Manchurian operation. The surrender of Japan and the myth of the Kwantung Army Liberation of Manchuria 1945

The Soviet Army is preparing for a liberation campaign

The Soviet military-political leadership began preparations for an offensive in the Far East immediately after the Crimean Conference. The strategic goal of the Soviet operation was the defeat of the Kwantung Army in Northeast China and Korea, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, which was supposed to speed up the surrender of Japan. The possibility of carrying out an amphibious operation on Hokkaido was envisaged if Tokyo did not capitulate after the loss of Manchuria and Korea.

The plan of the operation provided for powerful flank attacks on the Kwantung Army from the west and east and an auxiliary attack from the north. This was supposed to lead to the fragmentation, encirclement and destruction of the Japanese army in parts. The liberation of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands depended on the success of the main operation.

In accordance with the plan of the operation, organizational changes were carried out in the troops that were in the Far East. In April 1945, from the two existing fronts - Transbaikal and Far Eastern, the Primorsky group was separated, which included troops located from Guberovo to North Korea. This simplified troop control and allowed the command to concentrate forces on narrower zones. On August 2, 1945, the Primorsky Group was reorganized into the 1st Far Eastern Front, and the Far Eastern Front into the 2nd Far Eastern Front. As a result, before the start of the war, three fronts were deployed in the Far East - Transbaikal, 1st and 2nd Far Eastern. They were supposed to interact with the Pacific Fleet and the Red Banner Amur River Flotilla.

In order to deal a crushing blow to the enemy and not prolong the course of hostilities, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command transferred to the Far East part of the forces that were freed up in Europe. The 39th Army from the Königsberg area, the 53rd Combined Arms Army and the 6th Guards Tank Army from the Prague area were sent to the Transbaikal Front, which were supposed to deliver the main blow in the west. The 5th Army was transferred from East Prussia to the 1st Far Eastern Front, which was also located at the forefront of the main attack. In addition, all fronts received new tank, artillery, aviation, engineering and other units and formations. All this seriously strengthened the combat power of the Soviet Army in the Far East.

The troops were transferred over a distance of 9-11 thousand kilometers, which was fraught with great difficulties. During May - July 1945 alone, 136 thousand wagons with troops and cargo arrived from the West to the Far East and Transbaikalia. The troops had to cover part of the route on their own. The marches were especially difficult in Transbaikalia and Mongolia, where the marches reached more than 1000 kilometers. Heat, clouds of dust, and lack of water quickly tired people, hampered the movement of troops and accelerated the wear and tear of vehicles. Despite this, daily infantry marches reached 40 kilometers, and mobile formations - 150 kilometers. As a result, all the difficulties of such a large-scale transfer of troops were successfully overcome.

Composition of fronts in the Far East

As a result of all the regroupings, the composition of the fronts in the Far East was as follows:

The Transbaikal Front, under the command of Marshal of the Soviet Union R. Ya. Malinovsky, included the 17th, 39th, 36th and 53rd combined arms, 6th Guards Tank, 12th Air Army, Transbaikalian Air Defense Army and Soviet -Mongolian horse-mechanized group;

The 1st Far Eastern Front under the command of Marshal of the Soviet Union K. A. Meretskov included the 35th, 1st Red Banner, 5th, 25th and 9th Air Armies, the Primorsky Air Defense Army, the Chuguev Operational Group and 10th Mechanized Corps;

The 2nd Far Eastern Front under the command of Army General M.A. Purkaev included the 2nd Red Banner, 15th, 16th combined arms, 10th air armies, the Amur Air Defense Army, the 5th separate rifle corps and the Kamchatka defensive region.

General leadership was exercised by the Commander-in-Chief of Soviet troops in the Far East, Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky. A member of the Military Council was Colonel General I.V. Shikin, and the chief of staff of the High Command in the Far East was Colonel General S.P. Ivanov. The general leadership of aviation was carried out by the Air Force Commander, Chief Marshal of Aviation A. A. Novikov.

The three fronts included 11 combined arms, 1 tank, 3 air and 3 air defense armies, and an operational group. These formations consisted of 80 divisions (of which 6 cavalry and 2 tank), 4 tank and mechanized corps, 6 rifle, 40 tank and mechanized brigades. In total, the group of Soviet troops in the Far East had over 1.5 million people, over 26 thousand guns and mortars, 5556 tanks and self-propelled guns, over 3.4 thousand aircraft. Soviet troops outnumbered the enemy in men by 1.8 times, in tanks by 4.8 times, and in aviation by 1.9 times.

The Pacific Fleet under the command of Admiral I. S. Yumashev had about 165 thousand personnel, 2 cruisers, 1 leader, 10 destroyers, 2 destroyers, 19 patrol ships, 78 submarines, 10 minelayers, 52 minesweepers, 49 submarine hunters boats, 204 torpedo boats and 1,549 aircraft, 2,550 guns and mortars. The Amur military flotilla under the command of N.V. Antonov had 12.5 thousand people, 8 monitors, 11 gunboats, 52 armored boats, 12 minesweepers and other ships, about 200 guns and mortars. Coordination of the actions of the Pacific Fleet and the Amur Flotilla with ground forces was entrusted to the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Fleet Admiral N. G. Kuznetsov.

Front tasks

The troops of the Transbaikal Front under the command of Malinovsky were to deliver the main blow with three combined arms and tank armies (17th, 53rd, 39th and 6th Guards Tank Armies) from the area of ​​the Tamtsag-Bulag ledge in the general direction of Changchun and Mukden, by the 15th day of the operation, reach the line Solun - Lubei - Dabanshan, and then reach the line Zhalantun - Changchun - Mukden - Chifeng. On the flanks, the front forces carried out two auxiliary attacks. The 36th Army was advancing in the north, and the Cavalry Mechanized Group of Soviet-Mongolian troops was advancing in the south.

Each army had its own task. The 17th Army under the command of Lieutenant General A.I. Danilov was supposed to strike from the Yugodzyr-Khid area in the general direction of Dabanshan. The 6th Guards Tank Army under the command of Colonel General of Tank Forces A.G. Kravchenko advanced in the general direction of Changchun. The tankers had to reach the Lubei, Tuquan line no later than the 5th day of the operation, occupy the passes through the Greater Khingan, preventing Japanese reserves from the central and southern parts of Manchuria from approaching, then advance on Changchun and Mukden.

The tank army was placed in the first echelon of the front, since in front of it there was neither a well-prepared enemy defense nor significant Japanese forces. This made it possible to develop a rapid offensive, occupy mountain passes before the enemy’s operational reserves arrived, and build on the success with a strike in the central regions of Manchuria, where they planned to destroy the main forces of the 3rd Japanese Front. The 6th Guards Tank Army was significantly strengthened, having two mechanized, one tank corps, four separate tank battalions, two motorized rifle divisions, two self-propelled artillery brigades, two light artillery brigades, two RGK artillery regiments, a separate mortar regiment, a motorcycle regiment, motorized engineering brigade and other units and units. Thanks to such a powerful and diverse composition, the tank army could conduct active combat operations in isolation from the combined arms armies.

Tank T-34-85 in Manchuria on the Greater Khingan ridge

The 39th Army, under the command of Colonel General I. I. Lyudnikov, delivered the main blow from the area southeast of Tamtsag-Bulag in the direction of Solun, bypassing the Khalun-Arshan fortified area from the south. Lyudnikov’s army was supposed to cut off the enemy’s Thessaloniki group’s escape route to the southeast and occupy the Solunya region. Part of the army delivered an additional blow to the northeast in the general direction of Hailar in order to isolate the Thessaloniki group and support the 36th Army in defeating the Hailar group of the Japanese army.

The 36th Army under the command of Lieutenant General A. A. Luchinsky supported the offensive of the front’s main attack group from the north. Luchinsky's army was advancing from the Starotsurukhaituy region to Hailar with the task of taking Hailar fortified area. Part of the army’s forces from the Otpor area advanced on the Zhalaynor-Manchurian Urgent District, and after its defeat they were also supposed to head to Hailar. The 36th Army, in cooperation with part of the forces of the 39th Army, was supposed to defeat the enemy’s Hailar group.

On the southern flank of the front, the Soviet-Mongolian Cavalry Mechanized Group under the command of Colonel General I. A. Pliev struck. KMG advanced from the Moltsok-Khid area in the direction of Dolun (Dolonnor), ensuring the movement of the front's main attack group from the right flank. This group included the following Soviet troops: 43rd tank, 25th and 27th motorized rifle, 35th anti-tank artillery brigade, 59th cavalry division, two anti-aircraft, fighter aviation, guards mortar regiments and engineering - sapper battalion. On the Mongolian side, the group included the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th cavalry divisions, the 7th armored brigade, an artillery regiment, an aviation division and a communications regiment.

The 53rd Army under the command of I.M. Managarov was in the second echelon of the front. It was supposed to follow the tank army and was concentrated in the Tamtsag-Bulag area. The front reserve included two rifle divisions, one tank division, and one tank brigade. The front reserve was located in the Choibalsan area.

The troops of Meretskov's 1st Far Eastern Front were to deliver the main blow with the forces of two combined arms armies, a mechanized corps and a cavalry division (1st Red Banner and 5th armies, 10th mechanized corps) from the Grodekovo area in the general direction of Mulin, Mudanjiang, in order to On the 23rd day of the operation, reach the line Boli - Ninguta - Dongjingcheng - Sanchakou station. At the first stage of the operation, the main attack group of the front was supposed to break through the powerful enemy defenses. The 1st Far Eastern Front advanced towards the troops of the Transbaikal and 2nd Far Eastern Fronts. At the second stage of the operation, front troops were to reach the Harbin-Changchun-Ranan line. Two auxiliary strikes by the 35th and 25th armies were carried out in the north and south.

The 35th Army under the command of Lieutenant General N.D. Zakhvataev advanced in the northern direction, providing the right flank of the front's main attack group. Soviet troops were advancing from the Lesozavodsk area in the direction of Mishan. Zakhvataev’s army was supposed to defeat the opposing enemy forces and occupy the Khutou fortified area, and then, in cooperation with the 1st Red Banner Army, destroy the enemy’s Mishan group.

The 1st Red Banner Army under the command of Colonel General A.P. Beloborodov was supposed to, in cooperation with the 5th Army, the Mulino-Mudanjiang group of Japanese, take Mulin, Linkou. By the end of the 18th day of the offensive, the army was supposed to reach the line of the Mudanjiang River north of the city of Mudanjiang. The 5th Army, under the command of Colonel General N.I. Krylov, was supposed to break through the defenses of the Suifenhe UR, and then advance on Mudanjiang in order to, in cooperation with the troops of the 1st Red Banner Army, destroy the Mulino-Mudanjiang group. At the same time, part of the forces of the 5th Army was supposed to advance to the south, going behind the rear of the Japanese troops who were defending in front of the 25th Army.

The 25th Army under the command of Colonel General I.M. Chistyakov supported the offensive of the front's main attack group on the left flank. The 25th Army was supposed to go on the offensive after breaking through the enemy defenses on the main axis and use the success of the 5th Army to take Dongning Ur, and then attack Wangqing and Hunchun. Subsequently, with the support of the Pacific Fleet, they planned to land troops in the ports of North Korea.

At the front, a mobile group was formed consisting of the 10th mechanized corps and a cavalry division. There were two rifle corps in the front reserve. Part of the troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front (Chuguevskaya operational group) continued to carry out the task of defending the Soviet coast of the Sea of ​​Japan.

The troops of Purkaev's 2nd Far Eastern Front launched a strike from the north along the Songhua River to Harbin with the support of the Amur Flotilla with the forces of the 15th Combined Arms Army. By the 23rd day of the operation, Soviet troops were supposed to reach the area of ​​​​the city of Jiamusi, and then Harbin. The remaining forces of the front at the beginning of the operation had the task of conducting defensive actions.

The 15th Army under the command of Lieutenant General S.K. Mamonov delivered the main attack from the Leninskoye area in the Sungari direction and an auxiliary attack by the 5th Separate Rifle Corps from the Bikin area in the Zhaohei direction. Mamonov's army was supposed to, with the support of two brigades of the Amur flotilla and aviation, cross the Amur on both sides of the Songhua River, take the city of Tongjiang, and develop an offensive against Jiamusi and Harbin. The remaining front troops were to go on the offensive on the second day of the operation.

The Pacific Fleet was supposed to disrupt enemy communications in the Sea of ​​Japan; complicate enemy operations in North Korean ports; ensure its maritime communications in the Sea of ​​Japan and the Strait of Tartary; in cooperation with ground forces, to prevent possible enemy landings on the Soviet coast. On August 8, 1945, the fleet received an order to be on combat readiness, deploy submarines, stop single navigation of Soviet ships, and organize the convoy of merchant ships. Later, due to the success of the ground forces, the fleet received additional tasks: to capture Japanese naval bases and ports in North Korea, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. The Amur flotilla, operationally subordinate to the command of the 2nd Far Eastern Front, was supposed to ensure the crossing of the Amur and Ussuri rivers and support ground forces in the assault on the enemy’s fortified areas and strongholds.

Landing from the monitor of the Amur flotilla on the Sungari River. 2nd Far Eastern Front

Thus, the offensive against the Japanese army was prepared as a strategic operation of three fronts and a fleet. Soviet troops were to launch three dissecting strikes, converging in the center of Manchuria, which led to the encirclement, dismemberment and destruction of the Japanese Manchu group. The depth of operation of the Transbaikal Front was about 800 kilometers, for the 1st Far Eastern Front - 400-500 kilometers, for the 2nd Far Eastern Front - more than 500 kilometers.

Each front planned its artillery operations differently. In the armies of the Transbaikal Front, due to the fact that the main forces of the Kwantung Army were withdrawn deep into Manchuria, artillery training was canceled. Only in the offensive zone of the 36th Army, where two fortified enemy areas were located, was the artillery supposed to suppress the strongholds of the Japanese army.

In the armies of the 1st Far Eastern Front, which needed to break through the heavily fortified enemy border with powerful missile defenses, artillery had to play an important role at the beginning of the operation. The exception was the 1st Red Banner Army, which had to advance in difficult mountain-taiga terrain, where the Japanese had not created a positional defense. The troops of the 1st Red Banner Army were supposed to strike suddenly, without artillery preparation.

The highest artillery densities were created in the 5th Army zone: 200 guns and mortars per 1 km of front. The 5th Army had to break through the defenses of the Pogranichnensky fortified area, the strongest on the border of the USSR and Manchuria. The night before the attack, a 4-6 hour artillery preparation was planned for previously identified targets. Before the attack of the main forces of the army began, a second artillery preparation was planned.

On the 2nd Far Eastern Front, in the offensive zone of the 15th Army and the 5th Rifle Corps, artillery was supposed to ensure the crossing of the Amur and Ussuri, the capture and retention of bridgeheads, and then the development of the offensive in the depths of the enemy defense.

