According to Feng Shui, flowers are useful for the home. Feng Shui Color Meaning: General Concepts

). Now let's look at the same question from the point of view of Feng Shui.

Indoor flowers and feng shui are an amazing combination, and each person has a special relationship. Plants feel when they are loved and rejoice in them, or, on the contrary, they are indifferent as to an interior item. You can only check which flower will benefit you in practice. Try to analyze your condition, and you may feel how this particular flower affects you and the relationships in your home.

Plants in the apartment not only improve the qi of the room, but also create additional qi. - a kind of nature in miniature, they symbolize prosperity and health. Plants on the window filter bad energy, above the head of the bed they improve the qi of the sleeper, in the corner of the room they do not allow the qi to stagnate.

Auspicious indoor flowers- this is a very good source of yang energy, but there are unfavorable plants - they can bring various troubles and worsen feng shui. Plants with thorns and thorns are considered unfavorable. If you have cacti - get rid of them, because. their thorns are a constant source of sha qi and it will definitely reflect on you. Sick and dead flowers and trees also emit Yin energy.

Therefore, if you decide to decorate your apartment or office with flowers, approach this matter carefully, wisely. Desirable pick flowers with rounded leaves(for example, the coin tree is a classic Feng Shui symbol of wealth, and the leaves of this tree are almost round - like coins). Living plants should be healthy, have bright, clean leaves.

When plants get sick, they need to be changed. You may need to change plants every month - this often happens if a living plant is used as protection against massive sharp corners.

If you decide to use artificial plants for decoration, keep them clean and change faded specimens in time. If you start your home or office garden and your plants start to die, this situation will affect the feng shui of the entire room, because. plants will become a source of yin energy.

Add climbing plants with oval leaves to the house - and peace and tranquility will reign in the house. Plants are considered energy carriers, they act like sponges, absorbing and refreshing Chi energy. They can slow down the too fast movement of energy in a long corridor and, thanks to their living essence, transform energy stagnant in the corners.

But avoid plant pests with sharp leaves, dotted coloration and thorns (cacti and some types of palm trees) - they create bad energy that gives rise to conflicts and failures. And it is not recommended to plant plants in the bedroom - there they spoil the woman's love happiness, lead to quarrels and infidelity of the spouses. Properly selected flowers in the house - improve not only health, but also character.

Temperament, indoor flowers and feng shui

Melancholic and phlegmatic people should plant plants in their apartment that bloom with bright - red, orange, yellow flowers. Choleric and sanguine people are more suitable for flowers of bluish, purple, white tones and delicate greens. Violets, tea roses, chrysanthemums - soothe, discourage the desire to " let the dogs down".

Just lazy, regardless of temperament, it is better to start breeding aloe, cacti and ornamental palm trees. Accidentally discovering a CACTUS in their house a couple of months after buying it, such people will be surprised that it has not dried up yet and looks good.

Cacti are good because, along with extreme unpretentiousness, they have strong energy, and are also able to take heavy negative energy. It is believed that dogs and cacti do not get along in the same house. In the presence of dogs, cacti begin to get sick. Cacti, of course, are desert dwellers, but do not forget to water your prickly helpers: when the earth dries out excessively, the cacti begin to feed on the energy of the house.

Thus, properly selected indoor flowers will normalize the feng shui of your home.

Continuation of the article, including a description of the most common plants in houses from the point of view of Feng Shui, expect in the following articles.

According to

Indoor plants have a great influence on the energy of the house. Each flower has its own properties and character, which must be taken into account when planting this or that plant in the house. What flowers are recommended for Feng Shui?

Aloe. This plant, thanks to its light energy, brings health and good luck to the house. It is also able to improve the biofield of all households, increase their physical strength and endurance. Feng Shui recommends keeping this plant in the living room where it will best take care of your well-being. And if you want it to protect against intruders, the evil eye and damage, put it in the hallway.

Cactus. Opinions about this plant are divided. Some say that cacti bring bad luck, while others, on the contrary, consider them lucky plants. Both are right. In order for the cactus to positively influence the energy of the room, it must be kept in the right place. The best place for a cactus - a hallway (there he will fight the negative that enters through the door). Mother-in-law can put it in the kitchen, where he will attract money. Remember that cacti are energy vampires. So that he does not pump out positive energy, do not forget to take care of him.

Geranium. Geranium is also considered an energy vampire, but it only feeds exclusively negative emotions. So if you are sad and dreary, inhale its aroma - your mood will immediately rise! According to feng shui, at home, this plant is best kept in the living room.

