M Leontyev however has 1 channel. Mikhail Leontyev

One of the most “insidious” words is “however”, in which a comma is sometimes placed or not, so writers often doubt where to put a comma and whether it is needed at all. To decide whether the word “however” is separated by commas or not, you must first understand what syntactic role this word plays in this case, whether it is an introductory word, a conjunction or an interjection.

The word “however” is separated by commas

On both sides

1. If this is an introductory word (it can be rearranged or completely eliminated without loss of meaning, replaced with a synonymous introductory “nevertheless”), then it is separated by commas on both sides.

  • The boat to Borisovo, however, has not yet arrived.
  • We were all, however, very cold and hungry.

2. An interjection is formed either with commas on both sides, or with an exclamation mark (if it is at the beginning of a phrase; depending on the intonation); it can be replaced with another interjection, for example “wow”.

  • Look, however, what a wind!
  • Oh, but it’s already two o’clock! (However! It’s already two hours!)

Before the word

1. People often remember that a comma is not placed at the beginning of a sentence after “however,” but we have seen that this is possible if we have an interjection (that is, just an emotional exclamation). A comma is not used if we have a conjunction synonymous with “but”. Indeed, it often appears at the beginning of a sentence or at the beginning of a complex part. A comma after “however” is not needed in this case.

  • We were walking, but it was already very late, and we went home (can be replaced with the conjunction “but”)
  • It was already very late, but we did not go home, but to the park (can be replaced with the conjunction “but”).

2. Only a comma is placed before the introductory word “however” if it is at the beginning of a separate phrase.

However, hello!

Liberal media in the United States and abroad diagnosed Clinton's victory following the results of the first presidential debate. The diagnosis is false.

Immediately after the debate, liberal media, including Russian ones, disseminated the results of CNN polls, indicating a double advantage of the Democratic candidate over Trump. CNN is a television channel whose audience traditionally supports Democrats. At the same time, polls conducted by conservative media, for example the Fox television channel, and the Drudge report online resource, show the opposite result. Polls from relatively neutral CNBC and Time also show Trump ahead.

From the film “Heart of a Dog”:

– And what can you say about what you read?

- Yes, I don’t agree.

- With whom?

- With both.

Note that these online surveys themselves do not actually show anything. There is a certain feeling that Trump looked somewhat awkward during these debates, since he was obviously following the instructions of his political strategists not to be rude to his opponent. Therefore, he resembled Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin, who was forced to avoid expressive language. In any case, he diligently followed the instructions not to look like an outcast.

Professional experts monitoring reactions on the American Internet have noticed one very important trend. The debate provoked a growing wave of irritation against the American establishment, the generator of which is Mrs. Clinton. Such people basically don’t care what Clinton and Trump say. This irritation against Hillary will only grow.

For the first time in many decades, the electoral core of a presidential candidate is not a set of various ethnic, religious and sexual minorities, but a majority. White Americans with average or lower incomes. Irritated and disappointed by the disregard for their interests on the part of the American officialdom. Until now, a significant part of them have ignored the elections. And a significant part of these sentiments is not caught by sociology. Which, by the way, was also shown by the British “Brexit”.

One of the main achievements is that earnings grew by 5.2%, which is actually the highest annual increase in earnings since 1968. And the good thing is that they have grown for everyone - all groups of the population except the very, very top.

To be clear, Obama is showing a graph from the government's Bureau of Statistics that shows a stunning result. An increase in the incomes of ordinary Americans unprecedented in almost half a century.

In fact, the record growth in income is due to a change in the calculation methodology, which, from the point of view of the comparative value of the calculations, is a simple scam.

According to the Economic Policy Institute chart published by the Washington Post, the red line is the income of the poorest 50 percent of US citizens, the blue line is the richest 5 percent. A picture alternative to Obama's statement is visible. At the same time, the noticeable increase in the incomes of the richest citizens over the recent period is primarily due to the nominal increase in the value of financial assets and real estate caused by the monetary pumping policy.

That is, Obama lied twice in one short campaign statement. If anyone thinks that this will relieve the irritation of the interested majority, the diagnosis is incorrect. Which is exactly where we started.

However, goodbye!

Mikhail Leontiev is one of the brightest journalists on television today who clearly follows his principles. The magazine “However” is published under his editorship; he is the permanent presenter of the program of the same name on Channel One. Through the prism of his perception, he strives to convey to television viewers and readers information about the most important and current political events and does this with his characteristic openness and sarcasm. Opponents call the journalist a “bearded sore.”

Mikhail Leontyev. Biography

He was born on October 12, 1958 in a family of Moscow intellectuals. Since childhood, Mikhail Leontiev differed from his peers in his education and not the simplest character. In 1979, he completed his studies at the Moscow Institute of National Economy. Plekhanov, where he studied with a degree in Labor Economics. During his studies, he was fond of reading banned anti-Soviet literature, in particular the magazine “Posev”, where many dissidents of that time were published.

