Material (preparatory group) on the topic: Scenario of the autumn holiday “Fair. Scenario of the holiday "Russian Fair" Chants for the fair at school in autumn are short

Attention attention!
Fun festivities open!
Hurry, honest people,
The fair is calling you!

Invitations to the fair

All! All! All! All for the holiday!
Fair - start, invite guests!
Hurry! Hurry!
Hurry up to get the best seats!
If you don’t borrow it yourself, your neighbor will get it!
Come all without hesitation!
No tickets needed - present good mood!
Come break the bones!
Today the Fair invites you to visit!
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
There is no more fun for our holiday!
We have been waiting for guests for a long time, we are waiting,
We won't start the fair without you.
Are you comfortable, dear guests?
Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it?
Let the holiday be magnificent!

Get it together, people
We have a fair.
What is there at the fair?
You can't count everything.
Birds, bunnies, turntables,
Dolls, bears, rattles...
We sell toys to everyone
We invite everyone to the fair.
Fly in! Fly in!
Buy! Buy

Gather more cheerfully
Dear viewers!
We are waiting for the children's fair,
We are waiting for their parents!

Please come to us here as soon as possible
Come on, honest people.
Start having fun.
The fair is calling us all!
Come on citizens
Let's please everyone!

Fair fire, bright!
The fair is dancing, hot!
Look to the left - shops with goods!
Look to the right - fun for nothing!

It can be seen that our people are full:
He doesn't take pies.
Looks like they have balls.
Bought in advance
And marks like this
No meetings needed!
Come on, fair people!
The fair is calling!
The fair will not let you get bored!
Make you sing, dance!

Get in line - take everything in a row!
For all tastes and ways you shopping malls!
Oh, and the fair! Look! All products for the soul!

What does your soul desire?
You can find everything at the fair!
Everyone chooses gifts
You won't leave without shopping!

All honest people!
Who knows how to work well
He knows how to have fun!
Get going, people! The fair is calling!
Come on in - you won't regret it if you have time!
Feel at home, don't be shy!
Walk around the fair!

Attention! Attention! Attention!
Fun festivities open!
Make yourself at home, don't be shy
Walk around our fair!
Go right - it will be fun!
Go to the left - a lot of laughter and din!
You will be able to relax and have fun,
While the guests are gathering.
Come on, honest people,
The peddler is calling everyone!

We are naughty guys
We are the cool guys!
We invite everyone to the Fair
We sell toys!
Well, honest people
Come boldly
Buy a product, don't be shy
Guys, don't yawn
Who wants what, buy!

Don't go anywhere, come all here
Wonder marvelous, marvelous miracle, not a commodity
Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!
Don't count the raven, buy the goods!
All goods are good! Anything for the soul!

Callers for the holiday

Welcome guests, invited and uninvited!
Skinny and obese, funny and boring!
Hurry everyone to us!
We welcome all guests!
People old and young
married and single
Welcome to our holiday!

From all doors, from all gates
Come join us for the holidays!
Who knows how to work well
He knows how to have fun!

Hello winches,
Hello youngsters!
Well done guys
Merry bastards!
venerable and young,
Fat and skinny
We welcome guests
What good news!
We welcome everyone
We heartily meet
We invite you to the fair!
Eh-va! For your pockets
So many booths set up
Carousels and swings
For holiday fun!
Have fun, have fun
Who got the money!

All for the holiday New Year!
Come on, honest people.
Everyone who is cheerful is invited,
School holiday is open!

All for the holiday - New Year!
Come on, honest people.
Everyone who is cheerful is invited,
School holiday is open!

Oh, you people, good people,
Don't stand in the corners
Sing, dance and have fun
You come here to us.
Please visit, come on in!
You will not regret,
When you have time!
Oh, how much has come!
Oh, how many rolled!
We invited you here to play, have fun,
Indulge in Russian dance with soul!
And evil and gloomy
Turn back.

