How to warm up muscles before training. The most effective warm-up exercises before training - rules for performing

Hi all! My name is Vitaly Okhrimenko and today we continue to delve into the topic of p.

Last time I described existing . And for the first time I used my photos as infographics. I also shot a video, but I can’t process it, for some reason the program needed for this does not get on 7 windows. But as soon as I figure out the installation, I will definitely lay it out!

I made one monstrous discovery thanks to this step: for almost a year now I have been teaching people how to do natural bodybuilding, and during this time I have really become a pimple. Whether it was before (before fleas started a blog), a handsome man was in full bloom:

No, something definitely needs to be done about this! A couple of days ago I interesting idea I crept into my head: why not stir up a body transformation marathon on the blog in about a year, and compete with the contestants myself as an organizer. The idea is cool, I’ll hatch it, suck it with my cerebellum, and if I don’t change my mind, I’ll definitely organize it!

Well, I digress from the topic. Today we will talk about how to warm up the muscles before training.. It is necessary to warm up the muscle before, to which I dedicated the previous publication. And although the warm-up itself takes no time at all (3-10 minutes), I will allocate an entire article to it today in order to cover the issue entirely. After reading today's publication to the end, you will forever deprive yourself of the need to be interested in how to warm up your muscles before training in the gym.

So, we take a comfortable seat and let's go, it will be interesting to give a tooth!

How to warm up before a workout

The classic pre-workout warm-up has always been, is, and will be all possible ways of cardio training.

Jogging on a treadmill, riding an exercise bike, various orbitreks, jumping rope, punching a pear - in general, everything that helps to disperse blood throughout the body and fills our cells with oxygen.

The result of warming up the body before training is an increased temperature of the blood and muscles, the adaptation of the respiratory system to the upcoming loads. In addition, when warming up before strength training, metabolism is improved. And the training itself after a good warm-up becomes more intense and, as a result, more effective!

Often, athletes before a hard workout (usually talking about or) use sports ointments to warm up the muscles before training. More precisely, the ointments are ordinary, but the appointment is sports. Towards the end of today's article, there will be a list of ointments for warming up muscles and joints before sports training.

Heating Benefits:

  • Increases body temperature.
  • Increases muscle temperature.
  • Expands blood vessels improving blood circulation.
  • Changes the hormonal background: hormones necessary for muscle building are released into the blood.
  • The central nervous system (central nervous system) and the psyche are prepared for training.

How to properly warm up your muscles before a workout

As I wrote above, warming up before training is enough to spend from 3 to 10 minutes at the beginning of the training. Therefore, you should not do several warm-up exercises within the same workout. After all, they take away energy, and it will still be useful to us for other things.

Below I will give a list of popular warm-up exercises, I advise you to do some 1 exercise before each workout. It is best to alternate them periodically, so it's more fun to train.

Attention: when we talk about how to warm up the muscles before training, it is necessary to remember about pulse measurements. I wrote how to calculate the optimal heart rate for cardio training. Well, if you bother. And if you do not bother, then just follow so that the pulse is in the range from 130 to 160 beats per minute. To successfully monitor the pulse, it would be good to purchase a heart rate monitor.

Exercises to warm up the muscles before training


Perhaps this is the most popular method of pre-workout warm-up known to mankind. Almost every modern gym or sports complex has at least 1 treadmill.

In sports palaces (of which there are very few left today), basketball courts or mini-football courts can be used for these purposes. To warm up the muscles, and the whole organism as a whole, it is enough to jog, that is, unhurried running, with the above pulse range. 5-10 minutes is more than enough.

Riding an exercise bike

Everyone (or almost everyone) has long known how cycling has a beneficial effect on both our body and our health.

By riding properly before training, we will thoroughly warm up our muscles, joints and ligaments before strength training. As in the case of running, 5-10 minutes of driving at a moderate pace is enough.

jump rope

Well, how can we talk about warming up the muscles before training and not remember this favorite exercise by many since the days of school physical education. Many, however, and hated, because not everyone knows how to jump rope (I am one of these "many").

Again, 5-10 minutes of jumping rope is a great way to warm up your muscles before a workout.


In fact, these miracle machines of the XXI century are something between a treadmill and an exercise bike.

