Nikita Mikhalkov about "Matilda": If you undertake to shoot about a sainted person, you must understand what awaits you. Mikhalkov spoke on “Matilda What Mikhalkov said about the film Matilda

MOSCOW, September 16 - RIA Novosti. The Cinema Fund is responsible for the situation around Alexei Uchitel's film Matilda, director Nikita Mikhalkov said at a press conference timed to coincide with the opening of the Eurasian Bridge International Film Festival.

“I haven’t seen the Matilda movie, I think there is a lot of speculation here. This issue should be resolved from the very beginning, the Cinema Fund should understand what it is doing by allocating money… The Ministry of Culture did not give a penny for this film, it decides Cinema Fund. It seems to me that the whole story with "Matilda" is connected exclusively with the Cinema Fund, "Mikhalkov said.

The Kremlin is waiting with interest for the release of "Matilda"

Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky earlier expressed indignation at the situation around Matilda. According to the minister, the hysteria whipped up around the picture is lawlessness and censorship, and also creates a "dangerous precedent for indulging irresponsible hysteria."

Earlier, Medinsky issued an official statement on the situation around Matilda. According to him, the Ministry of Culture tried to refrain from interfering in this scandal, but the events force us to speak with all certainty. He said that any intention to ban the showing of "Matilda" and attempts to pressure cinemas are lawless and create a dangerous precedent.


The Teacher's film is dedicated to the fate of the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, with whom the future Emperor Nicholas II was in love. The film is released in Russian cinemas on October 26. Long before the premiere, the picture caused a wide public outcry: representatives of the Tsar's Cross movement called "Matilda" an "anti-Russian and anti-religious provocation," and State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya asked the Prosecutor General's Office to check the validity of issuing a rental certificate to the picture.

The Cinema Fund, of which Nikita Mikhalkov is still a member, has been operating since 1995.

PHOTO: Natalia Nechaeva "Evening Moscow"

On September 15, Russian film director Nikita Mikhalkov commented on the scandal associated with the film "Matilda".

My personal opinion - I repeat, not as the chairman of the Union of Cinematographers, and even more so not as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Cinema Fund, from which I left, you must assume what awaits you if you undertake to lower a person who has been canonized as a saint into an everyday situation - Mikhalkov said.

After the director stressed that if his colleague did his job consciously, now "you should not complain."

You want to laugh, you want to argue, but this is an axiom. This person (Nicholas II - approx. "VM") is with all his being on a different human level. Telling what color his nails are, how he smells, or what he did, you should understand how it could end. If you understand this and go for it, don’t complain, but stand and wonder why it happened, well, because it happened,” he said.

The Cinema Fund for me personally must be an honest accountant, he was given the task of who to pay - and he pays, and he does not decide who to pay. And behind this is a very serious and big policy, ideological issues are there. It is absolutely obvious to me that the entire story with Matilda is on the conscience of the Cinema Fund, - conveys his words.

Earlier, the united network of Cinema Park and Formula Kino announced that Matilda was due to threats against cinemas.

In turn, the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation urged to stop pressure from opponents of the picture.


Poklonskaya bet on the "Joker"

Column column "VM" Olga Kuzmina

The story "How Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich" was written by Nikolai Gogol in 1835 and ended with the words "It's boring in this world, gentlemen!" The conflict between State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya and director Alexei Uchitel has already been described more than once, but, unlike the story, it does not yet have an ending, although it cannot be denied that boredom from him is already blowing ().

In the photo: The royal couple of the Romanovs ...

If you believe that there is a God, then going to see a film, the release of which is being actively prepared for the anniversary of the communists, is dangerous.

Because God is unlikely to like betrayal.

And accordingly, if you wanted health or happiness for your child, then viewing the unnecessary will only postpone your dream for an indefinite period.

Because God exists.

"Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is useful"!

Alas, Mr. Mikhalkov does not pay any attention to these words of the supreme Apostle Paul. Why should he? This is the Bible. A book written by the Holy Spirit! Why should Nikita Sergeevich listen to the Word of God? Anyway, don't listen...

What about others? Orthodox - at least try.
But Mikhalkov cannot understand the Orthodox ...

The film "Ermak" was shot ... Our (!) Poklonskaya, Putin, Norkin, Obiteleva, Seregin, Yegorov, Belkin were allocated by the Russian State (!) ... - hard-earned money - taxes - millions of rubles - for a "historical film" in the Studio of Mr. Teacher, (the same Teacher who took off after a while "Matilda").

As a result of the check, it turned out that "Yermak" has nothing to do with the history of Russia and Yermak at all ... Millions - sailed away. Answer me, scrupulous to the point of hatred (to those who love the purity of the Russian soul) - Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov: who will answer for this?

Nobody. Didn't answer and won't answer. We have laws!