We invite everyone to the hall today,
We give a presentation!
Have a fun holiday
Never be discouraged!

Attention everyone, gentlemen!
Hurry to the hall, here.
There will be a joke, there will be laughter,
We will entertain you all!

Hey people, who is stronger
Hurry to us here soon!
We are currently running a competition
For Russian strongmen.
Need to take a heavy bag
And hit that there is urine,
So that the enemy falls right there,
But it didn't hit very hard.

Dear people!
The exhibition has been waiting for you.
All follow me
And bring your friends with you.

Come bolder people
Both left and right!
We are celebrating the New Year
Jokes and fun!

From all doors, from all gates,
Come quickly, hurry up, people!
Open the gate, come in, whoever wants to,
And whoever is reluctant - also come in.
How many of you, how crowded it is,
No room for mosquitoes!
Hey people, loosen up!
What are you waiting for, step aside!
Surprise to all guests
Let's start the show!
We start playing
Run, jump and jump.

We are real buffoons:
Tula, Yaroslavl,
Kursk, Oryol.
And what are you?
And we are Gagarin!
Look what the guys are like:
Bold and cheerful!
This is how we like it
We will find fun for you!
Don't be shy, don't be lazy
Hold hands tightly
Come join us for the holidays.

Barkers for children

I invite kids
On fun game,
And who will not be accepted
Let's raise our ears.
Ears will go red.
So beautiful before.

Who will play
IN interesting game?
And in what - I will not say!
And then we won't accept
Let's raise our ears
Ears will be red
So beautiful before...

Tay, tay, come on
An interesting game!
We accept everyone
And we don't hate it!

We spin jump ropes faster -
Let's run more fun.
You count your jumps
Hooked - fly out.
The bees flew into the field
Buzzed, buzzed,
The bees sat on the flowers.
We play - you drive.
Count, count, count,
Sheep on the rock don't count.
Who counts the sheep
He will take it for himself.
Tili-tili, tili-bom
A bunny knocked down a pine tree with his forehead.
I feel sorry for the bunny
The bunny is wearing a bump.
Hurry up to the forest
Make Bunny a compress!

(Against the background of the melody of the song "Fair" from the repertoire of V. Leontiev, the words of Foma the Buffoon sound in the recording.)


Attention! Attention! Attention!

Fun festivities open!

Make yourself at home, don't be shy

Walk around our fair!

Go right - it will be fun!

Go to the left - a lot of laughter and din!

You will be able to relax and have fun,

While the guests are gathering.

Come on, honest people,

The peddler is calling everyone!

(A fair-sale of handicrafts of arts and crafts from the studios of the House of Creativity, students of a vocational school is held on the street; guests can use a photo studio, ice cream parlor, driving on cars, and a buffet.)

(The words of Skomorokh are replaced by barkers.)

1) Hey, craftswomen,

Hurry up to us.

Disassemble everything you need

Money is a trifle, do not be sorry.

Everything for the kitchen,


Don't look, buy

Everything you buy is useful

And it will last for a long time.

2. Hey, fashionistas are beauties

Here, here quickly.

You'll love it

Buy now:

Wallets, caskets,

Beads and earrings,

Rings and bracelets.

We will like everything

Put it on right now.

3. Honey bagels,

Pud pies,

Fly in and push

Quickly, take out the pennies!

4. And here are the sudariki balls,

Red, blue - take your pick!

Children for fun

Guys for laughs!

5. Children's gifts,

Beautiful and bright!

Come on, choose

6. Honey gingerbread!

Buy, buy!

Afanasy Nikitin also praised!

There are teeth - gnaw yourself,

But no - ask a neighbor!

7. Do not pass by us,

Look at the crafts.

All crafts are top class

Surprise you today!

Choose, take!


The fair is closed.

Business time, fun - hour!

I invite you to the exhibition!

(In front of the entrance to the House of Creativity, children folklore ensemble sing the song.)


Dear people!

The exhibition has been waiting for you.

All follow me

And bring your friends with you.

