Yan Tabachnik: "For me, family and children are more important than all show business put together." Happy Jew Jan Tobacco What is known about Jan Tobacco August

People's Artist of Ukraine, winner of the "Golden Accordion" of Europe, holder of the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, poet and composer Jan Tabachnik (31.07.45).
He has reached all the heights in music that can only be achieved: the "Golden Accordion of Europe" and many other titles. He has already entered the history of culture as a living classic. But the distinctive feature of this person is not at all in his musical talent (at least not only in him). If it were possible now to proclaim a nationwide competition for the title of the best public figure, the palm would certainly be given to Yan Tabachnik.
For the first time the mastery of accordionist Yan Tabachnik was introduced to the Soviet Union in 1976 - it was then that his first solo disc "Popular Melodies" appeared. Prior to that, the future maestro worked (since 1964) in the variety orchestras of the Astrakhan, Kalmyk, Batumi, Oryol and Yalta Philharmonics and in the Lenconcert. The second record "Hello, Accordion", composed from the melodies of the peoples of the world, had to wait nine years. Only in 1987 did it become possible to record a record of Jewish music "What time is it?" (sound engineer and conductor of studio symphonic jazz Yuri Vinnyk) - a disc released in 1989 and since that time Tabachnik has been steadily releasing solo albums every two years. The bands led by Yan Tabachnik were somewhat less fortunate - only two songs remained on one of the Melodiya discs of 1983 as a memory of the folk-VIA of the Zaporozhye Philharmonic "Riff". The fate of Tabachnik's next project "New Day" is better - at first a rather ordinary VIA, he became famous in the late 80s with the program "Jewish Renaissance".
"New Day" received the first prize - "Golden Minor" at the festival in Krakow in 1990 and recorded the disc "Hades Always Hades" for "Audio Ukraine". Soon there were two "New Days" - the musicians, led by keyboardist and composer Dmitry Biryukov, settled in Kyiv, and, unable to go beyond the VIA genre with a new repertoire, could not stand the competition and broke up. And the new "New Day" by Yan Tabachnik is a brilliant, sparkling show, with which they have already traveled all over the world and recorded two CDs. The official recognition of the professional level of the group was the first place at the Dolya festival in Chernivtsi in September 1992. In the summer of 1994, the 30th anniversary of the creative activity of the People's Artist of Ukraine Yan Tabachnik was celebrated in Zaporozhye with chic - there were guests from the USA, Australia, Israel, Russia ... A year later, Tabachnik became the head of the Odessa Municipal Music Theater, in which he celebrated his 50th age.

Awards owned by Yan Tabachnik:
People's Artist of Ukraine
People's Deputy of Ukraine
Holder of the title "Golden Accordion of Europe"
Holder of the title "Grand Maestro"
Owner of the title "Ukrainian Variety Star" and an honorary award on the "Avenue of Stars"
Doctor of Arts
Full Cavalier of the Order of Ukraine "For Merit"
Cavalier of the Order of St. Stanislaus II degree
Cavalier of the Order of St. Stanislaus III degree
Cavalier of the Order of St. Stanislav IV degree
Knight of the Order of Nicholas the Wonderworker
Commander of the Order of Mikhail Lomonosov
Knight of the Order of Peter the Great
Cavalier of the Order of St. Vladimir, 1st class
Cavalier of the Order of "International Glory" from the Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II
Laureate of the All-Russian award "Ovation"
Laureate of the International Prize "Art-Olympus"
Laureate of the Prize. Sidi Tal
Professor of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts
Honorary Professor of the Tel Aviv Conservatory
Honorary Professor of the Academy Karel Lipinsky

Official site: yan-tabachnik.com.ua

Yan Tabachnik Career: Musician
Birth: Russia
His melodies created the mood of the new film "Babi Yar" about the most tragic event in the history of mankind. Soon the first feature film about Babi Yar, directed by Nikolai Zaseev-Rudenko with the direct support of Lyudmila Kuchma and the leader of the Jewish community of Ukraine Vadim Rabinovich, will be released: Elina Bystritskaya in the title role.

Jan Tabachnik is a huge man. Large, famous, adored by the public and friends. It seems like nothing can get him through. The outward appearance is, however, deceptive. Tabachnik is a true artist! This means that by nature he is not free from sentimentality or compassion. His service in the film "Babi Yar" tells about this and how the human musician's essence is stored in bulk of mercy and tenderness, without pathos.

Yan Tabachnik spoke about how important and intimate this tragic task is for him in an interview with our journalists.

I wrote this music, it seems, for my parents, who are no longer on earth. For me, Babi Yar is a special location. When I come there, tears choke me, it’s very hard on my soul. I experienced a similar state only at one fine time - in Berlin, near the Reichstag building. I approached him and suddenly felt that I could not be here, I wanted to rush out of there. Here and from Babi Yar, I constantly want to escape. I always have before my eyes - a terrible newsreel of the times of the war. I can clearly imagine what was there.

Is the feeling you're talking about horror?

No. If I was afraid, then I would not do anything in my life. I don't consider myself a cowardly person. It's more of a memory burn. I want to forget everything from time to time, to consider that this horror never happened in my life. But this cannot be forgotten. Like a haunting nightmare. When he haunts a person, he dreams that he does not dream about it. It's the same with me: I didn't want to dream about it.

Are you dreaming?

Yes. Mostly the past is dreaming. And once dreamed of the future, dreams ...

You probably don't believe that dreams come true.

I am a genuine man, I look at things soberly and understand what is allowed and what is not allowed.

This realism probably helps a lot in life: you are a very successful uncle.

But under no circumstances was I complacent. I easily do a close activity every day and am not afraid to initiate something new. Over time, the truth, I have less and less time: there is no longer that strength and energy.

