Entering the subconscious through meditation. Work with the subconscious, a detailed application technique

The subconscious mind and brain levels

You have probably heard about the Worlds of Reveal and Navi, where the world of Reveal represented the surrounding (explicit) reality, and Nav (thin, hidden deep in the subconscious of a person, his inner world).
The World of Reveal and the World of Navi are the external and internal worlds that mirror interact, exerting a direct influence on each other. The world of Reveal is available to us during wakefulness, when the energy of consciousness is concentrated on the objects of the external world. The scientific world has called this state of consciousness the Beta level of the brain.

We enter the Navi World during sleep, when consciousness plunges into the inner world of our unconscious creation - the inner world in which each person lives half of his life, often without even remembering it in the morning after waking up. At night during sleep, plunging into the world of Navi, we have the opportunity to evaluate what we subconsciously created during wakefulness, this is the time when the inner world of our subconscious speaks to us in its own language of images. You can also plunge into the world of Navi (Unconscious) during an altered state of consciousness, when a person is in a deep trance. Scientists call this state of consciousness the Gamma level of the brain, during which a person is completely immersed in his subconscious. So, by its nature, Man is at the point of balance between Yavu and Navu: day and night he lives two lives, two levels of perception of reality, about which even today he knows not so much.

But in addition to these two levels, there is a borderline state of consciousness that can serve as a bridge between the Outer and Inner worlds and, being in which, a person is able to carry out a dialogue with his subconscious and thereby control the disclosure of the potential of his own mind and soul.

I call this level the Interworld, a place of dialogue between these two worlds, which is achieved through Dialogue Meditation.

Scientists call the Interworld Alpha-level of the brain, noting that at this level a person is able to dive into the subconscious and at the same time retain awareness. At this level, no trance or hypnosis is used, and the person is fully conscious, understanding everything that is happening. This level gives a person the opportunity to know his subconscious from the inside and get acquainted with his inner world, which, projected into the outside world according to the law of the "Mirror of the World", is reflected in real life. From a scientific point of view, meditation is an immersion in a slower level of the brain, where a person who is conscious is able to interact and control his own subconscious.

There, in the subconscious, all the answers to the questions that people are looking for outside themselves are stored. Many world religions talk about the world of the soul, but few people know how close this world is in reality to each of us, when people have been looking for strength outside themselves for years and decades, at a time when it continues to be in themselves, waiting for that moment, when they wake up, they will remember who they are and how the creators will start using it again. A person will not need any guides when he realizes in himself the power of the creator, the very god that religions talk about but whose essence they themselves do not know, the essence of the creator god who lives in us and keeps a living inner world in his soul.
Science has established that a person can set his consciousness to dive into different levels of the work of the subconscious, but it is the state of the Interworld that allows a person to consciously control the disclosure of the potential of his own mind without losing awareness. This ability to enter the state between the worlds is inherent in every person. Having mastered it, you will be able to penetrate into the depths of your psyche while being conscious and not falling asleep, and get the opportunity to communicate with your subconscious while being “here and now”, asking questions and getting answers.

Dialogue meditation is able to balance the emotional state of a person, harmonizing the inner world and healing the body.

You'll learn how to unleash your creativity, develop your intuition to make good decisions, and improve your health and enhance your body's ability to heal naturally. You can become more sensitive to the world and learn how to build your relationship with it so that it always turns its good side to you.

The technique of dialogue meditation is very simple and allows you to immerse yourself in the state of the Interworld within a few minutes.

Evgenia Beinarovich nimratraining.com

Somehow, sitting in the kitchen and discussing another spiritual experience with a friend, I wondered why for so many years we have been cleaning, transforming, accepting, living, transforming and working through a bunch of situations, thoughts, emotions, and there is still no improvement in some areas of life happening. What's the matter? Maybe I'm not looking in the right place? Am I transforming in the wrong place, am I transforming in the wrong place? After all, everything possible has been done, and more than once, but there is no result. Perhaps I do not work much in this direction or the wrong method is chosen. So which method should you choose then? Maybe I'm not digging there?

And then it dawned on me! Personality, the part that I work with, is only 10-15 percent of the whole of me, most of it is in the Subconscious, and from there comes the control of all the processes of my life. How could I not have guessed before! Until that moment, I didn’t think at all about the Subconscious, or about the processes taking place in it, which, as it seemed to me, were completely beyond control. Now I realized that I need to go further, I need to go into the Cause and then already transform the Consequences. Before that, I worked with superficial manifestations of the Cause, but by changing the consequences it is very difficult to change the Cause, not impossible, but for too long, and I no longer had time for this “long”, I wanted results, and right now. It is human nature to want everything Now, and I am no exception.

