Card file of theatrical games card file (junior group) on the topic. Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development with elements of theatrical activity for children of the first junior group "Kolobok Theatrical activity in the 1st junior group

Marina Ryazantseva
Theatrical activities of children in the 1st junior group

child development through theatrical activities.

Theater is a magical land in which a child

he rejoices when he plays, and in the game he learns the world.

S. I. Merzlyakova

What prompted me to do theatrical and gaming activities with children? Probably, this is sincere joy on their faces, laughter and happiness, which are brought to life by dolls that have learned to talk, dance, sing. I understand that theater is amazing fairy tale, magic...

Theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep experiences of the child, introduces him to spiritual values.

No less important is that theatrical games develop the emotional sphere, make him sympathize with the characters.

It is no secret that young children perceive speech addressed to them better if it is supported by visual items: pictures, toys.

The main tasks of the organization theater activities in our group.

Generate interest in theatrical and gaming activities, encourage participation children in this activity

Learn to navigate group room and hall.

To form the ability and convey facial expressions, gestures, movements, basic emotions

Our initial focus group was aimed at enriching the subject-developing environment.

IN group acquaintance of children with different types of theaters helps our children to relax, relieve stress, creates a joyful atmosphere, fosters kindness. Telling and showing fairy tales to children, changing the voice and intonation in accordance with the hero, made it possible to note that kids, playing with small toys, can act out Russian folk tales that are well known to them. ("Ryaba Hen", "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip", etc.).

Theatrical games help children develop attention, speech, memory, creative imagination. It is very important from an early age to show children examples of friendship, truthfulness, responsiveness, resourcefulness, courage.

We begin any lesson with finger gymnastics, carried out in a playful way. Such a beginning of classes helps children to concentrate their attention, tune in to the topic of classes.

Finger games are a great opportunity to play with your child.

Playing with finger puppets helps the baby to better control the movements of his own fingers.

Playing with adults, the child masters valuable communication skills, plays out various situations with dolls that behave like people,

developing the child's imagination.

In our age, the prototype theatrical games are role-playing games. Toddlers, acting in accordance with the role, use their capabilities more fully and cope with many tasks much easier. Acting on behalf of cautious sparrows, brave mice or friendly geese, they learn, and imperceptibly for themselves. In addition, role-playing activates and develops the imagination. children prepare them for independent creative play.

Children of our groups they are happy to transform into dogs, cats and other familiar animals, but they still cannot develop and beat the plot. They only imitate animals, copying them externally, without revealing the features of behavior, therefore children we are trying to teach some ways of playing actions on the model. To this end, we organize games "The mother hen and the chicks", "Bear and cubs", "Hare and Bunnies", and in the classroom to play small scenes from children's life.

IN group organized corner for theatrical performances, performances. It provides a place for director's games with a finger, desktop theater.

In the corner are:

Different kinds theaters: puppet, desktop, theater on flannelgraph, etc.;

Props for acting out scenes and performances: a set of dolls, screens for a puppet theater, costumes, elements of costumes, masks;

Attributes for various game positions: theater props.

Theatrical activity is reflected:

cultural - leisure activity:

Holidays (themed, entertainment;

Stories with musical illustrations;

-theatrical performances(puppet theater, staged);

singing games;

Staged songs;

Sports entertainment;

Palkina Irina Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher at preschool
Educational institution: MADOU Kindergarten No. 1 "Golden Key"
Locality: Kyzyl city, Tyva Republic
Material name: article
Subject:"Theatrical activity in the 1st junior group"
Publication date: 09.03.2016
Chapter: preschool education

