How to create a new village in minecraft. How to make a village portal in minecraft

The player can establish or create new villages by moving villagers from villages if these conditions are met:

  • The terrain must be more than 40 blocks away from existing village, otherwise the inhabitants will simply return to old village.
  • The new village must have houses, otherwise the villagers will just walk around randomly.

If the villager cannot reach the new village on his own, then you can lay railway, and send villagers on minecarts - they should sit still and not react to the borders of the village until they get out of the minecart. Installing doors after residents arrive will speed up the process of residents finding a new home. You can also just remove all the doors in the previous village to destroy the borders.

underwater village

The player can create a village underwater. But it is worth considering that there should be a space of 5 blocks in front of the door. Also, a resident should see the sky above his head, i.e. transparent blocks are used (water, glass...).

Types of houses

wooden hut

Very cheap, simple and very fast to build. It can be increased or decreased, but it will take some effort to do so. Sum: 44.25 6 doors; 2.01 resident 3 length; 5 width; 3 height 7.316 tree per inhabitant; 0.125625 inhabitant / m 2; 0.041875 inhabitant / m 3

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3


A very cheap option. Sum: 16 wood (including boards for doors); 6 doors; 2.01 resident 5 length; 4 width; 3 height 7.619 tree per inhabitant; 0.105000 inhabitant / m 2; 0.033500 inhabitant / m 3

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

A more expensive option, but more beautiful. Sum: 34.5 wood (including boards for doors); 6 doors; 2.01 resident 5 length; 4 width; 3 height 16.429 tree per inhabitant; 0.105000 inhabitant / m 2; 0.035000 inhabitant / m 3

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Improved shack

Based on the shack, but more efficient. Sum: 20.25 wood (including boards for doors); 8 doors; 2.8 resident 5 length; 5 width; 3 height 7.5 tree per inhabitant; 0.112000 inhabitant / m 2; 0.037333 inhabitant / m 3

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

simple house

This house is recommended for beginners as it is very simple and easy to remember but ineffective. Sum: 47.50 wood (including boards for doors); 1 doors; 0.35 resident 5 length; 8 width; 4 height 16.625 tree per inhabitant; 0.014 inhabitant / m 2; 0.004167 inhabitant / m 3

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3


The booth is small and cramped, but such houses can be effective if placed in an endless row. The roof in front of the door can be replaced with planks instead of wood or removed. This will reduce the height of a multi-story building if the second floor door is turned the other way. It should also be taken into account that residents need a walking path. Sum (walls not connected to another house): 21.5 wood (including boards for doors); 1 doors; 0.35 resident 3 length; 4 width; 3 height 61.43 tree per inhabitant; 0.029166 inhabitant / m 2; 0.009722 inhabitant / m 3
Sum (walls connected to another house): 12 wood (including boards for doors); 1 doors; 0.35 resident 3 length; 4 width; 3 height 34.29 tree per inhabitant; 0.043750 inhabitant / m 2; 0.014583 inhabitant / m 3

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Search the internet for a village search tool. Fans of the game came up with a tool that analyzes your seed or save and finds villages for you. You can then take the received coordinates and use them to find the village in your game. Note that the accuracy of such programs is about 66%, so one out of three villages will not be located where the program indicated to you.

  • One of the most popular instruments to search for villages is Chunkbase. To use it, follow this link: Launch an updated browser, such as Chrome, to take advantage of all the features of the search engine.
  • On this moment There are no village search tools suitable for Minecraft PE.

Enter your seed or upload a save file. Most fast way load your world - enter the current seed. If you are playing on PC, you can download the level.dat file located in the %appdata%\.minecraft\saves folder.

  • To find the seed of the current game, enter /seed into the chat window. If you are playing a multiplayer game, ask the admin for the seed.
  • Remove the card. After you load the seed, brown dots will start to appear on the grid, representing villages. If you zoom in too close, you may not be able to see anything. Zoom out the map by scrolling the mouse wheel until you see the dots.

    Remember the location of the villages, so that later you can check their presence in the game. Change the coordinates by moving the mouse cursor over the map. Hover your mouse over one of the points to see its coordinates in the game. Since the map shows all possible village locations, you should remember a few locations in case these villages weren't generated.

  • Find your coordinates in the game. When you return to the game, find your coordinates. This will help you find villages. You can also use the teleportation command and move directly to the village without examining any places for this.