A friend immediately happened to have a book on how to work with the subconscious, which she also accidentally bought a few days ago and has not had time to read yet. I especially liked the word "accidentally" in this situation. I love these random accidents! The book was in the category of popular literature, a collection of everything from books unknown to me. But the only thing the author succeeded in was that he gave a fairly clear and understandable instruction for working with the Subconscious. Instructions on how to get in touch with the Subconscious and find answers to your questions, find the Cause, which I needed so much.

Method for receiving answers from the Subconscious. Step by step instructions with explanations.

I have greatly reduced the instructions, leaving the very essence, so that it can be used as a step-by-step hint for working with the Unconscious. I can say that this is a kind of pattern that will acquire your characteristic features over time, you will skip some parts, expand some, and refuse some. At the beginning, I will give the technique with my comments, and at the end of the article, only the important point, so that you can copy these points and use them at the beginning of work, as a hint, as a guiding thread, in moments of work with the Subconscious that are unusual for you. Never get attached to this or that technique, transform it for yourself, play with energy, explore and transform space, the book word is dead, remember this! Technique only gives direction, and you pave the way.

I invite you to an incredible and exciting adventure, a journey through your Subconscious, a boundless ocean of wisdom and possibilities, as well as hidden rooms that require your attention and general cleaning. And so let's get started!

  1. The formulation of the problem should be very clear, referring to a specific situation, and not in a generalized form. Those. “There is no man in my life” - this is very vague, it is not clear what kind of man you are missing in your life, a fireman or a plumber, but “there is no relationship with a loving and beloved man in my life”, a more complete and clear formulation of the problem, situations. Preferably without the particle “not”, “no”, replace them with the verb “absent”, for example.
  2. Do a relaxing meditation, you can, for example, alternately concentrate on all parts of the body and send light there, relaxing the muscles, do not forget about the face. Or take a deep yoga breath. You can also use the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation to harmonize and activate the field of light, it helps to work in any subsequent practice.
  3. Ask the question: “Is the part of my Subconscious that is responsible for the occurrence of this situation (voice the situation) ready to communicate with me at the level of consciousness?”. If the answer is “Yes”, then go to step 4. If “No”, then go to step 11. You may have images of your subconscious mind, people or a group of people who will come out to meet you to discuss the current problem. Images may not appear, you just hear the answer with your inner hearing, or understand it in any other way that is familiar to you. The main thing is not to analyze the images and answers, you will deal with this later, we have nothing to analyze the mind now.
  4. Ask the question "Are you ready to tell me what my behavior, what traits of my character or what my thoughts and emotions led to the situation (formulate your situation)". If yes, then go to step 5.
  5. Continue: “Tell me specifically what my behavior, what traits of my character or what my thoughts and emotions led to the fact that .... (describe the situation). Keep asking until you get an answer. DO NOT think, DO NOT ask again, DO NOT doubt, take note. Write everything down, ask several times. Be sure to write everything down, no matter what abracadabra sounds. Our subconscious always speaks directly, it does not protect our emotions at all. But there are advantages to this, you will receive a clear and comprehensive answer that will contain the essence of the problem, and not self-pity. Sometimes the answers are very harsh, as you will see in the example of the interaction with the Unconscious, you don't really want to listen to them, but I strongly recommend that you keep writing and moving on.
  6. I usually ask questions about three to five times. It is usually when going through this point that completely unexpected answers arise, so unexpected that you can freeze in surprise and want to stop the practice, since the essence of positive intention is generally very strange, but I strongly recommend continuing. Sometimes only after a while the situation that gave rise to this intention is remembered. Our Subconscious Mind ALWAYS works for our benefit., in the most convenient ways for us, but if we are accustomed to destroying and suffering, it will act exactly like that, which is why it is necessary to formulate new ways of implementing a positive intention. Although I will tell you a secret, the positive intention that the Subconscious mind strives for can arise in a stressful emotional situation and not carry positive in itself. This “positive” intention can also be transformed into a more positive action, read the example of interaction with the Subconscious and you will understand what it is about.
  7. Make a request, “Use all my creative resources and imagination, create three behaviors for the implementation of this intention. These ways should be simpler, more efficient, and more reliable than the old behavior, and they should be favorable to me and the world around me. After the new way of behavior is named, think about how acceptable it is for implementation in reality, how feasible it is. If it is difficult to implement, ask the Subconscious Mind to come up with a simpler one. The wording should be complete and not contain negatives. There may be many, write them all down.
  8. Ask the question to other parts of the Unconscious: "Are there parts of the subconscious or parts of my personality that object to new ways of behaving?" If the answer is “No”, then go to step 10. If you got the answer “Yes”, then ask the subconscious mind: “Replace or improve those methods that are objected to with new methods that satisfy all parts of the subconscious.” Conduct a reality check of the proposed methods and move on. To your surprise, in fact, other parts of your subconscious may be against just such actions, apparently they are not consistent with your other plans, or you are not mentally mature to accept and act in such a new way. Be sure to respect these parts of the subconscious. The more you work with the Subconscious, the faster you will understand that your subconscious is not some separate part of you, it is you yourself.
  9. I highly recommend keeping all your notes on working with the subconscious, put the date when and where you started this work, sometimes it helps to better understand the situation, this is your invaluable spiritual experience, appreciate it. Sometimes only with time comes an understanding of the situation as a whole, an understanding of the responses of the subconscious, an understanding of where the cause itself comes from. Here the next adjustment of behavior is already possible, or the situation will disappear by itself. I also want to say that if you are working on some kind of problem, then the approach to solving should be comprehensive, if you once talked with the subconscious, then you should not expect quick solutions, although this happens. Often, in the first conversation with the Subconscious, superficial problems are revealed, and when they are corrected, more serious ones come to the surface, and so on. This is especially noticeable when dealing with issues that drag on for years, such as loneliness, lack of a prosperous family life, constant lack of money, cyclical loss of money, recurring unpleasant events.

