How to cast on wax correctly. Help yourself: Wax casting

In modern magic, such a casting is the most effective remedy for damage. Especially if church candles are used in the ritual. Today we will talk about the rules and meanings of such rituals. In addition, we will provide you with information on how wax casting is done at home and what areas wax removal is used for.

Features of rituals

In magic, wax is called the casting of any negative effect on a person by melting a substance. There are certain rules and methods for conducting such rituals for yourself. Let's look at each method in detail and what it means.

In ancient times, our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers used this substance for various purposes, but primarily to remove wax damage. In this way they could remove fears, the evil eye, and fear. Many women of those times performed this ritual even in order to acquire beauty. In modern magic, wax casting has not lost its popularity and relevance.

The biggest advantage of such magic, which no other magical ritual has, is the elimination of any evil spirits, even the most old ones. The disadvantages of such magic include a slow effect on the monetary and protective rituals that you performed for yourself. Therefore, experienced magicians recommend performing such a ritual to people who have no experience and practice in witchcraft.

Another advantage of this casting is that it is carried out at any time of the day and regardless of the lunar phase. Of course, as magicians and sorcerers say, damage is best removed during the waning moon. But, when casting with wax when removing any negative, there is no prohibition in days. The restoration of a person’s previous state after some time occurs in any case.

The technique for performing such rituals is quite simple. All you need to do is get the substance in the form of pieces or church candles (without wicks). Well, after that, study the rules of the sacrament, their text for yourself or the victim. Pouring out spoilage with wax at home is also done early in the morning. Remember that only performing the ritual yourself without outsiders will allow you to achieve the desired result. This is the most important rule for eliminating damage using wax.

Required Attributes

How to determine damage by wax? Depending on the type of magical ritual, wax to remove damage is used in different weights:

  1. For large castings you will need about 40 g of the substance. It is melted in the oven or on the stove in a special vessel.
  2. For little ones, 10 g is enough, which is melted under the fire of a burning candle.

If you decide to treat damage with wax, you will need to stock up on additional components:

  • a bowl or other vessel for melting the substance;
  • towel or potholder;
  • a vessel for pouring the molten substance - a glass, a bowl, etc.;
  • icons of Saints;
  • towel.

Remember - you cannot cast damage with paraffin, since this method of cleaning damage on wax will not bring any results, but only barriers and obstacles to the implementation of such magic. When exposed to water, this substance instantly scatters and can get into your eyes. And paraffin itself does not have the same properties that wax has.

Diagnosis of damage

Any magical ritual, including removing damage with wax yourself, requires preliminary diagnosis. After all, few ordinary people can immediately determine the presence of the impact of a negative program. In this case, diagnostics are needed, which is carried out on the bee product.

To determine the designations of cast wax figures, you need to familiarize yourself with information about the state of the human biofield based on the bee product.

A cast substance in the shape of an egg without holes or bubbles will indicate a pure biofield. Even small deviations from such a casting are not a reason to think that you are damaged. Sometimes this can be explained as a person’s physical or psychological fatigue.

The damage to the human energy biofield will be indicated by the torn edges of the wax casting. In this case, two options are possible:

  • a person becomes very ill for unknown reasons;
  • he was cursed with illness.

This concerns internal signs. External factors of such a casting indicate the presence of an energy shock, as well as a strong conflict, which led to a violation of the human biofield.

Damage can also be diagnosed by other wax figures - torn holes and cast substances in the shape of things. Such castings give a signal to a person that there are things in the house that threaten both his health and life. Most often this is damage made to the lining.

The numbers poured from this substance help not only to diagnose the presence of damage, but also to determine the date of its induction. The main thing in this matter is the correct interpretation. This meaning of figures when casting with wax will make your task easier and help you quickly remove the damage caused.

Interpretation of figures

How to learn how to do wax casting yourself correctly? Before you begin this procedure, you need to practice. The correct decoding and meaning of the figures when casting with wax will help you find out exactly what kind of negative is directed at a person - the evil eye, damage, fear, fright, illness, etc.

