Zodiac signs match. Compatibility rating of all zodiac signs from the happiest to the most unlucky couples

Compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage

Zodiac signs compatibility in love and marriage will help to understand the relationship with a loved one, to determine the most important points of contact between the two partners in order to create a strong and harmonious relationship. The compatibility of the signs of the zodiac contains many important and interesting information about the interaction of two partners in various areas of life - love, marriage, everyday life, intimate life.

Quite often there are cases when the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac is practically absent, but representatives of these signs of the Zodiac meet, get married, start a family and live in marriage for a long and happy life full of love and understanding. Does this mean that the horoscope that determines the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac is unreliable? No, this means that people born under signs of the zodiac that are incompatible with each other have shown themselves best qualities, learned to love, give in, forgive and trust, and this is much more important than any information that a horoscope gives. In general, information about the relationship of two partners in love and marriage, which is contained in the horoscope of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, in no case should be taken as a forecast of a life together in love, but only as advice, recommendations for representatives of each sign of the Zodiac, what traits of their character needs to be developed in order for relationships to develop harmoniously in love, marriage, life. In the same way, one should not fall into a state of euphoria when the horoscope of compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage speaks of one hundred percent compatibility of lovers. Even in the case when people are completely compatible according to the sign of the Zodiac, everyone has their own character traits, their own worldview, sometimes having nothing to do with the characteristics of the Solar sign. The compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, compiled by the dates of birth of lovers, gives general information about their relationship in love and marriage, so such information should be taken only as a recommendation. Compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, compiled taking into account the exact time and place of birth of both partners, provides more complete and accurate information about the relationship between two people in love and marriage. Compatibility of signs will help you find out how representatives of different signs of the Zodiac relate to each other, how they perceive themselves in these relationships, what feelings and emotions they experience in relation to each other.

Check your - compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage

Aries Compatibility → Taurus Compatibility →
Gemini Compatibility → Cancer Compatibility →
Leo compatibility → Virgo Compatibility →
Libra Compatibility → Scorpio compatibility →
Sagittarius Compatibility → Capricorn compatibility →
Aquarius Compatibility → Pisces compatibility →

However, do not forget that not a single horoscope of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac will give an answer to the question of the right to existence of love relationships, since for strong, trusting and harmonious relationships, each of the partners must be able to love, interact with their soulmate, merging into a single whole. Creating a strong love union is not an easy job, and first of all, it is work on yourself, and the horoscope of compatibility in love and marriage will just help each of the partners to pay attention to their advantages and disadvantages, develop their best qualities in order to so that the joint life in marriage is full of love, harmony, trust and mutual understanding.

Incredible Facts

Do you want to know which zodiac couple is considered the happiest in love and friendship?

In this list, you will find all possible combinations of couples according to the sign of the Zodiac, and find out what your relationship will be like.

However, remember that this is only general description, and the compatibility of a particular pair can only be found out by a personal horoscope.

Clue: use the keys ctrl+f to find your match.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in love

The happiest couples

1. Cancer + Scorpio

Many believe that this couple is the best in the entire Zodiac. These signs perfectly understand and complement each other, although from the outside they seem completely different. IN this case Each partner in a relationship is strong where the other is weak. They are both interested in a strong relationship, and both have similar goals in life that they want to work towards.

2. Pisces + Pisces

The combination of two Pisces can be very strong and compatible. Each of them finds in each other a kindred spirit or a missing link that they are looking for in a partner. Such relationships are fastened instantly, which can at first scare and push them away from each other. This happens when you find the perfect partner, but are afraid to ask yourself the question: how ready am I for this?

3. Aries + Sagittarius

Both of these zodiac signs love to have fun and can make each other laugh. The couple is full of jokes that only both of them understand, and their life together should be easy and joyful. They have big circle friends, and they are always up to something interesting.

4. Sagittarius + Pisces

Emotionally, such a couple will balance each other well. Both are quite romantic, do not hide their feelings and respect each other. They know how to empathize and capture each other's feelings, trying to be the partner that each of them needs in a relationship. The only problem they will have to face is strong emotions, which will sometimes go off scale.

5. Virgo + Capricorn

This is a truly strong couple who knows how to set goals for themselves and work hard. In their personal lives, they can be a little conservative, and it will take them some time before they open up to each other. However, their interests coincide so much that once this happens, they will become an ideal union.

6. Leo + Libra

Leo and Libra both love to be the center of attention, but they are great at not competing with each other. They are more likely to share their success with each other (which is quite rare for both) and allow each other to become happier.

7. Taurus + Cancer

This couple has every chance to become the best couple in the Zodiac. Taurus and Cancer are very similar in many ways, and their values ​​complement each other. They will enjoy building a happy life together and creating home comforts with the support of a dedicated and caring partner. In addition, both will pamper each other with gentle touches, delicious food and other signs of love.

8. Capricorn + Capricorn

This is an ideal couple, as Capricorn's values ​​are so important to them that a partner who fully supports their ideals will become just their dream.

They will perfectly understand each other's needs and work as a team to achieve common goals. In addition, both are unconditionally committed and will defend their relationship.

9. Gemini + Pisces

In this pair, the partners also balance each other well. While Pisces is emotional and deep by nature, Gemini is warm-hearted and quick to understand Pisces' needs. Pisces tend to follow their heart, while Gemini will play the role of one who makes choices logically. In this case, if the partners find mutual language they can give each other what the other lacks.

10. Sagittarius + Sagittarius

Sagittarius gets along well with a representative of his own zodiac sign. Of course, in such a pair, no one will patronize them so that they do not get into trouble, but both of them are not so important that everything is perfect. Both will have a lot of fun and little quarrel. It will be a union of laid-back partners who always do what they want.

11. Aries + Gemini

Aries and Gemini make a delightful couple who are rarely at home and always find ways to have fun. These are not lovers of a calm home environment. Their social media feed can be a little boring for others, but they enjoy an active lifestyle filled with adventure and new experiences.

12. Libra + Scorpio

This pair balances each other, as Scorpio is emotional and intensely feeling, while Libra is light and carefree. Although in society they both attract attention in their own way, they are independent of each other. Both are beautiful on their own, but together they can achieve so much more.

13. Taurus + Pisces

This is a wonderful union of a dreamer (Pisces) and a realist (Taurus). Both prefer a carefree lifestyle and understand that their partner needs support and love. They will have a happy family life and an unshakable bond.

14. Gemini + Libra

Both zodiac signs will make great friends and happy lovers. They have a natural compatibility and both prefer to spend time in the same way, in the company of people, or having fun. This is a sociable couple that many others look up to.

15. Aries + Virgo

This union can also be called complementary. Aries will choose where to travel, while Virgo will plan everything. They will challenge and balance each other, making other people's lives better.

16. Scorpio + Capricorn

These relationships are for family life. Scorpio is usually ready for marriage at a later age, when he walks up and wants something serious, and Capricorn is always ready for this. Scorpio may have overstated demands, but Capricorn is always ready to understand and give Scorpio personal space when needed. The personality of Scorpio can change, and Capricorn will become the stable partner that Scorpio needs. Thanks to this, the couple will feel satisfaction and happiness.

17. Taurus + Capricorn

Taurus and Capricorn are natural allies. Both love beautiful things, purposeful and stable. They are perfect for each other and can become a very happy and strong couple.

18. Libra + Pisces

This is one of the strong couples that will be faithful to each other. They know how to empathize and are always ready to support each other. This pair is good because when one is behind, the other is in front and is ready to pull the partner. They do not so much complement each other as reflect their influence on each other.

19. Aquarius + Aquarius

Aquarians get along great with their own sign. As a rule, they have a rather high opinion of themselves and a relationship with the same partner will benefit both. Both will mentally stimulate each other, and their romantic connection will be long lasting thanks to the constant spark.

20. Scorpio + Pisces

When they say that opposites attract, this can be attributed to some extent to this pair. Scorpio is outwardly cold and reserved, it is difficult for him to trust and let others in. They want to be leaders in relationships. Pisces, in turn, are usually passive and show their emotions, giving Scorpio all the love. Although gaining Scorpio's trust is difficult, once it happens, their union will be very strong and both will be devoted to each other.

Happy and compatible zodiac couples

21. Gemini + Sagittarius

This couple is able to fall deeply in love with each other and will remember their love all their lives. At first, their relationship can be quite balanced and mutual, but over time, Sagittarius will rely too much on Gemini, and they, in turn, will be outraged and may end the relationship. Even if they break up, both will respect each other.

22. Cancer + Libra

Cancer and Libra get along well with each other, and the only stumbling block will be the issue of pastime. Libra prefers to spend time with friends, while Cancer is an avid stay-at-home. There is no strong chemistry here, but this means both a less tragic and more harmonious relationship.

23. Scorpio + Sagittarius

Both signs are quite stubborn and will never stop fighting for each other. Although both strong personalities, they can be a great team and will always support each other. Problems in this couple will arise when one of them becomes too stubborn to apologize.

24. Gemini + Gemini

This couple may run into problems from the outside, as both are not very practical and inattentive to detail. However, their relationship can be full of happiness and joy, as both do not like to be too burdened and can be themselves with a person who will not try to subdue them.

25. Libra + Aquarius

These partners will have a very strong psychic connection. They can make friends at yoga classes or at breakfast in a cafe. Their relationship will be light, but serious enough, and both will get along well with each other.

26. Scorpio + Aquarius

Scorpio can take a lot personally and be very caustic towards other people, while Aquarius can not pay attention to some little things. He can always give Scorpio the necessary alone time so that he returns to him again. Aquarius will never tire them with excessive attention, and they themselves demand little, and Scorpio, in turn, can give them fidelity.