Method of working with the Subconscious, step by step instructions for copying.

  1. Identify and clearly articulate the problem to be solved. Take responsibility for this problematic situation that needs to be fixed.
  2. Release your inner tension.
  3. Ask the question: “Is that part of my Subconscious, which is responsible for the occurrence of this situation, ready to communicate with me at the level of consciousness?”. If you got the answer "Yes", then go to step 4. If not, then go to step 11.
  4. Ask the question “Are you ready to tell me what my behavior, what traits of my character or what my thoughts and emotions led to the situation (formulate your situation). If yes, then go to step 5.
  5. Continue: “Tell me specifically what my behavior, what traits of my character or what my thoughts and emotions led to the fact that .... (describe the situation). Keep asking until you get an answer. DO NOT think, DO NOT ask again, DO NOT doubt, take note. Write everything down, ask several times.
  6. Ask another question, “Are you ready to let me know what the positive intention is in what I have…. (describe the situation). If “No”, thank you and go to step 8.
  7. If you received a “Yes” answer in step 6, then ask the following question “Tell me specifically what the positive intention is in what I have …. (formulation of the situation). When you get a response, ask again if there is still a positive intention. Write everything down without analyzing.
  8. Request “Use my creative resources and imagination, create three behaviors for the implementation of this intention. These ways should be simpler, more efficient, and more reliable than the old behavior, and they should be favorable to me and the world around me. After the new way of behavior is named, think about how acceptable it is for implementation in reality, how feasible it is. If it is difficult to implement, ask the Subconscious Mind to come up with a simpler one. The wording should be complete and not contain negatives. There may be many, write them all down.
  9. Ask the question to other parts of the Unconscious: "Are there parts of the subconscious or parts of my personality that object to new ways of behaving?" If the answer is “No”, then go to step 10. If you got the answer “Yes”, then ask the subconscious mind: “Replace or improve those methods that are objected to with new methods that satisfy all the frequent subconscious minds.” Conduct a reality check of the proposed methods and move on.
  10. Appeal. “I'm talking to that part of the subconscious mind that has created new ways of behaving. Will you take responsibility for implementing new behaviors in the future at the right time and place? If the answer is “No”, then ask to clarify what is hindering, make adjustments, coordinate with all parts of the Subconscious. If the answer is "Yes", then ask: "Fulfill the plan."
  11. Thank the Subconscious. After a long time, the subconscious, upon re-viewing, may offer other means of resolving the situation.

An example of working with the subconscious.

We identify the cause of the situation, in this particular example, I found out why a woman does not build relationships with men. And this woman was me, I will describe a real life experience as an example.

We formulate the situation - "Lack of relationship with a loving and beloved man." As you can see, it is without the “not” particle, and it is quite specifically indicated what I miss and with whom.

