Sergei Suponev crashed with whom. TV presenter Sergey Suponev: creative life and unexpected death

Kirill was the son of the popular Star Hour TV host Sergei Suponev, who tragically died in 2001. The young man, very similar in appearance to his star parent, continued the "family business" on TV and proved himself well in his work. True, he refused the offer to replace his father on his main program out of unwillingness to use his father's glory. He died 12 years after the death of Suponev Sr., at the age of 28. The cause of death of Kirill Suponev, according to the conclusion of the investigating authorities, is suicide.

He was born in 1984 into a family with rich cultural and artistic traditions. His grandfather was an actor in the Theater of Satire, and his grandmother was a pianist. In addition to parents, uncle and aunt, paternal half-sister Elena Perova worked on television. Kirill had many talents from childhood and also worked on TV from an early age. He was the host of the TV program "Everything is Possible", under the pseudonym Cyril Venopus. Having matured, he successfully graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of MGIMO and came to television as a certified specialist.

During Cyril's studies, his parents divorced and he endured it very hard, even promised his father, in his hearts, that their windows would be thrown out. Later, the young man began to behave more calmly, but withdrew and rarely spoke frankly with others. When his father died, his behavior again came to a crisis point. Influential friends found Suponev Jr. a job on TV, which he did excellently. Occupying the positions of director and producer, he, after a while, began to prepare his own television projects, but was in no hurry to get into the frame. Something in his attitude broke and it was felt by close people.

In addition to TV, Cyril had another serious hobby - music. He became the drummer in a band with the strange name Romeo Must Die. The group's affairs were not very large, it did not receive wide popularity: the musicians just sometimes gave concerts for a small audience. In 2013, by a common decision of all members of this team, it was announced the termination of its activities. A few hours before leaving for one of their farewell concerts, Kirill was found in a noose by his mother.

She has recently been very worried about her son and even insisted that he move from his apartment on Autumn Boulevard to her. On this day, September 27, the two of them arrived at Kirill's old dwelling to pick up some things. Having left for just a few minutes, the poor woman returned and saw her son hanged. He did not leave a death note.

There were several versions of why Kirill Suponev died. In addition to the almost immediately rejected criminal, it could have been suicide for various reasons, including illness and borderline conditions. According to relatives and neighbors, Kirill had health problems and often disappeared in the hospital, but no one knew which doctors and for what reason. Speculation about drug addiction or severe depression is not confirmed by anything. Perhaps the relatives do not want to publish all the details of the case and this is their right.

Yesterday, when I was sitting in a medical clinic under the office door, I watched on TV, which hangs in the corridor there, a part of a TV show about the famous TV presenter Sergei Suponev, who at the age of 38 died on a snowmobile. They talked about what a good and beloved person he was. And I know how Suponev died. He died along with a young girl - a student. It is unlikely that they had a business relationship. Because it all happened in the wilderness of the Tver region. Meanwhile, then Suponev was married a second time and had a small child.

I know everything first hand. Back then, in 2001, I worked in the information department of Nezavisimaya Gazeta. In those days, people respected the journalists of such well-known and serious media and willingly told them a lot. When I called the Tver policemen to write a note about Suponev, they told me that Suponev had died along with a young girl. Then, however, some media did not write anything about the girl. Even now, Wikipedia says nothing about this girl.

This is a very terrible death. Now Suponev is tormented along with this girl in hell, and on our TV they talk about him as a person worthy of emulation, who won the love of the masses.

It seems to me that such programs, as well as articles with biographies of various celebrities and interviews of celebrities about their life path, are demonic reinterpretations of such a genre as the lives of the saints. We have the lives of the saints - the servants of God, and other people have replicated biographies of the servants of Satan - all sorts of Alen Apins, Sergeyev Suponevs and so on. It is known, after all, that demons cannot invent anything, they only do exactly the opposite of what God gives people.

The servants of God have always striven for obscurity, and in a TV show about Suponev, his first wife says that at first he wanted to become famous, and then he wanted to become a national hero.