And yet you cannot complain about the lack of employment. Concerts, TV shows, composing music. And who, curiously, do you feel yourself in the first place - a performer or a composer?

I don't like big words. Yes, for my existence I have written like dogs of uncut music. My songs are performed by Lyudmila Gurchenko and Vakhtang Kikabidze, and instrumental pieces are performed by my team, but under no circumstances did I consider myself either a composer or a poet. Still, it's a pretty high rank. In my view, the composer must be an outstanding personality. Comparing Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi or Mozart with today's composers is blasphemy.

So what - they stop striking music?

Let them write, but good.

But, you see, there are plenty of talented people among the musicians, but notable people like you are few. What is needed in order not to get lost: freedom, favorable circumstances, fortune?

There is no need to talk about Fortune in relation to my fate: since the age of sixteen I have been working professionally on the stage. Behind me are the Astrakhan, Kalmyk, Oryol, Zaporozhye, Batumi Philharmonics, the Lenconcert ... Wherever I traveled. I worked my luck.

Do you remember your fundamental concert?

I remember my initial concert in amateur performances: I was fourteen years old. And at twenty, the popular Leningrad newspaper "Change" already wrote about the "virtuoso game of Yan Tabachnik."

You have toured not only the entire former Soviet Union, but also half the world. Have you ever been tempted not to come back?

Yes, I spoke in practice around where our emigrants live - America, Australia, Canada, Israel, Germany. But I have never in my life and the idea did not arise - to stay there. I am far from those false patriots who beat their chests at the dawn of perestroika and demanded freedom and independence, and then, when everything collapsed, they immediately left. And I, an uncle who was not allowed to leave, being afraid that he would not return, live in this place. When I first started traveling with concerts abroad, there was moreover an unofficial sweepstakes: will it return or not? He left for America for the first time: he will surely not return from there. In Israel - the same. By the way, my team was the last, the one that went on tour abroad through the USSR State Concert. We returned from Australia to a new country.

The point, you see, is not only in patriotism, but also in your demand in your homeland?

I spoke on this topic with many of my colleagues, excellent artists - Kobzon, Leontiev. Gennady Khazanov very gloriously answered me: if I could take the multi-million audience of my fans with me to emigration, then maybe I would have left. My audience, of course, is smaller than that of Khazanov and Kobzon. But where the word "accordion" is pronounced, the name of Yan Tabachnik is also remembered.

In the life of every person there are daily worries, things that he must accomplish ...

Grab your planet, as Exupery said.

Is there anything you would like to cross off this list?

Like it or not, you have to do what life dictates to you. If earlier you could work a day, and nothing else concerned you, then these days you should always think about how you will support your family. Therefore, I occasionally have to do what I probably would not like to do.

Are you still giving concerts?

No, it's less. My genre requires not only a surge of emotions, but also physical endurance. The accordion is not an easy instrument. This is not a banana. By the way, when they say "button accordion", it's all the same as saying "keyboard button accordion". In terms of timbre, these instruments are similar, but the technique of mastering them is completely different. I am convinced that the accordion should be played with music created consciously for it. And there is nothing to experiment.

At your native time, you gave a series of concerts in Ukrainian prisons. What did you feel when you played for the prisoners?

The same as on the stage of the Palace "Ukraine". I play for the public. When an artist begins to divide the audience for himself, he ceases to be an artist. I am a satisfied musician because I have very different listeners: the accordion speaks all languages. I because I played not only in prisons, but also the Prime Minister of Australia, and the Austrian Vice-Chancellor ...

Are you a vain gentleman?

There is ordinary human dignity, self-respect. Any person should honor himself, he should have vanity in moderation so that it does not turn into arrogance. Today there are a lot of those who lie with impunity, inventing for themselves a new biography or titles that do not exist in nature. This is hilarious and causes nothing but contempt for these people.

For a successful career, an artist now needs to be familiar with various influential people? Do connections help you personally?

If you are a global artist, then influential people will strive to get to know you. But all these "connections" end with the fact that the uncle, the one who occupies some prominent post, someday leaves it. So what - after that, not to be friends with him, not to contact? By the way, in my program "I have the honor to invite" there is no conjuncture in this sense. Both former and present come to me. I'm friends with people, not jobs...

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Yan Petrovich (Yakov Pinevich) Tabachnik(born July 31, 1945, Chernivtsi) - Soviet and Ukrainian pop accordion virtuoso, composer, president of the Major League of World Accordion Masters. People's Artist of Ukraine, People's Deputy of Ukraine V, VI, VII convocations (Party of Regions of Ukraine). General producer and host of the international television project "I have the honor to invite", founder of the festival-competitions "Vladimir Krainev invites" and "AccoHoliday", head of the Yan Tabachnik International Creative Center.


Born in Chernivtsi in a Jewish family. Father, Peter (Pinya) Borisovich, a front-line soldier, in his youth he was a promising athlete, in 1933 he was the figure skating champion of Bucharest. Returning disabled after World War II, he worked as a textile engineer. Mother, Hanna Izrailevna, is a housewife. Elder sister Eva, philologist, teacher of German, now retired, lives in Israel.

He is married to a popular singer, People's Artist of Ukraine Tatyana Nedelskaya. Has three sons - Peter, Paul and Michael.

Education: Chernivtsi Cultural and Educational College (1970), Faculty of Music and Education of the Melitopol State Pedagogical Institute (1990), Faculty of Law of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2011).

He started learning to play the accordion at the age of 10, from the age of 13 he already performed by invitation. At the age of 16 he became an artist of the orchestra of the Kiev State Circus on Stage, at the age of 18, in 1964, he performed on the stage as an artist of the Astrakhan Regional, then - the Kalmyk State Philharmonic.