Having removed internal tension with deep yogic breathing, we get to work, we need to establish contact with the Subconscious, in our case, the Subconscious itself quickly made contact, a certain tall figure appeared in a long white robe, and with a question in his eyes, was waiting for my questions. I didn’t even have time to ask the question: “Is that part of my Subconscious, which is responsible for the occurrence of this situation, ready to communicate with me at the level of consciousness?” - from point 3, apparently this situation is ready to be resolved, I thought, if I managed to find contact with this part of the subconscious so quickly.

The subconscious mind was ready to cooperate with me in terms of consciousness. And I asked the following question: “Tell me specifically what my behavior, what traits of my character or what my thoughts and emotions led to the fact that I do not have a loving relationship with a man.” At that moment, I just had a crush, but as usual unrequited and rather painful. And here are the answers I got:

  1. You are overreacting. Forget about yourself and your needs. Forget about what you and your partner need. You act like an idiot in any situation with men.
  2. Stupidly, you do not understand the essence of men, when prey is in your pocket, you do not need to fight for it and make efforts. It's like that for everyone. Get out of his life for a while.
  3. You trustingly believe in everything they say, and they often say to get sex, try not to give sweets, and look at the reaction, you will find out if he loves you or hides behind a desire to be with you.
  4. You nurse, men love tough women who can stand up for themselves and demand respect from them.

I was dumbfounded and crushed, I did not expect such answers at all, but I wrote down everything without analyzing. Of course, I was upset when I saw a lot of truth in my behavior and my super gullibility, and the fact that I am a nurse, I allow myself to be treated inappropriately ....

Determined to get answers and solve this problem, I resolutely took up the pen. What is the essence of the problem, what positive intention is there in this situation, I just could not put my mind to it.

When asked, “Are you willing to tell me what the positive intention is that I am not in a loving relationship with a man,” I got the answer “yes” and asked the next burning question about the positive intention in this situation. To which she received a disappointing response. The positive intention was to:

  1. You are alone
  2. You will be left alone
  3. stay alone

"Stay alone?!" Is this the positive intention of this situation? I was just outraged, discouraged, did not understand what this could be about, I am trying to create relationships, build a family, and the subconscious is trying with all its might to keep me alone. Just absurd. But I realized the essence of this absurdity a little later, when a few months later, when I was still making efforts to change the patterns of behavior and reactions in myself that attracted rather strange partners to me.

I continued the conversation with the subconscious, I needed to change this situation, because consciously I wanted a relationship, but unconsciously I didn’t want them. So it was necessary to somehow change this situation. I'm stubborn!

I asked the Unconscious to come up with three ways for me to solve this situation, these methods should be simpler, more effective, and more reliable than the old behavior and they should be favorable for me and the world around. And the Subconscious gave me the following tirade:

  1. Enjoy business trips
  2. Live in the summer on an island and write books
  3. Live in the summer in the country, be away from it

All this did not suit me. What business trips? I don't ride in them. Island…. I do not have an island and the opportunity to write books all summer on the job.

I asked the question again and received a completely different answer in essence, more profound, as it seemed to me:

  1. It is not necessary to leave at all, be yourself, be who you are and surrounded by people. You can achieve anything by being with people.

I asked my subconscious mind to correct my behavior and take responsibility for it. Thanks and thought. There is something to work on! I was not going to sit idly by, and decided to start by visiting a psychoanalyst to solve psychological problems in communication caused by physical and emotional abuse in my youth, to correct my behavior and reactions. At home, I constantly kept a diary in which I wrote down all my feelings, not thoughts, what I feel in every situation in dealing with men, and as soon as I discovered that I was again letting go of not very correct behavior towards myself, corrected him in word and deed.

This is how we worked hand in hand with the subconscious, until a few weeks later, I suddenly, analyzing my first relationship, my first love, unexpectedly began to sob right at the psychoanalysis session. I was very surprised, because so many years have passed! Almost twenty years have passed, and my reaction is simply stunning! First love... what do you say. When we broke up, we couldn’t not part, because our parents lived in different countries, I was 15, and he was 18, and the time for independent decisions had not yet come. A year later, I received a letter from him saying that I am a good girl, but we need to leave and no longer correspond. Of course I understand him, a 16 year old virgin is head over heels in love with a 19 year old guy from a distance, this situation should have ended that way, although who knows. After reading the last letter from him, I felt such pain in my heart, I think you know this pain, when the heart closes, it is simply unbearable that I wanted to scream at the top of my voice. Maybe I even screamed, but I don't remember it. I only remember that I decided that it was better to be alone than to experience such pain.

