Humorous concerts new Russian grandmas. New Russian grandmother Well, very funny (2017)

How the Flower and Matryona threw best friend

How Flower and Matryona threw their best friend

The members of the most popular comedy duo "New Russian grandmothers" are so closed persons that information about them is a gulkin's nose. They give interviews on behalf of the characters, they do not like the press. They even have a rider on their official website that contacts with media representatives are prohibited during concerts. At the same time, the artists do not get out of the TV, wandering from one comedy show into another. In particular, in New Year we will see "grandmothers" in the musical "Morozko" on the channel "Russia". Who are Igor KASILOV and Sergey CHVANOV hiding under the handkerchiefs of the Flower and Matrena? Puzzled by the noble goal - to tell the country about its heroes, we went to Tolyatti - the city where it all began.

Today, "New Russian grandmothers" are cooler than boiled eggs. They are obligatory guests of reputable corporate parties: for example, prime Vladimir Putin invited them to perform at a private party in Krasnaya Polyana, the presidential residence in Sochi. Having mastered the television space, the humorous duet swung at a big movie - they are shooting the full-length film "Two Ladies in Amsterdam", in which the main roles are played by Matryona and Flower. But not so long ago, the actors Sergei Chvanov And Igor Kasilov vainly knocked on the thresholds of the producers.

A popular duet was born in Togliatti, which, in addition to AvtoVAZ, is famous for its university (TSU) - the former Polytechnic Institute. It was him who graduated 25 years ago "grandmothers". Igor Kasilov is from Togliatti and lived there with his parents and sister before moving to Moscow. Sergei Chvanov came to enter the Polytechnic University from the Tatar town of Chistopol. The guys did not study well at the institute, but they shone on the student stage.

Chvanov and Kasilov made very funny miniatures and parodies,” the Vice-Rector for educational work TSU Tatyana Zilbert. - Then they came up with "grandmothers", which, by the way, were originally three.

Buried alive

The girlfriend of Matryona and the Flower was called Claudia. Chvanov and Kasilov do not like to remember her. Although, as eyewitnesses say, it was the actor Andrey Vorobyov, the performer of the role of Klava, at one time brought Igor backstage and "infected" with love for the stage.

Igork and I started together in the student theater, Vorobyov recalls. - I parodied michael jackson, He - Sergey Minaev. Chvanov joined us later. Then the three of us came up with a humorous television program"Dessert" type "Town". One of the scenes was filmed in a village near Ulyanovsk. We sat down with the grannies, listened to what they were talking about, and were amazed at their specific dialect. We liked it so much that we decided to transfer these images to the screen. We borrowed handkerchiefs from my mother's chests - that was all the props.

Andrei says that at first, friends felt insecure in the old woman's outfit. But the television authorities liked the record, and the artists were offered to record another program. The program was gaining popularity - soon the guys were offered air on the local radio station "August". It was then that the trio broke up.

Igor came up and said that they would continue to work without me, - Vorobyov recalls. - Say, I do not have enough professional data to go on the radio. I did have some diction problems. I got it. Although, I confess, I was a little offended when one day the guys were asked on the air where the third “grandmother” had gone. They answered: “She died ...” I called Kasilov and said that they treated me ugly. They could say that Klava left. Why bury something?!

By the way, the director of August Radio did not know about the existence of Claudia. The weekly Friday issue was immediately written for the duet Kasilov - Chvanov.

There was no question about the third participant, - he was surprised Ilya Firsanov. - The Radio Directorate did not make a decision on how many “baboks” will be on the air. We thought there were only two of them.

It seems that the decision to throw Vorobyov "overboard" lies entirely with his "girlfriends". It is understandable: it is much more pleasant to divide the “grandmothers” into two than to think for three.

Today, Vorobyov works as a cameraman on Togliatti television and has even forgotten to think about the stage.

flower compote

They say that Kasilov the Flower in his youth was terribly complex about his appearance: undersized, freckled, red-haired.