Immediately after graduating from university, Mikhail Leontyev began working at the Institute of Economic Problems, earning extra money as a tutor. However, he soon decided to dramatically change his life and, unexpectedly for everyone, radically changed his profession. In 1985, having a higher education, Mikhail Leontyev graduated from a vocational school, where he studied the skills of a cabinetmaker.

Professional activity

Mikhail Leontyev came to journalism at the same time. The first milestone on this path is the political section of the Kommersant newspaper. A year later, in 1990, Mikhail headed the economics department at Nezavisimaya Gazeta. In the early 90s, he made a great contribution to the creation of the Segodnya publication and became the first deputy editor-in-chief. But the ongoing changes in the editorial policy of the newspaper a little later became the reason for the departure of the journalist, who categorically disagreed with them.

Popularity came to Mikhail Leontyev after he ran for the State Duma in 1995. Then he lost the elections. The big one was his statements about sending troops into Chechnya.

Mikhail Leontyev - TV presenter

In 1997, the journalist became the founder of the Delo magazine. The sponsor was M. Khodorkovsky, but the publication was never published.

In the same year, M. Leontyev came to television, where he became the host of the program “Actually,” which aired under his leadership on TVC. Later he was the host of the analytical program “The Seventh Day.” Leontyev combined his profession with work in print media. His column “FAS!” is famous. in company". In the same 1997, the journalist was nominated for TEFI, and in 1998 he won the Golden Pen award.


In 1999, Mikhail Leontyev came to the ORT channel, where he began hosting his own program “However”. He remains its permanent leader to this day. In 2002, the journalist joined the United Russia party, however, according to Mikhail Leontyev himself, he was simply “listed” there. In 2007, Leontiev was appointed to the position of editor-in-chief of the Profile magazine, but two years later he left the editorial office of the magazine. In 2009, the journalist co-founded the magazine “Odnako” together with Channel One. Since 2014, a new vice president has been appointed to Rosneft - Mikhail Leontyev. His photos spread across the Internet and the pages of the country's business publications. Later he will head the information and advertising department.

Leontyev is married for the second time. He has two adult children from his first marriage. The ex-wife immigrated to America, and the children have now returned to Russia. In his second marriage to M. Kozlovskaya, a daughter, Daria, was born. The journalist does not advertise his personal life.

The press often discusses such an odious personality as Mikhail Leontyev and the nationality of the journalist. The TV presenter himself considers himself a Russian Orthodox Christian, but at the same time, according to L. Nevzlin, he repeatedly had conversations with Mikhail on the topic of his Jewish roots.

However, hello!

On the eve of the New Year, we are frightened by monstrous sanctions, the collapse of the ruble and other nonsense. In fact, there is a scarier horror story - this is the coming, unprecedented and almost inevitable world crisis.

Against the background of Trump’s very recent victorious reports about the amazing successes of the American economy, it is interesting to look at the dynamics of the shares of the great and terrible Goldman Sachs, one of the most influential banks in the world. We see a decline of 35% from the year's highs, eating up all the gains of the so-called trump rally - a 13-month increase. The CNBC television channel notes: the entire increase in quotes over the course of 1818 was eaten up by the continuing decline of the market. Investment analyst Thomas Essay warns that the market will not survive another rate hike by the US Federal Reserve.

This is the end of a decade-long uptrend. There is no longer any reason for the global economy to grow. This growth was based on zero interest rates and money pumping. In America, in Europe, in Japan... Rates are rising, the American Federal Reserve, and after it all Western central banks are tightening financial policy. As a result, all the old sores that were lubricated by the issue of money came to the surface.

Unlike 2008, when the crisis came as a surprise to all mainstream analysts, today there is almost a consensus about the coming crisis. The only differences are in the timing: the 20th or the upcoming 19th. In fact, the ideal trigger for the global crisis could be the unwinding of the trade war with China declared by Trump. Today, the markets were somewhat calmed by the 90-day truce announced after the meeting in Buenos Aires between Trump and Xi Jinping, during which the parties must agree on something.

China is apparently willing to make major concessions, but Trump's fixation on fighting the trade deficit, coupled with concerns about the Chinese threat to American greatness, makes the situation unpredictable. In principle, American politics is predictably unpredictable. Because Trump consistently seeks to destroy the world order that America itself built as an instrument of its world domination and which has ceased to ensure this domination.

Another difference between the upcoming crisis and 2008 is the wild political tension provoked by the Americans. The United States has now begun to completely dismantle the entire existing system of arms restrictions, with the goal of achieving its unilateral advantage in the medium term.

There is no medium-term perspective at present in case a global crisis does break out. In modern times, it will immediately be transferred to the military-political plane, which is even better for us. Because we are still much better prepared for a military-political crisis than for an economic one. So happy upcoming!

From the cartoon “The Revenge of Leopold the Cat”:

- You are very kind! You need to get angry.

- I can't, doctor.

- You can do it! Here is the medicine "Ozverin". Take one tablet at a time.

- And what?

- You'll go wild!

However, goodbye!