27. Leo + Virgo

Leo and Virgo can create a happy and harmonious relationship if both are emotionally mature and can appreciate each other's strengths and weaknesses rather than expecting a partner to be like them. Virgo will allow Leo to shine, which will please Leo. Both will balance each other and support the dreams and hopes of each.

28. Leo + Sagittarius

This is a wonderful couple who get along perfectly with each other and do not like drama. They understand and appreciate each other and prefer to do rather than talk. It's forever busy couple who doesn't spend much time at home.

29. Libra + Sagittarius

This is a sociable couple who has many friends. They will try a lot of new things, engage in common activities and generally positively influence each other. In this case, the lack of intellectual and emotional connection can make Libra feel a little lonely.

30. Sagittarius + Aquarius

This is a good couple, as both partners are curious and love to explore the world. They won't hold each other back and will be happy bringing their ideas to life and exploring the world together.

31. Cancer + Pisces

Cancer and Pisces understand each other on basic level, but they are so similar that sometimes it will be difficult for them to work together. Both signs are best paired with a stronger partner who is firmly on the ground, and not the same dreamer. Otherwise, they can be very happy and create a creative union.

32. Leo + Capricorn

Such a union is unlikely, but they can become a very strong couple. Leo and Capricorn love to be respected and appreciated, and both will guard their personal space and their reputation. None of them have a very hot temper, and although Capricorn can be shy, as a rule, everything changes behind closed doors, which is all Leo needs.

33. Libra + Libra

Libra is the zodiac sign that gets along very well with someone like them. Since values ​​are important to them, a partner who has similar values ​​is already the key to success. Together they can create a very happy, harmonious and healthy relationship, where each will support the other emotionally, both will be devoted to each other and help the partner develop.

34. Capricorn + Pisces

This couple will most likely be friends first, where each will be waiting for the first move. But the relationship that began with friendship, as a rule, are very strong and long-lasting. These are the relationships when each partner enters the life of the other when he is tired of games and disappointments. In such a union, both will feel safe.

35. Cancer + Capricorn

For both, such a relationship will present some difficulty at the beginning when they need to adjust their values, but they cannot be called incompatible. Capricorn will seem a little superficial to Cancer until he explains to Cancer that love for good things due to the fact that they want to create a cozy homely atmosphere. Both will be ready to work on such a goal. Capricorn will appreciate the devotion of Cancer, and both will benefit in this relationship.

36. Taurus + Virgo

What many call boring will be perfect for this couple. These partners are on the same page about everything from finances to where they want to be in 5 years. They will support each other, and feel confident in such a relationship.

37. Virgo + Pisces

This is the combination that all parents dream of for their children. It is a practical, down to earth and productive relationship. They may not be the most passionate couple, but their love will stand the test of time. If they make their choice regarding each other, they will remain faithful to each other.

38. Gemini + Leo

Gemini and Leo will be able to get a lot out of life. They always make big plans and make each other laugh. Little things will not worry any of the partners, since both are essentially children in this pair. They will simply enjoy each other's presence, passing insults past their ears.

39. Aries + Aquarius

Both partners in this union can talk to each other for hours, sitting up until the morning. They are on the same level, and both have many common interests that cause them delight. They will be able to create a solid foundation of friendship on which to build a relationship.

40. Virgo + Aquarius

Virgo may find Aquarius a little crazy at first, but they may find that they're not so incompatible. Aquarius, for example, despite all the crazy ideas, is not as messy as Gemini and can take care of itself. There will be a spark in this couple, as both partners are a kind of exotic for each other.

41. Taurus + Taurus

For Taurus, values ​​are more important than anyone else. A partner with the same values ​​(loyalty, constancy, comfort) helps to start this relationship on the right note. Both know how to take care of each other and they have a solid foundation - the knowledge that you can fully trust your partner.

42. Aries + Aries

The two Aries have a good base for friendship and for fun. They will challenge the partner and will be able to interest each other. But such a pair will lack the balance and depth that would come with someone who complements them, and is not similar to them.

43. Leo + Aquarius

Leo and Aquarius get along well in the bedroom, where they are attracted to an exciting and passionate relationship. Outside the bedroom, however, they have little in common, but if they make an effort to get to know each other better, they can form a strong alliance.

44. Virgo + Sagittarius

This is a relationship of attraction of opposites, where strengths and weaknesses complement each other, but they are not so different as to drive each other crazy. Sagittarius will make Virgo relax and have fun, and Virgo will make sure that Sagittarius does not do stupid things.

45. Aries + Leo

Aries and Leo are natural allies and great friends. Both love to try new things, go on adventures, have fun and challenge each other. Such a couple will be the envy of all Instagram subscribers.

46. ​​Gemini + Aquarius

Both of these partners get along better as friends rather than lovers, but their relationship should be unhindered. Both are interesting personalities, keen on new ideas. They can talk to each other non-stop and get each other interested, making their relationship more passionate.

47. Virgo + Scorpio

It's not the best combination, but it's not the worst either. Forte such an alliance is that both will support each other. Both are hardworking, dedicated and purposeful. Relationships will not come first for them, but both partners will respect each other. After all, healthy relationships are not always those where you constantly go crazy over each other.

48. Cancer + Cancer

Cancer and Cancer is a heavy combination. They can get along very well, and they can have a very deep relationship due to the fact that they understand each other perfectly. But there will be times in this couple when both will be so deeply immersed in emotions that there will not be a person who can soften the situation and look at everything with ease. Both will want to get out and get some fresh air.

49. Aries + Libra

This is a relationship of two interesting personalities, where each partner will become a challenge for the other. However, if they find a foundation, they will become a force to be reckoned with. This will be a very strong couple, with a large circle of friends that they will adore.

50. Cancer + Virgo

This couple has the potential for harmony, as both avoid conflicts and try to make their partner happy by lending a shoulder to each other. Even if they lack chemistry somewhere, they will be able to make an effort to create a good union. These active and outgoing partners can put the relationship first.

51. Virgo + Libra

Virgo and Libra can be a stable couple where partners make each other happy. Perhaps there will not be a strong spark or constant trips between them, but they will support each other and will not be annoyed with a partner. They value harmony and dislike conflict for the sake of conflict. They will also be able to communicate perfectly, making sure that their partner is happy.

52. Taurus + Libra

There may be a reason for jealousy in this couple, but the union can work out if Libra pampers Taurus and assures him that he is in the first place for them. At first, Taurus may think that Libra is too ostentatious, but once they get to know their soft nature, they will win the heart of Taurus. Libra, in turn, will like the solid foundation that Taurus provides.

53. Leo + Pisces

In this pair, Leo will be a strong and stable partner, while Pisces is more dependent. Since so much in the life of Pisces depends on how they feel, they need a partner who understands and is ready to take care of them. Where Pisces will lack confidence, Leo will be the rock next to which they will feel the support. When Pisces stumble, Leo will be strong. This relationship can be good if both partners accept their role. However, problems will arise when Leo gets tired of being strong.

54. Cancer + Leo

Cancer may not like to play second fiddle to Leo, not because they want to be the center of attention, but because they may find Leo's vanity unnatural and superficial. However, this does not pose such a big problem in a relationship after the partners get to know each other better. There is potential for balance here, as the signs are different enough to complement each other.

55. Cancer + Sagittarius

It's hard to see how these zodiac signs can get along, as they have different values ​​and personalities, but both are quite laid back and avoid conflict so they won't quarrel as often. If they can find a common language, it will be an easy relationship, where Cancer will open the light side of his character, and Sagittarius will become deeper.

56. Virgo + Virgo

Virgo gets along well with another Virgo, but it's better for them to still find a partner who will complement them. With the same Virgo, they will lead a rather conservative lifestyle, instead of exploring the world or trying something new. However, they can be very firmly established together.

57. Gemini + Capricorn

Such a pair can work out even if they do not have natural compatibility. Gemini will be able to pull Capricorn out of his shell, and Capricorn will be able to clean up the Gemini so that they can show their best in themselves. If both are patient with each other and can accept their partner's differences, they will make a great couple.

58. Leo + Scorpio

In a relationship, Leo wants to be the center of attention, which Scorpio is unlikely to agree to. While Scorpio knows how to stand up for their own interests, both partners will be in a power struggle in this relationship.

Difficult and incompatible couples according to the sign of the zodiac

59. Scorpio + Scorpio

Scorpio is that sign of the Zodiac, which, like no one else, needs someone who will complement it, and not copy it. There is a reason why you will never hear from a Scorpio: "I married / married my best friend." A Scorpio will always keep the other on the defensive, and both of them will not be very comfortable opening up to each other to create a loving relationship.

Sometimes even hot loving friend other man and woman can not get along together. In the end, these people understand that they are simply polar opposites - they like and dislike completely different things, one likes noisy companies, the other prefers a home evening to partying, even watching one TV for two can provoke a scandal and a serious battle for possession of the remote control remote control.

This situation can be explained by the banal non-coincidence of two lovers according to the signs of the Zodiac. After all, it is the influence of certain planets and elements that largely forms the character of a person already at the moment of his birth.

It depends on the sign of the zodiac how he first relates to parents, peers and friends, and then to colleagues and soulmate. What a particular person can achieve in his life and the model of his behavior in various situations is also, as a rule, predetermined by his zodiac affiliation, which forms the main features of his character. That is why it is useful to understand at least a little the diversity of the signs of the Zodiac and look from time to time into their compatibility horoscope.

To understand the compatibility and incompatibility of the two specific people you can use the help of a professional who will make detailed horoscope future relationships and calculate their paths possible development. However, not everyone will be satisfied with the cost of such services, and it will be quite a shame if the chosen astrologer turns out to be a charlatan or an amateur.