Aviation was to play a major role in the offensive operation. The 12th Air Army under the command of Air Marshal S.A. Khudyakov was supposed to conduct reconnaissance to detect enemy troops; protect ground forces from Japanese air strikes; support the advance of the front's main strike group; prevent the approach of enemy reserves along railways and dirt roads. The main efforts of aviation were concentrated on supporting the main strike group of the front. On the first day of the operation, Soviet aviation was supposed to launch massive attacks on the Solun, Khailar, Halun-Arshan stations, bridges, trains, convoys and enemy airfields. This was supposed to disrupt the movement of troops and the transfer of enemy reserves.

The 9th Air Army, under the command of Colonel General of Aviation I.M. Sokolov, in addition to other tasks, had to solve a special task related to breaking through the enemy’s long-term defense. On the first day of the offensive, secular aircraft were to carry out massive attacks on enemy defense centers and strongholds. Attack aircraft were supposed to support the advance of ground forces with continuous strikes.

The 10th Air Army, under the command of Colonel General of Aviation P.F. Zhigarev, was supposed to concentrate its main efforts in the main attack zone, that is, to support the offensive of the 15th Army. Fighter aircraft were supposed to reliably cover ground forces, ships of the Amur Flotilla, as well as railways from attacks by Japanese aircraft. Attack and bomber aircraft were supposed to strike defensive positions, ships of the Sungari flotilla and suitable enemy reserves. The Air Force of the Pacific Fleet had the task of attacking the naval bases of the Japanese fleet in North Korea, as well as operating at sea, destroying Japanese aircraft at airfields and covering our ships.

Pe-2 bomber on the 1st Far Eastern Front

To be continued…

On May 8, 1945, Nazi Germany capitulated. Fulfilling allied obligations, according to the agreement adopted at the Crimean (Yalta) Conference by the leaders of the USSR, USA and Great Britain, the Red Army was supposed to begin military operations in the Far East against Japan two to three months after the surrender of Germany. On April 5, 1945, USSR Minister of Foreign Affairs V.M. Molotov, on behalf of the Soviet government, made a statement to the Japanese Ambassador in Moscow N. Sato about the denunciation of the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact.

The most important strategic tasks facing were the defeat of the Kwantung Army and the liberation of Manchuria and North Korea from Japanese invaders, as well as the elimination of Japan's military-economic base on the Asian continent.

The area of ​​the Far Eastern theater of military operations, covering Manchuria, Inner Mongolia and North Korea, exceeded 1.5 million square meters. km. The length of the state border of the Soviet Union and the Mongolian People's Republic with Manchukuo and Korea, which was the line of deployment of Soviet troops, was more than 5 thousand km, which far exceeded the length of all European fronts (Soviet-German, Western and Italian) at the beginning of 1945. In general, the Far Eastern theater of military operations was extremely diverse and difficult for the advancing troops, who had to operate, as a rule, in isolated directions, in unusual natural and climatic conditions.

By the summer of 1945, 17 fortified areas (RF) were built on the territory of Manchuria and Inner Mongolia near the borders with the Soviet Union and the Mongolian People's Republic (MPR). The total length of long-term structures, the number of which reached over 4,500, was about 800 km. The fortified area occupied 50–100 km along the front and up to 50 km in depth. It consisted of three to seven resistance nodes, which included three to six strong points. Resistance centers and strongholds were established, as a rule, at commanding heights and had cross-fire communications. Their flanks usually rested on inaccessible mountainous-forested or wooded-swampy terrain.

By early August 1945, Japanese forces in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia, and Korea numbered more than 1 million men, 1,215 tanks, 6,640 guns and mortars, 1,907 combat aircraft, and 25 warships of the main classes. The most powerful group - the Kwantung Army (commander - Army General O. Yamada) - was located in Manchuria and North Korea near the borders of the Soviet Union and the Mongolian People's Republic. It united the 1st (General S. Kita), 3rd (General D. Usiroku) and 17th (General I. Kozuki) fronts, the 4th (General U. Mikio) and 34th separate armies (General K. Saniti), 2nd and 5th air armies, Sungari military flotilla - a total of 31 infantry divisions (from 11-12 to 18-21 thousand people), 9 infantry brigades (from 4.5 to 8 thousand people ), one special forces brigade (suicide bombers), two tank brigades.

The Sungari military river flotilla consisted of detachments of ships, three regiments of marines with landing craft (approximately 50 landing motor boats and 60 landing motor boats)

The aviation group of Japanese troops in Manchuria and Korea included the 2nd and 5th air armies, which numbered up to 2 thousand aircraft (600 bombers, 1200 fighters, more than 100 reconnaissance aircraft and up to 100 auxiliary aircraft).

The troops of the puppet state of Manchukuo and the Japanese protege in Inner Mongolia, Prince De Wang, were subordinate to the command of the Kwantung Army. During the hostilities, it was planned to use gendarmerie, police, railway and other formations, as well as armed detachments of reservist settlers.

The intention of the commander of the Kwantung Army was to repel the attacks of Soviet troops and prevent their breakthrough into the central regions of Manchuria and Korea during the defense in fortified border areas and at advantageous natural lines. In case of unfavorable developments, it was planned to withdraw to the line of Changchun, Mukden, Jinzhou, and if it was impossible to gain a foothold on it, to Korea. According to the calculations of the Japanese General Staff, it would take the Red Army about six months to capture Manchuria and Inner Mongolia. After this, the Japanese armed forces, having carried out the necessary regroupings, had to go on a counter-offensive, transfer military operations to the territory of the USSR and achieve honorable peace terms.

The decisive military-political and military-strategic goals of the Manchurian strategic offensive operation of the Soviet troops determined its general plan, which was to force the forces of the Trans-Baikal, 1st and 2nd Far Eastern Fronts to carry out a rapid invasion of Manchuria along the converging in its center territories in directions, with the main blows to be delivered from the territory of the Mongolian People's Republic (MPR) to the east and from Soviet Primorye to the west, to dissect the main grouping of the Kwantung Army, to encircle and successively destroy it piece by piece, to capture the most important administrative and military-industrial centers of Shenyang (Mukden ), Changchun, Harbin, Girin (Jimin).

For these purposes, by August 9, 1945, 11 combined arms, tank and 3 air armies, 3 air defense armies of the country, a fleet and a flotilla were deployed in the Far East against the Japanese armed forces. They included the directorates of 33 corps, 131 divisions and 117 brigades of the main branches of the military. The land border of the USSR was covered by 21 fortified areas. The total strength of the Soviet Far Eastern group and its weapons are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 – Number of personnel, weapons and military equipment of the Soviet group of forces in the Far East at the beginning of the war against Japan

Strengths and means Ground troops Air Force Air defense forces of the country Navy Total
Zab. front 1st Far Eastern Fleet 2nd Far Eastern Fleet
Personnel 582 516 531 005 264 232 113 612 78 705 177 395 1 747 465
Rifles and carbines 283 608 294 826 158 451 53 225 50 560 144 130 984 800
Submachine guns 117 447 120 291 54197 2 953 3 045 18 513 316 476
Heavy and light machine guns 19 603 25 789 12 564 985 191 8 812 67 944
Guns and mortars 8 980 10 619 4 781 71 2 635 2 749 29 835
Tanks and self-propelled guns 2 359 1 974 917 5 250
Combat aircraft 3 501 220 1 450 5 171
Warships of the main classes 93 93

The leading role in carrying out the plan of the operation was assigned to the Transbaikal and 1st Far Eastern Fronts, which were to strike (from the territory of the Mongolian People's Republic and from Primorye, respectively, in converging directions to Changchun in order to encircle the main forces of the Kwantung Army. The troops of the 2nd Far Eastern Front were to strike to Harbin and thereby contribute to the dissection of the enemy group and its destruction in parts.

In accordance with the plan of the operation, the Supreme High Command Headquarters, by directives of June 28, 1945, assigned the following tasks to the fronts and fleet (Diagram 1).

To deliver the main blow to the Trans-Baikal Front with the forces of three combined arms and one tank armies, bypassing the Halun-Arshan fortified region (UR) from the south in the general direction of Changchun, having

The immediate task is “to defeat the opposing enemy, cross the Greater Khingan and by the 15th day of the operation reach the front with the main forces of Dabanshan (Balinyutsi), Lubei, Solun.” The 6th Guards Tank Army was ordered to overcome the Greater Khingan ridge by the 10th day of the operation and secure the passes “before the main infantry forces arrive”; in the future, withdraw the main forces of the front to the line of Chifeng, Mukden, Changchun, Zhalantun (Butekhatsi).

The actions of the troops in the main direction were to be supported by two auxiliary strikes: on the right wing of the front by KMG forces, and on the left by the 36th Army.

The 1st Far Eastern Front received the task, with the forces of two combined arms armies, a mechanized corps and a cavalry division, to break through the defenses north of Grodekovo and “... advance in the general direction towards Mulin, Mudanjiang,” with the immediate task of reaching the Boli line, Mudanjiang by the 15th–18th day of the operation , Wangqing. In the future, act in the direction of Harbin, Changchun, Ranan (Nanam). Bring the bulk of the RGK artillery, tanks and aviation to the direction of the main attack.

In order to ensure the right wing of the front, it was prescribed to deliver an auxiliary strike with the forces of the 35th Army from the Lesozavodsk area in the general direction of Mishan, and the left wing - with part of the forces of the 25th Army from the Kraskino and Slavyanka area in the direction of Hunchun, Antu, with the task of “in the future capture the ports of North Korea - Ranan, Seisin, Racine."

The entry of troops of the Trans-Baikal and 1st Far Eastern Fronts into the area of ​​Changchun, Girin (Jimin) achieved the encirclement of the main forces of the Kwantung Army in the central regions of Manchuria. In the future, the troops of these fronts had to sharply change the direction of action and develop a rapid offensive on the Liaodong Peninsula and within North Korea in order to complete the defeat of the enemy troops.

The Headquarters set the task of the 2nd Far Eastern Front, advancing in the general direction of Harbin, to assist the troops of the Transbaikal and 1st Far Eastern Fronts in the defeat of the Kwantung Army. To do this, the forces of the 15th Army, in cooperation with the Red Banner Amur Military Flotilla, operationally subordinate to the commander of the 2nd Far Eastern Front, strike, with the immediate task of crossing the river. Amur, capture the Tongjiang fortified area and by the 23rd day of the operation reach the Jiamusi area. In the future, advance along the river. Songhua to Harbin. With the development of success in Primorye, it was also prescribed to launch offensive operations with the forces of the 5th Separate Rifle Corps in the Zhaohei direction in order to assist the 15th Army in the direction of Fugding (Fujin), Jiamusi or the right wing of the 1st Far Eastern Front in the direction of Baoqing.

From the start of the operation, the Pacific Fleet was supposed to use submarines and aircraft to disrupt enemy communications in the Sea of ​​Japan, destroy his ships in the ports of North Korea, ensure its sea communications, support the coastal flanks of the ground forces, and prevent enemy landings on the Soviet coast. Later, during military operations, when the necessary conditions were created, the fleet was given additional tasks: to capture the port cities of North Korea, as well as to land troops on South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

The Air Force was entrusted with the following tasks: to gain air superiority and reliably cover the main groupings of troops of the fronts; disrupt the maneuver of enemy reserves by striking railway facilities, trains and convoys; support troops in breaking through enemy fortified areas and developing an offensive; disrupt enemy command and control by striking his command posts, headquarters and communications centers; conduct continuous aerial reconnaissance.

The Manchurian strategic offensive operation was carried out on a huge front and to great depth in the difficult conditions of the Far Eastern theater of operations with its desert-steppe, mountainous, forested-swampy, taiga terrain, replete with large rivers. It included three front-line offensive operations: Khingan-Mukden of the Trans-Baikal, Harbino-Girin of the 1st Far Eastern and Sungari of the 2nd Far Eastern fronts.

On the night of August 8-9, 1945, reinforced forward and reconnaissance detachments of three fronts rushed into enemy territory. By the morning, overcoming the scattered resistance of individual groups of Japanese troops, they captured the enemy's border strongholds, which created favorable conditions for the actions of the main forces, which, in accordance with the order of the Supreme Command Headquarters 9, went on the offensive at dawn. In order to achieve surprise, artillery and air preparations for the attack were not carried out.

A major role in the successful start of the front offensive was played by the border units and formations of the Transbaikal, Khabarovsk and Primorsky border districts, commanded by Generals M.I. Shishkarev, A.A. Nikiforov and P.I. Zyryanov. They were promptly subordinate to the front commanders and acted together with the main troops.

Specially formed and trained attack detachments of border troops were the first to cross such large rivers as the Amur, Ussuri and Argun, reached enemy strongholds and garrisons, and then liquidated them with sudden attacks, ensuring the advance of field troops. Success was determined by secrecy, surprise and swiftness of action.

On the morning of August 9, bomber aviation of the fronts carried out massive attacks on military targets in Harbin, Changchun and Girin, on troop concentration areas, communications centers and the enemy’s most important communications. The Pacific Fleet began laying minefields, and its

Aviation and formations of torpedo boats attacked ships, vessels and other objects in the ports of North Korea.

Having broken through the border fortified areas, the troops of the Transbaikal and 1st Far Eastern Fronts defeated the Japanese covering troops and entered the territory of Manchuria simultaneously from the east and west. At the same time, the main forces, and from August 11, the remaining troops of the 2nd Far Eastern Front, in cooperation with the Amur Military Flotilla, crossed the Amur and Ussuri rivers and attacked the enemy’s coastal fortifications.

Thus, during the first day of hostilities, the Kwantung Army troops were attacked by land, air and sea along the entire border with Manchukuo and on the coast of North Korea.

The greatest success in the Khingan-Mukden direction was achieved by the end of the day on August 9th 6th Guards Tank Army under the command of Colonel General of Tank Forces A.G. Kravchenko. Having strong forward detachments ahead, decisively crushing individual units of the enemy covering troops, it advanced to a depth of 150 km. In contrast to the actions on the Soviet-German front, the tank army advanced as part of the first echelon on an independent direction in the conditions of a significant gap between the flanks of the parallel advancing 17th and 39th combined arms armies. Difficult geographical conditions did not allow tank and mechanized formations to advance on a wide front. They operated in two directions, passing 70–80 km from one another. This complicated interaction and forced us to significantly strengthen each formation in order to give it greater independence in solving problems in operational depth.

On August 10, by the end of the day, having overcome enemy resistance, the 6th Guards Tank Army came close to the passes of the Greater Khingan Range, and overcame it on the 12th. The crossing of the Greater Khingan was associated with great difficulties. The paths through the passes are steep ascents and descents, swampy valleys. In a number of mountainous areas, in order to increase road passability, troops were forced to use explosives. During the crossing of the ridge, most of the sapper units were part of the forward detachments and movement support detachments, which played a large role in the non-stop advance of the troops.

During the first five days of the operation, the 6th Guards Tank Army covered more than 450 km and completed its task a day ahead of schedule established by the order of the commander of the Trans-Baikal Front.

Having overcome the Greater Khingan ridge, the army descended onto the Central Manchurian Plain and reached the deep rear of the Kwantung Army.

