Games to familiarize children with trees and shrubs, find a leaf that I will show. Games to familiarize children with trees and shrubs find a leaf that I will show Didactic game trees and leaves

Didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: "Trees and shrubs"

Author: Knis Anna Nikolaevna, senior teacher.
Place of employment: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3 "Smile", Kalach-on-Don.
Description of work: I bring to your attention didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: "Trees and shrubs." This material will help educators, children and their parents to consolidate children's knowledge of trees and shrubs in a playful way.

Didactic game: loto "Trees and shrubs".

Target: Consolidation of children's knowledge about the diversity of trees and shrubs, the ability to distinguish them and find the right plant.
Didactic material: The playing field (4 pcs.), Divided into 6 squares with images of various trees and shrubs, corresponding to the images on small cards (24 pcs.).
Game progress: Game for children from 4 years old. The game can be played by 3-5 people. Players are given game cards. The facilitator pulls out a small card from a special opaque bag, the player or the facilitator names the tree or shrub depicted on the card. Whoever found the corresponding image on his field takes the picture for himself. This continues until one of the participants covers the entire playing field with pictures. For children from 5 years old, the game can be complicated. Name the trees or shrubs depicted on the same playing field in one word.

1. Oak, birch, willow, linden, chestnut, maple are deciduous trees.

2. Bird cherry, lilac, mimosa, magnolia, wild rose, jasmine are shrubs.

3. Lemon, plum, pear, cherry, peach, apple tree are fruit trees.

4. Spruce, pine, cypress, juniper, thuja, cedar are coniferous plants.

Didactic game "Guess the plant"
Target: Development of the ability to describe trees and shrubs and recognize them by description.
Didactic material: Cards depicting various trees and shrubs.
Game progress: The teacher gives the children cards with the image of trees and shrubs. Children do not show their cards to anyone. The teacher offers one child to describe what is shown in his picture, or to make a riddle. The other children must guess what is in the picture.
For example: This is a tree. It has white bark with black stripes. Branches hang down. In the spring, sticky buds swell on them and earrings appear. This tree is considered a symbol of Russia. (Birch).
I have longer needles
Than the tree.
I'm growing very straight
In height.
If I'm not at the edge,
Branches only at the top. (Pine).
Didactic game "Collect a picture"
Target: Development of logical thinking, outlook, cognitive interest and speech activity.
Didactic material: Cards showing trees and bushes, cut into several parts.
Game progress: Game for children from 4 years old. Children are given game cards cut into 3, 4, 5 parts (according to the age and abilities of the child). Having collected the picture, the child tells what he has collected.
For example: Oak is a tree. Acorns grow on it.
Lilac is a bush with lilac flowers.
Cards for cutting.

Didactic game "The Fourth Extra"

Target: Development of skills to classify trees and shrubs according to essential features.
Didactic material: Cards depicting 4 types of trees and shrubs, 3 of them belong to one thematic group, and the fourth to another group.
Game progress: The children are given the task: “Look at the pictures, name what is shown on them and determine which image is superfluous. Remaining, name the images in one word. Each participant eliminates the extra image in turn. If he makes a mistake or does not complete the task, his version is offered to the next player. For each correctly completed task, they give a chip. The one with the most chips wins.
For example:
1. Oak, alder, spruce and birch. An extra spruce because it is a coniferous tree, and the rest are deciduous.

2. Alder, thuja, spruce, pine. An extra alder because it is a deciduous tree, and the rest are conifers.

3. Pear, peach, lilac, apple tree. Extra lilac because it is a shrub, and the rest are fruit trees.

4. Mimosa, magnolia, lilac, birch. An extra birch because it is a tree, and the rest are shrubs.

Didactic game "What first, what then?"

Target: the ability to arrange pictures in the order of the development of the plot.
Didactic material: A set of pictures for the game "What's first, what's next?", four pictures in each series.
Game progress: The teacher offers the children a series of pictures (four pictures for each child), which need to be carefully considered and determined what happened first, what then. "Which picture is the first? What was first? Children look at the pictures and put them in the correct order. To check the correctness, you can stick numbers on the back of the pictures. When the child lays out the sequence, he can check it himself by opening the pictures on the back.

Didactic game "From which tree is the leaf?"
Target: the ability to distinguish and name the leaves of familiar trees.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of 4 types of trees and 4 leaves corresponding to these trees.
Game progress: Invite the child to connect the leaves with the trees of the corresponding type and name them.
1. Trees: cherry, peach, apple, pear.
Leaves: cherry, apple, pear, peach.

