Scenario of a mass event "visiting a fairy tale". Scenario of the event "Visiting a fairy tale

The stage can be decorated with fabulous decorations. In all competitions, the Fairy gives the winners a book with fairy tales.

Fairy. Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we will take a trip to the world of fairy tales. Do you remember your loved ones fairytale heroes, take part in fun contests.

Storyteller. Good afternoon and good evening!
I am a funny storyteller.
I came to you from fairy tales
I found my own way!
And about what will happen next
I don't even know myself.
I only know every forest
Full of fabulous wonders.

Quiz "Who is the boss"

Fairy. And what do you have in the hands of the Storyteller?
Storyteller. This is a magic box, but I forgot magic words.
Fairy. Can the guys help?
Storyteller. To open the casket, one must remember the magic words from the fairy tale that open any door. Help guys.
The children answer. Sim, Sim, open up.
Storyteller. Oh, it's true. The casket is open. Let's see what I have here. I will show you objects, and you will name who is the owner of this thing.
Golden key - Pinocchio.
Thermometer - Aibolit
Slipper - Cinderella
Little Red Riding Hood - Little Red Riding Hood
Boot with a spur - Puss in Boots
Lamp - Aladdin
Needle - Koschei the Immortal

Quiz "Remember the fairy tale"

Fairy. You know the owners, do you remember the fairy tales?

1. In what fairy tale did the future king want to marry that girl who did not sleep all night, but the pea was to blame? ("Princess on the Pea")
2. Which Russian folk tale speaks of difficulties farming? ("Turnip")
3. Which fairy tale tells about the dangers of excessive meat consumption? ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")
4. Which fairy tale speaks of the increased demand of its heroes for bakery products? ("Kolobok")
5. Which fairy tale contains a recipe for making an outlandish, unique in its taste dish from a carpentry tool? ("Porridge from an ax")
6. What fairy tale says that the hare became a homeless person, and the red-haired cheat took possession of all the property, and only the intervention of a third party helped restore justice? ("Hare hut")
7. In what Russian folk tale did they use an unusual mode of transport to get to the king's palace? ("By magic")

Little Red Riding Hood comes out.

Quiz "Fabulous beauties"

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello, I came here
To you on a holiday I, friends!
But tell me first
Am I too late?
Red Cap me
Names the child.
I didn't go to you alone. My friends were with me, but yesterday there was a ball and they had not yet woken up. Try to find out who they are.

The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead a star burns.
And she is majestic
Acts like a pava;
And as the speech says,
Like a river murmurs. (Swan Princess)

I washed for my stepmother
I sorted peas and buckwheat
And at night, with a thin candle.
And slept by the warm stove. (Cinderella)

I can work beautifully and deftly,
I show skill in any business.
I know how to bake bread and weave,
Sew shirts, embroider carpets
Swim like a white swan on the lake.
Who am I? (Vasilisa the Wise)

I was a toad in a swamp
I caught the arrow and that hour
Ivan the Fool saved me. (Princess Frog)

She was a stage performer
Although she lived in a box
But from the evil Karabas
Run away forever (Malvina)

Malvina exits.

Quiz "Through the pages of the Golden Key"

Malvina. I hear you're having fun here. Participate in various quizzes. Let's go through the pages of my fairy tale.
1. What fairy tale did I come from? Who is its author? (A. K. Tolstoy "The Golden Key")
2. Who made the wooden boy? (Papa Carlo)
3. Who gave dad a log? (Joseppe)
4. How many years did Tortila the turtle live? (300 years)
5. What is the name of the person who caught the leeches. (Duremar)
6. What was the name of the director of the puppet theater? (Karabas-Barabas)
7. Name my friends. (Pierrot, Artemon)

The princess comes out.

Competition "The Princess and the Pea"

Princess. (referring to Little Red Riding Hood)

Oh hello my friend
How is your old lady?

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello princess. My grandmother is on the mend. And we are here fabulous quiz we conduct.

Princess. Let's better contest let's do it. Let's check if there are real princesses among the beauties present.

Any number of girls can participate in the competition. There are three chairs on the stage. All chairs have small cushions. And only under one pillow is a pea. The girls take turns sitting on chairs. And they stop near those chairs on which, in their opinion, lies a pea. The real princesses are those who correctly identified the location of the pea.

Cinderella comes out.

Competition "Cinderella"

Cinderella. Oh, how many children -
Both girls and boys.
Did you come here to play?
Well then, hurry up.
When I lost my shoe at the ball, everyone knew that I had a special foot. A lot of time has passed since then. Let's find out if new Cinderellas have appeared, and the Storyteller will help me with this.
Any number of children can participate in the competition, regardless of gender. Everyone takes the stage; they take turns sitting on a chair, and the Storyteller tries on Cinderella's shoe for them. To whom the shoe will be just right, that can be considered Cinderella.

Competition "Eat a pie"

Little Red Riding Hood. I'll also run my own competition. I have a few pies left in my basket.
The number of players depends on the number of pies. Whoever eats the pie first wins. Pies should be big.

Dance of evil spirits

Baba Yaga flies on a broom
Baba Yaga. Watch out! Disperse!
Hey broom, stop!
What collection do you have?
Are you having fun again?
Enough, cover you, friends,
Hey, unclean, come here!

Evil spirits enter the stage and dance.

