"Oleg Matveychev syndrome" as a diagnosis of the Russian "security guard". Oleg Matveychev

Oleg Matveychev - political scientist, political consultant, writer, philosopher, expert of federal media (including channels NTV, 1, VGTRK, TVC, Regnum, RIA-Novosti, etc.), professor at the National Research University, host of the political and social program " In the Topic" on the Moscow-24 TV channel. He is one of the hundred most read and quoted bloggers on LiveJournal. Entries on his blog reveal politics from the pro-Soviet side, with a certain amount of conservatism.

The early years of Oleg Matveychev. Scientific career

On February 1, 1970, Oleg Anatolyevich Matveychev was born into the family of a police officer, forensic expert Anatoly Konstantinovich and pharmacist Svetlana Nikolaevna. The hometown of one of the best political strategists in Russia is Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region.

After graduating from secondary school No. 31 in 1986, the young man got a job at the Organika cooperative, which he successfully combined with working as a DJ at the Spektr night club. He was an active participant in youth subcultural life.

In 1987, Oleg moved to live in Sverdlovsk, where he entered the Ural State University. In 1993, Matveychev graduated from the university with honors and continued his graduate studies at the Institute of Law and Philosophy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At this time, he also began teaching in schools and universities in Yekaterinburg.

Oleg Matveychev: how to become a popular blogger

The year 1995 was marked for Oleg Anatolyevich with the defense of his dissertation on the philosophy of law and politics of Hegel. A year later, he became a research fellow at the Yekaterinburg Institute of Law and Philosophy at the Russian Academy of Sciences. It was during this period that he began to participate in election campaigns as a political consultant, as well as provide information support in various conflict situations regarding property issues.

In 1999, Oleg Matveychev moved to Moscow, where he founded a number of news agencies. In 2003, Matveychev headed the Futurological Research Support Fund, within which he was engaged in research and development in the field of innovation, forecasts, long-term trends, futurology, propaganda and the search for humanitarian and technical innovations. He also taught special courses at Moscow State University and the Higher School of Economics. He was a permanent teacher at the Seliger youth camp.

Oleg Matveychev: Information Wars of the 21st Century (book presentation)

The year 2006 was marked for Matveychev with work in the Presidential Administration: first as a consultant, and then as an adviser to the board on domestic policy. At the same time, Oleg was recognized as the best lecturer at the Higher School of Management. According to the Obshchaya Gazeta rating, he was among the 20 best political strategists in the Russian Federation.

In 2008, Oleg Matveychev worked on the election campaign of Dmitry Medvedev. Received Gratitude from Sergei Sobyanin.

In 2010, the political consultant took the post of deputy governor of the Vologda region, first in charge of relations with federal authorities, and a year later in charge of information policy.

In 2014, he was awarded the gratitude of Vladimir Putin, and a year later - the Order of Friendship from the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

Oleg Matveychev about the situation in Ukraine (2014)

Scandals involving Oleg Matveychev

In November 2010, Matveychev caused a scandal among bloggers with his commentary in which he called for “crush the opposition with tanks.” Outraged bloggers believed that this was an advertising campaign for the release of a new book by a political scientist (“What to do, Russia? Breakthrough strategies for the third millennium”). Matveychev said that his statement regarding the tanks was an ordinary network-wide provocation to demonstrate “how easily all evil spirits really get excited.”

After this, blogger Maxim Averbukh sent a personal letter to Boris Gryzlov and asked him to explain whether Matveichev’s threats were a personal opinion or the position of the United Russia party (since Matveichev was a member of the commission of the Presidium of the General Council). Gryzlov replied that such a thing could only be thought or said in a state of insanity, and promised to look into it.

The political scientist was also one of the authors of the popular scandalous project Mediaaktivist.ru. The main slogan of the project is “Protest without getting up from the couch.” Protests were directed against Anatoly Chubais, Yevgeny Petrosyan, and Vaira Vike-Freiberga (president of Latvia, who insulted veterans).

Family of Oleg Matveychev

Oleg Anatolyevich is married, the couple raised five children.

