An interesting quiz for Victory Day. Victory Day quiz for elementary grades

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Target: the formation of consciousness of the need to defend the Fatherland, the development of high social activity, civic responsibility, spirituality; education of patriotism, pride and respect for the country.


  • To form a moral attitude to the historical heroic past, to increase the information and communicative competence of students on this topic;
  • the development of interest in the events taking place in the country, the development in the child of a system of universal values, understanding the role of his nation, ethnic group in the world historical process;
  • to educate students in a tolerant attitude towards others and to form feelings of patriotism, love for the Motherland, pride in their country on the example of the heroic deeds of people in wartime and peacetime. Education of love for the motherland, civic duty.

Form of organization of children's activities: quiz based presentation.

Attributes: chips for correct answers, medals for the winners of the quiz.

Event progress

1. Introductory speech of the teacher

Hello dear guys, dear guests. At today's event, we will talk about the heroic past of our country, about the exploits, about the glory of our people. We continue to develop a sense of patriotism as a deep feeling of love for the motherland, a readiness to serve it, strengthen and protect it, familiarization with the traditions and richest culture of our country. And let's check which of the guys knows history best of all.

(Music sounds -Appendix 1, 2 students come out and read poems).

1 student:

Get up people!
Hearing the call of the earth
The soldiers of the Motherland went to the front.
Their sons were with their fathers,
And the children walked the roads of war.
Soldiers went into battle for the Dnieper and Volga,
Fought for the Soviet native land,
For every city, every village,
For everything that grew on my land.
For a child's smile, bright class,
For peace, for the happiness of each of us.

2 student:


Orders glitter in the sun,
Medals solemnly ring,
The whole country is proud of them
They defended freedom.
There are fewer and fewer of them
Gray-haired defenders of the people,
That brought happiness a moment,
It took four years to win.
They are adorned with gray
Shining new medals
The whole country is indebted to them,
They didn't feel warm.

Teacher: The Motherland sent the best sons and daughters to the front. Thousands of people voluntarily joined the army, partisan detachments, and the people's militia. Let's honor their memory with a moment of silence.

(Music sounds -application 2.)

Our class hour is devoted to the history of the Great Patriotic War. Today we will hold a quiz where we will find out which of you knows the history of the Victory better. In advance, you divided into two teams

2. Terms of the "Quiz"

  • In turn, each of the team chooses a question number from 1 to 20.
  • Give yourself a minute to think.
  • If the team answered incorrectly, the opposing team can give the answer!
  • Each correct answer will be given a token.
  • The team with the most chips wins.

(All questions are based on the presentation -appendix 3).

  1. What anniversary of the Great Patriotic War is our country celebrating this year? - slide 3
    Answer: (72nd anniversary of the Great Victory)
    slide 4
  2. How many years did the Great Patriotic War go on? - slide 5
    Answer: (4 years) - slide 6
  3. Which war was WWII a part of? - slide 7
    Answer: (Part of the 2nd World War) - slide 8
  4. What is the name of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces during the Great Patriotic War? - slide 9
    Answer: (Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin) - slide 10
  5. What was the name of the border outpost, which was one of the first to take the blow of the fascist hordes? - slide 11
    Answer: (Brest fortress - hero fortress) - slide 12
  6. How many days did the defense of the Brest Fortress last? - slide 13
    Answer: (30 days) - slide 14
  7. What do the colors of the St. George ribbon mean? slide 15
    Answer: (smoke and flame) - slide 16
  8. How many days did the decisive battle for Stalingrad last? - slide 17
    Answer: (200 days) - slide 18
  9. The largest tank battle of the Great Patriotic and World War II took place during: - slide 19
    Answer: (Battle of Kursk) - slide 20
  10. This young Russian woman was destined to become, albeit posthumously, the fourth woman - the Hero of the Soviet Union and the first in the Great Patriotic War. Say her name - slide 21
    Answer: (Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - "Tanya", partisan, scout.) - slide 22.
  11. Which Russian city during the Great Patriotic War withstood a 900-day siege by German troops? - slide 23
    Answer: (Leningrad, now St. Petersburg.) - slide 24
  12. On the ice of which lake did the "Road of Life" pass, laid to supply the besieged Leningrad? - slide 25
    Answer: (Ladoga) - slide 26
  13. Which of these domestic tanks became the legend of the Second World War? - slide 27
    Answer: (Tank T-34) - 28
  14. What was called "Katyusha" during the Great Patriotic War? - slide 29
    Answer: (Rocket launchers) - slide 30
  15. In which city can you visit Mamaev Kurgan, where the monument-ensemble "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" is located? - slide 31
    Answer: (Volgograd) - slide 32
  16. Which of the commanders-in-chief of the Great Patriotic War was four times Hero of the Soviet Union? - slide 33
    Answer: (G.K. Zhukov) - slide 34
  17. What major battle ended the Great Patriotic War? - slide 35
    Answer: (Battle of Berlin) - slide 36
  18. When was the Banner of Victory hoisted over the Reichstag in Berlin? - slide 36
    Answer: (April 30, 1945) - slide 37
  19. What was the name of the parade that took place on Red Square on June 24, 1945? - slide 38
    Answer: (Victory Parade) - slide 39
  20. Name the Hero Cities. There are 12 of them - slide 40
    Answer - slide 41

