Is it easy to be tolerant essay. Composition: Do we need tolerance

Essay on the topic of

"Tolerance is the key to the survival of mankind"

Gergesova Victoria

10th class student

gymnasium No. 14



"National culture gains prominence

throughout the world only when the values ​​developed in it

become the achievement of all mankind.

Culture of peace, culture of interethnic communication -

the results of the centuries-old development of universal human history.

BUT. Lossky

In its broadest sense, the word "tolerance" (by the way, comes from the Latin tolerantia, that is, patience), means tolerance for other people's opinions and actions, the ability to treat them without irritation. In this sense, tolerance is a rare character trait. A tolerant person respects the beliefs of others, not trying to prove his exceptional rightness. In a narrower sense, the concept of "tolerance" is used in medicine. Here, tolerance is the ability of the body to endure the negative influences of the external environment without loss.

In fact, any belief - religious, political or cultural - can lead to intolerance if there is no doubt left about the infallibility of the ideas we believe in and the falsity of the views we challenge. Political freedom means that we have enough confidence in our political opponents to allow them to organize, campaign and form a new government. Economic freedom implies tolerance for competing economic interests. Competition contributes to the formation of a more harmonious community and stimulates the initiative of individuals and social groups.

The importance of this phenomenon in modern life so strong that in 1995 UNESCO adopted the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance, which includes respect, acceptance and proper understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality, harmony in diversity, focus on achieving peace and promoting the replacement of a culture of war the culture of the world.

Tolerance expresses the ability to establish and maintain commonality with people who differ from us in any respect. Of course, it must be borne in mind that there are limits to tolerance, i.e. the presence of certain moral limits that allow not to mix tolerant relations with permissiveness and indifference to the values ​​that feed convictions. Otherwise, one would have to agree with the definition of G.K. Chesterton: "Tolerance is a virtue of people who do not believe in anything."

"We unite in the same community with those who share our beliefs, or with those who speak the same language or have the same culture as us, or with those who belong to the same ethnic group. At the same time we tend to be hostile or fearful of "others" - those who are different from us.

We have been living in the 21st century for several years now. Progress, the economy, new computer systems - everything is in the service of man. It would seem that life should be more measured, more confident, more joyful.

But in modern society there is an active growth of aggressiveness, extremism, conflicts. Why? Perhaps we should return to the history of the development of human society, i.e. states that are separated by borders and regimes among themselves. And often they are at odds with each other. Each state has its own culture. The progress made by mankind in various fields has not led to a complete understanding between people. There is still a strong desire for absolute domination, the destruction of independence. This can be seen not only at the level of foreign and domestic policy of states, but also in everyday interpersonal communication. Mass destruction, killings, flows of refugees became real. And it's scary.

The strongest influence on human consciousness is exerted by various forms confrontation on ethnic grounds. Tolerance is a key problem for the whole world, an essential component free society and stable government.

The instability of society especially affects young people, who, due to their age abilities, are characterized by maximalism, the desire for quick solutions to social problems.

Teenagers have seen an increase in juvenile delinquency; the number of youth anti-social organizations is growing, in particular, those of an extremist nature, which involve inexperienced youth.

It seems to me that tolerance is that cultural orientation, the attitude of a person who lives in peace and harmony, in a country, family, school, class. Therefore, this implies that everyone has such human qualities as responsibility, benevolence, restraint, tolerance. Unfortunately, the spirit of intolerance towards another culture, way of life, beliefs, habits continues to exist in society. The school is no exception. Tolerance and its derivatives are given the main place in solving the problem of developing a culture of interethnic relations.

No wonder the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance, approved by UNESCO, was adopted. November 16 became the International Day for Tolerance. On December 31, 1999, Russia adopted a plan of measures for the formation of attitudes of tolerant consciousness and the prevention of extremism in our society. Without the formation of tolerance, movement towards a civilized society is impossible. Can the school prevent the spread of nationalist and racist sentiments. One answer: yes. It is the school that is one of the most important institutions for educating such a quality of the moral aspect as tolerance.

In Russian, there are two words with a similar meaning - "tolerance" and "tolerance". The term "tolerance" is used in medical sciences, and is also used in everyday speech, but it sounds like "tolerance" and means "the ability, ability to endure, put up with other people's opinions, be condescending to the actions of other people."

