Learn to draw anime step by step. How to draw yourself in anime style? detailed lesson

Even without having art education, you can create unique anime characters at home! In this article, MirSovetov will describe the main anime drawing techniques, and you will see how simple and exciting it is.

Anime history

Initially, anime was positioned as stories in pictures. The most ancient archaeological finds Japanese culture testify that the foundations of anime originated long before the advent of animation and printed craft. In the tombs of ancient Japanese rulers, drawings are still found, the structure and ideology of which clearly resembles the classic anime.

Creator modern style anime and manga are considered to be Osamu Tezuka. He created his own unique style, which fell in love with people around the world, and became an example to follow. Behind long years his creative activity Osamu drew more than 500 comics, some of which were not limited to a couple of pages, but took up to 5 volumes! He was a true comic book fan. Obsessed with passion for anime, Tezuka passed on his emotions to artists around the world and left a great legacy that lives on to this day.

Unlike many other cultures, Japanese animation is not afraid of losing its identity and is constantly borrowing artistic techniques other peoples. Despite this, anime only becomes more diverse and rich, while remaining a unique and recognizable style. It is so firmly rooted that even if Japanese animators try to create something purely "European", they fail to get away from the traditional manner of anime.

Style Features

The main feature that distinguishes the anime style from other comics styles is the developed symbolic graphics, which allows you to display the most complex human emotions with just a few strokes. The smallest nuances convey the character of the hero, tell his story ... In this anime, it looks like ancient Eastern drawing techniques, when one line could tell the viewer the whole story.

One of the most important distinguishing features anime is the image of the eyes. Their size and degree of brilliance indicate how young the hero is - the younger the character, the larger and brighter his eyes.

The growth of the hero also plays an important role. Tall and stately figures indicate that this is a bold and courageous character, and caricature-small size is a sign of youth and childishness.

Western comics tend to focus on superhero stories and fantasy. Anime is not limited to fiction, but covers the full spectrum human life. Among the anime stories there are fairy tales, historical chronicles, horrors, dramas. This is a full-fledged genre that is open to any subject. It follows that target audience are not only children and adolescents, but also adults.

Drawing a girl's face

Anyone can become a professional anime artist, regardless of the level of artistic skill. All you need is practice and patience. All drawing is carried out in pencil, and only the final contours are made with a pen, marker or ink. You can color the drawing with watercolors or with the help of graphic editor if you prefer to draw on a tablet.

Draw a circle and divide it in half with a vertical line. This is necessary for the symmetrical display of facial features. Over time, you can draw a vertical line in different variations depending on the type of face and the turn of the head.

Slightly above the middle of the circle, draw a horizontal line to indicate the location of the character's eyes. Again, depending on the type of face, the position of the eyes may vary. Since you are drawing a girl, her eyes will be large (young character). This important point, which should always be kept in mind when drawing anime.

Pupils also play a big role. Large pupils with a few flashes indicate that the character is surprised or delighted, and wide open eyes with tiny pupils denote horror and fear.

Draw the details of the girl's face. The nose is usually straight and slightly pointed, the mouth is small with narrow lips. Boys have bigger noses than girls. If the character is joyful, the nose is drawn a little higher than it should be and make it more rounded.

Eyebrows are a powerful tool for expressing emotions, as in real life as well as in anime comics. If the character is angry, they will have slanted eyebrows. Raised eyebrows reflect astonishment, straight eyebrows - indifference, etc.

Draw the hair. Here you can show all your imagination, because there are no special rules for drawing hair in anime. The hairstyles of the characters, as well as the structure of the hair, can be very diverse and unusual!

Finish the drawing by drawing the outlines with paint or ink. Traditionally, anime artists use watercolor or natural ink for this.

eye drawing

Eyes are the most important means of expression in the art of drawing anime. Before you start inventing characters, learn how to draw eyes. Pay special attention to this, because the slightest mistake can ruin your drawing or convey the wrong mood of the hero. By and large, if you learn how to draw anime eyes, then you have practically mastered this interesting science!

Despite the clear rules graphic image eye, there are no strict patterns that can be applied to a particular character. The eyes can be with or without eyelashes, with one glare or with a scattering of small reflections, with a round iris or without it at all.

When depicting eyes, you can show all your imagination, but you should remember a few simple rules:

  • the bigger the eyes, the younger the character;
  • a large number of highlights indicates the "openness" of the hero to the world;
  • men's eyes are narrower and smaller, and unlike women's.

Drawing any eye can be divided into several standard steps:

  1. First sketch out the eyeball according to the proportions of the face.
  2. Draw a line of the upper and lower eyelids, create an eye section. The wider the eyes, the more naive and "childish" the character will appear.
  3. Draw an iris in accordance with the direction of the hero's gaze.
  4. Draw eyebrows. The shape of the eyebrows can be chosen as you wish, but remember that men's and women's eyebrows are significantly different. The position of the eyebrows on the face (high, low, oblique, straight) creates the mood and character of the hero.
  5. Finish the details - a highlight on the pupil, eyelashes, etc.
  6. Erase the guide lines and enjoy the result!