    • If you are playing on a computer, press the F3 key to find out your coordinates. If you play Minecraft PE, you will have to use third-party programs to find out your coordinates. In the console version, you can see your coordinates on the map. You will find more information in the article "How to determine the coordinates in Minecraft".
    • To move to a specific location, enable cheats and type /tp name X Y Z . To teleport to Minecraft PE, use the inventory editor. In the console version, you can only teleport to other players. More information can be found in the article
  • Help the village!

    Zombies can attack villages and turn their inhabitants into zombies. In mode hardcore(Hardcore) or difficulty level Difficult(Hard) Zombies can break even wooden doors. You cannot exchange items with a zombie villager, and you can die if he attacks you. Villagers do not respawn quickly, they can accidentally die by stepping on lava or falling into a well. So the population is easily reduced.

    To heal a zombie, isolate it, throw a Weakness Potion at it, and feed it a golden apple. The villager will shake for several minutes before recovering

    How to help save the village

    Go to bed as soon as it gets dark. At the same time, the game time will change, and a new day will come. The night will be "skipped" along with the darkness in which mobs can spawn. This allows you to minimize the number of zombies that appear. Kill them in the morning.

    Fence off the village. Lock residents in their homes until the end of work to keep them safe.

    Remove ladders in front of doors, replace broken doors, and make sure doors are properly installed on the outside. (Do not add a door to the forge. The nature of this building confuses the inhabitants, and they begin to gather outside.)

    Light up the area around the village to prevent mobs from spawning.

    Get rid of cacti, lava pools and caves where mobs spawn.

    If possible, heal zombies by throwing a Weakness Potion at them and feeding them a golden apple. It will take a few minutes to restore the health of a villager, so isolate him so that he does not harm himself and other villagers.

    You can protect the villagers with Iron Golems, build new houses to expand the village and increase the chances of its inhabitants to survive.

    iron golems

    Iron golems spawn on their own if the village has ten inhabitants and twenty-one houses. If there is no Iron Golem in the village, create one. You will need a Pumpkin or Jack-O-Lantern and four blocks of Iron placed on the ground (not in the crafting grid) in a "T" pattern. Iron golems only protect the villagers and can leave if they are outside the village. You can keep Iron Golems in a fenced-in pen, or put them on a leash.

    When creating an Iron Golem, place a pumpkin or lamp last.


    A villager, depending on his occupation, offers you certain items. As a rule, you buy and sell for emeralds. On the first exchange with a villager, he makes only one offer. He will make new ones when you exchange the last item on his list and close the inventory window. If the villagers are ready to offer you something new, you will see green and purple particles above their heads.

    If the villagers have a new offer for you, you will see green and purple particles above their heads

    There are hundreds of offers and opportunities for sharing. From the farmer (in brown clothes) you can buy flint, steel, shears and arrows. The butcher (in a white apron) has leather armor and saddles, and the blacksmith (in a black apron) has iron and diamond objects, as well as chain mail. From the priest (in purple clothes) you can buy an Eye of End, a glowing stone, an enchantment vial and a red stone, and from a librarian (in white clothes) you can buy spell books, bookshelves, clocks and compasses. The cleric can enchant an item, such as iron or diamond armor. Grow wheat, which can be exchanged for emeralds at the farmer. Use these emeralds to buy other items from the villagers.

    Five types of villagers: priest, blacksmith, librarian, butcher and farmer

    Boost your population

    Add new houses. In order for the game to "understand" that you have created a new house, it must first "see" the new door. A door is considered part of a house if there is a roof on one side of the door. As long as this rule is respected, you can create houses as you like. You can only build a door with one roof block. After the door is created, the program checks the five blocks in front of and behind the door for roof blocks. A roof block is any block that blocks sunlight from the ground. There may be more roof blocks on one side of the door than on the other. (If you don't have enough resources, you can create a house out of a door and one block of dirt.) Finally, to count as a house, a door must be next to a villager. For every three and a half doors, a new inhabitant is created, so seven doors would have to be made to create two dwellers. There must be at least two residents in order for them to have children.

    To build a simple country house only need a door and one roof block behind it

    Be polite!

    In each village you earn popularity points. The countdown starts at 0 and can go up to 10 and down to -30. Buying the last item in your inventory from a villager adds 1 point. Attacking a villager will deduct 1 point, killing - 2 points, killing a child of a villager - 3 points, destroying an Iron Golem - 5 points. At -15, the iron golem of the village will attack you.

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    If you build a village in minecraft, you will get a good trading floor, as well as the ability to search houses in search of various useful items. But, of course, there is a chance that you will find an already created village. However, this is more difficult to do. The process will not become easier if the player knows where and how best to look for the village.
    The process of creating a village is much easier if you have already built a house.