Trees, leaves and fruits - an educational game for children from 4 years old
The educational game for children "Trees, Leaves and Fruits" introduces children to the trees of central Russia. It can be played alone or in a small group. The game is very informative, it is good to use it for classes on familiarization with the outside world in kindergarten or at home. In elementary school, the game is useful when conducting local history or environmental competitions.
Although the “Trees, Leaves and Fruits” loto gives a good idea to children about the types of trees, no educational game can replace children's live communication with nature. During the walk, draw the attention of children to what trees surround you on the street, in the park, in the forest. Collect and examine fruits and leaves. If you do not want to carry them home, then "digitize", take a picture and create your own "Atlas" or "Photo-Herbarium" of plants in your region.

How to play an educational game for children "Trees, leaves and fruits"

We play individually or with two children.

Acquaintance with the developing game is best done individually. Look at the cards with your child, talk about what trees he knows. Invite the child to try to match the leaves, trees, fruits and put the appropriate small pictures in the empty "windows" on the large cards. You can immediately help arrange correctly or see what the child can do, and then correct the mistakes. It is not necessary to give all the cards at once - two or three will be enough. When the child gets acquainted with the game, tasks can be given for a while. If you play with two children, then you get a whole competition - who will collect the most "correct" cards in one minute. It's better if everyone has their own set of games. Or at least make a duplicate set of small cards. Otherwise, a situation may arise when the child cannot correctly assemble the picture, not because he does not know, but because the neighbor has the right card.

We play the educational game "Trees leaves and fruits" with a group of children

With a group of children, this educational game can be played like a lotto. In this case, there can be as many players as you have large cards plus one more. Each child receives a large card. For children over five years old, you can give each player two cards at once. All small cards are shuffled and given to the driver. He pulls out one at random, shows it to the children and asks "Whose?" the one to whom the card fits takes it for himself and places it next to his tree. If no one confesses, the card is put aside. The player who first closed all the "windows" won and can become the next driver. Another option is to play "to the last". In this case, the driver becomes the one who closed his fields last.

Using the developing game "Trees, Leaves and Fruits" for competitions.

The educational game "Trees, Leaves and Fruits" can be a wonderful competition at an event dedicated to the forest, trees, native nature, both in older groups of kindergarten and in elementary school. To hold such a competition, you need to stock up on two (or more - according to the number of teams) sets of games. Each team is offered to collect as many cards as possible in a certain time (one to two minutes). The result is checked. Only fully and correctly assembled cards count.

How to make an educational game for children "Trees, leaves and fruits"

In order to play, you need to prepare game cards. Each type of tree corresponds to one large (a tree in summer) and three small pictures (a tree in winter, leaves and fruits of this tree). Print out the pictures and stick them on whatman paper or cardboard. The size of the large picture will be 19x15, and the small ones 5x5 cm.
You can stick it on the same cardboard, or you can make a hint - stick pictures of each tree on the base of your color. For greater strength, the cards can be "laminated" - sealed with tape.
In order to avoid size distortion when printing, we advise you to do so. Click on the picture to enlarge it. Copy a large picture and transfer it to Microsoft Word. Set the image size to 19 cm high, and the width will be almost 15 cm. Then copy the three small pictures (they will be copied all three together) and place them on the same page. Set the image size of the pictures to 5 cm high, 15 cm wide. Cut out the pictures along the black line.

Lyubov Suvorova

In order for children with OHP to study with interest, I made a selection with my own hands didactic and educational games. Now the printing industry produces a great variety of interesting, educational games. But often they do not correspond to the goal set at the lesson, they are not quite methodologically developed and what to hide, they require significant investments. And let's talk about getting enough games for a subgroup of children (Let everyone do their own work) and don't have to dream. This is what made me make selections of games for each lexical topic. These games are easy to manufacture, but allow interesting, entertaining, and most importantly with an individual approach to conduct a frontal lesson.

I continue to acquaint you with the selection didactic and educational games on lexical topics.

Breathing exercise. I give the most tasks different: - the one who blows on the red leaf enters, who blows strongly 3 times, who blows slowly counting up to 10.

Didactic game"What's extra?" (per child) for junior and senior (at the bottom) subgroups.

Memorizing a verse according to the table (mnemonics). Parts diagram tree.

"The wind tore the leaves" (per child)

"What first, what next?". Target: develop ability to make inferences develop coherent speech.