Particular attention should be paid to glare. They can be located on the iris itself, or they can cross it. Highlights are not only bright white, but also translucent, with clear or blurry borders. The brighter and thicker the outline of the iris and pupil, the more expressive your character's eye will be. Try to draw different types eye and choose the one you like the most!

Anime is a special Japanese drawing technique. Drawings in this style differ from other genres, primarily in the way the face and eyes are drawn. Eat different types anime, such as comics or manga. It also includes the popular cartoon about Pokemon. Pokemon in a large number, but Pikachu is considered the main one, with its owner. Drawing characters in this genre is quite exciting, because the picture comes out with a contrast, even if you draw with a regular pencil. Drawing anime eyes and face is not difficult, because the eyes are usually always large, and the oval of the face can be approximated. Characters in this genre always have colorful bright clothes, with fairly simple elements, which makes the drawing process easier. The main thing is that the colors look juicy and bright. Even if you create with a simple pencil, it is worth making the picture very contrasting, with almost no penumbra. In this article for beginners, you will learn how to draw anime step by step with a simple pencil.

Initial contours of a guy in anime style

When you draw any picture in stages, it is necessary at the first stage to correctly mark the outline of your drawing. To draw a boy, you first need to draw his main contours.

To make it easier for you, make the primary outline of rectangular figures that fit the body parts. First a rectangle for the head, below a contour for the neck. Lower 2 arcs from it, they will indicate the shoulders. From the left shoulder line, take another line, which in the future will be the boy's hand. Draw a circle on the edge of the arm line, it will indicate the elbow. Then continue to draw the hand using rectangles and simple lines. At the end right line shoulder, draw a circle for the elbow, and then draw lines from it with a rectangle for the brush. And now you can roughly outline the details of the costume of your drawing.

Draw an oval face

The face shape in the anime genre is like a rectangle that is connected to a triangle. You need to draw and then connect these two shapes, and then delete the line that formed after joining. As a result, you will have an oval face, with a sharply narrowed chin. At this stage, you can add some details of the costume.

Adding more details to the picture

Now with an eraser you can remove all unnecessary contours and start detailing them. On the lines that you got, draw the final shape of the face. Then, on top of the face, draw an arc-shaped visor, with a round base for a cap. Now draw the ears and next to them triangles that will represent the hair. Starting from the sleeve, outline the arm along the previous contour. Then you need to select the legs and draw a collar. In the right hand we will draw a Pokémon. To do this, draw a rectangle for the body and a circle for the head. If the picture at this stage has exact proportions, then the hardest part is over.

The final stage of the drawing

At this stage, you need to learn how to decorate images with details, the main of which are the eyes and face. This is where the face should start. Make the eyes of a large elongated shape with large black pupils. Draw the mouth in the form of an inverted triangle, and the mouth is tiny. This technique is used to give the face of people the shapes and proportions of anime.

Now add small parts clothes: belt, pockets, buttons. Don't forget the t-shirt. Draw the gloved hands from the rectangles on the hands. Then “turn” the triangles for the hair into the hair itself. With an eraser from the outline for Pikachu, remove the excess and draw a regular face, which consists of circles. Add tail, arms and ears.

Paint the resulting image

Well, in the end, make the picture contrasting and bright. Sharp, vibrant colors are main feature drawings in this style. You can shade the image with a simple soft pencil, just add contrasting, bright shadows.

Video lessons

Japanese comics (manga) and cartoons (anime) are a huge layer of culture with their own traditions and rules. Anime characters are easily recognizable, and millions of fans of this trend visual arts scattered throughout the world.

We will talk about how to draw manga and anime correctly and beautifully in a series of our lessons. In the first lesson we will start with the very basics of drawing.

Movement is life

Anime and manga are impossible without dynamics. Each episode is characterized by a certain event and a certain movement. When you are going to draw your anime character, first of all think about what pose he should take in the drawing. Don't try to draw "from memory" or as you "see fit". Manga is not only (and not always) big eyes, this is, first of all, a clear correspondence to the "real world". You will definitely need examples. Take similar images from other works, or use a large mirror in which to pose for yourself. Try different angles before moving on to the final sketch.

Basics of drawing. Create a hero figure

As you may know from the lesson "", the height of a person is on average seven and a half of his "heads". Because anime heroes are still some kind of heroes, then their height, as a rule, is 8 or more “heads”. Thus, our heroes are more expressive. The rest of the proportions of the body are identical to the proportions of a person.

At the first stage of drawing, we only create a mannequin of our future character, which looks more like an articulated doll than another lord of the elements.

From frame to overall structure

So, let's try to give more specific features to our character. For convenience, let's take the simplest pose. Designate the muscles, put small ovals at the articulation points. Please note that the wrists and the very bottom of the legs remained sticks. The torso is also not fastened to the legs.

Finishing the contours

Now we will finally form the contours of the body. Carefully draw slightly curved lines that completely form the image of our hero. The smoothness of the lines is extremely important. Any angles will create the effect of mechanicalness and unnaturalness.