Igorka had a difficult childhood, - a friend and classmate of Kasilov admitted to us Mikhail Pukhov. - Father is a simple worker, mother is a merchandiser. He was still a schoolboy when his parents divorced. Igor moved to his father in a communal apartment, his sister stayed with her mother. Kasilov was very worried. He tried to distract himself and did everything to become the soul of the company. We often met at his house. Even the first exam in descriptive geometry was “soaked” there. We bought Tamyanka wine, fried some scrambled eggs, and we were so stressed out that we couldn't get up in the morning.

Somehow crawled out to the exam, and in the evening - again to celebrate. Igor was the first of our party to have jeans and sunglasses- His mom got it. He curled his thin and straight hair at the barbershop. True, now Igorek carefully hides this fact. Say, the curls of his "grandmother" by nature.

Flower's first love was unhappy.

It was the star of the institute Natasha Razmatova- shared with us a secret. - A stately beauty who danced in the Credo ensemble and enjoyed great success with the guys. Igor had very serious feelings for her, but their romance did not last long. Kasilov was drafted into the army from the second year - then the students were not given a deferment. Natasha did not wait. She got married and had two daughters.

Igor suffered terribly. And then he gave up on everything and decided to go into a womanizer.

The girls loved Igoryasha, and he pinched one or the other at student drinking parties, - laughs Irina Grosheva, a friend of Kasilov and one of the leaders of the student theater "Ordinary Miracle". - Pretty women ran after him in herds, and he enjoyed the "retinue". Andrey Vorobyov brought him to our student troupe: one artist was missing for the performance, and Andryukha suggested a friend. Kasilov at that time did not think about acting, he was fond of table tennis. The first miniature - a red mouse - he ruined. Everyone who saw it said: a disastrous thing, nothing will come of it. But I saw a good texture.

The memory of Natasha, his first love, Igor carefully kept in his heart.

Kasik was such a romantic that it was even sickening, - Pukhov laughs. - Once in the dining room I said: “Why are you killing yourself because of Natashka? Do you want her to be in my bed tomorrow?” Before I had time to finish, he splashed compote in my face with a theatrical gesture. I answered the same. Then we were dismantled at the Komsomol meeting.

Today Natasha is married to AvtoVAZ Evgeny Kupriyanov. She is still dancing and does not like to remember the affair with the Flower.

It was 25 years ago, why stir up the past? Razmatova sighs. - I have a husband, two children. I am happily married, I hope Igor is too. After parting, we no longer spoke.

After the Polytechnic University, Kasilov entered the theater course at the same Polytechnic University. He began working at the "Wheel" theater, where he met future wife - Elena Nazarenko, leading prima troupe.

Igor was one of best actors theater, - recalls the composer of "Wheels" Alexey Ponomarev. - He was given the main roles, although from time to time he had health problems: weak point was the back. Somehow, after the play "The Scamin's Tricks", where Igorek ran around the stage for two hours and climbed the rope, he had to call an ambulance. When Yegor and Lena were born, Kasilov left to earn money on the stage. Lena also quit her job and devoted herself to her family. Gosha promised that he would return to the theatre. Perhaps as a director.

But for now, Flower has enough well-paid work. The 44-year-old artist has two apartments in Moscow and a country house. They say that the fees of "new Russian grandmas" today amount to $ 10 - 15 thousand.

swagger generator

Sergei Chvanov - Matrena joined the student theater team later. He studied at a different faculty and met his future partner on stage.

An amazing guy with a very strong energy, - his classmate recalls Serezha Andrey Muravlev. - Chan was the first to write parodies of rock bands and social topics. Some of the "grandmothers" repertoire remained from student times. For example, “Oh, byada, byada, there is a labyada on the road,” the guys sang even then. Chvanov honed his skills, parodying his mother: “Pozo-o-yell the family, pozo-yell” - he was so scolded for bad grades. Seryoga has always been a generator of ideas, I think that the success of "grandmothers" is his achievement.

his wife, Irina Fedorova, Chan, like Kasia, found in the student theater. They say that the girl made the lover run after her. She did not immediately give her consent to the marriage, arguing that she was a couple of years older than Sergei. They got married after graduation. The wedding was held in the student canteen. With the advent of popularity, Chvanov from old friends retained relations only with the director of August Radio, with whom he often goes fishing on the Volga.