Thanks to the efforts of UNESCO in recent decades, the concept of "tolerance" has become an international term, the most important keyword in the problems of the world. IN modern society tolerance should become a consciously formed model of relations between people, peoples and countries. Therefore, we should educate in children precisely such an understanding of tolerance as the perception of the unity of mankind, the interdependence of all on each and each on all, respect for the rights of another (including the right to be different). This may happen in the near future if the concept of "tolerance" is firmly established in the family lexicon.

But besides all this, there are groups of people in the world who, on the one hand, reflect the diversity of life, but, on the other hand, are often perceived by the majority as antisocial phenomena. Criminals, drug addicts, representatives of sexual minorities - all these people are undoubtedly "other" in our society. How to treat them? Should tolerance be limitless, and should we be tolerant and indulgent in such cases? In this regard, another position is possible. One can live as if not noticing these facts, passing by them indifferently. Will such an attitude be tolerant? Or will active opposition to their spread be tolerant? Thus, the problem of the boundaries of tolerance is also a question of the boundaries between tolerance and indifference, indifference.

A country that does not take care of the clothes of children and youth has no future. And if there are no significant changes in the near future, we are doomed to extinction. In crisis conditions, young people are most prone to the collapse of ideals, the exacerbation of nihilism, and apathy. the value system is mobile, the worldview is not well-established, which leads to the loss of the moral and spiritual health of the nation.

Today, we often hear from TV screens, from leading politicians, the "new" word "tolerance," unknown to us until recently. Maybe this is the influence of fashion, but I sincerely wish that a tolerant attitude towards others will become the same natural need of a modern person as communication. And so I believe that parents should be among the first to develop a tolerant attitude towards others. Modern children are quite early actively involved in adult life master various social roles.

And their global life orientation depends on how they will relate to the world as a whole, to themselves and others in this world. The position of tolerance and trust is the basis for making the choice of future generations in favor of peace, not war, peaceful coexistence of mankind, not conflicts. The rooting of the spirit of tolerance in the family, the formation of attitudes towards it as the most important value of society will be a significant contribution of family education to the development of a culture of peace on earth.

Essay on a theme

"Tolerance - the mortgage of survival of mankind"

The author of an essay:

Gergesova Victoria

The student of 10”V” form

Of gymnasium no. 14

Ulan-Ude City


« The national culture becomes popular

All over the world only when the values ​​developed in it,

Become an achievement of all mankind.

Culture of the world, culture of interethnic dialogue-

Results of centuries-old development of universal history".

N. O. Lossky

In the wide sense a word "tolerance" (by the way, occurs from latin tolerantia, that is the patience), means tolerance to another "s opinions and acts, ability to concern to them without irritation. In this sense tolerance is a rare character trait. The tolerant person respects with belief of others, not trying to prove the exclusive correctness. Here tolerance is an ability of an organism lost-free to transfer negative influences of an environment.

Actually any belief - religious, political or cultural - can lead to intolerance if does not remain any doubt in infallibility of ideas in which we trust, and in falsity those sights which are challenged by us. The political freedom assumes that we sufficiently trust our political opponents to allow them to be organized, conduct an elective campaign and to generate the new government. Economic freedom assumes tolerance to competing economic interests. The competition promotes the formation of more harmonious community and stimulates the initiative of individuals and social groups.

Importance of this phenomenon in a modern life is so strong, that in 1995 of UNESCO the Declaration of principles of the tolerance including respect, acceptance and correct understanding of rich variety of cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of displays of human individuality, harmony in variety, an orientation on achievement of the world and assistance to replacement of culture of war has been accepted by culture of the world.

Tolerance expresses ability to establish and keep a generality with the people differing us in any attitude. Certainly, thus it is necessary to mean, that there are borders of tolerance, i.e. presence of the certain moral limits, allowing to not mix tolerant attitudes with permissiveness and indifference to the values ​​feeding belief. Otherwise it should to agree with G.K.Chestertona"s definition: "Tolerance is a virtue of people which in what do not trust".

" We are united in one generality with those who divides our belief, or with those who talks in the same language or has the same culture, as we, or with those who belongs to the same ethnic group. At the same time we are inclined hostilely or with fear to concern to "another" - that who differs from us "

Here some years we live in XXI century. Progress, the economy, new computer systems - all on service of the person. It would Seem, the life should be more measuredly, more confidently, more joyfully.

