Vampire or donor? Determine your energy type. How to determine your energy type How to find out what kind of energy I have test

Often, looking at some of our friends, we wonder: how do they manage to do everything and at the same time never stop enjoying life? Maybe people are busy doing what they love, which gives them enough strength and energy? A special test will help determine whether your chosen lifestyle is depriving you of true human happiness?

Test how much energy a woman has

A modern woman who wants to build a career, manage at home, and not forget about herself, needs to have a lot of energy. But what to do if in the evening you simply collapse and are catastrophically unable to accomplish anything? Is it just fatigue or a health problem? Correctly answer all the questions in any test you choose and find out whether you have enough vitality to accomplish everything you plan.

Do you know how to properly distribute your strength, finding the right line between work and rest? After all, sometimes we are unable to independently give an objective assessment of our actions, so we need an outside view. You will find out how correctly you manage to spend your vital energy using a special test.

It is very difficult for a modern dynamic person to maintain good vitality. The daily abundance of information, stress, and poor lifestyle contribute to an unnecessary waste of energy that can be directed in the right direction. Take the online test and find out if you have the right priorities.

It's hard to believe, but there are energy vampires based on date of birth. Calculating whether a person has such a gift is quite simple. To do this, you just need to pass a test that will show whether you are a vampire or a victim.

In the article:

Energy vampires by date of birth - how to determine?

Sometimes it's simple enough. To do this, it is enough to pay attention to how a person behaves in society. There are separate, there are certain signs by which one can determine whether a person is a vampire or not.

But it sometimes happens that it is impossible to determine from primary signs whether a person is a vampire, or whether he simply has a hot-tempered or whiny character. Perhaps, quite unconsciously, you yourself may turn out to be a real energy vampire. If you are afraid of causing damage to your loved ones, friends and people you just know, then take this test and determine whether you are an energy vampire.

Using this test, you can easily find out who from your environment is involved in energy vampirism, and who is regularly forced to “feed” such individuals with their energy. How to use the information received is up to you. For example, you can make sure that the person influencing you is a vampire, and take action, because you can protect yourself from any evil.

Energy vampire test

Thanks to this test, you can determine what type of person you are. There are five of them in total:

  • energy vampires;
  • victims - donors;
  • neutral characters;
  • white magicians;
  • black magicians.

To conduct testing, you just need to know the person’s full date of birth, have a piece of paper and a pen with you.

You must write your date of birth in full. For example: 06/18/1994. After this, add up all the numbers that are written in front of you (1+8+0+6+1+9+9+4=38).

But the result should not be presented as a two-digit number. Therefore, take and add the two resulting numbers (3+8=11). If you again get a two-digit number, as in the example, then add the numbers again (1+1=2).

As a result, you will get one number. In our case, it is 2. It is by this that you can determine whether you belong to energy vampires.

One or two

If, as a result of taking the test, you get the number 1 or 2, then you can rest assured that this person is a vampire. Consciously or not, he draws energy from those around him and uses this resource to achieve his goals. But you shouldn’t immediately push this person away from you. Perhaps he is simply a victim of circumstances and is not to blame for the fact that nature has given him such a gift.

Try to find out whether the person knows about his unusual capabilities. If such a gift does not bring him pleasure, and he himself wants to get rid of it, help him. By cultivating willpower, you can cope with vampirism. Such a person should learn to control this process and not succumb to the desires of his evil self.

But you should also be afraid if an energy vampire lives under the same roof with you. In fact, many people are able to draw energy from other people. It is not fatal if it happens unconsciously. In order to protect yourself, you should learn how to properly set up barriers and protect yourself even from involuntary attacks.

If your friend quite consciously replenishes his resources at the expense of other people, then you should protect yourself from communicating with this character. There are several techniques that will help you both.

Numbers five and seven

People who receive these numbers as a result of taking the test should be especially careful about who they communicate with. Such people - donors. They are especially susceptible to the negative influence of vampires, and are the easiest to attack.

