Energetic cleansing of your home and yourself. Practical application of Reiki: cleaning rooms, charging water

quite wide in practice. In addition to healing, harmonizing situations, Reiki energy can also purify space, objects

Room cleaning

On a piece of paper we write the city, the full address of the apartment. We call on Reiki or CR, put a piece of paper between the palms and say the intention:

“Here and now I ask the energy of Reiki to cleanse apartment number ____, located in the city ___ street ____ house ____, from all the accumulated negativity and its consequences, from everything old, dirty, unnecessary, obsolete. I ask the Reiki energy to close this apartment from all negative influences from outside. I ask the Reiki energy to fill this apartment with Love, Light and positive energy, to harmonize and balance the energy background of the apartment to the level that is optimal for all the inhabitants of this apartment.”

The first cleaning should be done three days in a row. Perform the procedure at least once a month.

Attention: for those who live in an apartment being cleaned, a manifestation of the Central Committee is possible.

Charging water, creams and other items

In order to “charge” water, cream, any other liquid, substance or object, you need to evoke a feeling of energy flow coming from the palms and fingertips, similar to the one you used during non-contact massage.

To “charge” water, a man must hold a glass in the palm of his left hand, and with his right hand he must radiate an energy flow. To do this, first bring the rollers of the right hand into a bundle and irradiate the water with the fingertips at the minimum possible distance. This must be done for at least 1 minute, then “charging” is carried out with an open palm at a distance of 5 centimeters. After 3-5 min. the right hand rises up to 20 centimeters from the surface of the water, the fingers are brought together in a bundle, the irradiation of water continues with the fingertips for 1-3 minutes. and in this position, the fingers are again brought to the surface of the water. The whole cycle is repeated three times.

“Charging” items for use in healing should be done with a positive emotional mood for good, for getting rid of diseases.

It is believed that a man “charges” with a positive principle with his right hand, and if he does this with his left hand, then he “charges” with a negative principle. In women, the opposite is true: the right hand is negative, the left is positive.

If a person is left-handed, then the polarity of his hands changes to the opposite.

In this method, the main thing is an unshakable faith in healing.

Charging water

It is known that water is a liquid, the molecules of which are strictly oriented relative to each other, thus creating an organized internal structure. Therefore, water is considered an astral liquid and a universal carrier of energy and information. It easily accepts and retains a field inside its structure, for example, a magnetic one, which gives ordinary water unusual properties. Water is able to dissolve various substances, the list of which would take more than one page. Water is perfectly filled with the energy of thought and retains it. This property of water is the basis of a method well known since ancient times - the preparation of healing or slandered water. Holy water, which can be obtained in an Orthodox church, is filled with the energy and information of prayer, contains silver ions, which have bactericidal and healing properties.

The Reiki healer is able to prepare Reiki water for healing and toning. We give the direction of the beam by the formula: “Lord, let me be Your channel to prepare healing water, please give energy to where it is needed, the way it is needed, and as much as it is needed.” To do this, a vessel with water is placed between the palms and filled with Reiki for 5-10 minutes, and the volume of the vessel does not matter, it can be a glass, jug, jar or bucket, and even a bath.
To prepare a healing Reiki bath, you dip your hands into the water, having previously performed the ritual of entering the Reiki stream, and keep them in the water for ten to fifteen minutes; if you read a prayer at the same time, then along with the flow of Reiki, the water will be filled with the vibration of the prayer, it will absorb the power of the Christian egregore.

Reiki healing water can be prepared for a specific disease and for specific person. Such water is given to the patient with him, and he takes it as a medicine. This is done when a person leaves and the treatment is not yet completed, or to continue the effect of Reiki between sessions. It happens that a person cannot be healed with the help of contact Reiki sessions. In this case, Reiki sessions at a distance and receiving Reiki water can give a good result.
When we prepare Reiki water for a specific person and for a specific disease or problem, we perform the ritual of entering the stream, and then we say that we are asking for Reiki in order to prepare healing water for the name, to heal such and such (we call) the disease, we keep our hands on the vessel with water for 21 minutes, we can put the signs of Reiki on the vessel with water, and in conclusion we perform the ritual of thanksgiving.