But in a modern society active growth of aggression, extremism, conflicts. Why? Probably it is necessary to return to history of development of a human society, i.e. the states which are divided by borders and modes among themselves. And often they resist each other. At each state - the culture. The progress has been reached by mankind in various areas, has not led to the most mutual understanding between people. On former the aspiration to absolute domination, destruction of independence is strong. It is visible not only at a level external and internal policy of the states, but also daily interpersonal dialogue. Mass destruction, murders, streams of refugees became real. And it is terrible.

Especially strong influence on human consciousness is rendered with various forms of confrontation on ethnic ground. Tolerance is a key problem for all world, an essential component of a free society and a stable state system.

Instability of a society especially mentions youth which by virtue of age abilities is peculiar maximalism, aspiration to fast decisions of social problems.

Among teenagers growth of teenage criminality is visible; the quantity of the youth antisocial organizations, in particular, having an extremist character where the unsophisticated youth is involved grows.

It seems to me, that tolerance is that cultural orientation, the attitude of the person which lives in peace, in the country, family, school, a class. Hence, it assumes presence at everyone such human qualities, as the responsibility, goodwill, restraint, tolerance. Unfortunately, the spirit of intolerance to other culture, a way of life, beliefs, habits continues to exist in a society. Is not exception and school. Tolerances and to its derivatives the main place is allocated at the decision of a problem of development of culture of interethnic attitudes.

The Declaration of principles of the tolerance approved by UNESCO has not been without reason accepted. On November, 16th became the International day of tolerance. On December, 31st, 1999 Russia has accepted a plan of measures on the formation of installations of tolerant consciousness and preventive maintenance of extremism in our society. Without the formation of tolerance movement to a civilized society is impossible. Whether the school can interfere with distribution of nationalist and racist moods. The answer one: yes. The school is one of the major institutes of education of such quality of moral aspect as tolerance.

In Russian there are two words with similar meaning - "tolerance" and "tolerance". The term "tolerance" is used in medical sciences, and also used in ordinary speech, but "tolerance" sounds and means "ability, skill to suffer, be reconciled with another"s opinion, to be indulgent to acts of other people ".

Owing to the efforts of UNESCO in the last decades, the concept of "tolerance" has become the international term, the major keyword in a problematics of the world. In a modern society, tolerance should become meaningfully formed model of mutual relations of people, people and the countries. Therefore we should bring up at children such understanding of tolerance, as perception of unity of mankind, interdependence of all from everyone and everyone from everything, respect of the rights of another (including the rights to be other). It can occur in the near future if the concept "tolerance" will be included strongly into a family lexicon.

But, except for all it, in the world there are groups of people which, on the one hand, reflect variety of a life, but, on the other hand, are quite often perceived by the majority as the antisocial phenomena. Criminals, addicts, representatives of sexual minority - all these people, undoubtedly, are "others" in our society. How to concern them? Whether there Should be a tolerance boundless, and we - tolerant and indulgent in such cases? In this connection one more position is possible. It is possible to live, as though not noticing these facts, indifferently passing by them. Whether there will be a similar attitude tolerant? Or active counteraction to their distribution will be tolerant? Thus, the problem of borders of tolerance is also a question on borders between tolerance and indifference, indifference.

The country in which do not care of children and youth, has no future. And if in the near future there will be no essential changes, we are doomed to extinction. In crisis conditions are most of all subject to collapse of ideals, an aggravation of nihilism, apathy youth since the system of values ​​is mobile, outlook not settled, that leads to loss of moral and spiritual health of the nation.

Today we quite often hear from telescreens, from leading politicians a word "new" and unfamiliar to us until recently "tolerance". Perhaps this influence of a fashion, but sincerely I wish that the tolerant attitude to another became the same needs of nature of the modern person, as a dialogue. And consequently I consider that parents one of the first should develop in themselves the tolerant attitude to another. Modern children it is early enough to actively join in an adult life, master various social roles.

And their global vital orientation depends on how they will concern to the world as a whole, to itself and another in this world. The position of tolerance and trust is a basis for the realization of a choice of the future generations in favor of the world, instead of war, peaceful co-existence of mankind, instead of conflicts. Rooting in family of spirit of tolerance, formation of the attitude to it as to the major value of a society will be the significant contribution of family education to development of culture of the world on the ground.