The success of the formations of the Trans-Baikal Front created favorable conditions for the deployment of troops led by the Communist Party of China. Commander-in-Chief Zhu De signed an order for the 8th Army to launch a counteroffensive on August 11.

By the end of August 12, the 6th Guards Tank Army captured the city of Lubei and rushed south to the vital cities of Manchuria - Changchun and Shenyang. The tank army was followed by the second echelon of the front - the 53rd Army. By the end of the day, the troops of the cavalry mechanized group and the 17th Army were approaching the southwestern spurs of the Greater Khingan.

Such a rapid advance of the tank army was facilitated by the timely supply of fuel, water and ammunition to it by two divisions of military transport aviation. This method of supplying a large tank group in conditions of a large separation from its rear proved to be the most effective.

17th Army under the command of Lieutenant General A.I. Danilova and a cavalry-mechanized group, advancing respectively on Chifeng, Dolonnor (Dolun) and Zhangjiakou (Kalgan), having marched through the desert for more than 300 km, defeated several detachments of enemy cavalry and on August 14 occupied Dabanshan, Dolonnor, and began stubborn battles for the fortified area on the outskirts to Kalgan. KMG, having reached communications connecting Manchuria with Northern China, cut off the Kwantung Army from Japanese strategic reserves. 39th Army Colonel General I.I. Lyudnikova, having inflicted significant damage on the Japanese troops covering the passes through the Greater Khingan, by the end of August 14 advanced up to 400 km, and part of the forces captured the Khalun-Arshan UR, 36th Army (commander - Colonel-General A.A. Luchinsky), meeting stubborn resistance in the Zhalaynor-Manchu and Hailar fortified areas, during August 11 and 12, it fought heavy battles, which ended with the capture of these positions. Thus, during the six days of the offensive, the troops of the Transbaikal Front, having defeated the opposing enemy and captured the passes through the Greater Khingan, created favorable conditions for the encirclement and defeat of the Kwantung Army.

The operation of the troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front began, as on other fronts, with the actions of advanced detachments. In pitch darkness and pouring rain, they resolutely attacked the enemy’s fortifications, skillfully used the gaps between them, and by dawn they had advanced 3–10 km deep into the defense. Before the start of the offensive by the main forces of the front, directly on the border of the Primorsky Border District, 33 enemy targets that were part of a system of well-equipped fortified areas were eliminated. The actions of the forward detachments developed into an offensive by the main forces, which began at 8:30 a.m. August 9. Formations of the 35th Army of Lieutenant General N.D. On August 10, Zakhvataeva captured Khutou and, advancing to Boli, supported the actions of the right flank of the front’s attack group from the north. 1st Red Banner Army Colonel General A.P. Beloborodova, having defeated the enemy detachments covering the border, crossed a 12-18 kilometer taiga region crossed by swamps, rivulets and streams, and by August 14 began fighting on the outer defensive perimeter of the city of Mudanjiang. The troops of the 5th Army under the command of Colonel General N.I. Krylov successfully broke through the enemy’s defenses on a 60-kilometer front and by the morning of August 10 they captured a large road junction, the fortified point of Suifenhe (Borderline) and, developing the offensive, on August 14 they also started fighting for Mudanjiang. 25th Army under the command of Colonel General I.M. Chistyakova, having captured the Dongning fortress and the road junction, created the conditions for an offensive along the shortest route to Girin and Changchun, where she was supposed to connect with the 6th Guards Tank Army of the Transbaikal Front. Therefore, it was reinforced by two rifle corps (17th from the 5th Army and 88th from the front reserve and other formations). On August 12, the 10th Mechanized Corps was brought into battle in its zone to develop success. Thus, the main efforts of the 1st Far Eastern Front were transferred from the center to the left wing. By the end of August 14, his troops had broken through a heavily fortified defense line, captured a number of fortified areas and, having gone 120–150 km deep into Manchuria, reached the line of Linkou and Mudanjiang prepared by the enemy.

Since the beginning of the operation, active operations were carried out by aviation and ships of the Pacific Fleet. During August 9 and 10, Soviet pilots carried out bombing attacks on enemy targets in North Korean ports

Ungi (Yuki), Najin (Racin), Chongjin (Seishin). As a result, 2 Japanese destroyers and 14 transports were sunk. On August 11, ships of the Pacific Fleet landed troops in the port of Unga. Having captured it, Soviet sailors organized defense from the sea.

The formations of the 25th Army, advancing along the eastern coast of North Korea, were able to non-stop pursue the enemy who had begun to retreat, and the Pacific Fleet was able to relocate part of its forces here. Another amphibious assault was landed on August 12 at the port of Najin (Racine). The capture of these ports created favorable conditions for the Seishin operation on August 13–16. With the support of naval artillery, and from the afternoon of August 15 and aviation, the paratroopers cleared the port and city of Chongjin (Seishin) from the enemy (before the arrival of the 3rd echelon of landing forces), which allowed the troops of the 25th Army of the 1st Far Eastern Front (to approach the city by the end of August 16) to maintain a high tempo of the offensive, deprived the Kwantung Army of sea communications with Japan, and cut off its route of retreat to the Korean Peninsula. The landing at the port of Seishin and its capture was the first major landing operation of the Pacific Fleet in the campaign in the Far East.

The troops of the 2nd Far Eastern Front, going on the offensive at one in the morning on August 9, in close cooperation with units and divisions of the Khabarovsk border district and with the assistance of the Amur military flotilla (commander Rear Admiral N.V. Antonov) crossed the Amur rivers (15th and , starting from the second day of the operation, the 2nd Red Banner Army; commanders, respectively, Lieutenant General S.K. Mamonov and Lieutenant General of the Tank Forces M.F. Terekhin) and Ussuri (5th Separate Rifle Corps, commander Major General A. .V. Vorozhishchev), broke through the enemy’s fortifications in the areas of Fugdin (Fujin), Sakhalyan (Heihe) and Zhaohe and, developing an offensive in the direction of Qiqihar and Harbin, by August 14 advanced to a depth of 120 km, starting battles for the exits to Central Manchuria.

As a result of six days of operation, Soviet and Mongolian troops inflicted a serious defeat on the Kwantung Army. They defeated its opposing units and formations in 16 fortified areas and advanced deep into Manchuria from 50 to 400 km, completing the tasks set by the Supreme Command Headquarters ahead of schedule.

The Japanese command, having lost control of its subordinate troops in the first days, was unable to organize any lasting resistance in any direction. However, in a number of fortified areas and centers of resistance, enemy garrisons defended stubbornly, and then the armed struggle took on a fierce character. This was the case in the areas of Hailar, Thessaloniki, Fujin, Jiamusi, Suifenhe, Dongning and Mudanjiang. The exit of formations of the Trans-Baikal and 1st Far Eastern Fronts to the rear of Japanese troops and the successful offensive of the 2nd Far Eastern Front forced the enemy to begin a widespread retreat in the direction of Harbin and Changchun.

On August 14, the Japanese government, not without hesitation, realizing the futility of further continuing the war, made a statement of surrender, but did not give the order to stop hostilities to the command of the Kwantung Army. On the evening of August 14, the command of the Kwantung Army received a telegraph order from the General Staff demanding the destruction of banners, portraits of the emperor, imperial decrees and important secret documents. There was no order to stop resistance. In this situation, the General Staff of the Red Army, in accordance with the decision of the Headquarters, gave instructions to continue the offensive.

In this regard, the General Staff of the Red Army issued a special explanation, which emphasized: “1. The announcement of Japan's surrender made by the Japanese Emperor on August 14 is only a general declaration of unconditional surrender. The order to the armed forces to cease hostilities has not yet been issued, and the Japanese armed forces are still continuing to resist. 2. In view of the above, the armed forces of the Soviet Union in the Far East will continue their offensive operations against Japan.”

The second stage of the Manchurian offensive operation began (August 15–20), the content of which was the defeat of the main forces of the Kwantung Army on the Manchurian Plain, the liberation of the most important political and economic centers of Manchuria and the beginning of the mass surrender of Japanese troops.

Fulfilling the order, the Soviet-Mongolian troops began a rapid advance into the central regions of Manchuria. Their successful actions and the huge losses of the Kwantung Army put the Japanese command before

the fact of military defeat and forced on August 17 to give an order to the troops to cease hostilities, and on the 18th, at the categorical request of the Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet troops in the Far East, Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky, - about their complete surrender (the act of surrender was signed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Kwantung Army, General O. Yamada, at 14:10 on August 19 in Changchun).

From August 19, enemy troops began to surrender almost everywhere. In order to prevent possible destruction of industrial enterprises, railway stations and other important objects, as well as the removal of material assets, airborne troops were landed in large cities, ports and naval bases from August 18 to 24. To join him in accordance with the requirement of the Commander-in-Chief of the troops in the Far East A.M. Vasilevsky sent strong mobile detachments. Their core, as a rule, consisted of tank (mechanized) formations of the unit. They were given the task of quickly reaching designated targets located deep in the territory of Manchuria and North Korea in order to speed up the disarmament of the enemy troops who had surrendered. However, if in the zone of action of the Trans-Baikal Front the Japanese units and formations unconditionally capitulated, then the troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front even after August 20 had to fight fierce battles with individual garrisons of fortified areas, groups and detachments taking refuge in the mountains. Only on August 22, after powerful artillery and air preparation, Soviet troops managed to storm the Khutou resistance center. Even more stubborn resistance was put up by the Japanese garrison of the Dunning fortified area, the remnants of which surrendered only on August 26. The complete disarmament and capture of the Kwantung Army was completed by the end of August. At the same time, the liquidation of some Japanese detachments that refused to lay down their arms was carried out even after Japan signed the act of surrender on September 2, 1945.

Within 25 days, the Armed Forces of the USSR, in cooperation with the Mongolian People's Army, carried out the Manchurian strategic offensive operation and defeated the Kwantung group of troops, which led to the loss of Japanese control over Manchuria and North Korea, a radical change in the military-political situation in Asia, made it impossible to continue the war and forced Japan to capitulate.

The enemy lost about a million soldiers and officers of the Japanese and puppet armies, of which 83,737 were killed and 640,276 captured as part of the regular Japanese troops alone, the vast majority of whom - 609,448 people were ethnic Japanese.

The elimination of the Japanese bridgehead in Manchuria created the conditions for the Chinese people and their Communist Party for the subsequent free development of the country. It was in Manchuria that the main striking force of the Chinese revolution was created - “The United Democratic Army, based on the alliance of the working class and the working peasantry with the active leading role of the CPC party organizations.”

The victory was not easy: the Armed Forces of the USSR lost 36,456 people killed, wounded and missing in the war with Japan, including 12,031 people irretrievably. The total losses included 1,298 military personnel of the Pacific Fleet (including 903 killed or mortally wounded) and 123 sailors of the Amur Military Flotilla (including 32 killed and mortally wounded). At the same time, the human losses of the Soviet troops and naval forces were 18.6 times less than the similar losses of the Japanese, and amounted to less than 0.1% of the total number of personnel who took part in the campaign, which indicates a high level of combat skill of the army soldiers and fleet and the superior military art of Soviet commanders and staffs.

Feats of Soviet soldiers

Despite the fact that for many commanders and soldiers of the Red Army and navy sailors the victoriously ended war with Germany was behind them, they selflessly fought against the Kwantung Army.

By the end of August 12, the 39th Army of the Transbaikal Front, having blocked the Khalun-Arshan fortified area with part of its forces, crossed the Greater Khingan with its main forces and rushed to Thessaloniki. Hiding behind the reinforced concrete and wood-earth structures of the fortified area, which stretched for almost 40 km, Japanese troops tried to delay the advance of the Soviet troops with fire and counterattacks.

Units of the army's advance detachment, together with units of the 124th Infantry Division and the 206th Tank Brigade, came close to the city. A tank battalion with a landing of machine gunners attacked Thessaloniki on the move. But as soon as the column of tanks approached the city, the enemy pillboxes began to speak.

The artillerymen silenced a pillbox at an unnamed height with cannon fire, and sappers blew up another one under the cover of tanks. Enemy fire has weakened. But as soon as the units reached the height, the pillbox came to life again. One after another, the soldiers fell, struck by machine-gun fire. The attack stopped. Then, with the permission of the commander, Komsomol member A. Shelonosov, taking with him several grenades, crawled to the pillbox. So he threw one grenade, another, a third... The fourth hit right in the embrasure. The machine gun fell silent. The riflemen and machine gunners again rushed after the tanks. But the enemy firing point spoke again. Shelonosov had no more grenades. He crawled to the pillbox and rushed to the embrasure.

During the offensive of the troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front, Soviet soldiers, showing the greatest courage and bravery, decisively defeated the enemy. During the attack of the Dunninsky fortified area, a group of soldiers from the 98th separate machine-gun and artillery battalion of the 106th fortified area of ​​the 25th Army broke through to one of the pillboxes, located at a height and blocking the entrance to a narrow valley, among whom was G.E. Popov. Hurricane machine-gun fire from the pillbox forced the soldiers to lie down. Popov volunteered to destroy the pillbox, crawled closer and threw grenades at its embrasure. But the enemy machine gun did not stop. Having used up all the grenades, the Soviet soldier rushed to the embrasure. The hero died, but the height was taken. On another sector of the front, in the offensive zone of the 1st Red Banner Army, the same feat was accomplished by the sapper of the 75th separate machine-gun and artillery battalion of the 112th fortified region, Komsomol member Corporal V.S. Kolesnik. These soldiers were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In the battles for the Dunninsky fortified area, a 20-year-old Komsomol member of the 7th rifle company of the 567th rifle regiment of the 384th rifle division, junior sergeant A.Ya., accomplished a feat. Firsov. This is how this feat is described in a front-line leaflet: “On August 11, the company in which Firsov served attacked the resistance center. But suddenly the pillbox came to life, spewing out a deadly barrage of fire. The company lay down. The young machine gunner, who had previously destroyed several enemy firing points with the fire of his light machine gun, decided to engage in single combat with the enemy hidden behind the concrete... So he quickly jumped up and fired a long burst at point-blank range into the embrasure, but the enemy machine gun did not stop. When the cartridges ran out, Firsov, abandoning the machine gun, rushed to the embrasure and covered it with himself. The attack resumed. The company completed the task..."

The 5th Separate Rifle Corps of the 15th Army of the 2nd Far Eastern Front developed an offensive against Baoqing. Having defeated the enemy, the corps captured Daegou (35 km north of Baotsing) with its advanced units and advanced 15 km by evening. By the end of August 13, the army had covered 30–60 km, its formations had captured the Xingshanzhen railway station. With part of her forces she knocked out the enemy, who had settled in strongholds south and east of Fujin. In one of these battles, Senior Sergeant Muravlev showed exceptional courage. He saw that the commander was engaged in hand-to-hand combat with a Japanese officer. At the moment when the Japanese rushed at him, the senior sergeant covered the commander with himself. The blow of the blade cut off the warrior’s hand, but the enemy paid for it with his life: Muravlev’s machine gun worked perfectly. And then the wounded warrior noticed that the enemies were surrounding Lieutenant Bikbashirov. Raising his machine gun with one hand, Muravlev shot them, but he himself died the death of the brave...