In this case, you should always carry with you, which will protect you from the influence of evil forces and repel the attack of a vampire. Learn to build mirror energy barriers. They will help protect against the influence of a vampire.

In addition, you should regularly replenish your vital energy reserves, since it tends to quickly dry up. To do this, visit places of power. It is important that these are not cemeteries (where you can become easy prey for sorcerers and vampires), but places filled with positive energy:

  • temples;
  • churches.

Frequent walks in nature are required for you, since it is contact with nature that will allow you to restore lost strength.

Threes, sixes and eights

If, as a result of taking the test, you got one of these three numbers, then you are especially lucky. You do not have supernatural powers and cannot take away other people's life forces. But you also cannot become a victim of a vampire.

These people are absolutely neutral. They have such powerful energy that it automatically creates a very powerful barrier around this person, and a vampire very rarely manages to break through it.

Therefore, you are practically invulnerable. As a precaution, we can advise you to carry a talisman against evil forces and learn how to build protective barriers, but such a skill may never be useful to you.

Number nine

If you took a test to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth, and you got the number nine, then this means that you have supernatural abilities, but you are not a vampire.

The number 9 is characteristic of people who have very powerful positive energy and can be white magicians. They have a very large reserve of energy, which they can easily control.

Initially, these people have great potential, but if it is not developed, it will remain undetected. You need to work hard to become a good wizard. But, rest assured, if you make every effort to do this, you will succeed.


People born under this number have a truly unusual gift. They are able to move from one state to another. Such people are strong black magicians. If they have a sufficient supply of vitality, then they can remain in a neutral state and will be reliably protected from any external negative influence.

If they realize that their strength has dried up, they can easily become very strong energy vampires and feed off their victims.

If a black magician wants, he can adopt the abilities of people born under the number 4 and easily control energy flows.

The most successful alliances

Being an energy vampire is actually not as bad as it seems. People who can take other people's energy can be very useful.

If the family has a vampire(or black magician) and white magician, then this is an ideal union, since the white magician may not know where to put all his energy. That is, the vampire will take its remains, and there will always be an energy balance in this couple.

Neutrals and white magicians - harmonious combination. These people will always be able to understand each other and support each other. But this couple will give preference to business relationships and friendship rather than love.

Donors and white magicians- great couple. If the donor does not have enough of his own strength and energy, then the magician can charge him. In this case, the exchange of energy will be by mutual consent, without the use of force.

A strong friendship is possible between donor and neutral. If a neutral wants, he can protect his friend from the harmful influence, and then both representatives will be reliably protected from outside influence.

Vampire and black magician- not the worst combination. A black magician is able to control energy flows, like a white magician. Therefore, his companion will not have to starve from lack of energy.

Quite a controversial combination - vampire (or black magician) and neutral. If these two people live in the house, then there will be no harmony in their relationship until the vampire learns to control his hunger and stops attacking the neutral. Or it will begin to feed on energy using other sources.

Not the most successful alliances

The union will not be the most successful vampire with vampire. In this pair, both representatives will constantly starve from a lack of energy and strength. There can be only one way out of the situation - if both representatives agree to replenish energy somewhere on the side, or gain strength from joint recreation, pastime, or hobby. Otherwise, vampires will not be able to be near each other.

If the interlocutor is a person with a positive biofield, then this is felt great. Firstly, he constantly attracts others to his interlocutor. He is filled with joy and only positive impressions. Secondly, a person does not pay attention to the gray everyday life and tries to find something instructive even in a negative incident. There is no desire to say goodbye to such people, because their magnificent life potential only pushes those around them forward, not allowing them to think about the bad.

It’s interesting that positivity is passed on to others. If previously one could feel a kind of tension in the air, then after the appearance of a pleasant guest it immediately disappears. There are cases when only communication with such specimens contributed to the cure of various diseases.

Who has negative energy?