The following examples will give a clear interpretation of each casting:

  1. The surface of the cast substance looks like it has wave elements - this is a clear sign of a spell being cast.
  2. The poured wax took the shape of a sloping wall in the form of a slide. This can be deciphered as severe damage with elements of a curse for illness or misfortune.
  3. Thick tubercles or balls in the shape of cones, indicating the presence of fear, the evil eye, deliberate damage and a spell. For a man, such a meaning of figures when cast in wax with such an image is evidence of damage to childlessness and a sign of a strong curse.
  4. Deep waves inside the poured substance are a sign of a person’s strong inner experience. He may be worried about fears for his life and the lives of his family. This also means that a person under the influence of damage is afraid that someone may harm him, cause both physical and mental pain. There is a fear that he might get very sick.
  5. It happens that the cast substance has torn edges with bubbles and tubercles - this indicates conflict situations both within oneself and in relationships with other people.
  6. Numerous dents and bumps indicate very strong and long-standing damage. Such damage can be caused by heart disease and other internal organs, as well as psychological disorders.
  7. Holes on the wax surface are evidence of severe damage to the human biofield. Such a victim may exhibit the following symptoms: loss of energy, irritability, frequent illness, general malaise and apathy.
  8. A strong magical effect aimed at deteriorating a person’s health and general condition will be indicated by a substance poured in the shape of a muzzle. The victim may develop an incurable disease.
  9. If, while casting yourself on wax, you notice a shapeless substance with holes, waves and bumps - this is a sure sign of a strong violation of the chakras, both sexual and marital. Perhaps such a person is cursed with loneliness and infertility.
  10. A bird with small dots on the surface is a sign of a violation of the psychological and physical state of a person due to damage caused.
  11. The snake is evidence of strong damage from ill-wishers and envious people to a very serious and difficult to cure disease.
  12. Ring - a lock has been placed on your future or current job, i.e., there is damage to the loss of a job or an unsuccessful search for a new job.
  13. There are even castings in the shape of female genital organs. This means that there is damage to you, especially due to severe illness, infertility or loneliness. Often such damage is caused by a grandmother or another female witch.
  14. A branched tree indicates that you are damaged by gossip, gossip and constant desecration both at home and at work.
  15. A horse is evidence of major damage, possibly eternal poverty or loss of great benefits.
  16. The rooster is a sign that somewhere there is a person who is very jealous and wishes you harm. Over time, such negativity turns into a strong evil eye and can end badly for you.

An easy and effective ritual

Prepare all the attributes that were used in the process of diagnosing the negative. Then place the wax on the stove. While it is warming up, read the prayer:

“The servant of God (name of the patient) will descend from you and extinguish once and for all the devilish power and evil. The Holy Spirit will dwell in you. Amen. I ask all heavenly saints - angels, archangels, apostles, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ, to heal and have mercy on the servant of God (name of person) through this ritual. I ask you to cleanse him from diseases and all unclean things that have entered his body. Amen".

With such a wax casting, when removing damage, you can read any other prayer addressed to all saints with the aim of healing the patient. You can carry out such a ritual both independently and for your family and friends. The main condition is that there should be no strangers in the room. Only a performer and a victim if you really want everything to work out. This technique of removing negativity helps very quickly. The first signs of the cleansing magic program:

  • improvement of general condition;
  • a feeling that life has returned to the right direction;
  • disappearance of financial and personal problems.

Wax protection for home

If you feel that your house has suffered a magical attack, you need to act urgently, namely, pour out the damage with wax. You can determine the presence of negativity by external and internal signs - frequent quarrels, scandals in the family, marital problems, lack of money.

How to remove damage with wax on a house? Negative energy in your home can be easily removed by pouring wax.

For this ritual you will need several details:

  • large apple;
  • church candle;
  • needles - 5 pcs.

Stages of the ritual

With such wax casting, there should be no one in the room when removing damage to housing. Make all rooms dim. Light a candle and go around all the corners of each room, moving clockwise. Each corner must be christened with a candle three times.

Using a knife, make a depression in the apple where the core itself is located. Before pouring the wax, light the wick with matches, then bring a burning candle to the hole. Every drop of melting wax should get inside the apple. In total you need to pour 6 drops. While pouring the wax, read a prayer to yourself:

“Lord Almighty - You are our savior. I ask You, help me banish all spells and witchcraft from my house. Cleanse my home. Let the demons leave him once and for all. And let no disease, love spell, fright or fear enter here. Amen".

After the wax has poured out, the apple must be covered with the cut top and pinned with needles.

Cleansing the house with a candle occurs from the moment the charmed fruit is thrown out in a vacant lot. At the same time, it is very important that no one finds the apple with needles, otherwise the damage may return. To be sure, you can just bury it.

In this way, your home gains powerful and long-lasting protection from lack of money, poverty, family quarrels, disagreements and illnesses.

Ritual for children

We remove damage with wax from children. You can get wax either in a church or in a specialized store. For children, the same wax against damage and the evil eye is used as for adults. So, put your baby in a comfortable place. Place a container of holy or spring water above his head. Take wax for the ritual weighing no more than 150 g. As soon as the wax has melted, slowly pour it onto the water in a bowl. You pour the wax over the child’s head very carefully so that drops of the hot substance do not fall on the baby’s head. Next you need to read a prayer against damage or the evil eye:

“I ask all heavenly saints to help me expel from my child all the negativity, evil looks and tongues of sorcerers. Heal and cleanse my child. May health and good sleep come to him. Amen".