In the battle for the city of Ekhe, the tank crews of the 77th Brigade showed particular courage. On August 16, during an attack with a direct hit from a shell, one of the brigade’s tanks was disabled, a cannon and a machine gun were disabled, and the commander, turret gunner and radio operator were seriously wounded. Only the driver-mechanic, Komsomol member Antonenko, remained unharmed. At top speed, he drove the tank into the enemy’s firing positions, destroyed four enemy guns, dispersed and partially crushed their crews, Antonenko’s tank was the first to break into the city of Ekhe, and here the Japanese surrounded him and demanded that the tanker surrender. In response, the Soviet soldier threw several grenades through the hatch and opened fire from a machine gun. Having lost hope of taking the tanker alive, the Japanese set the tank on fire. Shell-shocked by the blast wave and wounded by fragments of the tank’s armor, the Komsomol member continued to fight in the burning car and held out until the main forces of the 77th Brigade arrived.

In the Sungari direction, the 15th Army of General S.K. Mamonov, advancing on Jiamusi, landed troops near the village of Honghedao (30 km northwest of Sanxing), ensuring an offensive along the Songhua River to Sanxing. The front commander entrusted the task of capturing the city and port of Sanxing to the Red Banner Amur Military Flotilla and the 632nd Infantry Regiment, which was to act as a landing force.

Moving south, on August 18 they reached Sanxing, where reconnaissance identified a large concentration of infantry and convoys at the crossing of the Mudanjiang River south of the city. The ships of the flotilla landed troops. The enemy, forced to stop resistance, laid down his arms. 3,900 soldiers and officers were captured. In the battle to capture Sanxing, the crew of the Sun Yat-sen monitor, awarded the rank of guards, successfully acted. Its commander, captain 3rd rank V.D. Corner, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

  • Photo 1. Russian and Chinese veterans of the war with Japan in the Museum of the Memorial to Soldiers Fallen in Battles on Chinese Soil. Port Arthur (Luishun), September 2010 (Photo from the book: The Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. In 12 volumes. T. 5. Victorious finale. War with Japan. M.: Kuchkovo Pole , 2013.)

  • Chairman of the Russian Committee of War Veterans and Armed Forces M.A. Moiseev presents commemorative medals to Russian and Chinese veterans of the war with Japan. Beijing, September 2010 (Photo from the book: The Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. In 12 vols. Vol. 5. The victorious finale. The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe. The war with Japan. M.: Kuchkovo field, 2013.)

Awarded a medal for the victory over Japan

All participants in the battles in the Far East in 1945 were entitled to the medal “For Victory over Japan.” It was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 30, 1945. The author of the drawing is the artist M.L. Lukina. In addition to direct participants in the battles, this award was given to military personnel of the central departments of the Soviet Armed Forces who took part in supporting the combat operations of our troops in the Far East.

In total, more than 1 million 800 thousand people were awarded the medal “For Victory over Japan”.

The brass medal “For Victory over Japan” is a circle with a diameter of 32 millimeters. On its front side there is a chest-length image of I.V. turned to the right in profile. Stalin in the uniform of Marshal of the Soviet Union. Along the circumference of the award in raised letters is written: “FOR VICTORY OVER JAPAN.” At the top of the reverse side of the medal there is a five-pointed star, and below it is the raised inscription “September 3, 1945”. Using an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk ribbon 24 millimeters wide, in the middle of which there is a wide red stripe, and on both sides there is one stripe of white and red, as well as a narrow white stripe. The edges of the ribbon are bordered with narrow yellow stripes. The medal is worn on the left side of the chest and is attached after the medal “Forty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.”

On February 5, 1951, by resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, additions were made to the Regulations on the medal. In particular, it was established that in the event of the death of the recipient, the medal “For Victory over Japan” and the certificate for it remain in his family to be kept as a memory. Previously, the medal and its certificate were returned to the state after the death of the medal bearer.

The medal “For Victory over Japan” is in many ways similar to the medal “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.” For example, both awards depict I.V. Stalin in the uniform of a Marshal of the Soviet Union, but on the obverse of the medal “For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.” The leader’s profile faces left, that is, to the west; on the medal “For Victory over Japan” he looks to the right, to the east.

Documents and materials of the Soviet-Japanese War

Annex 1




The leaders of the Three Great Powers - the Soviet Union, the United States of America and Great Britain - agreed that two to three months after the surrender of Germany and the end of the war in Europe, the Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan on the side of the Allies, subject to:

  1. Preservation of the status quo of Outer Mongolia (Mongolian People's Republic);
  2. Restoration of Russian rights violated by the treacherous attack of Japan in 1904, namely:

a) the return of the southern part of the island to the Soviet Union. Sakhalin and all adjacent islands;

  1. b) the internationalization of the commercial port of Dairen, ensuring the priority interests of the Soviet Union in this port and the restoration of the lease on Port Arthur as a naval base of the USSR;

c) the joint operation of the Chinese Eastern Railway and the South Manchurian Railway, giving access to Dairen, on the basis of organizing a mixed Soviet-Chinese Society, ensuring the primary interests of the Soviet Union, it being understood that China retains full sovereignty in Manchuria;

  1. Transfer of the Kuril Islands to the Soviet Union.

The Heads of Government of the Three Great Powers agreed that these claims of the Soviet Union should be unconditionally satisfied after the victory over Japan.

For its part, the Soviet Union expresses its readiness to conclude a pact of friendship and alliance between the USSR and China with the National Chinese Government in order to assist it with its armed forces in order to liberate China from the Japanese yoke.




Published: The Soviet Union at international conferences

period of the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945.

Crimean conference of leaders of three allied

In 4 vols. T. 4. M., 1984. P. 254–255;Great

In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale. The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe. War with Japan. M.: 2013. P. 801.

Appendix 2

№ 11047



In the event of an attack by Japanese armed forces on the Soviet Union

  1. The troops of the Primorsky Group (35th Army, 1st Red Banner Army, 25th Army, 9th Air Army), in cooperation with the Pacific Fleet, will use stubborn defense to prevent the enemy from invading the territory of the Soviet Union, landing and consolidating it on the coast from the mouth R. Tumen-Ula to Cape Sosunov and ensure the concentration of new forces in Primorye.
  2. When organizing defense, pay special attention to ensuring the uninterrupted operation of railways on the front territory and the most durable cover of the directions: Iman, Sawmill, Spassky, Voroshilov, as well as the Primorye regions - Barabashsky, Khasansky, the Main Naval Base of the Pacific Fleet - Vladivostok, Shkotovo, Vladimiro-Alexandrovskoe, Olga, Tetyukhe, Plastun, Terney.
  3. In order to ensure the normal operation of the Khabarovsk-Vladivostok railway, provide for an operation by the 35th Army and the 1st Red Banner Army with the task of capturing the Hutou and Mishan area and firmly securing it for themselves.
  4. The Pacific Fleet (without the Northern Pacific Flotilla), the Iman and Khankai armored boat detachments of the Amur Red Banner Military Flotilla shall be operationally subordinated to the commander of the Primorsky Group troops.
  5. The dividing line with the Far Eastern Front and responsibility for ensuring the junction between the Primorsky group and the Far Eastern Front is in accordance with the Headquarters directive of March 19 No. 11046.
  6. Guided by this directive and Headquarters Directive No. 220061 dated March 31, 1944, develop a detailed plan for the defense of the troops of the Primorsky Group and the Pacific Fleet, an operation plan for capturing the Hutou, Mishan area and a plan for interaction between the Primorsky Group and the Pacific Fleet for the defense of the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan within the borders of the Primorsky Fleet groups.

To allow the following to develop plans: commanders, members of the Military Councils, chiefs of staff and heads of operational departments of the headquarters of the Primorsky Group and the Pacific Fleet - in full.

  1. The heads of military branches and services should be allowed to develop only special sections of the plan, without becoming familiar with the general tasks of the Primorsky Group and the Pacific Fleet as a whole.



Documents and materials. In 2 vols. T. 18 (7-1). M., 1997. pp. 330–331.


The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. P. 802.

Appendix 3



In addition to Directive No. 11048 on March 26, 1945, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command orders:

  1. By August 1, carry out and complete in the front troops all preparatory measures for the grouping of troops, their combat and logistical support and command and control of troops for the purpose of carrying out, by special order of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, an offensive operation.

a) the goal of the operation is to set: active assistance to the troops of the Trans-Baikal Front and the Primorsky Group in the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army and the capture of the Harbin region;

b) carry out an offensive operation in the Sungari direction with the forces of the 15th Army in cooperation with the Amur Military Flotilla.

To carry out the operation, attract at least three rifle divisions, the bulk of the RGK artillery, tanks, aircraft and ferry vehicles, with the immediate task of crossing the river. Amur, capture the Tongjiang fortified area and by the 23rd day of the operation reach the Jiamusi area.

In the future, keep in mind actions along the river. Songhua to Harbin.

  1. With the forces of 2 KA and 5 SC, firmly defend the state border in accordance with the instructions of Headquarters Directive No. 11048 of March 26, 1945.

When developing success in Primorye, envisage offensive actions by the 5th Corps in the Zhaohei direction in order to assist the 15th Army in the direction of Fugding, Jiamusi or the right flank of the troops of the Primorye Group in the direction of Baoqing.

  1. The main task of the 16th Army was to firmly defend the island. Sakhalin, to prevent the Japanese from invading our island territory, as well as from landing Japanese troops on the coast of the island. Sakhalin.
  2. No later than July 15, transfer three rifle divisions from the front to the Primorye Group troops.

To allow the following to develop the operation plan: the commander, a member of the Military Council, the chief of staff of the front and the head of the operational department of the front headquarters - in full.

The procedure for admitting the army to the development of an operation plan is the same as for the front.

Headquarters of the Supreme High Command



Published: Russian Archive: Soviet-Japanese War of 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

Documents and materials. In 2 vols. T. 18 (7-1). M., 1997. pp. 332–333.

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe. War with Japan. M., 2013. P. 803.

Appendix 4




The Headquarters of the Supreme High Command orders:

  1. In the event of an attack by Japanese armed forces on the Soviet Union, the troops of the Trans-Baikal Front would use reliable defense to prevent the enemy from invading the territory of the Soviet Union and the Mongolian People's Republic and cover the concentration of new forces on the front territory.
  2. When organizing defense, pay special attention to ensuring the uninterrupted operation of railways within the borders of the front and the most durable cover of the Tamtsak ledge from the south, east and north, as well as the section of the Solovyovskoye, Bain-Tumen railway.
  3. Without waiting for the complete concentration of the troops of the 53rd Army, by July 25, 1945, carry out and complete in the front forces all preparatory measures for the grouping of troops, their combat and logistical support and command and control of troops for the purpose of carrying out, by special order of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, offensive operation of the front and the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army.
  4. When developing an operation, be guided by the following:

a) the goal of the operation is to set: a rapid invasion of Central Manchuria, together with the troops of the Primorsky Group and the Far Eastern Front - the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army and the capture of the Chifeng, Mukden, Changchun, Zhalantun region;

b) build the operation on the surprise of the attack and the use of mobile formations of the front, primarily the 6th Guards. TA, for rapid advancement;

c) deliver the main blow with the forces of three combined arms armies (39th Army, SD - 9; 53rd Army, SD - 9; 17th Army, SD - 3) and one tank army (6th Guards TA, MK - 2 , tk – 1) bypassing the Halun-Arshan UR from the south in the general direction to Changchun.

Lead the armies on a broad front, with the immediate task of defeating the opposing enemy, crossing the Greater Khingan, and by the 15th day of the operation reaching the main forces on the front of Dabanshan, Lubei, Solun.

One sk 39th Army to advance from the area of ​​Khamar-Daba in the direction of Hailar towards the 36th Army with the task, together with the 36th Army, to prevent the enemy from retreating to the Greater Khingan, defeat the Hailar group of Japanese troops and capture the Hailar region;

d) 6th Guards. The TA, operating in the main attack zone in the general direction of Changchun, by the 10th day of the operation, cross the Greater Khingan, secure the passes across the ridge and prevent enemy reserves from central and southern Manchuria until the main infantry forces arrive;

e) in the future, keep in mind to withdraw the main forces of the front to the line of Chifeng, Mukden, Changchun, Zhalantun.

  1. In the direction of the main attack, attract two breakthrough artillery divisions, the bulk of the RGK artillery, tanks and aviation.
  2. Provide for securing the main group from enemy counterattacks from the Ganchzhur region to the south and from the Dolonnor and Chifeng region to the north.
  3. Apply auxiliary blows:

a) by the forces of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army, reinforced by two motorized brigades and the 59th Cavalry Division of the Front, from the area of ​​Khongor-Ula-somon, Khudugyyn-khid, Shine-Dariganga-somon to Kalgan and Dolonnor with the task of pinning down enemy forces in this direction and leaving to the area of ​​St. book Zong Suwitwan, St. book Barun Sunitwan, Huade.

In the future, take possession of Dolonnor, Kalgan.

The offensive of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army is allowed to begin 2–3 days later than the start of the offensive of the main forces of the front;

b) with the main forces of the 36th Army (four to five infantry divisions) force the river. Argun in the area of ​​Duroy, Staro-Tsurukhaituy, Novo-Tsurukhaituy and attack Hailar, with the immediate task, together with part of the forces of the 39th Army, to prevent the enemy from retreating to the Greater Khingan, defeat the Hailar group of Japanese troops and capture the Hailar region and the Hailar fortified area.

The remaining forces will firmly defend the state border in readiness to advance bypassing the Manchu-Zhalaynor fortified area from the south in the direction of Dashimak, Hailar and in the Hailar region to connect with the main forces of the army.

In the future, the main forces of the army will cross the Greater Khingan and capture the Zhalantun region.

  1. All preparatory activities must be carried out with the strictest secrecy.

Allow the following to develop the operation plan: the commander, a member of the Military Council, the chief of staff of the front and the head of the operational department of the front headquarters - in full.

The heads of military branches and services should be allowed to develop special sections of the plan, without familiarizing themselves with the general tasks of the front.

The army commanders are assigned tasks personally, orally, without being presented with written directives from the front.

The procedure for admitting armies to the development of an operation plan is the same as for the front.

All documentation on troop action plans should be stored in the personal safes of the front commander and army commanders.

  1. Correspondence and negotiations on issues related to the operation plan must be conducted only personally through the Chief of the General Staff of the Red Army.

Headquarters of the Supreme High Command



Published: Russian Archive: Soviet-Japanese War of 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

Documents and materials. In 2 vols. T. 18 (7-1). M., 1997. S. 334–336;

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945. In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. pp. 804–805.

Appendix 5





Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet troops in the Far East with subordination to him from August 1, 1945: Trans-Baikal, Far Eastern Fronts, Primorsky Group of Forces and the Pacific Fleet.

Headquarters of the Supreme High Command



Published: Collection of documents of the Supreme High Command

during the Great Patriotic War. In 4 vols. M., 1968. T. 4. P. 301;

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945. In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. P. 805.