Simultaneous movements of the arms and legs, as well as the warm-up exercises described above, help to thoroughly warm up your muscles and ligaments before training.

However, with increased muscle involvement, the intensity is slightly inferior to a jump rope or treadmill. But if this simulator is somewhere in the corner of your gym, I strongly recommend using it periodically.

Boxing tricks

For some time now, I have really fallen in love with this kind of warming up the muscles before training. It can be done in combination with any of the previous methods heating, and separately. The only condition: before embarking on this option of warming up the muscles, it would be necessary to stretch the shoulders, elbows and wrists.

3-6 minutes of actively beating a pear will allow you to warm up perfectly. Besides, what kind of man would be superfluous to deliver a blow? And even better if there are paws and a partner in the hall, here, in addition to the swung torso, we will also get basic boxing skills.

Sports games as a warm-up

I remember well the first year of my training in the gym, when we went there a small but enough cheerful company teenagers. Often we warmed up precisely through the lungs. sports games. Either we drive the ball, then we play ping-pong. Of course it's not The best way warming up before training because it takes too much energy. But a lot of fun!

Warming ointments for athletes before training

You can (and sometimes even need to) warm up before a physically hard workout not only with exercises, but also with the help of special creams and ointments. And in general, if we talk about warming up before training with heavy basic exercises, then I would strongly recommend using ointments to warm up the muscles before training.

It is worth lubricating those places that can be attributed to the risk group when performing specific exercises. For example, if in training it is planned to squat with heavy weights, or deadlift, then you need to walk with a warming ointment along the line of the spine, along the lower back, lightly lubricate the busiest joints (when squatting, these are the knees, when pressing, these are the elbow and shoulder joints).

When choosing a warming ointment, the first thing you need to pay attention to is its composition. Warming ointments can be classified into 2 main types: pepper-based ointments and poison-based ointments.

As warming ointments for muscles and joints before training, pepper-based ointments (which include the element capsaicin, one of the elements of capsicum) are better suited. However, this option is not suitable for everyone. Quite high% of people who, when pepper-based ointment gets on the skin, have an allergic reaction. For example, I calmly endure the burning sensation of the skin after Kapsikam. But to my wife, when a drop of this ointment gets even on the skin of the palms, the skin immediately turns red and burns badly. So I advise you to try squeezing a drop on the skin before using the ointment cream based on pepper and follow the reaction.

In my opinion the best pepper-based ointments as a warm-up before training are Kapsikam and Nikoflex. You can supplement this list with such ointments as: Finalgon, Fastumgel, Diclofenac, Efkamon and Ortofen.

Of those based on various poisons (bee, mother-in-law snake venom), it is worth highlighting such ointments as: Atracin, Apizatron, Mellivenon, Virapin, Atrevin, Viprotoks and Viprosal.

Well, in fairness, I am supplementing the list of ointments and creams that can be used to warm up before sports training:

Analgos, Apizartron, Ben-gay ointment, Bystrumgel, Venoruton-gel, Voltaren emulgel, Diclofenac, Kapsikam, Menovazin, Nikoflex, Comfrey, Troxevasin gel, Fastum gel, Finalgon, Espol, Efkamon, Emspoma.

Warm up before workout video

Good luck everyone!

On the line was Vitakha Okhrimenko !

One comment on ““How to warm up muscles before training | ointments VS exercises”

    I'm in front of sports. I ride my bike in the hall in the summer. It just serves as a warm-up for me. I come to the gym and immediately start the main exercises, and after a workout, if the muscles hurt, I smear them with Salvisar ointment, it relaxes well, it smells good. I always carry it with me in my backpack.

When compiling a warm-up complex for the back and spine, sports doctors and instructors must include a number of muscle stretching exercises that help increase joint mobility and ligament elasticity.

Special exercises can be used as an independent type of gymnastic training for a sore back, in particular, for osteochondrosis, and also as a disease prevention during sedentary work in the office.

You can also use several exercises from this complex as a back warm-up before training.

A set of 4 exercises for warming up the back

The complex is recommended to be used several times a week at home. The number of repetitions of each exercise depends on your physical form and selected individually. Individual movements and postures, such as the "cat" can be used daily, and when tired and tense in the muscles, two or three times a day.