    In this case, it remains only to fill the already half-finished village with residents. They can be both monsters and the most ordinary eggs.
    However, your village will be most effective if you create it from scratch. The fact is that the village has a whole system of functional buildings. In addition, it is in your interest to create a larger village. What is it for? It's simple: in a large village there is a chance to get a larger amount of various loot.

    Village structure.

    Before you build a village, you need to understand its structure, which turned out to be surprisingly complex. The first thing to note here is the purpose of the buildings in the game. A total of seven types of buildings can be built in the village, and all of them have their own individual characteristics.

    small hut- a residential building, which is created from 5x5 blocks. The materials that are used are wood, cobblestone, glass panels, and a fence. A small hut is built as follows: planks are used for the walls, cobblestone for the floor, and wood for the ceiling. It remains only to build a roof and enclose it with a fence around the edges. There can be up to seven huts in one village.

    Big house - differs from the hut only in size. Apparently due to its size and the fact that it requires more resources to create it, the Big House may not be in the village at all. Crafted in exactly the same way as a small hut.

    Leatherworker's shop- the house where the tanner lives. This house differs from subsequent ones in that the situation in it has been worked out much more. There's a table, two chairs, and even a backyard garden. There can be a maximum of three leatherworker shops.

    The library is the home of the librarian. Among other things, there are books here that you can borrow without any obstacles. There is also a lot of furniture, as well as a workbench. There can be a maximum of three libraries in one village.

    Farm- a place where the entire crop accumulates. There is a garden nearby, so the player will never be short of resources such as carrots and potatoes. There are large and small farms. They differ from each other in that a small farm is a system of beds divided into groups in six rows, with arable land. In one village you can find from two to ten farms.

    Kuznets- a place where metal is mined. Forges are usually made from stone slabs. They are equipped with a pool, as well as a block in which there is lava. There is a little furniture here, and even a treasure chest. Most often in the villages there is one forge.

    Church- a two-level building, which ends with a platform, has only a staircase inside. Built of stone, it keeps the peace of the priest. A maximum of two churches can be found in villages.

    How to trade in the village?

    To trade, you will need to build relationships with merchants. To do this, you need to build a reputation. And here the situation for the player is complicated by the fact that each village has its own rules, through which the loyalty of merchants is calculated. There is one more obstacle - in the event that you suddenly decide to find a village, and not create it yourself, you will have to kill the golem - these guards are in any village. And this automatically reduces your reputation in the game.
    To deal with the golem, you must do it not on your own, but using improvised means. Of course, to kill such a giant, you need to spend a lot of effort and, at least, cause Armageddon. But such opportunities are not provided in the game, however, you can resort to tricks, and destroy the golem, and pour it on the golem.

    How to make a village in minecraft

    To create a village, you need at least one erected building, or a ready-made building system, as already described above, and a block system, rails, a fence, a zombie spawner, and a weakness potion. From these items you need to make a trap for your opponents. From the monsters in the game you will need to make the inhabitants of your village.

    To do this, you need to put a zombie respawner in an empty place and immediately activate it. Then surround it with a system of blocks. You should get a slab, two-level, moreover, the distance between the slabs should be exactly two blocks. Immediately before the erected structure, you need to build a rail system. At the beginning it should be a ring, which then should continue. The rails must rest against the system of steps, on which there must also be rails. Install the trolley on the railroad.

    You must lure the enemy under the platform and, when he becomes motionless, put him on the cart. It takes a while for the zombie respawner to take effect.

    Deserts and plains. At the same time, lowland villages are made of wood and cobblestone, while the main material of villages in deserts is sandstone (in some cases, due to generation errors, this may be violated).


    List of possible buildings present in villages:

    Structure Quantity Description building outside Building from the inside
    little hut ? Made from wood, boards, cobblestone, wooden fence and glass panels for windows. There are four types of such buildings. One has flat roof, along the edges of which a fence is placed, which can be climbed with the help of a ladder from inside the house. In this house there are no doors in the opening for them. The second is characterized by a lower roof, an earthen floor, and a wooden pressure plate on the fence post, creating a semblance of a table. The third type has a more raised roof, the floor is also made of earth, however, there is no table in the house. And, finally, the fourth type, almost the same as the first, but without stairs and a fence on the roof. These houses may or may not be inhabited. Although if a resident has settled in it, then only one will live there.
    Big house 0-3 Consists of the same materials as small huts, however, it is much larger and shaped like a "T" on top. Farmers tend to spawn in these houses.

    butcher shop 0-3 A building containing two chairs made from wooden steps around a table in the corner. Also in the house there is a table two blocks long made of stone slabs, which, for sure, serves for butchering meat. Attached to this house is a back yard, enclosed by a fence, which can be accessed through a door from inside the store. This yard is most likely intended for animal breeding. A butcher villager dressed in a white work apron and a farmer, probably a buyer, always spawn in such houses.