But there is another way to learn about the warnings of stars and planets about compatibility or lack of it. Necessary information It is quite easy to find on the Internet, and most of it is provided to site visitors for free. This option is much simpler and accessible to everyone who is not indifferent to his fate and the fate of only nascent relationships.

Astrology is a little-studied science, and it is perceived by many with skepticism, but the fact has already been verified that knowledge of the detailed characteristics of the signs of the Zodiac is useful in all areas of people's lives. A correctly drawn up horoscope will take into account all aspects of human life - love relationship and friendship, his abilities and inclinations in certain activities, inclinations to certain actions, the reasons for the formation of certain habits, and much more.

How to use the compatibility horoscope correctly

There are only twelve signs of the Zodiac, but you should not deceive yourself here - the character of a person born under a certain sign also depends on the year and date of birth. An insignificant number of constellations gives rise to a great variety of options for the development of events and destinies, the beginnings of characters and possible compatibility.

Any scorpio or calf by date of birth has its own unique code. Just one sign of the Zodiac is a whole variety of characters that are different from each other. When compiling an individual, and therefore the most accurate, horoscope, astrologers are guided very strictly - by belonging to specific signs of the Zodiac, by year of birth, dates and even time of day.

Thus, it is difficult to compile a compatibility horoscope on your own, the result is unable to cover all variations in the relationship between representatives of astrological signs. But even a generalized compatibility forecast will take into account the most characteristic features of characters and help to avoid pitfalls when building relationships.

Compatibility in human relationships

When someone's paths cross, not many people can say in advance how only the nascent relationship will develop. What does the future hold for two people who have just met? Perhaps they will fall in love with each other and soon want to connect their lives. Will their marriage be happy and long lasting? Knowing the compatibility horoscope when choosing partners for a serious relationship is not only useful, it is often necessary. It is astrological awareness that is most effective in the process of improving the quality of any human relationship.

In addition, the compatibility horoscope includes several types:

  • Compatibility in love. Horoscopes for future couples are very popular. What is it connected with? By checking the compatibility of your sign and the sign of your partner, you can prevent many unpleasant processes, get around difficult situations and disagreements in the formation of relationships. Leaving room only for love and joint happiness.
  • Compatibility in bed How many people have so many temperaments. One gravitates towards experiments and experiences in sexual relations, the other does not accept fantasies and considers them shameful. The compatibility horoscope will help you understand the characteristics and preferences of a partner, even before the first intimacy is completed.
  • Marriage compatibility. Not always a beautiful couple in love becomes a congenial couple. The subtleties of everyday communication between two people are also the same and the directions of the compatibility horoscope.
  • Compatibility in friendship. This horoscope calculates the likelihood of favorable friendships and the strength of friendship with a particular person.
  • Compatibility in work and business. Another of the most popular aspects of compiling a compatibility horoscope. In many foreign countries smart bosses, not wanting to get into a mess, before recruiting a team of employees, turn to astrologers for help in compiling a horoscope for each of the employees.

Of course, taking the compatibility horoscope completely on faith and relying solely on his advice when building relationships is not worth it. He is not a panacea for solving problems and not a final verdict on the impossibility of a relationship with a certain person. Applying compatibility horoscopes in practice, you should not forget to listen to your own heart.

Compatibility of people consists of such components as character traits, attitude to life, common goals and interests. You can find out the features and distinctive features of a person by the sign of the zodiac. But sometimes this characterization does not quite correspond to his true nature. This is due to the fact that not only the patronizing constellation affects fate, much in life also depends on the year of birth according to the Chinese calendar. A person born in a certain year is strongly influenced by the corresponding animal and its elements, regardless of the sign of the zodiac. It is recommended to analyze both compatibility horoscopes.

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    Determining your sign

    The Eastern calendar divides people into 12 groups according to the year of birth. Determining your sign is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Since the countdown of the year in eastern horoscope occurs according to the lunar calendar, the months begin with the new moon. Therefore, the beginning of the sign is not determined on January 1, but later, and those born at the beginning of the new year may refer to the previous patron. Those who were born in the third, fourth and subsequent months can be guided by the sign of the year.

  1. 1. Dragon, Rat, Monkey. Very active persons, characterized by increased activity. They do not know how to live gray, their behavior manifests minimalism or maximalism, the golden mean is not subject to them.
  2. 2. Rooster, Snake, Bull (Buffalo). Outstanding Representatives workaholics, tireless in their work, therefore they deserve all praise. In relations with others, they are distinguished by eccentricity and spontaneity.
  3. 3. Dog, Horse, Tiger. Excessively talkative persons, skillfully own oratory, can find a common language with everyone. comprehensively developed, wide circle communication, but all contacts are superficial. A strong relationship between them is quite difficult.
  4. 4. Pig (Boar), Goat (Sheep), Rabbit (Cat). Creative natures strive for a bright, beautiful and rich life. They stand out from the crowd with an excellent manner of holding and moving. It is very easy to converge with people, but also part with ease.

The exact dates for the entry into force of the patronizing mark are indicated in the following table.

Sign, symbol and years of birthValidity periodsElement (according to the order of birth periods)
28.01.1960 - 4.02.1961; 15.02.1972 -02. 02.1973; 02.02.1984-19.02.1985; 19.02.1996- 06.02.1997; 07.02.2008-25.01.2009; 25.01.2020-11.02.2021
15.02.1961 - 04.02.1962; 03.02.1973 - 22.01.1974; 20.02.1985 - 08.02.1986; 07.02.1997 - 27.01.1998; 26.01.2009 - 13.02.2010; 12.02.2021 - 30.01.2022
17.02.1950 - 05.02.1951; 05.02.1962 - 24.01.1963; 23.01.1974 - 10.02.1975; 09.02.1986 - 28.01.1987; 28.01.1998 - 15.02.1999; 14.02.2010 - 02.02.2011 Metal Water Wood Fire Earth Metal
06.02.1951 - 26.01.1952; 25.01.1963 - 12.02.1964; 11.02.1975 - 30.01.1976; 29.01.1987 - 16.02.1988; 16.02.1999 - 04.02.2000; 03.02.2011 - 22.01.2012 Metal Water Wood Fire Earth Metal
27.01.1952 - 13.02.1953; 13.02.1964 - 01.02.1965; 31.01.1976 - 17.02.1977; 17.02.1988 - 05.02.1989; 05.02.2000 - 23.01.2001; 23.01.2012 - 09.02.2013
14.02.1953 - 02.02.1954; 02.02.1965 - 20.01.1966; 18.02.1977 - 06.02.1978; 06.02.1989 - 26.01.1990; 24.01.2001 - 11.02.2002; 10.02.2013 - 30.01.2014 Water Wood Fire Earth Metal Water
03.02.1954 - 23.01.1955; 21.01.1966 - 08.02.1967; 07.02.1978 - 27.01.1979; 27.01.1990 - 14.02.1991; 12.02.2002 - 31.01.2003; 31.01.2014 - 18.02.2015
24.01.1955 - 11.02.1956; 09.02.1967 - 29.01.1968; 28.01.1979 - 15.02.1980; 15.02.1991 - 03.02.1992; 01.02.2003 - 21.01.2004; 19.02.2015 - 07.02.2016 Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Wood
12.02.1956 - 30.01.1957; 30.01.1968 - 16.02.1969; 16.02.1980 - 04.02.1981; 04.02.1992 - 22.01.1993; 22.01.2004 - 08.02.2005; 08.02.2016 - 27.01.2017
31.01.1957 - 17.02.1958; 17.02.1969 - 05.02.1970; 05.02.1981 - 24.01.1982; 23.01.1993 - 09.02.1994; 09.02.2005 - 28.01.2006; 28.01.2017 - 15.02.2018 Fire Earth Metal Water Wood Fire
18.02.1958 - 07.02.1959; 06.02.1970 - 26.01.1971; 25.01.1982 - 12.02.1983; 10.02.1994 - 30.01.1995; 29.01.2006 - 17.02.2007; 16.02.2018 - 04.02.2019
08.02.1959 - 27.01.1960; 27.01.1971 - 14.02.1972; 13.02.1983 - 01.02.1984; 31.01.1995 - 18.02.1996; 18.02.2007 - 06.02.2008; 05.02.2019 - 24.01.2020 Earth Metal Water Wood Fire Earth


Representatives of the same element can get along very well together, so this influence should be taken into account when studying distinguishing features one sign or another.

ElementCompatibility with other elementsCharacteristic
TreeWater, EarthThe tree represents elegance, beauty and chastity. People of this element are distinguished by strength, determination and inflexibility. They are filled with creative energy, the power of their imagination is amazing, therefore, representatives of this element very often master professions that allow them to show their imagination, express their own inner world. The tree is also fertile, therefore it has an impact on childbearing, many large families consist of spouses born in years ruled by this element
FireEarth, MetalRepresentatives of the fire element are distinguished by their fiery disposition, brightness and beauty. Their life is filled with movement. Those born under the influence of this element make excellent speakers, artists and rulers. The fire element does not allow the wards to be sad and fall into a depressive state, these people are very smiling and optimistic, therefore they attract happiness and positive energy
EarthFire, Water, WoodThose born under the control of this element are rather mundane people, they differ from others in their clearly expressed rationality, they always look realistically at the events taking place, and are constantly preparing for work and defense. They do not like to indulge in dreams and fantasies, their destiny is harsh everyday life. In life, they get everything with great difficulty, but they always receive well-deserved rewards. They often organize successful business therefore the fruits of their labor enable them to live prosperously
MetalWater, FireWards of cold metal are as hard as the patronizing element. They are distinguished by an increased sense of justice, therefore they have been waging an uncompromising struggle with offenders all their lives. These people are very active and determined, they always achieve their goals in life. In the professional field, they prefer specialties that allow them to win, they make excellent lawyers, representatives of government bodies, athletes
WaterEarth, Metal, WoodPeople born under the auspices of this element are cold and changeable in their decisions. They have a pronounced intuition, so in life they have great success in all areas of activity. Water endowed them with excessive restraint, so it is quite difficult for them to build love relationships. Members of the opposite sex do not understand them true attitude, the spouses of these people are very often unhappy due to coldness and detachment

Eastern calendar compatibility

People born in the same year have a good chance of a happy marriage. But most often it concerns peers. When the difference in the age of people is significant, it is difficult to say that they will get along well together, even if they belong to the same sign. For example, a Tiger born in 1974 is unlikely to have much in common with a Tiger born in 1986.