The ritual against spoilage, after removal, the wax is transformed into figures and, thus, all the negativity is poured out. How many times is wax poured out of both damage and the evil eye from a child? For children, 3 such casting sessions are enough to completely cleanse. To enhance the effect, you can place 2 images of Saints next to each other - the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel.

Symptoms such as the appearance of appetite, good mood, energy of the baby and healthy, full sleep after the ceremony will indicate to you that cleaning with wax was successful.

Wax casting of a negative from a photo

Take a wide container with spring water and a photo of the person from whom the negative will be taken. If you do this for yourself, then take your photograph. Where you will perform such a ritual does not matter, the main thing is to create a secluded environment for yourself before performing it.

You will need 600 g of wax, which must be divided into three casting sessions - 200 g each. While heating the substance, you need to read a spell prayer. There should be no one in the room where the ritual will be performed except you or the victim. For Orthodox people, Orthodox prayers are read. One of the most powerful is the following:

“Lord Almighty, Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and all the heavenly Saints, help to expel from the servant of God all the bad, evil and black that has accumulated in his soul, heart and body. Let the terrible damage come from him and leave him alone once and for all where it was inflicted. I hope and trust in your help. Amen".

To treat damage with wax from a photo, the prayer must be read three times:

  • the first session cleanses the brain and nervous system;
  • the second rite removes negativity on the heart, circulatory system and other internal organs;
  • the third cleansing eliminates the negative impact on the genitourinary system and lower extremities.

    Such a ritual, carried out for three days in a row, gives instant results in complete cleansing of the negative program.


    Knowing what to do with wax and how to cast it correctly, you can protect yourself, your loved ones and your home from any magical influence in advance. And if there is damage or the evil eye, quickly get rid of them. The most important thing is that any magical sacrament of pouring wax is not dangerous and quite effective.

I am a healer, and in my work with clients, I use various tools: wax, candles, water, spells. They are only auxiliary elements to my strength and knowledge.

I don’t make any secrets out of my work, I don’t weave a veil of anything mystical or occult. On the contrary, I film, conduct trainings, write, the main purpose of which is to tell you about the possibilities.

After all, magic is natural, natural science.

Order a wax casting.

Why is wax poured?

Wax is a natural material. It is collected by living organisms, bees. To collect honey, bees pollinate thousands and thousands of flowers. The flower, in turn, is also alive, it carries information from the earth and receives the energy of the Sun. The winds blow over it and provide additional information about life on planet Earth. Bees fly from field to field. Next, they seal the honey with wax. And it turns out that one gram of living wax contains information from the vast surface of the earth. So wax is living information. Pure, bright energy.

To this day we know about the miraculous properties of honey and wax is just as useful and can be used for good. Our ancestors knew this and carried out .

It’s no secret now that a person has chakras, an aura, a biofield, several bodies, an energy cocoon. And if any of this is damaged, then it is DAMAGE. Very simple! Everything that is not whole is damaged. Logical and understandable.

Yes, there are many types of this very damage: damage to death, crown of celibacy, generational curse, etc. Depending on what exactly is damaged on the subtle plane, the damage is identified.

Example. If the upper flow of energy and the lower one are blocked, then this is damage to death. A person, like a living organism, feeds all the time and is replenished with various types of energies. Energies flow through chakra channels. If the problem is with the heart chakra and the orange one, then this is the crown of celibacy.

I talked about this in detail in the video here

What does the poured wax do?

Removes, takes on dark, negative energy. He is like a sponge, absorbing the bad. During the process of pouring, the wax twists and bends, and a complete picture of a person’s energy appears. You can take these images and put them into words. To say what exactly the person’s problems are, how long ago, who is to blame.

The most valuable thing for me about using wax is that it helps to cleanse and purify a person. Let's imagine that a person weighs 10 kg. mud. By pouring over and over again, the wax takes on myself three kilograms of this very dirt accumulates in itself. The numbers are abstract, for example only.

As a healer, I sometimes pour wax when working with clients. He is a helper for me. I know what the person has and where it is damaged. Using wax I make my work easier. Those. I can clean a person only with the help of my power, pull dark energy from a person, or I can use wax as an assistant, pour it out and spend less energy.

You can order wax casting from me online.

How exactly to pour wax?

In short.

