October 20 is the day of which troops. Day of the military signalman in russia

Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it takes place where it is felt, where it is expected. Much has changed in our lives in recent years, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

Professional holiday The Day of the military signalman was established by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." Prior to this decree, the holiday was called "Day of the Signal Corps".

Signal Troops - special troops designed to provide communications and command and control of the Armed Forces.

Military communications are an integral part of command and control of the Armed Forces, its material basis. The efficiency of troop leadership and the timeliness of the use of combat means and weapons largely depend on the state and functioning of military communications.

From the history of the Communications Troops

The day of the military signalman is a great occasion to look at the page of history.

In its development, military communications have traveled a long and difficult path, inextricably linked with the history of the creation of the Armed Forces, changes in the forms and methods of their use, and the improvement of military art.

From the simplest sound and visual means of communication for transmitting signals and commands directly on the battlefield to widely branched multi-channel, modern automated systems capable of providing communication over an almost unlimited range with both stationary and moving objects located on land, on water, under water and in the air - such is the historical path of development and improvement of military communications.

In the old Russian army there were no signal troops as such. Communication units and units were part of the engineering troops.

At the highest levels of government, communications were provided by the bodies of the People's Commissariat for Posts and Telegraphs, as well as the Central Directorate of Military Communications and the Main Military Engineering Directorate, which supplied communications equipment.

At the first stage of the existence of the Red Army in 1917-1918. battalions and communications teams were organizationally part of rifle and cavalry formations. At the same time, a communications battalion was provided for at the headquarters of a rifle division, a communications company for a brigade, and a communications team for a regiment. The commanders of these units and subdivisions were at the same time the chiefs of communications, respectively, of the division, brigade, regiment.

The lack of firm communication leadership had a negative effect on command and control. In this regard, on October 20, 1919, by order No. 1736/362 of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, an independent central body for the management of military communications was created - the Communications Directorate of the Red Army and the positions of Chiefs of Communication Troops of fronts, divisions and brigades were introduced. As a result, October 20, 1919 is considered to be the Day of Education signal troops.

By November 1919, 768 separate communication units were formed in the Red Army with a total of about 119 thousand people. In addition, 510 civil field postal and telegraph enterprises and institutions were seconded to the headquarters of fronts, armies, divisions and brigades, in which about 16 thousand signalmen worked. After the end of the civil war, the signal troops were reduced to 32,600 men and equipped mostly with obsolete and worn-out foreign communications equipment.

At the beginning of the 1930s, a communications industry was created, which made it possible to produce modern communications equipment.

On the eve of the war, the signal troops were kept in peacetime states, numbering more than forty-two thousand people, reduced to 19 signal regiments, 25 separate signal battalions, 16 separate radio divisions.

The Military Electrotechnical Academy of the Red Army, as well as the Leningrad, Voronezh, Ulyanovsk, Kiev, Ordzhonikidze and Stalingrad military communications schools were created to train the commanders of the communications troops in the prewar period.

In the first period of the Great Patriotic War, during the retreat of our troops with heavy fighting, the insufficient preparedness of the border regions in relation to communications became obvious.

The efforts undertaken by the State Defense Committee of the USSR: the unification in one hands of the communications of all the People's Commissariats in which it was (defense, communications, communications and internal affairs), the creation of the Main Directorate of Communications of the Red Army, the publication of a decree of July 23, 1941 "On improving the work Communications in the Red Army "managed to rectify the situation. This was facilitated by a good level of training and selfless devotion to the Motherland of the personnel.

In the post-war years, the development of signal troops was carried out on the basis of the experience of providing communications in the most difficult conditions of war, taking into account the newly emerging requirements for methods and methods of organizing communications, tactics and structure of the signal troops, developing modern means of communication and control systems for forces and weapons for the introduction into the troops. .

Modern Signal Troops

In modern conditions, the requirements for the state of combat readiness of the Armed Forces are constantly increasing. At the same time, a significant role in solving this problem is assigned to the improvement of the command and control system of the Armed Forces. The technical basis of the command and control system is the communication system and the automated command and control system.

Signal Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation include signal troops of central subordination, formations, units and subunits of signals, types of troops, districts (fleets) and associations. They include stationary and field communication centers, linear communication units, communications security control centers, courier and postal communications, technical support institutions, research and military educational institutions.

