Diana Gurtskaya why. Gurtskaya

Photo of Diana Gurtskaya without glasses, with open eyes, cannot be found online. On this occasion, some time ago, skeptics tried to put forward a version of PR fraud from popular singer. Allegedly, the artist’s eyesight is all right, and she received fame only out of pity.

Diana herself did not give any comments on this matter. She did not even try to debunk the created myth, did not agree to act without a permanent accessory. The singer reacted absolutely calmly to reproaches of excessive closeness.

According to her, there is no need to look into the eyes of a blind person, hoping to see a reflection of her soul there. Whole inner world the artist was embodied in her compositions, which Gurtskaya with enviable constancy releases to the court of demanding fans.

The future celebrity was born in the capital of Abkhazia, the city of Sukhumi on June 2, 1978. At first, the parents did not know about the problems with the vision of their daughter. Everything was revealed when a little girl fell off the couch and smashed her face into blood.

Fearing for the health of the baby, mom and dad went to the examination. The ophthalmologist stunned the parents of the future singer terrible news The girl will never see. According to unverified data, the artist turned out to have congenital atrophy of the optic nerve.

In several children's photos, Diana Gurtskaya is without glasses, with her eyes open. It is clearly seen that the appearance of the artist is typical for blind people. Apparently, the singer's relatives decided on such publications, trying to protect the young woman from the attacks of ill-wishers and envious people.

IN early age Gurtskaya did not experience problems with communication and household chores. Her parents tried to protect their daughter from their own experiences about this.

They did their best to instill self-respect in the blind girl, did not distinguish her from the rest of the children with excessive pity. The older brothers always took care of their sister and tried to please her at every opportunity.

As the artist recalls, Rustam was 15 years older than her, but he always took with him to meet with friends, for walks, to the movies. It was the young man who was able to find opportunities for the family to move to Russian capital when civil clashes broke out in Georgia.

Rustam subsequently became the producer of his sister, promoting her to the first steps of all musical competitions.



The musical abilities of the blind girl developed very early. According to the singer, she began to sing before speaking.

Parents, inspired by their daughter's talent, helped her as best they could:

  • bought musical toys;
  • always turned on the music;
  • taken to all sorts of concerts.

Diana showed stubbornness and strength of character at the age of 8. The teachers of the music school did not want to enroll Gurtskaya in a piano course, citing her blindness as the reason for her refusal. The girl was able to prove her ability to learn by playing a popular tune by ear.

Simultaneously with music lessons, Diana combined her studies in a boarding school for blind children. Parents had to patiently explain to their daughter why her classes were different from regular lessons in a standard comprehensive school.

At the age of 10, the aspiring singer managed to perform on the stage of the Tbilisi State Philharmonic together with the famous singer Irma Sokhadze. The recognition of her talent by the audience and the star of Georgian jazz gave impetus to further hard work in this direction.

Excellent recommendations after the music school helped the singer successfully pass the exams at the Gnessin School of Music for a jazz vocal class. Even then, Diana Gurtskaya could not be seen in the photo without glasses, with her eyes open.

In parallel with music lessons, a talented girl mastered performing arts in GITIS, and then entered the Moscow State University. Lomonosov on the course of art history.

In 2003, Diana received a diploma with honors in this area. All this time, Gurtskaya toured a lot, successfully releasing all new collections of songs in her own performance one after another.

Personal life

For a long time, nothing was known about the love experiences of a successful singer. For the first time, changes in the personal life of Diana Gurtskaya, whose photo without glasses, with open eyes can not be found anywhere, were discussed after she met her future spouse. It is noteworthy that the first meeting with the future chosen one did not make any impression on the artist.

They were introduced solely in order to provide legal protection to the blind artist. Peter Kucherenko was already famous for his tenacity and talent in preserving the copyrights of show business stars.

And here young man I liked the defenseless blind girl with an angelic voice and a difficult character right away. He began to look for ways of rapprochement; Peter had to spend a whole year to win the heart of his beloved.

The young man showed miracles of ingenuity, trying to surprise the incredulous celebrity with romantic surprises.

Gurtskaya finally surrendered to the persuasion of her beloved to become husband and wife only after Kucherenko persuaded the metropolitan astronomers to name the newly discovered star after her.

Young people played a magnificent wedding in 2005, and even in colorful photos from the celebration, Diana Gurtskaya cannot be seen without dark glasses, with her eyes open.


