Gelated five-minute blackcurrant jam in glasses. Five minutes - blackcurrant jam

Blackcurrant berries for making five-minute jam are really boiled in sugar syrup for only 5 minutes. The total cooking time, taking into account the sterilization of the jars, will, of course, take a little longer. However, in any case, this is the most fast way prepare berries for winter storage.

This recipe is the simplest, because for its preparation, apart from berries and sugar, almost nothing is needed.

Let's take the components in such quantities:

  • berries 1 kg;
  • sugar a little less than 1.5 kg;
  • water 1.5-2 standard glasses.

We act like this:

Step 1. We prepare all the components, especially the berry. Currants need to be sorted out, to separate all the twigs, leaves and dirt. Rinse under a sieve, inspect again and, if necessary, rinse again with water.

Step 2. We prepare sugar syrup - this is a highly concentrated solution of sugar in water. To do this, pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan, add sugar and gradually heat (preferably over moderate heat), stirring regularly. It is necessary to achieve complete dissolution of the crystals.

Step 3. In the meantime, prepare the jars: first, rinse with soda, then wipe dry and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C, or keep the same amount of time over boiling water.

Or you can just stand the jars in the microwave, turned on full power, within 4 minutes. Lids also need to be sterilized.

Step 4. As soon as the sugar dissolves completely, put the berries in boiling syrup - exactly 5 minutes.

Step 5. We lay out our five-minute currant in jars and close with any lids (you can also use screw ones). Cool under a blanket, then store in the refrigerator.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam - an excellent preparation for the winter

The details of the process (how to make blackcurrant jam for the winter) can also be seen in the video:

Five-minute currant jam: a recipe for making jelly in a slow cooker

In fairness, we note that currant jelly will work with us in any way of preparing a five-minute. After all, we use a very saturated solution of sugar - syrup, in which there is practically no water.

But it still doesn't hurt to consider another recipe. This is the simplest option for five-minute currant jam, because O Most of the work will be done by the technique, namely the multicooker.

For ease of preparation, you can measure everything with a glass - the same for all components.

Ingredients (in glasses):

  • berries 8 glasses;
  • sugar 10 cups;
  • water 2 cups.

The instruction is very simple:

Step 1. To make a five-minute blackcurrant for the winter, sort out the berries, wash them and cover them with sugar. You can lightly crush with a wooden spoon (the dishes can be made of any material, but metal is not desirable).

Step 2. Leave the berries in this form overnight (6-7 hours) at room temperature.

Step 3. Juice appears the next morning - this is exactly what we need. We shift the mass into a multicooker and set the program "Multipovar" (the temperature is low - only 120 ° C). We cook currant jam for 10 minutes, and do not close the lid.

Step 4. Pour the five-minute currant jelly jam into pre-prepared jars and twist. We put it in the refrigerator.

Five-minute blackcurrant jelly for the winter: a recipe without water

And this cooking method will allow you to get the thickest currant jelly that is possible, because water is not involved here at all. We can say that it is "extracted" from the juice of berries, so we do not need any additional moisture.


  • 10 glasses of sugar;
  • 8 glasses of berries.

The sequence of actions is about the same, only this time we will cook in a regular pan, and not in a slow cooker.

Cooking progress step by step:

Step 1. We wash the berry and cover it with sugar. You can stretch the fruits a little, although this is not necessary. And leave for the whole day - for about 12-15 hours.

Step 2. Now pour this mass into a saucepan, bring to a boil and remove all the foam.

Step 3. After boiling, you can cook currants for no more than 10 minutes and pour into pre-sterilized jars. Roll up, cool under a blanket and store in the refrigerator.

Currant goes very well with raspberries.

These berries can also be used for homemade preparations, and they are usually taken in the same ratio.


  • 0.5 kg of currants (this is 2.5-3 cups).
  • the same amount of raspberries;
  • 0.7 kg of sugar (this is 3.5 cups);
  • 2-3 glasses of water.

How to cook five-minute blackcurrant jam according to this recipe:

Step 1. We collect and sort out the berries, carefully remove all the leaves, remove the stalks from the raspberries and wash them (preferably through a sieve).

Step 2. Cook sugar syrup: pour sugar with water and bring to a boil so that all the crystals have time to dissolve.

Step 3. Pour the fruits of raspberries and currants into the syrup and cook for 5-10 minutes from the boil, then turn it off immediately.