When performing the main exercises of the complex alternating tension and relaxation, which prevents spasm of the muscles of the back and neck, leading to diseases of the spine. It also increases the expansion of capillaries, accelerates metabolism. The sense of balance and the vestibular apparatus are trained. This complex and each individual movement in it improves the tone nervous system and transmission of nerve impulses.

Carefully! It is strictly not recommended to choose exercises for yourself if you already suffer from any back diseases, including curvature - scoliosis, lordosis, etc.

1. Boat

An excellent exercise for working out all the muscles of the back and warming up the lower back. When it is performed, the abdominal muscles are well strengthened. After performing this movement, the shoulders straighten, posture improves and lightness appears throughout the body. "Boat" is recommended for everyone who wants to have a healthy spine.

Attention! An option for performing this exercise may be pulling the knees not to the chest, but to the elbows. This option is more complicated, loads the back muscles more and develops the hip and shoulder joints.

Is it possible to perform this complex with a sore lower back?

In this case, it is best to consult a physiotherapist or a rehabilitation specialist. Professionals will be able to choose for you an individual complex of physical activity, which will not only help you heal, but also serve as a prevention of future disorders. During the period of exacerbation of all back diseases, including osteochondrosis, warm-up exercises doctors do not recommend.

As soon as the acute pain begins to subside, you need to start performing self-massage techniques and do a light workout. It is recommended to do this carefully and smoothly, excluding sudden movements. Each exercise from the proposed complex must first be performed not with full amplitude. Every day the pain in the back will be less and less, and when it passes, you can begin to perform the entire complex in full force.

Exercise is the best way to say goodbye to osteochondrosis. They are able to improve blood circulation, relieve muscle spasm, strengthen the musculoskeletal apparatus of the spine, eliminate pain, increase range of motion, and help release nerve endings.

  • In a standing position, so as not to unnecessarily load the spine in an upright position and inclination.
  • Tilts without support, as they create excessive load on the lower back.
  • Exercise, because they can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

With this disease, the issue of selecting exercises can be resolved with an instructor in physiotherapy exercises: he will be able to choose the complex that suits you best. An important condition is the regularity of classes and compliance with the technique of performing each movement. Performing movements to warm up the lower back is a good way to prevent diseases of the spine. This avoids many health problems! In addition, you get very nice additions - perfect posture and a slim figure!

Hi all! Do you stretch? It is sometimes believed that stretching (or stretching, as it is commonly called today) is a secondary activity in the entire workout and that it does not affect the result in any way.

But this is not at all the case, look at the athletes - not a single workout goes without stretching. And this is all because stretching improves body mobility and endurance.

But for a beginner, the word stretch raises many questions, and the most important one is stretching, where to start. And the answer begins with what we actually want: to sit on the splits or in the lotus, stand on the bridge, or put your foot behind the neck.

The goal determines the type of stretch and there are five of them:

Active - when we ourselves make efforts to stretch this or that part of the body - for example, legs or back;
Passive - when we stretch with the help of a partner;
Dynamic - light tension and a smooth transition to another exercise;
Ballistic - prohibited during therapeutic stretching, because it is performed with jerks and springy movements;

Static - the most effective and recommended type of stretching, its essence is to linger in one state or another for 15-60 seconds;

And, as you can see, if you want to improve your health, you need recovery, then it is better to choose a static type of stretching, while avoiding other types that involve sudden movements.

Also choose smooth gradual movements if you decide to practice at home.

The fact is that performing sudden movements without supervision, without a coach, you risk harming yourself.

The most effective stretching will be if it is carried out every day, performing each exercise for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise technique

Rule number one in stretching is power and relaxation, it is very difficult to pull a tense muscle.

The second thing to consider is posture. You should always have a straight back. Even if you are curled up and it seems impossible for you to straighten your back - stretch, try to keep your back straight. By hunching over, you reduce the elasticity of muscles and ligaments.

Third - avoid positions that provoke injury. For example, if you are bending down to try to touch the floor with your hands, then keep your knees straight, but bend them slightly at the knees as you straighten.

Also don't forget to breathe. Breathe evenly, do not hold your breath. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Take care of stretching symmetry- Having done the exercise on the right leg, repeat it on the left.

And most importantly - be sure to do it before stretching. warm-up exercises at least 10 minutes. It can be active walking, running, cycling, jumping.

