Pig Man (Boar) - Cat Woman (Rabbit). Rabbit man (Cat) and Pig woman (Boar) compatibility

Based on the eastern horoscope, the compatibility of Pig and Rabbit is ideal. Throughout their life together, partners do not stop developing and improving themselves. They support each other in all endeavors without demanding anything in return.

Characteristics of the Rabbit

The Rabbit's character is dominated by the following character traits:

  • love of conservatism and peace;
  • caution and protection from troubles;
  • good imagination and friendliness;
  • non-strategic thinking.

For representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope, it is important not to leave their own comfort zone. It happens that they give up prospects in order to continue to live in a calm way.

Characteristics of the Boar

If we consider the character of the Pig, we note traits that help her in life.

  1. Honesty. Such people rarely lie and only in cases where they want to maintain a relationship with a person.
  2. Nobility.
  3. Excellent logical thinking.
  4. Non-conflict.

Pig Man and Rabbit Woman

Everything will be fine in this couple. Both partners need mutual understanding. The Rabbit and the Pig prefer to resolve conflicts through calm conversations rather than scandals.

Trouble may arise due to the fact that the Cat is very delicate, and a man will not always understand hints that are addressed to him.

Mutual understanding in love and marriage

Because of his attractiveness, a man immediately attracts a woman's attention. She is attracted to him by his good nature and energy, which the practical Cat lacks. A man will teach his companion to be relaxed and open, and in return she will envelop him with tenderness and care.

The unique compatibility of the Pig and the Rabbit is achieved due to the fact that there will always be understanding between the partners. They feel each other well on an emotional level, they have many common topics of conversation. In the evenings, the couple will walk around the city at night, talking about life, and during the day each of them will do their own work.

In marriage, the compatibility of the Rabbit and the Pig will be extremely clear. A woman should do household chores, which are not a burden to her at all. The man has to work and provide for the financial situation of the family. If at work he seems purposeful and demanding, then at home he becomes peaceful and completely belongs to a loving woman.

Everything is perfect in bed between the Rabbit and the Pig. Over several years of being in a relationship, they are able to learn the body language of their partner. This helps them learn about what their chosen one craves during sex.

Friendship and business between these characters

To achieve harmony in friendship, the Rabbit and the Pig will not have to get used to each other for a long time. Common hobbies bring people together. Problems may arise when the Pig becomes too straightforward and involuntarily offends the Cat.

In the business sphere, the compatibility of Rabbit and Pig helps them reach heights. The Pig will always lead the business because of his energy and straightforwardness. The rabbit will have the opportunity to analyze and calculate the further steps of this tandem.

Pig Woman and Rabbit Man

In such a couple, an idyll is likely, but, as in any other, certain nuances are possible. Because a woman will try to become a leader, this will sow misunderstanding in the relationship.

To ensure that the harmony in this tandem does not dry up, both partners will have to work hard. A woman should allow the man to lead the relationship, but guide him with cunning. A man will need to give his partner as much freedom as she desires.

Relationships in love and marriage

In order for these signs to come together perfectly in love, a woman must become the initiator of the relationship. There is no point in waiting for the first step from a shy man. At first sight, the love between the Cat and the Pig grows. People have common topics of conversation that are bound to connect them.

In marriage, the compatibility of Pig and Rabbit according to the horoscope is no different from other areas of relationships. A woman will do both household chores and build a career. The man will be satisfied with this situation, because housework does not make him happy. From time to time, a woman will ask him for help, which the Rabbit man will never refuse.

In bed, these signs achieve complete harmony. The Pig and the Rabbit easily bring pleasure to each other.

Mutual understanding in business and friendship

The friendly relations of the characters amaze with their awe and reciprocity. A rabbit is able to teach a woman to be more feminine, and she will protect him from various troubles.

In business, it will be easy for the Pig and the Cat to reach mutual understanding. The woman will make important decisions, and the man will analyze situations and give useful advice.

Conflict situations

Conflicts arise due to the leadership of the Pig woman. Although a man has a weak character, he wants to feel like he’s in charge. The girl’s cunning will allow her not to give up her position and not ruin her relationship with her loved one.

