Why does an aspen stake kill vampires? Aspen stakes in the corners as a talisman


The pressure increased, a little more, and I was ready to hear my temples “knocking.”

And here’s the tea,” the woman put a mug on the table and pushed a saucer of jam towards me, “help yourself, Eduard Alexandrovich.”

Thank you, Valentina Sergeevna,” I took the cup, “tell me, when was the last time you “cleaned” your house?

The hostess spread her hands in surprise:

So the day before yesterday I was cleaning up... What is it? Don't disgrace me, my place is always clean and tidy!

No, when was the priest invited? - I clarified.

Oh, what do I care about him? “I don’t have devils going crazy here,” she laughed.

The devils may not be mad, but there is plenty of negativity in the apartment!

Is it true? - Valentina Sergeevna was wary.

“Are you sure,” I said, taking another sip of tea, “there are church candles at home?”

But of course! - the woman hurried to the sideboard and took out a bundle of candles - here they are.

I took one candle, lit it immediately, and before I could take a few steps into the center of the room, the flame of the candle instantly exploded and it went out.

Oh my goodness! - the hostess crossed herself.

Here’s an “oh” for you, Valentina Sergeevna / And you also ask why the priest.

“So I’ll go to church quickly tomorrow,” the friend said quickly. And I, stupid, keep thinking, why do I get sick so often? Maybe because of this, what do you think?

It’s possible that I’ll definitely pick up my father tomorrow. And today I will help you a little.

Cleansing the house from bad energy and protecting it from the invasion of evil forces in Rus' has always been one of the most important places. Our home is our hearth, the place where we spend almost half of our lives. This is where we return after work or a trip. Let's hurry to our hometown. Therefore, it will probably be superfluous to explain how important a positive, clean and calm atmosphere is in our home.

Initially, I would like to point out the fact that too often we create quarrels and scandals at home, without seeing how the negative information of our emotions settles in the house like dust. We love to grimace in front of mirrors, which, like a video camera, record our state of aggression and bad mood. We love to accumulate all sorts of rubbish in basements, balconies and attics, creating ideal conditions for the emergence of the dark side of the world.

First, do a thorough cleaning of your home. Throw away everything unnecessary and old, everything that has accumulated over the years and has not been used (things, broken dishes, papers, etc.). Look into the most secluded corners of your home and put things in order. I assure you that even after this you will feel as if it has become easier to breathe. This is because you have removed many obstacles to the normal flow of energy in the apartment.

It is no coincidence that in the East, before every New Year, all unnecessary things are taken out into the street and burned.

Such preventive measures are the key to the spiritual purity of your home! After the cleaning is done, you can move on to energy cleaning of your home.

How to cleanse your home of negative energy

First, you need to sprinkle all the corners of your home with holy water from the church, while reading the prayer to the “Honorable Cross.”

Candles are very good for cleaning your home. Moreover, the larger the candle, the better. The size of the candle determines its capacity, that is, the amount of negative energy that it can destroy.

Place church candles in the middle of each room. If the room is large, you can place three candles in the center. It is better to place candles in saucers or cups, pouring a little salt there. Salt will help absorb negative energy. First open all the windows in the apartment. When the candles burn out, the cinders and salt should be thrown away, and the dishes in which the candles were placed should be rinsed thoroughly and left for 15-20 minutes. under cold running water in the sink.

You can also walk around your home with a burning candle. The path must begin from the front door, adhering to the left wall. That is, walking around the apartment clockwise. You need to walk slowly, watching the candle flame: in places where there is an accumulation of negative energy, the candle will begin to smoke and crackle. In this case, you need to stop and move the candle in a circle. When the crackling and soot stop, you can move on, walking around the entire apartment, returning in a circle to the starting point. Throw away the remaining candle stubs.

A knife helps effectively in cleaning your home. Buy a new knife, the handle must be made of dielectric (wood, plastic). Use this knife to cut through the air in the corners of the apartment, tap it on beds, sofas, armchairs and chairs. Sharp objects perfectly dispel all negative formations. After this procedure, wipe the knife with table vinegar diluted with water and hide it until next time. Such a knife cannot be used in everyday life; it will serve you exclusively for the purpose described above.