  1. I need phantom of a person, his image is taken from a photo. I work from a distance in the same way as if the person were in front of me.
  2. Water. Much has been written about the properties of water; it is alive. We use it in addition, as an assistant and a tool.
  3. Wax. Real, pure wax.
  4. You can also light a candle. Fire alive, it burns away negativity.

We melt the wax, tune in to the person and pour the wax into the water.

At the same time, you can pronounce conspiracies and prayers to help. Download the prayers you need here

Wax casting is a magical manipulation whose main purpose is healing. It is believed that with the help of wax casting, you can cleanse a person’s soul and body from negativity, diseases and all kinds of evil eyes, damage, curses and so on.

What problems does casting solve?

Casting with wax removes from the human soul all the negative programs that are embedded in it. These can be either ordinary repressed emotions or old psychological traumas. Negativity embedded in the subconscious can ultimately result in serious illnesses and life problems.

What problems does casting solve and what does it treat?

  1. Fright. Very common in young children. It can be caused either by a magical effect or by some very unexpected, terrible event for the child.
  2. Pristrit is damage caused by people who are filled with a huge amount of negativity inside. For example, such a person sat on the tram, stood up, and you took his place and accepted part of the program, ending up in the “spoiled” zone.
  3. The evil eye can be involuntary. Superimposed through the gaze. If you are stared at by an envious person or someone else who has negative emotions towards you, the likelihood of contracting the evil eye is very high.
  4. Targeted magical influence. When a certain ill-wisher, quite consciously and with a specific goal - to harm you, resorts to the help of magic, performing rites, rituals or turning to fortune tellers.
  5. Love spell. The life of the bewitched is always at risk. Magic, in return for its love spell effect, will take away vitality, energy, and deprive you of your will. It is simply necessary to cast a love spell with wax, otherwise sooner or later things will end very badly.
  6. Lining A variant of damage, after which you regularly find foreign and very suspicious objects near your house: for example, needles, hair, multi-colored threads, and so on.

It is more difficult to remove strong types of damage by casting: cemetery, church, intrauterine. It is almost impossible to remove a vow of celibacy using wax. In these cases, it is better to choose other methods to solve the problem.

Rules and methodology

In order for wax casting to produce results, you must strictly follow all the necessary rules of the magical ritual. First, let's explain how the method works.

The physical body of a person is only its outer shell. There are many more subtle, energetic bodies invisible to the human eye. They are nested within each other and interact with each other.

The health of the physical body depends on the correct interaction and functioning of all energy shells. They also contain seven centers - chakras, dense clots of energy. When casting on wax, it is the chakras that are worked on.

How each component of the ritual works:

  • Wax is a substance with very living energy, close in energy-informational structure to human energy.
  • Water is a neutral substance, but it perfectly stores and conducts all the information contained in it.

During the ritual, the water is first “charged” with the energy of the person who needs to be healed, and then transfers this energy to the molten wax. During the ritual, mantras, prayers or conspiracies are read over a container of water and wax to destroy negative information.

What to do for casting:

  1. Pour water into a container and melt the wax in a water bath. Prepare a photo of the person who needs to be healed, memorize the prayer or print out its text. Instead of prayer, you can use mantras or spells - choose what is closest to you.
  2. Melted wax will form figures with various shapes on the surface of the water. It is important to pour it very slowly, in a smooth stream.

Pay attention to the meaning of the figures - they will tell you what negative programs are contained in your subtle bodies.

Designations of wax figures

Deciphering wax figures is very important. It gives you an idea of ​​what negative programs are currently affecting your life, and why you cannot allow yourself to be a healthy and fulfilling person.

Watch a video on how to make wax casting from a photo to better understand the process:

Important points in interpreting a wax casting:

  1. If the wax folds into bizarre circles with tears and creases, this indicates a lack of harmony in a person’s life. It contains a lot of negative emotions that interfere with living a full and happy life and affect the energy state of the aura. Breakups also indicate chronic dissatisfaction and self-hatred.
  2. An obvious hole or gaping hole is a sign that the energy shell is not intact, which is why vital energy goes nowhere and is not directed towards realizing goals and fulfilling desires.
  3. The outlines of people's faces - they need to be seen. This is a reflection of the essence of a real person, who contributed to the damage and became the initiator of the negative program.
  4. The balls are a kind of energy warts that affect the health of the physical body. They can transform into malignant tumors over time. They appear most often due to deep grievances that a person has not lived through in real life. The growths say the same thing.
  5. If the wax figures resemble the outlines of internal organs, it means that they may become ill in the very near future. To eliminate the cause of the disease, you need to turn to psychosomatics.
  6. The intertwining lines indicate that negative programs primarily affect a person’s relationship with his partner and the people around him. There are many problems in the social sphere.
  7. Animal figures indicate a strong fear that needs to be relieved.
  8. The lizard is a symbol of dishonesty, deception, meanness and envy. Moreover, all these negative feelings come from the person himself. To remove a negative program, you need to work on your own essence.