Quarrels also arise because of the Rabbit’s pettiness. If he realizes that there is not enough money, he will begin to blame the Pig for this. The other one will not like it, and as a result the relationship will end.

Vika Di

In the Chinese horoscope, the Rabbit and the Pig are considered the closest to ideal couple. Their priorities in life are close– a stable family life, so they rarely have a conflict of interest. Their relationship is characterized by warmth and cordiality, due to the qualities inherent in both of them: goodwill, non-conflict, decency, which in the Rabbit are complemented by a developed imagination, and in the Pig - by well-developed logic.

What unites them is the lack of special ambitions, common values, the need for home comfort, mutual understanding and trust.

At the same time this the couple complements each other perfectly: The more conservative Rabbit will try to protect the impulsive Pig from committing rash acts, and she manages to achieve good business success.

Rabbit and Pig prefer solve problems without arguing and scandals, but a calm conversation. It is important for them that their partner, as well as their friends, show, like them, decency and nobility.

Compatibility horoscope for Rabbit (Cat) and Pig (Boar) in love according to the eastern horoscope

A love relationship between them usually begins at the initiative of the Pig, regardless of its gender. Although the Rabbit guy (Hare) is considered sociable, he becomes shy in a noisy company, and even if he likes a Pig girl, he himself will not take the first step. But if she pays attention to him, the romance will develop rapidly. Both the Rabbit and the Pig are characterized by warmth and goodwill, they share an interest in conversation on intellectual topics, so that they easily find a common language.

If the girl is a Rabbit (Hare), and the guy is a Pig, then in general there are no problems. The delicate, gentle Rabbit subconsciously feels the need for protection, and therefore the energetic and sociable Pig immediately impresses the girl.

They quickly find common topics for conversation and common ground

The boar wanted to find just such a girl - gentle and affectionate, with whom there was something to talk about. The Rabbit becomes bolder and more relaxed in the company of the Pig.

Their sex is simply magnificent: everyone strives not only to receive pleasure, but also to give it to the other, so they quickly master the body language of their partner. Sex for them is not just gymnastics in bed, it is filled with emotions that these signs will rarely be able to experience with anyone else.

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) and Pig (Boar)

Stability, peace, everyday comfort and mutual understanding - this is what the Rabbit and Pig expect from family life, and they find them in marriage to each other. If the husband is a Pig and the wife is a Rabbit, then he is mainly busy with work that provides the family with a good financial situation, and she with household chores, caring for her husband and children. If the Rabbit is the husband, then the wife A pig will always be able to stimulate her gentle and not very proactive husband.

Their intimate life is no less harmonious, which helps to further strengthen the marriage and does not force spouses to look for entertainment on the side. They feel most comfortable at home, sometimes they host friends, and they like to relax with the whole family in nature and by the sea.

Friendship between Rabbit and Pig according to the Chinese calendar

It is very easy for the Rabbit and the Pig to be friends, because they are united many common interests and similar spiritual qualities. Such friendships, begun in youth, can continue throughout life. She is not bothered even by infrequent conflicts, which most often arise due to the changeable nature of the Pig, her straightforwardness and the too high demands that she places on others.

They will always be attentive and understanding interlocutors for each other.

The leader in this tandem will be the Pig, as more energetic and punchy, but the Rabbit will be able to keep her from not always thoughtful steps, because he is used to analyzing and calculating everything. At the same time, they will treat each other with respect and listen to other people's opinions.

Compatibility of a Rabbit man (Cat) and a Pig woman

If he is a Cat, she is a Pig, then the relationship between them may not develop entirely smoothly. Intellectually, she is superior to her partner, but has too tough a disposition for the good-natured, gentle Rabbit. He, with the help of his inherent diplomacy and delicacy, is able to calm her down, but he himself often lacks attention and affection from a too harsh partner.

Financial issues may be another stumbling block. The Pig loves to show off, but also earns well, often more than the quiet, conscientious, but not striving to make a career, the Rabbit. At all women of this zodiac sign are considered the most successful. The family life of such a couple will be quite harmonious and prosperous if the Pig manages to moderate his ambitions and does not demand from the Rabbit a luxurious life and daily visits to restaurants. In the end, she is able to provide for herself.