After marriage, the artist gave birth to a son, Kostya, 2 years later. She admitted in an interview with reporters that she was afraid of repeating her own fate in the fate of an only child. Her fears were in vain - the boy was born absolutely healthy.

The happy mother left the touring activity for a while, trying to devote as much time as possible to the baby. And only when Kostya grew up, the woman returned to the profession.

Despite busy schedule, the artist tries to always be aware of her son's life. He took her blindness for granted, promising to always help his mother at the age of 4.

The kid goes to regular school and he is not embarrassed that even on family photos Diana Gurtskaya cannot be seen without glasses, with her eyes open. As the singer herself said in an interview, Konstantin dreams of growing up and coming up with the “right” medicines for mom.

Except professional work on stage, the singer devotes a lot of time to helping families with children who have vision problems.

By her own example, she shows the parents of such babies that life does not end with a child's illness, that parents can and should adapt special children in society as much as possible.

In 2005, the Gurtskaya-Kucherenko family created the At the Call of the Heart charitable foundation. The purpose of this organization is to help blind and visually impaired children in self-realization, the embodiment of their talents and support in everyday life.

In addition to helping in creative endeavors, the foundation tries, if possible, to return the ability to see this world to all children whose recovery depends only on the financial side of the issue.

Several dozen operations have already been performed, after which the sick guys saw all the colors of life for the first time. For Diana Gurtskaya, who has never been photographed without glasses, with open eyes, even for a foreign passport, there is no greater joy.

In every child who has become sighted thanks to the work of her foundation, she sees her own unfulfilled dreams and is very proud of the small amount of good that she can bring to the life of a sick child.

Diana Gurtskaya and her husband spoke for the first time about the difficulties family life

Popular singer Diana Gurtskaya recently celebrated her 38th birthday. The performer celebrated her anniversary on the air of the program “Let them talk”. Friends and relatives of the star gathered in the studio.

Husband, lawyer Peter Kucherenko, told an unexpected truth about family life with the singer. Diana seems fragile and defenseless.

Actually it is not. Gurtskaya - flint. She has an explosive Georgian character, she is very jealous and often arranges scenes of jealousy for her husband.

Diana and Peter got married in 2005. The wedding took place on a grand scale: an expensive restaurant, many guests, not only relatives and friends, but also representatives of the domestic show business. Interestingly, at the wedding, Gurtskaya categorically did not want to kiss her new husband. This is not accepted at weddings in Western Georgia. Moreover, Peter and Diana never kissed before the wedding. “Yes, and after, too, in principle,” Gurtskaya literally shocked the audience with her statement.

The future spouse, according to Diana, never frightened her with loud words and deeds, they for a long time were on "you". I explained to her very calmly, invited me to the cinema. At first, Diana did not want to go, but she listened to her brother Robert, found out that Peter had already sent a car to her, and agreed. “I watched the film“ The Goddess Who Fell. ”I am madly in love with Litvinova. Apparently, he found out about this,” Gurtskaya said. "That is, Renata Litvinova is to blame for everything!" Andrey Malakhov concluded.

"Diana, this is such an explosive Georgian character. Diana is very jealous and she is terribly touchy. We will quarrel, as always I take the first step, and Diana will sit and be silent offended. But, listen, my character is not sugar far away, and she had to to suffer and grind with me. And everything happened in life, and we quarreled, and some local dramas, "said the husband of the singer Pyotr Kucherenko.

According to him, the birth of his son Konstantin was difficult for him. “It should happen, according to theory, I’m like: “Ahh, what a blessing happened, son, son, son!” I couldn’t understand anything. they brought it, they did something else, and there comes a feeling of fatigue, some kind of stupefaction, and you start to come up with some excuses: "Oh, I'll go and take a walk," even if there's nothing to do. even worse," Kucherenko said, admitting that at some point he even regretted becoming a father.

However, he noted: "I developed a theory for myself. When a woman carries a child under her heart, she already receives this vessel with love overflowing, and a man receives it empty. And only the first steps, this word" dad "- God!"

But for Diana, the expectation of the baby was accompanied by great doubts and fear. “This is an incredible feeling, this is happiness that, probably, every woman can feel after the birth of a baby. I immediately have such a feeling, a desire to protect him from all sorts of troubles. Lord, this is such happiness, Lord, my baby! But this birth of a child I don’t something to worry about - there were a lot of questions: "What will happen? And how will it be?" In my case, I confess, there was something to think about. Therefore, I was worried ... "She was reassured by the pediatrician, who said that the baby was all right with development. “That was happiness, in fact,” admitted Gurtskaya.