In 1965-66 he was a musician-instrumentalist of the Georgian State Philharmonic Society (Adjar department). In 1967-68 he was an artist of the State Philharmonic Society of the Southern Coast of Crimea. Soloist of the Mark Gorelik Jazz Orchestra and the Shiko Aranov Jazz Orchestra.

In the late 60s he returned to Chernivtsi, where from 1970 to 1978 he worked as the director of the House of Culture of the Pervomaisky District.

In 1979, at the invitation of the Zaporozhye Regional Philharmonic, he moved to Zaporozhye and until 1994 led the VIA "Surmy" created by him, the instrumental group "RIFF" and the group "New Day".

In 1995 he moved to Odessa, where he opened the Yan Tabachnik Municipal Theater of Music.

In 1997-1998, he was a professor at the Department of Folk Instruments at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

In 2000 he moved to Kyiv, where he created the International Creative Center of Yan Tabachnik.

The most successful projects of the Tabachnik-producer are the show "I have the honor to invite", which was released for 20 years and which during this time was watched by about a billion viewers around the world, the program in the format of interviews with famous people "I have the honor" and the annual International Competition-Festival professional performing arts "AccoHoliday", which brought together young accordionists, performers of both pop-jazz and classical music, from more than 40 countries. The competition is also very popular among great performers: its jury included the famous musicians Richard Galliano, Vladimir Besfamilnov, Anatoly Semeshko, Viktor Vlasov, Eduard Gabnis, Valery Kovtun, Leonid Zatulovsky, Mirko Patarini and others.

Since 1987, Yan Tabachnik has performed solo concerts in Austria, Finland, Poland, and in the 90s he repeatedly toured the United States, Canada, Germany, Australia, Great Britain, Israel and other countries. He became a laureate of numerous competitions and festivals, brought to Ukraine the award "Golden Menorah" recognized by the Jewish world community. The post-Soviet space traveled from Kushka to Dikson, from Sakhalin to the Carpathians, which is confirmed by the collection of concert posters by Jan Tabachnik, the oldest of which is over 50 years old.

Since 1976, he has released five giant discs at the All-Union company Melodiya. Sympho-jazz bands, bands and big bands participated in the creation of the recordings.

He has released 11 CDs, in two of which he is the author of music and song tests. The songs of Yan Tabachnik were taken into their repertoire by Iosif Kobzon, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Valentina Tolkunova and other famous artists. At the Alfred Mirek Harmonica Museum, one of the exposition stands is dedicated to the work of Jan Tabachnik.

Place of birth, education. Born in Chernivtsi. In 1990 he graduated from the Melitopol State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in music and singing (qualification - teacher of music and singing).

Career. I picked up the accordion for the first time at the age of 10. Tabachnik's entire future fate turned out to be connected with this instrument. From the age of 13 he began to work in semi-professional groups, and from the age of 16 he went to the professional stage.

1964-1966 - Variety artist of the Astrakhan Regional Philharmonic, musician-instrumentalist of the Philharmonic of the Georgian SSR.

1967-1968 - accordionist of the variety orchestra of the Philharmonic Society of the Southern Coast of Crimea.

1968-1969 - artistic director of the Pervomaisky district house of culture in Chernivtsi.

1969-1970 - artist, soloist-instrumentalist of the Adjara branch of the Georgian Philharmonic.

1970-1972 - director of the Pervomaisky district house of culture Chernivtsi.

1972-1973 - soloist-instrumentalist of the variety ensemble of the Adjara Philharmonic Society.

1973-1994 - accompanist, artistic director of the folklore ensembles "Surmi", "New Day" of the House of Culture of the Railway Workers of the Zaporozhye Regional Philharmonic.

1995-2000 - work in the Odessa Municipal Theater of Music of Yan Tabachnik. In combination, in 1997-1998, he was a professor at the Department of Folk Instruments at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

2000-2006 - Deputy General Director for Social Affairs of an enterprise with foreign investments Steel Track (Kyiv).

In 2006, 2007 and 2012 Yan Tabachnik becomes a people's deputy of Ukraine according to the list. In the Verkhovna Rada of the 5th convocation, he served as First Deputy Head of the Committee on Spirituality and Culture. In the parliament of the VI and VII convocations, he works in the committee on combating organized crime and corruption as head of the subcommittee on control, coordination, information, analytical and research support for combating organized crime and corruption.

Member of the Party of Regions.

Views and assessments. Perhaps the "campaign" of the musician in politics was predetermined not only by long-standing friendship or friendly relations with many well-known politicians of the periods of government and. In 2005, after the Orange Revolution, the maestro became very angry with the then Deputy Prime Minister for Humanitarian Affairs, allegedly for making anti-Semitic statements about some cultural figures suspected of rejecting the "Maidan ideals." In addition, there was a reason to be offended by the fact that the new government took away from Tabachnik a land plot of 8 hectares on the Dnieper embankment in the capital, where the famous accordionist planned to build an "international creative center".

Already in parliament, he explained the transition from the committee on cultural issues to the committee on combating corruption by the fact that he wants to "solve the problems of corrupt culture." "I don't know a single festival in our country where there would be honest relations. Someone may say that this is an unfounded accusation. But I know how it's done! And I'm talking about festivals that are supported by budget money," - said the musician in an interview. However, the mass media somehow do not report on the active anti-corruption activities of the master. And the statistical database of speeches, deputy requests and submitted bills, posted on the website of the Verkhovna Rada, has not yet recorded the initiatives of parliamentarian Tabachnyk during the V-VI convocations.

