sculpting and drawing based on fictional fairy tales.
    6. Staging based on fairy tales and making attributes for performances.
    In 2013, based on a collectively invented fairy tale, we staged a bright and unusual performance"Dragon Island", which was shown on the stage of the regional Youth Palace. All attributes and decorations for the performance were created by children.

    In our studio, such a psychological atmosphere has been created in which any child is accepted as he is. Children know that I treat them with respect and interest, highly appreciate their work, so they are happy to share their discoveries with me, speak freely on any topic and express their opinion without fear. They know that I will not criticize the fairy tales they invented. Therefore, even children who, in the opinion of parents, are “devoid of imagination”, in the classroom are revealed as creative personalities and surprise us with their stories.
    The world of a child's soul is not at all as serene as we adults would like to believe. Children experience strong feelings, although they themselves are sometimes not aware of them. Here and anxiety for their safety, and difficult relationships with peers and adults, and the fear of being unsuccessful. What are school changes worth alone! Involuntarily, the lines of N. Lisnyanskaya are recalled:
    Change, change!
    Everyone yells at the same time
    Everyone is running back and forth
    Like a horde on the cities!
    Children's neuroses and deviations in behavior most often arise due to a conflict between the requirements placed on the student and his actual opportunities.
    The main thing in fairy tale therapy is not to get a correct, “combed” literary product, but to give the child the opportunity to materialize, express what is hidden in his subconscious. In the process of such verbalization, the flow of images from the subconscious loses its destructive energy, the images are recognized and integrated into consciousness, thereby the child's psyche approaches integrity and harmony. And the teacher receives invaluable diagnostic material that helps him build the right educational work with every student.

    I'll tell you about our method of composing fairy tales. In the first year of study, we use the method of pictogram cards, the meaning of which is based on frequently repeated elements of a fairy tale. At the same time, we rely on the works of V. Propp and D. Rodari, we work a lot with children on revealing the structure of a fairy tale as a genre, on the development of students' speech and teaching them symbolic thinking. Children lay out diagrams famous fairy tales and compose their collective tales on the basis of similar schemes. Passing from a fairy-tale plot to its scheme, the student thereby moves from concrete to abstract thinking and learns to operate with symbols. This skill belongs to the meta-subject and is very necessary for the student in the lessons of mathematics and the Russian language, when drawing up a word scheme and a task scheme. The pictograms denoting this or that function or character of the fairy tale were selected by us in such a way as to be extremely simple, vivid and memorable. (Annex 1)

    Of course, we did not use all 31 functions identified by Propp in our work with children, but only the most frequently encountered ones. On the other hand, in the process of composing, we did not limit the children's imagination only to the available functions, using them later as reference beacons, and not a rigid scheme.
    In the process of directly composing fairy tales, we also move from simple methods to complex, non-trivial ones.
    On this topic, in the magazine "Obruch" No. 3 for 2013, my article "The Key to Fantasy" was published.
    Techniques we use when writing fairy tales:
    An essay based on a well-known fairy tale plot, transferring the action to the present day. At the same time, the scheme of the basic fairy tale is laid out.
    An essay based on character dolls (Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Serpent Gorynych, animals and birds).
    An essay based on any two words (noun + noun, noun + verb, noun + adjective).
    An essay based on a set of cards made according to children's drawings.
    An essay based on three randomly taken subjects.
    Changeling tales, where Baba Yaga, for example, fights evil.
    Fairy tales based on inventing the magical properties of ordinary objects, like a pink hat that turns the wearer into a rose, or a spoon that chases a child to feed him porridge.
    Tales that begin with an incredible guess. For example, what if one day all adults turned into toy men from the Lego constructor? ..
    Tales-transformations of dreams, usually unpleasant, disturbing the child.
    Fairy tales-transformations of images of the unconscious, breaking through in the drawings and obsessive fantasies of the child.
    Fairy tales based on an illustration for a book or a reproduction of a fantastic painting, for example, by the Belarusian artist P. Kulsha.

    In the second year of study, we moved from literary improvisations based on a traditional fairy tale to writing collective and author stories, the plot of which was set by the children themselves, no longer relying on pictograms, but only on the internal need to pronounce one or another disturbing motive for the child. It is not surprising that the author's tales of this kind are closest in form to a dream and are vulnerable to criticism from a literary point of view. I do not interfere in the process of composing author's fairy tales in any way, I only write down, at the request of the child, the story that he dictates.
    Collective fairy tales are another matter. They require more time, sometimes the fairy tale started in the studio, the children continued at home, and finished only after a few weeks, because the intended conflict could not be resolved. I coordinated the writing of such fairy tales, demanding, for example, greater authenticity, the development of dialogues, descriptions, and the logical development of events. And, of course, a happy ending. Usually such fairy tales began with an image that caused anxiety in one of the children. So, the fairy tale "The Black Chair" began with the fantasy of the boy V. about a chair from which children disappear. Despite the alarming beginning, the tale was built together as a heroic epic, in which the motives of the war against the Nazis were woven. At the end of the story, justice prevailed, and the heroes were rewarded for their bravery.
    It is no coincidence that this fairy tale became the winner of the All-Russian literary competition « Magic word"2014 and sounded on the air of the radio station "Echo of Moscow".