It is very important to carry out the ritual of wax casting on the waning moon. On other days the magic does not work.

In addition to the necessary icons, stock up on:
1. An iron mug. You will melt the wax in it.
2. Tack.
3. Capacity for casting. This could be a ladle, a deep plate or cup, a crystal or glass vase.
4. Always have a small (preferably cotton) towel at hand.
5. A photo of the person you are going to treat, or your own photo. If the person you are treating is absent, you can always use his photograph. A photograph of a person where he is alone is ideal for treatment. It contains absolutely all the information carried by a person at the present time. The age of the photograph does not matter, except in the case when the person is already an adult: a photograph of him as an infant will not work here. The treatment results will not be affected by how you treat the person: using a photograph or pouring directly over him. If someone tells you otherwise, don’t believe it. I have been working with photographs for a long time, and I assure you that it is not important how to make the castings. Although, everyone has their own systems and God bless them. It is important for you to know that a photograph is a smaller copy of a person, not just physical, but also energetic and mental. It’s not for nothing that a magician can calculate absolutely everything from a photograph. This means there is something to read there.
6. Approximately 100-150g of wax. If it is not possible to get wax, then purchase church candles of approximately the same weight. The church sells three types of candles: wax, paraffin, and ceresin (condensed petroleum). Small cheap candles, usually made of the latest material, large or thick ones are made of paraffin and wax. Medium ones are usually made of wax. They can be identified by smell. Wax candles smell like honey, they are very fragrant.
7. Candles that are placed in front of icons.

The process itself, in fact, begins with the fact that you melt the wax in a water bath, without bringing (!) to a boil. Meanwhile, you arrange icons, light candles, read prayers, make amulets (if you are not planning to treat yourself).
Before treatment

If you are making a casting for a child, husband, mother or someone else, you must first of all set yourself a talisman.

The amulet should always (!!!) be placed when treating other people, so as not to take over the entire negative program or part of it. This way you will get sick much less or it will avoid you altogether, depending on the strength and type of damage.

1. Read before starting treatment (before any manipulations) in the absence of the person who is going to treat.
“Swamp evil, underground evil, from the blue fog, from the black dope, where is a rotten ear, where is a gray hair, where is a red rag, a spoiled shaker, I will take the wrong path, I will go to the church gates. I will light a candle that is not a wedding candle, a memorial candle, I will remember evil spirits for the repose. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
A conspiracy of medium strength, in my opinion. I've been using it for 10 years now. Sometimes he cannot cope with too turbulent negative flows, but he “holds” ordinary damage, fear, and the evil eye. When the influence is strong, long-standing, has taken root - developed, then it is difficult to “keep the defense” with this conspiracy.
2. Mentally, before treatment, imagine that a bell is hanging above you, approximately the size of your height, with a diameter equal to the spread of your arms to the elbow (raise your arms to the sides and from elbow to elbow is the diameter of the bell). Then let this bell strike once. Feel the vibration. It is like an increasing spiral and reliably protects. In addition, inside the “spiral” there is such energy that restores and normalizes all your functions.
Good defense.

If you are treating yourself or someone else, you need to know the following.

1. It is necessary to treat before sunset (unless otherwise stated).
2. There must be 3 icons (it doesn’t matter whether a person is baptized or not, but you will help with your faith): the Virgin Mary, Jesus, Panteleimon the Healer. Sometimes instead of Panteleimon they take the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant or Alexy the Wonderworker. Although, some people treat without icons. Personally, I do castings for icons.
3. After you have placed the amulet, read:
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Eternal Heavenly Father, You said with Your most pure lips that nothing can be done without You. I ask for Your help! To begin every business with You, for Your glory and the salvation of my soul. And now, and ever, and forever forever and ever. Amen."
4. “Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed One, our souls.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Say the last phrase three times, and cross yourself three times if you are baptized).
5. Read the Lord's Prayer.
“Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive the debtor ours; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

The above prayers (this is the minimum) give you a blessing to begin the healing session and act as additional protection.

In addition:

When treating a child under 7 years old, you must add “baby” before the name. For example, “Heal, Lord, baby Alexy.”
Usually males are treated on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays; Women's - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, unless otherwise stated.
There is no treatment on Sundays and major church holidays (with rare exceptions) - these are days of prayer.
In prayers and conspiracies "R.B." means servant of God or servant of God.
There is no letter "e" in prayers. Where "e" is heard, it is still read "e".