Putin and State Duma deputies

Read, Vladimir Vladimirovich and the deputies, what the RUSSIAN PEOPLE writes after the billionaire, who has houses in Spain, Switzerland, France, London - Mr. Fedotov - the son of a participant in Rao - Russian copyright - was convicted in Russia for stealing some for him 300 million rubles!

“Long live the Russian court! The most humane court in the world! I’ll add: the most humane court for embezzlers! I even threatened the guilty with my finger. This kozel will be released in three months.
The power of the pilot of the boughs on which he sits! Move on, gentlemen!"

Also: "You can't plant it for a long time, because he still needs to have time to spend it. Still, 300 million. And life is so short."

And why?
But because it turns out Fedotov reimbursed as much as 150 million! (And he left 150 for life ...) At home, he must be kept abroad ... And as stated, given the "confession of guilt" and "already served at home and the preliminary investigation - 1 year," the billionaire thief has only what - then half a year in prison ... Steal! - Don't want...

We've come!

"The Meshchansky Court of Moscow sentenced the former head of the Russian Authors' Society (RAO) Sergei Fedotov to one and a half years in prison, who was accused of large-scale embezzlement of the property of this organization."

The court found Fedotov guilty under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“fraud committed by a group or on an especially large scale”), TASS reports.

The amount of damage imputed to Fedotov is 297 million rubles.

The case on the fact of illegal alienation of property belonging to the Russian Authors' Society (RAO) was initiated in June last year.

What kind of laws are in Russia that allow all of it to be plundered?!

How is it possible to give only one and a half rubles for the amount of theft of the treasury over 1 million or several billion rubles? Is this bullying?

Have you done everything to make stealing easier? Yes?

Now, in six months, Fedotov will “come out” from where he has not actually landed yet, like Vasilyeva recently, and also: he will live in peace on the loot from the people.

Are you kidding me?!

The fact of the matter is that the laws in Russia protect only the rich.

Majors crush people on the roads. At the same time, as they drove, they drive. Without any conclusion and millions of fines.

He stole hundreds of millions - they give you (really) only half a year, and then, not prisons, but a "rest home": food from restaurants, TV, a lawn for football. Class! But only for the rich.

And to the poor: he stole a bicycle, for the sake of a joke - in front of a girl to show the control of a bicycle on one wheel - they gave three years in prison!

Is our court fair in Russia?

The price of an old bicycle and millions and billions that they steal and steal and there is no end in sight?!

Or they shoot some in Russia with our money: films; put on performances; in the Hermitage there are exhibitions with the corpses of animals to "resurrect" them - they say, "a second life" is thus given to the ashes! ...

And all this nonsense - for our money, mind you!
Let them put on their own and make such "exhibitions"!

But no. He staged a film or a performance for millions of rubles, Orthodox - including people. Yes, one that provokes protest! Since the content kills the heart of a believer! But this is nothing to worry about. The director is transferred to another place, where he continues blasphemous "experiments" for our own money.

About Films, exhibitions and performances

They allocated (again by the State - the Russian Federation), again - our money (!) - as much as 35 million rubles (!) For the play "Tannhäuser" in Novosibirsk. The director (a lover of laughing at the "suckers" - Orthodox) put on stage something that is blasphemy. Namely: in the scene where the actor portrays the Lord and our God - Jesus Christ - the actor in the main role and (his "disciples" in the story - the apostles) actors of secondary roles - naked actresses surround and caress, with hanging breasts and loose hair - women "prostitute"...

What is this "vision" of Christ?

Nikita Mikhalkov, what would happen if they showed on stage: naked and intercourse with other men of the prophet Muhammad or Allah?

It's hard to imagine what would have happened! And with you, defending all this abomination, including!

You are like Charlie. And this role - "both ours and yours" - completely suits you, Nikita Sergeevich. Since "the wolves are full, and the sheep are safe."

But we are not satisfied!

And, if Putin, on Direct Line 15, says that he respects the Teacher and personally knows him, this does not mean for us that the Teacher (especially after he himself admitted that instead of "Yermak" they removed " not that "(!) And why - he hasn't figured it out yet! Wow?! For our millions ??? "I haven't figured it out yet" ...) - that the one who filmed "Matilda" in general for a believer can be respected .

Yes, because the Film was shot from the words of the Teacher specifically "on order" for the 100th anniversary of that bloody terrorist coup in 1917, as a result of which Russia lost the Anointed One of God. Who ordered the "celebration" of the 100th anniversary of the bloody revolution from the Ministry of Culture? We didn't order! And why is it necessary to make a FILM about a PROSTITUTE for our money????

Is this a good thing for Russia?

The very title of the film is provocative! Don't you understand this, Mr. Mikhalkov?

