Why was the singer Alexander Novikov in prison? Most famous songs

His discography currently includes 17 albums. … Read all

Alexander Vasilievich Novikov (October 31, 1953) - poet and composer, performer of songs in the genre of urban romance.

During his creative activity, A. Novikov created more than two hundred songs, several dozen of which are already classics of the genre today (“Remember, girl? ...”, “Coachman”, “Chansonette”, “Street Beauty”, “Ancient City”, etc. )

His discography currently includes 17 albums. Novikov is a laureate of the national award "Ovation" in the nomination "Urban Romance".

Born on October 31, 1953 on Iturup Island (Kuril Islands), in the village of Burevestnik. The poet's father is a military pilot, his mother is a housewife. In 1969 Novikov moved to Sverdlovsk.

In 1985, according to the verdict of the Sverdlovsk court, Novikov received 10 years in strict regime camps for his album “Take me, cabman” (officially - “for the manufacture and sale of electrical musical equipment”).

In 1990, by the Decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, he was released, and later the Supreme Court of Russia overturned the sentence "for lack of corpus delicti". Recognizing thereby that the 6 years spent by the poet in prison were the result of a fabricated case.

Alexander Novikov created a completely unusual genre that does not fall under any classification - urban romance.

According to a survey conducted by the Independent Association of Newsmakers of Russia in 1998 and covering more than 85 thousand respondents, Alexander Novikov, along with Yesenin, Galich, Vysotsky, is one of the most prominent poets of the 20th century.

The famous Russian chansonnier Alexander Novikov is one of the most prominent domestic performers of this genre. Over the years of his creative career, the artist has composed more than three hundred songs, released 20 numbered albums, as well as 10 albums-recordings from concert performances and 8 video discs.

Creative biography of Alexander Novikov

Alexander Vasilyevich Novikov was born on October 31, 1953 in the Sakhalin Region to the family of a military pilot and a housewife. At the age of sixteen, the future chansonnier left for the city of Yekaterinburg, which at that time was called Sverdlovsk. The artist lives in this city to this day, holding the position of artistic director of the Yekaterinburg Variety Theater. Not so long ago, Alexander Novikov released an autobiographical book, Notes of a Criminal Bard.

The artist has repeatedly won various awards, for example, in 1995 he was awarded the national Ovation award in the Urban Romance nomination. Repeatedly, Alexander Novikov was also awarded the Chanson of the Year award.

In 1980, Novikov created the Rock Polygon musical group, in which he was also a guitar soloist and also wrote songs. The group's work, according to critics, was quite eclectic for that time - some songs could be called rock and roll, while others - even reggae and punk rock. A year after the creation of the "Rock Polygon", Alexander Novikov organizes a recording studio, giving it his name - "Novik Records". In this studio, albums were recorded not only of the owner and founder, but also of such Ural musical groups as Chaif ​​and Agatha Christie.

Criminal prosecution of the artist

However, not everything was smooth in the artist's creative career. In the mid-80s of the last century, Alexander Novikov was convicted by the Sverdlovsk court under article 93-1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. According to the court verdict, the artist had to spend 10 years in prison. The artist was arrested in the fall of 1984. Shortly before that, he released the album "Take me, cabman." Although musicians from the Rock Polygon, in particular Aleksey Khomenko and Vladimir Emelianenko, participated in the recording of this album, it was obvious that the group had sharply moved away from performing rock music.

The musician, who became popular after the release of his first album, was accused of selling counterfeit.

The criminal investigation was due to the fact that Alexander Novikov, in addition to his creative activity, was engaged in the manufacture and sale of electromusical equipment. The criminal case was initiated under Article 93-1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, that is, "repeated theft of state or public property on an especially large scale." It is worth noting that Andrei Razin, the producer of the extremely popular at that time pop group Laskovy May, was also accused under the same article in 1989, who was accused of embezzlement of state property on an especially large scale. The producer was convicted of selling "left" tickets to the concert performances of his group. The total damage from the actions of Razin, according to a number of domestic media, exceeded 8 million rubles.

The verdict in the case of Alexander Novikov was handed down in 1985, but 5 years later, according to the Decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the artist was released. Some time later, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation ruled to cancel the sentence due to the lack of corpus delicti.

Professions Years of activity 1980 - 1985
1990 - present day
Tools guitar, vocals Genres Russian chanson Collectives Rock polygon, Hipish, Grandchildren of Engels Labels Novik Records, Apex Records, STM Records, Quadro-Disk Awards a-novikov.ru Media at Wikimedia Commons

Alexander Vasilievich Novikov(October 31, 1953, Iturup, Kurilsky District, Sakhalin Region, USSR) - Russian poet, songwriter in the genre of urban romance, artistic director of the Ural State Variety Theater.