    The fairy tale "Fairy Wings" below was written by S., a well-doing girl with high level claims.

    magic wings

    Once upon a time there was a girl Dasha. She really wanted to learn how to fly. She trained all the time, jumped from the stairs to the trampoline. But it still didn't work. One day she lost a baby tooth. She hid it under her pillow and waited for the fairy. When the tooth fairy appeared, the girl asked that she learn to fly. And the fairy fulfilled her wish: the girl grew wings. Every morning Dasha went for a walk, but in fact she flew. She hid from people in the park and forest. Once her parents saw her wings and immediately took her to the hospital. The doctor examined the girl and tried to cut off her wings. By an effort of will, she made the wings themselves disappear for a while. And the doctor left her alone. Now she had to hide her wings all the time. Once she still forgot to remove her wings before the lessons, and she was seen winged at school. The teacher got angry and the girl was kicked out of school. But she asked the fairy, and she did so that the girl had her own school, in which only she studied, and no one interfered with her. But her parents didn't like it. They demanded that she get rid of her wings. As soon as Dasha promised this, her school disappeared, and the wings too. They disappeared for good. The girl cried for a long time and asked that everything be as before. When her tooth fell out again, she waited for the tooth fairy and asked her to return her wings. But the fairy said that the magic works only with the first tooth. She gave the girl 500 rubles. Dasha said:
    - Why do I need money, I want to fly!
    Then the fairy said that there is one magic shop of fairies, and it sells wings. But to get there, you need to be very brave. The next day, the girl asked her father for more money, because the wings were expensive, and found a fairy shop. She bought wings and has been flying ever since and has been doing well.

    Like the heroine of her story, S. feels special, better, worthy of an extraordinary gift. In a fairy tale, this gift is wings. Symbol of freedom and independence, flight of fancy. Wings are a winged soul, inspiration, dream.
    Why don't people applaud, why does she have to hide her wings? The doctor considers the wings a disease, the teacher - a violation of the rules, and even parents demand to get rid of them. The heroine learns to hide her gift, but she does not succeed for long. Finally, pressed against the wall, she promises to give up her wings - and they disappear. The plot is reminiscent of the story of Cinderella, who was also helped by a fairy. As soon as Dasha trembled, retreated before the pressure of her parents, the magic dissipated, the wings, along with the beautiful school (an analogue of the royal palace), disappeared. If in the folk tale the prince restores justice, then in S.'s tale the girl gets one more chance: she can buy wings. True, they are expensive, like any valuable commodity. As an image from a dream, money represents the equivalent of energy, personal effort. The girl has very developed leadership qualities, the desire for freedom and independence. Dreams take her very far. But the subconscious corrects: success in life cannot be received as a gift, you will have to pay for it with personal efforts. Her teacher and parents remind her that only hard work can achieve her goal.
    It seems to me that the ending of the tale of wings is positive. The girl's developed thinking and strong will will help her succeed, despite the difficulties. Moreover, the difficulties are not external, but internal. First of all, this is the inability of S. to negotiate, to resolve conflicts peacefully. She is proud and does not admit that not only she can have "wings". We talked heart to heart with her on this topic, and the girl seems to have learned a lesson, she began to treat her peers more kindly.

    Children's writing in its "raw", unprocessed form is inherently close to fantasy and its external manifestation in the director's play. This can also be attributed role-playing games which children play without adult intervention. These games, which can last for hours, are a performance without spectators. If you listen carefully to the dialogues of children, you can discern the contours of fantastic adventures or dramatic stories. The unconscious of the child is also very clearly manifested here. The storyline for such games is often the TV series "Transformers" and "Winx", popular among children.
    We track the impact of working with fairy tales on the development of the child's emotional and cognitive spheres using projective methods. At the beginning and end of the school year, the following drawing tests were conducted with children: “Drawing of a non-existent animal”, “Who would I be bewitched into”, “Draw a story” (Silver test), “House, tree, person”, “My family”, “ Family of animals.
    Good knowledge of children, their interests helps to take a more balanced attitude to the results of such tests. For example, according to tradition, it is considered a bad indicator if, in the projective test “Draw a non-existent animal” or “Who would I turn into”, a child draws not a living creature, but a mechanism. But all the positive heroes of the "Transformers", replicated in the form of popular toys of the Lego series, are mechanisms. Is it any wonder if a child who loves this movie, or who plays on a tablet while controlling monsters, pretends to be a monster too? The mind of a child reflects reality. This can be combated only by replacing aggressive games and films with others that carry a positive attitude. Therefore, when interpreting the results of drawing tests, one should take into account the influence of the environment on the child.