Problems happen not only with health. A very serious problem is bad habits that develop into serious illnesses - alcoholism and drug addiction. Often people suffering bad habits, do not consider themselves sick or doing harm to themselves. Reiki healing water, if it does not radically change this situation, can still provide significant help in combination with other efforts. For such situations, Reiki water is prepared as described above, only they name the problem they want to solve, for example: “... prepare water to heal N. from addiction to alcohol.”

Reiki water is prepared for those who are stressed or depressed, for those who want to lose weight or gain weight.
Reiki water is used to purify spaces by spraying rooms, as is done using holy water from a temple.

Water can be filled with Reiki at the same time as certain specific information to help solve many problems.

Did you know that Reiki can work not only with diseases and situations, but also with rooms? Room cleaning in Reiki is often used by my students.

What are the rooms cleaned from and why? What is the purpose of these practices? How is a cleaning session performed?

Cleaning of rooms in Reiki.

I have already said that everything in this world consists of energy. And everything around has its accumulated programs. The premises also have their own history, including the energy one.

Very often, rooms accumulate mass negative programs. This has an adverse effect on those who live in them. Therefore, I advise you to regularly clean the premises with the help of Reiki. For this, there are special sessions and practices, which I talk about in detail on and on

Why do I need room cleaning in Reiki?

To heal you and your life from negative and interfering programs. We conduct sessions for ourselves, our plants, our animals, our loved ones. And your home also needs to conduct cleansing sessions.

We are accustomed to making physical efforts to clean and clean rooms. We take out the garbage, wipe the dust, wash the floor, walls, windows…

But the physical body (object) is the last instance of the manifestation of any energy. Therefore, stale air, accumulations of dust, allergens, dirt, garbage and unnecessary things are manifestations of our programs on the subtle plane.

If we clean the room only at the physical level, then those programs that are not removed on the subtle plane will again appear in our room. Therefore, it is necessary to clean your apartments, houses, work premises with the help of Reiki energy.

In what situations can a room cleaning session be used?

My students use Reiki in almost any situation:

  • escalated relationships with loved ones
  • if people in the house (apartment) often get sick
  • Increasing incidences of missing or lost items
  • when frequent accidents and breakdowns began to occur
  • if necessary, sell the premises

Reiki can work not only with residential premises, but also with commercial premises: warehouses, offices, shops. Any items you own or use. You can give Reiki to any space where you visit, live or work.

House cleaning.
In the whole house or apartment where you live, open the vents, and if possible, the windows. Do not be afraid of a draft, all negative energy will go through it.
Spend all the cleaning in the energy of Reiki, Reiki Karuna, Reiki Magic Protection.

1. So, the first thing to do when starting to “treat” your home is to get rid of old and unnecessary things. Remember: everything that you do not use for more than a year collects negative energy.

Ruthlessly throw away or give away things you don’t need - make room for the new and necessary! Repair all broken equipment, and if it is impossible to fix it, get rid of it without regret. Don't hoard books, magazines, and other papers you don't need - you can donate books you don't need to libraries.

Never store broken dishes at home, even those with a small crack. Positive energy leaves through it, and with it family and home well-being. Chipped dishes are especially dangerous, they form a strong leakage of positive charge.

Don't hoard dirty dishes! left for the night dirty dishes will gather in your home a whole hotbed of subtle living beings (spirits and ghosts) that feed on the smells of the remaining food, this will have a bad effect on your physical and mental health.

Do not accumulate rubbish and dirty clothes, wash them as often as possible and monitor the condition of your things - if you cannot fix them yourself, take them to a repair shop or a sewing workshop. You will be surprised how your life and your relationships will change if you just put your closet in order!

So, you got rid of all the rubbish, along the way putting things in order in the house, as with ordinary cleaning. Now wipe all the mirrors that are in the house.

2. Take salt - ordinary or Thursday. She tends to absorb negative energy. Sprinkle salt on the leaves and spread it in all corners, on shelves, on equipment - in a word, everywhere. Let it stand for two days, then flush it down the toilet.

3. We light at the very beginning of cleansing cleansing aromatic oils and incense. But make sure they are natural. Various essential oils, aroma lamps and more - the perfect solution. They will not only treat the aura of your home, but will also cheer you up, improve your well-being and stimulate creative energy. The main thing is to find "your" flavors.