    Library 0-3 It is a long and narrow house with a row of chairs and tables underneath a row of bookcases on one side and a workbench in the corner opposite the entrance on the other side of the house. One librarian in a white coat always spawns in such a house.

    Farm ? Available in two sizes (large and small). The small farm consists of four rows of plowed beds, divided by a water channel into two groups of two rows. A large farm is two small ones together. The truss is bounded at the edges by timber. Also in the middle of a large farm there is a path made of wood. The farm often spawns on flat surfaces near small huts. This suggests that the poorer inhabitants living in these huts must work on the farms. The farm's beds are planted with wheat seeds, carrots and potatoes.
    Small farm.

    Big farm.
    Well 1 It is a hole, 2x2 blocks in size, filled with water, and surrounded on top by a certain structure. This design is a side of cobblestone and a roof of the same material, which rests on the fence. By default, the depth of the wells is 10 blocks, however, in the superplane mode, when the bottom layer is reached, the bottom will consist of it. There is usually only one well in a village, however there is a small chance of generating two. Also, wells, most often, are located in the very center of the village at the crossroads roads. The well is an endless source of water, but due to a known bug, scooping up the top layer of water will not restore the source. In the superplane, the bottom of the well would be made of bedrock.
    Side view.

    View from above.
    Forge 0-2 Crafted primarily from cobblestone, wood, and planks. The door is missing. There is a small porch in front of the house, at the corners of which there are fence columns supporting the roof. The porch can be reached by steps from the street. It contains a small pool of lava, surrounded on one side by an iron grate, two furnaces and an anvil made from two stone steps. The house has a lounge area with chairs and a table in front of them, as well as a chest. Some useful items can be found in the chest (see table below). Stone slabs are placed on the roof along the edges. This house is inhabited by one blacksmith, dressed in a black working apron, but he rarely enters it, since the house has no door. In rare cases, lava in the pool can cause nearby houses to catch fire, however, the developers have stated that they will fix this problem. After version 12w21b, there is a chance for an Ender Chest to spawn instead of a regular one. There is also a small chance of two forges appearing in the village. From pre-release 12w41a, an anvil will be generated instead of two stone slabs.

    Church 0-2 It is a small tall building made of cobblestone and cobblestone steps. The church consists of two floors, as well as an observation deck at the top, between which you can move using a long staircase that runs in the middle of the building. The windows are made of glass panels. Many players mistake the church for a lookout tower or town hall at first. A priest in a scarlet robe always lives in this building.

    Flashlight 0-6 Can be placed anywhere in the village and is designed to illuminate it. It is a block of black wool on a fence post, three blocks high. Four torches are placed on the wool on each vertical side. In version 1.4.4, due to a bug, it is generated incorrectly.
    Bottom view.

    View from above.
    Road N/A Made of gravel, three blocks wide and one block deep. Roads approach almost every house and intersect near well.
    View along the road.

    Road crossing.

    The note:If the village is in the desert, then the materials that make up the houses will be different from those in the houses on the plain. IN this case, smooth and normal sandstone and sandstone steps will be used. The roads will also be paved with sandstone.

    Chest contents

    The chest located in the secret room of the forge can spawn from three to eight stacks of resources with the following probabilities:

    Resource stack Spawn probability Generation probability
    at least one stack
    Number of resources
    in a stack
    Red Apple 15 ⁄ 94 59,85% 1-3
    Bread 15 ⁄ 94 59,85% 1-3
    iron ingot 5 ⁄ 47 45,13% 1-5
    an iron sword 5 ⁄ 94 25,64% 1
    iron pick 5 ⁄ 94 25,64% 1
    iron helmet 5 ⁄ 94 25,64% 1
    Iron Cuirass 5 ⁄ 94 25,64% 1
    Iron Leggings 5 ⁄ 94 25,64% 1
    iron boots 5 ⁄ 94 25,64% 1
    Seedling 5 ⁄ 94 25,64% 3-7
    Obsidian 5 ⁄ 94 25,64% 3-7
    gold bar 5 ⁄ 94 25,64% 1-3
    Diamond 3 ⁄ 94 16,21% 1-3
    Saddle 3 ⁄ 94 16,21% 1
    Iron horse armor 1 ⁄ 94 5,7% 1
    Golden Horse Armor 1 ⁄ 94 5,7% 1
    Diamond Horse Armor 1 ⁄ 94 5,7% 1

    The generation algorithm places one of the resources in a random cell of the chest from three to eight times, while it is possible to replace previously placed items with new ones.