Compatibility of a Rabbit (Cat) woman and a Pig man

If she is a Cat, he is a Pig, then their marriage can become very successful due to the distribution of roles: he is the breadwinner, she is the homemaker. Hardworking and energetic, and an affectionate, domestic Cat will be able to arrange the house in such a way that it will become a reliable rear for the Pig.

She will always be able to provide him with emotional recharge with her participation and advice, although he does not expect her to solve his problems. He avoids putting pressure on her, even if something doesn’t suit him.

Harmonious relationships can be disrupted by the tossing of the Pig, who feels like a “free artist” and has no choice in life. This position does not in any way contribute to the stability that the Rabbit values ​​so much, and then family harmony is under threat.

13 February 2018, 17:46

The courage and devotion of the Pig will delight the quiet and well-mannered Rabbit. She is a far-sighted, cheerful and subtle person and will pass on to him some of her ingenuity, which he will not even notice. He believes that she is kind and careful, and will give her both his affection and the luxuries that she loves. The Pig is selfless enough not to demand more from the Rabbit woman than she can offer, and she will be glad to become the object of his attention and generosity. This union will enrich them both.

The peculiarity of this union lies in the man’s ability to live a stable life at the suggestion of a woman. The calmer and more balanced the Pig man turns out to be, the faster his relationship with the Rabbit woman will develop. However, in life such a union is quite rare.

The fact is that the Pig man most often appears in the role of a “free artist” or, more simply, a flighty, fickle and eternally dissatisfied man. Frequent creative impulses and emotional outbursts can be a real test for the Rabbit woman. She is a pragmatic lady when it comes to finding a stable and promising groom. One can understand her - she hopes for a man, because she is simply not adapted to independent life - she does not feel powerful potential and vitality in herself!

Unfortunately, the Pig man can only appear strong and responsible. In fact, he also needs support and direction. He is not very active on his own, because he spends a lot of energy fighting with himself. If a woman sees an opportunity to develop self-sufficiency in a man and agrees to wait for prosperity for a while, he can become her husband.

Horoscope Rabbit woman and Pig man

Good compatibility allows a couple of a Rabbit woman and a Pig man to enjoy each other’s company for many years. A wonderful love can break out between them, but the secret of the success of the relationship in the Rabbit-Boar family duet is based mainly on the fact that they are not only passionate lovers, but also true friends. Such partners like to spend their free time together, discuss various topics, and they always have common interests.

The Rabbit teaches wisdom to the overly trusting Pig. This excellent psychologist instantly exposes various scammers and cunning people who always revolve around a romantic altruist. And the Pig, in turn, has entrepreneurial talents and most often earns good money, thanks to which he provides the Rabbit with a comfortable life. The compatibility of the Rabbit-wife and the Pig-husband is also based on the fact that the Pig is quite patient, and therefore tolerates the whims of her Rabbit quite well. In addition, the former is surprisingly sensual and can introduce the somewhat puritanical Rabbit into the world of bodily pleasures, which significantly increases the compatibility of the Pig and the Rabbit.

Home improvement quickly becomes their common hobby. The Rabbit and the Pig are so skillful in selecting wallpaper, arranging furniture and decorating their homes with fashionable trinkets that their friends view their apartment as a mirror of fashion trends and a model worthy of imitation. The owners who live there cook simply fantastically. It is not surprising that the flow of guests wishing to visit the house of the Rabbit's wife and Pig's husband never dries up.

Astrologers believe that the compatibility of a rabbit and a pig is as close to ideal as possible. This couple develops a warm, cordial relationship that allows them to continue to develop and express themselves at any stage of the development of the union, therefore the main component of disintegration - a conflict of interest - is practically not encountered among these signs.

Despite the external picture, partners sometimes disagree, because no matter how good things are, there is negativity. Let's find out everything about the compatibility of a pig and a rabbit, highlight the strengths and weaknesses, and possible causes of quarrels.

