The deceased soloist of the Banderos group, Rada Zmikhnovskaya, hid her age from everyone. Details of the death of the ex-soloist of the Banderos group Rada Zmikhnovskaya - photo - video Former soloist of the Banderos group Rada

Former member popular group"Band'Eros" Rada Zmikhnovskaya has died, various media reports. This sad news was confirmed in the inner circle of the artist. However, what caused the death, they chose not to report.


The journalists contacted another former member collective - Batishtoy. He said that only the night before, on September 13, he learned that the Rada had fallen into a coma. Batista noted that he does not know for sure whether this is really the case, so now he is trying to find out the details of what happened and contact the singer's relatives, REN TV reports.

Recall that the group "Band'Eros" was formed in Moscow in early 2005. It included Batishta, who managed to work with many artists of the Russian hip-hop scene, Rada and Natasha, girls who had previously performed in various musical projects, Igor DMCB, DJ and dancer, and Ruslan, top break dancer. Since the founding of the group music producer, the author of music and words is Alexander Dulov.

The team rose to fame in 2006 with the song "Columbia Pictures Doesn't Present". Later, the group released such songs as "I don't love you", "Rublyovka", "Pro beautiful life". Rada Zmikhnovskaya left the group in the winter of 2007. According to some information, this was due to changes in her personal life. She was replaced by a soloist named Tanya.

According to unverified information, Rada is an abbreviated name. Completely it sounded like Rodica. Her maiden name is Kryshmaru. Rada graduated from Moscow University for the Humanities. During her studies, she married fellow student Alexander Zmikhnovsky. She participated in many of her husband's business projects. She was fluent in French, Spanish and Ossetian.


The former vocalist of the Band'Eros group Rada Zmikhnovskaya died in the United States from a brain hemorrhage. This information was confirmed by the relatives of the artist.

Former soloist Band'Eros group Rada Zmikhnovskaya died on September 14 in the USA. ABOUT last days Little is known about the young woman. The artist went to visit a friend in California, where Rada, for some reason, had a sudden intracerebral hemorrhage. The ex-singer spent several days in a coma in the hospital, but the doctors could not save her.

According to the press service of the group, the official cause of death of Rada Zmikhnovskaya is a hemorrhagic stroke.

About Rodika Zmikhnovskaya - and this is exactly what the real name of Rada sounds like - her former colleagues said:

Rada spent several days between heaven and earth, being in a coma. We all held our fists for her, but, unfortunately, the doctors were powerless, wrote current members groups on official page team on Instagram.

Zmikhnovskaya was born in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine.

According to unverified information, Rada is an abbreviated name. Completely it sounded like Rodica. Her maiden name is Kryshmaru.

Rada graduated from Moscow University for the Humanities. During her studies, she married fellow student Alexander Zmikhnovsky. She participated in many of her husband's business projects. She was fluent in French, Spanish and Ossetian.

In 2014, she became the executive producer of Dancing in the Desert.

The Band'Eros group was formed in Moscow in early 2005. It included Batishta, a well-known MC who had worked with many artists of the Russian hip-hop scene, Rada and Natasha, girls who had previously performed in various musical projects, Igor DMCB, a DJ, dancer and MC, and Ruslan, an upper break dancer dance. Since the founding of the group, its music producer, author of music and words has been Alexander Dulov.

In the spring of 2006 Band'Eros signed a contract with Universal Music Russia. On November 1, the debut album of the Columbia Pictures team was presented, and the first success for the group was the song of the same name - which gained popularity in Russia and abroad.

Later, singles such as “Naomi I would Campbell”, “I don’t love you”, “Rublyovka”, “About a beautiful life” entered the active radio rotation. Most famous songs groups - "Columbia Pictures does not represent", "Manhattan" and "Don't promise".

Rada was a member of the original line-up that recorded the album Columbia Pictures Doesn't Present.

Zmikhnovskaya left the group in 2007. official reason care was the singer's pregnancy.

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Rada Zmikhnovskaya, the former soloist of the Eros band, who died recently, hid her true age even from close friends, one of the band's fans told the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

“A few years ago, Rada disappeared completely. We thought maybe what happened? Since 2015, nothing has been heard about her. She has always been closed to fans. I remember once we tried to find out something about her family - it didn’t work out "Even her age was not calculated. Now someone says that she was 40, but there is no certainty. Nowhere is there any information in what year she was born. They say that the ex-soloist hid her age even from close friends. According to rumors, she more than once contacted plastic surgeons to keep you young. Maybe this was the reason for such a quick departure?" - said a fan of the group.

Evgenia Nagapetyan, a spokeswoman for the Eros Band, told the publication that she also did not know how old Zmikhnovskaya was at the time of her death. They say that she did not complain about her health. Went to California to visit a friend for a short break. I felt great. I know that she lived in Moscow. She was a film producer. I have nothing more to add," Nahapetyan said.

Meanwhile, users of social networks, referring to the database of addresses of Moscow residents on the Internet, found out that Rada (Rodika) Zmikhnovskaya was born on May 3, 1966. If this information is true, then at the time of her death, the singer was 51 years old.

Upon learning of this, many fans were surprised a lot. However, other users claim that the artist was actually 38 years old, and she was born on April 8, 1979.

Rada Zmikhnovskaya died on September 14 in California, having spent several days before her death in a coma. The press service of the group said that the girl had a brain hemorrhage, doctors called her, but the doctors could not save her.