Diana Gurtskaya was born in Sukhumi in 1978 and was brought up in a friendly large family: her sister and two brothers grew up with her. Very quickly, the parents discovered a sad illness in their daughter: she was born almost blind. Doctors said that vision could not be restored. And yet, the parents did not despair, deciding, at a minimum, to raise a worthy and useful person for society from Diana.

Diana grew up as a cheerful and active child, without actually thinking that she was somehow different from other children. She had a delicate ear and a pleasant voice, so the girl was identified in music class at the Tbilisi boarding school for children with special needs. There she not only learned to sing, but also began to play the piano beautifully. From the age of 10, Diana often performed at music competitions and in 1995 she won the Yalta-Moscow-Transit event.

After winning the prestigious competition, the composer Igor Nikolaev became interested in the girl. It was he who wrote the first and main hit for the aspiring singer called "You are here." Diana Gurtskaya moved to Moscow and entered the famous Gnesinka, graduating pop education in 1999. In 2000, she recorded the first album with the name "You Are Here" already known to the public. Soon followed by another disc "You know, mom."

Gurtskaya became one of the main artists at all-Russian concert evenings, and in 2008 she represented her native Georgia at international competition"Eurovision". She also participated in television show"Dancing with the Stars" and served as the ambassador of the Winter Olympics in Sochi. The singer released two more albums, called "Gentle" and "Nine Months". Finally, Diana is a well-known philanthropist who is actively involved in solving many social issues.

Personal life

Diana Gurtskaya met her only husband in 2002. They became a well-known lawyer Peter Kucherenko. The man looked after his beloved very beautifully and even managed to make one of the recently discovered stars in the sky named after her. As a result, the couple played a magnificent wedding. IN happy marriage son Konstantin was born. Close people do not leave Diana a single step, trying to provide her with all possible support.

Today, Diana occupies one of the important posts in the Public Chamber of Russia. She often travels to boarding schools, giving children "Lessons in kindness" and helping them to adapt to social environment. In addition, Gurtskaya hosts an author's program on Radio Russia, where she has conversations with famous people. She is currently working on recording new songs and the next album.

Diana Gudaevna Gurtskaya is a wonderful singer who does not see this world in the colors that are available to us, however, makes it brighter, cleaner, fuller. She proves to everyone, including kids with disabilities and their inconsolable parents, that they can do everything they can. healthy people and even a little more.

Diana Gurtskaya not only became successful, desired, famous, but also managed to create her own charitable foundation. He helps millions of boys and girls who cannot see to enjoy the world around them.

Height, weight, age. How old is Diana Gurtskaya

When the blind singer with a crystal voice first appeared on the stage, everyone became interested in her. Literally everything was interesting, including her height, weight, age. How old is Diana Gurtskaya - it was not at all difficult to find out by specifying the date of her birth on the Internet.

Diana Gudaevna was born in 1978, so she was thirty-nine years old. According to the zodiac sign - Cancer, famous singer dreamy, insightful, domestic, intuitive, economic person.

By Eastern horoscope Diana got such a sign as the Horse, endowing her with such features as diligence, perseverance, charisma, dedication, careerism, and a rich inner world.

The growth of Diana Gurtskaya is not high, it reaches a meter and sixty-eight centimeters, and the weight is set at around sixty-two kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Diana Gurtskaya

The biography and personal life of Diana Gurtskaya is unusual and rather tragic. She was full of ups and downs. Little Dianka was born in Sukhumi, she grew up an ordinary child until she fell off the couch. The girl was taken to a polyclinic, where ophthalmologists diagnosed congenital blindness.

The baby was not separated from other children, she was taken care of a little, however, they were allowed to frolic and play, like everyone else. When it was time to go to school, Dianka was forced to be sent to a specialized boarding school in Tbilisi. The baby was hard to get used to life without a family, however, she aspired to become educated.

Diana sang beautifully from the first years of her life, so her mother gave her to music school where she studied, on a par with healthy children. The girl not only studied vocals with professional teacher but also played the piano. Talented Diana at the age of ten already performed at the local Philharmonic, striking everyone in the military and dilapidated Tbilisi with her crystal voice.