On how yoga can destroy the body:

And in this interview psychologist Lyudmila Ermakova said: “Meditation and yoga are methods that reveal a person’s spirituality, reveal his personality, after which serious consequences occur. I myself know people who have been doing yoga for a long time. terrible things. After that, some people ran to the Church, and tragedies happened to others - up to suicide. People who practice yoga deeply enough become at first not very adequate, and then some of them reach suicide."

This article says: "Yoga postures are not neutral. All classical asanas have a spiritual meaning. For example, "Salutation of the Sun" - and this is probably the most famous sequence of asanas, or postures, of hatha yoga, especially popular and widespread in America - is actually a Hindu ritual. This is a full-fledged circle of ritual worship of the sun, gratitude for the source of energy.” That is, by taking these poses, a person commits an act of idolatry - worships the sun, and both God and the devil see this.

In this article, the head of the Missionary Department of the Zaporozhye diocese of the UOC, Priest Maxim Raikov, stated: "Yoga is a part of the Hindu religion and cannot be considered simply as a set of physical exercises. This is a spiritual practice that leads not to enlightenment, but to a departure from virtue. Yoga is absolutely incompatible with the Orthodox faith and in principle cannot have a place in the life of a Christian.For an Orthodox person, yoga is a sin.And we must not only refuse to practice any kind of yoga, but also inform those who do not know that this is a false and dangerous dead end path "If an Orthodox Christian wants to exercise physically, then you can swim, run, walk or do gymnastic exercises, you can do aerobics, fitness. These are safe alternatives to yoga."

Sergei Evgenievich Suponev - Soviet and Russian television journalist, head of the editorial board of children's programs on central television. He created children's and youth Russian television and became its face. After Sergei passed away, many programs were closed - no one was able to replace Suponev in the place of the TV presenter. Friends and colleagues called him a "perpetual motion machine": he gushed with new ideas and radiated positive energy, it seemed, all 24 hours a day.

Childhood and youth

The TV presenter was born on January 28, 1963 in the small village of Khotkovo, Moscow Region, into a creative family. Father Yevgeny Suponev worked at the Theater of Satire, mother Galina Vladimirovna served as a pianist and accompanist there. Parents did not live together for long: the impulsive Eugene was the opposite of his wife - a pedantic and strict woman, whose family was Germans.

Sergei Suponev in childhood

Serezha grew up as an energetic boy, this energy was in full swing all his life. Already at school, Suponev knew that he would work as a journalist on television. In the 4th grade, Sergei advised his father to marry Olga Kraeva, who worked as a commentator at the Mayak radio station. Later, he recalled that the woman not only became a second mother for him, but also finally helped him choose a profession, which predetermined Sergei's creative biography.

Before entering the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, Sergey worked freelance at Youth. For the first report, Suponev chose the topic of the khanygs, who stood in line for beer, which was then resold. Then there were several more publications and radio reports - baggage sufficient for admission to the university.

Sergey Suponev in his youth

Suponev entered Moscow State University on the first attempt, but after studying for a year, he left to serve in the army. The young man managed to get a place in the military band of the army unit of the village of Mulino, not far from Dzerzhinsk, Gorky region. In 1983, after demobilization, the young man continued his studies and received a diploma in journalism.

A television

At first, the journalist prepared stories for the popular at that time program “Up to 16 and older”, later he became a junior editor. The program covered topical issues of the youth audience: the problem of homelessness, drug addiction, modern youth movements, the relationship of conscripts in the army, as well as the relationship between boys and girls.

Sergey Suponev on the radio

In January 1988, the Marathon 15 program was aired, the author and host of which was Sergey. The plot of the program was based on 15 short topical reports from the life of the younger generation. Suponev's co-hosts were Georgy Galustyan and Lesya Basheva. The aspiring journalist and film director also appeared in the project.

At the same time, Suponev hosted the Call of the Jungle program. His father recalled that Sergey had a dream about the idea of ​​the transfer. The journalist knew how to find a common language with children, so he had no doubts about the success of the project. For the Call of the Jungle program, the author received the TEFI award. Interestingly, Suponev became the only TV presenter who went on the air in shorts. To look aesthetically pleasing in the frame, the journalist, having a weight above average, used medications that regulate water exchange.