To figure out whether one sign fits another, you need to find in the table the intersection of the corresponding signs.

SignsRatBullTigerCatThe DragonSnakeHorseGoatMonkeyRoosterDogPig
Rat0 2 0 1 3 0 4 5 3 6 0 0
Bull2 0 0 0 6 3 5 4 0 3 1 0
Tiger0 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 4 0 3 2
Cat1 0 0 0 5 0 6 3 0 4 2 3
The Dragon3 6 0 5 1 0 0 0 3 2 4 0
Snake0 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 4
Horse4 5 3 6 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 0
Goat5 4 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 3
Monkey3 0 4 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 5
Rooster6 3 0 4 2 3 0 0 0 1 5 0
Dog0 1 3 2 4 0 3 1 0 5 0 0
Pig0 0 2 3 0 4 0 3 5 0 0 1

Interpretation of the compatibility value:

  • 0 - neutral relationship. Partners have every chance of creating an excellent union, this degree allows you to ignore other characteristics of the signs. The people who make up such a couple do not have pronounced compatibility, but there are no negative influences of the elements either, so nothing prevents them from developing relationships and being in a happy marriage.
  • 1 - omissions and friction. This degree of compatibility suggests that it is very difficult for partners to get along. Their union will be constantly shaken by various conflicts. The nervous situation in the relationship of this couple often leads to a break. If they do not learn to give in to each other, to compromise, the union is doomed to failure.
  • 2 - partial harmony. Relations between partners develop harmoniously, there are no obvious contradictions in personalities, but some dissimilarity contributes to rare disagreements. For creating strong family this couple has good chances.
  • 3 - complete harmony. This union is considered the most successful. The complete coincidence of interests and life goals of partners allows them to build reliable relationships filled with mutual love and passion.
  • 4 - a pronounced opposition. This combination shows the absolute opposites of the signs. Partners fail to find common ground, which eventually results in regular battles. Nothing good can be expected from such a union, it is unlikely that one of the partners will change himself so much that the union of this couple will take place.
  • 5 - conflict relations. Two people in this pair are able to build relationships, but this union will be filled with resentment and frequent quarrels. Partners will be able to find a common language only with mutual desire and aspiration, if they recognize that relations need to be radically changed.
  • 6 - drops and obstacles. A rare union of this couple can only be formed due to inevitable circumstances. Even on initial stage partner relationships are accompanied by obstacles. Something from above prevents them from being together, but with mutual desire, these two people can overcome everything and make a pretty strong and happy family.

It is believed that the year of birth represents a rather general characteristic of a person, and the definition of personality by zodiac sign gives a more complete and accurate picture, therefore, the compatibility of representatives of the two zodiac signs more accurately reflects the essence of the relationship between partners.

SignAriesTaurusTwinsCancera lionVirgoScalesScorpionSagittariusCapricornAquariusFish
Aries5 4 5 1 6 2 3 6 5 6 5 2
Taurus4 3 5 2 6 1 3 5 4 5 5 3
Twins5 5 2 1 5 4 2 6 6 3 6 2
Cancer1 2 1 3 2 5 2 3 4 6 3 1
a lion6 6 5 2 3 4 2 5 1 2 4 3
Virgo2 1 4 5 4 1 4 3 2 2 6 5
Scales3 3 2 2 2 4 1 3 3 1 5 4
Scorpion6 5 6 3 5 3 3 5 4 2 5 1
Sagittarius5 4 6 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 3 3
Capricorn6 5 3 6 2 2 1 2 4 1 5 4
Aquarius5 5 6 3 4 6 5 5 3 5 2 1
Fish2 3 2 1 3 5 4 1 4 4 1 2

The compatibility value is at the intersection of the characters in the table. The decoding is as follows:

  • 1 - smooth, calm relationship, these partners complement each other, very rarely encounter misunderstanding, the couple's life together is filled with love and mutual respect. Family boat moves in free swimming, but always has a certain direction towards the goal chosen by the spouses jointly.
  • 2 - a good, harmonious union, partners face disagreements, but are able to find compromises and exist together throughout their lives. The marriage relations between these signs are extremely bright, the common life does not lead them to gray everyday life, the spouses always have something to do together, common interests and aspirations securely fasten family ties.
  • 3 - partners are perfect for each other, but love relationships often fail because of the leading features in the characters of both representatives of the signs, but in friendly relations they completely complement each other due to mutual understanding and common interests. If their love is based on friendship, nothing can separate the partners.
  • 4 - a complex union, the signs are not distinguished by complaisance, therefore they often conflict in trifles, but they solve important problems without disagreement, because they have the same main common goals. The marriage of this couple rarely ends in divorce, but if this happens, the representatives of the signs maintain mutual respect and maintain friendly relations throughout their lives.
  • 5 - conflict relations, representatives of the signs are distinguished by pronounced emotionality and irascibility. Any minor disagreement in this pair turns into a violent confrontation, the partners are very hard to compromise, but if they learn to come to an agreement, they are quite capable of living a long and happy life together.
  • 6 - opposites attract, so such a union very often begins on the basis of mutual sympathy and burning passion, but the couple rarely reaches strong family relationships. If for some reason the partners decide to marry, their life together becomes an ordeal for both. Spouses do not find common ground in solving both domestic and serious issues. The cohabitation of this couple cannot be called harmonious; this marriage is always shaken by major scandals and everyday quarrels.

If according to astrological and Chinese horoscope compatibility of signs is radically different, disagreements can be traced in the relationship of the couple. To determine the actual combination of signs, it is better to contact a good specialist who will draw up the natal charts of both partners and compare the influence of the horoscope on family and love relationships.

Often when planning a long-term relationship, it becomes necessary to determine what kind of person is inside. In this case, the best solution would be to find out the date of birth and get acquainted with the necessary information about this zodiac sign.

An ideal relationship is one in which a man and a woman are suitable for each other, which means they understand. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, because we all have a different temperament and character.

Very often people make the mistake of choosing a partner who is not suitable for them. Information about how people born in different time get along with each other. The compatibility horoscope of zodiac signs will help you get acquainted with the nature of the relationship of various people and find the right partner.

Zodiac navigation:

How to use the compatibility horoscope correctly

There are only twelve signs of the Zodiac, but you should not deceive yourself here - the character of a person born under a certain sign also depends on the year and date of birth. An insignificant number of constellations gives rise to a great variety of options for the development of events and destinies, the beginnings of characters and possible compatibility.

Any scorpio or calf by date of birth has its own unique code.

Just one sign of the Zodiac is a whole variety of characters that are different from each other. When compiling an individual, and therefore the most accurate, horoscope, astrologers are guided very strictly - by belonging to specific signs of the Zodiac, by year of birth, dates and even time of day.

Thus, it is difficult to compile a compatibility horoscope on your own, the result is unable to cover all variations in the relationship between representatives of astrological signs. But even a generalized compatibility forecast will take into account the most characteristic features of characters and help to avoid pitfalls when building relationships.

When someone's paths cross, not many people can say in advance how only the nascent relationship will develop. What does the future hold for two people who have just met? Perhaps they will fall in love with each other and soon want to connect their lives.

Will their marriage be happy and long lasting? Knowing the compatibility horoscope when choosing partners for a serious relationship is not only useful, it is often necessary. It is astrological awareness that is most effective in the process of improving the quality of any human relationship.

In addition, the compatibility horoscope includes several types

  • Compatibility in love. Horoscopes for future couples are very popular. What is it connected with? By checking the compatibility of your sign and the sign of your partner, you can prevent many unpleasant processes, get around difficult situations and disagreements in the formation of relationships. Leaving room only for love and joint happiness.
  • Compatibility in bed How many people have so many temperaments. One gravitates towards experiments and experiences in sexual relations, the other does not accept fantasies and considers them shameful. The compatibility horoscope will help you understand the characteristics and preferences of a partner, even before the first intimacy is completed.
  • Marriage compatibility. Not always a beautiful couple in love becomes a congenial couple. The subtleties of everyday communication between two people are also the same and the directions of the compatibility horoscope.
  • Compatibility in friendship. This horoscope calculates the likelihood of favorable friendships and the strength of friendship with a particular person.
  • Compatibility in work and business. Another of the most popular aspects of compiling a compatibility horoscope. In many foreign countries, smart bosses, not wanting to get into trouble, before recruiting a team of employees, turn to astrologers for help in compiling a horoscope for each of the employees.

Of course, taking the compatibility horoscope completely on faith and relying solely on his advice when building relationships is not worth it. He is not a panacea for solving problems and not a final verdict on the impossibility of a relationship with a certain person.

Applying compatibility horoscopes in practice, you should not forget to listen to your own heart.


How do constellations affect the relationship of two people?

The direct nature of a person depends on the influence of the elements, planets, constellations. Moreover, it is formed from the moment of birth. To figure out what your relationship will experience in the future and whether it is destined to continue, the compatibility horoscope for the signs of the Zodiac will help.