Unfortunately, the world is structured in such a way that one cannot do without negative emotions. If there is Yin, then there will be Yang. Personalities with a negative biofield have existed at all times. They constantly attract problems and troubles to themselves. Few people want to communicate with them, because signs of aggression, hot temper and constant dissatisfaction with life depress everyone they know. They do not pay attention to the presence of beauty, believing that there is no joy in this universe. The negative program is transmitted to the people around you. As a result, just five minutes of conversation with such specimens radically changes the mood.

The second name for such individuals is “energy vampires.” To survive, they constantly need to give all their negative attitude to their interlocutors. This is the main reason that after a conversation with a negative person, the mood noticeably worsens, headaches, fatigue, and drowsiness appear. Meanwhile, the interlocutor seems to blossom before our eyes. The mood changes and a smile appears on your face. The vampire has received the necessary amount of energy and spends his time calmly, while the peculiar victim has no desire to move forward. Such instances should be avoided and, if necessary, not started a conversation.

It is impossible to completely avoid contact with vampires, so there are several ways to protect yourself from their influence:

  • When talking, cross your legs and clasp your fingers. The biofield will be protected and the energy will remain untouched;
  • You need to imagine a mirror in front of you that reflects your interlocutor. With such thoughts you can protect yourself well from unnecessary influences, and the negativity will be sent to the owner.

Is it possible to independently determine your biofield?

One of the simple and effective ways to clarify the issue is an easy test of human energy. All you need to do is multiply and then add all the numbers in your date of birth. For example (1960. 11.01). It should look like this: 1960*1101= 2157960

Now adds the resulting numbers: 2+1+5+7+9+6+0=30

If the final number is less than 21, this means that its owner is a vulnerable person whose aura can be easily penetrated. You shouldn’t be upset with such indicators, but you should reduce communication with negative people to a minimum.

Therefore, the larger the number, the more protected the person is from outside interference and the more difficult it is to harm him. It is curious that many famous personalities were the owners of large indicators.

How to cleanse an apartment of negative energy

After negative people leave the house, you should immediately clean the home. This is easy to do and there is no need to call a healer to your home. You need to take an ordinary church candle using matches, set it on fire and walk around all the rooms with it, baptizing each corner of the room with prayer. They begin this procedure from the room where the enemy was, and then go around the rest. An easy way to get rid of negativity and return a warm, calm atmosphere to your home.

Those with negative emotions, as a rule, sow panic and discontent around themselves, and thanks to a candle, it will be possible to prevent problems from arising in the family. Simple exercises can be performed for prevention once a month. If everything is done correctly, then the body will be vigorous, healthy, and all bad things will disappear from the apartment or house forever.

How to understand who you should communicate with and who you should avoid

Frequently asked questions about how to determine a person’s energy can be easily answered. The first to detect negativity from a stranger towards an owner are animals. Pets try to protect the owner from troubles and try to warn about the emergence of problems. It will take a few seconds for the cute creatures to detect the stranger’s wave and signal to the owner. Animals try to avoid ill-wishers by any means. To prevent the owner from making a mistake, dogs bark, and cats can scratch. You shouldn’t be offended by this, because cute creatures are only trying to warn.

It should be noted that energy vampires are unwelcome guests, because dissatisfaction with life greatly irritates those around you. They rarely smile and sometimes resort to hysterics in order to force the team to pay attention to themselves. Sometimes, with a feeling of pity, they manage to break through the biofield and reinforce themselves with the energy of strangers.

Remember! It is advisable to avoid quarrels with energy vampires. They will receive energy, and their opponent will be depressed and exhausted. You must try to be restrained, because scandals can only make things worse for your own consciousness.

A loved one is a vampire

These people need help and sympathy, because the program was born with them and it is impossible to change it. It is necessary to avoid scandals. Resolve the next conflict peacefully, avoiding raised voices. This will help you avoid trouble while maintaining harmony in your relationship.
It is possible that relatives, loved ones and friends are people with negative energy. Try to support them in difficult moments, showing that the world is multicolored and black and gray are far from the main things in it.