Azalea. This flower helps to normalize the microclimate in the family. Azalea is able to prevent conflicts and smooth out quarrels. It soothes, restores strength, relieves irritation and fatigue. Tradescantia. This plant cleanses the room of negative energy. According to apartment feng shui, tradescantia is an indicator of well-being. If it blooms and smells sweet, then it means that you and your home have nothing to fear. If tradescantia turns yellow and fades, then something is wrong with you and in your house.

Ficus. This Feng Shui plant is the keeper of home comfort and well-being. It is a symbol of marital fidelity and love. Ficus relieves stress, fatigue, gives harmony and comfort.

If you love indoor plants and want to improve the atmosphere in your home with their help, Feng Shui advises you to carefully monitor your home garden, as flowers feel care and attention from a person and repay kindness for kindness. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.06.2014 09:30

It is believed that the main place in the house is the kitchen. After all, it is there that family issues are resolved, ...

In Feng Shui philosophy, literally everything that surrounds you matters. This also applies indoor plants, ...

The use of Feng Shui techniques in the process of creating an interior allows you to achieve spiritual harmony and activate the energy that space gives. Location feng shui indoor flowers- an excellent way to strengthen or balance certain aspects of life, since plants are living organisms, and their strong energy is not subject to the slightest doubt.

Balance of masculine and feminine principles

When choosing indoor flowers for your home, you should carefully consider which of the beginnings each flower symbolizes. So, plants with pointed leaves, having an aggressive color, reflect. Yang, on the other hand, is characterized by softness and complaisance. This means that such indoor flowers according to Feng Shui will have round, rather neat leaves.

It is also possible to trace the correspondence to one or another beginning, depending on the direction of growth of the flower. "Male" flowers always rush forward - their stems are directed upwards. Feminine dictates the flowers safely spread and curl.

Achieving harmony through plants

To enhance a certain area of ​​​​life, as well as get the maximum positive energy from the surrounding space, you should know what properties indoor flowers have in Feng Shui.

  • geranium- a great helper when you need to ease the negative mood in the house, replacing it with an excellent sense of humor;
  • azalea- gives decisiveness to timid people and makes it possible to tune in to a successful outcome of any event;
  • fern- neutralizes maximalist moods and a tendency to go to extremes;
  • ivy- removes the negative energy of resentment and envy from the house;
  • monstera- perfectly organizes unassembled people, and also helps to put thoughts in order;
  • cactus- stimulates the development of logical thinking. Good support internal forces those people who do not always cope with emotions. The abundance of cacti in the house is undesirable, as it can affect the number of friends in the life of its owner;
  • orchid is a real antidepressant. For its owner, this plant is the key to creative success;
  • dracaena- gives a powerful optimistic charge;
  • Chinese rose- to help creative people who hardly overcome bouts of laziness.

Feng Shui arrangement of indoor flowers

A very important role is played by how the indoor flowers are arranged according to Feng Shui in the apartment. The wrong location of a plant can completely neutralize its positive energy or even make it negative.

The cactus will feel great on the northern windowsill. Southern window sills are best freed for geraniums with red or deep pink flowers. For spouses who want to breathe life into their relationship, a pomegranate tree, located on the western window, will do an excellent job. Here it will fully reveal its energy and can even positively affect the reproductive function of the inhabitants of the house.

feng shui rules for indoor plants

There are several commandments regarding the location of indoor flowers in the house according to Feng Shui, which must be followed in order to form positive energy:

Each element has its own flower

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, any plant must correspond to the elements of its owner. Find out belonging to a certain element will help the last digit of the year of birth. According to this theory, when choosing an assortment feng shui indoor plants, it is very important to consider your element:

  • Metal- calls on its owner to arrange flowers such as ficus, jasmine, aloe, tangerine, lemon, violet or phalaenopsis in the apartment.
  • Fire- physalis, pineapple, hibiscus, gloxinia.
  • Earth- makes it possible to set all possible flowers with a yellow tint: roses, hydrangea, aster, orchid, etc.
  • To the elements Tree include almost all flowers.
  • Element Water prefers flowers such as dracaena, violets, camellias, irises, etc.

Competent selection feng shui indoor flowers, which can complement the interior of any apartment - this is the key to success in love relationships and business cooperation.

Everyone knows that living indoor plants have a good effect on the energy in the house and on the person. Choosing the Right Feng Shui Plantscan not only saturate the air with oxygen and clean it of dust, but also help the owners to gain health, peace in the family and material well-being. According to Feng Shui, house plants are endowed with a very good property- attract the beneficial life energy Qi into the living space.