A guy and a girl in love, after a “candy-bouquet” period filled with romance, at some point will certainly decide to live together. But here it may turn out that they cannot get along at all. This is explained by the fact that young people simply do not match the signs of the zodiac.

The sign under which a person was born affects his attitude to absolutely everyone:

  • to parents;
  • To friends;
  • to classmates;
  • to colleagues at work;
  • and, of course, to the chosen one (or chosen one).

It is useful to have at least the slightest knowledge about the signs of the Zodiac and occasionally use the horoscope of compatibility of signs.

There are special people involved in compiling detailed love horoscope which will show how they can develop in the future. But no one is immune from charlatanism. Many modern astrologers are simple amateurs trying to extract as much money as possible from the customer.

Fortunately, today the Internet makes it possible to compile (and very easily and quickly) a compatibility horoscope for the signs of the Zodiac for free. This option is available to anyone, and therefore is very popular.

The compatibility of the horoscopes of a man and a woman is based on the similarity of their astrological passports.

It is she who determines whether two people will be well together. The "perfect relationship" sounds nice, but it's a utopia because such a relationship doesn't exist. Even if now there is complete mutual understanding, passion and love between you and your soulmate, this does not guarantee that at some point you will not start to quarrel and conflict.

  • It is worth saying that the character of a person depends both on the sign of the Zodiac and on the specific date of his birth.
  • Although there are only twelve constellations, the options for fate and compatibility are endless.
  • Each sign is a variety of characters.

This means that it is extremely difficult to write a compatibility horoscope for the signs of the Zodiac in love on your own, and to say more precisely is generally impossible. But even a superficial forecast will avoid many conflicts when building a romantic relationship.


Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage and love

Since ancient times, the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in marriage has been of constant interest to a person. Being in love inspires, but it is still not enough to create a strong relationship, and even if so, it often turns out later that the partner is not at all what we imagined him to be.

Thus knowledge zodiac characteristics is designed to save us from annoying mistakes and choose a happy future, which largely depends on the compatibility of partners in love.


The sign of the fire element, Aries, the same fire signs overflowing with energy, emotion and passion.

  • Aries and Aries. Their love is like a fire that burns everything in its path, since both partners are overly emotional, if not “explosive”. Because of this, a bright and hot union cannot exist for a long time, it often turns out to be fragile.
  • Aries and Taurus. If Aries is active in love, then Taurus even in his thoughts shows practicality, which becomes the reason for their break. Although they are able to create a favorable love union if they make concessions to each other, and also show sensuality in an intimate way.
  • Aries and Gemini. They will make a strong tandem, as partners have many common features - active and original, which favorably affects their relationship in an intimate way. But in order to keep their love for as long as possible, they sometimes need to take a break from each other, for example, going on vacation with friends.
  • Aries and Cancer. The love compatibility of these partners is based on mutual understanding, both in spiritual life and intimate, but the romance can end as abruptly as it begins if it is not constantly supported by beautiful and sweet deeds that both partners must perform.
  • Aries - Leo. These signs are very similar in temperament and character, which is why it seems that they are made for each other. But this is not at all the case: both are powerful by nature, which negatively affects mutual understanding. However, even in such a tandem, a compromise can be reached - the submission of Leo to Aries.

  • Aries - Virgo. They are two opposites that attract each other with magnetic force. Lovers constantly quarrel, but immediately reconcile, moreover, very passionately. Conflicts seem to bring them closer, without them love is impossible.
  • Aries - Libra. The romantic compatibility of these signs is not only acceptable, but also similar to a fairy tale in which Aries ceases to show aggression, and Libra bypasses " sharp corners". If the partners do not get rid of these shortcomings, then their relationship will gradually come to naught.
  • Aries - Scorpio. For these signs, love rests on passion, so they spend a lot of time in bed to prove their feelings. However, they will not be able to build heart affairs on intimacy alone - for perfect compatibility, they also need spiritual harmony.
  • Aries - Sagittarius. This couple has excellent amorous compatibility - they are unable to overcome the passion that has arisen. This could go on forever, but after a while, both begin to fight for their own independence - a common cause of conflicts and even partings.
  • Aries - Capricorn. The attraction of these signs is very low, as they have completely different temperaments and views on relationships. Capricorn prefers calmness, and Aries - passion, moreover, in front of everyone, which greatly irritates his passion.

  • Aries - Aquarius. They can be a harmonious couple, but on one condition, that they will immediately stipulate which of them is the main one and who plays the role of a subordinate. Their tender feelings depend on mutual respect for each other.
  • Aries - Pisces. The compatibility of these signs in love depends entirely on their physical attraction. If it is short, it will leave only pleasant memories, but if two fall passionately in love, then forever.



An earth sign that embodies fidelity and reliability, going back to the ideal idea of ​​​​a life partner. In a woman of this sign, one can find an imperious nature, which will be justified by the steadfastness of family values.

  • Taurus - Taurus. Their relationship can hardly be called love, since Taurus does not know how to love romantically because of his earthiness. But at the same time, the compatibility of Taurus in love is quite high, only both will have to fight for it.
  • Taurus - Gemini. These two signs attract each other with huge force, they only need to trust the fate that pushed them together, and trust their passionate feelings. Between them, not only a physical connection can arise, but also a spiritual one, only for this you need to make a little effort.
  • Taurus - Cancer. The coexistence of these signs can be called ideal, since there is a lot in common between them - thoughts, ideas and plans for the future. They will be able to build a strong alliance based on complete mutual understanding.
  • Taurus - Leo. In such a couple, love is passionate intimacy. They do not have a spiritual connection - everyone is trying to prove their leadership, which often causes quarrels. As a result, the patience of Taurus ends, and the couple ceases to exist.
  • Taurus - Virgo. The compatibility of these signs is relatively high: both are realists who do not expect romance and passion. For them, the peace of mind that they feel when they are around is more important. Their union can be called quite strong.

  • Taurus - Libra. These two are like a key and a lock, perfect for each other. Their love relationship is stable and strong, as both are of the opinion that feelings should be heard not only by the heart, but also by the mind.
  • Taurus - Scorpio. There will never be mutual understanding in this pair, since Taurus is a mundane sign that expects from love, first of all, spiritual unity, and physical attraction is more important for Scorpio. Because of what they have conflicts that lead to parting.
  • Taurus - Sagittarius. Two jealous men who can't calmly love each other without being suspicious. The love compatibility of these signs is quite low, so a strong pair of Taurus + Sagittarius is a rarity, in a short time after they meet they scatter in different directions.
  • Taurus - Capricorn. This union can exist, but on one condition, Capricorn must stop annoying Taurus with its nit-picking. It is very difficult for him to keep his emotions under control, therefore, in an offended state, Taurus can put a bullet in a relationship.

  • Taurus - Aquarius. The romance of this couple will resemble a hurricane, blowing everything in its path. Taurus will be busy remaking Aquarius, which is a rather useless exercise. As a result, disappointed, he will come to the decision - to leave. Aquarius won't mind.
  • Taurus - Pisces. The love compatibility of these signs is almost perfect - they will not have conflicts and claims to each other either in an intimate way or in life views. The only obstacle to creating a wonderful union is the jealousy of Taurus, so Pisces needs to be careful in communicating with the opposite sex.



As an air sign, these people tend to act windy and partly in the clouds, so it will be difficult for them to find reciprocity with earth signs that require stability.

  • Gemini - Gemini. In this pair, love is possible, but it is quiet and calm - without the manifestation of violent emotions. Partners are not even jealous of their soul mate, which is rather strange for lovers.
  • Gemini - Cancer. The percentage of coincidence of these signs is low, since they are very different people who rarely find common ground. Although there are strong marriages between them until old age.
  • Gemini - Leo. Between partners there are harmonious relations, full of romance. They will never be bored together, because they have so much in common.
  • Gemini - Virgo. In order for them to develop real feelings, Virgos need to soften towards the Gemini, who are not always collected and less pedantic than they are.
  • Gemini-Libra. Their romance is initially doomed to parting, although at the beginning of the relationship everything will be romantic and passionate. But then they take over negative traits the nature of the partners.
  • Gemini - Scorpio. The love between these signs is like a swing: initially - passion and complete mutual understanding, and then a huge gap in the relationship due to different views on common coexistence.

  • Gemini - Sagittarius. For a lasting union, flexibility and sensuality are needed, which these signs lack so much, so they will not succeed in an ideal relationship.
  • Gemini - Capricorn. Different views on relationships - serious in Capricorn and fickle in Gemini - will negatively affect their love compatibility. It comes down to zero.
  • Gemini - Aquarius. Passionate partners can build a wonderful marriage. They understand each other perfectly, their hearts beat in unison, so they can be called an ideal couple.
  • Gemini - Pisces. A wonderful friendship very soon develops into a strong love union built on trust and mutual understanding. They have perfect match.


The sign of water, the most calm and stable in relationships, focused on creating a family and raising children.

  • Cancer - Cancer. They are wonderful friends, which cannot be said about them in love. Even if they feel some kind of attraction for each other, it will be a fleeting feeling that will very soon return to friendship.
  • Cancer - Leo. This couple will never be able to reach a compromise in their views on relationships: they constantly argue, swear and try to prove their case. Therefore, their couple breaks up very soon.
  • Cancer - Virgo. A wonderful tandem, as partners know how to make their soul mate happy. They are sensitive to each other's feelings, protecting them like a crystal vase.
  • Cancer - Libra. Their romance is more like mutually beneficial cooperation than passionate feelings. The reason lies in their completely different characters and life views.