Quiz "According to Pushkin's fairy tales"

Fairy. Baba Yaga, why do you want to stop the holiday?
Baba Yaga. What about me? What I want, then I turn back! You didn't invite me?
Fairy. We didn't invite you because you don't know how to do good deeds.
Baba Yaga. And that's not true. It is in fairy tales that I am not good, in life I am kindness itself. And I also like to play and I know fairy tales. Try to answer my questions here.

Answers to questions are written on cards. 10 guys are called onto the stage and they are given cards. Baba Yaga asks the audience a question. They answer. Only after that the answer from the card is read out. The guys who have the cards themselves (without conferring among themselves) must determine which of them has the correct answer to the question asked.

1. How long has no one disturbed the kingdom of Dadon?
Answer: “A year, another passes peacefully;
The cockerel is sitting quietly ... "
2. How many sons did King Dadon have?
Answer: “What a strange picture!
Before him are his two sons…”
3. How long did King Dadon feast in the queen's tent?
Answer: “And then exactly a week,
Obeying her, of course,
bewitched, enthralled,
Dadon feasted with her ... "
4. For what salary did Balda agree to work for the priest?
Answer: “Three clicks on your forehead a year ...”
5. How many years was the Ballad of Obrok with Church to collect?
Answer: “The best would be unnecessary income,
Yes, they have a arrears for three years ... "
6. How many years did the old man fish?
Answer: “He fished for thirty years and three years…”
7. How many times did the old man throw a net before he caught a goldfish?
Answer: “For the third time he threw a net, -
A seine came with one fish ... "(2 times)
8. How long was the old woman queen?
Answer: “Here is a week, another one passes ...”
9. What size was the child born to the queen?
Answer: “God gave them a son with a arshin ...”
10. What dowry did the king prepare for his daughter?
Answer: Seven trading cities
Yes, one hundred and forty towers ... "

Storyteller. There are many fairy tales in the world, funny and sad, fairy tales are liked by children and adults. Each of us knows one or more fairy tales.

Baba Yaga. While I walk around the world, fairy tales will not end.

Cinderella. There are many different stories, very different ones.

Malvina. And the prince will love Snow White,
And vanity will destroy the sorceress.

Little Red Riding Hood. An evil wolf will be killed on a hunt so that children can walk through the forests without fear.

Princess. And the moon will shine bright
Under the scythe of Vasilisa the Beautiful ...

Fairy. We take with us on the road
Your favorite fairy tale friends.
They will help you in difficult times.
Find your dream and make life brighter.

Together. Now is the moment to say goodbye
Our speech will be short;
We say to you: "Goodbye!
Until happy new meetings!”

Elena Maltseva
Scenario of the event "Visiting a fairy tale"


(station travel type game)

(It was held in a boarding school for intellectually limited children)

Cultivate a love for fairy tales

Teach children to answer in full sentences;

Activate dictionary;

Develop coherent speech of children;

Develop the ability to reason, imagination, thinking, logic;

Develop Creative skills children;

Contribute to the creation of a unified educational space for the use of fairy tales in social, moral, creative and speech development children.

To generalize children's knowledge about fairy tales, to cultivate goodwill, the ability to work in a team, to improve the communicative functions of speech, to activate creative potential children and adults;

Create positive emotional mood all participants;

To form a stock of literary artistic impressions, a personal position both in the perception of fairy tales and in the process of creativity;

To develop such forms of imagination, which are based on the interpretation of a literary image;

Develop individual literary preferences, develop a sense of humor.

The event can be held both indoors and outdoors. If the event is planned to be held indoors, then it can be a sports or assembly hall.

The event is attended by various fairy tale characters their roles are played by adults (caregivers, parents, volunteers).

Decoration: any props associated with a fairy-tale theme.

Posters with proverbs and sayings about fairy tales:

Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.

Not in a fairy tale to say, not to describe with a pen.

Not every water is good for drinking, not every fairy tale is a pointer to people.

A fairy tale is a fold, listening is sweet!

All events are held with musical accompaniment. These are songs from children's films, fairy tales, cartoons.

Target audience: children different ages grouped into 2 teams. There may be more teams.

The host welcomes all the participants, announces the beginning of the event and announces the rules of the game. All children are divided into teams. You can choose team captains who will have waybills throughout the game.

Each team must go through a certain route from one fairy-tale hero to another. Each team is given a waybill, in which all the fairy-tale characters (each in their own column of the waybill) put the points earned by the team for completed tasks. At the end of the journey, the results are summed up. The travel time of the entire route can be taken into account, or it can be ignored

Tasks offered by fairy-tale characters.

Each of the fairy-tale characters joyfully greets the team that came running, tries to create the color of their fairy tale, after completing the tasks, wishes the guys good luck at other stations.

Princess Frog

Princess Frog lines up the guys, organizing a choir. Their task is to "croak" as many songs related to famous fairy tales that they know. The number of "croaked" songs is written in the route sheet.

Asks the children to list any magic items that they know. (Answer options: flying carpet, mortar, broom, Magic wand, an invisibility hat, walking boots, a self-assembled tablecloth, a magic ring, a flint, a soldier's ax, a club from a bag, a seven-flower flower, a golden snuffbox, a magic pipe, a singing bowler hat.

Princess Nesmeyana

Nesmeyana sits on a chair and cries. The task of the guys is to make her laugh in 4 minutes. Touching and tickling the Princess is not recommended. If the guys coped with the task, then a score of 10 points is written in the route sheet.