During his creative activity, Alexander Novikov wrote more than four hundred songs, including “Remember, girl? ..”, “Cab”, “Chansonette”, “Street Beauty”, “Ancient City”, which have long become classics of the genre.

His discography currently includes more than 20 numbered albums, 10 live albums, 8 video discs, as well as several collections of poems and songs.

Alexander Novikov is a laureate of the national Ovation award in the category Urban Romance (1995), a multiple laureate of the Chanson of the Year award. (from 2002 to 2017).

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Alexander Novikov Rehearsing life 2013)



Childhood and youth

Born on October 31, 1953 on the Iturup Island of the Kuril Archipelago, in the village of Burevestnik. Father is a military pilot, mother is a housewife. For the first 2 years of his life, Novikov lived with his family on Sakhalin, then for some time he lived in the Latvian village of Vaynode, then for ten years in the city of Frunze, and in 1969 Novikov moved to the city of Sverdlovsk, where he continues to live and work to this day.

Sasha Novikov grew up as a very smart boy. Already at the age of 6 he was impressed by the lyrics of Sergei Yesenin, and by the third grade he had read almost all Russian classics, including the novel War and Peace. However, he studied poorly at school, did not observe discipline, and already in the 4th-5th grade Novikov was expelled from the ranks of the pioneers. In everyday life, the future musician was an open anti-Soviet.

Novikov also showed his temperamental character in boxing and sambo.

Passion for music to the young Alexander Novikov came in 1967 under the impression of watching the film "Vertical" with the participation of Vladimir Vysotsky, who performed 5 of his songs in the film. As a student at UPI, he performed as part of the institute's VIA "Polymer". He was expelled from the institute for performing the song "The Beatles" at one of the institute's events.

In 1971, he received his first term for a fight in a restaurant. Novikov and his friend stood up for the waitress against an opponent who refused to pay and used physical force against her. The opponent himself then ended up in the hospital, and the waitress got his watch, which Novikov and a friend, having taken it out of the pocket of an unconscious opponent, gave it to her. Novikov was given a suspended sentence for a year with mandatory involvement in labor (popularly "chemistry"), during which he built the Public House in Nizhny Tagil.

In 1980, he created the Rock Polygon group, where he performed as a soloist, guitarist and songwriter. The songs were performed in the styles of rock and roll, reggae and new wave with elements of punk rock, hard rock and psychedelic rock. The texts were distinguished by the spirit of philharmonic. The group recorded two self-titled albums in (in the official publication for the year, it is erroneously indicated as ) and 1984.

In 1981, he founded the Novik Records recording studio, where not only Novikov's albums were recorded, but also many Sverdlovsk musicians - in the future, Chaif, Agatha Christie and others.

In 1984, Novikov sharply departed from rock music and on May 3rd recorded the famous album "Take me, cabman". The musicians of the Rock Polygon took part in the recording, including Aleksey Khomenko and Vladimir Elizarov.


On October 5, 1984, Novikov was arrested, and in 1985, by the verdict of the Sverdlovsk court, he was sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 10 years - under Art. 93-1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. Officially - in connection with the activities for the manufacture and sale of counterfeit electronic musical equipment. However, in his interviews, A. Novikov repeatedly noted that he was imprisoned precisely for the album “Take me, cabman”, referring to the case that began with the document “Expertise on the songs of Alexander Novikov”, which contained reviews of each song from the album “Take me me, cabbie." As a result of this examination, it was decided that:

The examination was carried out by the composer Evgeny Rodygin, a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR, a member of the editorial committee of the journal "Ural" Vadim Ocheretin, and a representative of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR V. Olyunin.

In the camp, Alexander Vasilyevich wrote most of his best poems, including “Bench lyrics”, “I got pain and salt into my wounds ...”, “Guitar and barrel organ”, “We will not see you soon ...”, “Gypsy”, “ Four teeth”, “Wife”, “The night is rammed right through by a star…” and others. Also, while still in the SIZO cell, Novikov created the play-fable “Komarilla”, in which, in a comic form, the whole picture of the court is presented, and real people involved in the poet’s “case” are shown under the masks of animals.

Subsequently, in 2012, the autobiographical book Notes of a Criminal Bard was published, covering the segment of Alexander Novikov's life spent in the camp.

Liberation and further developments

In August 1991, he spoke out against the State Emergency Committee.