Ten years ago, Seryoga and I went to Austria for the first time, Firsanov recalls. We decided to rent a car. The owner of the fleet turned out to be with Russian roots, of course, we celebrated the meeting. As we set off, we immediately overturned. The car was abandoned on the road. The next morning we barely remembered what happened, and went to look for a car.

Today, 45-year-old Chvanov is the father of two children: a son, Dani, and a daughter, Mani. His wife, like Kasilov's wife, sacrificed the stage for the family.

not girlfriends

Inseparable on the stage, the “grandmothers” immediately disperse in different directions after the performance. They say that the guys are so tired of each other that you can’t even call them friends.

Unfortunately, Igor and Sergey do not come to Tolyatti just like that, only on tour, - says Tatyana Zilbert. - We constantly invite them to our student events, but they have forgotten their alma mater.

Matryona and Flower communicate with the audience exclusively in makeup.

Once, at the performance of the "grandmothers", our former classmate wanted to go up on stage and say hello to the guys, - says Muravlev. - But Kasilov pushed him away and ordered the guards to withdraw the intruder. They are afraid of losing their highly paid images. When they lived here, there was no smell of stardom.

Now in Tolyatti, of the relatives of the "grandmothers", only Kasilova's sister remains. He recently moved his mother to Moscow. He also does not forget about his sister - for one of the holidays he gave her a chic car.

Several scandals are also connected with the city, which gave the “grandmothers” a start in life. So, their image was illegally used in their advertising by the local Zhiguli vodka factory.

- The guys were indignant that someone was trying to cash in on their fame, - says Firsanov. - There was a trial, but, as far as I know, there were no payments. And in general, the trademark "New Russian grandmas" began to belong to the guys not so long ago. Previously, the brand was the property of August Radio, but after moving to Moscow, Kasilov and Chvanov asked me to reissue the authorship. I agreed. They paid only registration costs.

"New Russian grandmas" - Sergei Chvanov (left) and Igor Kasilov.

In the recreation center of the BMZ "New Russian grandmothers" Matrena and Tsvetochek, comedians Sergei Chvanov and Igor Kasilov in real life, arrived at the concert itself - at half past six in the evening. We didn't even have time to rest. We looked around the stage, changed in the dressing room and went out to the audience at seven o'clock.

By the way, we prepared for the arrival of the artists in the Palace of Culture.

Warmed up the hall with heat guns, batteries - boiling water! - BMZ workers say. - And then our grannies will freeze!

... The grannies made the Bryantsy laugh for almost two hours. They made fun of each other, told jokes, sang ditties, songs. The laughter in the hall was such that even Matryona and Flower could not help smiling. At the end of the concert, the audience gave a standing ovation.

After the performance, the "New Russian Grandmas" left the dressing room to the audience, who were eager for autographs and photographs. The disguised artists were not immediately recognized:

"New Russian grandmas" entertained Bryantsev for two hours.

Oh, where is Matryona, and where is the Flower?

Tired after the performance, Sergei and Igor turned out to be serious and laconic.

After talking with the audience, the comedians left by car for Moscow - the tour ended.

Matryona and Flower did not have time to see Bryansk. We were surprised that this is a big city.


Rider of "New Russian attendants"

Pie in plastic packaging (fresh, edible),

wet wipes,

teapot (with flowers),

confetti packaging,


2 kg of sweets (suckers) for distribution to the audience before the concert (although for some reason they were not distributed this time)

The jokes of the "grandmothers" were accompanied by deafening laughter from the audience.


Jokes from Matryona and Flower

At the wedding table, the groom's brother Flower says:

- Flower, will you have vodka?

- Will.

- With what?

- With juice.

- With which?

- With stomach.

Let's drink from grief, where is the grief?

Flower: - Matryona, what kind of sound is heard from a birch grove, a woodpecker or something?

Matryona: - No. Pinocchio drink birch sap.