The musician and deputy says that at one time he was friends even with his family. And assessing his relationship with those in power, Tabachnik said: “For me, Yushchenko, Kuchma, Kravchuk are the same. None of them gave me a thread. My main sponsor is my hump, with which I earned everything that I have ".

Social activity. Since 2000, Tabachnyk has been the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the All-Ukrainian Fund for Hope and Kindness. Honorary Professor of the Tel Aviv Conservatory and the Karl Lipinski Academy of Music.

Regalia. People's Artist of Ukraine. Full Commander of the Order of Merit. Holder of the titles "Golden Accordion of Europe", "Grand Maestro", laureate of the All-Russian Ovation Prize, etc. Doctor of Arts.

Family. Married. Wife - singer Tatyana Nedelskaya (born 1973). The musician has three sons - Peter (born 1996), Pavel (born 2000) and Mikhail (born 2002).

Whatever Ukrainian nationalists say about the special historical path of Ukraine and the cardinal differences in the mentality of Ukrainians and Russians, life itself says otherwise. The close centuries-old neighborhood of the two peoples, their common history sometimes lead to the simultaneous appearance in both countries of absolutely identical characters, indistinguishable from each other, like twins.

Take at least the music. For many decades in the USSR, and then in Russia, not one official holiday concert is complete without Joseph Kobzon. With his patriotic-state repertoire, he represents the face of power and even became part of it. In independent Russia, Kobzon was actively involved in politics, many convocations of the State Duma representing the ruling party. However, the most titled singer in terms of the number of titles and state awards was born in the same, albeit eastern, but still Ukraine. In addition to the stage, Kobzon has successfully taken root in big business, has huge connections among politicians and with the “shadow” bigwigs hidden from the eyes of law-abiding citizens of the world.

In Ukraine, now lives and lives its full counterpart. The name of the "Ukrainian Kobzon" is Yan Tabachnik. The Ukrainian pop patriarch still had a harder time in his creative path than his Russian counterpart. Kobzon chose at all times the most popular genre of pop vocal among the people. Yan Tabachnik does not sing, but masterfully plays the accordion, carrying a rather weighty musical instrument around the stage for years. It's not even about his weight. Nevertheless, let the virtuoso instrumental musical compositions not be remembered and taken to the soul as much as the singer's voice and the words of the song. However, people fell in love with the work of Jan Tabachnik. True talent cannot be overlooked. The result of many years of creative work was 5 giant discs, 11 CDs released with works performed by Tabachnik. The master of the accordion himself successfully composed pop songs, sharing them with the same Iosif Kobzon, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Valentina Tolkunova.

Yan Tabachnik is a little younger than Kobzon. He was born in 1945 in Chernivtsi in the territory of the former Romania. From childhood, he sat down at the accordion and could not imagine life without it. Music then became his profession. He started in Kyiv as an accompanist in a circus. Then began a long touring life. Yan Tabachnik began to explore the vast expanses of the Soviet Union, working in various philharmonic societies. At first it was Astrakhan, then neighboring Kalmykia.

Further, his path ran beyond the Caucasian ridge. He worked in Georgia for a long time, preferring southern Adjara. He returned to Ukraine closer to the declaration of independence as a well-known and wealthy artist, settling first in Odessa, and then in Kyiv. He is well known to the large Ukrainian diaspora in the United States and Canada, where he often visited with concerts. Huge popularity in his homeland was enjoyed by his author's program "I have the honor to invite", where Yan Tabachnik met with the most famous people in Ukraine.

Conventionally, the life of Jan Tabachnik can be divided into 2 halves. In the first, he earned himself fame in the world of music and money for a living, a "coven" with tours of the vast USSR, preferring to work in the southern philharmonics. This is, in fact, a repetition of the path on the stage of the honored artist of Chechen-Ingushetia Iosif Kobzon. In his mature years, Yan Tabachnik began to actively collect titles, degrees and awards, gaining an impressive number of them. He was even more interested in connections with influential people in Ukraine. He is personally acquainted with all the presidents, prime ministers, oligarchs and more or less significant politicians. The authorities generously endowed him with attention.

The musician actively participated in the work of the All-Ukrainian Fund of Hope and Kindness, which was patronized by the wife of the second president of the country, Lyudmila Kuchma. The virtuoso did not miss a single charity event of the foundation, speaking in orphanages, boarding schools, nursing homes, as well as correctional colonies, etc. Yan Tabachnik also established good relations with the leaders of a specific contingent, receiving the nickname Musician from them. Several times the Musician acted as an intermediary in resolving conflicts between authorities and law enforcement agencies. He himself was not seen in any. I was just friends with people with a difficult biography. He did not have to make excuses, like Kobzon, who was deprived of the right to visit the United States for suspicions in connection with.

Yan Tabanchik and Yanukovych

Presidents and prime ministers have changed in Ukraine, but Yan Tabachnik found a common language with each of them. The artist now speaks most of all kind words about Leonid Kuchma, who literally did not miss a single of his concerts. Kuchma contributed to the decision to allocate 6.2 hectares of capital land on the banks of the Dnieper to the famous musician. A truly royal gift. The market value of the land plot is estimated at $200 million. Viktor Yanukovych became another indisputable favorite for Yan Tabachnik. It was under the flag of his party that Tabachnik entered the Verkhovna Rada, where he remained for 3 convocations in a row.

For Yanukovych, the musician did a lot. He actively campaigned for him in the election rounds. Sometimes they campaigned with Kobzon together, performing at concerts. Most of all, the professional musician liked his voice in the president. Yanukovych sang masterfully. Yan Tabachnik pulled him out on television in his program, and the whole of Ukraine was convinced that Yanukovych had singing talent.