Hey guys, isn't it time for us to eat a little. Well, how can you do without a tablecloth-self-assembly? True, there is nothing on it yet, but the dishes will immediately appear if you remember and answer the questions:

1. What did Little Red Riding Hood carry to her grandmother? (Pies and a pot of butter.)

2. What loves Winnie the Pooh? (Honey.)

3. What was treated to sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka in the fairy tale “ Swan geese"? (Apples, pies, milk with jelly.)

4. What did the Crane treat the Fox in the fairy tale “As it comes around, it will respond”? (Okroshka.)

5. What did the soldier cook from the ax? (porridge.)

6. What did the king order the brides to bake in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”? (Bread.)

Baba Yaga asks to answer riddles about the animals that live in her hut.

1) Terrible beast, judge for yourself:

Piglet, but with fangs.

He is wearing a furry caftan.

Who is he? Forest. (boar)

2) This beast looks like a cat,

Indeed, a little more.

Like a cat, you can't tell her "shove!"

Because it. (lynx)

3) When he walked through the forest,

He touched the branches with his horns.

So they had to be dropped.

Who is this? Certainly. (elk)

4) This beast lives in a hollow

On a big, big pine.

Cracks the nuts finely.

Who is this? Certainly. (squirrel)

5) The nose is sharp in front,

The tail is fluffy behind.

The whole forest marvels at the tricks.

What is her name? (fox)

6) He lives in a forest thicket,

Often howls under the moon.

He knows a lot about pigs.

Guessed? This. (wolf)

7) So that they don’t eat it in the summer,

He was wearing a gray shirt.

In winter, he wears a white sweatshirt.

Who is he? Long-eared. (bunny)


Kikimora offers to collect as many imaginary insects as possible in 4 minutes, which the guys can find in an imaginary clearing. Kikimora, having counted the bugs, spiders, worms, etc., releases them back. In the route sheet, the number of insects that have been in the bank is written.


Asks to name as many villains and representatives as possible evil force from Russian fairy tales and epics.

Serpent Gorynych, Kashchei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Nightingale the Robber, Filthy Idolishche (Odolishche, Goblin, Water, Wolf, Clay Guy, Bayun Cat, Devil, Demon, Bear, Mermaids, Ghouls and Ghouls (Ghouls, Dead Men, Kikimora, Viy.

Little Red Riding Hood

He tells the guys that he loves to play very much, and asks the guys to demonstrate how they can more games that they know. If it is difficult to show, then you can simply name and explain the essence of the game. The number of shown games is written in the route sheet.

When each team has visited all the fairy-tale heroes, the waybills are handed over to the jury, which sums up the results.

While the jury is summing up the results, fairy-tale characters invite children to take part in a photo session, take pictures with them. IN further photo useful for wall newspapers.

After summarizing and announcing the results of the game, the teams are awarded diplomas and sweets.










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Visiting a fairy tale!

(Scenario of extra-curricular activities)


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Yakovleva Natalya Nikolaevna


Decor : exhibition of books, exhibition of children's drawings.

Event goals:

  • In a playful way, generalize and systematize knowledge about fairy tales, expand horizons.
  • Develop the ability to recognize fairy tales and their characters.
  • To promote the development of reproductive activity associated with the active work of thinking: the ability to argue, analyze, classify, generalize.
  • Cultivate the need for reading books, cultivate a love of oral

Folk art, to fairy tales of various writers.

(Before the event, the students divided into three teams, chose a captain, came up with a name.)

Event progress:

Hello guys and dear guests! Today we are here to talk about fairy tales and check how well you know fairy tales.

And our game will be judged by a respected jury .... (school librarian, teacher-organizer, deputy director for water resources management in elementary school).

Fairy tales are loved by both adults and children. What is a fairy tale?

A fairy tale is a work associated with oral folk art, with a person’s personal fantasy, the author’s idea. A fairy tale was created for the purpose of entertainment and educational purposes. The fairy tale teaches kindness, honesty, courage, diligence and others. positive qualities. Favorite heroes of fairy tales were and remain in Rus': Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan the Fool, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise, etc. Evil heroes - Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Serpent Gorynych.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal divided all fairy tales into three groups: fairy tales about animals, fairy tales, and everyday ones. The heroes of folk tales about animals are animals. In these tales, animals talk, wear clothes, live in houses and act like people. Fairy tales are called so because miracles happen in them, there is a self-collection tablecloth, walking boots, rejuvenating apples, jelly banks and milky rivers, which does not happen in life. And in everyday fairy tales, no special miracles happen. They ridicule negative traits character: greed, stupidity, etc.

In a word, this Magic world, telling about the fact that it is better to be kind and honest. Reading, listening, viewing fairy tales, we experience a feeling of sadness, joy ...

You agree with me?

Our game consists of 5 rounds: 1st round - fabulous test "Do you know?"; 2nd - quiz; 3rd - fabulous clothes; 4th - fabulous shoes; 5th - collect proverbs.

Rules of our game:

1. The team chooses a question. She has 20 seconds to think.

2. The team captain gives the answer. If the team's answer is incorrect, then the other two teams have the right to answer.

3. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. For the answer-help to another team - an additional 1 point.

At the end of the game, the results are summed up. The team with the most points wins.