(Music sounds. The buffoon escorts the guests to the steps in the foyer, where they are met by Marya the artisan with her retinue, children with bread and salt.)

Mary the Craftsman:

Hello good people

Guests invited and welcome!

I, Mary the artisan, the patroness of all artisans, welcome you to the opening of the exhibition.

We, guests, meet all of you

With a white, lush loaf.

He is on a painted platter

With a white towel.

And we bring salt,

Bow down, please taste.

Our dear guest and friend,

Take some bread from your hands.

(Maria the artisan passes bread from the hands of the children to the hands of the guests. A song is performed by the children of the folklore ensemble.)

Mary is an expert: Kind people! Allow me to introduce you to the hostess of the House of Creativity ... (full name of the director). She had a great honor - to say good words to our craftsmen and open the exhibition.

(Speech by the Director of the House of Creativity. Fanfare, Solemn cutting of the ribbon.)

Mary is an expert: Dear guests! Now you can see the exhibition of our craftsmen, get acquainted with the creators of beautiful drawings. These are landscape paintings, and still lifes, and fairy tales, beloved by the studio members, made by the studio guys. visual arts together with the head ... (full name). This year they have mastered a new type of work - making homemade books. Each of them is unique. Everything from the creation of the form and the choice of the font is the imagination and creativity of the guys themselves.

Successful creative activity lies in the stability of this team, in the ability of the guys to work harmoniously in one team.


Yes, I will not tire of repeating

Students need to put "five"

3a this is a miracle of miracles,

(to guests)

And here is a question for you.

Let's listen carefully

We will respond diligently.

Who is the youngest exhibitor?

Who will find the answer in the picture,

He will receive a prize from the bag.

(A melody sounds. Viewing the works of the art studio)


Come on, Kid!

It's time to win the prize!

Is there a brave one among you?

Who will give me the answer now?

(Answers. Rewarding. If there are several correct answers, the buffoon takes out of the bag a ribbon of paper on which “applause” is written.)

Mary the Craftsman:

Well, work is a feast for the eyes,

To everyone's surprise.

This exhibition is the beginning,

After all, we have a lot of work.

buffoon: It's time to look at her.

Mary the Craftsman: Well, friends, let's move on.


But first I think

We will delight guests

A song that is more fun.

(The song is performed by the studio members.)


Thank you for the song

And we are in a hurry to the exhibition.

(They go up to the 2nd floor, where they are met and greeted by Brownie Kuzya.)

Kuzya: Hello Maryushka girl! (Bows.)

Mary the Craftsman:

Hello, Kuzya-domovoy!

(points to guests)

These guests are all with me!


Come, girl, in the hall,

Look there for a start.

Our masters creations:

Dolls, lace, weaving.

(Marya the artisan passes into the foyer, followed by Skomorokh. Kuzya blocks his path.)


Are you, Thomas, interfering again?

Don't meet there again!

I have lived here for many years

And I don't understand you:

How do you manage here

When is the owner here?

I know everyone in this house

I often meet guests here,

I spend festivals

I keep order!

Today you are just a guest

So drop those things!

You guys wait

Stay here, don't go.

Give me one answer:

"Have you seen the safe or not?"

(to Thomas)

And this, Fomka, dear friend,

Isn't it your hands?


Kuzya, friend, no need for quarrels,

Let's resolve this dispute

If we all pass now

Maybe we can find your safe.

Kuzya: (for guests)

If so, I agree

Come on, friends.

(Music sounds. Guests go to the exhibition.)

Mary the Craftsman: Dear guests! I am glad to see you all at our exhibition and I hasten to tell you some good news.

Today, for the first time, a sympathy bureau is operating here, where you can give your preference to one or another direction. You need to get a token and drop it into a basket with the name of the direction that caught your attention! The office is located on the right side of the exhibition hall.

Dear guests! Don't forget to leave your wishes in the Guest Book.