Sewerage - how I got drunk.


- What did you grunt with, what kind of white object did you throw into the furnace?


- Sugar.


- Why do you need him?


- It's necessary for the brain.


- And the hemispheres will not stick together?! The brain is 80% fluid. And you have something from the brake ...

Flower:- I would like to be a snake.

Matryona:- For what?

Flower:- To go to work lying down.

Here is such a "Miss" Village - 2012 "!

The concerts of this pop humorous duet are always sold out. They have been incredibly popular for 15 years. It is not always possible for even the most dedicated fans to recognize their idols on the street and get an autograph, because the actors do not give interviews and do not take pictures outside of their stage image. You haven't guessed yet in question? Of course, about the actors of the "New Russian attendants". But today we will tell not only about the concert image, but about these actors without makeup.

about the project

Two young comedian actors - Igor Kasilov and Sergei Chvanov - created their unsurpassed duet many years ago. He appeared at a time when young people worked on Samara television. The actors spent their filming in the village, it was here that they came up with the idea of ​​reincarnation as attendants. They sat down on a bench with the village grandmothers, at first they listened to their conversations, after which they began to imitate their speech.

Soon a project called "New Russian Grandmas" appeared. The creators themselves became the actors. Real fame came to them thanks to their participation in Yevgeny Petrosyan's program "Crooked Mirror". Cheerful and perky, keeping up with the times, the grannies resemble the duet of Mavrikievna and Nikitichna, extremely popular in the Soviet Union.

"New Russian grandmas": biography of actors

Extraordinarily talented, popular, beloved by a huge number of fans, actors do not like to put their personal lives on public display. But still we have some information, we will gladly share it with you. Let's find out what the actors of the "New Russian grandmothers" are like without makeup.

This artist performs in the image of Matryona Ivanovna Nigmatullina, or simply Matryona.

In the city of Chistopol, Tatar Republic, on January 19, 1965, Sergei Chvanov was born. He received his education at the Togliatti Polytechnic Institute. In it, he met Irina Fedorova, who later became his wife. Here he met his stage colleague I. Kasilov. The first performances (together with Igor) happened to them on the student stage of the institute. Later, Sergei Chvanov worked at the local variety theater in the duet "Deficiency". The actor has a son and a daughter, whose names, according to media reports, are Danya and Manya.

His character is Claudia Ivanovna Flower. Kasilov - a native of the city of Togliatti Samara region. May 31, 1966 is his birthday. When the parents decided to leave, Igor was still a child. He stayed with his father, who worked at the factory. Igor's sister lived all the time with her mother, who worked as a merchandiser. Currently, my mother lives on the same territory with Igor.

The actor graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of Togliatti, was in the ranks of the members of the Komsomol committee. From the second year he was drafted into the army. He served in the missile forces of Kazakhstan. After returning from the army, Igor is restored in the third year of the Polytechnic University. There he meets his future wife, Elena Nazarenko. Speaking on the stage of the institute, he simultaneously worked in the theater "Wheel", in which he was the leading actor and played all the main roles. He graduated from the theater courses of GITIS at the theater "Wheel", a little later, and the courses of P. Fomenko in the capital. Has a son Yegor.

The labor activity of the actors in the duet "New Russian grandmas"

On one of the channels of Togliatti television ("Lik") in the nineties of the last century, the actors were the hosts of the humorous program "Dessert". In parallel with this, they starred in the author's program by I. Ugolnikov "Oba-na", very popular in those years, and once a month they flew to the capital to shoot. In addition, they worked as an entertainer for celebrities.

Working on local television, created interesting project under the name "New Russian grandmas". Later, he brought S. Chvanov and I. Kasilov unprecedented popularity, on the waves of which the actors are currently. The first fame "grandmother" received on the air of the local radio station "August". However, at first this project was used in the form of small humorous screensavers. Noticing the interest of the audience in the new project, the management gave the actors a live broadcast. beyond incredible a short time"Grandmas" gained immense popularity not only in their native land but also in all regions of the country. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine any humorous evening without the participation of these two outstanding personalities.