Despite the difficulties in the country, a characteristic feature of today is the arrival of a new generation of communication equipment in the signal troops and, first of all, means of an automated command and control system for troops, radio vehicles, and satellite communication stations.

The main direction in the development of troops and the communications system today is integration into a single telecommunications space based on the use of modern information technologies, the replacement of analog means and communication systems with digital ones.

A modern communication system is a complex multifunctional organism, including numerous communication centers for various purposes, many thousands of kilometers of radio, radio relay, tropospheric, wired and other types of communication lines.

Soldiers-signallers are taught steadfastness in overcoming difficulties, exemplary performance of military and patriotic duty, skillful and reliable defense of the Fatherland.

Decades have passed, new generations have grown up, but the image of the signalman hero has remained an example for present and future officers of the signal troops. High professionalism of commanders, field training of formations and units, readiness to perform tasks by personnel are characteristic features of modern signal troops. Thousands of signalmen are honorably fulfilling their military duty, taking part in peacekeeping and counter-terrorist operations.

With their work and unique qualities, the signalmen deserved their holiday - the Day of the military signalman!

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Holidays and events in October

Today is October 20th. Holidays and events:

October 20 - Day of the Signal Corps of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Day of the Military Signalman)
October 20 - Naval Sailors Day (birthday of the Navy)
October 20 - International Air Traffic Controller Day

On October 20, 1919, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Soviet Republic, an independent central body was created to manage military communications and the positions of communications chiefs of fronts, divisions and brigades were introduced. The communications service has been separated into a special service of headquarters, and the communications troops into independent special troops. Thus, the structure of modern signal troops was laid. As a result, October 20, 1919 is considered to be the Day of the formation of signal troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Back in the middle of the 19th century, after the invention of the electric telegraph, communications units appeared in the Russian army. The first military telegraph was used in the Crimean War of 1853-1856. The world's first military radio unit, the Kronstadt Spark Military Telegraph, was formed in May 1899. And by the beginning of the First World War of 1914-1918. in the Russian army there were communications units in all infantry, cavalry and artillery units and formations.
Military communication began its journey with visual and simple audio signals. A modern communication system is a complex multifunctional organism, including numerous communication centers for various purposes, many thousands of kilometers of radio, radio relay, tropospheric, wired and other types of communication lines.

October 20 - Birthday of the Russian Navy (Day of Surface Sailors).

On October 20, 1696, the Boyar Duma, at the insistence of Peter I, decided to create a regular Russian navy. This day is considered to be the birthday of the Russian Navy.
During the reign of Peter I, military shipbuilding developed in Russia, ships were built in Voronezh and St. Petersburg, on Ladoga and in Arkhangelsk. The Azov and Baltic fleets were created, later - the Pacific and Northern.
In the second half of the XVIII - early XIX centuries. The Russian navy has taken the third place in the world in terms of the number of warships, and the tactics of combat operations at sea have been constantly improved. This allowed the Russian sailors to win a number of brilliant victories.
During the Great Patriotic War, our fleet withstood severe tests and reliably covered the flanks of the fronts, crushing the Nazis at sea, in the sky and on land. Submariners, naval pilots and soldiers of the Marine Corps have written new pages in the history of the Fatherland's maritime glory.
And today, Russian sailors continue and develop the glorious traditions of the Russian Navy, which already has a 300-year history.

On October 20, 1961, the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations was established in Amsterdam. This event was such a significant milestone in the history of the development of air transport that it became the basis for the emergence of a new professional holiday dedicated to its date - International Air Traffic Controller Day.
Air traffic controllers are responsible jobs. The specialists of the air traffic control service require not only perfect mastery of professional skills, but also special psychological preparation. Security in heaven is in the hands of these people on earth. Air traffic controllers have a huge responsibility and the highest demands are placed on their professionalism.
There is a rule among air traffic controllers - work must be done, regardless of any circumstances and conditions of work. This holiday has become an opportunity for dispatchers around the world to once again emphasize the importance of their profession, draw public attention to their work, announce their achievements and formulate plans and goals for the future.