(A song is performed by a children's folklore ensemble, after which Marya the artisan introduces the guests to the directions of the House of Creativity. Kuzya and Skomorokh walk around the exhibition together with the guests. After the story of Marya the Craftsman about the directions of the House of Creativity, Kuzya runs into the stage with a joyful squeal.)


Oh guys, here's my safe,

I already completely forgot

What is he standing on the stage ...

I'll see what's in it.

(Pulls out letters from the safe.)


How many certificates and awards!

I kept them all.

And today just right

They will read them for you.

(Mary the artisan reads out the diplomas received during the year.)

Mary the Craftsman:

Yes it will be open

All years in a row

The door of this safe

For new rewards!

(Applause. Song performed by the soloist of the folklore ensemble

Mary the Craftsman:

Dear guests!

You all visited our exhibition,

What was your impression of her?

And we would like to know today

What can you tell us about this.

I invite the head of the educational and methodological department of folk crafts and crafts to the stage ... (full name)

(Speech of the guest of honor.)

Mary the Craftsman: I wonder what the impressions are ... (full name of the guest of honor.)

(Guest speech. Fanfares sound,)

Mary the Craftsman:

It's time for joy

We congratulate everyone today:

Who. made crafts,

And who taught them.


This teacher's talents are endless.

And all works are different from others,

We believe that soon her success awaits,

In patchwork creativity will conquer us all.

Mary the Craftsman:... (full name of the pedagogue)! We ask you to take the stage with your students. The director of the House of Creativity ... (full name) is invited for the award.



... (name of the teacher) - master of the hand,

You don't get bored with him at all.

He creates from the skin

Something that suits everyone.

Whether it's earrings, a necklace -

Everything delights

So go to victory

Under the brilliance of praise and orchestral brass!

Mary the Craftsman:... (full name of the teacher) and his students!



... (name of the teacher) - a craftswoman,

Knows old and young

Her accomplishments are often talked about.

Stuffed Toys

Drive everyone crazy

Their children sew

And she herself.

Mary the Craftsman:... (full name of the teacher) and her guys!



... (name of teacher)!

Your work girl

They will exalt to a feat,

After all, no costumes.

Blouses, sundresses

They won't even last five minutes.

Like without bows, combs and pockets

They wholeheartedly thank

You, masters, are promised in unison,

That everyone will definitely sew an outfit for themselves,

Dreamed of for many years.

To the question Poems for the fair asked by the author tall the best answer is Attention! Attention! Attention!
Fun festivities open!
Hurry, honest people,
The fair is calling you!
To the fair! To the fair!
Hurry all here!
Here jokes, songs, sweets
We've been waiting for you, friends!
What does your soul desire?
You can find everything at the fair!
Everyone chooses gifts
You won't leave without shopping!
Hey, don't stand at the door
Come visit us soon!
The people are gathering
Our fair is open!
Well, honest people,
Come boldly
Buy goods, do not be shy!
Guys, don't yawn
Who wants to buy!
Don't go anywhere, come here!
A marvelous marvel, a marvel is marvelous, not a commodity!
Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!
Don't count the raven, buy the goods!
Here are the goods are good! Anything for the soul!

Answer from Leani[guru]
Today is wonderful weather, but you can not buy the love of the people.

Answer from Yoimpatyaga[guru]
Fair fire, bright!
The fair is dancing, hot!
Look to the left - shops with goods!
Look to the right - fun for nothing
Well, it's not expensive.
Buy cottage cheese
And here's the chicken and celery!
Cheaper ruble,
Two bagels with poppy seeds
Take it, darlings, and hurry up!
But tarpaulin,
almost new,
Well, what are you watching? They have no demolition!
Take a cap
And plaid trousers
Yes, do not feel sorry for you, your coins!
After all, at the fair,
And not in hard labor,
Walk, dear, what is already there!
leather boots,
Almost never worn...
Ah, for the holidays! And so I'll give it!