Having lived all his life non-partisan, Yan Tabachnik found it necessary in his old age to receive a membership card of the "Party of Regions" for the only time in his life. Deputy Yan Tabachnik regularly appeared in the Verkhovna Rada, but was not as noticeable in it as on stage. For a long time in parliament, he never came up with a legislative initiative and did not even get to the podium, but he regularly voted. The "regionals" used the artist's hand as a voting mechanism.

Yan Tabanchik and Igor Zavadsky

Yan Tabachnik recalls those times with great nostalgia. He was at the pinnacle of fame and success. Today everything is different. In those years, the main problem of his present matured. Yan Tabachnik became a defendant in a high-profile criminal case. At the heart of criminality, oddly enough, was not commerce with its big money, but purely creative reasons. In the world of music, the master has a young competitor. They became Igor Zavadsky. Born in Russian Komi, he first conquered Ukraine with his mastery of the accordion, and then collected many awards at international festivals. The fame of the virtuoso Tabachnik began to fade under the onslaught of the young talent. The elderly man experienced creative competition in a peculiar way. In the spirit of composers Mozart and Salieri.

In March 2012, a police squad raided the Kyiv apartment of Igor Zavadsky. The musician was arrested and taken to the Shevchenko district police department. For seven days a lawyer was not allowed to see him, and then they were not allowed to get acquainted with the case materials. In the department, Zavadsky was beaten so that he had to call an ambulance. The young musician himself later told reporters that he was simply tortured, trying to get a sincere confession from him. Zavadsky was accused of child molestation. The young victims, according to investigators, were the musician's students. The case went to court, and it began to crumble in parts. It was found that some of the witnesses simply slandered the musician for money or valuable gifts. The threads led in the direction of Jan Tabachnik. He acted as the customer of the criminal prosecution.

When asked about Zavadsky's involvement in the case, the former people's deputy answered very sharply, like a real goon, abundantly using criminal jargon and gestures similar to the "fingering" of the inhabitants of prisons. Denying any part in the fabrication of charges, Yan Tabachnik at the same time confirmed that with his huge connections in the criminal world of Ukraine, he could simply physically destroy a competitor.

With Zavadsky and earlier there were unpleasant events. In 1999, while he was on tour, his apartment burned down. In 2006, the artist was beaten by unknown people right in the center of Kyiv on the Maidan. In 2003, a slanderous campaign was launched against him in the press. On the last day of the following year, he was honored with a phone call from Jan Tabachnik himself. Instead of New Year's greetings, the angry famous artist promised his colleague to tear off his head if he once again heard from someone in public a comparison not in his favor.

Apparently, Yan Tabachnik really understood that Zavadsky possessed something that he did not have, does not have, and will never appear again. Characteristically, it was established at the trial that the day after Zavadsky's arrest, Yan Tabachnik made an emergency visit to another of his friends, Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Pshonka, who is now known as a corrupt official and schemer. It turns out the accordion and music in terms of both selfish and expansive persons can be a dangerous occupation. Returning to the Russian-Ukrainian theme, Yan Tabachnik created a precedent for resolving creative differences. God forbid that in Russia his method is not adopted.

No one can blame us for this, but he called me and said: "Yana, I write in Ukrainians, which they cheated on you." Do you know how warm my heart is? I was supported by Stepan Gavrish, Vasily Gorbal - all big names, and I apologize in advance to those whose names I did not name: unfortunately, I simply cannot mention everyone.

At the same time, many of my friends, who today are in the highest echelons of power and could reason with those who unleashed persecution against me, remained silent ... I don’t call them, they don’t call me, although we were and remain friends anyway.

Recently, my close friend Vitya Korol (he, of course, is Viktor Nikolayevich, but I call him that because we are from the same city, we grew up together) told me: "Yan, you know, I talked with Petro Poroshenko. "Petya, - asked, what's going on? Yana is being crucified for nothing! We have been friends for so many years and we know the limit that this person simply cannot cross, there are things that Jan will never allow himself." Poroshenko replied: "Yes, indeed, it will be necessary to meet with him, talk. Something is not going right"

  • We were obvious supporters of Hurwitz, and they did not stand on ceremony with us ... I just had time to leave. But he did not run away, he did not ask anyone for anything: neither in Chernivtsi, nor in Zaporozhye, nor in Odessa. What can I talk about if in Zaporozhye, already being a people's artist, at the age of 50 I lived in a communal room with an area of ​​17 square meters? I have no one to justify myself to and nothing, all my life I have served my country faithfully. Where it was necessary, he went there, what he needed, he did.
  • Yes, I was a member of the board of trustees of Lyudmila Nikolaevna Kuchma, I was her deputy for orphanages. Leonid Danilovich treated me just as well as he treated all other artists, including those who participated in the "Orange Revolution". Do you want me to just explain to you the roots of what is happening?
  • At the beginning of the election battles, everything was perceived as a normal process, no one thought that there would be an aggravation, and even more so a revolution. My friend Viktor Korol asked the leaders of Yushchenko's headquarters: "Why don't you invite Yan?" - "No need," came the answer, "we have everything already formed." That is, there was initially no place for me or many others. Why? Because politics is jealousy. Politics is a provocation. Politics is a lie. This has always been the case, not just today.
  • When I first arrived in Kyiv, the three of us went to choose an apartment: Petya Poroshenko, Vitya Korol and me. Petya borrowed money to buy it, and I gave everything, to the penny. We already lived in this apartment when Marina, Petya's wife, asked my Tanya: "When is the housewarming?" Tanya answered: “Marisha, we don’t have furniture yet, we don’t even have a table - they just brought the bed.” Petya Poroshenko said: "Yan, don't go crazy. I lent you an apartment - I'll lend you furniture too. Buy everything you need and live normally." I refused: "No, let me pay that debt back first." We had to sell our apartments with Tanya in Odessa. We just got together, and I didn't want to get into debt...