  • Cancer - Scorpio. Seeing each other, they immediately fall in love, retaining their tenderness for life. As a couple, they constantly strive to renew their feelings in order to preserve the emotions of the first date.
  • Cancer - Sagittarius. Partners rarely compromise, which is why their relationship can hardly be called ideal. But over time, having learned to give in to each other, perhaps they will be able to build a strong relationship.
  • Cancer - Capricorn. This sign can create a wonderful love union if they stop pulling the blanket over themselves. Although it is difficult for them to do this, they can still try for each other.
  • Cancer - Aquarius. Their relationship is quite complicated, since both signs are not used to adapting to others, so they often have conflicts ending in a long silence.
  • Cancer - Pisces. There is no need to talk about eternal love between them, but they will be able to create a harmonious union, which, perhaps, will be strong and last for a lifetime.

a lion

This zodiac sign has a more moderate temperament compared to other signs of the fire element. Lions are sensitive to the infringement of their own rights in family life, such a situation is unbearable for them.

  • Leo - Leo. They will have a bright and passionate relationship that they do not hide from anyone, rather, on the contrary, they like to expose their emotions to people. They often compete for the right to dominate the pair.
  • Leo - Virgo. They can create a wonderful union where respect and mutual understanding will reign. Initially, Leo and Virgo will make friends, and only then will they realize that there is something more between them.
  • Leo - Libra. This couple will develop a bright and strong love relationship. They will never be bored, because they love going out and public events, which just hold together their perfect bond, making it even stronger.
  • Leo - Scorpio. They will be able to build a wonderful tandem if they do not fight for leadership. For them, what is important in love is intimate compatibility, which is ideal for them.

  • Leo - Sagittarius. Their relationship is built not so much on feelings and passion as on mutual respect. This couple can be called happy and harmonious.
  • Leo - Capricorn. The romance between these two is a little strange, but they are comfortable with each other. Although they are completely different both in character and in their views on life, mutual understanding reigns between them.
  • Leo - Aquarius. Their tandem is hard to call pleasant. Quarrels and nitpicking are possible from scratch. Everyone has their own personal life, which will become an obstacle to the love union they created.
  • Leo - Pisces. Having shown their best qualities, they will be able to create harmonious love relationships that they will keep for life.


People of the earth element are distinguished by a special complexity of nature, which applies more to men. Regardless of the sign, Virgo's companions will have a hard time.

  • Virgo Virgo. Their relationship will be similar to mother and son or father and daughter: they constantly tell each other how to live, what to eat and say, and also choose clothes. Tenderness and ardor in their union should not be expected, therefore it will not be strong.
  • Virgo - Libra. If they pacify their selfishness, they can create fertile ground for a strong marriage. Otherwise, the attraction will gradually become obsolete.
  • Virgo - Scorpio. They attract each other like a magnet, so they can create a wonderful love union, where there will be complete mutual understanding.
  • Virgo - Sagittarius. Only patience and pliability will help to preserve the initially ardent emotions. If the partners do not stop showing their negative character traits, they will soon part.

  • Virgo - Capricorn. In love, a complete idyll awaits the couple, as they rarely quarrel and argue, having the same views on marriage and life in general.
  • Virgo - Aquarius. Their love for others seems a little strange, but they are comfortable with each other, especially since they rarely pay attention to other people's opinions.
  • Virgo - Pisces. Love at first sight, based on respect and understanding. They are open and sincere, trust each other.


Optimistic and friendly, sweet and cheerful - these characteristics are ideal for people who were born in the autumn months under the constellation Libra. Libra strives all his life for beauty and harmony, for justice and peace.

The planet Venus, named after the beautiful and mysterious goddess of love, patronizes these amazing personalities. In ancient Greece, Venus was called Aphrodite, she symbolized tenderness, passion and attraction. It is no coincidence that the pets of Venus are considered the most attractive among the other signs of the zodiac - Libra is simply impossible not to admire.

The element of Libra is calm and cold-blooded air, the main strength of which is persuasion. Air guys are full of all kinds of ideas and plans, Libra constantly lives in a world of thoughts and dreams.

  • Libra - Libra. The tandem is ideal, as the partners understand each other perfectly. They are romantic and caring. Keep the warmth of feelings until the end of life.
  • Libra - Scorpio. Difficult relationships, but only until the lovers begin to consult with each other. Paired with leading role Libra takes over, but they also show their feelings more strongly.
  • Libra - Sagittarius. A struggle for primacy in the union is possible, which will negatively affect feelings. Gradually they will fade away.

  • Libra - Capricorn. By keeping their emotions under control at all times, they will be able to create a strong love union. They need to devote as much time as possible to each other's interests and hobbies, this will cement their marriage.
  • Libra - Aquarius. They are the perfect couple because they have so much in common. Their love will be eternal - they rarely sort things out, often adhering to the same opinion on many issues.
  • Libra - Pisces. If at the beginning there is still romance in their relationship, then gradually claims and dissatisfaction with each other will lead their union to an unhappy ending, where partners become enemies.


The emotionality and inconsistency of the sign, intolerance to criticism excludes partnership with a representative of their own sign, so they will only have to dream of peace. With the power of their love potential, Scorpios need a partner who is ready to share passionate feelings with them, but not provoking an explosion.

  • Scorpio + Aries. Scorpio compatibility with this zodiac sign is high. Aries for our sign is the most suitable woman. Scorpio, whose compatibility with Aries is 100%, finds a true friend and passionate lover in a woman. In marriage, the compatibility of the zodiac signs of Scorpio men and Aries women is also high.
  • Scorpio + Taurus. These signs are primarily distinguished by their sexual compatibility. As for life in marriage, a Scorpio man will be very lucky with a wife who can surround Scorpio with care and not pay attention to his attacks.
  • Scorpio + Gemini. In love, this couple is quite compatible. But their family relationships often deteriorate due to the jealousy of the Scorpio man. Compatibility cannot be called ideal because of a woman who is not in the mood to be chained to a partner.
  • Scorpio + Cancer. Sign compatibility is high, but not married. Scorpio, who is used to going to high goals, does not understand Cancer's feelings about home and family. As a result, the woman, having accumulated resentment, leaves her husband. To avoid this, Scorpio should be a little kinder.
  • Scorpio + Leo. This is a bright union of two leaders. Compatibility of signs is better in love than in marriage, because. in family life, they will not yield to each other. But in sexual life they are all doing great.
  • Scorpio + Virgo. A stormy man and a calm woman - who else can combine better? The union of these signs is beautiful both in love and in marriage. Understanding each other throughout life, Scorpio and Virgo can achieve a lot together.

  • Scorpio + Libra. These signs are doing well in sex, but otherwise their union is quite complicated. A sensual woman often suffers from the attacks of a jealous Scorpio. And if he does not moderate his hot ardor, the marriage will fall apart.
  • Scorpio man + Scorpio woman. In love, these signs are unmatched, but in marriage, these two "time bombs" do not always get along. If both representatives of the Scorpio sign do not learn to yield to each other, then they will not be together.
  • Scorpio + Sagittarius. In this case, the marriage of signs also does not bode well, and the Scorpio man usually spoils everything. In love, compatibility with Sagittarius is excellent, but in family life a man limits the freedom of Taurus.
  • Scorpio + Capricorn. Their couple can be called perfect. Both are romantic and do not strive for freedom. Capricorn calmly endures the character of Scorpio, and therefore their marriage will be long and happy.

  • Scorpio + Aquarius. These signs are equally bright and stubborn personalities, and they do not know how to give in to each other. Scorpio does not like in a woman an excessive love of freedom and unwillingness to take care of the house. Therefore, in marriage, these signs do not linger for a long time. But in love, everything is fine with them.
  • Scorpio + Pisces. These signs are surprising in that each of them may not fully understand their partner, but, nevertheless, remain with him in love and marriage for a long time.


He has a hot and wayward character, for a joint future he should pay attention to the representatives of the related elements - Leo and Aries. It may seem that Sagittarius does not converge with any of the representatives of the zodiac circle in family life.

Sagittarius and Aries

The union of fiery creatures is something. The relationship between Sagittarius and Aries will be bright and passionate. As for perfect compatibility, the pets of Mars and Jupiter do not even think about it. Yes, and harmonious communication in the understanding of the fiery guys is not limited to joint gatherings by the fireplace. Sagittarius and Aries will not be bored next to each other, and every day spent together will become like a fairy tale. The only question is, how many days will this fiery idyll last?

Sagittarius and Taurus

Eccentric Sagittarius will be able to charm Taurus. But the patience of the earth signs can burst as soon as they find out what unpredictable guys they got involved with. Is the relationship doomed to fail? There is a way out: Sagittarius should learn perseverance from Taurus, and it is advisable for earthly guys to live for some time without rules and restrictions. And there, perfect compatibility is within easy reach, moreover, a very strong attraction arises between the pets of Venus and Jupiter.

Sagittarius and Gemini

Windy Gemini and frivolous Sagittarius are the perfect couple, you can’t say otherwise. The fiery-air creatures will find each other, and will not be able to part. Sagittarius will only think about entertainment, and Gemini is right there with a bunch of ideas and plans. The pets of Mercury and Jupiter will also meet in bed - there will be enough passion for a lifetime, and there will still be. Is this a perfect match, or is it just the way it is? The fiery-air guys have nothing to do with any heavenly laws.

Sagittarius and Cancer

Passionate romance? Please! Strong friendship for life? No problem at all! And the pets of the Moon and Jupiter are afraid to even dream about ideal compatibility in family life, the differences in characters are too obvious. Yes, and the elements let us down - the water of the Cancers and the fire of the Sagittarius cannot get along in any way. Sentimental and impressionable Cancers torment themselves with carefree Sagittarius, so the stars advise water-fiery guys not to rush to go to the registry office.