Pour cold water into the casting container. Place the ladle on the photo. (If you have a living person, then you need to hold the ladle over his head during the casting.) After the wax has melted, slowly (!) pour it into the water, reading the appropriate prayers against the evil eye, damage, and fear. You need to pour not in such a thin stream that it’s as if you’re pouring through a straw, but you also don’t need to splash out all the wax at once.
A little about the figures. Each sorcerer has his own casting system, but the signs of damage and other negative programs are similar.
It's all about one rule: Everyone sees what they want. And we also need to remember about the power of thought and willpower.
When making a casting, you should immediately think about what exactly you want to see: other people’s influences, a breakdown of the biofield, its distortions, the one who harmed, how he harmed, or something else. If you immediately set a clear program, and then pour it out while reading the conspiracies, I assure you, you will see what you ordered. If you don’t think about enemies or methods (we often harm ourselves), but just relax and take a breather, you will get a plausible picture of your condition. In order not to get confused and for the best effect, I recommend doing 3 castings at a time: 1 - head (brain, thoughts, coding from the outside, damage and other negative programs, 6th and 7th chakras); 2 - cardiac (heart, blood, hematopoietic system, respiratory apparatus, emotions, damage and other negative programs, 5th, 4th, 3rd chakras); 3 - genital sphere (gastrointestinal tract, genitals, legs, sexual emotions and experience, damage and other negative programs, 2nd and 1st chakras).
You wait until the casting hardens, turn it over, and look at it. Then melt this casting in a water bath and, standing next to it, read a prayer to the life-giving cross. Thus, you send back the damage, partially destroy it, and some parts of it go straight to the underworld. Those who have clairvoyance and know how to track subtle energies and entities can clearly see this procedure in the astral plane.
In one session, some do 1 casting, others 3. Choose for yourself.
After the end of the session, it is necessary to melt the last casting with a prayer to the life-giving cross. This wax can be left in the container, or it can be poured into water to cool. The water in this case may be the same one into which the wax was poured before.
At the end, pour the water into which you poured the wax, where no one will step, with the words: “Mother Water, take away from R.B. (name) illnesses, sorrows, everything that is superficial, cross. In the name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit. Amen."
At the end of the ritual, it is always necessary to read prayers of gratitude.
for every good deed of God

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Troparion, tone 4

Give thanks to Thy unworthy servants, O Lord, for Thy great good deeds upon us; we glorify Thee, bless, thank Thee, sing and magnify Thy compassion, and slavishly cry out to Thee in love: O our Benefactor, glory to Thee.

Kontakion, tone 3

Of Your blessings and gifts, as servants of indecency, worthy, Master, we diligently flow to You, giving thanks as much as we can, and to You, as the Benefactor and Creator, we cry out in glorification: glory to You, All-Bountiful God.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Theotokos, Christian Helper, Your servants, having acquired Your intercession, cry out to You in gratitude: Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin Mother of God, and always deliver us from all our troubles with Your prayers, One who will soon intercede.

Be sure to wash your hands with cold water up to the elbows.
Repeat the procedure on the prescribed days until the casting from below becomes smooth; small and infrequent waves are possible (not frequent grooves).
A portion of wax is used per person until the negative is completely removed or until the wax begins to crumble.

When the process is completely completed or when the wax is saturated with negativity, it is destroyed. How? They burn the wax while reading the “Our Father” or the prayer to the Life-giving Cross. They burn it on the ground in a hole and then cover it with earth.

How do I do it
I have two mugs for castings and, accordingly, two portions of wax. I place both mugs with wax on the tile. When the wax melts, I remove one mug from the heat and pour it from the other. When one casting has already cooled down, I remove it from melting in a mug, and pour another portion of already melted wax over the patient or over the photo. Saves a lot of time.

What additions can there be?
You can place a mirror at the bottom of a container of water to better reflect the energy strike.
The master also works energetically and mentally. If you can mentally push the disease out of the patient’s body, good. If you energetically push the disease towards recovery, that’s great. But you can do without it. If you yourself feel such strength within yourself, then you yourself will understand how to act.
After treatment

It is necessary to pour the water down the drain or somewhere where no one will step. Wash the vessel into which the wax was poured, saying: “I wash not the ladle (glass, vase), but R.B. (the name of the one who was treated) from his illnesses, troubles, from fear, commotion, ghost, evil conversation. How This ladle (glass, vase) is clean, so is R.B. (name) from illness, trouble, fear, commotion, ghost, evil conversation. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Classification of castings.