"Cards for a combination of numeral and noun (f., m. and Wed childbirth)».

Didactic game"Family of Words". Target: learn to form related words to a noun - sheet. I use the principle of mnemonics. The symbols are clues for children. Star is the main word (sheet); big mountain - superlative (leaf); small mountain - diminutive (leaf, leaflet, red ribbon - adjective (lettuce, three rectangles - plural (leaves); hand - action (leaf fall).Empty pockets for other words that can be formed.

Didactic game"Domino". Target - development visual attention, memory, continue to learn to change nouns and adjectives in cases.

"Help Dunno" Two options. The goal is to teach everyone to find tree leaves and fruit. Develop connected speech.

Didactic game"Guess what's gone?"

"Memorina" rules: You need to open two cards at the same time. If the same - the player takes it for himself, that one wins who gets the most.

In notebooks for homework, in addition to Teremkova's notebooks, I paste assignments for development of coherent speech, logic, development of MMR, etc..

"Fables", "What did the artist mix up?"

All games fit in this box

That's all for now. I hope my creations will be useful to someone.

Didactic game "Autumn signs"

Tasks: to consolidate knowledge about the signs of autumn, to develop oral speech, observation,attention, memory.

Attributes: cards with signs of autumn (8 pieces) and other seasons (5-6 pieces), a playing field divided into 8 cells.

Game progress: children (2 people) take turns taking a picture, calling what is drawn on it, determining when it happens. If in the fall, put the picture on the playing field. Ifat other times of the year - removed to the side. Next, for each picture, make upsentence using the keyword "autumn".

Didactic game "Wonderful bag"

Tasks: to improve the ability to identify a fruit or vegetable by touch, to correctly name its color, to develop attention, memory, oral speech

Attributes: bag, models of vegetables and fruits.

Game progress: the teacher shows the bag and says:

I am a wonderful bag

To all the guys, I'm a friend.

I really want to know

How do you like to play.

Children put models of vegetables and fruits in a bag. Then, in turn, they take an object from the bag, determine by touch what it is, call it, and then take it out.After that, the children gather in the groups "Vegetables", "Fruits".

Didactic game "Whole and part"

Tasks: to form the ability to select pairs of pictures depicting a whole fruit and its parts, develop oral speech, attention, memory.
Attributes: pictures of whole fruits and their parts.

Course of the game: 2 children play. One has pictures of a whole fruit, the other has pictures of a part of it. One player posts his picture,names what is depicted on it, and the other must select the appropriate one.

Didactic game "Two baskets"

Tasks: improve the ability to distinguish between vegetables and fruits, learn to use generalizing words in speech, develop oral speech, memory, attention.
Attributes: two baskets, object pictures of vegetables and fruits.
Game progress: children take turns taking a picture, name what is shown on it, determine what towhich group it belongs to and put in the appropriate basket.

Didactic game "Stocks of animals"

Objectives: to improve the ability to select the appropriate food for animals, to develop attention, memory, observation.
Attributes: pictures of animals, pictures of plants and mushrooms.

Course of the game: 2 children play. Take turns taking a card with a picture of plants ormushrooms, name what it is, and put it to the picture of a certain animal.

Mobile game "Vegetables - fruits"

Tasks: to learn to distinguish fruits and vegetables by their appearance, to develop attention, observation.

Attributes: subject pictures of vegetables and fruits

Game progress: in the center of the circle are pictures of vegetables and fruits. Children go in a circle with the words: “One, two, three - take any object!” Children take any item and organizegroups "Vegetables", "Fruits".

Mobile game "Tops and Roots"

Tasks: to consolidate knowledge about the way vegetables grow, develop attention, visual and auditory perception, memory.

Attributes: replica vegetables or natural vegetables.
Game progress: Option 1: an adult shows a vegetable (dummy or natural), children name it and show movements where it grows, if it is on the ground, they stretch their handsup, if underground - squat. Can act as an adulta child who himself shows vegetables.Option 2: an adult only says the name of the vegetable, and the children showmovements where it grows.

Didactic game "What juice?" ("What jam?")

Tasks: improve the ability to distinguish and name fruits, learn to form adjectives, develop oral speech, attention, memory.

Attributes: basket, fruit pictures

Game progress: children take turns taking a picture from a basket, calling the pictured fruit and saying what the juice (or jam) from this fruit will be called. For example:"This apple is apple juice."