Political scientist and blogger Oleg Matveychev now

State Councilor 3rd class, full member of the National Academy of Social Technologies, author of “cult” books for political consultations, Matveychev considers himself a patriot and believes that it is necessary to cultivate patriotism in citizens. In addition, he believes that all illnesses of societies, without exception, come from disrespect for one’s state and continuous “self-throwing of mud.”

It is worth noting Matveychev’s most famous book, “Ears Waving a Donkey,” which went through 3 editions, became a cult favorite among political strategists and PR people, and is studied even in universities. The main idea of ​​the book is that economics is secondary, and the current sword is an “information sword.”

In 1987 he entered the Ural State University at the Faculty of Philosophy, from which he graduated with honors in 1993.

During his postgraduate studies at the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he worked as a teacher in universities and schools in Yekaterinburg, writing essays, coursework, theses and dissertations to order.

In 1995 he defended his dissertation on the philosophy of politics and law.

Since 1996 - research fellow at the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch. RAS, in Yekaterinburg.

Since that time, he has actively participated in election campaigns and disputes among property owners in all regions of Russia. Over fifteen years, he has participated in more than 200 projects, ranging from elections of mayors of small towns and municipal deputies, purchases of shares in enterprises, to conflicts between Russian financial industrial groups and presidential elections. Worked in more than 60 regions of Russia and abroad.

Author of books that are “cult” for political consulting. (“What is political consulting?”, “Problems of manipulation”, “Ears are waving a donkey. Modern social programming”, “Election campaign. Practice versus theory”, “Ears are waving a donkey. The sum of political technologies”).

Since 1999, he has lived in Moscow and is the founder of several foundations, news agencies, media projects and consulting structures. Expert and commentator for Vedomosti newspapers, Expert, Profile, Kommersant-Vlast magazines and several online resources.

Since 2003, President of the Futurological Research Support Foundation. Areas of activity: research in the field of innovation, long-term trends, forecasting, futurology, search and promotion of technical and humanitarian innovations. Teacher of special courses at the Higher School of Economics and Moscow State University. Permanent lecturer at the Seliger youth camp. Best teacher 2006 at the Higher School of Management.

Full member (academician) of the National Academy of Social Technologies.

For five years in a row he was among the twenty best political strategists in Russia according to the Obshchaya Gazeta rating.

Since 2006, employee of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Consultant, then Advisor to the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Domestic Policy. Class rank: State Councilor of the Russian Federation, III class.

Professor at the National Research University - Higher School of Economics (Faculty of Philosophy).

Books (11)

American lard

American Lard is a political technology novel-project, the action of which begins in Ukraine in the early 2000s and ends in the future.

Together with an action-packed detective story, the true history of the Ukrainian state is told, nationalist myths are exposed, and it is argued that the nation of “Ukrainians” was invented by the Austrians just a hundred years ago.

“From the Inside” reveals the technologies for creating the “Orange Revolution” and describes portraits of current Ukrainian politicians. It is shown with vivid examples of HOW Russia should act if it wants to be effective.

In 2009, the book caused many scandals and conflicting reviews, ranging from complete admiration to hatred.

Anti-psychology. Modern man in search of meaning

The book “Anti-Psychology” is a collection of essays written in the late 90s, united by one problem - the difficulties of human existence in the modern world, what answers to the “eternal questions” do modern philosophy and psychology provide?

How to become an individual? How do talents and geniuses appear? Who produces scientific and cultural revolutions? What is the positive meaning of suffering and worry?

The book is addressed to everyone who is interested in the problem of the soul of modern man.

Large current political encyclopedia

“The Great Current Political Encyclopedia” is a kind of cross-section of the era, what the political picture of the world looks like now.

This encyclopedia does not pretend to be academic, but it reflects the relevance of the turning point in which we all live. The authors did not set out to find out and explain what meaning various political scientists and politicians put into this or that term. No, we are talking about those new meanings that old concepts acquire here and now.

The book contains all modern concepts and reflects all significant personalities and events for the fate of the world and Russia.