Appendix 6






  1. Primorsky Group of Forces to the 1st Far Eastern Front. Far Eastern Front - to the 2nd Far Eastern Front.
  2. The group of Colonel General Vasiliev - to the headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Forces in the Far East.
  3. I also ask you to cancel the conventional titles and surnames of officials, leaving for them the existing conventional surnames only for conversation over the wire.


TsAMO. F. 66. On. 178499. D. 8/1. L. 104. Original.

Publ.:GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945. At 12 t.

T. 5. Victorious finale. Final operations of the Great Patriotic War

in Europe. War with Japan. M., 2013. P. 805.

Appendix 7





  1. Primorsky Group of Forces (commander - Marshal of the Soviet Union K. A. Meretskov) - to the First Far Eastern Front.
  2. Far Eastern Front (commander - Army General M.A. Purkaev) - to the Second Far Eastern Front.

The operational group of Colonel General Vasiliev - to the headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Forces in the Far East.

Appoint Colonel General S.P. Ivanov as chief of staff of the Commander-in-Chief of Soviet troops in the Far East.

Headquarters of the Supreme High Command



Publ.: Russian Archive: Great Patriotic War.

VGK rate. Documents and materials. 1944–1945.

T. 16 (5-4). M., 1999. P. 302.

Appendix 8



I am reporting on the position and condition of the troops in the Far East as of 24:00 on August 3, 1945 Transbaikal time.

  1. Transbaikal Front:

Troops 39 A (Lyudnikova) and 53 A (Managarova) are moving into the planned areas of concentration so that by the morning of August 5, 1945, together with all other front troops, they will be ready, in accordance with your instructions, in areas of 50–60 km from the border, accept the command to begin action.

From the moment the command is received to the crossing of the border, and therefore to the start of actual operations for the supply of troops and their final preparation, a minimum of 3, maximum of 5 days will be required.

Taking into account all the issues of material support and the accumulation of necessary reserves in the troops, the best date for the start of operations of the front troops (I mean crossing the border) would be August 9–10, 1945.

Further delay is not in the interests of the front. The weather that has established itself in Transbaikalia in recent days is not entirely favorable for this.

  1. I believe that the troops of the 1st and 2nd Far Eastern Fronts will have to begin their combat operations on the same day and hour with the troops of the Trans-Baikal Front in order to, taking advantage of the surprise of the outbreak of war, by capturing objects of interest to us, improve their starting position for the start of main operations , and most importantly - to most firmly ensure the defense of railways. dor. The main operation of the 1st Far Eastern Front, according to the plan approved by you, depending on the development of the operation of the Transbaikal Front, should begin 5–7 days after the start of the last one.

Regardless of this, the final readiness of the troops on both fronts was established on August 5, 1945.

In the zone of both fronts and especially in Primorye, there has been continuous rain recently, although the latter, according to the report of the front commanders, will not have a negative impact on either roads or airfields. It’s worse with the airfields in the Pacific Fleet, the latter are wet. According to the forecast, the weather here should improve between August 6 and 10.

  1. The command of the Pacific Fleet is currently busy gathering ships to their bases in order to bring the fleet and flotillas to full combat readiness no later than August 5–7.

Based on the planned dates, it will be necessary in the near future for transports coming from the east to refuse to pass them through the La Perouse Strait so that, starting from 7.08, all transports will be sent through the Tartary Strait.

  1. According to intelligence data, over the past month there has been a strengthening of Japanese troops in Manchuria and Korea, both in infantry and aviation. If by July 1, 1945, the GRU had 19 infantry divisions here and up to 400 aircraft of the Japanese army, then on August 1, 1945 there were 23 infantry divisions (of which 4 were on the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin) and up to 850 combat aircraft. In terms of infantry, this reinforcement occurs mainly in our coastal and Thessaloniki directions, and in terms of aviation, in the areas of Qiqihar and Korea.
  2. I ask you to:

a) no later than August 5, 1945, give me final instructions on the timing of the start of actions for the two main directions, as well as on other issues, and mainly on political and diplomatic issues related to this;

b) I ask you to consider the appeals developed and sent to you by the Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet troops in the Far East to the Japanese, Mongols, Chinese and Koreans and give your instructions on them;

c) to improve the leadership of the Pacific Fleet, urgently send Fleet Admiral Kuznetsov or a person at your discretion to the Far East;

d) I ask you to provide for the further strengthening of our troops in the Far East with aviation formations, and above all bomber and attack aircraft, as well as the replenishment of both personnel and especially tanks.


TsAMO. F. 66. On. 178499. D. 8/1. L. 125–127. Script.

Publ.:GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945. In 12 t. T. 5.

Victorious finale. The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. P. 809.

Appendix 9




16 hours 30 minutes

The Headquarters of the Supreme High Command orders:

  1. The troops of the Transbaikal, 1st and 2nd Far Eastern Fronts begin combat operations on August 9 to carry out the tasks set by Headquarters directives No. 11112 (for the 2nd Far Eastern Front), No. 11113 (for the 1st Far Eastern Front) and No. 11114 (for Transbaikal Front).

Air combat operations on all fronts will begin on the morning of August 9, with the goal of bombing, first of all, Harbin and Changchun.

Ground troops to cross the Manchurian border:

2nd Far Eastern Front - on the instructions of Marshal Vasilevsky.

  1. To the Pacific Fleet upon receipt of this:

a) go to operational readiness number one;

b) begin laying minefields in accordance with the approved plan, with the exception of the mouth of the river. Amur and Taui Bay;

c) stop single navigation and send transport to concentration points.

In the future, shipping will be organized in convoys under the protection of warships;

  1. Time is calculated according to Transbaikal time.
  2. Report receipt and execution.

Headquarters of the Supreme High Command


Published: Russian Archive: Soviet-Japanese War of 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

Documents and materials. In 2 vols. T. 18 (7-1). M., 1997. pp. 340–341.

Appendix 10




23 h. 00 min.

(Transbaikal time)

The date for the start of hostilities of the forward units, scheduled for 18.00 08.10.45 Moscow time, is moved to 18.00 08.08.45 Moscow time, or to 24.00 08.08.45 Transbaikal time.

In this regard, it is necessary:

  1. The main forces of Comrade Kravchenko and Comrade Pliev’s group should be withdrawn to the initial areas no later than the evening of August 8, 1945, so that, having begun operations in these directions with strong forward units from 24.00 on August 8, 1945 (Trans-Baikal time), the main forces would enter into action (the moment they cross the border) no later than 4.30 on August 9, 1945 (Trans-Baikal time).
  2. Actions by strong forward and reconnaissance units on the boards of vol. Danilov and Lyudnikov should also begin at exactly 24.00 on August 8, 1945 (Trans-Baikal time), assigning them the previously foreseen tasks. Take all measures to ensure that the main forces of the armies. To have Lyudnikov and Danilov in the initial areas planned for them no later than the morning of 08/09/45, so that, starting at 4.30 on 08/09/45 (Trans-Baikal time) in these directions [actions] with tank and mechanized troops, introduce the main forces of the infantry these armies in no case later than 12.00 09.08.45.
  3. The troops of the main grouping of the army of Comrade Luchinsky from 24.00 on August 8, 1945 (Trans-Baikal time) begin crossing the river. Argun in the direction indicated to her.
  4. From the morning of 08/09/45, include all front aviation in combat operations to carry out the tasks provided for by the plan. Keep in mind that the 19th Long-Range Bomber Air Corps, in connection with the transition to a decisive offensive of the troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front simultaneously with you, will be used in the first days in the interests of the latter.
  5. Immediately report receipt of the directive and orders given.


Published: Russian Archive: Soviet-Japanese War of 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

Documents and materials. In 2 vols. T. 18 (7-1). M., 1997. P. 341;.

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945. In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

Appendix 11






22 h. 35 min.

(Transbaikal time)

In connection with the additional instructions from the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, I order:

The implementation of the plan provided for 1.00 11.08.45 Khabarovsk time must begin from 1.00 9.08.45 Khabarovsk time (from 18.00 8.08.45 Moscow time), for which:

  1. All preparatory measures for this should be carried out on the night of 08/08/45 and during 08/08/45.
  2. All frontline aviation must be activated no later than dawn on August 9, 1945.
  3. The success gained from the actions of strong forward units during 08/09/45 in the main direction should be immediately used to bring the main forces into action. Thus, you are given the right, in the presence of a favorable situation, to immediately begin to implement the main front plan with a preliminary report to me about this.
  4. As a change to previously issued orders, the 19th Air Corps, both on the night of 08/09/45, and in the future until my instructions, is to be used in the interests of the front. Report to me about the tasks for 08/09/45 no later than 12.00 on 08/08/45.
  5. Report receipt of this directive and the orders given immediately.


Published: Russian Archive: Soviet-Japanese War of 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945. In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. P. 811.

Appendix 12





22 h. 40 min.

(Transbaikal time)

In connection with additional instructions from the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, the start of hostilities both on land, in the air and at sea is scheduled for 18.00 on August 8, 1945 Moscow time, or at 1.00 on August 9, 1945 Khabarovsk time. In this regard, you are given the right to carry out all necessary preparatory measures during August 8, 1945.

The order of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command for the further direction of commercial ships through the La Perouse Strait remains in force.

Report receipt of this directive and the orders given.


Published: Russian Archive: Soviet-Japanese War of 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

Documents and materials. In 2 vols. T. 18 (7-1). M., 1997. P. 342;

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945. In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. pp. 811–812.

Appendix 13





I report that army reconnaissance detachments crossed the state border at 00:10 on August 9, 1945.

The main forces of the armies begin operations by crossing the state border at 4 hours 30 minutes on August 9, 1945 (Trans-Baikal time).



Published: Russian Archive: Soviet-Japanese War of 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

Documents and materials. In 2 vols. T. 18 (7-1). M., 1997. S. 343–344;

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945. In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. P. 812.

Appendix 14



  1. From August 9th. I declare martial law in all cities and villages of the Primorsky Territory.
  2. All local government bodies, state and public institutions, organizations and enterprises are obliged to provide full assistance to the military command in the use of local forces and means for the needs of defense and ensuring public order and security, guided by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 22, 1941.
  3. In all cities and towns, on railways, highways and dirt roads, strictly observe the orders of the air defense command and introduce blackout.
  4. Prohibit street traffic of both individuals and vehicles from 12 o'clock at night to 5 o'clock in the morning, with the exception of transport and persons with special passes from city commandants, and in the event of an air raid warning, the movement of the population and transport must take place in accordance with the rules approved by air defense . Issue of special passes must be issued within 3 days.
  5. The Military Council of the Front calls on the entire population of the region to be vigilant, strictly maintain military secrets, observe labor discipline, order and tranquility, and provide all possible assistance to the Red Army.
  6. For disobedience to the orders of the military authorities, as well as for the commission of a crime, the perpetrators are subject to criminal liability under martial law.
  7. The order should be announced in all parts of the front, cities and towns of the region.

Published: Russian Archive: Soviet-Japanese War of 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

Documents and materials. In 2 vols. T. 18 (7-1). M., 1997. S. 344–345;

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945. In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. pp. 812–813.

Appendix 15



Comrade Red Army soldiers, sergeants, officers and generals of the 1st Far Eastern Front!

August 8, 1945 People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR Comrade. Molotov received the Japanese ambassador and made him a statement on behalf of the Soviet Government for transmission to the Japanese government.

The statement said that “after the defeat and surrender of Nazi Germany, Japan was the only great power that still stands for the continuation of the war. The demand of the three powers - the United States of America, Great Britain and China dated July 26 this year. The unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces was rejected by Japan. Thus, the proposal of the Japanese government to the Soviet Union to mediate in the war in the Far East loses all ground.

Considering Japan's refusal to capitulate, the allies turned to the Soviet Government with a proposal to join the war against Japanese aggression and thereby shorten the time frame for ending the war, reduce the number of casualties and promote the speedy restoration of world peace.

True to its allied duty, the Soviet Government accepted the proposal of the allies and joined the statement of the allied powers of July 26 this year. G.

The Soviet Government believes that such a policy is the only means capable of hastening the onset of peace, freeing peoples from further sacrifices and suffering and enabling the Japanese people to get rid of the dangers and destruction that Germany experienced after its refusal of unconditional surrender.

In view of the above, the Soviet Government declares that from tomorrow, i.e. from August 9, the Soviet Union will consider itself in a state of war with Japan.”

The source of war in Central Europe has been eliminated. Now is the time to punish Japan’s criminal aggression and eliminate the hotbed of war and violence in the Far East.

In order to carry out their insidious plans against the Soviet Union, the military clique of robber Japan for many years did not stop its adventuristic provocative actions on the borders of our Motherland.

This was the case in 1918–1922, when the Japanese military invaded the lands of the Soviet Far East. “...We know very well,” Vladimir Ilyich Lenin said indignantly, “what incredible disasters the Siberian peasants are suffering from Japanese imperialism, what an unheard of atrocities the Japanese have committed in Siberia.” This was the case in 1938 in the area of ​​Lake Khasan, and this was the case in 1939 in the area of ​​the Khalkhin Gol River. In all these cases, the Japanese military clique was defeated and defeated by the indestructible power of the Red Army. However, these instructive lessons were not accepted by the rulers and military clique of aggressive Japan.

In the most difficult time for the USSR, when the Red Army and the entire Soviet people waged a stubborn struggle against the German invaders, when the question of life and death of the Soviet state was being decided, the question of whether the Soviet people should be free or fall into enslavement, the Japanese aggressors, hiding behind neutrality, in fact, they actively helped fascist Germany in the implementation of predatory plans against the Soviet Union and the peoples of Europe. They concluded a secret agreement with Hitler’s robber government on the division of our Motherland.

Throughout the entire war of the Soviet people and their Red Army against Nazi Germany, the Japanese military clique continuously disturbed our country with all sorts of border incidents, tried to start a war against us and stab the Soviet Union in the back.

The Soviet people and their Red Army cannot continue to tolerate the provocations of the Japanese military clique and the further encroachment of the Japanese aggressors on our native Soviet land.

Both in the West and in the East the great banner of the victory of freedom and peace between peoples must flutter.

Warrior of the Red Army! You are known in the West as a liberator, and you should be known as such in the East - in China, Manchuria and Korea.

The blows inflicted on Japan from the sea and air by the troops of America, England and China are joined by the powerful blow of the victorious Red Army. The righteous sword of the Red Army is raised over the Japanese imperialists, and the fate of Japan is sealed. Imperialist Japan will be defeated.

By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Generalissimo of the Soviet Union, Comrade Stalin, the troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front launched a decisive offensive against Japanese troops in order to eliminate the source of war in the Far East; secure the Far Eastern borders of our Motherland; to punish the Japanese invaders for the shed blood of the heroes of Port Arthur, Khasan, Khalkhin Gol, for the atrocities of the Japanese against the Soviet people during the years of intervention; reduce the time it takes to end the war and the number of casualties; contribute to the speedy restoration of world peace.