Mobile game "Find a Pair"

Tasks: to learn to make pairs of leaves according to one feature indicated by adults, to consolidate knowledge about the shape, color and size, to develop auditory and visual perception.

Attributes: autumn leaves of different sizes, colors and shapes.

Game progress: children stand in a circle, in the center are leaves (their number is according to the number of children and the leaves are selected so that pairs of leaves can be made). The kids are comingin a circle with the words: “One, two, three - take the sheet as soon as possible!” Everyone takes a leaf.The teacher says: "Find yourself a pair - a leaf of the same color." (Othertasks: make a pair of leaves from the same tree, or leaves that differsize: big and small, or leaves of the same size from one tree..)

Didactic game "From which tree is the leaf?" »

Tasks: improve the ability to differentiate, trees by their trunks and leaves,develop attention, observation, memory, imagination.

Attributes: trunks of three different trees drawn on separate sheets, autumn leaves of these trees.

Game progress: loose leaves lie around the drawings of tree trunks. The children have to spread the leaves on their tree

Didactic game "What leaf?"

Tasks: improve knowledge to distinguish the leaves of three trees, learn to form adjectives, develop oral speech, attention, memory.

Attributes: basket, autumn leaves.

Game progress: the children sit in a circle and pass the basket to each other. They take out a leaf in turn, say what tree it is from and form an adjective. For example: this is a leaf withbirch - birch leaf.

Mobile game "Belkin's reserves"

Tasks: to improve the ability to act on the signal of an adult, to develop attention, memory, oral speech.

Attributes: squirrel mask, mushroom dummies, walnut, berries, cones.

Game progress: a child is selected - a squirrel, he is put on a squirrel mask. In the center of the circle are objects - dummies of nuts, berries, mushrooms, cones. Children walk in a circle with the words:"One, two, three - take the item as soon as possible!" Take different items. Children withthe same objects are collected in a group. Child - squirrel walks and choosesthe group with the most children and says: “Today I will eat nuts(mushrooms, berries, cones). A new child is selected from this group - a squirrel.

Mobile game "Rowan and Birds"

Children are divided into two teams: one team is "rowan berries", and the other team is "birds".

Children - “rowan berries” hold a red cardboard circle in their hands or a rope is attached to the red cardboard circle, and the circle with the rope is hung around the neck like a medal.

Teams of children line up in two lines and stand opposite each other in different parts of the room or playground.

The bird team says these words:

“The wind suddenly blew stronger,

I blew the berries from the mountain ash.

The wind drives the berries

Like playing with a ball. »

The rowanberry team responds:

"These berries are flying,

They don't want birds in their beaks.

Berries quickly, quickly

The birds will have more fun. »

After these words, a team of birds catches a team of rowan berries. The "rowan berries" try to run away from the "birds" and reach the place where the "birds" were. In this place, the "rowan berries" are safe and the "birds" cannot catch them.

Catching "rowan berries" continues in time, for example, 1 or 2 minutes, and then the whole game is repeated again.

Mobile game "Acorn in hands"

Purpose of the game: organization of children's leisure.
For this game you will need a small acorn or nut. Players stand in a row at a short distance from each other. They hold outstretched arms behind their backs, palms open. The leader walks behind them with an acorn in his hands. He touches the palms of each participant in turn, pretending that he wants to lower the acorn into his hands. In this case, the players should not look back. Finally, the leader lowers the acorn into someone's hands. The host says the words: “Acorn, acorn, show yourself! Acorn, acorn, come to us! The player in whose hands the acorn should burst forward, and all the other participants on the right and left try to grab it, to prevent it from running out. If he is caught, then he becomes the leader, if not, then the game continues with the former leader.

Ekaterina Oleinik
Interactive game "From what tree leaf"

Interactive game for preschool children "WITH what tree leaf»

Purpose of the game: to ensure the development of children's ability to use ICT tools in play activities. Contribute to the expansion of knowledge about trees in our lane. To ensure the development of children's ability to select leaves to trees.

Fix names with children trees, appearance leaves, fruits;

develop attention, observation, memory. nurture cognitive interest.

"WITH what tree leaf» – developing game for children from 4 years old. Play it can be done alone or in a small group. The game is very educational, it is good to use it for classes on familiarization with the outside world in kindergarten or at home.

Game progress: Ask the child to name tree, pick up leaf to this tree and click the mouse. At the same time explain to him that if sheet is wrong, it will stay in place and wiggle. If sheet is correct, then it will move in the direction of this tree.

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