Are there any train discounts for students? Benefits for schoolchildren and students

What student card benefits are available in Russia in 2016? The answer to this question worries many students. Living on a scholarship is very difficult, and the availability of additional benefits and discounts can make life easier.

Transport costs occupy a very significant share in the student budget. But thanks to discounted travel on commuter trains, electric trains, city buses and planes, you can save a lot.

Students can purchase a subscription for travel on commuter trains with a 50% discount. It will be valid for college and university students. Students can use their right to a discounted travel pass only during school hours: from the beginning of the academic year (September 1) until the end of the session (June 15). To obtain a discounted travel pass, you must have a student ID with you. The procedure for obtaining benefits is regulated by regional regulations.

To the chagrin of many students, Russian Railways does not provide discounts for students on purchasing train tickets.

Federal legislation does not contain any mention of providing benefits for travel on public transport (bus, tram or trolleybuses). But regional authorities often practice concluding agreements with carriers to provide students with preferential travel passes.

Typically, the benefit comes in the form of a monthly travel pass or a discounted contactless smart card. Typically, a discounted travel pass can be purchased directly from a university or college.

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Other benefits provided to students

Other benefits for students are also established by law. In particular, the Tax Code provides the opportunity to get back 13% of the amount paid for training. The maximum tax deduction is RUB 120,000. in year. Refund up to RUB 15,600. Only those citizens who are officially employed and pay personal income tax can do so. This can be both the students themselves and their parents.

The law establishes the possibility of switching from a paid department to a budget one. To do this, several requirements must be met simultaneously. There must be vacancies, no arrears on exams and tuition fees, and one of the following conditions must be met:

  • the last sessions must be passed with excellent marks;
  • loss of both parents;
  • family income per person is less than the subsistence level;
  • one of the parents is a disabled person of the first group.

Students can take advantage of loans on preferential terms to obtain an education.

A significant advantage of being a student is exemption from military service for the entire period of study.

At the municipal or regional level, students are granted the right to free visits (or with a significant discount) to libraries, clubs, some museums, exhibition halls and other institutions.

For example, students are given the right to free admission to the Moscow Zoo. Many cinemas also offer discounts of up to 50% on presentation of a student ID (usually on weekdays and during daytime screenings).

The list of benefits for students is not limited to this. They may be given significant discounts in some stores and shopping centers (for example, in Moscow, a student’s social card can also be used as a discount card).

Benefits for full-time students include the opportunity to take academic leave and parental leave.

You can check with the trade union of your university about the availability of free vouchers to sanatoriums and health centers and the conditions for obtaining them.

Students are guaranteed affordable housing. They should not pay more than 5% of the scholarship amount for living in a dormitory, using utilities and household services.

Students are allowed to take exams ahead of schedule, as well as simultaneously receive a second higher education. But the state provides the right to free education only once. This means that you will have to pay for the second higher education yourself.

Low-income students can count on receiving social scholarships and free food stamps. The question of granting students the right to free lunch is within the competence of the university, and not everyone is granted this benefit. Whereas a social scholarship is guaranteed at the federal level.

There are also benefits for part-time students who work at the same time. They can count on a shortened working week, and time off from work for training purposes must be paid in the amount of at least 50% of the average salary or minimum wage for the current year.

Students under the age of 26 are eligible to apply for an ISIC international student card. This is a universal student card that entitles you to discounts on transport in the EU (up to 40%), the purchase of air tickets (depending on the airline, from 10 to 35%) and accommodation in hotels and hostels (from 10 to 15%). In many countries, ISIC provides discounts of up to 50% on visits to museums, cinemas and theaters.

In total, the card provides discounts at 20,000 partner organizations around the world. Recently, Russian companies from Moscow and St. Petersburg have also joined the discount program. Here you can get a discount on driving lessons or learning foreign languages.

You can apply for a card via the Internet or at any regional youth organization.

When traveling by train, you need to know how to save on tickets. There is a voluminous list of beneficiaries who purchase travel passes at reduced rates. Russian Railways also sets different ticket prices for ordinary citizens who are not entitled to preferences.

Let's figure out who can buy train tickets at a discount and when, and who gets them for free.

Categories of beneficiaries and types of benefits

The state provides benefits when purchasing railway tickets to a large number of citizens of various categories.

These include: children, students, honored people and some others.

Passengers entitled to free travel on long-distance trains in interstate traffic issue tickets only at railway ticket offices.

Child benefits

On trains operating within the country, as well as in the CIS and the Baltics, children can be taken on their boarding pass. This applies only to the youngest (up to five years old). It’s more difficult with children under ten years of age. In Russia they are also allowed to be transported free of charge, but you will have to share the space between two people. And in the direction of the near abroad (post-Soviet space) preferential prices are established - up to 65%.

Children are also given travel passes for which they do not have to pay. One adult can only take one child in his seat. Only the youngest (under 5 years old) can travel free on commuter trains.

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Student and student preferences

Young people receiving education away from home are also entitled to benefits. They are valid during the academic year: from 01.09 to 31.05 each year.

Applies only to young people enrolled in full-time departments of any educational institutions.

And these are pupils and students:

  • Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval schools (from 10 years);
  • university;
  • vocational schools;
  • schools and so on.

Everyone gets a 50% reduction in fares.