China at the turn of the millennium

The book is the diary of a traveler who visited modern China.

Witty travelogues, written in simple language, are accompanied by serious reflections on the future of our two countries - Russia and China. The book will be of interest to people of any age, any profession, any political views.

Election campaign. Practice versus theory

The book is a collection of articles on current issues in political consulting.

The authors write in an extremely frank manner and touch on the most inconvenient issues that theoretical works usually avoid. The book sharply criticizes the current PR community and offers a way out of the crisis along the path of “risky strategies” that have proven extremely effective in the practice of election campaigns.

Ears waving donkey

The book, in a witty and shocking manner, tells the story of the theory and practice of political consulting and public relations in modern Russia. The authors are distinguished by their non-standard and revolutionary understanding of the role of humanitarian technologies.

What is political consulting?

The book talks about a new professional field for our country - political consulting.

Imperative mood of history

The book “The Imperative Mood of History”, as always, exposes the myths of mass consciousness.

The book is unexpected and full of paradoxical but evidential statements: “Russia has always been the most sober country in the world”, “The Greeks lost the Trojan War, and Homer was the first falsifier of history”, “Stalin’s repressions are a fiction”...

This book is for anyone interested in a fresh look at the past, present and future.

Sovereignty of the Spirit

What country do we live in now and what country will we live in tomorrow? Who are we: an uncivilized pack of savages or the vanguard of Europe? Can Russia regain its title of superpower and does it need it?

The book by the famous political scientist Oleg Matveychev proposes the author's development of state ideology and methods of its promotion for the emergence of Russia as a world spiritual leader. They also give a strategic forecast about the fate of our country and the peoples inhabiting it, and thoughts on how to remain human in a difficult crisis era of the breakdown of the economic system.

The book gives reason to think about how Russia can gain the sovereignty of the spirit, create a new philosophy and become a trendsetter in the field of hi-tech and hi-hum.

What to do, Russia? Breakthrough Strategies for the Third Millennium

The book “What to do, Russia? Breakthrough strategies of the third millennium" for those who are not ready to break under the influence of all kinds of crises, cataclysms, turning points.

For those who are looking for ways to solve problems and live by the principle: do what you must, and come what may. Oleg Matveychev, a well-known political scientist, does not agree with the opinion, which is increasingly gaining strength, that everything in our country and in the world is bad, nothing can be done, people can only sit and wait for the authorities to come up with something else bad.

Therefore, he offers several effective strategies for solving global and national problems in which each of you can take part or become an organizer.

The book is a collection of articles, some of which were previously published in the Sovereignty of the Spirit and in the book The Imperative Mood of History, some of the articles are new.

Rarely do any modern authors understand several fields of activity at once. They choose a specific, often narrow, focus and develop this theme in almost all of their works. Oleg Matveychev, on the contrary, is known as a comprehensively developed personality, capable of revealing themes of politics, psychology and philosophy in his works. Who is he? And what literary masterpieces did he manage to write?

Biography of Oleg Matveychev: childhood, studies

Oleg Matveychev was born in early February 1970. His hometown is Novokuznetsk, where he grew up and graduated from high school. Later, he successfully passed the exams and entered the state university in the Urals, where he studied at the Faculty of Philosophy until 1993. Based on the words of his classmates, Oleg was a modest guy who did not stand out from the crowd. However, even then he could surprise those around him with his sharp mind and erudition.

The future philosopher and publicist read a lot, and also loved to analyze the material he studied. It was a pleasure to discuss any topic with him and keep the conversation going. As people from his circle say, Oleg managed to carry these character traits through time and retain them even after completing his studies at the university, which he graduated with honors.

Graduate studies and early teaching careers

Immediately after university, Oleg Matveychev, a political scientist, philosopher and publicist, applied to graduate school. He underwent further training at the Institute of Philosophy and Law. In his own words, he wanted not only to gain knowledge, but also to share it with other people. Therefore, Oleg was attracted to work as a teacher and pedagogue.