Zmikhnovskaya was the founder, co-founder and first soloist of the Band'Eros group. She left the team in 2007, according to one version - due to pregnancy.

On the same day, a letter of condolence appeared on the band's official page on social networks: “Our former soloist Rada passed away. She was one of the founding members of the group. Rada spent several days between heaven and earth, being in a coma. We all held our fists for her, but, unfortunately, the doctors were powerless.

Rada left the group at the beginning of 2008, but we continued to support warm friendly relations, she participated in the affairs of the group.

Rada possessed an incredible amount of positive energy and was good at good sense"infect" everyone around her. She was one of the most cheerful, cheerful and helpful people that we knew.

All this happened so unexpectedly, for us it is a terrible blow and an irreparable loss. We still cannot believe that this actually happened.

After leaving the group, Rada was engaged in cinema. She was one of the creators of the film "Dancing in the Desert", - she acted as a producer from the Russian side. Also in the process of creating other international film projects in which she took an active part, including Feature Film about the disappearing panda - with the participation of world stars. There was so much more I was going to do and did ...

Remember. We love. We grieve ... Radka, you will always be among us. And we are always with you ... ".

The fact that Rada maintained close relations with the group is most likely just big words. A year ago, the fans of the band tried to find out where Zmikhnovskaya disappeared, persistently asked the BandEros musicians about it, and in response - silence.

Fans usually know everything about their idols. We threw out a cry in social networks, how to find Rada, where she lives, what she does, but we never received an answer, ”says one of the fans of the group. - We understood that the guys from the group did not communicate much with her. In any case, they were not in constant contact for sure. A few years ago, the Rada disappeared altogether. We thought maybe what happened? Nothing has been heard from her since 2015. She has always been closed to fans. I remember once we tried to find out something about her family - it didn’t work out. Even her age was not calculated. Now someone says that she was 40, but there is no certainty. There is no information anywhere about the year she was born. They say that the ex-soloist hid her age even from close friends. According to rumors, she repeatedly turned to plastic surgeons to preserve her youth. Maybe this was the reason for such a quick departure?

We contacted the press secretary of the group Evgenia Nagapetyan.

To be honest, I was not familiar with Rada, - the interlocutor began the conversation. - She left the group a long time ago, more than 10 years ago. Did the guys talk to her? Don't know. In any case, I have never even seen her.

- Did you immediately learn about the tragedy?

Yes, we found out almost immediately. But we still don't know the details. As soon as information becomes available, we will post it on social media.

- Did Rada have a stroke?

Yes. I can't give a reason either. It can happen suddenly to anyone. Even children have strokes.

- Didn't foretell anything?

It didn't seem to mean anything. They say that she did not complain about her health. Went to California to visit a friend for a short break. I felt great.

- How old was she?

I don't know this either

- Did the musicians express condolences to her family?

The guys are on tour right now. They are experiencing this tragedy. I can't say yet whether they contacted someone or not.

- Most likely, the musicians did not communicate closely with Zmikhnovskaya in the past?

That's right, we didn't talk. There was no friendship there.

- Rada lived in Moscow?

I know that she lived in Moscow. She was a film producer. I have nothing more to add.

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The cause of death of the former soloist of the group "Band'Eros" Rada Zmikhnovskaya was a brain hemorrhage. This information was confirmed to Hello magazine in the press service of the team.

At the same time, the death of the singer was associated with solar flares. "Rada went to visit a friend in California. There - we think - due to recent solar flares, she had a brain hemorrhage. She was urgently hospitalized, she lay in a coma for several days - the doctors could not save her. This morning she died ", - said the representatives of the group.

Rada Zmikhnovskaya (left), archival photo.

Meanwhile, the portal found out some details of the life of Rada Zmikhnovskaya. It turned out that the singer's husband fled abroad, having big problems with the law.

The singer met her husband Alexander while studying at the Higher Komsomol School, where she arrived on a ticket from one of the Komsomol district committees of the Chernivtsi region. “It was she who turned to her former classmates for help so that they could help her husband start his business. However, at that time their attempts were in vain. But the spouses did not give up. authorities. Nevertheless, Rada's husband managed to avoid responsibility, and he went into other business. And again, it was not without the help of an attractive wife. Rada brought Alexander with the right people, as a result of which the spouses succeeded. It was at this time that the Band'Eros group loomed on the horizon, the producer of which, according to some information, was Alexander Zmikhnovsky.

“Rada left the group because she headed the Investment Company IVA Invest, owned by her husband, while continuing to help him in other areas. The peak of Zmikhnovsky's success was the position CEO"Oboronenergosbyt". When the police became interested in the company's activities, Rada's husband, according to rumors, fled. According to some information, Alexander, who was arrested in absentia on charges of particularly large-scale fraud, left the country and hid in Turkey. The investigating authorities charged him with embezzlement of almost 450 million rubles. To pay off the damage in the case, a house and two apartments belonging to Alexander were arrested through the court. Against this background, the news of unexpected death Rada Zmikhnovskaya in America, allegedly from a brain hemorrhage, looks very ambiguous. But be that as it may, the singer cannot be returned," the article says.

Rada (real name - Rodika) Zmikhnovskaya was the founder, co-founder and first soloist of the Band'Eros group. She left the team in 2007, according to one version - due to pregnancy.

The most famous hits of the group were the songs "Columbia Pictures does not represent" and "Do not promise".