In a new apartment. Petro Poroshenko, Leonid Derkach, Vitaly Koinov, Vladimir Gorbulin and Viktor Korol with their spouses

  • I was told: "The people who started the campaign against you were preparing in advance." I don’t specifically name them, but the rest, my colleagues, allowed vile things. What are we talking about - for Kuchma, these were the first slurps, they constantly ran to him, were his advisers, and then reproached others for something. The worst thing is that in the morning they were at Kuchma's, in the afternoon at Yanukovych's, and in the evening at Yushchenko's. These are people without principles, from their constant lies and provocations takes aback. Litvin said great: "The trough is still the same, but the pigs have changed" (laughs). These are not my words - the speaker of our parliament.
  • I used to think that art was out of politics... I had the "I have the honor to invite" program (or rather, it wasn't - it exists, and as long as I have the honor and know who to invite, it will live). I did not invite any of the Ukrainian politicians - it is easier to name those who were not there. Including my guests were those who are in power today. I never divided: artists from that camp or from this one. Now one spoke, next time - another. Who showed Ukrainian artists better than the program "I have the honor to invite"? Regardless of whether they filmed it in their native Ukraine or in Moscow. Never in my life have I allowed myself to belittle the dignity of my colleagues. Let them not hope, by the way, that someday I will have sclerosis. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

- Yan Petrovich, we Israelis have somewhat lost sight of you. So tell me first, how do you live? How are you doing?

When I ask the same question to one of my comrades, who is older than me, he says: "Well, what can I tell you? Worse than it was, but better than it will be." Everything happens in life, but everything seems to be fine. You can’t grumble at fate, so, God forbid, that everything goes on like this.

- They say that since childhood you wore the Star of David around your neck. This is true?

No, I didn’t wear it, because I simply didn’t have it - wearing a six-pointed star around the neck in the Soviet Union became fashionable about 20 years ago. But now I wear the Star of David, and as a child I wore it in my heart. I have never been a Zionist, but never in my life have I allowed myself to deny that I am a Jew. He did not boast of it, but he never refused either. I am a civilized person, traveled all over the world, worked with people of different nationalities, I was friends with everyone, I am friends and will be friends. Why should I leave my Jewishness? And why should I stick it out? After all, it is as ugly as hiding it.

Was it scary to be a Jew in the Soviet Union?

Being a Jew is always scary.

- Even a famous person?

You understand that no matter what events happen, no matter how history turns, for some reason we always remain to blame for everything. When perestroika began, the famous Memory Society appeared. And even then, in those years, I said that "they are again looking for the guilty, and they are pulling the same, shaggy ones - the traditions of the stand are very strong even during perestroika." And I think that it will never, probably, go away, never. And we must be ready for this. We have the right to life, we have the right to fight for our existence, like any nation. We have a right to our own geniuses and celebrities, and to our own scoundrels and scum. We have the right to have our pride, our state, our flag. For thousands of years, scoundrels of various stripes tried to destroy us, but nothing came of them. Therefore, let everyone who dreams of us not being in the world put this thought out of their heads. The more people like them want to do it, the more they will pay for it. We are exactly the same people as everyone else - not smarter and not worse. We are ordinary. The same as everyone else.

Best of the day

- You once said a wonderful phrase - "to be a musician, it's the same as being a Jew - you also suffer all your life."

Yes unfortunately.

- What do you suffer more now?

I had to suffer twice in my life, both as a Jew and as a musician. But, you know, I think that I am both a happy person and a musician. I worked in different countries with the best musicians in the world, I saw many celebrities, presidents, prime ministers, members of royal families, I was friends with them and I am friends. I think that I am also a happy Jew. Due to the fact that I live in a country like Ukraine, I bear the highest title and the highest awards of this country. It's a sin for me to complain about fate. I do not want, in general, to be ashamed. Yes, I sometimes had a hard time - like anyone else. So I don't think I suffered much. Well, maybe you wanted to achieve something not so hard work ...

- Your music has become a real decoration of the film "Babi Yar" ...

I wrote the music for this film quite by accident, and acted both as an author and as a performer. And I want to say frankly - every note was wept out there, and not only by me. When the great actress Elina Bystritskaya heard this music, she simply felt bad. Because it was done from the heart. In fact, it was originally planned that the music for "Babi Yar" would be written by another composer, but when the director heard my button accordion, he decided that it would be the leitmotif of the entire film. I had to repay the debt to those people who died at Babi Yar. And, thank God, I managed to do it at least partially.

- And what is happening in Babi Yar now? After all, there was a very unpleasant story with the raiders ...

There, in Babi Yar, there was a building that was bought by the Jewish community headed by Vadim Rabinovich. And then someone staged a raider attack and bought this building under false documents, and it started ... It is very fashionable in our country now - in this way huge factories, some buildings are leaving the hands of the owners, and now it has also reached Babi Yar queue. This is just blasphemy. When I found out about this, I wrote a parliamentary inquiry to the Prosecutor General. Now law enforcement agencies are doing it.

- Could you comment on what is happening now in Ukraine?