3. Summing up the quiz. Team awards.

Teacher: Well done boys! You showed good knowledge in the Great Victory of our ancestors. We will remember and honor their deeds always.

The song will end our class hour!

(sounds the song "Memory in the heart take care" -application 4)

Keep the memory in your heart

Raises the sky blue Fan of sunbeams,
Morning rises over Russia, Over my native land.
Where once there were battles, Fog floats across the fields.
Disturbed spring day The pain of long-healed wounds.

And fog, and pain in the chest. The memory stirs the heart.
And fog, and pain in the chest. The memory stirs the heart.

Rus' is a birch, a bright soul. The enemy pierced with steel fire.
But it is impossible to take away the cherished love from the soul.
Here she floats in the mists. Over the graves of sons
Ears luxuriantly with herbs. It pours a trill of nightingales.

And fog, and nightingales. The nightingales cry softly.
And fog, and nightingales. The nightingales cry softly.

Through the fog from the eternal silence. The army rises for the army,
All times Russian sons. Protect the Fatherland-mother.
Lush grasses are not touched. Blows negoy from the earth.
Why are there flowers around in tears? Why are the nightingales crying?

Teacher: This concludes our class. Goodbye!

Quiz "The Way to Victory" with answers for grades 5-9

Natalia Nikolaevna Lebedeva, teacher of history, MBOU "Kesovskaya osh" Krasnokholmsky district of the Tver region.
Description: The development is aimed at students in grades 5-9. The game takes place in a ceremonially decorated classroom.
Preparatory work: studying the events of the Great Patriotic War through class hours, lessons dedicated to the days of Russia's military glory.
Target: systematize knowledge on a given topic
develop interest in the historical past of our country through the study of the events of the Great Patriotic War;
foster a sense of patriotism and citizenship;
to cultivate a sense of civic duty and a sense of gratitude to those who died during the Great Patriotic War and to the surviving veterans and people of the older generation.
Equipment: poster "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War", drawings of children won prizes in the school competition "I remember! I'm proud!", musical accompaniment: music of the song "Victory Day"
Stroke: the music of the song "Victory Day" sounds.
slide 1.

Introductory speech of the teacher:
Good afternoon
I am glad to greet all those gathered at this important event for each of us.
Today we will try to summarize some of the events that took place at our school in preparation for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, and this will take place in the form of a game - a quiz "The Way to Victory!"

Each participant during the game will fill out an answer sheet.
At the end of all questions, the forms will be transferred to the jury for counting votes.
According to the results of the game - the quiz "The Way to Victory" the winners who took 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place will be determined.

Before the quiz starts, I want to offer the audience a task.
Exercise: at the end of the quiz, answer the question: - What is the path to Victory?

slide 2

Victory Day, how far it was from us,
As an ember was melting in an extinct fire.
There were miles, charred, in the dust -
We brought this day as close as we could.

With these words I want to start our quiz.
So let's get started!

slide 3

Station - Start of the journey
On August 1, 1934, Reich President Hindenburg dies, and three hours later it was announced that the positions of president and chancellor would be combined in one person. He declared himself Supreme Commander, Leader (Führer) of the German people and state.
Who is this man?
Answer: 4 /Adolf Hitler/