Far Eastern warriors, privates and sergeants, infantrymen and mortarmen, artillerymen and pilots, tank crews and sappers, signalmen and cavalrymen; comrades officers and generals! Mercilessly smash the hated Japanese invaders, remembering that this is a just cause, a sacred cause.

Fight against the treacherous enemy with heroism, courage and fury.

Praise the name of the warrior of the Red Army, praise the strength and might of our invincible Soviet

Fatherland, glorify the name of our Great Generalissimo, Comrade Stalin!

Under his wise, brilliant leadership, we have always won and will win!

Forward to the victory!

Death to the Japanese invaders!

Published: Russian Archive: Soviet-Japanese War of 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

Documents and materials. In 2 vols. T. 18 (7-1). M., 1997. S. 345–346;

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945. In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. pp. 813–814.

Appendix 16





(Transbaikal time)

I report: in accordance with your instructions, our troops in the Far East have been in a state of war with Japan since 18.00 August 8, 1945 Moscow time. In the period from 18.00 to 22.30 on August 8, 1945 (Moscow time), the actions of our troops in the directions were limited to the actions of only reconnaissance and advanced units in the spirit of the plan approved by you.

By 22.30 8.08.45 (Moscow time) or at 4.30. 08/09/45, Transbaikal time, the main forces of Zab. the front crossed the border in all its main directions.

During the night, the forces of the 19th long-range bombardment. The air corps carried out a bomb attack on the cities of Changchun and Harbin, I am finding out the results and will report additionally.

By 7.00 9.08.45 (Trans-Baikal time), at 1.00 9.08.45 (Moscow time), the position of Soviet troops in the Far East is as follows:

Transbaikal Front:

Kravchenko's army with its 7th and 9th mechanized corps, reinforced by the 36th and 57th mechanized units, having advanced after the advanced units up to 35 km, passed the line: Ikhe-Sume, lake. Tsagan-Nur.

Army Comrade Lyudnikov 5th Guards. sk and 113th sk by the same time passed the line: Shaburutei-mountain, high. 1036, advancing up to 20 km from the border.

14 sk, operating in the Hailar direction, advanced from 5 to 12 km.

The main forces of Comrade Pliev’s group and Danilov’s army advanced from the border from 15 to 25 km.

Luchinsky's army on its right flank, having captured bridgeheads and built across the river. Argun in the Staro-Tsurukhaituy sector, Duroi four pontoon bridges, occupied by the crossing to the south-eastern bank of units of the 2nd and 86th sk on the left flank by part of the reinforced 298th infantry regiment by 7.08.45 (record time) fought for the city Manchuria.

2nd Far Eastern Front (Purkaeva):

Rare firefights along the entire front and actions of advanced reconnaissance units. Two battalions of the 361st Infantry Division captured Fr. Tatar. The enemy is not active. 32 people were captured in the Bikin direction.

1st Far Eastern Front:

At 1.00 9.08. According to Khabarovsk time, the advanced units of the armies of Beloborodov and Krylov crossed the state border. Operating in absolute darkness, in a thunderstorm and in heavy rain, units of the 1st Beloborodov spacecraft advanced up to 5 km in certain directions. Parts of 5th A Krylov - from 2 to 3 km.

The Pacific Fleet began reconnaissance and air operations in the ports of Racine and Seisin.

Conclusion: the blow to the enemy was unexpected. Confused by surprise, the enemy did not offer organized resistance until the morning, except for the radius of Manchuria.

The actions of our troops are developing in accordance with the plan approved by you.


Published: Russian Archive: Soviet-Japanese War of 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

Documents and materials. In 2 vols. T. 18 (7-1). M., 1997. S. 347–348;

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945. In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. pp. 814–815.

Appendix 17



01 h. 40 min.

In connection with the retreat of the enemy in front of the troops of the 2nd Far Eastern Fleet, I order:

From the morning of August 11, 1945, the 15th Army continued a decisive offensive in the directions: Lobei, Sinypanzhen, Jiamusi, Tongjiang, Fushchin, Jiamusi, having mobile (tank) units in the first echelon in both directions, reinforced by infantry landings.

The army's task is to capture Sinypanzhen and Fushchin on August 11 with mobile (tank) army units and KAF forces, and Jiamusi on August 12.


Published: Russian Archive: Soviet-Japanese War of 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

Documents and materials. In 2 vols. T. 18 (7-1). M., 1997. P. 350;

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945. In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

Appendix 18





The Supreme Commander-in-Chief ordered:

The troops of the First Far Eastern Front carried out an operation to capture the ports of Racine and Seisin according to report No. 0074/45/op dated 11.8. do not carry out.

The main task of the troops of the First Far Eastern Front is to quickly reach the Girin region, without wasting their forces on secondary tasks.

Report the orders given.

TsAMO. F. 66. Op. 178499. D. 2. L. 605. Copy.

Publ.: GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945.

In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. P. 816.

Appendix 19




23 hours 26 minutes

  1. Stop the offensive in Korea. Do not take the ports of Yuki and Racine.
  2. Army mission:

1) Reliably cover in the Kraskin direction, concentrate the main forces as quickly as possible in the Wanqing, Nanyantsun area, with the further task of reaching Dunhua.

2) lead the 88th sk. behind the 17th sk.



TsAMO. F. 66. Op. 178499. D. 3. L. 7. Copy.

Publ.: GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945.

In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

Appendix 20




24 hours 00 minutes

After fierce fighting on August 15 and 16 this year. The 1st Red Banner and 5th Armies of the 1st Far Eastern Front, with a joint blow from the northeast and east, defeated the enemy group in the Mudanjiang region and again captured a large junction of highways and railways and a defense center covering the approaches to Harbin and Girin, - the city of Mudanjiang. At the same time, the enemy’s heavily fortified bridgehead position, which covered the approaches to the city of Mudanjiang from the east and northeast, was broken through.

The 1st Red Banner and 5th armies crossed the river. Mudanjiang, by 20.00 on August 16, 1945 they developed an offensive: the 1st Red Banner Army - in the direction of Harbin; 5th Army - through Ninan (Ninguta) to Emu, Girin, Changchun.

Published: Russian Archive: Soviet-Japanese War of 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945.

In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. P. 817.

Appendix 21





13 hours 38 minutes

Troops of the 2nd Far Eastern Fleet, the task set by the Directive of the Supreme High Command Headquarters No. 11112 in the Sungari direction, August 17 this year. (eighth day of operation) – completed.

By 10.00 August 17 this year. The front troops, with the assistance of the Amur Red Banner Flotilla, destroyed the remnants of the enemy in the military town southwest of Jiamusi, completely cleared the city of Jiamusi and airfields.

I continue the attack on Sanxing.


Published: Russian Archive: Soviet-Japanese War of 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

Documents and materials. In 2 vols. T. 18 (7-1). M., 1997. P. 353;

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945.

In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. P. 818.

Appendix 22





During August 17, the troops of the Far East fronts continued to carry out their assigned tasks despite the sharply decreased enemy resistance. In certain directions during the day there were cases of surrender of individual enemy units and subunits, as well as the sending of envoys to us. Both the appeals of the command of the Kwantung Army to the Soviet command in the Far East and the reports of parliamentarians speak of the order given to the troops of the Kwantung Army, the cessation of hostilities by the Japanese army and the surrender. During the day, up to 25,000 Japanese-Manchu soldiers and officers were disarmed. The capitulation continues, although skirmishes take place on certain sections of the front.

To strengthen the defense of Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and the island. Hokkaido, in accordance with your instructions, we ask for your permission, in the period from August 20 to September 15, to relocate part of the Pacific Fleet forces to Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka and its main forces to the port of Otomari (southern part of Sakhalin) in such a way as to have: in Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka - a brigade of patrol ships, a brigade of submarines, a division of destroyers, a division of torpedo boats, a division of minesweepers, one air regiment of naval bomber aviation; in the area of ​​the port of Otomari - a division of patrol ships, a division of submarines, a division of torpedo boats, a division of minesweepers, a mixed air division of naval aviation; To strengthen the defense of Korea, we plan to create a maritime defensive area in the area of ​​the port of Seishin, including in it: one division of destroyers, a division of torpedo boats, a division of minesweepers, and the 113th Marine Brigade.

The area's main focus is the defense of the ports of Racine, Seishin and Genzan.

Regarding the allocation of naval forces to the area of ​​​​the ports of Dairen and Port Arthur, your additional instructions are needed.

You also need your permission to use merchant marine troops for maritime transport for the period until September 15.

All preliminary orders to the front commanders regarding this plan have been given. We will issue instructions to the commander of the Pacific Fleet together with Admiral Kuznetsov on August 18. personally in Vladivostok.

Simultaneously with the implementation of the tasks provided for in this plan, I categorically demand that the troops of the fronts organize the immediate registration and removal to their territory of captured weapons, food and equipment of industrial enterprises.

I seek your approval or guidance on this plan.


Published: Russian Archive: Soviet-Japanese War of 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

Documents and materials. In 2 vols. T. 18 (7-1). M., 1997. S. 355–356;

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945.

In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. pp. 819–820.

Appendix 23





03 h. 00 min.

  1. On 19.8.45 the fighting of the 1st Far Eastern Front ceased.

The capitulated Japanese Kwantung Army units began to lay down their arms and began mass surrender. Front troops, moving deep into the territory of Manchuria in the Harbin and Girin directions, disarmed and captured units of the Kwantung Army. In some areas, short-term battles were fought with scattered small groups of the enemy who refused to lay down their arms.

During August 19, 1945, front troops disarmed and captured 55,000 enemy soldiers and officers, including 5 generals. In addition, during the fighting since August 9, 1945, 7,000 soldiers and officers were captured. Thus, by the end of August 19, 1945, the front forces captured a total of 62,000 enemy soldiers and officers.

  1. On the morning of August 19, 1945, specially authorized representatives of the Military Council of the Guards Front arrived in the city of Girin by plane. Colonel Lebedev with a group of officers and a detachment of troops (a free battalion of machine gunners) in order to organize control over the surrender of the Girino group of the Kwantung Army.
  2. 35th A - in the mountains. Boli continued to disarm scattered groups of the enemy's Bolin garrison. During the day, 200 soldiers and officers were captured.
  3. 1st KA - advanced its troops in the direction of Harbin. By the end of August 19, 1945, the mobile detachment of the army had reached Imyanyto (130 km southeast of Harbin); The 26th Rifle Corps, advancing along the route of the mobile detachment, approached Simaheizi with the head of the main forces. Army troops disarmed units of the 124th, 126th and 135th Infantry Divisions, the 46th Signal Regiment, the 20th Gap and the 12th Engineer Battalion of the enemy. 35,000 enemy soldiers and officers and 5 generals were captured.
  4. 5th A - advanced in the direction of Girin. By the end of August 19, 1945, the mobile detachment of the army reached Fynhuangdian (135 km east of Girin). The main forces of the 72nd infantry regiment, moving behind the mobile detachment, approached Erzhan.

Within 24 hours, army troops disarmed and captured up to 10,000 enemy soldiers and officers.

  1. 25th A - advanced to Dunhua. By the end of August 19, 1945, the advance detachment of 10 MK occupied Dunhua. Parts of the 259th Tank Brigade are occupied by the mountains. Yanji. The main forces of the army from the Vaccin-Yanji region are moving towards Dunhua.

Within a day, army troops disarmed the enemy's 112th and 80th infantry divisions and captured up to 10,000 soldiers and officers.


Correct: Lieutenant Colonel VYSOTSKY

Russian archive: Soviet-Japanese war 1945:

the history of the military-political confrontation between the two powers in the 30s and 40s.

Documents and materials. In 2 vols. T. 18 (7-1). M., 1997. pp. 362–363;

GreatPatriotic War of 1941–1945.

In 12 volumes. Volume 5. Victorious finale.

The final operations of the Great Patriotic War in Europe.

War with Japan. M., 2013. pp. 820–821.

Appendix 24


Moscow Kremlin


Compatriots and compatriots!

Today, September 2, Japanese government and military representatives signed an act of unconditional surrender. Completely defeated on seas and on land and surrounded on all sides by the armed forces of the United Nations, Japan admitted itself defeated and laid down its arms.

Two centers of world fascism and world aggression formed on the eve of the current world war: Germany in the west and Japan in the east. It was they who started the Second World War. It was they who brought humanity and its civilization to the brink of destruction. The source of world aggression in the West was eliminated four months ago, as a result of which Germany was forced to capitulate.

Four months after this, the center of world aggression in the east was eliminated, as a result of which Japan, Germany's main ally, was also forced to sign an act of surrender.

This means that the end of the Second World War has come.

We can now say that the conditions necessary for world peace have already been achieved.

It should be noted that the Japanese invaders caused damage not only to our allies - China, the United States of America, and Great Britain. They caused serious damage to our country as well. Therefore, we also have our own special account for Japan.

Japan began its aggression against our country back in 1904 during the Russo-Japanese War. As you know, in February 1904, when negotiations between Japan and Russia were still ongoing, Japan, taking advantage of the weakness of the tsarist government, unexpectedly and treacherously, without declaring war, attacked our country and attacked the Russian squadron in the Port Arthur area in order to disable several Russian warships and thereby create an advantageous position for your fleet.

And it actually disabled three first-class Russian warships. It is characteristic that 37 years after this, Japan exactly repeated this treacherous technique against the United States of America, when in 1941 it attacked the naval base of the United States of America in Pearl Harbor and disabled a number of battleships of this state. As you know, Russia was defeated in the war with Japan at that time. Japan took advantage of the defeat of Tsarist Russia in order to seize Southern Sakhalin from Russia, establish itself on the Kuril Islands and thus lock up for our country in the East all exits to the ocean - therefore, also all exits to the ports of Soviet Kamchatka and Soviet Chukotka. It was clear that Japan was setting itself the task of tearing away its entire Far East from Russia.

But this does not exhaust Japan’s aggressive actions against our country. In 1918, after the establishment of the Soviet system in our country, Japan, taking advantage of the then hostile attitude towards the Soviet country of England, France, and the United States of America and relying on them, again attacked our country, occupied the Far East and tormented our people for four years, plundered Soviet Far East.

But that's not all. In 1938, Japan again attacked our country in the area of ​​Lake Khasan, near Vladivostok, with the aim of encircling Vladivostok, and the next year Japan repeated its attack in another place, in the region of the Mongolian People's Republic, near Khalkhin Gol, with the aim of breaking through to Soviet territory, cut our Siberian railway and cut off the Far East from Russia.

True, Japanese attacks in the area of ​​Khasan and Khalkhin Gol were eliminated by Soviet troops with great shame for the Japanese.

Likewise, the Japanese military intervention of 1918–22 was successfully eliminated, and the Japanese occupiers were thrown out of the regions of our Far East. But the defeat of Russian troops in 1904 during the Russo-Japanese War left difficult memories in the minds of the people.

It has become a black spot on our country. Our people believed and expected that the day would come when Japan would be defeated and the stain would be eliminated. We, the people of the old generation, have been waiting for 40 years for this day. And now, this day has come. Today Japan admitted itself defeated and signed an act of unconditional surrender.