Since 1995, Gurtskaya has been shining at international and all-Russian competitions constantly becoming a laureate or receiving prizes audience sympathy. The girl began to collaborate with Igor Nikolaev and study at Gnesinka, then at GITIS, and finally at Moscow State University, where she became a master of arts.

Since 2000, Diana has been delighting with new hits and releasing music albums, songs from which consistently occupy the top steps of the charts. She created the Fund for Assistance to Blind Children “At the Call of the Heart”, performed at Eurovision 2008 from Georgia, and was the ambassador of Sochi-2014.

Despite the illness, the singer leads active life, she dances beautifully, so she participated in the show "Dancing with the Stars." 2010 performed cherished dream Gurtskaya and millions of blind children, as she was able to organize the White Cane festival for young talents.

Diana participated in the TV show "Let them talk!" and “Alone with Everyone”, and also voiced the mother of a disabled boy in the movie “No matter what”.

The girl's personal life was difficult, however, the boys always took care of her and respected her. She was loved as a friend for her complaisant nature, sincerity and kindness. Diana - a prime example that even a person with disabilities can become happy and loved.

Family and children of Diana Gurtskaya

The family and children of Diana Gurtskaya is a separate and very popular issue, since few people believe that a blind girl has a personal life.

Diana's family was large, as four children grew up in it at once. The girl was born when her parents were no longer so young, so her illness was associated with this. Her surname does not change in female and masculine, since it comes from the Megrelian dialect.

Father - Guda Gurtskaya - worked as a miner, and mother - Zaira Gurtskaya - was a teacher for a long time, and then began to raise little Dianka. Beloved mother died in 2001 from oncology.

The singer has two brothers and a sister. Her brother Robert is the producer of his famous sister, and Eduard-Dzhambul tragically died in 2009 at the hands of werewolf policemen. Diana took the death of her beloved brother hard and tried to figure it out on her own, but he was put on the brakes.

Sister Eliso is very close person for Gurtskaya, she lives in Georgia and helps raise her son. She is married and is a happy mother of three children.

Gurtskaya's children were only a dream for a long time, Diana was worried that they could inherit blindness or poor eyesight. She found out about her pregnancy almost immediately after performing the song "Nine Months" in a duet with deputy Andrei Kovalev, so the hit turned out to be prophetic. At the same time, before that, the girl was treated for infertility by all possible methods, including non-traditional ones.

The pregnancy went well, and the little son was born healthy. Diana simply adores him, so her husband periodically stops her so that his wife does not overdo it with tenderness. Gurtskaya, by the way, seriously dreams of a little sister for Kostya.

The son of Diana Gurtskaya - Konstantin Kucherenko

The son of Diana Gurtskaya, Konstantin Kucherenko, is a long-awaited and desired baby who was born in 2007. He attended not an elite, but a completely ordinary Moscow kindergarten, and then went to a regular gymnasium.

While the boy was very young, he did not know about his mother's blindness, and then he took everything perfectly and began to help her in everything. Kostya is a gifted boy, he draws wonderfully, sings and is engaged in folk dances.

He plays tennis and plays the piano, and he constantly finds new hobbies for himself. Kostya loves cartoons, and especially the Fixies, although the time he spends in front of the TV and monitor is limited.

Husband of Diana Gurtskaya - Pyotr Kucherenko

The husband of Diana Gurtskaya, Pyotr Kucherenko, appeared in 2002, when Irina Khakamada introduced the guys at a party. Peter was a lawyer and provided Gurtskaya with his services, then business cooperation grew into love.

A year after they met, Kucherenko offered Diana a hand and a heart, but she refused. As a joke, the girl asked to get an asterisk from the sky, but Peter was not upset and ... got it. In 2004, at a party, the DJ announced that a star had been named after Gurtskaya.

After this, the artist became the wife of a lawyer, she married him in 2015.

Diana Gurtskaya photo without glasses with open eyes

Diana Gurtskaya, a photo without glasses with open eyes, appeared for the first time in public after filming the video for the song “I'm losing you” in 2014. She looked so organic without her usual dark glasses that fans began to say that Diana had an operation and her vision was restored. Evil tongues said that Gurtskaya sees perfectly, and dark glasses are her entourage.

However, if you just look at the photo or frames of the clip, you can understand that this is just gossip. Diana will never be able to restore her sight - this is the verdict of the world's leading ophthalmologists.