July 2, 1940 I.V. Sir Stafford Crippson sends a letter to Stalin, which refers to Germany's plans for the Soviet Union.
Who was the author of the letter?
Answer:8 / W. Churchill /
3. After the German attack on the Soviet Union, this man hoped that everything that was happening was not the beginning of a war, but a "provocation" of German generals. He kept complete silence and did not speak to the Soviet people. The Soviet people learned about the beginning of the war from the address of another person on the radio.
Who is this person?
Answer: 2 / I.V. Stalin /
4. Who, an hour after the start of the invasion, handed a memorandum to Vyacheslav Molotov?
Answer: 5 /German Ambassador to the Soviet Union Count von Schulenburg/
5. At noon, in his speech on the radio, he said: “Today, at 4 o’clock in the morning, without presenting any claims against the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country.
Who is this?
Answer: 1 /Vyacheslav Molotov/
6. Germany developed it back in 1940. With its implementation, the war was supposed to end within 2-3 months.
What is it about?
Answer: 9 / plan "Barbarossa" /
7. Which border city was the first to take the hit, and its defense lasted over a month?
Answer: 3 / Brest /
On June 8, 1941, by the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, an emergency supreme state body of the USSR was created, concentrating all power in the country. The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, I. V. Stalin, became the chairman, and the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, V. M. Molotov, became his deputy. The GKO included L.P. Beria, K.E. Voroshilov, G.M. Malenkov, L.M. Kaganovich, later N.A. Bulganin, N.A. Voznesensky, A.I. Mikoyan were introduced. Each of them was in charge of a certain range of issues.
What was the name of this extraordinary supreme state body of the USSR?
Answer: 6 /State Defense Committee/
On June 23, 1941, by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the Headquarters of the High Command of the Armed Forces of the USSR was created. It included members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks I. V. Stalin, V. M. Molotov, Marshal of the Soviet Union K. E. Voroshilov, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny, People's Commissar of the Navy Admiral of the Fleet N. G. Kuznetsov and Chief of the General Staff General of the Army G. K. Zhukov.
Who led it?
Answer: 7 /People's Commissar of Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko/
Teacher: As you know, the Great Patriotic War is divided into three periods.
slide 4

Exercise: pay attention to the answer sheet, in the second line you should have two numbers, separate them from each other with a comma
Answer: The first period - from June 22, 1941 to November 18, 1942 - includes the strategic defense of the Red Army, the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow, the failure of the blitzkrieg.
The second period - from November 19, 1942 to December 31, 1943 - is characterized by a radical turning point in the course of the Great Patriotic War.
The third period - from January 1, 1944 to May 9, 1945 - is the defeat of the fascist bloc and the unconditional surrender of Germany.
/1- 3,2; 2- 1,3; 3 – 2,1/

Station - Chronicle of combat battles
Teacher: Each war has its heroes, dates of major battles. And now we will look through the annals of military battles. I will read out information on any battle, and you must choose the correct answer and enter the selected number on the answer sheet
slide 5

Teacher: The Red Army retreated further and further. All who could hold a weapon in their hands stood up to defend the city. Reinforcements were coming from Siberia and the Far East. Hitler planned to destroy this city and create a huge lake in its place. As a result of a successful counteroffensive, 38 enemy divisions were defeated, dozens of cities and villages were liberated. The enemy was thrown back almost 300 kilometers from the city.
What events are we talking about?
Answer: 5 /Moscow battle/
Teacher: In September 1941, the Nazis surrounded this city. The city was blocked on all sides. Hunger has begun. Every resident of the city received once a day a small piece of bread - 250 grams for workers and 125 grams for everyone else. In winter, the Road of Life appeared across the lake. The city was finally liberated only in January 1944.
What events are we talking about?
Answer: 1 /battle for Leningrad/
Teacher: in the summer and autumn of 1941, vast territories of the Soviet Union were captured by the Nazis. In the occupied territories, there were many citizens who could defend our Motherland. The Nazis drove many of them to their camps, some managed to escape and hide in the forest. Their main task was to carry out sabotage behind enemy lines, conduct reconnaissance and transmit all information about the movement of the enemy to the army in the field. Their contribution to the fight against the invaders was very great. Many of them were awarded military orders and medals.
What events are we talking about?
Answer: 6 /partisan movement/
Teacher: having recovered from serious defeats by the spring - autumn of 1942, the enemy again seized the initiative. In May 1942, the Red Army was defeated near Kharkov, and the Kerch operation ended in failure. The Nazis carried out all these major offensive operations with only one goal - to capture this city, to seize the oil-bearing regions of the Caucasus, which would make it possible to deliver a new blow to Moscow and end the war in 1942. These events began with the battles for Kalach and Don. It was the greatest battle. The battle went on for every street, every house - this is Pavlov's house, a mill, a department store, a prison, Zabolotny's house and many others. Some positions changed hands several times - this is Mamaev Kurgan, the railway station. The plans of the Nazis were destroyed, here the German onslaught to the East was stopped. From here, from the banks of the Volga, the expulsion of the invaders from the territory of the USSR began. The time for German victories is over. A turning point came in the Great Patriotic War.
What events are we talking about?
Answer: 2 / Battle of Stalingrad /
Teacher: this event occupies a special place in the Great Patriotic War. It lasted 50 days and nights. The defeat of the Nazis meant the complete collapse of Hitler's offensive plans. This battle ended a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War.
What events are we talking about?
Answer: 3 / Battle of Kursk /
Teacher: this event was the final strategic offensive operation carried out by the Soviet troops in order to defeat the Nazis and join forces with the allies.
What events are we talking about?
Answer: 4 / Berlin operation /
slide 6