General information about the compatibility of these two eastern horoscope signs

First, let's look at the predominant character traits of both signs. A rabbit (cat) is characterized by:

  • calmness, conservatism;
  • caution;
  • goodwill, developed imagination;
  • lack of strategic thinking.

The pig is characterized by the following traits:

  • honesty, nobility;
  • well developed logic;
  • energy;
  • not conflict.

People born in such years try to achieve their cherished goal without destroying relationships with friends or acquaintances. However, they demand the same nobility from their partners towards themselves, which often leaves them lonely.

Both signs prefer to resolve all issues through conversation rather than loud scandal, while they value coziness and comfort. A problem can be the rabbit’s excessive delicacy, because the rather straightforward nature of the pig can be difficult to pick up on the partner’s hints. As a result, a load of unresolved problems accumulates.

The kindness and cordiality inherent in the signs make it possible to create a successful union based on mutual understanding and respect; the rabbit simply should not be upset by the rare attacks of the pig, and the latter should be patient with the partner’s excessive diplomacy and ornateness.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Experts note high compatibility here, but it’s still worth taking a closer look.

Male rabbit, female pig

The prognosis for such a case is favorable, but there are nuances.

He is extremely shy, so he feels like a stranger in noisy companies, but she loves crowds of people, never missing out on the opportunity to be the center of attention. Subconsciously, a man likes such a woman, but you shouldn’t expect the first step from him. If the partner herself does not pay attention to the guy sitting on the side, then they will never have a relationship.

After the first meeting, love grows like a snowball. Both value intellectual conversation, and thanks to the signs’ inherent warmth, they easily find a common language with each other. The rabbit receives support in communicating with others, and the pig receives peace of mind and the devotion of its partner.

Harmonious relationships continue after marriage. A woman has enough energy to take care of household chores, her husband, and children, while achieving success at work. This completely suits the spouse, because everyday issues weigh on him. At the same time, he receives a charge of vivacity, and sometimes a push, which is vitally necessary for such a soft sign.

Intimate life does not stand out from the overall picture; it is also harmonious, which undoubtedly strengthens the created cell. Infrequent meetings with friends, family holidays in the lap of nature or near the sea are welcomed.

He's a pig, she's a rabbit

The compatibility forecast in this case is even higher than in the previous one.

A loving, sociable, energetic boar fascinates the rabbit when it meets him. But he sees before him a timid woman who needs time to make a decision. Subconsciously, the guy is looking for just such a couple, so he begins to court his companion with pleasure.

A girl enjoys being in the company of a guy; she feels more relaxed and courageous. The partner in return receives the warmth, understanding and tenderness he was looking for. Such a couple will have great respect for each other, they have something to talk about, and it’s easy to find common ground.

All the burdens of everyday life will fall on the woman’s shoulders, but this is not a burden to her, because she loves comfort, which she is ready to make with her own hands. The husband plunges headlong into his career, providing the family with financial prosperity, but at home he turns into a calm and good-natured dad, completely immersing himself in the peaceful environment created by his wife.

The couple loves to be at home, with their family, from time to time pampering themselves with general relaxation. In bed, spouses feel each other’s needs at the level of intuition, so no one will look for adventure on the side. The main feature of marriage is a reliable support from a girl, as the basis for a guy’s growth.

Negative sides of the union

Despite the many positive qualities of partners, quarrels sometimes break out between them, which can destroy the union. Reasons for possible troubles:

  • Late meeting. After prolonged loneliness, the pig acquires such traits as frivolity and fickleness, which can become an insurmountable obstacle for a conservative and reasonable rabbit. The latter simply may not have the patience to grind in;
  • The pettiness of a fearful sign. This detail is especially obvious when the cat is a woman. She may not be able to resist finding fault with her partner, who will find this fact extremely unpleasant - he is honest and noble;
  • Intellectual superiority of the boar girl over her partner. The ideal option is when a guy, with his usual cunning and delicacy, pacifies the sometimes too harsh temper of his companion, but when he is seen through, the partner will show firmness and assertiveness, destroying the man morally. In this case, the representative of a strong sign has no choice but to quietly leave.

Compatibility in various areas

Love and marriage are not all types of relationships that occur in life.