Internal bubbles speak of experiences.
Columns descending from the casting to the bottom of a vessel with water are damage (quite a lot, you will have to tinker, and it’s not even a matter of time or the number of procedures, but of diligence and high energy consumption).
Columns and branches going down, but not reaching the bottom of the vessel - the presence of damage is still there, but the results are already good if there are no additional growths.
Cones like small balls are spoilage.
Many irregularly shaped lumps - burning hatred, envy of the person being cast, a curse. When such moments appear, it is best to perform some kind of ritual against enemies. And it will be easier to work, things will move faster, and the person who is leaking will hurt less.
The bumps are like flattened balls, standing close to each other vertically - the evil eye.
If the entire “drawing” is twisted into a loop (you can guess the outline of the embryo) - damage or what is “drawn” passed through the mother (damage, curse, intrauterine fright) or at the time of her pregnancy, something was directed directly at you or her .
If the circular “waves” have a bulge in the middle, it means fright.
A fence (like a chain of mountains) - no matter how it is located: on the edge, in the middle, but does not encircle it - an unfavorable circumstance that continues to worsen the energy. This could be a bed in an unfavorable place (geopathogenic zone), some furniture is looking at the bed at an angle, etc. or the person is an energy donor.
Torn edges of the casting - imbalance, reaching the point of psychosis. With fear, with a pendulum heart, with fears, there are usually such edges. After several castings, the edges change and become smoother - this is a consequence of the calming effect of the castings.
Casting, with a sharply defined angle (cut off like a piece from a whole cake) - damage or curse (together with growths).
Frequent small stripes along the perimeter of the casting are scary.
Large or medium “waves” are not yet established energy, after the casting of the evil eye, fear, damage. We need a procedure that heals the energy.
"Waves" ending with a "ball" or several balls outside - the work is coming to an end.
“Waves” ending with a “ball” or several “balls” inside the casting - the remains of damage must be used by another method or more powerful prayers and incantations.
Various sizes and directions of inclusions and lines along the perimeter of the casting, many small dots, depressions, lines both straight and round, zigzag - they regularly attack a person energetically, sending damage, misfortune, etc. Again, it’s good to do a ritual against enemies.
A casting that is smooth from below or with small, infrequent “waves” - the work can be completed. Take care of the amulet and the energy-strengthening procedure. You are well done!

Look carefully at which part of the casting contains growths.
Everything is concentrated in the middle - a healthy aura is still far away.
A localization emerging from the middle and tightly approaching the edge is a negative program emerging. Gather all your strength and redouble your zeal.
A negative program located on the edge, but not encircling the casting, is better than the previous description, but it’s too early to stop.
A “fence” or “chain of mountains” encircling the casting is a curse, a spell.

Once you start casting, remove the fabric.
Take clean wax. Melt.
Place knives with black handles in a “cross” pattern on a clay pot (bowl) with river water.
Carefully hold a bowl of river water over the head of the spoiled person and pour wax through the knives with the words:

“Clean water flowed, wax ore.
She ran over the stones and fell on the slave (name)’s forehead.
It rolled down his body and didn’t come back.
She went into the water, became a river again, and ran on.
She will continue to run, but not return, but the slave (name) will become whole, but will not know fever.
And with her, and near the clean water, there are two old guards,
from both banks of the cross they raise their hands and curse the feverish woman.
they prick the feverish woman and whip her,
They swear and lament;
“Go, old man, don’t turn around,
Go to hell's cauldrons,
There you torment souls.
Fie on your black stick (spit)
Ugh, on your toothy mouth (spit)
Fie on your filthy tongue. (spit)"
What has been done with the grave, what has been covered with earth, what has been sewn with a needle,
What was sent by the wind, burned out by fire, and spoken by a dead word,
then the guards cut him off.
Yes, it was washed with water, and it was sent into the ground, and it was hidden in it.
And the servant (name) appears clean before the morning Sun,
From now on he won't have fever.
Truly, it’s like the sun shining from behind the mountains in the morning!”
Pour wax three times.
Immediately after this (you can do it within 24 hours), drain the water through the knives into the river where the water was taken from (ideally from the bridge).
Remove the knives from the bowl. Separate (scrape frozen wax from them into an empty bowl).
Stick one knife on one bank of a river or stream, and the second on the other, with the words:
“You are here to stand as guards and drive away the fever from the slave (name)”
Remove the wax floats from the pot and throw them as far into the river as possible.
Stand by the river for a while, and then throw a white bun down the river with the words:
Accept pure white bread from me as a tribute.
Yes, just as you can’t be turned back, the slave (name) can’t become more corrupted. Be as told"
Scoop the water into a new mug with the flow and let the spoiled one wash 3 times.
Let him break the clay pot himself at any intersection.
The cloth that was used to cover the pot is tied around your head at night. So three nights.
Then store the fabric in a place inaccessible to prying eyes. If you feel unwell, lightly moisten with water and apply to the sore spot or tie it on your head.