"Theatrical activity in the 1st junior group"
In such a complex and important matter as raising children, the most effective tool is theatricalization, since it synthesizes almost all types of artistic activity in an accessible and interesting form for a child - a game. The versatility of the theatrical game allows you to solve almost all educational tasks in working with children. Therefore, there is not a single kindergarten where this type of activity would not be used. In the period of early childhood, a small child actively learns the world around him. In kindergarten, he gains experience in emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers. The possibilities of organizing and enriching such experience are expanded if a theater zone or a fairy tale corner is created in the early development group. And our task as an educator is to make the environment for the child bright, interesting, memorable, emotional, active, mobile. Tasks of theatrical activity in the first junior group: to create optimal conditions for the development of the child's creative activity in theatrical activity; to form in children a keen interest in theatrical play; to develop speech and coordination of movements in children; to encourage children to motor improvisation; to bring joy to children; All children love to listen to fairy tales, but when a fairy tale comes to life, when the characters begin to move and talk, it is a real miracle for children! So that we, educators, have something to show such “miracles”, we collect theater corners. We try to introduce kids to different types of theater so that each child can choose the theater that is closest and most convenient to him. In the theater corner there is a finger theater (when each doll is put on a finger); rubber dolls (presented as rubber toys); table theater (all characters, as well as some attributes of a fairy tale, for example: huts, forest, stumps, etc., are presented in the form of wooden figures); bi-ba-bo dolls (each doll is put on a hand), shadow theater. And of course, a stage or a screen that allows you to make the puppet show more interesting. Familiarization with playing dolls begins at an early age. Putting a doll on his hand, the teacher reads nursery rhymes, fairy tales, imitating the voices of animals. This causes a positive emotional reaction in children, children begin to repeat nursery rhymes and songs with an adult. Finger theater from 2 years old is an indispensable assistant in communicating with children. Acquaintance begins with the formation of children's management skills
movements of their own fingers, and a little later they teach elementary actions with puppets. The teacher plays a fairy tale in front of the children, corresponding to the age of the children. For example: "Ryaba Hen", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Turnip", "Masha and the Bear" and others. During the show, puppet characters and children interact. We remember the dough with handles (we squeeze - we unclench our fists) We will bake a sweet bun (as if we are kneading dough) We will smear the middle with jam (circular movements with the palms) And the top with sweet cream (along the plane of the table)
Grandmother and grandfather
: Blow, children, on Kolobok, let it cool down, and we will go to the house, we are very tired ... (The teacher blows with the children.)
:Hello! And who are you? (Answers of children). Where are grandma and grandpa? (Children's answers.)
: Children, who sings a song so cheerfully? (Children's answers.)
Kolobok (
: And who are you? Ears long, tail small? Children, who is this? .. (etc.) Educator: This is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done! Where are our hands? Clap a little! The first classes with kids are in the form of puppet shows, which are shown by the teacher, and the children in this case are spectators. The main task of such meetings is to introduce children to the theater, to arouse interest in classes, to create a friendly atmosphere of interaction between the teacher and the children. The main work on theatrical activities takes place according to the following structure: 1 Greeting (in a playful way) 2 Preparation (finger gymnastics or game exercises) 3 Work on sketches 4 Care Education and development of children in theatrical activities is one of the main areas of work of the educator, where performances are staged , sew costumes, make scenery, make tickets, invite spectators. The task of the educator is to reveal the talent of each child, to give him the opportunity to believe in himself, to feel his success. Meeting with a doll helps children to relax, relieve stress, create a joyful atmosphere. While playing in the theater zone, children learn to understand the speech addressed to them, make sentences, communicate with peers, master the culture of communication. We bring to your attention our version of the developing environment - the aesthetically designed theater zone "Pinocchio and the Golden Key". In the corner there is a stage, a dressing room and a sufficient number of masks for
dramatization of fairy tales, didactic games, attributes, scenery elements, costumes and hats for independent play in the theater. We combine these games with articulation and finger gymnastics, where kids learn to reproduce sound images, master correct speech breathing, and reproduce the rhythms of a poem. By making extensive use of literature and illustrated material, it is easy to make these games fun and lively. Children have free access to toys and play equipment, the need of each child for speech and creative activity is satisfied by means of theatrical and play activities. To show children performances based on fairy tales (“Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Zayushkina's Hut”, etc.), a picture theater, a tabletop theater of flat toys, musical instruments and a tape recorder are used. Children are delighted with the musical and theatrical corner. Theatrical games contribute to the development of memory, teach kindness, sensitivity, honesty, courage, form the concepts of good and evil. A timid child will become more courageous and resolute, a shy child will overcome self-doubt. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin argued that "of all the secrets that exist in the world, the mystery of the doll is the most mysterious." If you take theatrical puppets seriously, with full responsibility and understanding that some important treasure is hidden in the puppet theater and you need to look for the "Golden Key", which is so necessary in raising children. One of the determining factors in the upbringing of babies is the developing object-spatial environment - the source of knowledge and social experience of the child. And I would like to hope that the love for the theater, for creativity, for music will remain with our pupils forever.