It is very difficult in Ukraine now. Historically, Western Ukraine has leaned more towards the west. I myself am from those places, and my parents often recalled how they lived under the same Romanians. These constant talks about the fact that they had this and that, and then the Soviet power came - and that's it. Soviet power in those places was never particularly loved. Eastern Ukraine has always been pro-Russian, which is why it still leans more toward Russia. There are more Russian and Russian-speaking population. And so it turns out that there are two different psychologies in the country, two different directions. Although I think that neither eastern nor western Ukrainians want the division of the country, although such conversations go on all the time. At one time, even such an outstanding politician and, in my opinion, a man of genius, Vyacheslav Chornovil, said that Ukraine should be a federation. I, like all civilized people, believe that Ukraine should be united. But politicians do everything to split the country - they impose alien ideas, alien heroes. Well, what do you think, can Bandera be a hero for me, for example? For me, a man whose family was in a concentration camp, whose elder brother died there? Can a policeman be a hero for me? Naturally, no. Here you live in Israel - can you name at least one street named after Sverdlov, Trotsky, Kaganovich? No, you can't, because there are no such streets. But they were Jews by nationality and very famous people. But streets are not named after scoundrels and murderers, and I support this. Every nation has worthy people whom humanity should respect and exalt, and there are those who are better not to remember.

- Recently Ukrainian radio called you the second most imposing politician in Ukraine….

Actually, playing these games at the age of 60 is no longer very interesting. But it is an honor, and I am grateful to those who gave me this title. I did not count on such a recognition, and I did not build any illusions about this and do not build it. Well, they chose and chose.

- And how do you feel as a politician? Not tired?

So far, I cannot puff out my cheeks and say that I have succeeded in the political arena. Before becoming a politician, I was engaged in public work for more than 10 years, and this helped me a lot. Now I practically continue to do the same - I help the poor, the elderly. It is the duty of every person who can act and do something, especially today. And politics gave me this opportunity - to act. If earlier I could call some minister, and he decided whether he should even pick up the phone, today I come to this minister without a report and demand from him what I need. But to say that I have already taken place, like Shimon Peres, for example, I cannot. But I think that at my level I am doing everything to leave the parliament with the same clear conscience with which I came there. And it is very difficult to do this in our parliament. But I think yours too.

- As far as I know, you were one of the few who called Vakhtang Kikabidze and supported him when this whole story between Russia and Georgia happened ...

I considered it my duty to call him as my friend and say: "Vakhtang! Take your whole family and come. We have a free apartment - you can live here as long as you want. I will help you." We are connected by many years of friendship, and it is the duty of every normal person to treat his friends this way. We must remember those who saved us and be grateful to them. Better to be a righteous Jew than a scoundrel Jew. And when Iosif Kobzon told Kikabidze that he was wrong, I told him: "You see, Joseph, Vakhtang belongs to a small people, just like us, so it's not necessary." Then Kobzon said that he had not thought about it. But I believe that Vakhtang did not have to give up the Order of Friendship. From anyone else - just not from him, because it is a symbol of peace.

- You are remembered and loved very much in the expanses of the former USSR. Don't you miss that time?

On the one hand, I miss you. Then there was an extraordinary geography of the tour - Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Far East ... Ukraine is not a small country, especially on a European scale, but it cannot be compared with what it was before. And when our artists say "Tour of Ukraine", it becomes funny to me. So what is this tour? Previously, we were not there for six months, for a year at home - we toured. Today, 24 regions pass in 10 days and they call it a tour. Reminds me of a joke about two administrators from the arts who drove artists around the country. And these administrators are listening to the news on the radio - they announce that German planes have bombed the city of Berdichev. The administrators say: "The city is also for me. A site for 500 seats."

- Are you going to perform in Israel?

Unfortunately, in the near future I simply will not be able to come to you, because I hardly go on stage. I was remembered by the audience as a temperamental artist and musician, the author of programs that I put on myself. Today I can't do it anymore. So why should I go on stage? When I go on stage for free, when people do not pay money for a ticket, then I do it calmly. Then I come, as a guest, to a friendly meeting with the audience. I can talk to people about creativity, say kind words to them. And when people buy tickets, they want the artist to work. And it's simply impossible to work poorly here. I'm sorry when my colleagues don't understand this and go on stage anyway. But this is not from a good life. But, thank God, I am able to live without performances, I have enough to live on.

- And how do you feel about this country, Israel? What feelings does it evoke in you?

It is a beautiful and hospitable country with fast, brave people, built on sand, on blood, on stones... When I come here and see that something new has been built, I understand what has been done for this. This is a country that spends 45% of the budget on the war, which is constantly in a state of shock, because the enemies are killing its children ... We have false information about Israel on television - always only from one side, because television is a corrupt thing. And I always wonder - is it really so lacking money for those who show these shameless things. I'm not asking you to support either one or the other - I'm asking you to show the truth. After all, who wants to know the truth, he certainly knows. I know, and therefore I often come here, rest my soul. And I'm proud to be my people.


Yan Tabachnik was born in Chernivtsi (Ukraine) on July 31, 1945. I picked up the accordion for the first time at the age of 10. The entire future fate of Y. Tabachnik turned out to be connected with this instrument. From the age of 13 he began to work in semi-professional groups, and from the age of 16 he went to the professional stage. He worked in the Astrakhan Regional Philharmonic, the Philharmonic of the Georgian SSR, was a soloist-instrumentalist of the Adzharian branch of the Georgian Philharmonic, artistic director of the folklore ensembles "Surmi", "New Day".

In 1990 he graduated from the Melitopol State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in music and singing (qualification - teacher of music and singing). In 1995-2000 he worked at the Odessa Municipal Theater of Music of Yan Tabachnik.

In 2006, he became a People's Deputy of Ukraine on the list of the Party of Regions. In the Verkhovna Rada of the 5th convocation, he served as the first deputy head of the Committee on Spirituality and Culture. In the Parliament of the VI convocation - in the Committee on Combating Organized Crime and Corruption.