Answer from Accomplice[guru]
There are good products.
Not a commodity, but a real treasure.
Take it apart.
Needles are not broken
Threads, ribbons.
Blush, lipstick!
Who needs what?
And here are the pies!
Bagels here!
Fresh, delicious -
They ask in the mouth!
Please come to us here as soon as possible
Come on, honest people.
Start having fun.
The fair is calling us all!
Come on citizens
Let's please everyone!
There are items
To hide signs, -
From nose to ears
From papier-mâché!
But lollipops, lollipops, bells,
Cocks-tits and other birds!
And here are the masks from a Russian fairy tale!
Goblin, Fox and other miracles!
Come, appreciate
Buy don't be shy!
venerable audience,
To whom a donut hole -
From tasty, good.
We give away cheap!
And here are the colored lanterns,
Air balloons,
Serpentine, confetti -
Buy and joke.
Come here people
And let's get acquainted!
May for many years
This day will be remembered!
Gather more cheerfully
Dear viewers!
We are waiting for the children's fair,
We are waiting for their parents!
Come bolder people
Both left and right!
We are celebrating the New Year
Jokes and fun!
Forget the sad sigh
Sorrow is thrown away.
If there is a buffoon nearby -
There will be buffoons!
We'll let you know before it's too late
We have one condition:
Today be serious
We are forbidden!
It is also prohibited
Here to whine and mope,
And strictly prohibited
Yawn, squeak and whine!
Don't waste a minute
Laugh merrily, to tears.
In every joke - a share of a joke,
The rest is serious!
It can be seen that our people are full:
He doesn't take pies.
Looks like they have balls.
Bought in advance
And marks like this
No meetings needed!
Come on, fair people!
The fair is calling!
The fair will not let you get bored!
Make you sing, dance!

Songs for the fair

Fair fire, bright!
The fair is dancing, hot!
Look to the left - shops with goods!
Look to the right - fun for nothing!

Well, it's not expensive.
Buy cottage cheese
And here's the chicken and celery!
Cheaper ruble,
Two bagels with poppy seeds
Take it, darlings, and hurry up!
But tarpaulin,
almost new,
Well, what are you watching? They have no demolition!
Take a cap
And plaid trousers
Yes, do not feel sorry for you, your coins!
After all, at the fair,
And not in hard labor,
Walk, dear, what is already there!
leather boots,
Almost never worn...
Ah, for the holidays! And so I'll give it!

You believe me, friends:
There is no cheating here.
Drop it, don't argue, buy it
Don't waste your time!

Don't hold your tongue
Buy pies with mushrooms.
Make me laugh, my friend
Eat this pie!
Get in line
Grab everything!

People, come on!
Look at the dresses!

Take apart my dolls!
Bring joy to children!

We ourselves are from Ryazan!
Herring - Astrakhan!
Fly - buy
Choose - take!

There are good products.
Not a commodity, but a real treasure.
Take it apart.
Needles are not broken
Threads, ribbons.
Blush, lipstick!
Who needs what?
And here are the pies!
Bagels here!
Fresh, delicious -

They ask in the mouth!

Scarves, cockerels,
painted scallops
Come buy
Honest Cossacks.

Please come to us here as soon as possible
Come on, honest people.
Start having fun.
The fair is calling us all!
Come on citizens
Let's please everyone!
There are items
To hide signs, -
From nose to ears
From papier-mâché!
But lollipops, lollipops, bells,
Cocks-tits and other birds!
And here are the masks from a Russian fairy tale!
Goblin, Fox and other miracles!
Come, appreciate
Buy don't be shy!
venerable audience,
To whom a donut hole -
From tasty, good.
We give away cheap!
And here are the colored lanterns,
Air balloons,
Serpentine, confetti -
Buy and joke.
Come here people
And let's get acquainted!
May for many years
This day will be remembered!
Gather more cheerfully
Dear viewers!
We are waiting for the children's fair,
We are waiting for their parents!
Come bolder people
Both left and right!
We are celebrating the New Year
Jokes and fun!
Forget the sad sigh
Sorrow is thrown away.
If there is a buffoon nearby -
There will be buffoons!
We'll let you know before it's too late
We have one condition:
Today be serious
We are forbidden!
It is also prohibited
Here to whine and mope,
And strictly prohibited
Yawn, squeak and whine!
Don't waste a minute
Laugh merrily, to tears.
In every joke - a share of a joke,
The rest is serious!