Sometimes it happens that there is too much furniture in the apartment, and there are corners that cannot be sprinkled with holy water or cut through with a knife. In this case, the room can be cleaned using the fumigation method.

It is best to use an ordinary metal ladle for this, on the bottom of which put lighted paper, and on it dry herbs of St. John's wort and wormwood.

With a smoking ladle you need to go around all the rooms. Then open the windows, doors, vents so that there is a draft. When the smoke begins to leave the room, say the phrase: “Let all the bad things leave the house with this smoke: misfortunes, illnesses, bad luck, witchcraft, curses! Let all evil spirits go away with this smoke, and all good things remain!”

Negative emotions and other negativity are well absorbed by window curtains, so don’t forget to change them more often. Don’t forget that when you change the curtains, you also need to clean the window. Windows should be washed by adding three drops of lavender oil or ammonia to the water.

Be sure to wipe the mirrors as often as possible with a solution of vinegar and water (three teaspoons of vinegar per liter of water). The mirror constantly accumulates various energies, including bad ones. As a preventive measure, once every three months, invite a priest home to illuminate your home.

Home protection

Inside the home, a bunch of red hot pepper, a branch of juniper or thistle are hung above the main entrance.

Windows and doors were often protected with sewing needles. To do this, they took new needles and read prayers over them; the needles were stuck into the frame of the front door, as well as into the transoms of the windows between the panes.

As I already said, sharp objects cut through dark energy, thereby preventing its appearance in the house. A horseshoe or cross hung over a doorframe has also not lost its relevance: the energy they emit perfectly blocks the entrance from unwanted influences.

There is such a way. Cut aspen pegs 5-10 cm long and 1 cm thick, throw them into a vessel with holy water and charge with the following phrase:

“Holy God, save and protect my house, my plot from thieves, illnesses, adversaries, from all evil spirits!” At the same time, you can read some of the most famous prayers

(“Our Father”, “Alive in Help”, “Honorable Cross”, etc.).

After 10-15 minutes, the pegs can be removed from the vessel and secured in any way inside the home in all corners of the rooms. If you have your own home - and under the main entrance door on both sides.

The same can be done on the site by driving pegs in the corners and under the main gate. Then pour the holy water over these pegs in which they were placed while they were charging. (In the courtyards of Siberian villages and villages you can often see a large aspen stake dug into the center of a plot or estate - all this is not done in vain!)

In this case, it is aspen that is used, it is not for nothing that they say: “There are no devils in an aspen forest.”

Such an interesting field of pseudoscience as demonology believes that the first was the biblical character Cain, who killed his brother and was expelled from Paradise. To make matters worse, he was doomed to live forever in torment and suffering. Another version of the origin of vampires claims that the ancestor of blood-sucking ghouls was Adam’s first wife, Lilith. She, too, was expelled from Paradise for not being a very good wife. The theory that unites these versions is that it was Lilith who taught Cain to use the power of blood to transform other people into her likeness.

Subsequently, Cain created three vampires, and with their help, the bloodsucking race multiplied and spread throughout the world, instilling fear and horror in people. Some sources indicate that Cain, horrified by the actions of his creatures, tried unsuccessfully to stop them.

People found ways to fight vampires by turning to everything that personifies God. The cross, sunlight, prayer and holy water were recognized as the most effective tools. Aspen stake did not immediately join this list.

Why ?

The aspen is best known as the tree of Judas. It is believed that for his betrayal he was branded with the mark of Cain. Thus, a parallel is drawn between the death of the traitor and the weapon, even if it is such a controversial one. Aspen is considered a cursed tree, which is why they decided to use it against vampires, killing like with like. A number of sources believe that a stake for killing a vampire does not have to be made of aspen.

Perhaps it was the Church that widely spread the rumor about the miraculous power of aspen stakes against vampires in an attempt to strengthen authority. Unfortunately, at present it is quite difficult to understand the intricacies of superstitions and facts from the Middle Ages.
If we ignore the church-biblical version, we can find out that aspen has been considered a talisman since ancient times in the territory of modern Eastern Europe. It is unknown whether this belief may have arisen due to the exceptional color of the wood itself.