Svetlana Kosterina
Card file of theatrical games in the first junior group

"A large-big turnip has grown" Russian folktale

2. To teach to listen to the story using a visual image Staging a fairy tale on the GCD flannelograph

game-situation "In our yard" To evoke positive emotions in children;

Enrich impressions; arouse interest in the game, the desire to imitate the intonation of an adult's voice. Rubber toy theater NOD

A. Barto "Toys" 1. Introduce poems.

2. To teach children when re-reading to perform characteristic actions, repeating lines of text after the teacher

3. To form the ability to convey basic emotions with facial expressions, gestures, and movement.

4. Encourage the willingness of children to participate in dance improvisations. Desktop theater toys during regime moments

game-situation "The ducklings went out into the meadow" 1. Develop the intonation and speech skills of children; introduce a new fairy tale;

2. Learn to follow the words and actions of the toy characters. GCD

Fairy tale "Kolobok" 1. Arouse interest in theatrical game through the first experience with characters.

2. Invite children to follow the development of the plot based on illustrations,

3. Develop attention and visual - effective thinking;

4. Learn to name the characters and their actions. To fix in speech the names of animals and their signs; expand active dictionary: round, ruddy, red and sly, clumsy, etc.

"Cucumber, cucumber ..." 1. Development of attention, vocabulary enrichment.

2. Cultivate cautious behavior.

3. Mastering affectionate treatment (cucumber, ponytail, mouse). 1. Listening to nursery rhymes.

2. Use in the game (the mouse lives there - the children run away). During regime moments (on a walk)

Nursery rhymes "Paladushki" Teach children to form a circle, move, holding hands,

Perform game actions Mobile - didactic game "Guess Who's Voice" On a walk

nursery rhyme "Our ducks in the morning..." 1. The development of phonemic hearing and sound pronunciation.

2. Raising a sense of humanity towards nature and animals.

3. Acquaintance with the diversity of the animal world.

1. Repetition of nursery rhymes after the teacher.

3. Acquaintance with pets During sensitive moments

"There is a goat - horned", 1. Stimulate the participation of children in the performance of nursery rhymes, jokes with a teacher (finding words, performing movements, imitation of game actions).

2. Introduce children to oral poetry. 1. Listening to nursery rhymes.

2. Use for play-dramatization. On a walk

folk game: "A gray bunny is sitting" Develop emotional responsiveness, desire to communicate with peers, play together;

Improve the ability to examine objects, learn to examine, feel;

Consolidate ideas about the parts of the body of an animal (ears, paws, eyes);

Learn to perform movements as shown by the teacher and pronounce the words of the song 1. Teach children to guess the riddle without visual accompaniment

During regime moments

Game - the situation "The girl forgot to feed the kitten, he could not remember how to ask for food."

Learn to identify with theatrical character; develop mindfulness;

Learn to combine movement and speech; consolidate knowledge about the environment. 1. Use for a dramatization game.

2. Mobile game "Kittens".

3. Teaching imitative movements, onomatopoeia.

4. Acquaintance with facial movements to express feelings. GCD

The game is the situation "For the grandfather, for the woman Hen-Ryaba laid a golden egg".

Stimulate children's emotional perception theatrical games and active participation in it;

Develop motor activity of children. Retelling a fairy tale with movements.