Regardless of gender, the signs have ideal compatibility in bed. Partners love to please, so they quickly learn each other's body language. Sex is filled with emotions, bringing satisfaction to both. Often this area allows them to get closer after a long separation, because they will not experience similar emotions with anyone else.

This type of relationship develops between them without any visible effort. The only problem in a couple can be the pig, its changeable character, straightforwardness and high demands on others.

You rarely see them together in a noisy company, but when you need peace with an attentive, understanding interlocutor, you won’t find a better company. Therefore, with age, the friendship between them only grows stronger.

Work and business

Only a wild boar (pig) can be the undisputed leader in a duet; a cat (rabbit) does not have enough character for this role. But the latter’s caution forces him to analyze a lot and calculate the next step, which is something the former sorely lacks. With mutual respect, a wonderful union will develop, where two people will perfectly complement each other.

The family union in compatibility between a Pig man (Boar) and a Cat woman (Rabbit) is one of the most stable, stable, and also fruitful in the Eastern horoscope.

Together, spouses can be very happy and be an example of an ideal family for many. Both know how to see the main thing in their relationship, respect each other’s individuality and do not pay attention to unpleasant little things.

The Pig (Boar) man loves loneliness and individual creativity, but in this case, he does not perceive this as a tragedy. She respects his independence and freedom. In addition, she herself happily spends time improving her home, raising children and maintaining family ties. A woman born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) easily knows how to smooth out rough edges in relationships, and a Pig (Boar) man is kind-hearted and non-conflict. Therefore, if spouses have any misunderstandings, they never develop into major quarrels and scandals. The only thing is that the Pig (Boar) man loves everything new and the Cat (Rabbit) woman has to be new all the time, show cheerfulness and prudence, so that her husband constantly looks for the zest in her and tries to unravel the mystery.

Pig man (Boar) and Cat woman (Rabbit) – compatibility

The compatibility of the Pig (Boar) man and the Cat (Rabbit) woman is very good. They tend to have similar values, worldviews and aspirations. They understand each other perfectly and can create a happy family, and a harmonious relationship will allow both of them to develop new character traits and more easily realize themselves in any kind of creativity. The Cat Woman (Rabbit) has a light character, and the Pig Man (Boar) is filled with cheerfulness and fun. All this goes well together and is reflected in family relationships.

Both partners are sociable, therefore, most often they meet in the company of friends. Their relationship begins spontaneously and suddenly. The Cat woman (Rabbit) is timid and cautious, so the Pig man (Boar) has to take the initiative. Their beautiful romance can quickly turn into family relationships. The Pig man (Boar) has always been looking for a girl next to whom he could live a calm and measured life and finds her in the Cat woman (Rabbit). The balance of both partners makes their relationship stable. They are comfortable together, and their life is filled with enthusiasm, smiles and joy. And every day is different from the previous one. She is generous, gracious, kind and charming, while he is compassionate and passionate, sensitive and insightful. Disagreements in this family arise extremely rarely; there is simply no reason to quarrel. A happy union based on friendship, respect and love.

A woman born in is charming and cautious. She doesn't like to take risks and put herself in danger. He also tries his best to avoid conflicts and unpleasant situations. It's always cozy and comfortable to be around her. She is a pleasant conversationalist, able to listen and give good advice, as she has a natural instinct and sees a way out of current situations. She is an excellent housewife, wife and mother. Weakness of character does not allow her to reach career heights, but she does not strive for this, wanting to devote her entire life to caring for her loved ones and creating comfortable conditions.

A man born in is sociable and kind. She loves family and spends all her free time raising children and creating a pleasant atmosphere in the house. He knows how to work, because he understands perfectly well that success comes only to those who work hard and overcome life's difficulties. He clearly knows what he wants and calmly moves towards his goal, without wasting his time on trifles. As a rule, men of this sign realize all their rich potential and reach good heights. The Cat (Rabbit) woman, who needs comfort and security, intuitively senses the promise of her man and tries in every possible way to support him. The Pig (Boar) man demands from his surroundings the same loyalty and dedication that he himself shows, so he does not have many real friends.