Aspen was considered a good remedy against vampires, witches or drowned people. It was believed that a fence studded with aspen chips could stop an unwanted guest. The aspen stake “grew” from this belief. In addition, in villages, stakes were often the only weapons available, apart from tools.

In some stories, an aspen stake is described solely as a means to temporarily delay or stop a vampire, but not to kill him. For final destruction it is necessary to use “heavy weapons” - crosses, holy water and prayer.

who, what. DRIVE AN ASPEN STAKE INTO THE GRAVE who, what. Express Completely, finally get rid of someone or something hostile or unwanted. The myth of the invincibility of the German army has been driven to the grave. The Red Army... drove a strong aspen stake into the grave of this myth(N. Tikhonov. A victory such as the world has never known). - From the superstitious custom of driving an aspen stake into the grave of a sorcerer so that he could not harm after his death. Lit.: Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / Edited by prof. D. N. Ushakova. - M., 1935. - T. 1. - P. 1398.

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Drive an aspen stake into the grave” is in other dictionaries:

    drive an aspen stake- To finally neutralize someone or something, to put an end to something. (from the superstitious custom of driving a stake into the grave of a sorcerer in order to neutralize him) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Who, what. DRIVE AN ASPEN STAKE INTO THE GRAVE of someone or something. Express Completely, finally get rid of someone or something hostile or unwanted. The myth of the invincibility of the German army has been driven to the grave. The Red Army... drove a strong aspen stake... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    Drive/drive (drive/hammer) an aspen stake into the grave (on the grave)- whom, whose. Razg. Disapproved To completely neutralize someone, to get rid of someone. /i> From the ancient superstitious custom of driving an aspen stake into the grave of a deceased sorcerer, healer, witch, ghoul or werewolf so that they could not leave the grave... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    drive in- I’ll beat you, you’ll beat me; drive in; driven in; driven in, a, o; St. (NSV. drive in). what (than). Hitting which l. an object, to make it go inside something; hammer in. V. nail. B. pile into the ground. V. wedge between what, who, l. (also: to make friends alien, hostile... encyclopedic Dictionary

    drive a stake- Drive an (aspen) stake (into the grave) of someone or something. To finish with someone or something. According to superstitious beliefs: drive an aspen stake into the grave of a sorcerer, vampire, etc. means to neutralize it... Dictionary of many expressions

    count- ah, offer. about stake, on stake; pl. colas, ov and stakes, lions. m. 1. pl.: stakes, lions. A short pole, pointed at one end. Drive, stick a stake. Pull the stake out of the fence. Birch and aspen stakes. To impale (in the old days: a type of execution). Kolom... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    COL Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    count- COL, cola, husband. 1. (pl. stakes, stakes). A short pole with a pointed end. To cut a stake Drive stakes into the ground. 2. (pl. cola, cola). School mark unit (pre-revolutionary school). Get a count by arithmetic. ❖ Impale a method of execution in distant... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    COL- COL, cola, husband. 1. (pl. stakes, stakes). A short pole with a pointed end. To cut a stake Drive stakes into the ground. 2. (pl. cola, cola). School mark unit (pre-revolutionary school). Get a count by arithmetic. ❖ Impale a method of execution in distant... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    count- COL, cola, husband. 1. (pl. stakes, stakes). A short pole with a pointed end. To cut a stake Drive stakes into the ground. 2. (pl. cola, cola). School mark unit (pre-revolutionary school). Get a count by arithmetic. ❖ Impale a method of execution in distant... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Widespread in Asia and Europe. There are many myths and legends associated with it. Its leaves have a thin stalk, so they begin to sway with a light breeze. Aspen is distinguished by its rapid growth and small trunk thickness.

Cursed tree

It is believed that aspen is able to ward off evil spirits. And the existing legend about the curse only adds mysticism to the aspen and fuels interest. It is generally accepted that the cross on which Jesus was crucified was made of aspen, and the repentant Judas subsequently committed suicide on the same tree. The angry Lord cursed the aspen tree, which is why it trembles with fear. For a long time it has not been used in the construction of houses, in the belief that the family will tremble from poverty and misfortune.