Sagittarius and Leo

Perhaps the universe will shudder when Leo and Sagittarius come together. Idyll and harmony, compatibility and similarity in literally everything - the pets of Jupiter and the Sun will invent all sorts of problems for themselves, just to diversify these wonderful relationships. Sociable fiery creatures will become a couple to everyone's envy and will rush around the world in search of adventure until old age. The family will turn out wonderful, and the children in the fiery union will be born for a feast for the eyes.

Sagittarius and Virgo

Cheerful and restless Sagittarius are able to captivate anyone - dear Virgo will not notice how they find themselves in the arms of fiery guys. But demanding earthly creatures will begin to teach the life of Sagittarius after a week of communication. But are pets of Jupiter capable of obeying some rules? In no case - Sagittarians will run away at the first opportunity, and will not even say goodbye. True, there is one point - you cannot hide attraction in an earth-fire union, and a romance can last for years.

Sagittarius and Libra

Pets of Venus and Jupiter are independent and freedom-loving creatures. Sagittarius and Libra will be fascinated by each other at the first moment of the meeting, but before Serious relationships air-fiery guys go and go. But if Libra and Sagittarius are in no hurry, they can enjoy a rare, but unusually bright free relationship, stretching it out for twenty to thirty years. According to the wards of Jupiter and Venus, they go to the registry office as a last resort - it’s better not to risk it.

Sagittarius and Scorpio

Water-fiery creatures can make friends, Sagittarius and Scorpio are able to know harmony in intimacy, but for compatibility they lack a small but serious detail (the elements of the pets of Pluto and Jupiter are completely unsuitable for each other). But if the fire-water guys are attracted, they will have to survive in extreme conditions. Powerful Scorpions and restless Sagittarius will test each other daily and test each other for strength.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius

Two Sagittarius in one boat - you can imagine such a situation, but the fiery guys will not sail far. After all, each of Jupiter's pets will rock the boat and row in the direction they need. But fiery relationships are not threatened by routine - Sagittarius will roll with laughter and come up with entertainment and fun adventures for each other every day. Besides intimacy Jupiter's wards are at their best - live and enjoy until you get bored.

Sagittarius and Capricorn

Calm and practical Capricorns will fight the frivolity of Sagittarius in the hope of remaking the fiery guys in their own way. However, the efforts of the pets of Saturn will be completely meaningless - the cheerful and restless wards of Jupiter cannot be changed. Reliable earthly creatures will even get acquainted with jealousy - amorous Sagittarius will never take an oath of allegiance. But fiery-earthly guys can think about friendship - in this case, compatibility is quite possible.

Sagittarius and Aquarius

Impatient and impetuous Sagittarius will be able to surprise Aquarius - air guys will be glad that they have found pleasant companions and charming partners. However, soon the fire signs will begin to get on the nerves of the calm and practical Aquarius - Sagittarius do not know how to plan at all, and change hobbies ten times a minute. But the compatibility of air and fire is obvious - the pets of Jupiter and Uranus can try and not be afraid of disappointment.

Sagittarius and Pisces

Fussy Sagittarius will annoy the quiet Pisces from the first minute they meet. Strange and mysterious Pisces will also make Sagittarius worried. Yes, and with the elements, not everything is in order - water and fire will never find a common language. You can rely on the attraction of opposites, especially since the pets of the Moon are able to hypnotize - if they wish, they will inspire anything they want with cute Sagittarius. In principle, the water-fire couple has chances and compatibility is possible, albeit not ideal.



It symbolizes stability, reliability, a materialistic beginning, which is why he does not speak with those born under the signs of the fire element.

Capricorn and Aries

Earth-fiery horned stubborn stubborn people can butt heads all their lives, and so they won’t agree on anything. However, superficial and frivolous Aries can fall for the bait of patient Capricorns. Earthly guys can arrange the situation in such a way that fiery creatures will agree with all the rules and requirements of Capricorns. Perfect compatibility in pets of Mars and Saturn is not expected, but the relationship promises to be interesting - so why not try it?

Capricorn and Taurus

Practical Capricorns and realistic Taurus - earthly guys have a lot of similarities, but there is still no mutual understanding. Maybe the point is different patrons - Saturn and Venus, of course, are far from each other, but the planets have nothing against the union of cute earthly pets. The stars guess what the reason for the disagreement is - perseverance among earthly creatures comes first. But if love comes into this relationship, then Capricorns and Taurus will gladly throw off their horns and learn to give in to each other.

Capricorn and Gemini

Capricorns can watch Gemini's pranks for years - earthly guys will not say a word, unless fiery creatures cross the line. And the pets of Mercury will not even notice that they have been shadowed. The stars advise the air-earth creatures to agree on the shore - love can settle in the union of Capricorn and Gemini if ​​the wards of Saturn and Mercury learn to trust each other. And let there be no frenzied passion in the relationship, but everything is reliable and clear, like in a bank.

Capricorn and Cancer

Quiet and modest Cancers will like calm and laconic Capricorns at the first moment of their acquaintance - water-earthly guys will feel the kinship of souls. For several years, the pets of the Moon and Saturn will look closely at each other, expecting a dirty trick, but the stars are advised to relax. Water-earth creatures are unlikely to achieve ideal compatibility, but Capricorns and Cancers are not upset. No surprises, shake-ups and showdowns - you can only dream of this.

Capricorn and Leo

Temperamental and impulsive Lions will charm Capricorns in a couple of minutes, and the fiery guys themselves will feel attracted to mysterious earthly creatures. True, the earth-fiery couple cannot count on perfect compatibility - the stubborn Capricorns will infuriate the power-hungry Lions, as soon as they read the two main rules of living together. A stormy romance remains, or a strong friendship for life - in this case, the pets of Saturn and the Sun will be satisfied.

Capricorn and Virgo

Practical and demanding, precise and accurate - Capricorns and Virgos seem to be made for each other. Quarrels in the earthly union are possible only because of the pedantry of the pets of Saturn and Mercury, but against the background of the rest of the idyll, this will seem like complete nonsense. But earthly creatures will never be late for a date - you can compare watches by Capricorn and Virgo. Although earthly guys will not have so many dates - why waste time on this nonsense if you can do something useful for a couple?

Capricorn and Libra

Cold-blooded and imperturbable Capricorns will throw off their serious mask, as soon as bright and cheerful Libra appears in their lives. Earth-air creatures will have something to talk about, however, this is not enough for a happy family life. Well, why don't the pets of Saturn and Venus remain friends - the relationship in this union will be strong, honest and reliable. Libra will even forgive earthly friends for being too demanding, because you can rely on Capricorn in any business.

Capricorn and Scorpio

Strong and tough Scorpios, oddly enough, can be for Capricorns true friends and allies. After all, the earthly guys are not particularly sentimental, at least at first glance. The compatibility of water and earth is obvious, and the pets of Saturn and Pluto will get along very well. There will be no daily love confessions, and other romantic nonsense in water-earth relationships, but Capricorns and Scorpions are one hundred percent sure of each other's reliability.

Capricorn and Sagittarius

Stubborn Capricorns for the first time in their lives will face an impossible task - they will not be able to remake the cheerful Sagittarius. Fiery guys will not agree to major changes in their carefree life. It is better for the pets of Saturn and Jupiter to immediately leave the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bideal compatibility and think about a friendly union. In this case, the relationship will only please - Sagittarius will bring bright adventures into the life of Capricorns, and earthly guys will teach order to fiery creatures.

Capricorn and Capricorn

At first glance, it may seem that two earthly stubborn people will never find a common language and compatibility between them is unattainable. In fact, the pets of Saturn will understand each other perfectly - one patron and a common element will do their job. Capricorns can become true friends, reliable partners and passionate lovers - it remains only to choose which role earthly creatures like. In any case, the earthly union will be strong, long and reliable.

Capricorn and Aquarius

Independent and active Aquarians are unlikely to be a good match for the calm and stubborn Capricorns. Of course, there are some similarities in the characters of the earth-air guys, but for perfect compatibility, this will not be enough. If the pets of Uranus and Saturn decide to start a family, they must be ready for the eternal battle for the main role. Aquarians can give in to Capricorns, but this will only be an illusion of mutual understanding. The stars advise the guys to stay on friendly terms.

Capricorn and Pisces


An Aquarius woman will be comfortable with a partner who allows her to be herself without trying to limit her freedom.

Through reasonable compromises, the Aquarius woman can create strong and lasting relationships with the Aries, Libra, Leo and Gemini man. With a Taurus man, her relationship cannot be called ideal, because they are so different! But it is on this difference that the couple will converge, and will be ready to exist together. long time. Two Aquarians can become both ideal partners, suitable for each other in everything, and complete antagonists - it depends on what degree of freedom they allow each other to have in union.

It will be very difficult for an Aquarius woman to find a common language with a Scorpio man - he remains incomprehensible to her.

The Pisces man may seem at first to be an ideal companion and like-minded person to the Aquarius woman, but it will soon be discovered that this person has a “double bottom”, and it will be very difficult or impossible to reveal his true essence to his partner.

The Aquarius man attracts the attention of women with his intelligence. But lovers of bright hot temperaments will have to be disappointed - he is not used to putting sensuality at the head of personal relationships, preferring the “love-friendship” model.

He is definitely attracted beautiful women, but more - as muses for his new inspirations in life. Although the Aquarius man can be very inventive in his sexual life, he does not seek to establish relationships through bed, always dwelling on strong friendships.

He can be a reliable partner for an Aries woman, a Gemini woman or a Leo woman, if they both respect each other's independence, make some concessions. It will be difficult for them to find a common language with a Taurus woman.