Conquest of Moscow

In 1999, the actors took part in the E. Petrosyan Humor Cup. Then the first in their life took place solo concert"New Russian grandmas" (pictured are the actors in the images already beloved by the Russian audience). This event happened in state theater stage in Moscow.

Igor and Sergey together with their families moved to permanent place residence in Moscow. They worked for Yevgeny Petrosyan, performed in the TV show "Crooked Mirror". By 2009, they decided to leave this project. In the image of "New Russian grandmothers", the actors led such television projects as " Saturday evening”, “Street Veselaja”. They have worked and are working in all major television projects, touring all over the country with a concert program.

Watch the New Russian Babki concert online is a satirical parody of ordinary grandmothers. Comic pop duet of actors Igor Kasilov and Sergei Chvanov.
The pop duet New Russian grandmothers - Matryona and Flower first appeared in the program of Evgeny Petrosyan in 1999 and very quickly filled with their own funny performances many humorous programs on various television channels.

The duo was founded by two talented actor: Igor Kasilov, Sergey Chvanov, who managed to fill in time that pop niche that for a long time was empty. It is believed that they are modern version Soviet pop duet Veronika Mavrikievna and Avdotya Nikitichna. Their main goal is to delight the audience with their sparkling humor, they are an example of skill and improvisation on stage.

In 2015, the New Russian grandmothers got their own show on the Russia channel called Ulitsa velyaya.

Call signs for the beginning of the holiday sound, the verse behind the scenes.

Among the first days of spring
March 8 is the most expensive of all.
All over the earth, for all people
Spring and women are alike.
Good luck to you, health to you
We wish you happiness
And with the first holiday of spring

- song performed by _ "All Flowers".

Music sounds in the background, the exit of the hosts in the image of "New Russian grandmothers" alone with a glass in hand.

Flower: Good evening! Dear ladies... and people! Check out how cool I am today ... cool .... I'm just kicking myself...
Matryona:(to the audience) Hello! (flower)- why are you so arrogant - then
Flower: Is everyone gathered? And for what reason did they all gather? And about our professional holiday!
Matryona: Cleaners day, right?
Flower: Why cleaners? I'm talking about women's holiday - March 8!
Matryona: Ah, I remembered, of course, the holiday. Right now, our men will be us ...
Flower: What are you?
Matryona: Congratulate! I broke my lip!
Flower: How do I look?
Matryona: Super pupy!
Flower: Well then let's go! We are starting a solemn meeting dedicated to the International women's day March 8…. You know, Matryon, I’m always so confused on this holiday, I don’t really know what to say ...

Matryona: Well, I think I know how to help you. Now on the stage I invite a man who, I'm sure, knows what to say to our beautiful half on this day, this is ______________.
Flower: Thank you ______________ for the kind words of congratulations.
Flower: And I invite another important person on stage, this is a member of the council of elders under the head of the Soviet district, an honorary citizen of the Soviet district ______________.
Matryona: And we also congratulate you on the holiday, our dear women, we wish you all the best, health, longevity, thank you so much for being us.

Flower: for you lovely women performed vocal group"______________." this musical gift will sound ...

"Five February roses" - Spanish. Wok. Gr. "______________."

Flower: Spring turned her head, she drove everyone crazy, even the ice started to move!
Matryona: Is it yours? …………….. Okay, let's continue.

Flower: On this first spring holiday, souls seem to thaw from the winter cold and all men try to express their love and recognition to the ladies.
Matryona: Most often this is expressed through flowers. But, for some reason, the male fantasy does not go further than mimosas, roses and tulips. And then the women themselves come to the rescue!
Flower: I wonder how it is?
Matryona: The choice of flowers depends on the profession of the beloved.
Flower:- Well, let's say she is a dressmaker?
Matryona: for a dressmaker I recommend giving marigolds!
Flower: What if she's a manicurist?
Matryona: Then Marigolds.
Flower: What about an ophthalmologist?
Matryona: Pansies.
Flower: What if she's a Trainer?
Matryona: Then Snapdragon.
Flower: Well, if she is the host of the concert?