Gum is our everything

Gently wipe all auxiliary lines. As you can see, we have a man. If you want to portray a woman, then in addition to a pronounced chest, you also need to make her wider hips and a thinner waist, giving her an hourglass shape. According to manga canon, women have narrower shoulders and slimmer necks. Often, a woman's legs are drawn in such a way as to further emphasize the hourglass shape.

So, wipe off all unnecessary details. Feel free to clean up the bumps. Our body is ready for detailing.


The "stick-stick-cucumber" approach that we have used in general and in this tutorial is a very convenient way for beginners to learn different poses and draw their characters correctly in the required position. Once you get comfortable with this articulated method, you can later draw characters by skipping this step. Practice drawing the various positions of the characters by drawing, for example, the figures as in the picture above.

IN next lessons We will continue our step-by-step review of the basics of drawing anime and manga.

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In that detailed photo lesson you will learn how to draw own anime character with a simple pencil on paper step by step. The lesson consists of 15 photo steps.

How to draw your own anime character step by step

  • Step 1

    To begin with, let's analyze the position of the head in three quarters a little. Drawing anime characters usually starts with axes. On line 13, the nose and mouth should be located, between lines 11 the eyes, in a circle 18, a place for the ear

  • Step 2

    Now let's analyze the profile side view. Everything is simple here, between lines 11 there will be eyes, on line 18 - mouth, above this line - nose, circle 18 - place for the ear

  • Step 3

    Above, I have analyzed 2 positions of the face, but still they are more difficult to draw than full face (IMHO), so let's start with it. The first thing we do is draw a circle

  • Step 4

    This step will be more difficult, we need to draw a chin, mark lines 11 and 13, you can also mark where you will have eyes, the distance between the eyes is approximately equal to the size of the eye, pay attention to this.

  • Step 5

    In this step we draw the eyes, mouth, nose and eyebrows of our character.

  • Step 6

    Some people are not good at drawing eyes, so I took them apart in detail. female eyes:

  • Step 7

    Male eyes:

  • Step 8

    In this step, we draw the ears of our character, Also at this stage, you can correct the line of the chin

  • Step 9

    Here are some examples of ears: 1.Regular.2. Ear of a vampire (demon) 3-4. These are elven ears.5.Dog.6. Feline.

  • Step 10

    We draw hair to our character. They should be located above the line of the head.

  • Step 11

    Types of hairstyles:

  • Step 12

    I think you have no problem drawing straight hair, so let's look at curly hair:

  • Step 13

    Now we can circle our character with a black pen/marker/pencil

  • Step 14

    You can also color it however you like.

  • Step 15

    Apart from female character you can draw a male, it is drawn in almost the same way. (The chin in men is more elongated than in women)

The concept of "anime" comes from Japanese cartoons, but nowadays it is taking on a wider meaning. The word "anime" refers to cartoons, comics, characters, drawing techniques and much more. Fans of this style create groups in in social networks, on specialized forums they discuss how to learn to draw anime for a person who does not have the talent of an artist.

It is known that Japanese anime cartoons are aimed at teenage and adult audiences.

Although anime appeared relatively recently, namely, at the beginning of the 20th century, certain laws have developed in the drawing technique that are closely related to the traditions of Japanese art.

The characteristic features of the visual in general, as well as cartoons and comics in particular, are the planar orientation and graphic images.

To understand how to learn how to draw anime without artistic skills, you need to think in general terms.

One of the main rules is sketchiness. have a round face, large eyes, small mouth and nose. There are schemes on how to draw anime, namely: body parts, emotions, movements. All this is strictly regulated.

The second rule is planar orientation. The anime image should not be voluminous. a clear contour, there are only falling shadows that do not create much volume.

Similar laws of the image of people have existed in the traditional graphics and painting of Japan for many millennia.

Since anyone can learn how to draw anime, all you need is a desire.

How to learn how to draw anime girls, step by step instructions will tell in detail.

Start drawing anime with a pencil. Spend even circle, divide it into four equal segments with vertical and horizontal lines. vertical line help draw the nose, and the horizontal line - the lines of the eyes, eyebrows and lips. Divide the bottom half of the circle into four equal parts. The first is the eyebrow line, the second is the upper lash line, the third is the lower lash line.

Draw the chin. The distance between the lower edge of the circle and the bottom of the chin should be equal to a quarter of the diameter of the circle. Sketch out the eyebrows, eyes, line of the mouth and nose.

Draw the ears. The top of each ear should not be higher than the midline of the eyes, but should end slightly above the line of the mouth. Draw the eye, highlighting the highlights. Underline the upper eyelids with thin lines.

Draw a neck of harmonious length. The top hairline should be slightly higher than the initially drawn circle. With graceful strokes, emphasize the bangs and lush hair that goes down to the shoulders.

Draw strands of hair and a shadow under the chin with a pencil.

Draw the entire image in detail. Highlight the eyes, leaving white highlights.

You can color the anime drawn with a pencil with watercolor or gouache. Once you've completely finished the anime in color, let it dry completely. Then draw along the pencil lines with black gel pen or rapidograph.

How to learn to draw anime for a person who has never picked up a pencil or brush? Using traditional schemes for anime will not only make a beautiful image, but also learn the basic laws of this style.