Strong emotions instantly recorded my thought in the subconscious, but it does not judge us, does not discuss our decisions, it carries them out, and I want to tell you quite successfully! Therefore, it is so important to know what is inside your subconscious, as it may differ from your conscious desires and aspirations.

I can rejoice you, a year has passed since I seriously took up the study of this situation, in all possible and impossible ways and methods, including a year of conversations with a psychoanalyst, massage (the body is an important point in working through any problem), work with the subconscious and its parts, everyday work on emotions, feelings and thoughts. Now I have a ring with two diamond flowers on the ring finger of my right hand. Yesterday my beloved man proposed to me, and I agreed, because he is a wonderful person, friend and lover, well, how can you refuse! I'm happy! I wish you the same, because any work on yourself, systematic and constant, brings the expected and well-deserved success!

Today we are talking about the most intimate, mysterious and bewitching ... So, again, about the subconscious. A great thing, about which I have already written more than once in my articles. The easiest way to work with it is meditation to enter the subconscious. Didn't notice anything? :) Of course, there can't be many subconscious minds, it's just that the attitude towards him is too respectful, just like to the king: we, Nicholas II :)))

But back to meditation. It is important to understand that the waves of our brain activity are at different frequencies, and work with our own beliefs (and the subconscious mind is exactly what they are) occurs at the alpha frequency. This is a calm state of mind, when we do not get nervous, do not worry, do not constantly think, nothing is buzzing or grumbling anywhere in our head. We experience this alpha state every day at the time of falling asleep and immediately after sleep.

Although, of course, there are individuals who are under great stress, and even while they are sleeping, they are worried about something, they breathe shallowly, they do not allow their mind to relax. Hence the tension, excitement, panic. So, in addition to working with breathing, with relaxation, I highly recommend setting yourself a clear goal and a plan to achieve it, in order to help your body go into the alpha astral plane - plunge into deep sleep.

I have also spoken about the benefits of sleep more than once, let me briefly remind you that we need deep sleep at a physiological level. It is at this moment that all processes in the body are restored, new cells are formed, healing, growth and development occur. Without these phases of deep sleep, it is almost impossible for new cells to grow and develop.

Well, now about how we can help ourselves find deep peace, reach the level of alpha waves to work with our own subconscious. To enter such a trance, meditation comes to the rescue.

My favorite meditation is Of all the abundance that is now on this topic, it allows you to completely walk through all levels of your bodies (physical and spiritual), completely relax, help your mind "teleport" into that reality when "everything happens by itself."

Of course, I’m still a loser, and I don’t do meditation all the time. But when the “crisis” comes, the first practice that I implement is work. And after 3-4 days the situation is evened out. I have enough for a couple more days, and then I put it on the back burner again))) It's scary to think how super bright my life would be if I did it every day))) As an example, at one of the seminars where there were TOPs of large and small businesses, one of the audience asks the Trainer:

Say, but everyone says - meditate. Do you meditate yourself? Is it really necessary? It helps?

To which the coach said:

Raise your hands, those of you who meditate regularly. Now look who raised their hands?

With a pleasant surprise, a person from the audience realized that the heads of LARGE businesses with multi-million dollar turnovers, super successful and rich people raised their hands.

I will not voice the moral of this fable, we are all smart girls and we ourselves understand where this will lead us all. Meditate, relax and may Eternal Passion be with you :)

Is it really possible to enter the astral plane, and how does independent meditation help to move in the astral projection? I am sure that those who are engaged in spiritual practices have an idea about the astral plane and ways to reach its levels. So, astral meditation allows emotions on the subtle body. The astral body does not recognize boundaries and barriers, the planet and the entire universe are open to it, it is able to move to any point in the blink of an eye.

Strong meditation for beginners - preparation and ways to enter the astral plane

The astral body is associated with emotions. He has a huge advantage over the physical body, since the threats and dangers of the material world are not terrible for him, but he is stung by the dangers of the mental plane. If you want to enter the astral plane with the help of home meditation, prepare to accept this experience. An inexperienced person, at the first exit into astral spaces, unexpectedly for himself, may experience a shock, a strong shock.

Exiting the physical body, subject to the established rules, is safe even for beginners in astral meditation. The only thing to remember is that the astral world consists of several levels, and it is undesirable to immediately get into the densest of them.