Following his dream, a young and promising teacher decided to try his hand at students from secondary schools and higher educational institutions in Yekaterinburg. And since there was not always enough money to live on, he earned extra money by doing tests, diplomas, coursework and even dissertations to order.

At the beginning of 1995, Oleg Matveychev, a future professor at the Higher School of Economics, defended his PhD thesis on the philosophy of law and politics.

Work at the institute and preparation for a doctoral dissertation

In 1996, Matveychev managed, in a matter of days, to occupy a vacant position as a research assistant at the Institute of Philosophy and Law, where he had previously studied and practiced. And it was from this moment that Oleg opened up to the world as the author of diverse scientific works and monographs. For example, while a university researcher, he wrote such works as “Antipsychology. Modern man in search of meaning”, “Sovereignty of the Spirit” and many others. In total, about 50 works came from the pen of the philosopher and teacher.

Simultaneously with his literary career, Oleg Matveychev carried out long and painstaking work on his doctoral dissertation, which he later successfully defended.

Work as a public figure

Immediately after defending his doctorate, Oleg began to master his knowledge in practice, using society for this. So, he began to take an active part in various public discussions, including on television, in political debates, etc. Moreover, this work fascinated him so much that he did it for about 12 years.

During this period, he managed to take part in over 200 projects, including the elections of local councils and the president, and the purchase of shares. At the same time, a public figure with still little life experience had to work both on the territory of Russia and abroad. This is the type of activity Oleg Matveychev was engaged in. His biography is filled with significant events and dates.

Daily matters

They say about people like Oleg that they “spin on one leg.” Indeed, this wonderful political scientist and philosopher always knows what and when to do. In his own words, he tries to be a well-rounded person who knows how to work and earn money.

By the way, Matveychev’s participation in social, political, and sometimes public activities has borne fruit. As a result, he managed to make a decent fortune. However, Oleg Matveychev decided to continue to increase the money he earned. As a result, in 1999 he moved to Moscow and opened several media agencies, funds, consulting and information companies there.

Participation in various media projects

At the same time, the name of the philosopher and political scientist became in demand among representatives of the press and mass media. He is increasingly called upon to play the role of expert and commentator. For example, four information publications competed for the right to invite a specialist to their editorial office:

  • "Expert";
  • "Businessman-power";
  • "Vedomosti" and "Profile".

Scandalous phrase and popularity

According to many journalists, one fine day he woke up famous. Moreover, the reason for such unexpected popularity was not Oleg Matveychev’s books, but a scandalous phrase uttered by the political scientist on his personal blog. In this phrase, the political strategist expressed his attitude towards politics in the country as a whole, towards representatives of the government, the opposition bloc, as well as towards people who, for selfish reasons, sow confusion among ordinary people.

Matveychev's further career

The career of a political strategist has gone from strength to strength. At first he was deputy director of one of the large consulting companies, Baxter Group. He held this position until mid-2006. Then he was invited to the position of director of this organization, which opened its representative office in Moscow. After this there was the position of vice-president of the Institute of National Strategy, previously founded

Then there was long teaching at Moscow State University and the Higher School of Economics, membership in the National Academy of Social Technologies and a “warm place” in the Administrative Building under the President of the Russian Federation. Even later, he was appointed a consultant, and then an adviser on domestic policy affairs to the president. And the main thing is that, being a responsible person under the Administration, Oleg Matveychev easily combined his teaching activities at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Higher School of Economics, where he had previously managed to undergo an internship.

Books and writing activities of a political strategist

The political strategist tried to write about what could not be said out loud in his books. All of them are filled with a certain philosophical and political meaning, which Oleg Matveychev put into them. “Ears Waving Donkey” is a prime example of this. This book is a collection consisting of five parts. Each of them reveals the following problems:

  • manipulation of the mood of the masses (used in organizing “color revolutions”);
  • modern social programming;
  • election campaigning and PR;
  • political technologies.