In 1994, together with director Kirill Kotelnikov, he made a documentary film about the Boney M. group and its creator Frank Farian "Oh, this Farian!" ("Oh, this Farian!"). Filming took place in Luxembourg and Germany, the film includes Farian's unique interviews and materials from his personal archive. However, the film was never shown on Russian television.

On January 24, 1998, he took part in a gala concert in honor of the 60th anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky, held at the Olimpiysky sports complex. Among the three dozen artists, Novikov is one of the few who had the honor of performing two songs by the legendary singer-songwriter at once: “Song about the informer” and “Big Karetny”. The famous writer Fyodor Razzakov in the book “Vladimir Vysotsky. I will definitely be back…”

The idea [of the concert] was doomed from the start. It's one thing to sing "Old songs about the main thing", and quite another - the songs of Vysotsky. Therefore, only two or three performers (Alexander Novikov, "Lesopoval", "Lube") managed, if not closer to the author's version, then at least not spoil it. All the other participants in the concert did not cope with this.

On June 16, 2003, Alexander Novikov was awarded the highest church award - the Order of St. Prince Daniel of Moscow for his services in the construction of the Church-on-the-Blood in Yekaterinburg. Since 2004, President of the 400th Anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty Foundation in the Urals.

On June 24, 2010 he was appointed artistic director of the Yekaterinburg Variety Theatre. Having become the artistic director of the theater, Novikov first of all banned the play "The Blue Puppy", in which he saw signs of propaganda of pedophilia.

These vuvuzelas of homosexuality, looking at the world through a walleye, which they always have for some reason in a bulging state ... So, through these walleyes, any healthy event and a normal act seem to them an attack on their mythical homosexual rights, growing directly from Sodom and Gomorrah.

Alexander Novikov

After this case, the expression "vuvuzelas of homosexuality" gained a lot of popularity on the Internet.

On October 28, 2010, a new album by Alexander Novikov was released on the verses of the poets of the Silver Age, in the recording of which Maxim Pokrovsky took part, performing together with Novikov a song based on the verses of Sasha Cherny "Tararam". Alexander Vasilyevich described the result of his work on the creation of this album as follows:

The disc "Pineapples in Champagne" is a gallery of whimsical and unique jewels of the "Silver Age" poetry. I made a musical setting for each of them. Five years of fine jewelry work

Participant of the annual National Award Chanson of the Year in the Kremlin.

In 2014-2015 he was a member of the jury of the TV show "Three Chords" and repeatedly performed on its stage.

In December 2016, Novikov was charged under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (large-scale fraud). On December 23, he was sent by the court for two months under house arrest. According to investigators, Novikov and former Deputy Minister of Economy of the Sverdlovsk Region Mikhail Shilimanov collected about 150 million rubles from shareholders in the construction of the Queens Bay cottage settlement in Yekaterinburg, and then transferred this money to their accounts. The construction of the village was stopped, the law enforcement officers estimated the amount of damage at 35 million 627 thousand rubles. In January 2017, being under house arrest, he left Russia for the UAE on vacation. Returned to Baptism. Gave a press conference on his return https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF_vZPA_J-U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMwpTb0jNyk

Awards (Chanson of the Year)

Year Song Category Result
2002 "Beautiful-eyed" Song Victory
2003 "Girl from Summer" Song Nomination
2005 "Take me a cab" Song Victory
2007 "And in Paris" Singer Nomination
2010 "Take me a cab" Singer Victory
2011 "Over the Pink Sea"


Song Victory
2012 "Playboy"

"Break Up With Her"

Singer Victory
2013 "Along the Memory"


Song Nomination
2014 "Cigarette"

"They are bawling karaoke on the deck"

Singer Victory
2015 "Chansonette"

"Break Up With Her"

Song Victory
2016 "When I Was Twenty"

"Remember girl?"

Singer Victory
2017 "Poster Girl"

"Take me a cab"