Introduction to imitative movements Theatrical game based on the fairy tale NOD

Fairy tale "Kids and the Wolf" Introduce children to the work, learn to follow the development of the plot based on illustrations. During regime moments

Fairy tale "Snow Maiden and the Fox" To teach children to listen carefully to a fairy tale, to follow the course of events, paying attention to the illustration. Storytelling with visual accompaniment. During regime moments

The game is the situation "Animals visiting the Snow Maiden".

Arouse a desire to participate in dramatization games;

Lead children to create the image of a hero, using facial expressions, gestures, movements. 1. Solution of the game situation

2. Use for play-dramatization. GCD

A game "Hares on a walk" Teach children to perform game actions, join the game with peers.

To form the ability to perform elementary role-playing actions. Game situation using various attributes

Tale of V. Suteev "Who said meow"? 1. Introduce the content of the fairy tale (read emotionally, trying to enjoy the perception of the fairy tale). Examination of illustrations and drawings in books. On a walk.

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Presentation on the topic: "Theatrical activities in the younger group." Gavrilova Larisa Vadimovna Educator GDOU kindergarten No. 93 of the Kalininsky district St. Petersburg 2011

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Content. 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………… 3 2. Rationale for the choice of topic …………………………………… ………….. 4 3. Tasks of theatrical activities in the younger group ……… 5 4. Mnemonics……………………………………………………………………… 6 5. Mnemonic tracks . Examples of mnemonic tracks ………………………. 7 6. Tactile boards. Samples of tactile boards…………….. 9 7. Production of tactile boards…………………………………….. 11 8. Stages of working with tactile boards. Examples……………… 12 9. Playing with nursery rhymes……………………………………………………… 13 10. Our first steps………………………………… …………………….. 14 11. Table theatres, didactic games…………………………. 16 12. Fairy tale "Turnip"……………………………………………………………. 17 13. References…………………………………………………………...18

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Introduction The majority of children with cerebral palsy and disorders of the musculoskeletal system at a younger age entering kindergarten are not ready for the perception of fairy tales. Special work is required to involve children in a fairy tale, to form an interest in it, the ability to comprehend the plot and be included in the fairy tale action. Therefore, at the first stage of the work, it was important to form children's self-confidence and the desire to cooperate with an adult in a new activity for the child, much attention was paid to individual communication. It was differentiated depending on the psychological characteristics of the child and his ability to assimilate the material, tk. even children of the same age have different levels of motor development. Moreover, children who are at the same level of motor development (for example, move independently) experience different difficulties when walking, manipulating objects. When carrying out all activities for the development of movements, it is important to know not only the methods of stimulating motor activity and developing motor skills and abilities, but also those movements and positions of the limbs that must be avoided during classes and in the daily activities of the child.

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Rationale for the choice of topic. I started introducing children to different types of theaters in the younger group and noticed that meeting with a theater puppet, especially during the adaptation period, helps kids relax, relieve tension, creates a joyful atmosphere, and fosters kindness. Playing small performances in front of children, changing the voice and intonation in accordance with the hero, allowed me to note in my observations that kids, playing with small toys, can play Russian folk tales that are well known to them ("Ryaba the Hen", "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip" and etc.). Therefore, I decided to show small performances, inviting willing children to play in them. From an early age, every kid strives to be creative, and therefore it is important to create an atmosphere of free expression of feelings and thoughts in the children's team, it is important to encourage the child's desire to be different from others, it is important to awaken his imagination and try to maximize his abilities. Theatrical games help children to consolidate communication skills, develop attention, speech, memory, and creative imagination. It is very important from an early age to show children examples of friendship, truthfulness, responsiveness, resourcefulness, courage. The habit of expressive public speech can be cultivated in a person only by involving him from childhood in speaking to an audience. Such games help to overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness.