What is tolerance, probably, not everyone knows. In general, this word is interpreted in the Russian dictionary - as the ability to be tolerant, condescending to the actions of other people, readiness for reconciliation. Any person should be tolerant towards another. He must always evaluate his actions and be responsible for them. To become a tolerant person, you must first develop your spiritual world, evaluate it. With us, with students of the 10th "B" class, the psychologist of the school Kumpan Lyudmila Ivanovna, conducted a training on tolerance. At the very beginning, the meaning of this term was explained to us. Next, we were asked to imagine the situation that creatures from outer space flew to us and divided our class into two layers of people: “brown-eyed” and “blue-eyed” Provided that the “brown-eyed” are smart and occupy the highest positions in the state, and the “blue-eyed” with low they have nothing with intellect and must obey the "brown-eyed". Half of the class, which represented the "brown-eyed", were asked to work out the laws by which this state would live. In this game, the “brown-eyed” forgot about the topic of the training and introduced laws that deprived the “blue-eyed” of the most elementary rights and freedoms. Even in the game, the "blue-eyed" experienced a sense of humiliation, resentment and anger towards the "brown-eyed" and to the roles provided, and the "brown-eyed" feelings of pride, joy and superiority. At the end of the training, when the psychologist reminded about tolerance, it was clear that the provocative situation made us forget about it. “Some kind of” aliens imposed their will on us, manipulated us and forced us to adopt rather cruel laws. After the training, we wanted to be better: respect the other, show generosity, be condescending, gentle, tolerant. Life will provide us with various difficult situations from which we need to get out with dignity, not to allow ourselves to be manipulated, adhering to our own opinions and choices. From this training we learned big lesson and the mistakes that were made, we will try not to repeat again.

What is tolerance?

To answer this question, let's understand this concept. Tolerance is tolerance and respect for culture, behavior and ethnic background acceptance of other people's values ​​and ideals. It would seem that this is a very important and necessary phenomenon, but in modern society the concept of tolerance has been "turned on its head." Today, tolerance covers many immoral aspects of life. Although its initial signs were the rejection of violence and respect for a foreign culture, ethnic group.

To prove this, let us recall the novel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". Staff Captain Maksim Maksimych, who for a long time serves in the Caucasus, knows the language of the highlanders well, respects their customs and mores.

He is very kind, responsive and honest. The staff captain believes in the friendship of peoples, which is made up of respect for foreign culture, and, naturally, friendly people reciprocate. Thus, we see that Maksim Maksimych's tolerance helps him peacefully coexist with other people.

But tolerance does not always help to improve relations with others. In Andrey Platonov's story "Yushka" main character Efim, nicknamed "Yushka", suffers constant bullying from those around him. Children and adults offend him, beat him, throw stones at him. But the hero is not offended by them, believing that in this way others show "blind love" to him. Thus, we see that Yushka's tolerance borders on unhealthy altruism and hinders rather than helps him.

Summing up what has been said, we can conclude: tolerance is a very important phenomenon, manifested in respect and tolerance for a foreign culture and ethnic group. But its basis must be reciprocity, otherwise tolerance will turn into unhealthy altruism.

Updated: 2018-04-17

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Useful material on the topic

What is tolerance? A lesson in preparing for writing-reasoning in the 8th grade at moral and ethical theme. the presentation was prepared by Smirnova O.A. teacher MOU Luchinnikovskaya oosh

Lesson Objectives

  • Goals:
  • Educational:
  • 1. To acquaint students with the concept of "tolerance", with the main features of a tolerant and intolerant personality.
  • 2. Clarify the meanings of the words of the thematic group “tolerance”.
  • 3. Repeat the material about writing-reasoning.
  • Developing:
  • 1. To form the ability to define the concept of “tolerance”, to distinguish between the features of a tolerant and intolerant personality.
  • 2. To form the ability to determine the meanings of the words of the thematic group “tolerance”.
  • 3. Consolidate the ability to build a reasoning text.
  • Educational:
  • 1. To instill in students a sense of kindness and responsibility, self-respect and respect for others.
  • Equipment: on the board - a poster with the image of a bright sun, a tape recorder, a computer.

Let's start with a fairy tale...