Singer Victory


Most famous songs

Year of writing Name line I Notes
1983 Take me, driver Hey, drink it, honey... Another name: "Carrier".
1983 Wherever paths lead... Song from the first magnetic album "Take me, cabman" (May 1984)
1983 I came out... I came from the Jewish quarter... Song from the first magnetic album "Take me, cabman" (May 1984)
1983 City ancient The city is ancient, the city is long... Song from the first magnetic album "Take me, cabman" (May 1984)
1983 hotel history I flew here - for some reason looking at the night ... Song from the first magnetic album "Take me, cabman" (May 1984)
1984 In an out-of-the-way restaurant… Song from the first magnetic album "Take me, cabman" (May 1984)
~1984 Burial of Abram Abram is being carried down Zhmurom Street... Song from the first magnetic album "Take me, cabman" (May 1984)
1983 slander-neighbor Where did the slanderous neighbor go? ... Song from the first magnetic album "Take me, cabman" (May 1984)
~1984 Phone conversation - Vano, listen, I can't hear very well... Song from the first magnetic album "Take me, cabman" (May 1984)
1983 Do you remember, girl? Do you remember, girl, we walked in the garden? ... Song from the first magnetic album "Take me, cabman" (May 1984)
~1984 Rolling on asphalt... Song from the first magnetic album "Take me, cabman" (May 1984)
~1984 Untie my tongue... Song from the first magnetic album "Take me, cabman" (May 1984)
~1990 Song of honesty From this wonderful dancer... Other name: "Dancer". From the album "I'm in Yekaterinburg" (1990)
~1996 wow, read... - Vano, read: are you literate? Don't know… From the album "With a beauty in an embrace" (1996)
~2000 Beggar The world plays - in numbers, in letters ... From the album "Stenka" (2000)
street beauty
2016 Thieves Guitar fight mowed down the whole yard From the album "Thieves" (2016)
2016 Poster Girl And her smile is five From the album "Thieves" (2016)
2016 cigarette butt Like cigarettes in a cramped cigarette case From the album "Thieves" (2016)


Magnetic albums
  • 1983 - Rock polygon (Alexander Novikov and the Rock Polygon group) (previously not officially published, in 2008 it was included in the collection "Alexander Novikov. MP3-series" with design errors and a shortened version)
  • 1983 - Take me, cab driver (the songs on the 1983 album are slower than those on the 1984 album) (11 songs)
  • 1984 - Rock Polygon II (Alexander Novikov and the Rock Polygon group)
  • 1984 - Take me, cabbie (originally called "Vostochnaya Street") (18 songs)
  • 1990 - Second concert after release (not officially released)
  • 1990 - I'm in Yekaterinburg (Alexander Novikov and the group "Grandchildren of Engels") (magnetic album)
Vinyl records
  • 1991 - Take me, cabbie (Alexander Novikov and the Khipish group) (9 songs)
  • 1993 - Necklace of Magadan
  • 1993 - Urban Romance (recorded in 1992)
  • 1993 - In a provincial restaurant ( Alexander Novikov, "Engels' Grandchildren", "Khipish") (Some songs have already sounded in the magnetic album "I'm in Yekaterinburg", and the rest of the songs were already recorded in 1992)
Numbered albums Live albums Compilations


  • 2001 - “Take me, cabman ...” (poems and songs)
  • 2002 - "The Bell Tower" (poems and songs)
  • 2011 - "Street Beauty" (collection of lyrical poems)
  • 2012 - "Symphony of the Court" (collection of lyrical poems)
  • 2012 - "Notes of a criminal bard" (autobiographical book)


Alexander Vasilyevich Novikov - Soviet and Russian performer of his own songs in the style of "Russian chanson"; a musician who three times refused to be awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Alexander was born in the military town of Burevestnik, which is located on the island of Iturup, part of the Kuril archipelago. The Novikov family ended up there thanks to the service of their father, a military pilot. The mother of the future singer was engaged in housekeeping. A few years later, the Novikovs moved to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, where Sasha went to school. But the young man graduated from the senior classes already in the capital of the Urals - Yekaterinburg.

Alexander, as a teenager, began to have a negative attitude towards the Soviet political system. Sasha even refused to join the Komsomol, because of which he got problems with both teachers and law enforcement agencies. This fact was the reason why Novikov never received a higher education. The young man entered institutes three times - first at the Ural Polytechnic, then at the Sverdlovsk Mining, then at the forestry. But every student was expelled.

However, the young man was not too upset, because by that time he decided to plunge headlong into rock music, and then into chanson. The musical career of Alexander Novikov was already gaining momentum when, unexpectedly, the artist was arrested.

The primary charge was the anti-Soviet lyrics of his songs. But since even with a strong desire to wishful thinking was impossible, the investigation replaced the accusation. Novikov was convicted of alleged speculation and falsification of musical equipment.

Of the 10 years that were given, the singer spent six in prison. Moreover, despite the fact that Alexander was offered more or less comfortable activities in the zone, for example, the position of a librarian, Novikov refused and, along with others, worked at a construction site and logging.

The artist with dignity overcame the difficult period of his own biography, for which he earned the respect of other prisoners. Only in 1990, Alexander was released ahead of schedule, since the Supreme Court recognized the sentence as false, and the arrest had no basis.