Matryona: Well and……. concert host, /thinks/ Men, a gift from the host of the concert…..
(They bring out the microphone in flowers).
Flower: Oh, men, I see you are so resourceful, so attentive, especially today,
Matryona: Since we are talking about flowers, it is no secret to anyone that the best and most sincere gift for all women on this day is congratulations from the most beloved "flowers"
Flower: These are congratulations to our grandchildren.
Matryona: These are your grandchildren, but for the audience they are children, our children.

Flower: And we are happy to invite our little artists to this stage to your thunderous applause.

"March 8" - Spanish. ml. wok. Gr. "______________."
"Little boat" - Spanish. ______________.

Matryona: Flower, here we received a congratulatory letter from our men, read it?
Flower: Read, let's ... well, well, well ...
Matryona: (is reading) Our dear women! Let me congratulate you on the holiday and wish you to be as young as today ...
Flower: Hey, why are we old? Are they kidding me or what?
Matryona: Wait, it’s also written here ... Dear grandmothers!
Flower: By the way, girls! And not so expensive!
Matryona: Wait, I read further ... We know that you are lovely girls, and so, we wish you health, such as we have! And if you get sick, then we wish you, as the song says: “If death, then instantly ...”
BOTH GRANDS.- Are they kidding me!?
Flower: Once a year they can’t normally congratulate! What an injustice!
Matryona: Che?
Flower: Well what? You cook, wash, clean, give birth to them all year long, and once a year they only say thank you for this. Ugliness! Flowers once a year, tender words once a year, love once a year… When was that? Women used to be respected...
Matryona: Okay, I read on. We always respect women when they stand at the stove ... silently.
Flower: Here are the unscrupulous, unscrupulous, they used to shoot because of women, they went crazy ...
Matryona: calm down, listen further ... We wish everyone to go crazy, that is, to clink glasses and drink! We, men, are moving forward progress, science, the whole world rests on us !!!
Flower: And you try, give birth! All year you clean, wash, cook, eat you... well, it doesn't matter!
Matryona: Here's another ... We lovely women also get tired. We earn money from morning to evening, and then you spend it on all sorts of nonsense!
Flower: What is it they call nonsense?! Lipstick, perfume, hairdo, skirt, blouse, fur coat, tights, shoes, boots, chains, rings, massage, makeup, peeling, piercing, shopping... Is that what they call nonsense?!! Matryon, let's go write the answer.
Matryona: Wait, there's also a post scriptum... So don't be too arrogant, we can live without you.
Flower: Yeah, we know them, in a month they will start to get bored, in two - to climb the wall, and in three ... to put on women's clothes ... (embarrassed). Well, I wanted to say that they will die without us! They don’t know how to cook, they don’t know how to wash, they don’t know how to iron, they don’t know how to ferment cabbage, and even then they don’t know how ...
Matryona: So what, what, but they know how to sour.
Flower: My mom told me right that all men are alcoholics!
Matryona: And they also say that it is impossible to argue with us, that we have no logic!
Flower: What logic? You can't argue with us at all! Arguing with us is like fighting two Klitschko brothers at the same time!
Matryona: Why argue with us, we need to caress and we will shut up!
(bring flowers to grandmothers)
Flower: Son, is this for me? Oh, the first bouquet in 50 years! Let me kiss you! (throws herself on the neck of the first, then jumps into his arms) All my life I wanted to be carried in my arms!
Matryona: (says to the one holding)- you look son, you are responsible for those who have tamed!
(The man passes the Flower to the second, he back)
Matryona: Oh, look, go hand in hand!
(Men with Flower go backstage)

Matryona: And for you dear "Valenki" - dance group «______________.»
"Summer Blues" - ______________.