Sergei Evgenievich was a comprehensively developed person, every second child of that time dreamed of participating in the projects of a TV journalist. Interestingly, in 1997, the future star of the TNT channel visited the Starry Hour program. She still keeps the diploma and cup.

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Sergey Suponev in the program "Call of the Jungle"

In addition to working on television, Sergei Suponev appeared in the cinema. The TV presenter starred in Igor Apasyan's project Dandelion Wine, based on the work of the same name by Ray Bradbury in 1997.

The journalist was lucky to work on the same stage together with the stars of Soviet and Russian cinema - which last appeared on the screen. In the film, Sergei Suponev appeared before the audience as the father of the protagonist, the boy Douglas.

Personal life

Sergey's natural charm and sociability helped in communicating with women. The TV presenter was married twice. As he said in an interview, both times he married for love. Suponev's first wife, Valeria, worked on television as an editor-in-chief of several popular Channel One projects. There young people met. Soon the first-born Cyril was born to the spouses.

After the divorce, Sergei maintained a relationship with his son, who grew up as a smart and cheerful guy, graduated from MGIMO, played percussion instruments in the Romeo Must Die musical group. However, in September 2013, the young man committed suicide. Relatives believe that the young man, although before the tragic event, the young man did not show any signs of a bad mood or disappointments in his personal life. The death of a young man has become no less mysterious than the death of his father.

The second wife of Sergei Suponev, actress Olga Motina, first saw a TV presenter on TV when she was 13 years old. And then the future spouses met, fell in love, got married. The Suponevs had a daughter, Polina. He became the godfather of the girl. My daughter grew up inquisitive: she has many victories in Olympiads in various subjects.

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Sergei Suponev and his sister Lena Perova

Many people know that the popular singer and actress

I can’t even believe that the most charming and cheerful host of children’s television programs of the 1990s. Sergei Suponev has been dead for 16 years!

Probably, for many viewers, childhood was associated with the wonderful programs “Marathon 15”, “Star Hour”, “Call of the Jungle”, “Up to 16 and Older”, which he hosted. Sergei Suponev lived fast and loved adrenaline. Due to his penchant for extreme entertainment, he was more than once on the verge of death, and one day she nevertheless overtook him ...

Sergey Suponev in the army

Sergei Suponev came to television as a loader, and became the head of the ORT children's programs directorate. After leaving school, he entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, but after the first year he joined the army and graduated from the university after demobilization. His stepmother, a commentator for the Mayak radio station, Olga Kraeva, helped him choose a profession. At first, Suponev worked as an administrator in the music editorial office of the Central Television and in the propaganda department, and in 1987 he was officially hired to work in the editorial office of programs for children. Since then, he has been preparing programs that brought him nationwide popularity - "Under 16 and over" and "Marathon 15".

In 1992, at the invitation of Vlad Listyev, Sergei Suponev began hosting the Star Hour program, at the same time he became the TV presenter of the Call of the Jungle program. In 1997 he became a producer of ORT children's programs. Suponev was called one of the most charming and charismatic TV presenters - both children and adults loved him. He was engaged not only in children's programs, in 2001 Suponev became one of the creators of the reality show "The Last Hero". By the way, he was also the author of this name. When asked if he was tired of doing children's programs, he answered without false modesty: “This is my profession, the only thing I can do better than others. I was invited to the program "Juicer" and asked: "How to introduce you?" I modestly said: "Just imagine: the founder of Russian children's television." There are very few children's programs on our TV that I have nothing to do with.

2001 became a landmark for him - at the beginning of the year his daughter Polina was born, after that he decided to formalize the relationship with his second wife, actress Olga Motina. In early December, he gave his last interview, where he shared his impressions of the newly filmed project "The Last Hero", which became a real sensation on television in the early 2000s. Sergei Suponev was full of new ideas and creative energy, he was at the peak of his popularity.

He was always fond of extreme sports and therefore often found himself in dangerous situations, but throughout 2001, trouble seemed to follow him around. His wife Olga said: “Seryozha always said that it was very boring for him to live without risking ... Somehow he turned over on a yacht and almost died ... And recently Sergey fell into a sewer manhole in the country. In winter, he fell off his motorcycle, then somehow broke his eye with glass when he got into the car. And a week before his death, Serezha cut his leg and lost half a liter of blood. And all these injuries occurred with such frequency that we did not have time to rest from them.