4. Cleansing the house with a candle.
Take a candle (preferably a church one) and put a small circle cut out of white paper on it. It is necessary to protect your hands from the negative energy that the melted wax will absorb.

Light a candle and, slowly, go around the whole house with it, moving clockwise, pronouncing the intentions of what you are cleaning your house from. For example:
“I cleanse my apartment (my house) from negative, heavy, alien energies, from illnesses, quarrels, lack of money ... and so on).

Start moving with front door- this is the most important gate of negative energy. Therefore, doors must be given special attention. Stand at the front door from the outside and run a candle around its perimeter from left to right.

Thoroughly treat the peephole of the door and its entire surface with a candle, not forgetting the handles and the bell. Then proceed to the processing of the inside of the door, doing the same.
Now move further along the perimeter of the apartment clockwise. Look into all the dark corners, do not forget about the furniture, especially in the hallway, shoes and clothes. Pay special attention to windows, mirrors, corners, and hangers, because a lot of energy dirt accumulates on them.

Treat the walls by running a candle along a sinusoid - then raising it up, then lowering it down. Your instinct will tell you where to go up and down. In general, listen more to your inner voice and follow its prompts. Get your bathroom done well. This is a place that absorbs a lot of negative information, especially the bathroom mirror. After all, it is in the bathroom that you wash off the dirt from yourself, and the energy dirt settles on the surfaces. Don't forget to treat the doors and switches that are most often touched by hands.

The largest energy storage devices are household electrical appliances, that is, a computer, refrigerator, TV, etc. They carry a huge charge of negative energy from the outside, especially a computer and a TV. Stay on them longer and handle them especially carefully.

Be sure to cross the bed three times and bed sheets. Starting from the head. Bypassing the apartment, do not forget about the toilet and utility rooms. Especially carefully process the toilet, where a lot of negative information goes. So that she does not come back, she must be properly “burned”.

When you finish cleaning your house with a candle, it may take you more than one candle. Throw away leftover candles immediately.

It is advisable to light candles every day in order to burn all the negative that is gathering.

5. We clean the apartment or office with Reiki energy. We also start from the front door and go around the perimeter, directing energy to all corners, dark places, saying: “I cleanse my apartment of negative, heavy energy, illnesses, stagnation in cash receipts ...”. We put the symbols of Reiki, Reiki Karuna, Magic Defense Reiki in all corners.

7. At the end of my floor.
It is very useful to wash the floors in the house with water, to which herbal decoctions or aromatic oils (rosemarine, juniper, myrrh, pine, all fir) are added. Artemisia, St. John's wort, succession, juniper, pine have a special power that heals the energy of the house. And at least once a year, despite the abundance of mops of all designs and configurations, you need to wash the floor with your hands - this will create a special aura in your home.

And finally. Take the time to cleanse the apartment of negative energy. Remember that a house, an apartment is not just housing, where we come to eat and sleep after work, but our living space, our territory. He reflects us, and we reflect him. We charge the house with our energy, it charges us.

To make the house always cozy, clean, calm and comfortable, learn to be like that yourself, because all our words, anxieties, negative emotions materialize on the walls, furniture, things, paintings, even flowers.

No wonder they say: “My house is my fortress”, “In home and the walls help!” Get rid of the junk accumulated over long years, sort out the rubble and part with the past. You will find a clean and healthy home in which every person will be healthy and successful.

Cleansing yourself of negative energy.

After cleaning the house, you need to remove the negative energy from yourself. To do this, you need to take a shower, but not a simple one, but in the energies of Reiki and with salt. The fact is that salt is a conductor of energy. It can accumulate both positive and negative energy. And salt dissolved in water is able to wash away negative energy.

So, we get up under the shower, invite the flow of Reiki and say:
“I charge water from under the shower with Reiki energy to cleanse my physical body from negative energies". We call on the Reiki symbols and imagine how they wash you along with water.