1. Fairy tale test "Do you know?"

1. What did the Needlewoman drop into the well in the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich"?

a) a ring b) a spindle c) a bucket

2. Who did the Cockerel call when he found the spikelet?

a) a chicken with chickens b) the hostess c) Spin and Spin

3. Which flower did the Beast love the most?

a) chamomile b) tulip c) scarlet flower

4. Where did the Jinn live for a thousand years?

a) in a bottle b) in a jug c) in a lamp

5. Which musical instrument been to the swineherd?

a) a flute b) a pot of bells c) a music box

6. Who did the Frog turn into at night?

a) Elena the Beautiful b) Vasilisa the Beautiful c) Varvara Krasa

2. Quiz

1. The name of a king who lived so long ago that no one believes in it anymore?

a) Peas b) Guidon c) Dadon

2. The tree most often found in fairy tales?

a) birch b) apple tree c) oak

3. The river near which Ivan the peasant son fought?

a) dairy b) Currant c) fiery

4. Cat in Russian folk tales.

a) bard b) Bayun c) accordion

5. Fairy-tale heroine, the owner of the world's first aircraft.

a) Mary Poppins b) Freken Bock c) Baba Yaga

6. What is the most reliable means of orientation in fairy-tale situations?

a) pointers b) stars c) ball

3. "Fairytale clothes"

1. The kindest and most fearless person who wore a doctoral white bathrobe, white hat, glasses on the nose.

a) Pilyulkin b) Kastorkin c) Dr. Aibolit

2. What character walks in a red (or blue) fur coat with a white collar, wears felt boots and a hat, and his nose and cheeks are always red?

a) Santa Claus b) Tsar Gvidon c) Tsar Dadon

3. He was dressed charmingly - in a silk caftan, but it was impossible to tell what color this caftan was: he shone either blue, then green, then red, depending on where he turned.

a) Puss in Boots b) Ole - Lukoye c) Little Muk

4. Which fairy tale character loved bright colors and therefore wore yellow canary trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie?

a) Dunno b) Kid c) Vovka from the thirtieth kingdom

5 . Who was the owner of the frog skin?

a) Mary the mistress b) Princess Nesmeyana c) Vasilisa the Beautiful

6. A woman wrapped in the thinnest white tulle, which seemed to be woven from millions of snow stars.

a) The Tsar is a maiden b) Elena the Wise c) The Snow Queen

4. "Fabulous magic shoes"

1. Who owned the magic walking shoes and the cane that could search for treasures?

A) Ivan the Tsarevich b) The Gray Wolf c) Little Flour

2. A smart pet brings out its simpleton owner into people. What shoes does this animal prefer to wear?

a) boots b) slippers c) boots

3. In one country, to establish the identity, they began to measure the leg with a special measure. What is this measure?

a) slipper b) glass slipper c) walking boots

4. “The fleas came to visit, brought her boots, and the boots are not simple, they have gold clasps.” To whom were they given?

a) Fly - zokotuhe b) goat c) bee Maya

5. Famously measured steps two huge legs. Forty-fifth size he bought boots. What are we talking about?

a) Dr. Aibolit b) Uncle Styopa c) Emelya

6. Which hero "instead of felt boots pulled gloves on his heels"?

a) Ivanushka is a fool b) Emelya c) An absent-minded person

5. "Collect proverbs"

1. Friends get to know...

a) in friendship b) in trouble c) at school

2. For good ...

a) they pay kindly b) they shake hands c) they thank

3. Under a lying stone...

a) water does not flow b) do not fall asleep hand c) do not put anything

4. You can't pull it out without effort...

a) a hand from a pocket b) a diary from a briefcase c) a fish from a pond

5. Good Brotherhood...

a) more expensive than gold b) more expensive than silver c) more expensive than wealth

6. One for all and ...

a) all behind him b) all near him c) all for one

Summing up: scoring and awarding.

List of used literature

  1. A book for smart people. Erudite Handbook. -M.: "RIPOL CLASSIC", 2001.- 336 p.
  2. Creative experience with the book: library lessons, reading clock,

extracurricular activities / comp. T.R. Tsymbalyuk. - 2nd ed. - Volgograd: Uchitel, 2011. - 135 p.

  1. Hobbits, miners, gnomes and others: Literary quizzes, Crosswords,

linguistic tasks, New Year's play / Comp. I.G. Sukhin. – M.: New school, 1994. - 192 p.

  1. Reading with passion: library lessons, extra-curricular activities / comp. E.V.

Zadorozhnaya; - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. - 120 p.

extracurricular activity"Visiting a fairy tale"

Teacher of the Russian language and literature, secondary school, Krasnaya Kudryavka, Balashovsky district, Saratov region Chernositova N.V.

1. To reveal the role of a fairy tale in a person's life;

2. Maintain students' interest in fairy tales;

3. To cultivate a positive attitude towards universal values;

4. Develop communicative, intellectual competencies

Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation, green circles.

Teacher's word. A fairy tale was born with a man, and as long as a man is alive, a fairy tale will also be alive.

Today we will talk about a fairy tale. From the early age each of you has come into contact with the world of a fairy tale. When you were very young, your mothers or grandmothers told you about them. Then you went to school and taught yourself to read them in books. Reading fairy tales, you penetrate into the wonderful mysterious world, where the most incredible events happen: either the Serpent Gorynych kidnaps the beautiful princess and takes it to his possessions, then the apple tree rewards the hardworking girl with golden apples, then the cunning fox leads everyone by the nose, deceiving

But why does the fairy tale remain so sweet and dear? Why are fairy tales still written?