Nevertheless, such couples are formed quite often, and the relationship of partners is built on the pursuit of one common goal in life. The Aquarius man will be calm and comfortable in the company of a Pisces or Cancer woman, but they must deal with their internal contradictions that prevent relationships from developing.

Mutual sympathy will be imbued with the relationship of Aquarius and the Sagittarius woman, and with the Scorpio woman, the partner will have persistent disagreements leading to divorce.

The relationship between the Aquarius man and the Capricorn woman can be considered the most mysterious, mystical - they are so elusive even for partners that they make you constantly doubt their existence. Only thanks to a sense of humor, partners can find a common language and make the relationship more real.



It is difficult for them to make a choice of a life partner because of the ambiguity of their nature. The water element is the best partnership option for them, although in this case there is no guarantee of the stability of relations.

Pisces and Aries

Powerful by nature, Aries will try to subjugate Pisces to their influence, regarding their calmness as a weakness of character. But Pisces is not so easy to catch in their nets, they feel everything and easily avoid the traps set on them. This couple cannot avoid a stormy romance, they are so drawn to each other that it is obvious to everyone around them. And even if the Rybkas want to swim away, they simply cannot do it. A stormy romance can develop into a family union, for happiness in which you will have to fight.

Pisces and Taurus

These guys complement each other perfectly. Problems can arise only because of the characters. Pisces and Taurus are completely different. Taurus can be annoyed by the suspiciousness of Pisces and their love of dreams. Pisces will also not be delighted with the overly pragmatic Taurus. Even if this couple does not reach the registry office, they have every chance of becoming best friends. Pisces will help Taurus to make a lot of amazing discoveries, and Taurus will teach Pisces not to get upset over trifles.

Pisces and Gemini

Air and water are well compatible, but this couple will have to fight for their happiness. Gemini is restless, they cannot live without adventures and new experiences, and Pisces can live perfectly in their inner world, and the fact that it is illusory does not bother them at all. Gemini will try to pull his couple to a noisy party, and Pisces will only wrap themselves more tightly in a warm blanket, well, why go somewhere if it’s so cozy at home. It is better for these two to be friends at a distance or to spin an easy and beautiful romance.

Pisces and Cancer

This union is able to conquer others, everything is fine with them and smoothly. The couple can find true love and they have perfect compatibility. Both signs are inclined towards mysticism, perfectly understand each other without words, sometimes it seems that they are able to penetrate each other's thoughts. In a word, there is complete understanding between the wards of Neptune and the Moon. If Cancer and Pisces meet, they can immediately go to the registry office, this marriage will withstand everything, and the partners will be happy. And they lived happily ever after - this is just about them.

Pisces and Lion

Love between Leo and Pisces will arise immediately, but this is not the reason for creating a family, these relationships do not promise to be long-term. This couple may break up before they can adjust and understand what they need for a happy life together. The pets of Neptune and the Sun are very different, most likely, this is what attracts them, they will not be able to resist. It’s better to immediately agree on friendly relations and not try to go beyond pleasant communication and easy enthusiasm.

Pisces and Virgo

The elements of this pair perfectly complement each other. Only the character of picky Virgos can spoil everything. They are idealists who are trying to improve everything in this world, so they will definitely try to re-educate and improve Pisces. But Pisces are so self-sufficient that there is simply no point in changing them, and Virgo's attempts will lead to nothing, except to spoil the relationship. If Pisces resort to their mystical talents and can convince the Devs that everything is fine, then the couple will live happily ever after.

Pisces and Libra

This couple can work together to build castles in the air, it will work out great for them. They can be friends all their lives, and there will never be betrayal and major quarrels between them. Different elements will interfere with making closer relationships ideal, it is difficult for water and air to make an alliance. Pisces will be too impressionable and melancholy for the optimistic Libra. However, there is a mutual attraction between Pisces and Libra, and if sympathy develops into true love, they can try their luck in marriage.

Pisces and Scorpio

These guys are united by a common element, perhaps this is what predetermines their amazing compatibility. The characters of the wards of Neptune and Pluto are completely different, but it does not matter when there are common hobbies. Surprisingly, their talents and habits are also similar. Pisces and Scorpios will not have disagreements about how to arrange a house, where to relax and which school to send children to. Scorpios, who love power and always strive for it, will mysteriously become complaisant and sweet next to Pisces.

Pisces and Sagittarius

For Sagittarians, life is movement. It is important for them to travel, they physically need new sensations and adventures. This spirit of adventurism Pisces will not be able to understand why look for impressions in the outside world, when you can find everything inside yourself. Sagittarius will be annoyed by the mystery of their companions, they are bored, or maybe just too lazy to unravel the secrets. What can you do, the stars warned, fire and water cannot be satellites. The chances of compatibility in this pair are minimal. Read more…

Pisces and Capricorn

At first, Pisces Capricorns will seem too cold, they will be frightened off by gloom and equanimity, only with a closer acquaintance they will change their minds. Patient Capricorns can seek their chosen ones for as long as they like until they get theirs. Impressive Pisces will love to be admired, and if Capricorns truly love, they will carry their mate in their arms. They have every chance to create a strong family. Read more…

Pisces and Aquarius

Aquarians can be very demanding, but in the case of Pisces they can get confused, but really, how can you make demands on what you don’t understand. And although Pisces is not the most stubborn sign of the Zodiac, they definitely will not allow themselves to be remade or educated. Aquarians will leave this idea very soon and will enjoy the relationship. This couple may develop ideal relationship in the intimate sphere, so Aquarius and Pisces will have a fascinating and vivid romance. Over time, they will want more, and they can safely go to the registry office, this couple has compatibility. Read more…

Pisces and Pisces

One element and a common patron, only next to them it can become crowded. An ideal partner who understands you and feels like himself, perhaps this is good, but not for Pisces. It will seem strange, but the cause of the conflict and possible separation will be complete mutual understanding. Fish creatures original and with ideal partner they will get bored. If this stage of the relationship is overcome by them, the marriage can be saved and even live happily in it.


Types of relationships between zodiac signs

The Connection aspect is an orange symbol. The motto of the couple is common interests.

When two identical signs of the zodiac meet, a certain unity immediately arises between them. Often they can feel each other at a glance and understand at a glance.

  • This is a common energy that is divided into two by a man and a woman in love.
  • The danger for such a union will be boredom in love and excessive predictability of the partner's behavior.

The advantage is that many problems in this union can be avoided. For example, they do not need to look for something in common for a long time or try to adjust their lives to the desires of a loved one.

Aspect Semi-sextile - symbol blue color. The motto of the couple is the desire for harmony between two dissimilar people.

In this aspect are the neighboring signs of the zodiac. Such couples often meet in life. And although mutual understanding between partners does not arise immediately, they are looking for harmony in love and often find it.

This union is more favorable for the previous sign. He perceives his beloved as an understandable and predictable person with whom you can safely go through life.

But the next sign perceives the partner as a mystery, whose inner world is so complex and diverse that it is difficult to understand its depths.

The Aspect Sextile is a blue symbol. The motto of the couple is mutual sympathy.

Here we are talking about the love compatibility of signs located through one from each other. They belong to related elements. For example, the signs of Fire + Air or Water + Earth are in the sextile.

  1. In these relationships, people sympathize with each other, they feel mutual understanding.
  2. But at the same time, these are representatives of different elements, there are noticeable differences between them, which attract each other even more strongly.

This is a favorable aspect not only for love, but also for friendship or business union. Partners do not need to make a lot of effort to understand, interest or please each other.

Aspect Square - a symbol of red. The couple's motto is dynamics and passion.

In this aspect, there is little harmony and peace, but a lot of drive, dynamics and passion. A stormy relationship awaits such a couple, because they are completely unable to negotiate peacefully and calmly. Read more in the article about the most incompatible zodiac signs.

  • A man and a woman are drawn to each other, a spark easily flashes between them.
  • But due to the fact that the characters are very different, in a relationship there is often a feeling of irritation or misunderstanding. They find it difficult to achieve stability.

Partners tend to move in different directions, pull the blanket over themselves. For love to be long and productive, they must learn to compromise.

Aspect Trin is a yellow symbol. The couple's motto is harmony and grace.

In the zodiac sign compatibility chart, the triangle symbol is responsible for the trine. This is the most stable figure, which hints to us that the love between these people will be just as stable and harmonious.

Both partners belong to the same element. This gives rise to a sense of unity and mutual understanding, a commonality of views and interests. Often, a deep connection develops between them, which only grows stronger with time.

It is good for the signs of the zodiac in the trine aspect to enter into both love relationships and friendships or business. They will always find common ground and will be able to develop in a single direction for the benefit of each other.

Aspect Quickons is a green color symbol. The couple's motto is a mismatch of characters.

A man and a woman, whose signs are in the aspect of the quincunx, have little in common. This is one of the reasons for the increased interest in each other.

Partners enthusiastically explore each other, each time surprised by their discoveries. Aspect enhances erotic attraction and desire in a couple.

Two people often do not understand why they want to be together, because they are so different. This is not even the attraction of "plus" and "minus", but rather they are inhabitants of different planets.

Aspect is good for a short romance. But in order to build a long and stable union, you will need to make a lot of efforts, strive to understand each other and be tolerant of the partner’s shortcomings.

Aspect Opposition - a crimson symbol. The motto of the couple is the attraction of opposites.

The zodiac signs of these people are one opposite the other. From this symbolism, it becomes clear that we have partners with directly opposite characteristics.

This is a difficult, but very promising aspect for a love relationship.

A man and a woman complement each other's missing qualities, creating a stable couple. Together they are stronger than alone.

But the opposite also means that it will take a long time to grind. Their whole life together will consist of a search for compromises and the desire to take into account the interests of a partner.