Then we apply salt on wet skin with massaging movements - ordinary or Thursday. Try to cover all surfaces except your hair, but don't rub the salt too hard.
After that, stand back under the shower and rinse off the salt with water. At the same time, mentally repeat how everything bad is washed away from you. Choose the words as you wish, the main thing is that it is sincere and your words come from the heart. You will immediately feel good and light in your soul, and your body will become light and unusually clean. Water with salt, Reiki energy will cleanse your body and soul. It will seem to you that you have got rid of some heavy burden. And it will be right, because the energy dirt that was washed away by water is really very difficult for people.

Finally, charge yourself with the light and love of Reiki for a few minutes. Say, “Now I charge my body with Reiki light and love, health, well-being, happiness…”
Do not forget to fill the body with all the auspiciousness after cleansing! Otherwise, it will be filled with something else.

Space cleansing is the practice of harmonization and consecration of space in houses, apartments, offices and other premises. With the help of Reiki energy, you can easily harmonize any space.

Why is it necessary to clear the space and why this practice is of great importance?

From the point of view of energy, all events that take place in the room leave their mark on it. When an event is accompanied by strong emotions and emotional experiences, this energy diverges throughout the room, accumulates in corners and other hard-to-reach places. Over time, this room becomes more and more uncomfortable. This can affect both the well-being of those living or working in this room, and their relationship with each other.

Therefore, the practice of space harmonization can become a remedy for fatigue, weariness or depression. And also can help convalescents after illness.

Enlivening the atmosphere in your home will impact on your own energy. Pay special attention to the rooms in which you usually feel the most tired, and cleanse in the bedroom to help you sleep better.

Often after cleaning the premises, people say that now they feel safe. They are more comfortable being at home than before.

Children are more sensitive to subtle energies than adults. In inharmonious rooms, they become more capricious, cry more and behave excitedly and nervously.

As in the physical world, we need to clean and wash the room, throw out garbage and old damaged things, do laundry, wash dishes, so at the level of subtle perception, it is necessary to periodically clean the space in order to live and work comfortably, so that everything goes well. in the best way so that the walls of the room themselves help solve pressing problems, attract prosperity and love into our lives.

If you want to succeed in personal relationships and business, you need to create a harmonious comfortable atmosphere in your home and workplace.

In what cases is it necessary to clean the space?

1. If you moved to new premises where someone else lived or worked before you. Inherited energy can cause history to repeat itself and will affect you.

2. If you feel stagnant in solving one or another life situation. Stagnation that has formed somewhere in the flow of your life always corresponds to some kind of blockage in a certain part of your house, so when the energy in the house is cleared and comes back into motion, the situation begins to resolve.

3. If someone died in the house. The problem usually lies not in death itself, this is a completely natural process for life, but in the emotions that accompanied this event - the pain and despair of the dying person or people close to him. Harmonization of space will help the continuation of life in this house.

4. After quarrels, conflicts and emotional upheavals indoors, as well as after some kind of indoor mass events such as hosting guests.

5. If you feel uncomfortable and insecure in the house, get sick often family members. Clearing the space is the first thing to do if you want to change your life for the better.

Before you conduct an energy cleansing of the space, it is necessary to carry out a physical cleaning of the premises.

If the harmonization of space is carried out in order to resolve some life situation, then it is necessary to general cleaning- washing, ironing, mopping, dusting, sorting and arranging things in their places, you can throw away or give away all unnecessary and old things, newspapers, magazines, books, cleaning cabinets and mezzanines, washing crystal and glass objects and of course , windows.

try do not store no boxes or crates under the bed especially with old things.

Energetic cleansing of the space of the room with the help of Reiki is best done during daylight hours. During the cleansing, make sure that no one interferes with you. Ask someone to sit with your children, do not allow strangers to appear during this procedure.

Most animals, especially cats, like to be present in the cleansing room, as they are able to pick up the movement of energy, they can not be driven away.

If you are in a room where you are harmonizing the space:

    We stand in the center of the room, call Reiki

    We take a breath, and as we exhale from the palms, we direct the Reiki energy into the room, one by one: into the corner of the room, onto the wall, into the next corner, onto the wall, onto the floor, onto the ceiling.