Step 4. We pour our five-minute currant and raspberry into pre-processed jars and roll it up for the winter.

Dietary recipe for five-minute blackcurrant jam with orange

And this cooking option is interesting because, in fact, you don’t even have to cook anything. Moreover, in this case they put much less sugar, so this delicacy is suitable for almost everyone - including those who regularly monitor their figure.

Let's take the following components:

  • currants 8 glasses;
  • sugar 4 cups (you can add a few tablespoons of honey);
  • 1 orange.

The recipe is very simple and includes the following steps.

How to cook:

Step 1. We wash the berry, cut the orange together with the peel, peel it. True, citrus can be peeled if the peel is quite dense. The fact is that its white part can add a little bitterness to the finished product.

Step 3. Add sugar in small portions, stirring constantly so that the crystals dissolve completely. Once again, carefully beat the mixture of berries, orange and sugar in a blender.

Step 4. Sterilize jars and lay out raw currant jam. Then the containers are removed for storage in the refrigerator.

Such a treat is especially useful with low-calorie, healthy foods, such as oatmeal and rye bread.

Currant five-minute jam - great for bread

And it can also be combined with low-fat cottage cheese. Such a dish will be a good alternative to a regular dinner - after all, sometimes it is very useful to unload yourself.

Bon appetit!

Good day my dear guest!

jam recipe from black currant five minutes is one of my favorite preparations. Firstly, it is done quickly, without much hassle, and secondly, almost all the valuable substances of blackcurrant are preserved.

Probably everyone knows that this berry is famous, first of all, for the fact that it contains a large amount of antioxidant (a fighter against harmful free radicals) in the form of vitamin C. Therefore, during the ripening season of this wonderful berry, try to eat it as much as possible.

Well, what you didn’t eat, prepare five minutes in the form of blackcurrant jam. In winter, this sweet preparation will come in handy. From it you can cook delicious compote or jelly for kids (instead of purchased juice), use it as a filling in pies, add to your favorite oatmeal, make a great drink in combination with sour-milk products, add to cottage cheese dessert and just drink tea with five minutes of blackcurrant .

This information review is completed! Let's get practical!


  • Black currant - 1 kg
  • Sugar sand - 1 kg

For any quantities, follow the 1: 1 ratio, as in.


First of all, of course, we need to purchase berries and granulated sugar. Regarding blackcurrant berries, I have one piece of advice: choose ripe, but not wrinkled, and preferably without debris (in the form of leaves and other husks).

I prepare the berries very simply: I spread them in small portions in a colander and rinse under running water. Then I let the water drain and proceed to further actions. It is absolutely not necessary to line and dry the berries. Anyway, I don't bother with it!

Since we will cook five-minute blackcurrant jam without water, the process is greatly simplified - no syrup needs to be made.

To grind the berries, we need a blender or a meat grinder (who has what). I used the services of a blender - quickly and easily.

In small portions, we load blackcurrants mixed with granulated sugar into the bowl.

We turn on the grinder and in a matter of seconds we get a homogeneous mass.

We shift everything into a stainless steel saucepan and put on a small fire.

We begin to cook our blackcurrant jam for five minutes. Move away from him this moment not worth it. Because at first, while the sugar has not yet melted, it can burn.

We arm ourselves with a wooden spoon (preferably with a long handle) and continuously stir the contents of the saucepan. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface of the jam (it starts to boil), we count 5 minutes and turn off the fire under the saucepan.

If you still doubt whether you should try to prepare for the winter Jam "Pyatiminutka" blackcurrant, then leave all doubts behind, and quickly write down the presented recipe in your cookbook.

As soon as you try the first spoonful of this fragrant, sweet dessert with such a unique taste, you will prepare currant jam every year to delight your loved ones with delicious tea drinking and homemade cakes. Do not forget that such a “bright” jam can cause an allergic reaction in a small child if used regularly, and even lead to diathesis.

Blackcurrant jam recipes "Five minutes"

You have excellent blackcurrant jam recipes "Five minutes", which will allow you to prepare a fragrant homemade delicacy for the winter without the addition of preservatives and various flavors that are filled with store-bought berry rolls. The main advantage of blackcurrant is not only in its pronounced taste and rich aroma, but also in its unique benefits for the body. Currants are famous for their high content of ascorbic acid, so in the summer do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating plenty of fresh berries, and prepare a few jars of fragrant jam for the winter.