Well-being in the house depends on the Qi energy. Knowing the techniques of feng shui for indoor plants, you can manage the energies. Houseplants can stop the influence of negative Sha energy or slow down too fast Qi energy. After all, too fast Qi life energy can harm the home. Sha energy is generated for various reasons, such as sharp, protruding corners in the house and furniture. Protruding corners can be found in every house, you can’t get away from them, but indoor plants will help us smooth out the influence of negative energy.

In feng shui, the main elements are used to characterize all objects: Fire, Earth, Water, Metal, Wood, and each element corresponds to a specific location in the house. Plants belong to the Wood element, so the best location for them would be the eastern, southeastern sectors of the dwelling. The Wood element in Feng Shui means vitality, growth, prosperity, so the plants in the house contribute to the growth of wealth, give strength to dreams, strengthen vitality and health.

But it is not always possible to put a Feng Shui plant in the right part of the apartment. After all, we try to put all the flowers and plants closer to the window, where there is more access to light. If it is not possible to put the plant in the right place, then hang the plant on the wall or make shelves for them, while the rules of feng shui placement will be observed. By placing the flowers on the wall, they will receive a sufficient amount of light.

But not all feng shui flowers belong to the Wood element. Flowering plants of red, pink, purple color belong to the element of Fire, so they should be placed in the southern part of the house. Color is very important in feng shui, so keep that in mind when arranging your plants. The plant began to bloom, then move it to the southern part of the house, this will activate the action of Qi energy and strengthen the work of this sector.

However, according to Feng Shui, not all plants are able to be a source of positive energy in the house, some plants are even a source of negative energy. Therefore, before you start a potty pet at home, follow these rules:

feng shui houseplant selection

Never bring home diseased plants or plants with signs of wilting, they are powerful sources of negative Sha energy. If a plant is sick at home, try to cure it. Do not leave dried leaves and flowers for a long time, cut them off. Dry foliage in Feng Shui symbolizes death, which means it is the source of Sha. It happens that the plant continues to hurt, stops growing, no matter how we treat it. The cause of a long illness of a plant may not be poor care, but a bad environment in the house. It has been noticed that in houses where there is no love, frequent quarrels occur, flowers do not live long. Try to improve relations between relatives and then a blooming garden is provided for you.

If you decide to decorate your home with feng shui plants, then choose flowers with rounded leaves. Round and oval leaves are symbols of wealth and good luck. Sharp and narrow, carved and prickly leaves do not attract positive energy. This is due to the movement of energy around the house. Positive energy should flow smoothly around rounded leaves and continue to move around the house. Sharp leaves become an obstacle to the smooth movement of energy. The energy in such leaves gets confused and its movements become intermittent, less smooth. Thus, positive energy turns into negative.

Therefore, even very beautiful cacti cannot be placed in living quarters. The positive Qi energy gets hooked on the thorns and turns into negative energy, which does not in the best way affects the well-being and mood of the owners of the house. Cacti should not be planted at home by young girls; such a neighborhood negatively affects happiness in their personal lives.

But what to do if you think cacti are the most unusual and best plants in the world. Then just move them to a non-residential premises, for example, to an insulated balcony. Then the cactus will catch negative energy from the street with its thorns and not let it inside the house. It is also believed that cacti placed on the balcony protect the house from thieves. Cacti capture negative Sha energy and prevent it from moving further, so they are often placed next to computers to absorb harmful radiation.

So wonderful and popular healing properties Aloe plant in feng shui is considered a cactus. Aloe, like a cactus, accumulates negative energy around itself, which negatively affects the emotional state and health of all family members. According to feng shui, scarlet is forbidden to be placed in living quarters, it is especially not recommended in the bedroom.

Despite the fact that dried flower arrangements look very attractive, they should not be placed in the house. They will not help improve the energy at home, but only worsen it. Dry flowers are a source of negative energy, since dried flowers are dead plants, they symbolize death, which means they are detrimental to vital energy Qi.

To improve the energy background at home, choose flowers with rounded leaves pointing upwards. Such plants are the best way to activate the positive energy in the room and have a beneficial effect on the personal life-giving power of Qi of each family member.

Types of useful feng shui plants

In the teachings of Feng Shui, there have always been a few plants that attract positive Qi energy more than others, these include the golden lotus, peony, chrysanthemum and white magnolia. But such plants are problematic to keep at home. Feng Shui allows you to use images of flowers or their artificial copies for your home. Therefore, to improve energy, hang pictures of such flowers or purchase artificial flowers, just dust them regularly.