Since ancient times, people have believed in the special, magical power that plants possess. Aspen was considered a tree endowed with powerful energy and capable of protecting against everything bad. Recognizing its peculiarity and strength, people were wary of its properties. They believed that if you fall asleep in its shadow, it can draw energy. And then headache, apathy and fatigue will fall on the person.

There was no point in hiding under an aspen tree during a thunderstorm. It was believed that this tree had long been favored by devils and lightning was always trying to hit them. To protect the house from dashing people and from evil spirits, aspen trees were planted near the house.

Aspen as protection against evil spirits

Before the advent of Christianity, the Slavs believed in the saving power of this tree, and on pagan festivals, especially on the night of Ivan Kupala, they tried to protect their cattle from sorcerers with aspen branches. To do this, branches were stuck into the walls of buildings where cattle were kept.

In the superstitions and legends of many peoples, aspen was considered an effective and efficient means in the fight against witchcraft and otherworldly forces. A dead witch or witch was burned on a bonfire made of aspen logs. At the moment of the sorcerer’s agony, in order to facilitate the exit of the soul, an aspen peg was driven into the house.

But the most effective way to prevent the activities of accomplices of evil spirits after death was the custom of driving an aspen stake into the chest. But why was it possible to calm vampires and other undead people thanks to this method?

  • This tree can absorb energy. Including the negative one, which it redirects to another state, to water or earth.
  • Aspen has durable wood. A stake made from it will not break at the right moment.

Aspen stakes are always made from Before you begin making a stake, you must read a prayer. A weapon for fighting evil spirits should be small, with one end sharpened. There is no fixed size or standard for this weapon. Length and thickness depend on the purpose of use. If the goal is only to stick a pointed pole into the chest, then a small peg is enough. When it is necessary to pierce a coffin and a body, a length of about a meter is required. The diameter depends on the size of the branch or from which the stake will be made from evil spirits. It is worth considering that a thin stake can break, and a heavy one will be difficult to handle.

Aspen stakes. Subtleties of manufacturing

An aspen stake (photo above) requires special manufacturing methods. When processing a freshly cut branch, it is generally not customary to strip it of bark. Our distant ancestors rationally foresaw this: since the stake is driven in only once, it will be good if it begins to sprout, so that a sorcerer or vampire who has already been pierced by the tip cannot get out.

When carving an aspen stake, how to make it sharp? The belief has been preserved that the device is planed with an ax, and three blows are enough to give a point to the end of the branch. In this case, it is necessary to observe a certain ritual. With the first strike it says: “In the name of the Father,” with the second, “and the Son,” and with the third, “and the Holy Spirit, amen.”

A rope is wound at the top of the stake. It plays the role of a handle. When using the tool, it is under the palm and insures in case the hand slips. In addition to this practical function, the rope also serves as a talisman. By winding it, it is as if they are creating a magic circle. It is not customary to put any inscriptions or symbols on the stake. Although it is believed that a carved cross will not hurt and may even help.

Aspen pegs must be placed in water, and it is advisable that it be pre-blessed. Next, be sure to read the “Our Father” prayer several times. The stakes are then tied in the shape of a cross and nailed over the doors of the house.

Aspen stake as a talisman

The stake is considered a powerful amulet, endowed with power, thanks to which you can balance the energy of the house. It is believed that aspen stakes must be driven in where there is an unsteady boundary between the real and the real. And these are, first of all, the corners of the home.

Aspen stakes were driven into the ground at the corners during the construction of houses and outbuildings. It was believed that this would help ward off trouble and prevent misfortunes and discord in the family. They were first soaked for some time in blessed water. After this, they were driven into the ground and sprinkled with the remnants of holy water. The pegs were checked periodically. And as soon as they began to rot, they were replaced with new ones.

The healing properties of the tree

Traditional healers used aspen to treat many ailments. Considering it an unclean tree, the Slavs were sure that any disease could be transferred to it.