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Love. She was bored

to live in the world without a girlfriend. So she turned to the old

to a gray-haired wizard who lived a hundred years: - Help me, grandfather,

choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her all the time

my God-given life.

The magician thought and said: - Come to me tomorrow morning, when the first birds sing and the dew has not dried yet. . .

In the morning, when the scarlet sun illuminated the earth, Love came to the agreed

place… She came and saw: there were five beautiful girls, one more beautiful than the other.

Take your pick, said the wizard. - One is called Joy, the other is Luck, the third is Beauty, the fourth is Sorrow, the fifth is Kindness.

They are all beautiful, said Love. - I don't know who to choose. . .

Your truth, - the wizard answered, - they are all good, and you will meet them in your life, and maybe you will be friends, but choose one of them. She will be your friend for the rest of your life.

Love came closer to the girls and looked into the eyes of each. Love thought.

Love approached a girl named Kindness and held out her hand ...

V. Hugo wrote: "In inner world human kindness is the sun.”

We will take these words as an epigraph to our lesson. Today we have a lesson in the development of speech, in which we are preparing for an essay.

What proverbs, poems about kindness do you know?

  • Kindness without reason is empty.
  • A good deed nourishes both the soul and the body.
  • A good person lives in goodness for a century.
  • Kindness never loses its dignity.

We read poems about kindness.

When on the slopes of eternal vanity

You will get tired of running from failures fiercely,

guide the steps

And joy help to find someone. (I. Romanov)

No matter how life flies -

Do not regret your days

Do a good deed

For the happiness of people.

To make the heart burn

And not smoldering in the mist,

Do a good deed

That's how we live on earth. (A. Lesnykh)

What makes a person kind? What kind of person can be kind? write down)

Kindness makes a person charming, beautiful. A person who has kindness in his soul looks pleasant, he has an expression of joy and peace on his face and a sweet smile on his lips ...

Only one who is always kind to people, who thinks not only about himself, but also about others can be kind ...


  • A modern cultured person is not only an educated person, but a person who has a sense of self-respect and is respected by others. Tolerance is considered a sign of high spiritual and intellectual development of an individual, group, society as a whole.

How the word “tolerance” is defined in different languages the globe.

In English, the willingness to be tolerant, indulgent

In Spanish, it means the ability to recognize ideas or opinions that are different from one's own.

In Chinese - allow, accept, be generous towards others

In French, an attitude in which it is accepted that others may think or act differently from oneself.

In Arabic - forgiveness, indulgence, gentleness, mercy, compassion, favor, patience

In Russian, forgiveness, condescension, gentleness, mercy, compassion, benevolence, patience, disposition towards others, the ability to tolerate something or someone (to be patient, enduring, persistent, to be able to put up with the existence of something, someone

Work with text.

The young man and his girlfriend were walking around the city. An ill-dressed elderly man was sitting on the curb. A tattered bag lay beside him. He groaned softly, and there were tears in his eyes.

Wait, I'll go to him, - said the girl.

It is dirty, you will catch an infection, - the young man answered, squeezing her hand.

Let go. You see, his leg is broken. Look, he's got blood on his pants.

What about us? He himself is to blame.

Let go of my hand, you're hurting me. He needs help.

I tell you: he himself is to blame for everything. You have to work, but he begs, steals, drinks. Why help him?

I'll still come, - the girl pulled out her hand.

I won't let you. You are my girlfriend and do not dare to communicate with "anyone". Let's get out of here, - he tried to take her away.

You know what, I... How can you? He's in pain! It hurts, you understand? No, you don't understand!

The girl pushed the boy away and approached the man. The boy tried again to hold her back. She shook her hand decisively.

What's wrong with you? she asked the man. - What's wrong with your leg?

I broke it. . . I have blood. I don't know what to do and where is the hospital in this city. I'm not from here. It's too painful for me.

Now. Let me take a look. Be patient. You need to call an ambulance.

Thank you lady, thank you. . .

Listen, - the girl turned to young man, who approached them, - do you have a “mobile phone”?

The guy was silent. The girl looked at him inquiringly and suddenly felt the disgust that emanated from his whole posture, look. . . She got up and approached the boy.

Get out! Never call me again and don't come! I don't want to know you anymore.

Can you really do this because of some homeless, alcoholic? Silly! You'll regret it.