Cut fresh peonies and chrysanthemums can be put in a vase, just change the water regularly, rotten stagnant water exudes negative energy. Cut flowers should be thrown away as soon as signs of wilting appear, do not accumulate negative Sha energy. Peony is considered a noble and courageous flower, the flower of rulers, and if you have grandiose plans for the future, be sure to put fresh peonies in your home. Chrysanthemums are considered a flower of fun and joy, they cheer up, fill the house with light and comfort.

The orchid is also considered a strong plant in Feng Shui for creating a positive energy background in the home. If a girl is growing up in your family, then be sure to decorate her room with images of orchids or fresh flowers. This will help the girl to open up in the future, become more feminine and beautiful. Images of white magnolia have the same effect, because orchid and magnolia are female flowers. If you are a girl, then install a photo of an orchid on your computer desktop and you will be saturated with tenderness and beauty from the flower every day.

Geranium not only cleans the air of harmful substances indoors, but also enriches the house with positive energy. Geranium also gives a person strength, endurance, helps to overcome obstacles on life path. In order for geranium to please all year round, it must be regularly and plentifully watered, annually transplanted from a cramped pot to a larger one. Do not forget to pick off dried leaves and flowers so that the plant does not become a source of negative energy.

Feng shui violet also creates positive energy in the home. Its rounded leaves are ideal for the smooth movement of Chi energy. Moreover, with proper and regular care, violets can. Blooming violets give good health and good mood.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is very useful to have a living money tree or a fat woman at home. The leaves of the fat woman are round in shape, resembling small coins. It is believed that the money tree attracts wealth to the house. To enhance the effect of the money tree, it must be placed in the sector of wealth, which corresponds to the southeastern part of the house. Putting a few coins under the plant pot will ensure a stable flow of money into the house. If you decide to start a money tree, then take young sprouts only from the home of wealthy owners.

Ampelous plants perfectly absorb the negative Sha energy. They hang like a beautiful waterfall from tall cabinets and shelves, smoothing sharp corners furniture. It is very useful to hang them in the corners of the room, because it is in the corners that accumulates negative energy. But ampelous plants are not suitable for single people. Ampelous plants are considered a symbol of loneliness. So if you have difficulties in your personal life, an ampelous flower will complicate the search for a soulmate. Happy couples ampelous plants are not a hindrance, feel free to put them at home. Ampelous plants include:


Hoya fleshy


Fuchsia ampelous


Fittonia ampelous

The most powerful feng shui plants are bonsai trees. Bonsai is a living tree in miniature, a symbol of life and health, it attracts the life force Qi better than others. If it is not possible to start a live bonsai, then you can put an artificial tree in the house - the effect will not be worse, the main thing is not to forget to wipe the dust from it. Topinary is an analogue of bonsai, just choose a composition not from dry flowers.

Feng Shui houseplants are a powerful tool for attracting positive Qi energy. Flowers love attention no less than a person or an animal. Love your potted pets, take care of them, water them regularly, pick off dry leaves while talking to them. So you will give them a piece of your love and positive attitude and they in turn will answer you. They will grow well, begin to bloom and at the same time will continuously increase the positive energy of your home. And what house plants will bring good luck and improve the microclimate in the house can be found in. Good luck to you!

Only in this article can be found detailed information about flowers and feng shui teachings for apartments and houses and get answers to the most asked questions.

Flowers in the house according to feng shui orchid, where to put, which means

The orchid is considered a symbol of love and fidelity. In addition, it can bring good luck if placed in the southeast. An orchid in the southwest will bring back its former passion. Put to the east will help to cope with diseases, improve health. For a good career, bet in the north.

Feng Shui money tree and where to put, meaning, how to plant

Money Tree attracts finances to its owner. The southeast is responsible for financial well-being, where it belongs. You cannot buy a money tree, then it will not be useful. It would be correct to tear off the stalk from an adult plant, it is better that the owner does not know about it. After the cutting gives roots, plant.

Ficus Benjamin Feng Shui where to put in the house

Ficus Benjamin will fit perfectly into the southeastern part of the apartment, thereby helping the owner to think sensibly and take a sober look at things.

feng shui tangerine tree meaning

The tangerine tree is considered a tree of happiness that can attract only positive energy into the house.

Feng Shui potted flowers in the house

Do not place flowers in pots in the room, thereby increasing the energy of Yang. This can negatively affect marital relationships.

Do not put potted flowers in places where you rest. This impairs the formation of positive energy.

Indoor Feng Shui Flowers and Plants to Attract Love, Money and Wealth

To attract love: begonia, cyclamen, camellia, Chinese rose, pomegranate, cyperus.

To attract money and wealth: fat woman, money geranium, wheat tree, bamboo.

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