A normal Russian person cannot but be Orthodox. Otherwise: the Moscow Kremlin, Vladimir, Suzdal, Yu Ustyug, Kostorma, Pereyaslavl, Rostov the Great (!!!) and Veliky Novgorod, St. Petersburg with Isaac (in honor of St. Isaac, on whose day Peter I was born), with Kazan, With Intercessions on the Blood, with the Smolny Cathedral - not your cities! For, even Tsar Peter built churches in St. Petersburg and in Moscow! "A madman does not believe in the Creator! A wise man must see the Creator's creations!" Peter repeated!

Moscow golden-domed!
Ringing bells!
Gymnasium girls are ruddy
Kick snow off your heels!

Here is Moscow!
The Kremlin in Moscow is a temple on a temple, a monastery in Moscow was on a monastery! In Suzdal: every ten meters: churches on churches, a monastery on a monastery! Pilgrims and foreign tourists - the sea!!! Why? - Because without temples and the Russian faith, there would be no Russia even now!

And what? Mister teacher did not understand (???),

that the film "Matilda", dedicated not to the Russian Tsar, but NOT to a RUSSIAN (!) prostitute, (namely: Matilda Feliksovna Kshesinskaya (Maria-Matilda Adamovna-Feliksovna-Valerievna Kshesinskaya), Polish. - will not only be not pleasant, but impossible according to the heart of a Russian Orthodox person?!


But he fulfilled the "Order".

An order to humiliate in the eyes of those who honor the Tsar - an Orthodox man, a family man and a holy martyr.

We are all sinful. And we understand that the king had sins, and the Teacher, and Putin, and Mikhalkov have sins.
But, this does not mean at all that what a person has repented of, and what is his personal life, is intimate and a sin - that THIS should be put on display and INVENTED with bed scenes so that these "scenes are savored on the screens!

But there is a meaning.

Break faith.

Mr. Teacher did what the Bolsheviks did after the overthrow of power in Russia in 1917: they came to the heart of the Orthodox - to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, brought to the square the most precious thing that the monks had: the relics of their beloved father Sergius of Radonezh (through whose prayers and Rus' won a victory on the Kulikovo field),

and they began to take out these relics and mock them:

Look! Is this your "saint"?! Ha ha ha ... Is that it? - they asked, raising the imperishable relics of the one whose spirit performed and performs such miracles that even the dead rose! - These bones are your shrine?! - Ha-ha!...

This is blasphemy! This is a disgusting humiliation of a believer! And this can only be done by those who have lost the image of God - humanity.

What the Bolsheviks did, and what the director Uchitel did by giving such a name to the film and in general making a film on this forbidden topic, is called violence against the souls of other people.

Don't you understand this, VV?

We with Natalia Vladimirovna Poklonskaya, with Andrey Vladimirovich Norkin will not go to the film "Matilda". Why?

Because it is tantamount to honoring a prostitute above Orthodoxy.

Once again: Matilda is a whore, a prostitute.

What is the purpose of the film?

Show what?

That the king had sins before the wedding?

This is not new. There was a sin.

But for the Teacher, and for everyone who goes and looks at the OBLETY - the sin will be greater than the one in which our Tsar Nicholas repented a long time ago. Aren't you afraid of it? Don't you understand this? Is it not enough for Nikita Mikhalkov to have a wife, that he still needs to go to a film that is dedicated to a prostitute?

So not much.

We are sorry about you, Nikita Sergeevich.

Moreover, the main role in "Matilda" (the Orthodox Tsar!) is played by a porn actor.

The head of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, director Nikita Mikhalkov, joined the discussion of the film Matilda, which has not yet been released.

“The most stupid and wrong thing is when the Teacher offered Poklonskaya to watch Matilda, she refused. There is nothing to say right now. The question is removed, ”the director added.

At the same time, the ROC does not officially interfere in the conflict. It was not for nothing that Shchipkov began his rebuke to the film and Medinsky with the words "in my opinion."

As Aleksey Venediktov, editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy, said on his Telegram channel, one of the metropolitans of the Russian Orthodox Church told him “(drawing out syllables) -“ you don’t understand, Oleksey. Poklonskaya is possessed by the devil. And she is a test for our Church.”

Some, like the journalist Oleg Kashin, even see the situation of intimidation of filmmakers and petty terror as an action planned by the authorities before the presidential elections.

According to the journalist, from the story of the Christian State, whose leader openly threatens to set cinemas on fire for showing Matilda, “the ears of her [Poklonskaya] Duma boss Vyacheslav Volodin stick out, who has been constantly is trying to turn it into an alternative political technology center to the Kremlin, and the story of Matilda, which literally repeats the first big scandal of the Volodinsky times - the case of Pussy Riot - looks so artificial that it’s directly ashamed of those who take it all at face value and start speaking the language slogans about terrorism.

This version can be supported by the fact that the police and the FSB are in no hurry to find and prosecute the activists who are throwing Molotov cocktails in the middle of Moscow and forcing cinemas to refuse to show a high-grossing film.