If you correctly understand how to feel people’s energy, you will be able to improve your life. There is no need to torment the subconscious with guesses about what to do in various situations, go to a good fortune teller, according to reviews. Follow simple rules so that you don’t feel the difference in energy and the negativity passes by. An online test can only answer the question of ownership, and the owner will independently decide what to do with the information received.

How to determine your energy type

In the Compass School, a person’s energy type is usually determined based on his date of birth, since it is believed that the energy composition is fixed at birth and does not change throughout life, that is, it is similar to DNA. However, according to my personal observations, many people's energy composition changes throughout life as a result of alcoholism and drug addiction, near death experiences, mystical experiences and spiritual development. Using the test below and taking into account the listed factors, you can more or less accurately determine the type of energy that is currently dominant in you. If there has been nothing in your life that has changed your energetic composition (see above), this method will simply confirm the data obtained from your birth chart.

The test results will allow you to clearly identify the dominant and missing (if any) elements. Using this information, you can use Feng Shui to make the necessary changes in your life.

To get an accurate result, answer questions according to who you really are, not who you wish you were. Award yourself points according to the following scheme:

2 if the statement hits the target exactly;

1 if the statement is somewhat true

O if the statement is neutral

1 if the statement is almost untrue;
-2 if the statement has nothing to do with you.

Do not look at the test explanations until you have answered all the questions.

You are proactive by nature
You often have problems with your superiors, with people in authority.
You suffer from wandering pains
You act assertively and confidently
You are annoyed by the slowness and clumsiness of other people
You like to overcome difficulties in order to strengthen yourself
You are constantly doing something, going somewhere
Do you have high blood pressure
You are often told that you are incapable of compromise.
You always strive to be the first and the best
Solitude and the need to “sit quietly” make you furious.
You often have muscle cramps
You like to make rules and then break them
You put feeling and passion into everything you do.
You always and everywhere open new paths
The condition of your nails often changes: from strong and thick, they turn into thin and fragile and back again.
You are annoyed by irresponsible people who have no “backbone”
Personal freedom is the most important thing in life for you
You're afraid of appearing vulnerable
You love speed and adventure
Have you had tendon problems?
You manipulate people and circumstances to achieve your goals.
Containing anger is your main problem
Any restrictions seem intolerable to you
You work best under pressure

Do you consider yourself an introverted loner?
You have a highly developed sexuality
Finding truth is the main goal of your life
Superficiality is what you hate most.
You have very developed creative abilities and imagination, you are original
You are modest and don't like to be the center of attention.
You are proud of your independence and self-sufficiency
You are suffering from rapid decay of teeth and gums
You tend to look for secrets and riddles in literally everything
You are at odds with your emotions
Do you often suffer from back pain?
Sometimes you act tactlessly and rudely
You have a very insightful and critical mind
You hate throwing away and try to keep everything.
Persistence is one of your main strengths
You suffer from arteriosclerosis
You don't like to be honest with others
Are you suffering from loneliness?
You are afraid to let yourself go in front of others
Your friends think you're mysterious and eccentric.
You have a very developed ability to concentrate
You feel awkward in society
You don't adapt well
Have you recently had kidney or bladder problems?
You are careful and objective in your interactions with people

You strive for the divine
You have an enlarged or weak heart
You are charismatic and charming
You absolutely cannot bear pain
You enjoy being on stage, performing and being the center of attention.
You often act spontaneously
You often get sores on your tongue and around your mouth
You can't say no to anyone
You are more sensual than your friends
Have you suffered or are suffering from stuttering?
You like to speak your mind
What you fear most is separation
You are cunning and agile
Self-realization is your main goal
Routine and monotony quickly tire you
You blush easily
You can be called an extravagant person
At social events you sparkle with wit and are the life of the party.
Do you suffer from eczema
You have trouble maintaining social and ethical boundaries
You have a strong desire for intimacy and connection with another person
You open up easily
You look at life with optimism and enthusiasm
You are a very sensitive person who knows how to put yourself in someone else’s shoes.
You suffer from anxiety and insomnia