  • Aspen was used to treat hernia, childhood fears and headaches.
  • The hair of the sick person was stuffed into the trunk, clothes were hung up, believing that the tree would take away the disease.
  • By applying an aspen log to the legs, cramps were treated.
  • Dried aspen buds were mixed with oil and treated burns, ulcers, and wounds.
  • The sap of the tree was used to rub lichens and warts.
  • Aspen bark was used in winter as food to restore strength.
  • Young shoots were fed to livestock.

Modern people are already ironic about the beliefs of their distant ancestors and do not attach much importance to everything related to superstitions. It is clear that eccentric people or people interested in folklore can afford to keep aspen stakes at home. But maybe a couple of small elegant pieces of wood will really help ward off trouble, secure the house and maintain a positive balance in the family’s living environment?

To the question why it is customary to kill with an aspen stake... What is the magic of aspen? given by the author Black Hundred the best answer is Aspen is known as one of the trees that takes away any energy - both positive and negative. In the pagan tradition, according to Sedir, aspen had the good meaning of a tree filled with an abundance of life and preventing evil.
In Rus', they did not build houses from aspen, so as not to bring constant misfortunes and illnesses on the household. A blow with an aspen stick to a person or a beast could result in their paralysis. This was due to the fact that the life force of a person was not drained dry by the tree.
Everyone knows that the restless dead had an aspen stake driven into their chests, thereby giving them a one-way ticket to the world of the dead. For the same purpose, aspen crosses were placed in bonfires and graves - so that the soul of the deceased could get as quickly as possible along the direct path (aspen is the path, the channel) to the next world. In epics there is a mention that the defeated Baba Yaga is pressed to the ground with aspen roots, that is, she is sent to the world of Navi.
The Eastern Slavs have a fairy tale about a burnt aspen tree, behind which the traveler imagined a house. The traveler spent the night in it, communicated with the owners, and the next morning he found out that nothing of the kind had happened, and he himself spent the night on the ground. That is, the aspen acted as a “gate” leading a living creature to the lower world.
Aspen works as a one-way conductor. Therefore, it was believed that an aspen branch thrown by a sorcerer in front of a person would knock the latter off the road. The path along which the goblin lures to itself is also covered with aspen branches. If someone wanted to leave once and for all their native but disgusted places, then he should have broken an aspen branch near the road, saying: “I’ll go and break the road with the aspen.” In the same way, mermaids who trampled bread were warded off.
Sorcerers who wanted to turn into a wolf tumbled over an aspen stump, thereby overcoming the barrier between the world of Reveal and Navi. The aspen peg, driven under the base of the house, did not make it possible to live peacefully in it, representing a constant channel, stealing strength, wealth and health from the owners, and annoying the brownie.
Despite such a “bad” past, aspen was an indispensable assistant for human contacts with otherworldly forces. Aspen, with its “curse,” recognizes what is alien to man, what comes from outside, from another world. It does not allow Navi creatures into our world, but serves as an excellent guide from our world to the world of the dead.
In folk medicine, aspen was used to treat diseases without harming the tree.
Sometimes, in exchange for health, a person promised not to harm the aspen - not to break its branches, not to chop it, not to burn it.
Another, no less valuable property of aspen is also known - it is almost not subject to rotting, even when constantly in contact with water and soil. It easily separates the “lower” from the “upper”, serving as a gate through which one cannot pass. Therefore, for example, the aspen logs used as the basis of the bathhouse allow the bannik (one of the representatives of the small folk) to live peacefully near a person, but do not allow him to bring “guests” and “relatives” from the lower world to him. The same feature of the construction of the bathhouse made it an indispensable place for childbirth, when the usual boundary of the worlds is violated, and for purification rites.
Source: Thanks for the question

Higher intelligence
You don't have to specify it..

Answer from Marie[guru]
who should I kill? In mystical films, did they kill fictional characters with an aspen stake? ghouls and vampires. So these are fairy tales? and the word “accepted” doesn’t fit here at all!