This means that Southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands will go to the Soviet Union, and from now on they will serve not as a means of separating the Soviet Union from the ocean and as a base for a Japanese attack on our Far East, but as a means of direct communication between the Soviet Union and the ocean and the base of our country’s defense from the Japanese aggression.

Our Soviet people spared no effort and labor in the name of victory. We have gone through difficult years, but now each of us can say: we have won. From now on, we can consider our Fatherland free from the threat of a German invasion in the West and a Japanese invasion in the East. The long-awaited peace has arrived for the peoples of the whole world.

Congratulations to you, my dear compatriots and compatriots, on the Great Victory, on the successful end of the war, on the advent of peace throughout the world!

Glory to the armed forces of the Soviet Union, the United States of America, China and Great Britain, who defeated Japan!

Glory to our Far Eastern troops and the Pacific Navy, who defended the honor and dignity of our Motherland!

Glory to our great people, the victorious people!

May our Motherland live and prosper!

Appendix 25


Tokyo, September 2. (TASS). Today at 10 o'clock. 30 min. Tokyo time, the signing of the act of surrender of Japan took place on board the American battleship Missouri, located in the waters of Tokyo Bay.

At the beginning of the signing ceremony, General MacArthur made a statement saying:

“I declare my firm intention, in accordance with the tradition of the countries I represent, to exercise fairness and tolerance in the performance of my duties, while at the same time taking all necessary measures to ensure the full, speedy and exact fulfillment of the terms of surrender.

We are assembled here as representatives of the principal belligerent powers to conclude a solemn agreement by which peace may be restored. Problems associated with various ideals and ideologies have been resolved on the battlefields of the world and are therefore not subject to discussion or debate."

General MacArthur then invited Japanese representatives to sign an act of surrender.

The Japanese Instrument of Surrender reads:

"1. We, acting by order and on behalf of the Emperor, the Japanese Government and the Japanese Imperial General Staff, hereby accept the terms of the declaration issued on July 26th at Potsdam by the Heads of Government of the United States, China and Great Britain, which was subsequently acceded to by the USSR, which four powers will hereafter be called allied powers.

  1. We hereby declare the unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers of the Japanese Imperial General Staff, all Japanese armed forces and all armed forces under Japanese control, regardless of where they are located.
  2. We hereby order all Japanese troops, wherever located, and the Japanese people to immediately cease hostilities, preserve and prevent damage to all ships, aircraft and military and civilian property, and comply with all demands that may be made by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers or authorities of the Japanese government under its instructions.
  3. We hereby order the Japanese Imperial General Staff to immediately issue orders to the commanders of all Japanese troops and troops under Japanese control, wherever located, to surrender unconditionally in person, and to ensure the unconditional surrender of all troops under their command.
  4. All civil, military and naval officials shall obey and carry out all directions, orders and directives which the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers may deem necessary for the execution of this surrender, whether issued by himself or under his authority; we direct all such officials to remain at their posts and continue to perform their non-combat duties unless relieved thereof by special order issued by or under the authority of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers.
  5. We hereby pledge that the Japanese Government and its successors will faithfully carry out the terms of the Potsdam Declaration and give such orders and take such actions as the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers or any other representative designated by the Allied Powers may require in order to give effect to this declaration.
  6. We hereby direct the Japanese Imperial Government and the Japanese Imperial General Staff to immediately release all Allied prisoners of war and civilian internees now under Japanese control and provide for their protection, maintenance and care, and their immediate transportation to designated places.
  7. The power of the Emperor and the Japanese Government to administer the State will be subordinate to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers, who will take such steps as he may deem necessary to carry out these terms of surrender.”

The first to approach the table is Mamoru Shigemitsu, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the current Japanese government. He signs the act of surrender on behalf of the emperor, the Japanese government and the Japanese imperial headquarters. Following this, the Chief of the Japanese General Staff, General Umezu, puts his signature. Both Japanese delegates step aside. Then begins the ceremony of signing the document by representatives of the Allied nations, appointed by their governments to be present when Japan signs the instrument of surrender. General MacArthur says: The Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers will now sign the document on behalf of the Allied Nations. I invite General Wainwright and General Percival to come to the table with me to sign the document. General MacArthur approaches the table on which the act is located, followed by Generals Wainwright and Percival. General MacArthur, followed by Wainwright and Percival, sign the document. Then Admiral Nimitz signs the document on behalf of the United States. Next, the representative of the Republic of China, General Su Yung-chang, head of the operations department of the Chinese National Defense Council, approaches the table.

General Su Yung-chang signs the document on behalf of China.

General MacArthur invites the representative of England. Admiral Fraser signs the act.

General MacArthur says: the act will now be signed by a representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Lieutenant General Kuzma Nikolaevich Derevyanko approaches the table. Together with him are two military men: one is a representative of the navy and the other is from the aviation. General Derevianko signs the document.

Then the act is signed by the representative of Australia, General Thomas Blamey, Commander-in-Chief of the Australian troops, representatives of Canada, France, Holland, and New Zealand.

After the signing of the Japanese surrender act, President Truman's speech is broadcast from Washington on the radio.

The surrender signing ceremony, which lasted 45 minutes, ended with speeches by General MacArthur and Admiral Nimitz.

General MacArthur, in his final speech, stated that all previous attempts to prevent and resolve international conflicts had failed, which led to the ordeal of the war. “At present, the extreme destructiveness of war excludes such an alternative.

We had our last opportunity. If we don't create a better and fairer system now, we will be doomed.

The Potsdam Declaration commits us to ensuring the liberation of the Japanese people from slavery.

My goal is to implement this commitment as soon as the armed forces are demobilized. Other important measures will be taken to neutralize the military potential and energy of the Japanese race.

Freedom has gone on the offensive. In the Philippines, Americans proved that the peoples of East and West can walk side by side in mutual respect and for the common well-being of all.”

Admiral Nimitz said in his speech: “The freedom-loving peoples of the world rejoice in victory and are proud of the achievements of our combined forces. It is necessary that the United Nations steadfastly implement the peace terms that have been imposed on Japan. It will also be necessary to maintain our country's forces at a level that will prevent future acts of aggression aimed at destroying our way of life. We now turn to the great task of reconstruction and restoration. I am confident that in solving these problems we will act with the same skill, resourcefulness and insight as we do in solving problems associated with achieving victory."

Appendix 26


Moscow. Kremlin

To commemorate the victory over Japan, establish that September 3 is a day of national celebration - the Victory Day over Japan. September 3 is considered a non-working day.

Appendix 27

IN THE USSR Council of People's Commissars

In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR declaring September 3 the Victory Day over Japan, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decided to consider September 3, 1945 a non-working day.

The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR proposed to all Soviet government institutions on September 3 this year. on the day of national celebration - the Victory Day over Japan - raise the State Flag of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on your buildings.

Published: Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. 1945. No. 61.

Appendix 28


According to the troops of the Red Army

and the Navy

On September 2, 1945, in Tokyo, Japanese representatives signed an act of unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces.

The war of the Soviet people together with our allies against the last aggressor - Japanese imperialism - was victoriously completed, Japan was defeated and capitulated.

Comrades, Red Army soldiers, Red Navy men, sergeants, petty officers, army and navy officers, generals, admirals and marshals, I congratulate you on the victorious conclusion of the war against Japan.

In commemoration of the victory over Japan, today, September 3, on the day of the Victory over Japan, at 21 o'clock the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, on behalf of the Motherland, salutes the valiant troops of the Red Army, ships and units of the Navy that won this victory, with twenty-four artillery salvoes from three hundred twenty-four guns.

Eternal glory to the heroes who died in battles for the honor and victory of our Motherland!

May our Red Army and our Navy live and live well!

Published: Orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief during

The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union: Collection. M., 1975. P. 520.IN

Appendix 29



Army name Commanding Chief of staff
1st Red Banner Colonel General A.P. Beloborodov Major General F.F. Maslennikov
2nd Red Banner Lieutenant General of Tank Forces

M.F. Terekhin

Major General S.F. Mozhaev
5th Colonel General N.I. Krylov Lieutenant General N.Ya. Prikhidko
15th Lieutenant General S.K. Mamonov Major General V.A. Proshchaev
16th Lieutenant General L.G. Cheremisov Colonel L.L. Borisov
17th Lieutenant General A.I. Danilov Major General A.Ya. Spirov
25th Colonel General I.M. Chistyakov Lieutenant General V.A. Penkov-

Colonel General N.D. Zakhvataev

Major General S.A. Ivanov
36th Lieutenant General, since September 1945

Colonel General A.A. Luchinsky

Major General E.V. Ivanov
39th Colonel General I.I. Lyudnikov Major General M.I. Siminovsky
53rd Colonel General I.M. Managarov Major General A.E. Yakovlev
6th Guards Tank Colonel General of Tank Forces

A.G. Kravchenko

Major General of Tank Forces

A.I. Stromberg

9th Air Force Colonel General of Aviation

THEM. Sokolov

Aviation Major General S.N. Isaev
10th Air Force Colonel General of Aviation

P.F. Zhigarev

Major General of Aviation

S.A. Lavrik

12th Air Force Air Marshal S.A. Khudyakov Major General of Aviation

D.S. Kozlov


air defense army

Major General of Artillery

P.F. Rozhkov

Colonel A.S. Vitvinsky

air defense army

Major General of Artillery

Y.K. Polyakov

Major General G.M. Koblenz

air defense army

Lieutenant General of Artillery

A.V. Gerasimov

Major General of Artillery

G.H. Chailakhyan

Soviet time

Manchurian operation

On July 26, 1945, during the Potsdam Conference, a declaration was published on behalf of the three states at war with Japan: the USA, Great Britain, and China. It was an ultimatum with the most stringent demands, subject to which Japan had the right to capitulate without much loss. The Japanese government categorically rejected this declaration. On August 6, 1945, the Americans dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, and on August 8 on Nagasaki. And on the same day, August 8, 1945, the Soviet Union, fulfilling its allied obligations, as well as in order to ensure the security of its Far Eastern borders, declared war on Japan. On the night of August 9, the Red Army crossed the border into Manchuria.

Soviet offensive in China

Both experienced soldiers who went through the entire Great Patriotic War and soldiers from the Far East who had long felt the desire to besiege the Japanese aggressors took part in the Manchurian operation. The Far Easterners lacked the combat experience of their comrades who fought against Germany, but their morale was very high. Far Eastern soldiers well remembered the Japanese military intervention in Russia.

In many ways, the Red Army's Manchurian operation was unprecedented. The first thing that has no analogues in the history of world wars is the organization of the transfer of troops from Europe to the Far East, 6,000 kilometers away. In just 3 months, a colossal number of troops were transferred from west to east along a single railway line. There were more than 1,000,000 people and a huge amount of equipment in the movement. All Soviet troops were transferred secretly. Marshal of the Soviet Union Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky, who was appointed commander in the Far East, went there in general's uniform with documents addressed to Colonel General Vasiliev. The rest of the top military leaders also traveled under classified names. The soldiers themselves did not know where they were being taken until the very last moment. Another unique characteristic of the Manchurian operation was its scale. The strike was carried out by two groups, the distance between which was 2,000 kilometers.

The plan of the Soviet command was to simultaneously launch a quick strike from Transbaikalia, Primorye and the Amur region, along directions converging towards the center of Northeast China with the aim of dissecting and defeating in parts the main forces of the Japanese Kwantung Army.

The operation was carried out by the forces of three fronts: Transbaikal, 1st Far Eastern and auxiliary 2nd Far Eastern. On August 9, the forward and reconnaissance detachments of the three Soviet fronts began an offensive. At the same time, aviation carried out massive strikes on military targets in Harbin, Xinjin and Jilin, on troop concentration areas, communication centers and enemy communications in the border zone. The Pacific Fleet cut communications connecting Korea and Manchuria with Japan and attacked Japanese naval bases in North Korea - Yuki, Rashin and Seishin.

The passage of Soviet troops through the Greater Khingan

Transbaikalians under the command of Marshal Rodion Yakovlevich Malinovsky accomplished the impossible: they marched with a tank army through the passes of the Greater Khingan and the Gobi Desert. This heroic and risky transition was made by the 6th Guards Tank Army under the command of General Andrei Grigorievich Kravchenko. But the most difficult test in the Manchurian operation was not the Khingal passes, but the desert. To get behind Japanese troops, Soviet soldiers had to make a forced march of 700 kilometers across the Gobi Desert. It was the difficulty of this unprecedented transition that became one of the reasons for the ease with which the Red Army defeated the troops of the Japanese emperor.

August 9 will mark the 65th anniversary of the start of the Manchurian strategic offensive operation of the Soviet army against the armed forces of Japan.

The Manchurian operation is a strategic offensive operation of Soviet-Mongolian troops in the Far East, carried out on August 9-September 2, 1945 at the final stage of World War II. The goal was the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army, the liberation of Northeast China (Manchuria), North Korea and the acceleration of the end of World War II.

The Manchurian operation unfolded on a front stretching over 4,600 km and 200-820 km in depth, in a complex theater of military operations with desert-steppe, mountainous, forested-swampy, taiga terrain and large rivers. On the border of the USSR and the Mongolian People's Republic (MPR) there were 17 fortified areas with a total length of one thousand km, in which there were about 8 thousand long-term fire installations.

The Kwantung Army (commander-in-chief General Yamada Otozo) consisted of 31 infantry divisions, nine infantry brigades, a special forces (suicide) brigade and two tank brigades; it consisted of three fronts (1st, 3rd and 17th) consisting of 6 armies, one separate army, two air armies and the Sungari military flotilla. In addition, the Commander-in-Chief of the Kwantung Army was promptly subordinate to: the Manchukuo Army, consisting of two infantry and two cavalry divisions, 12 infantry brigades, four separate cavalry regiments; troops of Inner Mongolia (Prince De Wang) and the Suiyuan Army Group, which had four infantry and five cavalry divisions and two cavalry brigades. The total enemy strength was over 1.3 million people, 6,260 guns and mortars, 1,155 tanks, 1,900 aircraft and 25 ships.

According to the Japanese strategic plan, developed in the spring of 1945, one third of the Kwantung Army, troops from Manchukuo and Inner Mongolia were left in the border strip with the task of delaying the advance of Soviet troops into Manchuria. The main forces concentrated in the central regions of Manchuria were supposed to force the Soviet troops to go on the defensive, and then, together with the approaching reserves from China and Korea, push them back and invade the territory of the USSR and the Mongolian People's Republic.

The plan of the Headquarters of the Soviet Supreme High Command provided for the defeat of the Kwantung Army by simultaneously launching two main (from the territory of the Mongolian People's Republic and Soviet Primorye) and a number of auxiliary attacks in directions converging towards the center of Manchuria, quickly dismembering and destroying enemy forces in parts. For this, the Transbaikal, 1st and 2nd Far Eastern Fronts, troops of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army, which were part of the Soviet-Mongolian Cavalry Mechanized Group (KMG) of the Transbaikal Front, the forces of the Pacific Fleet and the Amur Flotilla were involved.