A man born under the sign of Virgo can be safely called a man of duty. These are disciplined, hardworking and at the same time highly intelligent people, whose mind has a pronounced practical orientation. For them, the meaning of life lies in work - a source of not only moral satisfaction, but material support. Virgos recognize only labor income. Other ways to make money for them simply do not exist; to reap where they did not sow, men born under this sign of the zodiac will never begin. They treat work as a need, necessity and duty at the same time. Virgo men are characterized by reliability and commitment, so you can rely on them without a doubt. They consider it unacceptable for themselves to be late and always comply with the agreements. Once having made a decision, Virgo will not change it. Men born under this sign categorically do not accept vulgarity and vulgarity in all their manifestations. They really dislike slovenliness and negligence, and this applies to everything: both the appearance and the inner world, the way of thinking. Possessing accuracy and accuracy, the Virgo man expects the same qualities from those around him. If their behavior does not meet the requirements, the representative of this zodiac sign will come down with criticism. Virgo is very sharp on the tongue, and this quality, combined with pettiness, pedantry, meticulousness, often causes interpersonal conflicts. At the same time, the Virgo-man categorically does not accept any critical remarks addressed to himself. Virgos can be called very earthly people. Emotionally, it is very difficult not only to piss them off - even hurt them. They do not give free rein to their feelings, do not spill them, and always try to avoid situations in which one can become emotional, show more emotions than necessary. They do this in self-defense and are even able to make compromises, just to prevent the soul from being touched. Among bachelors there is a fairly large number of Virgo-men. It should be noted that he lives in this status quite well. In any case, bachelors who were born under the rest of the zodiac signs perceive their loneliness much more painfully. If a woman sets herself the goal of arousing interest in herself in the Virgo-man, then she should completely forget about all the tricks of the fair sex, like flirting, dramatic scenes, and so on. Representatives of this sign themselves choose a woman for themselves, and first of all a life partner, but not a lover, a companion for entertainment and other joys of life. Being extremely demanding and picky, Virgo men can live alone until they find the one they need. Contributes to their loneliness and the fact that often the Virgo's ideas about the beautiful field are overly idealized. In addition, men born under this constellation are often characterized by shyness. When love comes to the heart of a Virgo man, from the outside he may look indifferent: this is his kind of defensive reaction. Such a man can spend many years waiting for reciprocal love, but he will not stumble from his dream. When a Virgo man makes a marriage proposal, his chosen one can be sure: all the pros and cons are carefully weighed, the decision is made once and for all. Few people are as devoted to their other half as the Virgo spouse. But not only this quality makes Virgos excellent life partners. They are distinguished by tenderness, constancy, attentiveness, including to the little whims of the weaker sex, honesty, sincerity, decency. Virgo men are quite capable of providing a stable financial situation to their loved ones; they are distinguished by practicality, diligence, thrift. Rarely do Virgos have large families. It cannot be said that they burn with very strong paternal feelings for their children. However, this does not negate the fact that they approach the issues of upbringing and education of their offspring with all responsibility.

The Day of the military signalman is celebrated in Russia annually on October 20. In 2020, the holiday takes place for the 15th time. Servicemen of the signal troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation take part in the celebrations: radio operators, developers of communications equipment, engineers, support personnel. The purpose of the holiday is to emphasize the importance of the profession of a military signalman for defense, to increase the prestige of military specialties.

Radio engineering is an effective means of operational command and control of troops and the collection of necessary information. A professional holiday is dedicated to military specialists who work with such equipment.

Holiday traditions

On the Day of the military signalman, the command holds a ceremony of awarding employees with certificates of honor, medals, and orders. The authorities make notes of gratitude in personal files, increase in ranks and positions for outstanding achievements.

A ceremony is being held to wash the stars, which will soon appear on shoulder straps. New insignia are dipped into a glass of alcoholic beverage. Then the contents of the glass are drunk to the bottom.

TV and radio stations broadcast stories about the profession of a military signalman. The main characters talk about their service, past and upcoming exercises and field exercises.

history of the holiday

The event originates in Soviet times. On October 20, 1919, signal troops were created, which received the status of special ones. Since then, the custom of honoring his employees has been born. The birthday of the signal troops became at the same time a holiday for his personnel.

The tradition of honoring military signalmen at the official level in Russia was consolidated by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin dated May 31, 2006 No. 549 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”.

About the profession

The military signalman provides communication between units through wire and radio channels. It creates the necessary infrastructure, maintains its performance.

Career begins with contract or fixed-term service. The path to the profession can start with education at a higher military educational institution.