Of course, when you cook, you expose them to long-term cooking: the berry mass should be boiled in syrup for a long time to get delicious jam, and, as you know, during long-term heat treatment, all useful components decay. However, in this recipe there is no need for long cooking, which allows the currant to retain its full vitamin potential.

You probably already know about the raspberry or strawberry Five Minute recipes, and noticed that they do not have water in the ingredient list. In the case of strawberries, there is no need for water, since the berry gives a lot of juice, but currants will not release much juice, so you will need water for syrup. As for sugar, in this recipe you need to deviate from the classic proportion of berries and sugar - 1 to 1, since blackcurrants will need more sugar, approximately 1 to 1.5.

Only under these conditions will you receive delicious jam "Five minutes" which will be kept for a year. And if you cook, then before starting cooking, you should leave slices of fruit covered with sugar for at least 12 hours.

    Black currant - 1 kg

    Sugar (sand) - 1.5 kg

    Water - 300-330 ml

Homemade jam will become a real vitamin miracle with a rich berry flavor, which can not only be served in a tea bowl, but also used as a filling for delicious baked pies, puffs and rolls.

Keep the instant treat in the refrigerator, it is not necessary to close the jars iron lids, you can limit yourself to kapron. Jars of jam should not be stored for more than one year, so that it definitely does not deteriorate, does not lose its taste.

Jam "Pyatiminutka" blackcurrant

When picking berries, try to select only the most ripe ones, they have a rich “black” color, unripe and greenish ones will give extra acid to your jam, remain hard and sour in sugar syrup, and if there are a lot of them, they will even spoil the taste of your workpiece. Then all the collected berries must be sorted out from the garbage, if necessary, cut off the small tails, and then put them in a colander and rinse thoroughly with running water. Be sure to pay attention to the remnants of debris, twigs and pieces of leaves do not get into the berry mass, this can shorten the shelf life of your preservation.

Before adding sugar to the berries, be sure to remove excess liquid by throwing it into a colander. While the water is draining from the currant, you can start preparing jars. For jam, it is better to take jars of small capacity - 0.3-0.5 liters, it is convenient to store a treat in them, and already open jar you can eat quickly instead of storing in the refrigerator.

The most convenient way to sterilize half-liter jars is to use the oven: the jars must first be washed with soda solution, then placed in the oven and turned on at 100 degrees. On a baking sheet, be sure to lay a towel, and arrange the jars so that the walls do not touch each other.

Sugar syrup is cooked separately: the required amount of sugar (by the number of berries) must be poured with water, mixed in a saucepan with a thick bottom or a cauldron, and then put on a small fire. Boil the syrup for a few minutes after boiling, so that the sugar is completely dissolved. The syrup must be stirred, otherwise it will burn to the bottom.

When the sugar dissolves, put the berries into the boiling syrup and boil them for another five minutes. It was such a short cooking that gave the jam its name - “Five Minute”. It remains only to spread the berry jam in jars, and hermetically close with a clean sterile lid.

If you cook blackcurrant jam "Five minutes", jelly you definitely won't be able to. Short-term cooking does not allow the berries to “turn sour”, it will turn into a homogeneous berry mass, the berries will remain whole, slightly wrinkled, soaked in sweet syrup. A delicacy can be called jelly only by its consistency during storage in a jar, after a couple of months the jam will become thicker, literally turning into jelly.

To assess the degree of readiness of the sugar syrup, which then should turn into jelly, you should pay attention not to the walls of the cooking utensils - a sweet “plaque” should appear on them, such a raid does not flow down the walls, but remains a “crust”.

Very tasty are berry mixes based on blackcurrant, for example, which is also quick to cook, but you will need a lot of time and patience to remove the pits from the cherry.

In July, black and red currants ripen, which means it's time for homemade preparations for the winter - to make delicious currant jam, but not simple, but with whole berries. It is well known that currant is almost the most useful berry, in terms of vitamin C content it competes even with lemon. Therefore, the task of every housewife is to preserve all the vitamins after heat treatment with the least loss. Currants can be ground with plenty of sugar and stored in the refrigerator. But as a rule, by the end of the harvesting season, the refrigerator is already breaking down from storing various jars of jams and pickles in it. How to keep the vitamins in blackcurrant, but at the same time make long-term storage jam without a refrigerator and a cellar?