You are a man of law and order
Justice and virtue come first for you
Rituals are important to you
You have stiff joints and inelastic muscles
Chaos is your main enemy
You don't have time for any nonsense
You adhere to very precise and strict standards
You cannot tolerate disorder and disharmony
You have very dry skin and very dry hair
Are you afraid of intimacy?
You have a very developed aesthetic perception
Other people's thoughtlessness drives you crazy
You are perceived as cold, unemotional and uncommunicative
You often suffer from chest tightness and a dry cough
Common sense and high principles are what guide you
Sometimes you are accused of being too strict and picky
You have very refined taste
You are sometimes called a prude
You have a lot of birthmarks and warts on your body
You pay the least attention in your life to social affairs
You have sinusitis
Your unrelenting self-control is driving your friends crazy
You are constantly trying to change those around you
You often suffer from constipation

Do you believe that the meaning of your life is service?
Do you want to become more independent, relying only on yourself?
Your friends often use you as a mediator to resolve disputes.
You often suffer from bloating and water retention in the body
You struggle with your own inertia and sometimes feel that your life has completely reached a dead end.
Raising children comes easy to you
You constantly doubt yourself
You like responsibility, but don't like being in the public eye
You are not the most efficient person in the world
The result of your compliance sometimes becomes conformity.
You are constantly searching for yourself, your place in life
You have a strong desire to be part of something.
You suffer from muscle flaccidity
Friends often call you a “peacemaker”
You consider loyalty one of the most important human virtues
You tend to think conservatively
You feel a strong need to be needed by someone
You are always aware of other people's affairs
You suffer from inflammation of the tonsils and other disorders of the lymphatic system
Do you wish life was more predictable?
You are always very careful
Unrealistic expectations are the cause of your constant disappointments.
You're trying to be everything to everyone
You feel a deep emptiness in your stomach
You have a tight, square body

Total the points for each phase. The phase that corresponds to the largest amount is your dominant energy type. The phase with the smallest sum corresponds to the weakest energy.

Phase I - Wood
Phase II - Water
Phase III - Fire
Phase IV-Metal
PhaseU - Earth

It is interesting that this test is very popular among water type people, but at the same time causes skepticism among earth type people. Apparently, earthly people don't take feng shui seriously. They are too caught up in the practical, material aspects of life.

The structure of the human brain is somewhat reminiscent of the familiar radio receiver, since it is capable of emitting and also receiving various energies. Thanks to this ability, people have the opportunity to perceive the reality around us. Energy in its modern understanding can be divided into two types, namely: physical and free. The first comes to us as a result of eating food, the second is creative. Energy is constantly consumed, so it must be replenished in a timely manner. And for this you need to know how to check your energy.

How to find out your energy

  • There is a fairly old folk method that in ancient times was used to check the internal state, that is, the energy potential of a particular person. However, for the results to be truly true, it is necessary to believe in the existence of energy fields and not perceive them with skepticism. So, the healers handed the man an aspen splinter. In the absence of one, you can use an ordinary match available in any home.
  • Light a match and wait until it burns completely. In order not to burn your fingers, you can grab the match - grab the burnt end, or burn it in two stages, there is no fundamental difference. The only important thing is that the match is held by the person who wants to test his energy. Ask why? The thing is that it is fire that comes into contact with human energy fields, and the result of such contact, in turn, changes the properties of the wood located in the center of the flame.
  • After waiting for the match to burn completely, throw it into a glass with previously prepared ordinary water. If after 2-3 minutes the match sinks, the subject’s energy levels are impaired. Of course, you can try to object and assure that the match will sink in any case, since coal has a heavier mass. However, this statement is true only from the scientific side, and in the question: how to check your energy, other aspects also play an important role. So, if an aspen match was held by a person with sufficiently strong energy, then its stub will not drown, since it will stop absorbing water.

That is why, for the most correct understanding of the experiment, we recommend taking an aspen splinter. If she drowns, don’t rush to get upset. Energy can always be replenished, the main thing is to detect problems in time. Moreover, you already know how to test a person’s energy.