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The tasks of theatrical activities in the younger group 1. Develop the attention of the child, listen to the speech of an adult and understand the content and act in accordance with it; 2. Cultivate endurance, develop memory; 3. Development of intonational expressive speech (emotionality); 4. Development of mental and speech activity; 5. Develop the ability to stage and dramatize small passages from folk tales with the help of an adult. The following technologies were used to teach children: model learning; communicative activity;

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Mnemonics To improve children's memory in my practice, I use mnemonics techniques. Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information. The purpose of learning with its use is the development of memory (different types: auditory, visual, motor, tactile), thinking, attention, imagination. The basis of education is the development of creative knowledge. Children get acquainted with the environment not only by directly perceiving something, but also indirectly, with the help of books they read, fairy tales they tell. Fairy tale - the constant companion of childhood - plays a special role in the life of a child. The imaginary situation makes the fairy tale related to the game, the main activity of the preschooler. The kid empathizes with the characters, shares their feelings, lives with them in the world of a fairy tale. It is easier for him to establish associative links with his favorite and understandable fairy tale characters.

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Mnemonic tracks In younger groups, mnemonic tracks are used. The mnemonic track carries a small amount of educational information, which is very important at the beginning of the child's education. You can work with the mnemonic track using overlay techniques and applications (often used in working with children of primary preschool age), excluding at first the method of partial or complete graphic sketching. For children of younger and middle age, it is necessary to give color mnemonic tables, since children have better memory for individual images: a fox is a red cheat, chickens are yellow, a cockerel has a red crest, a mouse is gray, a Christmas tree is green, the sun is yellow and red (warm) and other images. The reference in the table is the image of the main characters of the fairy tale, through which there is an awareness of what is happening in it, an understanding of the fairy tale itself, the content that is “tied” around its main characters. The size of mnemotables can be different - depending on the age of the children, on the level of their development. So after mastering the mnemonic tracks in the younger group, you can switch to small mnemonic tables for 4 cells (2x2).

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Examples of a mnemonic track Alyonushka took a basket and went to the forest to pick mushrooms. It often rains, mushrooms appear in the forest after the rain, and we hide from the rain in the rain. The bright warm sun began to shine, the icicles began to melt (they began to cry), the fox's hut melted.

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Tactile tablets Tactile memory is the ability to remember sensations from touching various objects. The basis of working with tactile boards is the development of tactile memory. Goals: Development of perception of the surrounding world; development of imagination, fantasy; development of speech, the ability to express in words their feelings from touch. Samples of tactile boards

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Production of tactile boards Material: A set of 10 - 15 boards with different surface roughness (5 * 10 cm). On one side of each board, write its serial number from 1 to 15; All boards should be different to the touch. - stick a piece of natural or artificial fur on board No. 1; - stick sandpaper on board No. 2 (it should be hard and rough); - stick a piece of soft fabric (bike, flannel) on board No. 3; - drip melted wax from a candle onto plate No. 4 so that frozen drops form on the surface; - stick a piece of rope or a thick lace on board No. 5 (zigzag); - stick matches or small thin sticks on board No. 6; - stick nut shells on board No. 7; - stick foil or cellophane on board No. 8, its surface should be smooth; - stick velvet or velvety fabric on board No. 9; - stick ribbed fabric (velvet) on board No. 10; - stick grits (buckwheat or pearl barley) on board No. 11; - stick scales from cones on board No. 12; - on the remaining boards you can stick small cereals, broken pieces of sticks, a dried leaf, etc.).

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Steps of working with tactile boards 1. Give a signal to the child to close his eyes. 2. Put a board in his hand with the installation to touch it. 3. Ask the child what it reminds him of when he touches (strokes) a board (a fluffy cat, a prickly hedgehog, a toothy wolf, etc.). 4. Take the board from the child and give the instruction so that he opens his eyes. Rule: for playing with a child, it is advisable to use from 1 to 3 boards, depending on age. For example: the task “Guess your friends by touch” (tactile boards) Purpose: development of tactile memory in children. Move. The teacher invites the children to touch the boards, find out who lives "in the house" (see the methodology for working with tactile boards)

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We beat nursery rhymes “Kisonka-murysonka, with whom did you eat gingerbread? - One. Don't eat alone, don't eat alone. Dog: "Don't cry, bunny! I will help your mountain." "One, two, three, four, five I drum again." “Tribbling, nonsense, guselki, golden strings!”