The fact is that a fairy tale was born with a person, and as long as a person is alive, a fairy tale will also be alive. She is a firefly at bedtime in the cradle for both the little one who listens and the old one who speaks.

The land of fairy tales is the most amazing and wonderful country of all.

The land of fairy tales is the most amazing and wonderful country of all. Where else, if not here, you can see in the sky a flying carpet quickly rushing under the clouds, walking through the forest, meet a gray Wolf speaking a human language, or even accidentally come across a dilapidated hut of Baba Yaga ?!

In folk tales, since time immemorial, there has been a fierce struggle between good and evil: the young Ivan Tsarevich bravely fights the Serpent Gorynych and defeats him, a simple peasant deftly fools the greedy priest and devils, and Vasilisa the Beautiful takes over the cruel Baba Yaga. What helps the heroes of fairy tales to win: cunning, deceit, or maybe deceit? Neither one, nor the other, nor the third ... Ivan Tsarevich wins thanks to his humanity and kindness, because he always fights for the weak and oppressed, he helps the peasant worldly wisdom and ingenuity, and the peasant daughter Vasilisa the Beautiful - her soft disposition, hard work, ability to do everything quickly and quickly. There are many fairy tales about Vasilisa the Beautiful among the people.

1 presenter

Where do fairy tales live?

Do you want me to tell you a secret?

I'll tell you where fairy tales all live,

They beckon us with magic

A fairy tale is clever and charming, the way is open to her everywhere!

A fairy tale goes through the forest, a fairy tale leads by the hand

2 leading

From the river comes a fairy tale, from the tram, from the gate

What is this round dance? This is a fairy tale round dance!

A fairy tale - clever and charming, walks side by side with us.

So that, so that the good will win over the evil again!

To good, to evil, to become good persuaded.

In a fairy tale the sun burns, justice reigns in it!

3 leader What is a fairy tale?

FAIRY TALE narrative work oral folk art about fictional events

types of fairy tales.

The types of folk tales are very diverse and are various titles. One of the most common types of fairy tales are wonderful, magical, fantastic tales. These are usually the adventures and intricate adventures of a hero, finding a bride, obtaining a wonderful object, performing ingenious assignments, guessing difficult tasks, all kinds of transformations, encounters with monsters, wizards, sorcerers, overcoming incredible obstacles, getting rich quickly, exalting, etc.

Household fairy tales are also popular among the people. Compared to magical, the realistic, vital element prevails in them. However, this does not make the everyday fairy tale completely devoid of fantasy and fiction.

A special, in the past very common, but more and more disappearing group are fairy tales about animals, which have become predominantly children's in their purpose.

1 leader. So we are with you in front of the gates of a fabulous country.

The gates of fairyland are closed. Let's find out what's going on here. It turns out that fairy tales are asking to be recognized.

Open the gates of fairyland. Guess what these stories are.

And the road is far

And the basket is not easy

Sit on a stump

I would eat a pie.

("Masha and the Bear")

Oh, you, Petya-simplicity,

Got a little fussed

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window.

("Cockerel is a golden comb")

The red girl is sad

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun

Tears are shed, poor thing.

("Snow Maiden")

There is no river, no pond,

Where to drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof.

("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

Riddles about fairy tale characters:

My father had a strange boy

Unusual, wooden

But the father loved his son

Shalunishka ... (Pinocchio)

He is a friend to animals and children,

He is a living being

But such in the world

There isn't one more.

Because he is not a bird

Neither a tiger cub nor a fox,

Neither kitten nor puppy

Neither the wolf cub, nor the groundhog ...

But filmed for film

And known to all for a long time

This cute face

What is called ... (Cheburashka)

Heal everyone in the world

He heals sick animals

He's famous, he's famous

Kind doctor... (Aibolit)

A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,

And there was that girl a little more than a petal.

Who read this book

Knows a girl - baby ... (Thumbelina)

2 leader.

1. This tale tells how under New Year stepmother drove her stepdaughter out of the house, sent her to the forest for snowdrops. And the girl came across a large fire, and around it twelve people were sitting on twelve stones. What is the name of this fairy tale?

Correct answer: "Twelve months" by S. Marshak.

2. What magical items help the heroes in Russian folk tales?

Correct answer: wand, comb, axe, invisibility cap, club.

3. What types of fabulous transport do you know?

Correct Answer: oven Gray wolf, Little Humpbacked Horse, flying carpet, Sivka-Burka.

4. What magic spell words do you know?

The correct answer is: “Good luck!”, “Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka”, “ By magic, according to my desire ... ", etc.

5. What was the name of the bears from L. Tolstoy's fairy tale "Three Bears"?

Correct answer: Mikhailo Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka.

6. Who left the grandfather and left the grandmother?

Correct Answer: Gingerbread man.

3 leading

A fairy tale, a fairy tale joke!

Telling her is no joke!

To a fairy tale from the beginning,

Like a river, murmured

So that in the middle all the people

Her mouth was open,

So that no one - neither old nor small -

Didn't fall asleep at the end!

1 presenter

Fairy tale blitz tournament. Who knows fairy tales best?

(For each correct answer, students receive green circles)

1. What title did Karabas-Barabas have in the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio"?

Correct answer: Doctor of puppet science.