These people made the greatest contribution to the cause of the Great Victory.
Exercise: match facts and names
/ 1 -5; 2 –9; 3 – 2; 4 – 1; 5 – 7; 6 – 10; 7 – 6; 8 – 8; 9 – 4; 10 – 3;/
Teacher: remembering the greatest contribution on the way to Victory of the commanders, front commanders, military leaders, one cannot but recall the heroism and dedication of ordinary people
Slide 7

Exercise: match names and facts
1) Gastello Nikolai Frantsevich, 2) Alexey Petrovich Maresyev, 3) Matrosov Alexander Matveevich, 4) Kozhedub Ivan Nikitovich, 5) Panfilov Ivan Vasilievich, 6) Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin, 7) Junior political officer D. Yakovlev, 8) M.G. Fomichev, 9) Red Army soldier Vasily Vataman, 10) Major Gavrilov
a) made the first night ramming, b) one of the defenders of the Brest Fortress, c) led parts of the division in the battles on the outskirts of Moscow, d) rushed to the bunker and closed the embrasure with his body, e) commanded a tank brigade, which entered on May 9, 1945 to Prague and took part in her liberation, e) with grenades rushed to the tank. In his medallion was a note: “My oath. I am the son of the party, and the Fatherland is my mother, in battle I will not retreat back. And if I die in a fierce battle, tell the people in words: he honestly, with dignity gave his life in battles with the enemy for freedom, "g) scored ten Nazi soldiers with a faulty faustpatron, h) an air ram, and) a pilot three times awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, j) the prototype of the protagonist of B. Polevoy's book "The Tale of a Real Man".
Answer: /1 –z; 2 - to; 3 - d; 4-i; 5 - in; 6 - a; 7 - e; 8 –e; 9 -g; 10 – b;/
Slide 8

Teacher: all these events that we remembered today could not have happened without people's faith in Victory. It was faith in the Victory that helped people survive, endure all the hardships of wartime.
You have completed all the quiz tasks.
Please pass the answer sheets to the jury for summing up.
The jury sums up.
Teacher: while the jury is summing up, I turn to the audience, let's believe how you coped with the task. What is the path to victory?
Audience responses are heard.
The jury announces the winners.

When fireworks rumble over the city,
Those who died for their country stand up.
We don't see them, we don't hear them,
But the fallen are always among the living…..
Let's honor the memory of all participants of the Great Patriotic War with a moment of silence.
Teacher: and now the song "Victory Day" is being performed (children perform)
Thanks to everyone present.
See you soon!

Quiz on Victory Day, May 9 - a serious, important event. A long time ago, volleys of guns died down, decades have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. But the feat of the people and its Armed Forces will never be erased from human memory. Dates of decisive battles, military operations, and other historical facts will forever remain in history.

1. Why is it necessary to defend the Motherland?

Answer: Each of us has something unshakable, expensive, important, leaving a mark and memory for life. A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland. It is a sacred duty to protect the land where you were born, which fed you, made you drunk, raised you to your feet, the land where your parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents live.

2. What is "Motherland"? Fatherland?

Our Fatherland, our Motherland is Russia. “We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it homeland because we were born here, they speak our native language here, and everything here is native to us; and a mother because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, and taught us her language.

3. When did the Great Patriotic War start?

4. Who initiated the start of the war?

Answer: Nazi Germany

5. Was there a non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union?

Answer: Yes, the Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union existed. It was signed on August 23, 1939. It is also called the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. According to the treaty, Germany and the USSR pledged to resolve all disputes and conflict situations between themselves "only by peaceful means through a friendly exchange of views." The Friendship and Border Treaty was signed between the USSR and Germany on September 28, 1939.