If you use meditation exercises to enter the astral, nothing threatens you.

Do not break the rules that were developed by the priests of ancient Egypt. In no case should you enter the astral levels in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication. Those who disregard this rule can be punished with nervous breakdowns up to severe forms of mental illness. And one more thing: in any situation, remain calm. This is always important, including in astral travel.

Methods for entering the astral plane - independent astral meditation

At first glance, technology astral meditation may seem simple. In fact, for beginners, everything is more difficult than it seems. From the first days of practice, it is difficult to achieve success. There are different ways of astral travel, for example, through meditation, or through special mantras to enter the space of emotions. Here is an example of the simplest method of astral meditation for beginners.

In the evening, before going to sleep, lie on your back, close your eyes, balance your breathing and relax your body. Bring your attention to the center of your forehead, concentrating on the bridge of your nose, and rise, but at the same time remain still and do not move a single muscle of your body. With your inner vision, try to see how a certain image, eidos, separates and rises from your body lying motionless. You can understand that the exit to the astral plane in online meditation has occurred by barely noticeable fluctuations, sensations of swaying, slight swaying.

For a while your astral body will remain motionless, but soon it will begin to obey you. I do not recommend leaving the room for the first time astral meditation. It is necessary to study new areas gradually, slowly expanding the scope of research. To make sure that you are really in the astral plane, and that your exit is not a fantasy, ask one of the family members to leave any item on the table in the next room. Visit it in the astral and if your exit is real you will know what it is. Daily exercise is very important. Conduct astral meditation in the evening, or in the morning, immediately after waking up. &1

Consciousness determines whether we live or not. Without being aware of ourselves, we cease to exist. Talking about the soul, the universe, life after death is meaningless if we do not perceive it. The subconscious mind is not a separate area of ​​our consciousness. This is a different perception of the world, one of many variants of knowledge.

There is nothing strange in the fact that we do not know how to use this tool. No one taught us this, and we use the subconscious only occasionally and spontaneously. The subconscious gives us clues in the form of images and sensations.

We know how to decipher, we avoid mistakes, we do not understand the prompts, we lose opportunities. The hints are almost imperceptible, but we determine what they are for. If our mind is overloaded with thoughts, it is difficult to hear cues. Calmness of the mind, or at least a minute pause in thought, allows you to hear the subconscious.

When you need to meet a specific person from several passing buses, you get into the one you need. You sit in the back seat, and the right person sits right in front of you. You already know that he has entered and you are looking at him. He, raising his eyes, sincerely wonders how you could meet by chance after so many years. There are many methods for entering the subconscious mind.

Most of these methods are indirect and based on sensations. These feelings are difficult to explain to yourself, especially to other people. Feelings serve as a call to identify clues. Remembering the sensations when they appear again, be careful not to miss the clues. You can train the sensitivity of sensations, then the clues of the subconscious mind are easier to determine.

Another example: You probably noticed that you understand loved ones not only from a half-word, but answer even before they ask you. This creates a feeling of confidence in your answer. When communicating with other people, the same thing, the main thing is to catch this confidence and remember.

To get clear clues, I want to offer an exercise for entering the subconscious. Variants of this exercise are described in many sources. With the help of this exercise, your subconscious mind will take on a concrete form and it will be easier for the mind to refer to it.

All such practices have a meditative coloring. Meditation is easier to cause a state of detachment and emptiness in the head. You will not hear a bird singing far away from you if you listen to music with headphones. To hear, you need to be ready to hear.

We completely relax, calm our breathing, take a comfortable position of the body. Mentally we try to see ourselves. Your arms, legs. You can look at yourself wonderfully. We saw the legs, we look at what we are standing on. Under the feet of the earth, sand, stones, anything. You can look around, settle down a little in a new world for you. It all starts with a path for me, looking at my feet, I see it and start walking along it. Look ahead and keep going. Someone sees a lonely house, others see a church, a lake, a waterfall, a luxurious tree. This place will stand out very strongly for its clarity, drawing elements.

That way. Without going into details, we are approaching closely to this place. Here we will meet, grandfather, child, animal. This is your subconscious. You can ask anything. Just listen carefully, if you don’t understand, ask again, but don’t draw your own conclusions until you remember everything correctly. Because, leaving from there, your mind will turn on and distort the information if you remember it poorly. Having gone once to the subconscious, then you will understand it without exercise. I wish you success.