2. How many gold coins did Karabas-Barabas Pinocchio give?

Correct answer: five.

3. What month in the fairy tale "Twelve Months" gave the girl a snowdrop?

Correct Answer: April

4. From which Russian folk tale these words: "Apple tree, apple tree, hide us!"?

Correct answer: Geese-swans.

5. Which evil wizard kidnapped Dr. Aibolit?

Correct answer: Barmaley.

6. From which fairy tale are the words: “Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red”?

Correct answer: Frost.

7. Name the place of birth of Kolobok.

Correct answer: oven

Summing up the results of the blitz tournament. Winner award.

2 presenter Now the “Star hour” will come for someone who knows fairy tales well and reads a lot. (For each correct answer, students receive green circles)

What work cannot be called a fairy tale: "Sivka-Burka", "Morozko", "Shark", "Scarlet Flower"?

Correct Answer: Shark.

2. Which of these fairy tales cannot be called Russian folk: "Teremok", "Turnip", "Frost", "Ugly Duckling"?

Correct Answer: Ugly Duckling.

3. Which of these tales is not magical: “The Frog Princess”, “Frost”, “Turnip”, “By Pike”?

Correct Answer: Turnip.

4. What animal in fairy tales turned into a princess: a goat, a frog, a fox?

Correct answer: frog.

5. In which of these tales is there no Baba Yaga: "Teremok", "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "Geese Swans"?

Correct answer: Teremok.

Summarizing " high point". Winner award.

3 leading. Baba Yaga came to us. What does she need?

Baba Yaga: Everyone walks and walks! And then the mortars disappear, the brooms are lost! And most importantly - no rest! As they persuaded me: move, they say, from your thicket to a dense city, we will put up a hut for you, better than yours on chicken legs. Sit for yourself, or lie down on the stove, and around the kids are youngsters. Kids! Four times a day: “Hello, we came to you on an excursion!” Where can the elderly Yaga find peace! But I will soon be 300 years old, not young.

And yesterday I got tired, climbed into the stove, closed the damper - I rest, I read the newspaper. Forest newspapers are rarely brought to our thicket. Here I hear - the guys came. Someone says: “This is a Russian stove. Well, who is brave, is not afraid to climb into the oven? The shutter opens: "Oh!" Already changed in the face. And why “oh.” Well, Baba - Yaga is sitting, well, reading a newspaper, you can’t even rest! And they keep walking and walking! No rest!

Now get down to business! I want, kids, also to check if you know fairy tales?

What is the name of the object with which I fly? (Mortar)

2. What words should be said to the hut so that it turns around? (Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, front to me)

Well done, these were easy questions, and now more difficult.

3. Three tried to catch the one who left the two old men, but this type left them three times, And the fourth pursuer, pretending to be deaf, caught him and ate him. (Kolobok)

4. A smart pet brings out its owner in people. What shoes did this beast prefer? (Boots. "Puss in Boots")

5. A husband adores his wife, but out of vanity, he burns her modest outfit. Wife kidnapped by unknown! Who is he? (Koschey the Immortal. "The Frog Princess")

6. Having found the treasure, the lady buys a new household appliance and invites many guests. However, in difficult situation ungrateful guests did not want to help the hostess. Who rescued her? (Mosquito)

7. What a poor housewife has achieved high position and wealth? However, having become arrogant, she insulted her husband, the sponsor, and became impoverished again. What is the profession of this woman's husband? (Fisherman)

Well done boys. Here are the correct answers for you chicken leg to make it easier to walk along the forest path. Goodbye!

1 leader. Leshy also came to us. What does he need?

There are miracles there, Leshy wanders there ... ”You rightly think that his eyes have eyes, and round green flashing lights are on, glowing. Shaggy eyebrows, long, shaggy beard.

I see your confusion. You thought you would see the terrible Leshy, but I'm still a boy and my name is Leshachok And like all children, I like to joke and play. But do not be afraid, I will not ask difficult questions.

And now all my questions will be related to magic shoes. Be careful.

1. What kind of shoes served as tasty and nutritious food for crocodiles? (galoshes).

2. What kind of shoes in one country began to measure the foot to determine the personality of a person? ( glass slipper Cinderella).

3. What kind of shoes was worn by a pet that brought its owner a simpleton to people, not being afraid of a cannibal. (Boots worn by a cat)

4. What kind of wicker shoes did Ivanushka the fool wear? (bast shoes).

2 leader. Guys, you probably immediately recognized this hero. That's right, it's Domovoy.

Brownie: Hey guys! A long time ago. I can’t even remember when people lived for themselves, raised children, sowed bread, kept cattle, and they began to notice; in one farm, the horses are right, the cows are milking, the children are strong, for whatever business the owners take on, everything is arguing, as if someone is helping. And the neighbor has misfortune after misfortune: either the horse limps, or the chalk is used in the chicken coop, the hostess sits sewing - the threads are torn. Oh, it's not for nothing! Looks like someone lives in the house is not visible. Who is this? That's right, it's me - Brownie. The House Lovers Society sent me to you to find out what is going on here. I quietly opened the door, I hear the voices of adults ..., the aunts were talking that they work in the house. As soon as they noticed me, they say: “It's good that you came to us! Since you Brownie will help us arrange everything, so that it would be interesting in our house! »

Now I live here in this beautiful house. And in order for me to continue to live, you guys have to help me cope with evil spirit and guess them from me.