So you will improve your result when stretching, because warmed up muscles are elastic muscles.

Moreover, this will warn you against injury in case of unsuccessful sudden movements during stretching.

The benefits of an active workout

By increasing the temperature during warm-up exercises, you will increase muscle plasticity.

This will allow them to contract and relax faster. Also increase performance.

Muscles will be more saturated with oxygen due to increased blood flow.

Due to the increased blood supply, the level of lactic acid in the body decreases, which will improve muscle function and reduce the sensation of pain.

Performing a warm-up before stretching will improve the cardiovascular activity of the body and this will allow you to perform more work.

Types of exercises for warming up muscles

There are three types of warm-up exercises:

Passive. These are ways to warm up the muscles through the influence external factors. For example, it can be a sauna, a hot shower, ointments.

Such methods are the least effective, since we do not involve vigorous activity muscles and joints.

Non-specialized. Such a warm-up covers a large group of muscles, while not preparing the body for certain loads.

Such activities include jogging and swimming - great way warm up before exercise. After all, we spend little effort, but the warm-up is strong enough.

Specialized. Warm-up, aimed at warming up those muscles that will be involved in the first place.

For example, before practicing kicks, the muscles of the legs are warmed up more capaciously. But before the fight, the emphasis in the warm-up warm-up is on the torso and arms.

This type of warm-up is the most effective, since the risk of injury is reduced and muscle performance is increased. It also improves neuromuscular coordination.

But before performing a specialized warm-up, you must perform a non-specialized one.

After performing a non-specialized warm-up before stretching, it is better to move on to specialized flexibility exercises. These can be joint rotations and dynamic, static stretching.

Any quality workout is preceded by a set of warm-up exercises. By gradually warming up the muscles, you prepare the body for the load, so that it does not experience tremendous stress. Be sure to do a warm-up, and then physical exercise will benefit.

How to properly warm up before a workout

This exercise helps to gently accelerate blood circulation, expand the amplitude of the joints, and prevent injuries. How to properly warm up before a workout:

  • Do simple exercises.
  • Set aside 10-15 minutes to warm up. If you are exercising in a cool room, you can increase the duration of this stage.
  • Start working out the upper body, gradually lowering down.
  • The warm-up before training at home should take place at a leisurely pace, but sufficient to warm up the muscles.

The main types of exercises

The warm-up before training the legs, arms, abdomen and back includes extremely simple exercises - various rotations, twists, squats, tilts, push-ups. Good way warm up quickly and effectively - run. You need to start with a leisurely walk, then increase the pace, and in the last 7-10 minutes of warming up, switch to running at an average speed. You use the maximum amount of muscle tissue, make the heart work faster, and speed up blood circulation. After such a warm-up before training at home, the body will be ready for a more serious load.

General warm up

Warm-up exercises before training can be grouped into the following groups:

  • Universal. Relevant before any physical activity. Such complexes are carried out on school lessons physical education, so they are known to everyone. The warm-up begins with turns and tilts of the head, then you need to move on to working out the shoulder girdle, arms, torso, hips, knees, ankles. The final stage of preparation - breathing exercises.
  • Special. The main difference before the universal program is the maximum warming up of the muscles that will work intensively during training. If this is a power load, tasks from the main complex are performed, but without weights.

At home, you can warm up like this: jump rope, walk in fast pace with knees high, go up and down the stairs. If you are going to train the press, twist the hoop. Before a long run, it is important to do one set of lunges, squats, push-ups, tilts. Stretch the femoral, calf muscles, be sure to rotate the knee joints and ankles.

Joint warm-up

This type of training helps to activate the joints, tendons and ligaments, improves their mobility, coordination, and works out the periarticular muscles. Often the complex acts as a full-fledged workout, it is so effective. It should be performed at home before strength training, fitness, yoga, cardio. What exercises to warm up the muscles before training are included in this complex? Examples:

  • Tilt your head back and forth, left and right. Head rotation.
  • Lateral slopes of the body.
  • Stretching the arms up and to the sides.
  • Rotations of the shoulders, forearms, hands, chest.
  • Twisting of the body, rotation of the pelvis, turns with the legs.
  • Lifting, bending-extension of the legs at the knees.
  • Ankle rotations.
  • Toe raises.