Answer from European[guru]
aspen is a special tree. it draws illnesses out of a person, and removes negativity and even heals, plus those same additional features: the evil spirits are afraid of aspen, these are its (aspen) “natural” properties, namely, special energy. it works the same way as “Thursday” salt, for example. Not every aspen tree is suitable for every person, if we are talking about diseases, you need to find “your” tree and ask it for help, plus some manipulations/ritual or whatever you want to call it (each person has a different perception about this). Each tree has its own peculiarity in this section and not only in this one. magic lies in the special energy of aspen. any creature/object, etc. (even a stone) has its own energy - one heals, another cripples, the third is generally neutral. what is the magic of aspen... try to ask a witch - what is her magic/power. same with aspen.

Answer from Alena Shiman[guru]
I don’t know... but this topic is like a magnet for me... attracts... beckons

Answer from Partition[guru]
aspen and silver materials that act on vampires, vyrdalaks and werewolves

Answer from I am the ONE who comes to HELP.[guru]
An aspen stake does not rot for a long time.

Answer from Jarochka[guru]
Judas hanged himself on it

Answer from Olga Kalashnyuk[newbie]
it's simple, Jesus was crucified on an aspen cross,

Answer from Ivan Ivanovy[guru]
I believe that Oina is the weakest wood that EASILY ABSORPTS WATER - and killing with a soft stake is stupid and impractical - but it hurts the most!

Answer from Konstantin Chekmarev[guru]
Aspen is resistant to rot, which means the stake will last longer.
Please note that the domes of ancient temples were covered with planks (ploughshares)
It is from aspen that they stand to this day.

Answer from Lena.[guru]
Aspen trees will not produce oranges))

Answer from ALEXEY ZVEREV[guru]
It is best to go into an aspen grove and stand there with your eyes closed. You will feel very uncomfortable, scared and want to get away from there as quickly as possible. There are many different theories, but it’s difficult to figure out what’s going on. People write what they read somewhere or heard from someone. The best way is to check it yourself.

Answer from June[guru]
Aspen takes away the negative.

Answer from PASHTET (Pasha888)[guru]
And therefore, it was Aspen that in the old days in the forest, the old boletus and goblin of the Second Guild conjured for the Finding of Eternal Damnation. .
And now the vampires, who need to be driven into their hearts, lose their essence, giving off the spirit, which is transferred to the higher worlds!...

Judas hanged himself on an aspen tree when he sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

Answer from Net[guru]
It is believed that the aspen tree is a vampire and takes away negativity.

Answer from Ekaterina Zvezdnaya))[guru]
Aspen is strong, does not rot like other trees, survives in the most swampy places and survives in fires... .
strong against evil spirits and... but rots in “good conditions”, taking with it all the negativity. A very unusual tree.
Even now, a hint comes to me - look again from the Druid calendar... but I don’t see the book I need on the shelves (it’s gone somewhere).
Maybe the Answer is not important to you?)), Do you already know it?))

Answer from Eniya*[active]
Aspen is a tree of destruction. Its magical properties are that it suppresses negative energy and cleanses part of the human aura. If we consider your question specifically, then in this case aspen is a conductor between two worlds - human and otherworldly, and frees you from obsession. By killing with an aspen stake, negative energy is thereby released and passes into another state - namely: air, earth, water - at the same time it is purified and becomes harmless.
Aspen generally helps protect against the negative impact of any intangible force. Not only a living tree helps, but also products (decorations) made from it.

Answer from THE GOOD WIZARD[active]
The energy of aspen is very powerful, the strength hidden in it is enormous. Aspen is like a very strong magnet, and that magnet stands at the gate between two worlds. She absorbs all the negativity into herself and throws it into the other world, but does not allow everything that is good in this world to be dragged there.”
You need to drive an aspen stake at the break, where the world and the world converge, flow into each other. And then it will be good for everyone, and especially for those who have built their house in a bad place.”
The Aspen Peg is such an object of power, with the help of which we can, as it were, correct the energy of our home. It’s not often that we have the opportunity to choose the right housing from all sides in terms of energy. And often the problems that arise in our lives are not at all connected with the energy of our apartment. But you must always remember: if you suddenly have problems, first of all you need to check if everything is in order with the apartment. Are there any destructive entities there, is the energy moving in the right direction, etc.