I sell pies!
There are no more useful pies on earth:
Heals teeth from any disease!
Bite once such a pie -
Not only diseases - you will not find teeth!

Run, sir friends!
Popped balloons for sale!
Having bought, you will not repent - that's for sure -
Absolute strength guaranteed!
Though with a needle, at least burn with fire,
They won't burst anymore!

Now the brisk trade will begin:
Notebooks for sale with deuces, with triples,
With a note from the class teacher,
With a call to your parents' school.
Whoever buys - he can, already sitting at home,
Marks to have on the subject of any!

It can be seen that our people are full:
He doesn't take pies.
Looks like they have balls.
Bought in advance
And marks like this
No meetings needed!
Come on, fair people!
The fair is calling!
The fair will not let you get bored!
Make you sing, dance

In preparation for the fair, the children learned nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, fables, folk songs. For sale, crafts were made from beads, napkins were embroidered, mothers baked pies. Parents helped to sew Russian sundresses and shirts.

1.Attention! Attention! Attention!
Fun festivities open!
Hurry honest people
The fair is calling you!

2. To the fair, to the fair!
Hurry all here!
Here are jokes, songs, sweets,
We've been waiting for you, friends!

3. We are mischievous guys!
We are the cool guys!
We invite everyone to the fair!
We sell toys!
Well, honest people,
Come boldly
Buy goods, do not be shy!
Guys, don't yawn
Who wants what, buy!

4. Don't go anywhere, come all here!
A marvelous marvel, a marvel is marvelous, not a commodity!
Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!
Don't count the raven, buy the goods!
Here are the goods are good! Anything for the soul!
Containers - bars - rastabars,
We sell all products!

Leading. And the goods are not simple, they are bought only for your knowledge of tongue twisters, rhymes, proverbs.

And so that you have a good mood, guests with funny ditties came to your fair.


(Performed by 3 girls and 3 boys)

Get up, girls, side by side
Let's sing ditties!

Yes, and we, perhaps, will rise,
Let's not leave our friends!

We will sing ditties to you
Still wonderful
That the old women will go dancing
The old people will dance!


Girls are white
Where did you get white?

We milked the cows yesterday
Washed with milk!

1 boy

You listen, the girls I will sing the Unskladushka.
A pig grazes on an oak
A bear is steaming in the bath!

2 boy.

There is a cart on the mountain
Tears drip from the arc.
A cow sits under the mountain
Putting on boots!

1 girl.

Where are you going, Vanyusha?
After all, a cart without wheels!
And Vanyusha answers

3 boy.

Harvest oats!

2 girl.

I'm stomping my foot
Let me stomp another one.
Come to me Ivan
Dance with me!

1 boy.

I put my foot on my toe
And then on the heel.
I will dance Russian
And then squat!

Leading. And look, what kind of peddlers came?

Yes, this is Nicodemus and Yegor! Let's hide and listen to what they're talking about!

Scene “Fables in faces”
(G. Sapgir)