An elderly sorceress who travels through the air in an unusual aircraft. (Baba Yaga)

2. A fabulous forest dweller, an assistant to that unpleasant old woman whose name you just guessed (Leshy)

3. A nosy female person, to whose name the word "Swamp" is always added. (Kikimora)

4. A horned long-tailed creature that only thinks how to harm people. (Crap)

5. The skinny old man who hid the secret of his life in a chest. (Koschei the Deathless)

6. A girl of extraordinary beauty who lives in a lake (The Little Mermaid)

7. A huge beast with many heads (Snake Gorynych)

8. A cute little man who lives in every house and guards it (Brownie)

That's right guys. On this I say goodbye to you, until we meet again!

3 leading.

gate to fairyland open.

fabulous time,

Desired time,

Silently begins

The long-awaited story.

The paths will lead

Us to distant lands

Through dark thickets

And the seas are deep.

kingdom thirtieth

Famous for miracles

But with evil spells

We can handle it.

Let them make obstacles

The forces of evil diligently

All good will win

A fairy tale for sure!

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Author: Chernositova N.V.
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Item: Literature

hope permyakova

Purpose: to bring joy to children, to evoke an emotionally positive response in their soul ...

Tasks. Encourage children to take part in the fun. Strengthen children's knowledge of fairy tales. Encourage children to speak

Equipment: tablecloth - self-assembly with fabulous things, a chest with objects, fairy costumes, cards with syllables, TCO, illustrations for fairy tales.

Members: fairy tale characters, preparatory group kindergarten, children of grades 1-4 of the 1st stage with disabilities

Children enter the hall to the music of "Lark" - M. Glinka.

Leading. Everyone loves fairy tales

Loved by adults and children

They love to listen and watch

Fairy tales can warm the soul.

First child. Miracles happen in them

Fortunately people find a way.

And, of course, good!

Second child There are many fairy tales in the world

sad and funny

And live in the world

We cannot do without them.

Leading. Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead.

A fairy tale is knocking at the door to us,

Let's say a fairy tale: "come in"!

Guys, raise your hands those who read fairy tales. Do you love to read them?

Children. Yes!

Leading. I am glad that you all love fairy tales, I also really love fairy tales, despite the fact that it is already so big. What kind of fairy tales are not in the world, they are different - folk and author's, everyday and magical, fairy tales about animals and even riddle tales. I like fairy tales because anything can happen in them. Here, for example, a good fellow is in a hurry for a just cause, and then, as luck would have it, the road ended. Do not pass, do not pass. And he will throw forward a magic handkerchief, and again the road is in front of him. Download wherever you want! And the fairy tale is also so good that in it good always triumphs over evil. (Sorceress enters) And who came to visit us? What a beautiful girl! He has the gift of turning simple objects into fairy-tale characters! Magic wand in hand!

Children. This is a sorceress.

Enchantress. Hello children! Today I invite you to take a trip: White light to see, to see people and to show oneself. The path is long ahead of you. Far, far away is the kingdom, the vast state of Fairy Tales. To get into it, you need to collect the most necessary things for the road. A self-assembled tablecloth is spread out in front of you. It contains items that will help you along the way. Find out and name them, and also remember in which fairy tale did you meet them and to whom do they belong?

Children (look at the items on the tablecloth and name them and to whom they belong). The golden egg laid by Ryaba the Hen. The walnut shell belongs to Thumbelina. Golden key Pinocchio. Ring from the fairy tale "Twelve months". Straw, branches and bricks from the Three Little Pigs. The box belongs to the bear from the fairy tale Masha and the Bear. The egg belongs to Koshchei the immortal.

Leading. Well done! Here we are in the Kingdom of fairy tales! What awaits us here? Oh, guys, look what kind of forest we got into (behind the screen, music with birds singing sounds). All the plants of this forest are enchanted fairy tale characters. They were bewitched by Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. You probably want to disenchant your pets?

Children. Yes!

Baba Yaga. To help them, you need to correctly name suitable patronymic, surname or nickname of the heroes of fairy tales.

Lisa Patrikeevna

Ivan Tsarevich

Tom Thumb

Koschei the Deathless

Vasilisa the Wise

Kikimora Bolotnaya

Mouse Norushka

frog frog


Karabas Barabas

(The words in the right column appear on the slide after that correct answer)

Baba Yaga. Wow! You helped all the fairy-tale heroes, so you know fairy tales well. But here is my friend, so thin that all the ribs are visible, very cunning, because he lives in the world for many, many years. (Koschei the Deathless appears). Do you recognize him?

Children. Koschei the Deathless

Koschei the Deathless. Hello guys! Read the inscription on my chest!

Children. Guess what I have hidden here.

Koschei the Deathless. My chest with a secret. It contains various fabulous items. Based on the description of the item, guess what is in the chest.

1. With the help of this item, you can make a variety of things, and you can even kill me. (Needle)

2. This thing can hide you if you put it on your head (Invisible hat).

3. This item told the truth to the queen. He said that there is a more beautiful girl in the world. (Mirror)

4. Because of this subject, grandfather and woman cried after the trick of a small animal? They only calmed down when they received the same item in return. (Golden egg)

5. With this item main character fairy tales found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched. And this object flew right into the swamp and fell near the frog. (Arrow)

5. And I also have a thing that the crocodile ate. Tell me what this thing is, what is the name of the fairy tale. (Washcloth. "Moydodyr")

(Music from the film about Koshchei the Deathless sounds)

Leading. So your box of Koschei is empty, so let us go further.