There are many such cooking recipes, I offer the fastest:

Five-minute currant jelly jam, a simple recipe

I saw this recipe in a local newspaper. The main condition for the preparation of currant jam "Five Minute" is the exact observance of the proportions of berries, sugar and water, as well as the cooking time. In no case is it recommended to improvise - you can reduce all the work to nothing. If you follow all the cooking rules, the output should be a delicious and fragrant jam in the form of jelly.


  • 12 glasses of currants;
  • 15 glasses of sugar;
  • 1 glass of water.

So, as mentioned above, currant jam is prepared very simply and quickly, if you use my work scheme.

First of all, you need to prepare the jars for preservation: wash, clean with soda, rinse and dry in the oven. Lids for jars should be cleaned with soda, rinsed, poured over with boiling water, and dried.

We sort out the currants, remove the twigs and leaves, rinse under running water, pour into a saucepan for cooking jam.

Add half a portion of sugar to the pan, i.e. 7.5 cups, 1 cup of water, put on a big fire,

bring to a boil, start the timer exactlyfor 5 minutes

Why does the blank have such a strange name "five-minute jam-jelly"? Because currant berries do not have time to boil in five minutes, and excellent currant jelly is obtained from the juice of berries and a large amount of sugar!

We lay out the currant jam in prepared jars, cover with lids, roll up. You should not turn over the jars, as well as cover with a warm towel.

Currant jam "Five minutes", cooked according to this simple recipe, it turns out tasty and fragrant, it freezes well in the form of jelly. The combination of sour whole berries and sweet jelly is indescribably, mmm, delicious! Perfect as a dessert for tea, coffee, as a filling for a pie, etc.

Bon appetit!

Summer is the height of harvesting vegetables and fruits for the winter. There is so much to do! Therefore, express preservation recipes are more relevant than ever! For example, currant. What is not cooked from it - jams, preserves, compotes, etc. I like to cook currant jam one at a time very quick recipe, which I read a long time ago in one of the local newspapers.

Here is the original recipe: for 12 cups of currants you need 15 cups of sugar and 1 cup of water.

My currant crop was not so generous, so for 10 cups of currant I took 13 cups of sugar and 4/5 cup of water (if you are not strong in proportions - the water should be 2-3 cm below the edge of the glass - I hope I did not violate laws of arithmetic).

The recipe says that in no case should you violate the proportions of sugar-currant-water - so keep this in mind. So, my currants, sort out, remove the tails, twigs, sepals.

Preparation of jars and lids for closing jam, marmalade, marmalade, etc.

We prepare half-liter jars - clean with soda, wash, sterilize. Here it is worth clarifying how I sterilize jars for jam. Since I don’t like to mess around in the kitchen for a long time (which you have repeatedly seen by reading my recipes), I take a baking sheet, carefully arrange clean jars so that they do not touch each other, and put them in the oven for 10-15 minutes for slow fire.

Attention! We put glass jars only in a cold oven and only then turn on the gas. Otherwise, the banks may burst from the temperature difference. We take out the calcined jars from the oven and let them cool slightly.

Wash the lids for jars, clean them with soda, rinse, boil for about three minutes or pour boiling water over them, drain the water, dry the lids well.

This method of preparing jars takes me a few minutes. You will appreciate the benefits yourself - you do not need to constantly monitor each jar as when sterilizing with water, you do not need to turn anything over, etc. After such processing, jars and lids are dry and warm, which is what you need to make jam.

Blackcurrant Jam Recipe

Now let's make currant jam. We shift the currants into a basin for cooking jam (I have a huge aluminum pan), add water, half the sugar - in my case - 6.5 cups (according to the recipe, respectively 7.5), put on fire and let the currants boil.

After that, we reduce the fire, start the timer for exactly five minutes - no more and no less, and boil the currant mixture. Then turn off the fire under the pan, add the remaining half of the sugar, stir thoroughly until the sugar grains dissolve.

All! It takes longer to write than to cook currant jam Five minutes.

We lay out currant jam in jars (I got 6.5 half-liter jars) - I do this with a ladle. I cover the jars with clean paper / napkin / towel for an hour, then tighten the lids with a conservation key. Turn jars of currant jam Five-minute upside down and cover warm blanket No need.

Fast and delicious! Currant jam according to this recipe turns out to be thick in consistency, the color and smell of currants are preserved.