Military signalmen are in demand in all military formations. The efficiency of command and control of subunits and their survival on the battlefield depends on the quality of their work. Professionals are at risk. The enemy's means of communication are one of the first to strike. Radio engineering is a source of signals on which strikes are made.

The day of the military signalman in the Russian Federation is celebrated on October 20. Such an important event was not left unattended this year. It is necessary to congratulate these professionals on a well-deserved day.

Congratulations on the day of the military signalman!
On this holiday, receive the message:
A lot of joy, good luck, happiness in life -
Best wishes from all of us today.

Let in training tasks
You will show success
Achieve any goals, heights in life
To know without knowing a single hindrance!

Military signalmen, from the heart
We heartily congratulate you today.
And be in touch with you in any wilderness,
Naturally, we wish you a holiday.

Still wish your radar
Caught luck, happiness and fun.
So that everyone in the service knows for sure
The signalman is a faithful rear - native families.

How is it possible to go to war without communication?
That's right - no way! Not in life!
Therefore, we appreciate you doubly
And you serve the country without reproach.

We want to wish today
So that the connection is always excellent,
To have to notice
Only for the better in life change!

Postcards and congratulations in prose on the Day of the military signalman in Russia

I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the military signalman. First of all, I wish you good health and stable morale, confident strength and cheerful energy, attentiveness and accuracy, true luck and luck, great victories over the enemy and great achievements in life.

Congratulations on the Day of the military signalman. With all my heart I wish you good luck and great success, unhindered activity and reliable communication, well-being and health. Let it always be possible to deliver information on time, eliminate the enemy and enjoy life.

The signalman does not sleep, he is waiting for an order, the signalman is always on the alert - what if there is a war? We do not want an order - let your service be without fire. Let it be interesting with the radar, let the friendship of the comrades be true, the military signalman - he does not receive his orders for nothing!

Signalers, you coordinate all movements, transmit messages and professionally encrypt the signal so that the enemy does not understand anything. Your work is important both in battle and in peacetime. I would like to wish that your work is never needed in wartime, be a real ace in your field! May success never fail you!

Postcards and congratulations in SMS on the Day of the military signalman of Russia

Happy Military Communications Day -
Don't lose touch with your friends!
The soul is light and pure,
If the connection is not interrupted.

Let luck not leave
Life with meaning let it go
Fate will add joy
And health in turn!

I wish less risk in work,
After all, the fate of a signalman is not easy.
Keep in touch with the world you always
And never give up!

Let there be a lot of health
Let the road be happy.
Let only a bright path await in life.
Signalman, always be happy!

Happy Military Communications Day!
May success come quickly
And difficult to work
There will be a joyful mood.

Communication will always be in order,
Without problems and shortcomings,
Be proud without hesitation
Loud title - signalman!

The history of the holiday Day of the military signalman of Russia

Every year on October 20, the Russian army celebrates the Day of the Military Signalman - a professional holiday for all employees and military personnel of the signal troops, established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 No. 549 in order to revive and develop domestic military traditions, increase the prestige of military service and in recognition of the merits of the military specialists in solving problems of ensuring the defense and security of the state.

Previously, it was celebrated as Communications Day of the Russian Armed Forces. October 20, 1919 - the day of the formation of the signal troops. On this day, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Soviet Republic No. 1736/362, a communications department headed by the chief of communications was formed as part of the Field Headquarters. The communications service has been separated into a special service of headquarters, and the communications troops into independent special troops. Thus, the structure of modern signal troops was laid.

Military communications are an integral part of command and control of the Armed Forces, its material basis, and signal troops are special troops designed to establish communication systems between troops and forces in peacetime and wartime. The efficiency of command and control of troops, the timeliness of the use of combat means and weapons largely depend on the state and functioning of communications. In its development, military communications have traveled a long and difficult path, inextricably linked with the history of the creation of the Armed Forces, changes in the forms and methods of their use, and the improvement of military art.

From the simplest sound and visual means of communication for transmitting signals and commands directly on the battlefield to widely branched multi-channel, modern automated systems capable of providing communication over an almost unlimited range with both stationary and moving objects located on land, on water, under water and in the air - such is the historical path of development and improvement of military communications.

A modern communication system is a complex multifunctional organism, including numerous communication centers for various purposes, many thousands of kilometers of radio, radio relay, tropospheric, wired and other types of communication lines, and, of course, these are the specialists thanks to whom this complex organism works - the military signalmen who celebrate their professional holiday today.