  • You can direct more Reiki energy to low-light parts of the room, to places where furniture and things accumulate, so that they are saturated with Reiki.
  • If you have the 2nd or 3rd degree, then put the Reiki Symbols. You can put them on every wall, floor and ceiling, and in dimly lit parts of the room.
  • And we complete the harmonization of the room by standing in the middle of the room, and we feel the space filled with Reiki, in which we are comfortable and pleased to be.

Clearing space with Reiki at a distance:

  • On a piece of paper we write the city, the full address of the apartment.
  • We call on Reiki, put a piece of paper between the palms and say the intention:
  • “Here and now I ask the energy of Reiki to cleanse apartment number ____, located in the city ___ street ____ house ____, from all the accumulated negativity and its consequences, from everything old, dirty, unnecessary, obsolete. I ask the Reiki energy to close this apartment from all negative influences from outside. I ask the Reiki energy to fill this apartment with Love, Light and positive energy, to harmonize and balance the energy background of the apartment to the level that is optimal for all the inhabitants of this apartment.”
  • The first cleaning should be done three days in a row. Perform the procedure at least once a month.

Attention: for those who live in an apartment being cleaned, a manifestation of the Central Committee is possible.

Reiki for cleansing and healing indoor air:

Reiki energy is able to purify the air from toxic substances that can be found in abundance in our apartments, they are emitted by plastic objects, household chemical connectors (varnishes, glues, detergents), in addition to “ fresh air” which comes from the windows, household dust, animal hair, viruses and much more accumulate in the room.

  • Invite Reiki energy.
  • Set the intention “I ask Reiki to cleanse and heal the air in this room of all toxic substances, dust, pet hair (if any), harmful microorganisms, viruses, etc.
  • Send Reiki with both hands to the corners of the room, walls, floor, ceiling. Draw symbols according to your degree.
  • Connect and visualize golden or purple, imagine how it fills and clears the room.
  • Thank Reiki and end the session.

Technique “Ball”

  • Invite Reiki.
  • Formulate an intention: Healing, cleansing and harmonization of my home (room).
  • Next, between the palms, imagine your home in an energy ball and begin to fill this ball with Reiki energy.
  • Periodically repeat the intention: Reiki energy heals, cleanses, harmonizes the space of my home. fills life force and the energy of harmony and healing.
  • When you feel a weakening of the flow, thank Reiki and all those who were called to work and blow the ball from the palms into space.

    Cleansing is desirable to carry out regularly, once every 10 - 14 days.

January 3rd, 2018

Apparently, a slightly different branch of egregor is considered here than in the previous part (initiation was received from another master). This now most popular practice has many different directions and branches, and therefore the connections are different + much depends on the natural protections of the initiates. Before reading, please put the protection, and especially sensitive and do not recommend reading at all . Further in his words

The second session turned out to be more eventful than the first, we also managed to get a lot interesting information, thanks to which it turned out to add up a larger picture about the Reiki egregore.

The surprises began already before the dive, when suddenly, in the course of our pre-session conversation and mutual attunement, the ward abruptly betrays me: “How are you pissing me off now, I’m just not strong enough.” To which I smiled sweetly and continued to brief before the flight.

Further, in the process of immersion, which lasted no more than 10 minutes, more interesting things began to happen: her body began to bend, her breathing periodically became sharp and intermittent, spasms constantly occurred in her jaws and facial muscles, and her body periodically twitched from incomprehensible convulsions.

These symptoms immediately led me to the idea of ​​an entity lodged in subtle bodies, which began to resist immersion due to possible detection with subsequent eviction. By the end of the dive, all symptoms had practically disappeared and the ward entered working condition.

After the dive, we also ended up in the place where she had a Reiki initiation in St. Petersburg a few weeks ago. I saw myself from the side, sitting on a chair right before the start of the initiation ceremony, and immediately remembered my inner resistance to everything that was happening at the moment when my heart and soul were actively telling her that she didn’t need it, that something was wrong here ... Only, as it often happens, the messages of the soul passed by consciousness ...

As in the first session, we took a comfortable position, turned on the energy vision mode and simply began to impartially observe the events taking place from the outside.

At the beginning of the session, no extraneous entities were found in the room, but at the beginning of the initiation, when the Reiki master began the rite, an energy portal opened in front of my ward, sitting on a chair, from which small robotic spider-like entities the size of forefinger. After that, they began to spread through thin bodies at deliberately distributed points, after which each spider laid an egg in some specific place, whether it was the intersection of energy lines or energy center. Small metal plates with microcircuits were found inside the eggs, the purpose of which was understood a little later.