Immediately after marriage, these two share responsibilities naturally. The man is the earner and breadwinner, and the woman does household chores, arranges life, and raises children. And she needs to get used to the idea that all worries about the household will be solely on her shoulders, because the Pig (Boar) man is absorbed in work and the opportunity to earn money. He is an optimist in life, believes in luck and success, and is capable of much for the sake of his own aspirations. At times he needs support and support from his wife, and she happily provides it to him. He will often be absent from home and the Cat (Rabbit) woman will have to learn not to react sharply to this. Moreover, all her indignant remarks about her husband’s indifference to family problems will be in vain and can only ruin the relationship. If the Cat (Rabbit) woman is prudent, then the Pig (Boar) man will be able to provide her with everything she wants. At the same time, he will never infringe on her interests or limit her in anything.

Both the Pig man (Boar) and the Cat woman (Rabbit) love to surround themselves with beautiful things, exquisite and expensive. These two understand and listen to each other very well. They work for the same result, they have the same values ​​and ideals, they intuitively take into account each other’s characteristics, especially when making vital and fateful decisions. Next to the proactive Pig man (Boar), the Cat woman (Rabbit) becomes more courageous. By nature she is somewhat timid and cautious, but her husband gives her confidence in the future, does not criticize her and does not demand anything in return. Therefore, next to this man she can reveal all her best qualities. His breadth of soul and kindness, love and sensuality helps her feel lightness from life and become more relaxed.

Spouses are interested in communicating and spending time together. The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is erudite, strives to know as much as possible, but in the end, she knows a little bit of everything. And the Pig (Boar) man strives for deep knowledge, he studies everything thoroughly, sees the essence. Thus, partners complement each other not only in the personal sphere, but also in simple intellectual dialogue.

Problems in this family can arise if, and therefore windy and fickle. Then, for the Cat (Rabbit) woman, his emotional outbursts, creative impulses and dissatisfaction with life will be a difficult test. Unfortunately, the Pig (Boar) man can only seem strong and responsible. But in fact, he also needs support and direction. He spends a lot of energy fighting himself. And the Cat (Rabbit) woman needs a promising and reliable man who can become a support and protector for her, on whom she can rely, since she herself is not adapted to independent life. In this case, if she does not want to lose her husband, she will have to be patient, help him feel self-sufficient, confident in his abilities, support him in difficult times and... wait for well-being. After all, there are situations for men too when they need support and moral support. And this relationship can also become long and happy, but with due effort on the part of both spouses.

Pig man (Boar) and Cat woman (Rabbit) - compatibility in love

In the intimate sphere, in a pair of a Pig man (Boar) and a Cat woman (Rabbit), everything is perfect. Both spouses are sensual and know how to give pleasure. They understand each other perfectly because they have an intuitive connection and easily understand their partner's body language. In addition, the Cat (Rabbit) woman is quite chaste and well-mannered in bed, therefore, the Pig (Boar) man is never fed up with this relationship.

Cheating in this family is possible due to the fact that the Cat (Rabbit) woman is overly submissive, and the Pig (Boar) man, who loves to get carried away with sensual pleasures, takes advantage of this. But his adventures on the side always end with a return to the family.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Pig Man (Boar) and Cat Woman (Rabbit) couple

The combination of a male Pig (Boar) and a female Cat (Rabbit) is quite successful. Most often, spouses are happy with each other. And so that family happiness is not overshadowed by anything, they need to remain faithful to each other. This is especially true for the sensual Pig (Boar) man. In pursuit of pleasure, he may cross the permitted line, however, he will always regret it. The Cat (Rabbit) woman should be aware of her husband’s weakness and not create situations that provoke her husband to act “to the left.”

Despite all the harmony of the union, spouses should still be prepared that there will still be problems, since people’s relationships are never cloudless, and we need difficulties for personal growth. The main thing is to be able to put everything in its place, come to a compromise, and in case of trouble, help each other, and not abandon each other in difficult times. Both spouses strive for a quiet haven, shelter from the storms of life, and with effort, they can get it. After all, despite all the ups and downs of life, both understand that together is much better than apart.