- Hello Nicodemus!
- Hello, Egor! Where are you going from?
- From the Kudykin mountains.
-And how are you Yegor, are you doing?
- They put an ax on their bare feet,
They mow the grass with a boot, They carry water in a sieve.
Our sledges go by themselves, And our horses with mustaches,
Run underground for mice.
Yes, they are cats.
- A mosquito is in your basket!
Our cats live in a nest
They fly everywhere.
Arrived in the yard
Started a conversation: “Kar! Kar!
Yes, it's crows!
- Fly agaric you boiled!
Our crow is big-eared
Often runs into gardens.
Skok yes skok across the bridge,
White speck tail.
- Yes, it's a bunny!
- Into your nose fir cone!
All the animals are afraid of our hare.
Last winter in the bitter cold
The gray hare of the ram carried away.
- Yes, it's a wolf!
- Click on your forehead!
Haven't you ever heard
That our wolves are horned?
The wolf shakes his beard, dined on a swan.
- Yes, it's a goat!
- A thousand clicks for you!
Our goat went under the snag,
Tail moves,
Do not set up nets!
Yes, this is burbot!
No, don't burbot!
We talk about burbot like this:
Burbot Nicodemus is proud of himself,
Burbot Nicodemus wears a sable hat,
Doesn't break it in front of anyone.
And he doesn't understand jokes either!

Leading. Come on, guys, stand in a row, and the girls are opposite. Who will sing better and friendlier?

Children perform Russian folk song"On the mountain is a viburnum."

On the mountain, viburnum, viburnum,
Under the mountain raspberries, raspberries,
Well, viburnum
Well, raspberry
And who cares viburnum.
And who cares raspberries.

Leading. Who came to our fair for what, but look how the old man sells a cow at the fair.

Scene “How an old man sold a cow” S. Mikhalkov.

An old man was selling a cow in the market,

Although many needed a cow,
But apparently people didn't like it!
-Master, will you sell us your cow?
- Selling. I've been standing with her in the market since morning!
Are you asking too much, old man, for her?
-Yes, where to make money? Get yours back!
- It hurts your little cow is thin!
-Sick cursed, just trouble.
- Yes, we have not seen milk yet ...
All day long the old man traded in the market,
No one gave a price for a cow.
One boy took pity on the old man:
- Dad, your hand is not easy!
I will stand near your cow,
Perhaps we will sell your cattle!
There is a buyer with a tight wallet,
And now he is bargaining with the boy:
- Will you sell the cow?
-Buy if you're rich.
Cow, look, not a cow, but a treasure!
-Yes, is it? Looks too skinny!
-Not very fat, but good milk yield!
How much milk does a cow give?
-If you don’t milk it in a day, your hand will get tired.
The old man looked at his cow:
- Why am I, Burenka, selling you?
I will not sell my cow to anyone -
You need such a beast!

2 peddler.

Tambourines, rumba, rattles, spoons!
Who wants to play a little?
Get in line! Choose in a row!
Beautiful - nice, but fun for everyone!

The game "Carousel": Children, holding the ribbons, go in a circle to the music, speeding up the pace of movement. And then the carousel stops.


Hello, little girls and boys! Do you like to play? Then now I will play "Confusion" with you. I will confuse you, and you must answer correctly. Agreed?

Dandelion wreaths in spring
Weave, of course, only ....
Bolts, screws, gears
Find it in your pocket...
Skates on the ice drew arrows -
Playing hockey in the morning...
Chatted for an hour without a break
In colorful dresses...
With everyone to measure strength,
Of course, they only love...
Cowards are afraid of the dark -
All, as one, they ....
Silk, lace and fingers in rings -
Going out for a walk…

The song “Where was Ivanushka?”

A performance of a Russian folk song.

Where was Ivanushka?
-At the fair.
-What did Ivanushka buy?
- Chicken.

-Where was Ivanushka?
-At the fair.
-What did Ivanushka buy?
- Duck.
The hen pecks at the seeds

Ivanushka sings songs in the Gorenka.
-Where was Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did Ivanushka buy?
- Lamb.
The hen pecks at the seeds
The duck goes back and forth through the puddles.

Ivanushka sings songs in the Gorenka.
-Where was Ivanushka?
-At the fair.
-What did Ivanushka buy?
- Cow.
The hen pecks at the seeds
The duck goes back and forth through the puddles.
The lamb is chewing grass in the meadow.
The cow gives milk to children.
Ivanushka sings songs in the Gorenka.