In the early 80s, Alexander Novikov became interested in music and decided to organize his own team, which he called "Rock Polygon". For the group, the musician wrote songs, performed and played the guitar. The style of the singer's first compositions was very different from what fans were used to later. The guys played rock and roll, in which there was even a small share of punk rock.

In 1981, the first magnetic albums were created at their own recording studio Novik Records. And in 1984, Alexander dramatically changed the genre and recorded a collection of soulful songs “Take Me, Cabbie”, which included the musical compositions “Where the Paths Lead”, “Ancient City”, “Rubles-kopecks”, “Telephone Conversation”. Then there was a long pause in the career associated with being in prison camps.

Returning, Novikov re-releases the previous album. The songs "Remember, girl! .." and "Eastern Street" become popular. Later, the compositions “Urban Romance”, “Chansonette”, “Break Up with Her” were recognized as hits. Alexander writes his own songs himself. On hits, the artist creates clips that are popular with viewers.

But the singer has a number of albums based on poems by other authors. In 1997, the disc "" was released, where the poems of the great Russian poet became the texts of the hits. Later, the chansonnier repeated this experience. The disc "I remember, my love" was released again on Yesenin's poems and "Pineapples in champagne", in which various poets of the Silver Age turned out to be the authors of the texts. In total, the artist has more than 20 studio works on his account.

Since the mid-90s, the singer has regularly created solo programs and gives concerts. The artist records music from performances in the form of live albums. In total, fifteen such discs were created. During his musical career, Alexander Novikov was nominated twelve times for the Chanson of the Year award, of which he received the award nine times.

Social activity

In 2010, Alexander Novikov was appointed artistic director of the Variety Theater in Yekaterinburg, which became his native city. First of all, the musician looked through the repertoire and banned the production of "Blue Puppy", which was loved by the Ural theatergoers. The artist saw in the performance a hint of the theme of pedophilia, the low-grade and bad taste of the artistic presentation of the material.

In 2011, Novikov, along with an opposition politician, urged the residents of Yekaterinburg not to ignore the elections and to cast their votes in good conscience. There was even a video parody of the standard campaign ad, GOLO... SHIT! And in the summer of 2016, it became known that Alexander Vasilyevich was going to run for deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region.

It is also worth noting that Novikov acted as a director of several documentaries - “I just got out of the cage”, “Gop-stop show” and “Remember, girl?”. The most popular was the biographical tape "Oh, this Farian!" about the founder of the group "Boney M" Frank Farian. True, this picture was never shown on Russian television, although it was a success abroad.

Personal life

Alexander Novikov met his only wife, Maria, even before the tragic page of fate. Both were students of the Geological Institute and were doing geodetic practice. When the singer went to prison, the woman did not turn away from her husband. Maria, together with Alexander, went through the difficulties of life and now the couple have been happy for 41 years. In his own interview, Novikov said that he was grateful to his wife and would not change anything in his personal life.

In this marriage, two children were born - son Igor, who is professionally engaged in photography, and daughter Natalia, a designer and art critic. Thanks to the children, the singer has already become a grandfather.

Alexander Novikov is a deeply religious person. But the singer was not limited to prayers and going to church. Together with a bell-maker from Uralsk, in 1993, the chansonnier cast seven large bells with his own hands and decorated various princes from the Romanov family with bas-reliefs. The belfry was selflessly transferred to the monastery, where it still serves people.

On behalf of the artist, the official website operates, on the pages of which photos and videos with the participation of Alexander Novikov are posted.

Alexander Novikov now

In 2016, the artist delighted fans with new works - the Blatnoy album and the Hooligan Songs collection, which included popular hits of the past and new musical compositions.

In 2015, Alexander Novikov was charged under the article “large-scale fraud committed by a group of persons by prior agreement” in connection with the loss of 50 million rubles during the construction of the Queens Bay housing and construction cooperative. Mikhail Shilimanov, former Deputy Minister of Economy of the Sverdlovsk Region, was also involved in the case.

The case went on for two years. In August 2017, the court of Yekaterinburg issued a final verdict on the musician's involvement in the crime. Alexander Novikov remained in disagreement with the accusation, providing evidence of his own innocence, one of which was the completion of construction and the handing over of real estate to the shareholders of the housing and communal complex.

After the trial, the program “Let them talk” was broadcast on Channel One, where the public spoke about the scandal. In turn, in October, the singer attacked the creators of the TV show and the TV presenter, accusing them of slandering and slandering the artist's reputation. Alexander announced this from the page of his own account in "