The girl shrugged and dropped to her knees again. The guy walked away.

You have an open fracture,” she said. - I'm going to call the doctor. Be patient, - she quickly went to the telephone booth.

Young woman! - the man called out to her - Thank you! The girl turned around and smiled. You will definitely find your happiness.

  • Why did the young man refuse to help?
  • - What would you do in this case?
  • What do you usually do when you see that a person needs help?

Conclusion: Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. If we are attentive to any person, be it a random fellow traveler, a vagabond, a friend, this will be a manifestation of kindness.

Divide the words into "tolerance" and "intolerance"

  • Respect for the opinions of others
  • Misunderstanding
  • Ignoring
  • benevolence
  • Wanting to do something together
  • selfishness
  • Irritability
  • Indifference
  • Cynicism
  • Sensitivity, curiosity
  • Condescension
  • Confidence
  • Humanism
  • Intolerance
  • neglect
  • Understanding and acceptance

Create a cinquain




tolerant indulgent

Accepts disposes forgives

Tolerance promotes respect for the individual


Responsive soulful

Supports Helps Ennobles

Kindness will save our world


Essay-reasoning scheme

I. Main idea (thesis).

II. Proof:

III. Conclusion.

Auxiliary clichés in defining the topic

  • 1. ... - this is the topic that the author of the text refers to.
  • 2. This article is about...
  • 3. The author refers to hot topic- topic...
  • 4. This text is about…

Having defined the topic formulate problem text (the problem of the text is a question that the author thinks about).

  • 1. … ? The author of the text thinks about this question.
  • 2. The author is interested in the question: ...
  • 3. …? The author of the text proposes to reflect on this problem.

  • 1. The author leads the reader to the idea that ...
  • 2. The idea of ​​the text is as follows:
  • 3. ... - this is the main idea of ​​the text.
  • 4. Solving the problem, the author comes to the following conclusion:
  • 5. The purpose of the author of the text is to convince the reader that ...

Cliches to help you start composing ie

  • 1. When you read this text, you imagine (think, feel, experience, understand, etc.) ...
  • 2. Probably, each of us once (thought, thought, observed, felt) ... After reading the text, I again (introduced, remembered, thought, etc.)

Cliches to help formulate own position

  • 1. One cannot but agree with the author that ...
  • 2. You can argue with the author:
  • 3. The author is right that ... however, his thought about ... is questionable

How to finish an essay ?

  • We end the essay-reasoning with an expression of our own attitude to the author's position. Proving our own opinion, we must give at least three arguments (providing evidence, you can refer to your life and reading experience). When expressing our own position, we observe correctness: for example, in case of disagreement with the author, one should not write “the author is wrong”, it is better to use the expression “it is difficult to agree with the author”.

  • Homework:
  • - Write an essay at home: “What is tolerance?” or
  • Essay on Mercy.

Epilogue lesson... Chinese I parable..

Good family":

There lived a family. She was not easy. There were over 100 people in this family. And she occupied the whole village. So they lived with the whole family and the whole village. You will say: so what, you never know big families in the world. But the fact is that the family was special - peace and harmony reigned in this family and, therefore, in the village. No quarrels, no swearing, no, God forbid, fights and strife.

The rumor about this family reached the ruler of the country. And he decided to check if people are telling the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: all around was cleanliness, beauty, prosperity and peace. Good for children, calm for old people. The lord was surprised. I decided to find out how the villagers achieved such a harmony, I came to the head of the family; tell us, they say, how you achieve such harmony and peace in your family. He took a sheet of paper and began to write something. He wrote for a long time - apparently, he was not very strong in writing. Then he handed the sheet to Vladyka. He took the paper and began to sort out the old man's scribbles. Dismantled with difficulty and was surprised. Three words were written on paper: a hundred times love, a hundred times forgiveness, a hundred times patience. Vladyka read it, scratched, as usual, behind his ear, and asked: “Is that all?”

Yes, - the old man answered, - this is the basis of the life of any good family.

Your class is like a small family. And so try to keep it always kindness, respect, mutual understanding reigned.

Thank you all for the lesson.

the presentation was prepared by Smirnova O.A. teacher MOU Luchinnikovskaya oosh

In preparing the lesson, I used the material

Vodopyanova A.B.

MOU "Secondary School No. 2", Yasnoy

Orenburg region.