Matryona: Well, you look good! Do not say that with a hangover.
Flower: Oh, Matryona, after what happened yesterday - I socialite!
Matryona: What a lioness you are, you are a socialite! Do you even remember what happened yesterday?
Flower: (pointing to one part of the head) Here I remember (pointing to another part of the head) I don't remember here. And what was it?
Matryona: Che was, the party was. They let the pig go, you're gone. You are in the pipe.
Flower: Fathers! How did I get through?
Matryona: You are a socialite. You can fit through any pipe.
Flower: Yes Yes Yes. Well, what happened next?
Matryona: And then the dance group "______________." we have a program from an urban settlement - the head of ______________ ..

"Khorovod" - dance group "______________."
"What a cool" - Spanish. ______________. - Laureate of the festival of the military patriotic song "Northern Wind" in the city of Sovetsky and the competition of the festival "Let there always be sun" in the city of Nyagan.
"I'm standing at a half-station" - Spanish. H______________.
"Chukotka" - Spanish. Dance. Team "______________."
"Boy" - theater estr. Thumbnail "______________."
"Lullaby for Mom" ​​- Spanish. ______________.
"Lady" - solo number, Spanish. ______________.
"Hooked" - Spanish. ______________.

Flower: ABOUT! Look, yesterday sent me a text message. “I miss you, smack!” Wow, "Chmoki"! He kisses me.
Matryona: Come on, give it here. “I miss you, you bastard!”
Flower:“I miss you….” Here is the goat!!!
Matryona: And you are an accountant, an accountant.
(mobile callsigns again)
Flower: (answers call) Yes? Yes, hello, hello my baby. Of course I will come, you are my miracle in feathers. (already Matryona) Sergei Zverev called. Invited me to do highlighting tomorrow.
Matryona: Where?
Flower: Somewhere in the cabin.
Matryona: Expensive, Clave?
Flower: Nonsense. We agreed with him on barter.
Matryona: Is it like a barter?
Flower: And I promised to listen to him sing for two hours.
Matryona: Cheap, yes. Well, you go listen to him, but I like to listen to others, I really like these guys ______________. Now they will sing, and you go listen to Zverev.

"Love to tears" - duet ______________.
"Rose from the Frost" - Spanish. Dance. Team "______________."
"Road to Mom" ​​- Art. wok. Gr. "______________."
"New" - theater estr. Thumbnail "______________."
"Hip-hop" - dance. Quantity "______________."
"Bachelorette party" - wok. Gr. "______________."

Matryona: What is this?, the first ball of Natasha Rostova?
Flower: You don’t understand anything, I’m going to the contest Miss - 2012-
Matryona: Is this one of the aliens or what? Humanoid in a corset...
Flower: You don’t understand anything, you see it is written ...
Matryona: Written, I see, The contestants look at the figures. What about you? You're an x-ray in a skirt. Do you have 90-60-90?
Flower: Of course there is, 90-60-90, this is my blood pressure in the morning.
Matryona: And look at their age, no older than 19 years old!
Flower: So I just turned yesterday!
Matryona: How old were you then?
Flower: 19.
Matryona: ???
Flower: With a ponytail.
Matryona: (looking around). Pull your tail in, anaconda. Someone else will come.
Flower: You do not understand anything. The older the wine, the better it tastes.

Matryona: Do you hear, vinegar. How did it occur to you to participate in such a competition? That's who pulls on Miss, these are the next participants in our concert.
And so, for you:

"Dance of the sun and fire" - Spanish. Dance. Team "______________."
"Mom native eyes" - Spanish. ______________.
"You are the most beautiful" - Spanish. ______________.
"Vostochny" - dance group "______________."
“But you don’t give me” - Spanish. Wok. Gr. "______________."

It smelled of March and spring,
But winter is holding strong.
The number eight is not simple -
The holidays are coming to our homes.
Here the words are needed
So that it is more expensive than gold.
So that all of you, dear,
Smile young!
Happy March 8!
Happy spring holiday!
With the first flowers in this bright hour!
Congratulations grandmothers, congratulations women!
We wish everyone happiness
Good luck!!!

Dear friends, this is our holiday concert ends, but the holiday continues in our cozy lobby, which will open at 10 pm, we are waiting for you for the evening of relaxation "Shershe-lafam"

happy holiday dear women, until we meet again.