Stretching before workout

Harmonious weight loss and improvement of body shape at home is possible only with the implementation integrated program. Stretching in this case takes not last place. Often it is recommended to do it after a sports activity, but this type of activity is also good as a warm-up before training at home. In order for the exercises to give results, they should be performed with a certain amplitude. If the muscle tissue is weakly warmed up and stretched, there is a high probability of injury.

Before stretching, you need to perform a small set of warming movements. Everything must be done smoothly, pain should not be allowed. Feelings should be comfortable. After proper stretching, pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body and fatigue is not felt. If you want to sit on the splits, make it the goal of the main workout or cool down. When the muscles become "hot", perform dynamic stretching exercises:

  • Take as a basis the tasks from the general warm-up. When doing them at home, stay longer at the extreme top point and try to pull the muscle tissue as much as possible.
  • If necessary, help yourself with your hands, but without effort and jerks.
  • Sometimes at home it is difficult to give an adequate assessment of your progress and body position, so if possible, look in the mirror. This will allow you to see the main errors.
  • Effective warm-up exercises for women and men - swings, rotations with legs, arms, springy lunges (can be dangerous for beginners!). Start moving in small amplitude and gradually increase the angle of elevation.

An effective set of exercises for warming up at home

You can achieve excellent results not only in the gym. At home, it is quite possible to put yourself in order, even if you live in a multi-storey building with poor sound insulation and do not have auxiliary equipment. In this case, jumping and running in the apartment are not available, but you can warm up in another way. Remember and perform the following complex:

  1. Walking in place. Starting position: standing, arms pressed to the body, feet at a short distance from each other. Walk in place at an average pace for 3-4 minutes.
  2. Raise the knees to the level of the pelvis. Do 30 reps in 30 seconds.
  3. Squats - 15 times. Remember that the knees should not go beyond the socks, the emphasis should be on the heels. When lowering the body, take your buttocks back, and tilt your back slightly forward, keep your spine straight.
  4. Triceps stretch - 4-5 times on each side. Raise your arm, bend it at the elbow. Bring your forearm back. With the other hand, lightly press on the elbow, stretching the muscle.
  5. Shoulder rotation - 12 times forward, 12 times back.
  6. Stretching the pectoral muscles - 8-10 times. Put your hands behind your back, rest your hands on your lower back. Fingers should point down. Slightly push the pelvis, and push the chest forward.
  7. Stretching the back muscles - 6-8 times. Clasp your hands in the castle, put them in front of you. Round your back and stretch your arms forward.
  8. Stretching the thigh muscles - 5 times with a 5-second delay. Bend your knee and lift your foot up to the level of your buttocks. Hold the toe with your hand and gently stretch the muscle tissue.

Each guy or girl who has firmly decided to learn how to sit on a twine (longitudinal or transverse - in this case does not matter), you are probably familiar with numerous videos on YouTube, where this exercise is easily and naturally performed by professionals. But is it possible for a beginner to do this? And if so, how long will it take to train?

The answer to the first question is unequivocal - yes, it is possible. As for the second, the correct answer to it will sound like this: it all depends on your attitude to achieve the final result and how hard and intense your workouts will be. And remember - even prima Bolshoi Theater Be sure to warm up before stretching. And for beginners, a warm-up before stretching for a twine should include a whole range of exercises. And not just any - but allowing each muscle, ligament and joint to warm up efficiently and effectively, one way or another participating in the implementation of this position.

Is warming up for twine at home effective, and is it possible to sit on it without going to the gym? Of course - but only subject to compliance with all safety rules, and at the same time having thoroughly studied (for a start, at least theoretically - from articles, videos and photos) the entire step-by-step process of preparing for how to warm up the muscles before stretching for twine.

However, before proceeding to a direct description of how the warm-up is done before stretching, it is necessary to tell ... about psychology. Yes, it is about her - or rather, about how our brain and the nervous system controlled by it work.

The main problem for a person who has never done extreme stretching is that his legs, spine and whole body as a whole are accustomed to certain movement stereotypes from birth. After all, our usual step rarely exceeds 70-75 cm, and the angle of the spreading legs is hardly 60 °. Twine is three times more. And in order to sit on it, the correct "charging" of the brain is no less important than charging for the twine.