Why is wax casting needed?

Wax casting, today is one of the simplest and most effective methods for cleansing the consciousness of the soul and body, from severe psychological trauma and illness. Which were inherited or acquired in early childhood.

Every person of a certain age accumulates a huge number of fears, worries, inferiority complexes, mental anguish and psychological disorders, if you do not make timely efforts to cleanse your body and mind of this dirty trick, the accumulated sores can bring many terrible problems to a person in the future and diseases that will lead to death.

Even once having experienced a strong separation or the loss of a loved one, some begin, in a state of emptiness and great grief, to look for a way out in prayers, work, and seclusion from the world.

In such extreme and hopeless situations, even when modern medicine is unable to help the body and soul, and wax casting helps, it is also permitted by the Russian Orthodox Church, since it has no contraindications or side effects.

What can be cast with wax and how to do it correctly?

Any fear, fright, strong experiences acquired in childhood adapt in the human body, flowing into diseases and psychological disorders.

Modern medicine has not yet learned to treat diseases of the soul, since it looks only at the very fact of the occurrence of the disease, and not at the cause of its occurrence; drug methods of treating various psychological disorders lead in most cases to the appearance of other diseases or to the final loss of physical health.

Beeswax is so unique and complex in its chemical composition and molecular structure that no laboratory in the world can recreate it except in the natural environment.
Wax is very close in energy composition to human wax, so it pulls out and seals in all the dirty tricks that have accumulated in the human body and soul.

Cast with wax;

  • The man himself.
  • Internal organs.
  • Business, affairs, relationships.
  • Evil eyes, generational curses, damage, linings.
  • Buildings, houses, various premises.
  • Wax casting helps get rid of;
  • Free yourself from bad habits.
  • Possessions, settlers, obsessions.
  • Strong cravings for sex.
  • Physical and mental illnesses,
  • Fears, worries, frights, depression psychological disorders.

Safety precautions for this procedure.

  • At the initial stage of studying this procedure, train only on yourself.
  • Make a wax casting without prying eyes and in silence.
  • It should not be performed on women during menstruation.
  • Drunk, very tired and on Sunday.
  • It is not recommended to do this on a waxing moon.

It is very dangerous to make a casting for strangers because of the direct contact of the soul with the ritual, in which all the person’s ailments can be transferred to you.

What is needed for this process?

For wax casting, we will need a simple wax candle, 100 grams of beeswax itself, which can be freely obtained from beekeepers, your photograph or a simple full-length drawing of you, made in pencil, with your name signed at the top. A container where we will melt the wax, and a second container with water where we will pour the wax.

How to do wax casting correctly?

The procedure should be carried out indoors or outdoors near a fire, for example in a forest where there are no animals or people.
For example, we take a photo or your drawing, made by your hand, put a container with spoken water on it, say this curse on water 1 time;

Then a candle is lit and placed next to your photo or a drawn picture of your image.
In the full-length photo or drawing, place a container of water near the head, into the container itself in a thin stream, pour only into the center of the container with water, pour in wax- with such a slander;

We are waiting for the wax to cool down.
It is strictly forbidden to remove wax with bare hands! Take it out carefully so as not to break it, since all your fears and infirmities are sealed there!

Interpretation of drawings on cast wax.

These are the holes that mean that in the present time a very large amount of energy is leaving your body, the cause of which may be fear for the future or past, strong feelings about separation or loss of a person.

It is better to immediately burn the resulting figures with horns, faces, hooves and images in the form of toads and animals or bury them somewhere in the forest in a hole sprinkled with salt.

These are the curls, flagella and irregularities, these are fears, worries, scares in childhood, stress and depression.

Various burst bubbles are an evil eye or a wish for something bad. You can cast as much as you like at a time, as long as you have the strength and the casting is smooth.

After the water has been used, pour it out in a deserted place with the words - “Where it came from there and went.” When you burn or bury the cast wax, you can say the same thing. If there are no scary figures in the wax, you can use it for a repeat procedure.

After casting, it is advisable to take a bath or shower and go to bed. in the morning there will be a feeling of renewal of all of you.

The prevention procedure can be repeated once a week or month. This simple way can do wonders for our body and soul.

All material presented on this resource reflects only the personal opinion of the author and cannot be perceived as a guide to action, much less as the only true source of truth. Peace of light and warmth Guest.

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