The book also raises topical issues of current politics, which are being pursued by the current Russian authorities, and gives advice on how to manipulate public opinion, how to tune it into the desired wave and direct it in the appropriate direction. While writing the material, the author used his own analytical data and developments, real documents, knowledge in the field of political technology, and facts. By reading the book “Ears Waving a Donkey,” you can learn:

  • how much do politicians actually spend on elections?
  • who can manipulate people's opinions;
  • how concepts are replaced;
  • what constitutes “black PR”;
  • how not to fall under the influence of “black PR”, etc.

Oleg Matveychev, “Territory of Meanings”

Recently, Oleg began to support politically active youth. For example, this year he took part in a new project called “Territory of Meanings.” This is a new forum that started in early July in Klyazma and was organized with the support of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, as well as the Rospatriottsentr. At that time, the project was supervised by the Department of Internal Policy under the Administration of the President of Russia.

The event itself took place in a camp on Lake Zapolskoe, where a group of young people came every seven days. Up to 1,000 young people aged 18 to 30 could gather there at the same time. During their stay in the camp, forum participants had the opportunity to listen to lectures by university teachers, professional political strategists, graduate students and students.

Among the teachers was Matveychev. In particular, he gave a fascinating lecture in which he talked about manipulating the consciousness of politically active people and using tools from a series of information technologies. In his speech, the professor and political strategist emphasized the fact that every active person is simply obliged to take part in the “information war.” Otherwise, his “political naivety” can be used by interested people for their own selfish purposes.

http://matveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/3441275.html Potemkin: Underrated, but also unsurpassed
The Magnificent Prince of Taurida is 275 years old! The time has come to remember him without sensational chatter and bow to the memory of an outstanding statesman. Let us think: after all, in the history of Russia there is no one to put next to this dreamer and builder, adventurer and cautious statesman. The scope of Potemkin's activities is amazing. This is a real “effective manager” for all times. And in history he remained in the mask of a zhuir... The airwaves were filled with news from Crimea and Novorossiya. But all this is Potemkin. Only he managed to set his own rules, avoiding strife. He took care of the soldiers in the war too.

After Japan's military defeat in 1945, the American occupation authorities banned all Japanese martial arts, with the exception of karate, which was considered just a variation of Chinese gymnastics. In 1948, the Japan Karate Association (JKA) was created, headed by Funakoshi, uniting leading specialists in this type of martial arts. From that time on, karate began to develop both as a system of self-defense and as a sport” (were they real, all these “Japanese martial arts”? The question, of course, is rhetorical).

British Kyokushinkai Karate was founded in 1965 following the return of Steve Arneil and Bob Boulton from Japan, where they had studied Kyokushinkai at Tokyo Hombu
- Jon Blooming is considered the founder of Kyokushinkai in Europe. On January 2, 1962, Jon Blooming (a refined Japanese in the 33rd generation, of course, yeah), on behalf of Masutatsu Oyama, creates the first European karate association, called NKA

On July 24, 1948, the British Judo Association was created in London. And already on July 26 of the same year, the European Judo Union (EJU) was formed by Great Britain, Italy, Holland and Switzerland. In 1951, Austria and France joined the European Judo Union.

Unique places in Russia that almost no one knows about

Tourists eagerly explore Russia's memorable places because they are magnificent and impressive! However, few people know that in the outback of some regions there are original natural attractions that amaze with their beauty and relief. You can see photographs of beautiful salt lakes, stone pillars and other exclusive amazing objects in the presented selection.

http://matveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/3354273.html The Poles and the Vatican were at the origins of the information war against Russia (last 04.04)

http://matveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/1885938.html Who built the ancient tunnels under all of Europe?

http://matveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/1877913.html Modern non-lethal war: Invisible, like radiation, pleasant for the victim...
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25 Incredible Optical Illusions

These truly cool illusions by Canadian artist Rob Gonzales will truly amaze you. Looking at the picture, it is impossible to understand where reality ends and illusion begins.

On the prophecies of Saint Cosmas of Aetolia (18th century, glorified in the 20th)

http://matveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/2581278.html Don Cossacks of the village of Tartaritsa, Bulgaria