6. What was the name of the operation (plan) of the German invasion of the USSR?

Answer: operation (plan) "Barbarossa"

7. What hero cities do you know?

Answer: Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Moscow, Odessa, Sevastopol, Stalingrad (now Volgograd), Kiev, Novorossiysk, Murmansk, Smolensk, Minsk, Tula, Kerch, Brest Fortress (hero-fortress).

8. Why do you think our country achieved victory?

There can be many answers. One of the options: quote - " Why did the Russians defeat the Germans? It’s just that the German soldier’s actions were based on fanaticism, fanaticism that comes and leaves very soon, and the Russian was based on convictions that come and never leave. ”.

9. Continue the proverb:

Motherland - we need it ... ( protect).
Alone in the field ... ( not a warrior).
For the edge of your native go fearlessly ... ( to battle).
A man without a homeland is like ... ( nightingale without a song).
When the people are united - it ... ( invincible).

10. What military operations do you know during the Great Patriotic War?

Answer: battle for Moscow, Leningrad defensive operation, defense of Sevastopol, Kiev operation, Battle of Smolensk, Battle of Stalingrad, Battle of Kursk, Belarusian operation, Berlin operation.

11. What battle was the turning point during the Great Patriotic War?

Answer: Battle of Stalingrad

12. From which works are these famous expressions?

A) " Nails would be made of these people»

Answer: A quote from the poem "The Ballad of Nails" by the poet N.S. Tikhonov, which speaks of human resilience.

b) " Today we are responsible
For Russia, for the people
And for everything in the world".

Answer: A.T. Tvardovsky poem "Vasily Terkin" chapter 5 "About the war"

13. What songs do you know about the Great Patriotic War?

Get up, great country,
Get up for the death fight
With dark fascist power,
With the damned horde...
May noble rage
Rip like a wave,
There is a people's war
Holy war!..

The fire is beating in the cramped stove,
Resin on the logs, like a tear.
And the accordion sings to me in the dugout
About your smile and eyes ...

Dark night, only bullets whistle across the steppe,
Only the wind hums in the wires, the stars twinkle dimly.
In the dark night you, my love, I know you do not sleep,
And at the crib you secretly wipe away a tear ...

14. What awards of the Great Patriotic War do you know?

Orders: Order "Victory"; Order of Lenin; Order of the Red Star; Order of the Red Banner; Order of Suvorov; Order of Kutuzov; Order of Ushakov; Order of Nakhimov; Order of Glory and others.

Medal "For the Capture of Koenigsberg"; Medal "For the Defense of Moscow"; Medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad"; Medal "Gold Star"; Medal of Honor"; Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"; Medal "For the capture of Berlin"; Medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus"; Medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" and others.

Quiz for students in grades 5-11 "How familiar are you with the theme of the Great Patriotic War"

student of the 9th grade of the MOBU "Zemlyanskaya basic comprehensive school" of the Novosergievsky district of the Orenburg region
Head: Nekrasova Svetlana Vladimirovna, deputy director for educational work of the MOBU "Zemlyanskaya basic comprehensive school" Novosergievsky district of the Orenburg region.

Quiz "How do you know the theme of the Great Patriotic War"

Material Description: the quiz can be used in local history lessons or classroom hours in grades 5-11, at extracurricular activities. Students will consolidate knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, learn a lot of interesting things from history.
Target: replenishment of knowledge about the Second World War;
develop an interest in history;
expand horizons, vocabulary;
contribute to the development of a sense of patriotism.