Author and presenter of children's programs on television Sergey Suponev

Best friend of children in the 1990s, host Sergey Suponev

His death was so sudden and ridiculous that no one could believe what had happened. On that ill-fated December day in 2001, Sergei Suponev was riding a snowmobile on the ice of the Volga. During the maneuver, he lost control and at full speed crashed into the wooden walkways of the river pier. The TV presenter died on the spot. At that time he was only 38 years old. An epitaph was carved on the tombstone, the author of which was his father: “Your starry path in this world has passed from the screen to the souls of children.”

Famous TV presenter Sergei Suponev

Suponev's colleague Timur Kizyakov says: “Probably, there is some sad pattern that this happened to a person with such temperament, activity, energy. A calm, cowardly person, probably, would not have sat behind the wheel. But I would not have achieved such success in my life ... ". Unfortunately, this is true. Suponev did not spare himself, did not stop in front of difficulties and, in pursuit of new sensations, constantly risked his own life. His gambling played a cruel joke with him.

Sergei Suponev with his sister, Elena Perova

TV presenter with his wife at the dacha of friends. One of the last photos of Suponev
Unfortunately, the misfortunes for the Suponev family did not end there. 12 years later, his son from his first marriage, Kirill Suponev, committed suicide. They say that the reason was creative failures and professional lack of demand. Cyril was 28 years old. In March of the same year, Sergei Suponev's sister Elena Perova almost died in a car accident. This series of misfortunes made many acquaintances say that the family seemed to be pursued by evil fate.

Famous TV presenter Sergei Suponev

Sergei Suponev is remembered by those who were still children in the 1990s, and those who were finishing school at that time. The former watched "Call of the Jungle" and "Fine Hour" with interest, the latter watched "Under 16 and Over" and "Marathon-15". It is not known how many more new projects a talented presenter would have given our television if he had not tragically died at the age of 38.


Sergei Evgenievich Suponev was born in the Moscow region in 1963. At one time, Sergei, like everyone else, served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. He dreamed of a career as a journalist. Therefore, it is no wonder that, after returning home, he graduated from Moscow State University with a degree in Journalism. Sergey began to make his way to the screen while still studying. It was then that he got a job on central television. No, he worked there not at all as a leader, but as a simple loader.

However, after 3 years, while still a student, he took the position of administrator of musical television programs. And after another 3 years, Sergei Suponev finally ended up in the children's editorial office of the central television. He found himself. And from that moment on, his career took off.

finest hour

At first, Suponev worked on a program for youth "Up to 16 and older", and then became the author and host of another program for teenagers "Marathon-15". Together with him, Zhora Galustyan, Lesya Basheva, Arkady Britov and Sergey Bodrov participated in Marathon-15. It was then that Suponev was noticed by one of the luminaries of modern television, Vladislav Listyev. He invited Suponev as a host for the game for children "Star Hour". Sergei agreed.

And after that there was an entertainment program for younger viewers “Call of the Jungle” and an unprecedented program for those times about computer games “Dandy - a new reality”. Sergei hatched many more interesting projects for the younger generation, but, unfortunately, he did not manage to bring them to life.

First father, then son

Sergey's friends and colleagues all the time warned him against excessive craving for adrenaline, but the young and full of strength man, apparently, did not have enough of it. On December 8, 2001, Suponev's passion for extreme sports led to his death.

That day he was riding a snowmobile on the ice of the Volga River near the village of Edimonovo. On the path of Sergei, there was a wooden pier hidden under a layer of snow. The snowmobile crashed into the bridge at full speed. Suponev flew out of the vehicle. The broadcaster died from his injuries.

Sergei's body was so mutilated that he was buried in a closed coffin. Suponev's grave is located at the Troekurovsky cemetery. Suponev Sr., after the death of his son, made an inscription on his monument: “Your stellar path in this world ran from the screen to the souls of children.” Unfortunately, that tombstone was removed when Sergei's son Kirill committed suicide in 2013. Since then, they have been side by side.