    Finding NPC villages

    Village in the desert

    One method of finding a village is to look for it in a super flat world where a single biome allows them to spawn more frequently. The bottom line is that an auxiliary superflat world is created with the same grain in which the village is searched, and then it can be found in the required one by coordinates. This method doesn't always work:

    1. Find out the grain of the world in which you want to find a village. To do this, press the F3 button (1.2.5) or enter the /seed command.
    2. Create a super flat world with the given grain, with a single desert or plain biome.
    3. If your computer is powerful enough, set the maximum draw distance.
    4. Fly around and look for NPC villages.
    5. If found, write down the x and z coordinates.
    6. Go to these coordinates in the first world.
    7. An NPC village may appear there, although the structure and content may be different.

    The method is not entirely efficient, since villages are generated in certain biomes (plain or desert). Because of this, false positives are frequent. It is more efficient in paragraph 2 to create normal world(only in Creative mode), the village will be harder to see, but the chance of finding it is almost 100%.

    Expanding NPC Villages

    First of all, the player can put wooden doors in houses where there are none. However, you need to follow some rules in order for residents to settle there. You need to start with the location of the door. The prerequisite is that the space "outside" on one side of the door must be larger than the space "inside" on the other side of the door. The space "outside" is that which is under the direct rays of the sun (transparent blocks, such as glass, do not prevent this). All space that is not transparent or that is not exposed to direct sunlight is called "interior". The number of "external" and "internal" spaces is calculated as follows: five blocks are taken from the door in one direction in a straight line, and five more in the opposite direction. Then the number of illuminated and unilluminated blocks is compared. If the number of illuminated blocks (outside) is greater than the number of darkened (inside) blocks, then the door is functional and positioned correctly.

    • Additional buildings for residents can be built from any blocks, provided that the sunlight does not get inside, that is, the roof should not consist of transparent blocks.
    • In order to notice and evaluate a properly installed door, a resident must be located within a radius of 16 blocks horizontally and 3-4 blocks vertically from it. The door may not be seen and will not be used while there is no inhabitant in the area.
    • Each correctly placed door produces 35% of a villager. This means that 3 correctly installed doors lead to the appearance of a new inhabitant, and every 20th door to another one. That is, 21 doors will lead to the appearance of 8 new residents.

    Creating NPC Villages

    The player has the option to found a new village by transporting the villagers to another location, but the following conditions must be met:

    • The distance between the border of the old village and the new one must be at least 40 blocks, otherwise the resident will return to the old village.
    • The new village must have houses suitable for habitation, otherwise the villager will wander aimlessly.

    Since a villager cannot simply be pushed into a new village, due to the fact that he will return back when he reaches its border, there are more sophisticated methods of moving him. Most often, rails are laid between the new village and the old one. The villager is pushed into the trolley, and he makes no attempt to get out of it even after crossing the border of the old village, until he is pulled out of the trolley. After that, it is recommended to install doors in the new village so that the inhabitants can identify it.

    Note: Destroying all doors in a village causes the borders to disappear.
    Starting from snapshot 12w34a , it is possible to create villages in parallel worlds. There are no inhabitants of the ordinary world, and mobs of the Lower World and the End are not designed for the presence of villages and will not attack the inhabitants. In addition, the villager will not try to return to the old village through the portal.

    Creating a Village with Zombie Villagers

    With the introduction of zombie villagers, it became possible to create a village from scratch. To do this, you need to cure at least two zombie villagers (they sometimes appear instead of ordinary zombies). It will take one exploding weakness potion and a "plain" golden apple for each.
    Advantages of the method: it is not required to find the original village, therefore it is possible to establish a new village anywhere in the regular world.
    Flaws: Requires expensive resources, hence difficult at the beginning of the game; it is required to separate the zombie villager from the normal zombies, besides, he spawns quite rarely.

    Creating villages in the Nether

    To begin with, we build a portal in the village and go through it. We build houses with wooden doors near the portal in the Lower World. Very undesirable close presence of lava.

    Creation of villages in the End

    We go to the Land, build houses there and make a railway path to a new village. Then we return to the old village in the ordinary world, make the railway path to the portal. We drive the residents into the trolley and take them. Then, near the portal, pull the inhabitants out of the trolley and drop them into the portal. On the obsidian platform, put the villagers into the cart and take them to the village.


    First NPC worked on the villages