Koschei the Deathless. I will definitely miss if you teach me how to dance to my music.

(It sounds funny, the children dance to its melody along with Koshchey until he runs away)

Leading. Well done, you danced beautifully, taught Koshchei too, so he let us through. Go ahead. Who else lives in our fairy-tale kingdom! Look what a girl! (Little Red Riding Hood exits.) Do you know who it is?

Children. Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello guys, I just met the Sorceress, she told me that you are nearby. Answer my questions, and I will show you the way to my friend.

The best crocodile in the world (Gena)

How many kids does a goat with many children have? (seven)

The most famous chicken (Ryaba)

Who pulled the turnip in front of the Bug? (Granddaughter)

Onion Boy (Cipollino)

Fairy tablecloth (Self-assembly)

Snowman in childhood (Snegurochka)

The girl who melted in the spring (Snow Maiden)

Admirer of Malvina (Pierrot)

Who thawed Kai's heart? (Gerda)

Crocodile river in Africa? (Limpopo)

Little Red Riding Hood. Well done, you answered all my questions, repeat the movements after me to reach my friend, who really likes this dance. (Dance of little ducks)

Little Red Riding Hood. Okay, here's my friend. Do you recognize him, who is he? (slide "Emelya")

Children. Emelya.

Leading. He rides on the stove, and sends you and me to go through the swamp over bumps. On each bump there are syllables, from which you need to make up the names of fairy tales you know. (The game "Make a word.")





Snow Maiden

Leading. We passed the swamp, who flies to us? (Snake Gorynych runs in)

Children. Dragon.

Leading. Arrived. Let's ask him what he wants.

Dragon. I want a new story.

Leading. Let's show him a new fairy tale. And you guys take a look. (Kindergarten children show the Turnip fairy tale in a new way)

There is one house in the village

Grandfather and grandmother live in it:

Grandfather Ivan, old woman Manya

And, of course, granddaughter Tanya.

The bug lives in the yard

The cat sings songs.

And behind the stove there is a hole,

The mouse has been squeaking there since morning.

So we lived, we lived

The garden was planted in the spring ...

Give me a shovel, grandma,

I'm going to dig up the garden!

I'll plant seeds there

Yes, I'll take a look at the garden.

Grandma thought

Grandpa has gone to the garden again!

What seed did the old man take

He didn't say anything.

Here comes the autumn

It's time to harvest.

Again grandfather in the garden.

That's the turnip, yes!

Miracle! Simply beauty!

Pulls, can't pull

He is waiting for someone to help him.

Baba Manya came running

I called Tanya for help.

Tanya Zhuchka called,

That's how things are, brother.

They pull, they can't pull

The cat is called for help.

Murka, get off the stove,

Help us soon!

I won't go without a mouse,

Without her, I - that's the trouble -

Neither here nor there.

Tears flowed like a stream:

Where can we get a mouse?

Children, help!

Call the mouse!

Can't do it without her

With turnip beauty!

(Everyone calls the mouse in chorus)

Mouse, mouse, get out

And please help us!

The mouse ran to help

The little girl was out of breath.

They pull the turnip six of us,

It crackled all around.

The miracle turnip succumbed,

At least it was firmly planted in the ground.

That's the mouse - well done!

This is where the story ends!

Dragon. Oh what good fairy tale you showed me. Okay, so be it, I'll let you go further if you guess my riddles.

Mixed on sour cream, chilled on the window,

Round side, ruddy side, rolled ... (Kolobok)

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

The nose is round, with a snout, it is convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

The tail is small crochet, instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and how friendly the brothers are alike.

Guess without a clue who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Three piglets

The fat man lives on the roof

He flies above all. (Carlson)

She is beautiful and sweet

Ash gave her name. (Cinderella)

Dragon. Well done boys! I really liked you, I also want to play the game "Magic Transformations" with you. (While the music is playing, the 4th grade children should dress the kids in the costumes of fairy-tale characters: a dog, a wolf, a tiger cub, a frog).

Dragon. Aye well done! Go ahead, otherwise Kikimora Bolotnaya has been waiting for you, she has prepared her questions for you.

Kikimora Bolotnaya. Hello kids, girls and boys, guess my questions, and then go home! Give me the name of the fairy tales.

1. In what fairy tale do grandmother, grandfather, hare, wolf, bear, fox and little round traveler live. (Kolobok)

2. From which fairy tale did we learn about dad, his son, wooden with long nose. (Golden Key)

3. In which fairy tale are big white birds little boy brought to the forest to Baba Yaga. (Swan geese)

4. And the road is far, and the basket is not easy, to sit on a stump, to eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)

6. Walking briskly along the path, buckets themselves drag water. (According to pike desire)

7. Open the door, kids, your mother has come,

milk brought (The wolf and the seven Young goats)

Kikimora Bolotnaya. Well done, they guessed all the riddles, named the names of the fairy tales, it's time to say goodbye to you.

Leading. So our journey through the country of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic has ended. Did you guys like it? (Children answer)

Leading. A fairy tale is, of course, fiction, fiction. But even though it is fiction, it remains instructive. Read fairy tales and they will teach you to be kind, honest, smart, strong. And I invite you all to the dining room for a fabulous tea party.