The great holiday dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War will soon come. Great preparations are underway in all cities and villages of our country: trees are being planted, documents are being studied on the course and results of the main military operations, feats and awards of all soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. To remember!
We invite you to answer the quiz questions and test your knowledge.
1) What battle of the Great Patriotic War was before: Kursk or Stalingrad?
2) What is the name of the battle that ended on August 23, 1943 with the capture of the city of Kharkov by Soviet troops?
(Battle of Kursk)
3) Who commanded the First Belorussian Front during the capture of Berlin?
(G.K. Zhukov)
4) When did the Great Patriotic War start?
(in the early morning of June 22, 1941)
5) Who initiated the start of the war?
(Nazi Germany)
6) What was the name of the operation (plan) of the German invasion of the USSR?
(Operation (plan) Barbarossa)
7) Continue the proverb
Motherland - it must be ... .. (protect)
There is safety in numbers)
It’s not scary to go beyond the native land .... (to battle)
A man without a homeland is like (a nightingale without a song)
8) What military operations did you know during the Great Patriotic War?
(battle for Moscow, defense of Sevastopol, Kiev operation, Smolensk battle, Leningrad battle, Belarusian operation, Berlin operation)
9) What battle was the turning point during the Great Patriotic War?
(Battle of Stalingrad)
10) What songs do you know about the Great Patriotic War?
("In the Dugout", "Holy War", "Dark Night")
11) What is the name of the announcer who announced the victory over Nazi Germany?
12) What do the colors of the St. George ribbon symbolize?
(Black is smoke, orange is fire)
13) Is the city a hero who survived almost a 3-year blockade?
14) Which cities received the honorary title of "Hero City"?
(Moscow, Stalingrad, Leningrad, Odessa, Sevastopol, Kerch, Minsk, Tula, Brest, Novorossiysk)
15) Who was Rokossovsky by nationality? (Pole)

Because the Act of unconditional surrender of Germany was signed on May 9, Moscow time, and in Central European time it was still late in the evening on May 8

When did World War II start?

How many years did the Great Patriotic War last?

4 years. 1941-1945

What was the name of the operation (plan) of the German invasion of the USSR?

Operation (plan) "Barbarossa"

Was there a non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union?

Yes, there was a non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union. It was signed on August 23, 1939. It is also called the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. According to the treaty, Germany and the USSR pledged to resolve all disputes and conflict situations between themselves "only by peaceful means through a friendly exchange of views." The Friendship and Border Treaty was signed between the USSR and Germany on September 28, 1939.

What is the name of the announcer who announced the victory over Nazi Germany?

Who hosted the Victory Parade in 1945?

G.K. Zhukov

Which of the four-legged warriors, except for horses, took part in the 1945 Victory Parade?

After the victory of the Red Army at Stalingrad, captured Germans were led through the streets of Moscow. And after them immediately drove watering machines. Why?

To clean up the streets polluted by the very presence of the fascists

Where did the first Victory Parade take place?

Moscow Red Square

What awards of the Great Patriotic War do you know?

Orders: Order "Victory"; Order of Lenin; Order of the Red Star; Order of the Red Banner; Order of Suvorov; Order of Kutuzov; Order of Ushakov; Order of Nakhimov; Order of Glory and others.

Medal "For the Capture of Koenigsberg"; Medal "For the Defense of Moscow"; Medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad"; Medal "Gold Star"; Medal of Honor"; Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"; Medal "For the capture of Berlin"; Medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus"; Medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" and others.

What creative abilities did A. Hitler have, besides oratory?

He drew well and even entered the Academy of Arts in his youth.

A hero city that survived an almost three-year blockade.


What name and surname are encrypted in the name of the Soviet tank "IS"?

Joseph Stalin

What is the "Road of Life"?

The highway passing through Lake Ladoga, the only thread connecting Leningrad with the mainland during the blockade

Leningrad teenagers during the blockade at night climbed onto the roofs of houses. Why did they do it?

To extinguish the incendiary bombs that the Germans dropped on the city. If they are extinguished immediately, there will be no explosion. This work was undertaken by the children of the besieged city

During the siege, Leningrad residents sealed the glass of windows crosswise with strips of paper. For what?

So that during the bombing the glass does not scatter to smithereens

In the evenings, the windows of the besieged Leningrad were curtained with thick blankets. Why?

The light from a candle or a kerosene lamp could be seen from an airplane in the darkness of the night and serve as a target for enemy pilots.

Name the most active member countries of the anti-Hitler coalition.

France, England, USA

On the fuselages of Soviet aircraft, you could often see small stars of different colors painted with paint. What did they signify?

Air victories - the number of enemy aircraft shot down

The city (the name it was during the war), whose name was given to the most epoch-making battle of the Great Patriotic War. What is this city called today?

Stalingrad, Battle of Stalingrad. Now the city is called Volgograd

How did the people behind the front line help bring the day of victory closer?

Work at factories in the rear, people's militia, parcels and letters to the front, participation in concert teams

In what city of Germany was the trial of the main fascist criminals?

Nuremberg. Nuremberg Trials at the International Military Tribunal.

What award during the Great Patriotic War is called the highest "soldier's" order?

Order of Glory.