Contents: 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………… 3 2. Rationale for the choice of topic ………………………………… ……………… Tasks of theatrical activity in the 1st junior group ……… 5 4. Mnemonics………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 5. Mnemonic tracks. Examples of mnemonic tracks ……………………… Tactile boards. Samples of tactile boards…………… Production of tactile boards………………………………… Stages of work with tactile boards. Examples……………… Playing with nursery rhymes…………………………………………………… Our first steps………………………………………………… …… Table theatres, didactic games………………………… Fairy tale “Kolobok”………………………………………………………………. 17 Contents: 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………… 3 2. Rationale for the choice of topic ……………………………… ………………… Tasks of theatrical activities in the 1st junior group ……… 5 4. Mnemonics……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 5. Mnemonic tracks. Examples of mnemonic tracks ……………………… Tactile boards. Samples of tactile boards…………… Production of tactile boards………………………………… Stages of work with tactile boards. Examples……………… Playing with nursery rhymes…………………………………………………… Our first steps………………………………………………… …… Table theatres, didactic games………………………… Fairy tale “Kolobok”………………………………………………………………. 17

Introduction: Most young children entering kindergarten are not ready for fairy tales. Special work is required to involve children in a fairy tale, to form an interest in it, the ability to comprehend the plot and be included in the fairy tale action. Therefore, at the first stage of the work, it was important to form children's self-confidence and the desire to cooperate with adults in a new activity for the child. Therefore, much attention was paid to individual communication. It was differentiated depending on the psychological characteristics of the child and his ability to assimilate the material, tk. even children of the same age have different levels of motor development. Introduction: Most young children entering kindergarten are not ready for fairy tales. Special work is required to involve children in a fairy tale, to form an interest in it, the ability to comprehend the plot and be included in the fairy tale action. Therefore, at the first stage of the work, it was important to form children's self-confidence and the desire to cooperate with adults in a new activity for the child. Therefore, much attention was paid to individual communication. It was differentiated depending on the psychological characteristics of the child and his ability to assimilate the material, tk. even children of the same age have different levels of motor development.

Rationale for the choice of topic Acquaintance of children with various types of theater must begin in the 1st junior group. I noticed that a meeting with a theater puppet, especially during the adaptation period, helps kids relax, relieve tension, creates a joyful atmosphere, and fosters kindness. Playing small performances in front of the children, changing the voice and intonation in accordance with the character portrayed, allowed me to note in my observations that kids, playing with small toys, can play Russian folk tales that are well known to them (“Ryaba the Hen”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Turnip " and etc.). Therefore, I decided to show small performances, inviting willing children to play in them. From an early age, every kid strives to be creative, and therefore it is important to create an atmosphere of free expression of feelings and thoughts in the children's team, it is important to encourage the child's desire to be different from others, it is important to awaken his imagination and try to maximize his abilities. Theatrical games help children to consolidate communication skills, develop attention, speech, memory, and creative imagination. It is very important from an early age to show children examples of friendship, truthfulness, responsiveness, resourcefulness, courage. The habit of expressive public speech can be cultivated in a person only by involving him from childhood in speaking to an audience. Such games help to overcome shyness, self-doubt and shyness. Rationale for the choice of topic Acquaintance of children with various types of theater must begin in the 1st junior group. I noticed that a meeting with a theater puppet, especially during the adaptation period, helps kids relax, relieve tension, creates a joyful atmosphere, and fosters kindness. Playing small performances in front of the children, changing the voice and intonation in accordance with the character portrayed, allowed me to note in my observations that kids, playing with small toys, can play Russian folk tales that are well known to them (“Ryaba the Hen”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Turnip " and etc.). Therefore, I decided to show small performances, inviting willing children to play in them. From an early age, every kid strives to be creative, and therefore it is important to create an atmosphere of free expression of feelings and thoughts in the children's team, it is important to encourage the child's desire to be different from others, it is important to awaken his imagination and try to maximize his abilities. Theatrical games help children to consolidate communication skills, develop attention, speech, memory, and creative imagination. It is very important from an early age to show children examples of friendship, truthfulness, responsiveness, resourcefulness, courage. The habit of expressive public speech can be cultivated in a person only by involving him from childhood in speaking to an audience. Such games help to overcome shyness, self-doubt and shyness.