From May to July 1945, a large number of troops, especially mobile units, were transferred from the west to the Far East and Transbaikalia over a distance of 9-11 thousand km. The commander-in-chief of the troops in the Far East was Marshal of the Soviet Union Alexander Vasilevsky, coordination of the actions of the Navy and Air Force forces was carried out by Admiral of the Fleet Nikolai Kuznetsov and Chief Marshal of Aviation Alexander Novikov.

The commander-in-chief of the MPR troops was Marshal of the MPR Khorlogin Choibalsan. To carry out the Manchurian operation, 10 combined arms fronts were allocated (1st and 2nd Red Banner, 5th, 15th, 17th, 25th, 35th, 36th, 39th and 53rd) , one tank (6th Guards), three air (9th, 10th and 12th) armies and KMG of the Soviet-Mongolian troops - a total of 66 rifle, two motorized rifle, two tank and six cavalry (including four Mongolian) divisions, four tank and mechanized corps, 24 separate tank brigades. They numbered over 1.5 million people, over 25 thousand guns and mortars, 5,460 tanks and self-propelled artillery units and about 5 thousand combat aircraft, including naval aviation.

On August 9, Soviet troops went on the offensive. Aircraft carried out strikes on military targets in Harbin, Changchun and Jilin (Jilin), on troop concentration areas, communication centers and enemy communications in the border zone. The Pacific Fleet (commanded by Admiral Ivan Yumashev), entering the Sea of ​​Japan, cut communications connecting Korea and Manchuria with Japan, and launched air and naval artillery attacks on naval bases in Yuki (Ungi), Racine (Najin) and Seishin (Chongjin) ).

The troops of the Transbaikal Front (commanded by Marshal of the Soviet Union Rodion Malinovsky) overcame the waterless desert-steppe regions and the Greater Khingan mountain range, defeated the enemy in the Kalgan, Thessaloniki and Hailar directions, and on August 18-19 reached the approaches to the most important industrial and administrative centers of Manchuria.

To speed up the capture of the Kwantung Army and prevent the enemy from evacuating or destroying material assets, airborne assault forces were landed in Harbin on August 18, and on August 19 in Jilin, Changchun, and Mukden. The main forces of the 6th Guards Tank Army, having occupied Changchun and Mukden (Shenyang), began to move south to Dalny (Dalian) and Port Arthur (Lü-shun). The KMG of the Soviet-Mongolian troops (commander Colonel General Issa Pliev), reaching Zhangjiakou (Kalgan) and Chengde on August 18, cut off the Kwantung Army from Japanese troops in Northern China.

The troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front (commanded by Marshal of the Soviet Union Kirill Meretskov) broke through the enemy's border fortified areas, repelled strong Japanese counterattacks in the Mudanjiang area and approached Girin on August 19, the 25th Army, in cooperation with the landing forces of the Pacific Fleet, captured the ports of North Korea - Yuki, Rashin, Seishin and Genzan (Wonsan), and then liberated the territory of North Korea. The retreat routes for Japanese troops to the mother country were cut off.

Troops of the 2nd Far Eastern Front (commanded by Army General Maxim Purkaev), in cooperation with the Amur Military Flotilla (commanded by Rear Admiral Neon Antonov), crossed the Amur and Ussuri rivers, broke through the enemy’s long-term defenses in the Sakhalyan (Heihe) region, and crossed the Lesser Khingan mountain range; On August 20, the 15th Front Army occupied Harbin. Having advanced from the west by 500-800 km, from the east by 200-300 km and from the north by 200 km, Soviet troops entered the Central Manchurian Plain, divided the Japanese troops into isolated groups and completed the maneuver to encircle them. On August 19, Japanese troops almost everywhere began to surrender.

The rapid offensive of the Soviet and Mongolian troops put the Japanese in a hopeless situation; the Japanese command's plans for a stubborn defense and subsequent counter-offensive were thwarted. With the defeat of the Kwantung Army and the loss of the military-economic base on the mainland - Northeast China and North Korea - Japan lost the real strength and capabilities to continue the war.

On September 2, 1945, the Instrument of Surrender of Japan was signed in Tokyo Bay on board the American battleship Missouri. Losses during the operation were: Japanese - over 674 thousand people killed and captured, Soviet troops - 12,031 people were killed, 24,425 people were wounded.

In terms of design, scope, dynamism, the method of carrying out tasks and the final results, the Manchurian operation is one of the outstanding operations of the Red Army in the 2nd World War. Soviet military art was enriched by the experience of carrying out an unprecedented regrouping of troops from the west to the east of the country over distances of 9 to 12 thousand km, maneuvering large forces over long distances in the mountain-taiga and desert theater of military operations, organizing the interaction of ground forces with the Navy and Air Force.

(Military Encyclopedia. Chairman of the Main Editorial Commission S.B. Ivanov. Military Publishing House. Moscow, in 8 volumes -2004 ISBN 5 - 203 01875 - 8)

The creation of a special leadership body - the Main Command of Soviet Forces in the Far East - had a beneficial effect on the efficiency of control and the clarity of coordination of the actions of the three fronts, the fleet and the air force. The success of the offensive of the Soviet-Mongolian troops was facilitated by the help of the population of the liberated areas. The defeat of Japan in World War II gave impetus to the national liberation movement in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

During the operation, Soviet troops showed massive heroism, courage and bravery. 93 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Many believe that the USSR's participation in the war of 1941-1945 ended in May 1945. But this is not so, because after the defeat of Nazi Germany, the entry of the Soviet Union into the war against Japan in August 1945 and the victorious campaign in the Far East were of the utmost military and political significance.
Southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands were returned to the USSR; In a short period of time, the million-strong Kwantung Army was defeated, which accelerated the surrender of Japan and the end of World War II.

In August 1945, the Japanese armed forces numbered about 7 million people. and 10 thousand aircraft, while the United States and its allies in the Asia-Pacific zone had about 1.8 million people. and 5 thousand aircraft. If the USSR had not entered the war, the main forces of the Kwantung Army could have been concentrated against the Americans, and then the fighting would have lasted another two years and, accordingly, losses would have increased, especially since the Japanese command intended to fight to the end (and was already preparing to use bacteriological weapons). War Minister Tojo said: “If the white devils dare to land on our islands, the Japanese spirit will go to the great citadel - Manchuria. In Manchuria there is an untouched valiant Kwantung Army, an indestructible military bridgehead. In Manchuria we will resist for at least a hundred years.” At the beginning of August 1945, the United States even went so far as to use atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But despite this, Japan still did not intend to capitulate. It was clear that without the entry of the USSR the war would drag on.
The Allies recognized the decisive importance of the USSR's entry into the war against Japan. They declared that only the Red Army was capable of defeating Japanese ground forces. But in order to enter the war with Japan, the USSR also had its own vital interests. Japan had been hatching plans to seize the Soviet Far East for many years. They almost constantly staged military provocations on our borders. At their strategic bridgeheads in Manchuria, they maintained large military forces, ready to attack the Land of the Soviets.

The situation became especially aggravated when Nazi Germany launched a war against our Motherland. In 1941, after the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, the Kwantung Army (about 40 divisions, which is significantly more than in the entire Pacific zone), in accordance with the Kantokuen plan approved by the Japanese command, deployed on the Manchurian border and in Korea, waiting for an opportune moment to begin military operations against the USSR, depending on the situation on the Soviet-German front. On April 5, 1945, the USSR denounced the neutrality pact between the USSR and Japan. On July 26, 1945, at the Potsdam Conference, the United States formally formulated the terms of Japan's surrender. Japan refuses to accept them. On August 8, the USSR informed the Japanese ambassador of joining the Potsdam Declaration and declared war on Japan.

By the beginning of the Manchurian operation, a large strategic group of Japanese, Manchurian and Mengjiang troops was concentrated in the territory of Manchukuo and northern Korea. Its basis was the Kwantung Army (General Yamada), which doubled its forces in the summer of 1945. The Japanese command kept two thirds of its tanks, half of its artillery and selected imperial divisions in Manchuria and Korea, and it also had bacteriological weapons prepared for use against Soviet troops. In total, the enemy troops numbered over 1 million 300 thousand people, 6260 guns and mortars, 1155 tanks, 1900 aircraft, 25 ships.

The USSR began military operations against Japan exactly 3 months after the surrender of Germany. But between the defeat of Germany and the beginning of hostilities against Japan, the gap in time was only for non-military people. During these three months, a huge amount of work was done to plan the operation, regroup the troops and prepare them for combat operations. 400 thousand people, 7 thousand guns and mortars, 2 thousand tanks and self-propelled artillery units, and 1,100 aircraft were transferred to the Far East. In order to provide operational camouflage, those divisions that were in 1941–1942 were transferred first. were withdrawn from the Far East. Preparations for the strategic operation were carried out in advance.

August 3, 1945 Marshal A.M. Vasilevsky, appointed Commander-in-Chief of Soviet troops in the Far East, and Chief of the General Staff, Army General A.I. Antonov reported to Stalin the final plan for the Manchurian strategic operation. Vasilevsky proposed to launch an offensive only with the forces of the Trans-Baikal Front, and in the zones of the 1st and 2nd Far Eastern Fronts to carry out only reconnaissance in force so that the main forces of these fronts would go on the offensive in 5–7 days. Stalin did not agree with this proposal and ordered an offensive to be launched simultaneously on all fronts. As subsequent events showed, such a decision by the Headquarters was more expedient, since the fronts’ transition to the offensive at different times deprived the Far Eastern fronts of surprise and allowed the command of the Kwantung Army to maneuver forces and means to consistently deliver attacks in the Mongolian and coastal directions.

On the night of August 9, the advanced battalions and reconnaissance detachments of three fronts, in extremely unfavorable weather conditions - the summer monsoon, bringing frequent and heavy rains - moved into enemy territory. The advanced battalions, accompanied by border guards, silently crossed the border without opening fire and in a number of places captured the enemy's long-term defensive structures even before the Japanese crews had time to occupy them and open fire. At dawn, the main forces of the Transbaikal and 1st Far Eastern Fronts went on the offensive and crossed the state border.

This created conditions for the rapid advance of the main forces of the first echelon divisions into the depths of the enemy’s defenses. In some places, for example in the Grodekovo area, where the Japanese managed to timely detect the advance of our advanced battalions and take up defensive positions, the fighting dragged on. But our troops skillfully managed such knots of resistance.
The Japanese continued to fire from some pillboxes for 7–8 days.
On August 10, the Mongolian People's Republic entered the war. The joint offensive with the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army developed successfully from the very first hours. The surprise and force of the initial attacks allowed the Soviet troops to immediately seize the initiative. The start of military operations by the Soviet Union caused panic in the Japanese government. “The entry of the Soviet Union into the war this morning,” Prime Minister Suzuki said on August 9, “puts us completely in a hopeless situation and makes it impossible to continue the war further.”

Such a high rate of advance by the Soviet troops, operating in separate, isolated operational directions, became possible only thanks to a carefully thought-out grouping of troops, knowledge of the natural features of the terrain and the nature of the enemy’s defense system in each operational direction, the widespread and bold use of tank, mechanized and cavalry formations, surprise attack, high offensive impulse, decisive to the point of audacity and exceptionally skillful actions, courage and mass heroism of the Red Army soldiers and sailors.
In the face of imminent military defeat, on August 14, the Japanese government decided to capitulate. The next day, the cabinet of Prime Minister Suzuki fell. However, the troops of the Kwantung Army continued to stubbornly resist. In this regard, on August 16, an explanation from the Red Army General Staff was published in the Soviet press, which stated:
"I. The announcement of Japan's surrender made by the Japanese Emperor on August 14 is only a general declaration of unconditional surrender.
The order to the armed forces to cease hostilities has not yet been issued, and the Japanese armed forces are still continuing to resist.
Consequently, there is no actual surrender of the Japanese armed forces yet.
2. The surrender of the Japanese armed forces can only be considered from the moment when the Japanese Emperor gives an order to his armed forces to cease hostilities and lay down their arms and when this order is practically carried out.
3. In view of the above, the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union in the Far East will continue their offensive operations against Japan.”
In the following days, Soviet troops, developing the offensive, rapidly increased its pace. Military operations to liberate Korea, which were part of the campaign of Soviet troops in the Far East, developed successfully.
On August 17, having finally lost control of the scattered troops and realizing the pointlessness of further resistance, the Commander-in-Chief of the Kwantung Army, General Otozo Yamada, gave the order to begin negotiations with the Soviet High Command in the Far East.

At 5 p.m. on August 17, a radiogram was received from the Commander-in-Chief of the Kwantung Army that he had given the Japanese troops the order to immediately cease hostilities and surrender their weapons to Soviet troops, and at 7 p.m., two pennants were dropped from a Japanese plane at the location of the troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front. with an appeal from the headquarters of the 1st Front of the Kwantung Army to cease hostilities. However, in most areas, Japanese troops continued not only to resist, but in some places launched counterattacks.
To speed up the disarmament of the capitulated Japanese troops and the liberation of the territories they had captured, on August 18, Marshal Vasilevsky gave the following order to the troops of the Transbaikal, 1st and 2nd Far Eastern Fronts:
“Due to the fact that the resistance of the Japanese has been broken, and the difficult condition of the roads greatly impedes the rapid advance of the main forces of our troops in carrying out their assigned tasks, it is necessary to immediately seize the cities of Changchun, Mukden, Girin and Harbin to switch to the actions of specially formed, fast-moving and well-equipped detachments . Use the same detachments or similar ones to solve subsequent tasks, without fear of their sharp separation from their main forces.”

On August 19, Japanese troops began to capitulate almost everywhere. 148 Japanese generals, 594 thousand officers and soldiers were captured. By the end of August, the disarmament of the Kwantung Army and other enemy forces located in Manchuria and North Korea was completely completed. Operations to liberate Southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands were successfully completed.

During the operation, many difficult military-political issues arose not only for the high command, but also for the commanders, headquarters and political agencies of formations and units in connection with the constantly emerging confrontational situations and clashes between the People's Liberation Army of China and the Kuomintang troops, various political groups in Korea , between the Chinese, Korean and Japanese populations. Constant, hard work was required at all levels in order to resolve all these issues in a timely manner.

In general, careful and comprehensive preparation, precise and skillful command and control of troops during the offensive ensured the successful conduct of this major strategic operation. As a result, the million-strong Kwantung Army was completely destroyed. Its losses in killed amounted to 84 thousand people, over 15 thousand died from wounds and diseases on the territory of Manchuria, about 600 thousand were taken prisoner. The irretrievable losses of our troops amounted to 12 thousand people.

The enemy's strike forces were completely defeated. The Japanese militarists lost their springboards for aggression and their main supply bases for raw materials and weapons in China, Korea and South Sakhalin. The collapse of the Kwantung Army accelerated the surrender of Japan as a whole. The end of the war in the Far East prevented further extermination and plunder of the peoples of East and Southeast Asia by the Japanese occupiers, accelerated the surrender of Japan and led to the complete end of World War II.