The fact is that when the “normal” (from the point of view of the brain) limits of muscle tension are significantly exceeded, he begins to perceive this as a danger and turn on a protective mechanism. In principle, this behavior of the nervous system is natural - after all, it is aimed at preventing torn ligaments. But the muscles at the same time "protest" and tend to return to a comfortable position for them. And we need to “calm” them - and, thus, allow them to slowly stretch to the desired length. How to do it? Of course, to relax internally - having learned to control this process in the same way as adepts of meditation teach in Eastern practices. Having learned to do it correctly, we will quickly develop the necessary flexibility in ourselves, after which the warm-up before the twine will turn into not only an easy, but also a pleasant thing.

Gradually, the body adapts to such a load - which means it will begin to perceive it as safe. It will become easier to stretch the ligaments, the sharp tension (as a natural defensive reaction) will go away, the muscle structure will change, and you will be completely ready to achieve the final result.

The level of muscle plasticity

From the point of view of physiology, there are three types of flexibility of the muscular corset.

  1. The first belongs to those lucky few who were awarded with incredible plasticity by nature itself. It is they who show the wonders of plasticity in circuses and at various shows, literally twisting into a ring and calmly absorbing the cake with a spoon clamped in the toes of the leg thrown over the head.
  2. The second type of flexibility is not innate, but acquired. It characterizes people who professionally know how to warm and stretch their muscles to the maximum possible limit for the body - primarily yogis, as well as ballerinas, acrobats, gymnasts, dancers and representatives of some other similar professions. Most of us are of this type.
  3. And only the third type - the so-called "wooden guys" - are practically unable to develop such skills in themselves due to congenital problems with the musculoskeletal system. Although they can achieve some success with regular homework.

Reade set Go!

Having received all the necessary theoretical information, let's move on to practical recommendations on how to warm up before stretching, and how to make this task easier for yourself.

Step #1. A selection of good music. Ideally, it is better to mix it at different tempos - more invigorating for initial, quick exercises, and calmer - when the main exercise is done for stretching. Choose styles according to your taste - from pop to Progressive House, or just take ready-made fitness-collections, specially written for stretching.

Step #2. Fully warm up. Here are suitable exercises for warming up the muscles before stretching, such as:

Step #3. The main part of the complex. The movements here are unhurried, but fixed for a long time in postures typical for the warm-up of gymnasts and yoga practitioners (deep tilts of the body to the outstretched leg, twisting, etc.).

Butterfly stretch

This type of stretch is a classic exercise to prepare for the splits. Why "butterfly"? Because the starting position is close to "", but at the same time, the legs bent at the knees and spread to the side begin to fluctuate up and down smoothly, resembling the flapping of butterfly wings.

How long to continue such a “flight”, which relaxes the muscles of the groin as much as possible? Experts recommend a duration of up to a minute at the initial stage of preparation, and at least two minutes (and with as much amplitude as possible) - at the stage of full readiness.

At the same time, breathing should be absolutely calm and even, the body should be relaxed, and thoughts should be bright.

The traditional "butterfly" can be complicated by introducing into the exercise lowering the body almost parallel to the floor, as low as possible. At the same time, the groin area relaxes in all directions - which is important for the ability to easily and safely sit in both transverse and longitudinal splits.

It doesn't hurt to remember a few more useful tips.

  • Morning hours are a great time for regular exercises, but stretching is easier to do in the evening (during the day, standard loads on the muscles warm up and partially stretch them naturally, and the effectiveness of the same movements becomes higher).
  • It is extremely important to choose sportswear that is comfortable for you and specially designed for such activities. The role is played by both the comfort of the suit and the material used for its tailoring - after all, the intensity of bending, lunging, jumping and running is very high. And for this you stop on leggings or loose-fitting sweatpants - it’s not so important.
  • Shoes. One, even the most versatile pair, is indispensable here. Since an intensive warm-up is best done in sneakers, and stretching - in ballet shoes, Czech shoes, or even just in socks or barefoot.
  • Warm bath. Sitting for at least 15 minutes in sufficiently hot water (if "these days" or other reasons do not interfere with this) means to guarantee excellent warming up of the muscles. Which will bring us one step closer to the cherished twine.

And some myths

Do not believe the myth that only young people can do splits. Yes, in adulthood it is more difficult to do this - but with regular training and perseverance, the result will definitely come!