Instagram and Wikipedia Diana Gurtskaya

Instagram and Wikipedia Diana Gurtskaya are official, by the way, despite complete absence vision, the girl is fluent in the computer and independently replenishes the pages in in social networks with programs for the visually impaired.

On the page dedicated to the artist on Wikipedia, you can find information about her personal and family life, education and childhood, husband and son. At the same time, a huge amount of information is devoted to her achievements in creativity and awards.

On Instagram, Diana has quite Official page with over 1,000 subscribers. It contains photographs that reveal the inner world of Gurtskaya and her creative path.

She never appears in public without sunglasses. But they are for a 35 year old Diana Gurtskaya is not just an accessory. Behind dark glasses, the singer carefully hides her eyes. Why? Diana herself does not like to talk about this.

“Sunglasses are part of my life,” she only states.

“I was shocked when I found out the truth about myself”

But now the secret that these glasses have been hiding for 19 years has been revealed! The secret was revealed by a random camera flash. Journalists met Diana Gurtskaya at a fashion show. At some point, the light turned out to be so bright that through the dark glasses the eyes of the star became visible: large, with long eyelashes and ... so sad! True, the look was very defocused. So it is immediately clear that these are the eyes of a blind person.

“I haven’t been able to see since I was born,” Diana Gurtskaya says. “Although, if I could return the color perception that I had before my mother’s death, I would not have asked for more ... Parents did not immediately understand the problem. The first month did not notice anything. But then my mother was embarrassed that I did not react to her movements. She told dad.

And the parents decided to take their daughter to the doctors. So it turned out that the girl was blind.

“Of course, mom and dad were very worried,” Diana sighs. — I was taken to the best ophthalmologists. But they, all as one, kept repeating: “She won’t be able to see!”

At the same time, the child himself did not even ... suspect about his illness.

“My parents didn’t dare to talk to me about this for a long time,” the artist recalls. “So I thought that everyone lives in the same darkness that surrounds me. I grew up like all ordinary children: I ran, played, played pranks, fell, of course, broke my elbows and knees. But mother's kisses removed any pain.

However, with age, questions began to appear.

“Friends were talking about some paints, and it seemed to me that they had the same perception as mine,” Diana continues. - When I was six years old, all the same age began to prepare for school. I also really wanted to go there. But on September 1, she stayed at home. I didn't understand why. And pestered my mother with questions.

In the end, the woman had to tell that her daughter was not like everyone else.

“Of course, there was a shock when I found out the whole truth about myself,” Gurtskaya sighs. But my life hasn't really changed. Everything was as before. At the age of seven, Diana went to Tbilisi to study at a boarding school for blind children. The girl also managed to finish music school, memorizing notes by ear. And in 1995, 17-year-old Diana Gurtskaya became the winner of the Yalta - Moscow - Transit contest, where she was noticed famous composer and singer Igor Nikolaev. It was he who helped the girl get on the big stage.

The young singer in dark glasses with an unusually beautiful voice penetrating the heart, immediately fell in love with the audience. People so wanted to help the "poor blind girl"! One man even offered to give her his… eyes. Of course, Diana refused. Medicine is not yet capable of such a transplant. But Gurtskaya nevertheless made an attempt to see the world in colors.

In 2003, during a tour in Ufa, she was persuaded to come to her center by ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev. He gave Gurtskaya great hope. He said that the nerve is alive, which means that Diana will be able to see!

The singer was operated on in the clinic. To the left and to the right, Muldashev was giving interviews that the vision for the star was about to return. But the miracle did not happen, although the doctor was famously promoted. Gurtskaya, on the other hand, was recovering from anesthesia for more than a year, was endlessly ill and lost 15 kilograms!

What if the baby will also live in darkness?

Alas, Diana was left blind. But this did not prevent her from finding her female happiness. In 2005, the star married lawyer Pyotr Kucherenko. And a year later she got pregnant.

- It was such a blessing! Diana recalls.

In fact, she was very worried about the eyes of her unborn child. What if the baby will also live in darkness? Therefore, the first thing, as soon as the boy was born, Gurtskaya asked the doctors if everything was in order with his vision?

Fortunately, all is well. Kostya is already six years old. He is the main mother's assistant. And one of the few who sees her without glasses.

- My mom is very good! he says.

We know. And Diana is in vain embarrassed to show her eyes. After all, they are amazingly beautiful!

Source: taini-zvezd.ru