Tasks of theatrical activities in the 1st junior group: 1. Develop memory, attention. 2. Develop the ability to listen to an adult's speech, understanding its content, and acting in accordance with it. 3. Cultivate endurance. 4. Develop intonational expressiveness of speech (emotionality). 5. Develop mental and speech activity. 6. Develop the ability to stage and dramatize small passages from folk tales with the help of an adult.

Mnemonics To improve children's memory in my practice, I use mnemonics techniques. Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information. The purpose of learning with its use is the development of memory (different types: auditory, visual, motor, tactile), thinking, attention, imagination. The basis of education is the development of creative knowledge. Children get acquainted with the environment not only by directly perceiving something, but also indirectly, with the help of books they read, fairy tales they tell. Fairy tale - the constant companion of childhood - plays a special role in the life of a child. The imaginary situation makes the fairy tale related to the game, the main activity of the preschooler. The kid empathizes with the characters, shares their feelings, lives with them in the world of a fairy tale. It is easier for him to establish associative links with his favorite and understandable fairy tale characters.

Mnemonic tracks A mnemonic track carries a small amount of educational information, which is very important at the beginning of a child's education. You can work with the mnemonic track using overlay techniques and applications (often used in working with children of primary preschool age), excluding at first the method of partial or complete graphic sketching. For younger children, it is necessary to give colored mnemotables, since children better remember individual images: a fox is a red cheat, chickens are yellow, a cockerel has a red crest, a mouse is gray, a Christmas tree is green, the sun is yellow and red ( warm) and other images. The reference in the table is the image of the main characters of the fairy tale, through which there is an awareness of what is happening in it, an understanding of the fairy tale itself, the content that is “tied” around its main characters. The size of mnemotables can be different - depending on the age of the children, on the level of their development. So after mastering the mnemonic tracks in the younger group, you can switch to small mnemonic tables for 4 cells (2 x 2).

Examples of used mnemonic tracks Fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" Alyonushka took a basket and went to the forest to pick mushrooms. It often rains, mushrooms appear in the forest after the rain, and we hide from the rain in the rain. The bright warm sun began to shine, the icicles began to melt (they began to cry), the fox's hut melted.

Tactile tablets Tactile memory is the ability to remember sensations from touching various objects. The basis of working with tactile boards is the development of tactile memory. Purpose: development of perception of the surrounding world, imagination, fantasy, speech, the ability to express in words one's feelings from touch.

Production of tactile boards: Material: a set of boards with different surface roughness (5 x 10 cm). On one side of the board, write its serial number from 1 to 15. All boards should be different to the touch. - stick a piece of natural or artificial fur on board 1; - stick sandpaper on board 2 (it should be hard and rough); - stick a piece of soft fabric (bike, flannel) on board 3; - drip melted wax from a candle onto plate 4 so that frozen drops form on the surface; - stick a piece of rope or a thick cord on board 5 (zigzag); - stick matches or small thin sticks on board 6; - stick nutshells on board 7; - stick foil or cellophane on board 8, its surface should be smooth; - stick velvet or velvety fabric on board 9; - stick ribbed fabric (velveteen) on board 10; - stick groats (buckwheat or pearl barley) on board 11; - stick flakes from cones on board 12; - on the remaining boards you can stick small cereals, broken pieces of sticks, a dried leaflet, etc.

Steps of working with tactile boards: 1. Give a signal to the child to close his eyes. 2. Put a board in his hand with the installation to touch it. 3. Ask the child what it reminds him of when he touches (strokes) a board (a fluffy cat, a prickly hedgehog, a toothy wolf, or something else). 4. Take the board from the child and give the instruction so that he opens his eyes. Rule: for playing with a child, it is advisable to use from 1 to 3 boards, depending on age. For example, the task “Guess your friends by touch” (tactile boards) Purpose: development of tactile memory in children. Progress: the teacher invites the children to touch the boards, find out who lives "in the house" (see the methodology for working with tactile boards).