Next, consider one interesting point during the initiation: the ward had to fold his hands in the “Namaste” gesture in front of him, and after that the master placed his palms on top of them, followed by the activation of new symbols in his hands with attunement to the Reiki channels. And after this activation, the eggs laid by the spiders began to open, and the microcircuits embedded in them turned on and began their work, forming a single closed energy network throughout the body.

After that, we switched our attention to the vertical channel above the head, upon detailed examination of which it was revealed that the Master of Initiation unconsciously inserts thin metal rods into it, with the help of which the personal channel of communication with the Higher Self and the Source is flashed onto the Reiki egregorial channels. The twigs could be grouped together, combined, compressed-expanded, connected together into a single structure or formed a kind of dome above the head.

The percentage of these metal rods from common channel was about 70%. I can only note that this is a very rough work: it is very difficult not to notice the interception of a person’s personal channel at the very first session in such a volume, only if the person has absolutely no sensitivity to subtle energies or he is in a coma. 😪

A gray energy cocoon was also discovered that was installed on top of the energy sphere. The cocoon provided favorable conditions for the initiation itself.

When we decided to find out how these seals work, we learned the following - through these channels, the Energy Centers-Egregor Reiki energy was transferred in both directions. The channels worked approximately as follows: when the ward had to conduct sessions for other people using Reiki energy, energy was pumped through these channels to carry out the necessary work, as well as for herself in the form of a reward, thereby in this flow of energy she began to feel normal and viable, BUT if such work has not been carried out, i.e. she did not use the channels and did not conduct practices for other people, then the energy was pumped back from the vital energy centers towards the egregore to stimulate the ward, prompting her to apply Reiki energy, work with her in order to feel again in the flow of “life-giving” energy. 😕

This process is very similar to getting wages: as long as you do your job and work with Reiki, you are paid a salary 🥕🐴, but if you don’t do this work, then you get a “catch up” from above - the carrot and stick method.

For example, such a scheme may take place: energy descends through the channels to the conductor financial well-being💰, but the main vital energy is taken through hidden channels. ✨

What's more important? Here is the choice and lesson of each individual. Unfortunately, many people about such a scheme and small print in employment contract with egregor do not even suspect.

At some point of initiation, a robotic entity appeared from the portal and joined in the process, starting to place a large egg through the bottom of the body, which then rose to the heart center, completely covering it, and was fixed there with the help of tentacles. Inside the egg was an incomprehensible type of biological entity with self-awareness.

Here we decided to take a closer look at what kind of entity came out of the portal. After carrying out all the necessary procedures for the manifestation of the true essence, it was revealed that the essence is a robotic insectoid hybrid that looks like a dragonfly.

Further, most of this energy was transported through canals to factories where new plants were grown. species, and the energy itself was used to produce them. The essence also completely covered the heart center and vision.

The egg, installed by the insect, was intended to block the heart center and flow, so as not to hear her inner voice, her intuition, her Soul, and thus the ward would become easily subordinate, like a robot that can be used for its own purposes, to pump out the necessary energy, and also to initiate other people through working with them.

The essence itself was attached to subtle bodies through a system of implants, consisting of metal rods, in the area of ​​​​the back and spine. By the way, we also found out that it was this entity that began to resist during the dive, provoking negativity in my direction before the dive itself and actively interfering with the dive itself, causing convulsions in the entire body of the ward. Apparently they didn’t want to change their place of residence so quickly 😁

After clarifying the main psychological and physiological problems that this placement and connection to the Reiki egregore caused, we finished the interrogation of the essence and proceeded directly to the termination of contracts, turning off all channels, removing alien implants and finally breaking all ties with the egregor.

After the end of this process, we moved to a quiet place where we restored natural energy flows, activated and restored the Spark of the Creator. ☀✨

On this note, the second session ended ...

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them for the ultimate truth, because the truth is limitless, and each level of consciousness has its own picture of the world and the level of information processing. We learn to separate what is ours from what is not ours, or to extract information autonomously)