Yan Tabachnik - People's Artist of Ukraine, holder of the titles "Ukrainian Variety Star", "Golden Accordion of Europe" and many others, Doctor of Arts and Philosophy, Professor of the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Honorary Professor of the Tel Aviv Conservatory and Academy. Karel Lipinsky.

No one can blame us for this, but he called me and said: "Yana, I write in Ukrainians, which they cheated on you." Do you know how warm my heart is? I was supported by Stepan Gavrish, Vasily Gorbal - all big names, and I apologize in advance to those whose names I did not name: unfortunately, I simply cannot mention everyone.

At the same time, many of my friends, who today are in the highest echelons of power and could reason with those who unleashed persecution against me, remained silent ... I don’t call them, they don’t call me, although we were and remain friends anyway.

Recently, my close friend Vitya Korol (he, of course, is Viktor Nikolaevich, but I call him that because we are from the same city, we grew up together) told me: "Yan, you know, I talked with Petro Poroshenko. "Petya, - asked, what's going on? Yana is being crucified for nothing! We have been friends for so many years and we know the limit that this person simply cannot cross, there are things that Jan will never allow himself." Poroshenko replied: "Yes, indeed, it will be necessary to meet with him, talk. Something is not going right"

  • We were obvious supporters of Hurwitz, and they did not stand on ceremony with us ... I just managed to leave. But he did not run away, he did not ask anyone for anything: neither in Chernivtsi, nor in Zaporozhye, nor in Odessa. What can I talk about if in Zaporozhye, already being a people's artist, at the age of 50 I lived in a communal room with an area of ​​17 square meters? I have no one to justify myself to and nothing, all my life I have served my country faithfully. Where it was necessary, he went there, what he needed, he did.
  • Yes, I was a member of the board of trustees of Lyudmila Nikolaevna Kuchma, I was her deputy for orphanages. Leonid Danilovich treated me just as well as he treated all other artists, including those who participated in the "Orange Revolution". Do you want me to just explain to you the roots of what is happening?
  • At the beginning of the election battles, everything was perceived as a normal process, no one thought that there would be an aggravation, and even more so a revolution. My friend Viktor Korol asked the leaders of Yushchenko's headquarters: "Why don't you invite Yan?" - "No need," came the answer, "we have everything already formed." That is, there was initially no place for me or many others. Why? Because politics is jealousy. Politics is a provocation. Politics is a lie. This has always been the case, not just today.
  • When I first arrived in Kyiv, the three of us went to choose an apartment: Petya Poroshenko, Vitya Korol and me. Petya borrowed money to buy it, and I gave everything, to the penny. We already lived in this apartment when Marina, Petya's wife, asked my Tanya: "When is the housewarming?" Tanya answered: “Marisha, we don’t have furniture yet, we don’t even have a table - they just brought the bed.” Petya Poroshenko said: "Yan, don't go crazy. I lent you an apartment - I'll lend you furniture too. Buy everything you need and live normally." I refused: "No, let me pay that debt back first." We had to sell our apartments with Tanya in Odessa. We just got together, and I didn't want to get into debt...

In a new apartment. Petro Poroshenko, Leonid Derkach, Vitaly Koinov, Vladimir Gorbulin and Viktor Korol with their spouses

  • I was told: "The people who started the campaign against you were preparing in advance." I don’t specifically name them, but the rest, my colleagues, allowed vile things. What are we talking about - for Kuchma, these were the first slurps, they constantly ran to him, were his advisers, and then reproached others for something. The worst thing is that in the morning they were at Kuchma's, in the afternoon at Yanukovych's, and in the evening at Yushchenko's. These are people without principles, from their constant lies and provocations takes aback. Litvin said great: "The trough is still the same, but the pigs have changed" (laughs). These are not my words - the speaker of our parliament.
  • I used to think that art was out of politics... I had the "I have the honor to invite" program (or rather, it wasn't - it exists, and as long as I have the honor and know who to invite, it will live). I did not invite any of the Ukrainian politicians - it is easier to name those who were not there. Including my guests were those who are in power today. I never divided: artists from that camp or from this one. Now one spoke, next time - another. Who showed Ukrainian artists better than the program "I have the honor to invite"? Regardless of whether they filmed it in their native Ukraine or in Moscow. Never in my life have I allowed myself to belittle the dignity of my colleagues. Let them not hope, by the way, that someday I will have sclerosis. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

And Nedelskoy made Ukrainians wonder about the reasons

The divorce of the star couple Yan Tabachnik and Tatyana Nedelskaya stirred up the network.

The network is wondering about the reasons for the breakup of relations that lasted almost 19 years.

In 2000, when Tatyana Nedelskaya first met the famous accordionist Yan Tabachnik, the singer never tired of praising him.

“Is this the age for a man? Especially for such a talented, intelligent, eternally young soul. It was impossible not to fall in love with him, ”the artist glowed with happiness.

The one-hectare property includes a house, a tennis court, a three-car garage, a barbecue house, a sauna, a huge swimming pool and storage space. The huge forged gates of the estate are crowned with two doves and a monogram with the letters I and T.

And everything seemed to be going to ensure that the family estate "Dove's Nest", as Tabachnik called it at the first stages of construction, became the embodiment of love and the strength of family values. However, something went wrong in the relationship of the two stars. Now the network is wondering what could have affected the 18-year marriage. It is worth noting that due to a break in relations, the names of forgotten musicians are again on the lips.

Opinions are diametrically opposed. Some blame the singer for everything - they say, she used the meter to the fullest, he made her a career, she extorted money from him, and now she left. Others defend the honor of Nedelskaya and wonder why she needed him at all, since the age difference will sooner or later affect the relationship.

This is evidenced by the absence of their joint pictures on the singer's page on the social network.