Preferences apply to reserved seat and general carriages.

Other beneficiaries

There is a circle of people whose travel is paid for by the budget. This:

  • disabled people and combat veterans;
  • Participants of the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945):
    • direct battles;
    • interned on USSR ships;
    • those who served but did not fight;
    • having medals and orders;
    • persons who have been awarded the sign “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
    • rear workers;
    • concentration camp prisoners (in the past);
  • family members:
    • dead doctors of besieged Leningrad;
    • deceased disabled people of the Second World War;
    • persons who served in self-defense and air defense groups;
  • disabled people, including children with disabilities;
  • persons traveling with group I disabled people and disabled children;
  • citizens affected by the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

These persons have the right to go to a sanatorium (called “place of treatment”) once a year in the territory of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the passport and the corresponding certificate confirming the category, you also need a coupon from the social service. Important: at the end of April 2018, a joint program of the Social Insurance Fund and JSC Russian Railways was launched to provide electronic tickets for beneficiaries who are entitled to free travel tickets to and from the place of treatment. Now, to issue such tickets in 79 regions of the Russian Federation, you will not need to personally visit the railway ticket office. Everything can be done remotely. At the ticket office it is enough to show your passport. Data about beneficiaries will be stored on the Russian Railways server.

Heroes and Knights of the Order of Glory

Some people can travel on long-distance trains at their own expense three times each year. These include:

  • Heroes of the Russian Federation, Soviet Union;
  • full holders of the Order of Glory.

They will be given a free ticket twice upon request and once to travel to the treatment site.

Heroes of Socialist Labor, holders of all degrees of the Order of “Glory” and “For Service in the Armed Forces of the USSR” are provided with one free travel pass annually.

Deputy preferences

Persons performing government functions can also use long-distance trains at the expense of the budget. Moreover, they have more rights.

  1. Federal level deputies are issued tickets upon request. You don't need to pay for them. They are also not limited to the class of cars. The rule applies to accompanying persons.
  2. Assistants to deputies also travel for budget money. They are given tickets for compartment seats. The number of trips is not limited within the Russian Federation (or a federal subject).

How to save for people without benefits

Russian Railways offers discounted train tickets based on the following factors:

  • the upper shelves are not as comfortable as the lower ones;
  • People don’t like to ride in the “tail” of the carriage (the toilet is nearby);
  • Non-holiday periods are characterized by a decrease in passenger traffic.

In addition, the carrier company is trying to stimulate people. For this purpose they practice preferential prices for children, discounts for group travel. Specialists monitor the occupancy of routes. Additional offers are also made for the most unpopular ones.

Russian Railways sets discounts on tickets based on its own rules and interests.

Ask at the cash register about company shares before handing over money.

How to save money when traveling in a reserved seat

Second-class carriages are in greatest demand among citizens. In 2018, the following preferential conditions were offered:

  1. On the top shelves (even-numbered seats from 38 to 54) you could buy a ticket 30% cheaper. The promotion is conditional: it was proposed to make the purchase no later than 8 days before the route was sent.
  2. For the remaining “high-rise” places (even numbers from 2 to 36) it was proposed to pay 15% less, under the same conditions of purchase. The promotion was valid until the holiday period (until April 28). The carrier will probably offer similar conditions to its clients for one of the periods in 2019.

Advance purchase of travel passes

Russian Railways encourages the advance purchase of travel passes. You can buy them within two months - 45 days before the start date of the trip.

For customers who purchase tickets in advance, up to 16 days before departure, the carrier promises a 30% reduction in the cost of travel, and a 15% discount for up to seven days.

The promotion for domestic trains does not apply to the summer period. The rule “earlier is cheaper” works in foreign destinations.

Local offers

Carriers organize temporary promotions based on the occupancy of railway trains. Then they offer to buy a train ticket at a discount.

For example, such conditions were provided to clients wishing to visit Paris (in 2016).

Internet sales are being stimulated. When purchasing through online ticket offices, you can significantly reduce ticket costs.

The terms of the promotions are changing. Specific information should be obtained from the box office in your city.

Holiday rates

Russian Railways invites customers to celebrate their birthday together. Birthdays have a 35% reduction in fares. On the Sapsan route, you can save half the fare for the birthday boy and three friends traveling seven days before the date of the holiday and the same number after.

Newlyweds also enjoy benefits. They are offered a 35% reduction in the cost of travel if they manage to take advantage of the discount on time (a month after the wedding).

Dear newlyweds: do not forget your marriage certificate when approaching the cashier!

Group travel is cheaper

Some destinations are filled with other attractive conditions. People are offered to travel together to some not particularly popular country.

These included Finland, Poland, Mongolia, China, Korea, and the Baltic countries. Various price reductions were offered: from 50% for children to 10% for adults (2016).

Conditions for 2019 have not yet been officially announced.

It must be remembered that conditions change. They depend on the availability of free places and the demand for the destination.


Passengers of one of the most popular destinations can take advantage of special discounts.

Sales of tickets for Sapsan will start 60 days in advance. The first buyers get them at the lowest price. Then it grows, taking into account demand.

This route is subject to a 20% price reduction for a round trip ticket. If you purchase a road map, you can save: for schoolchildren and people over 60 years old - 50%, for young people - 30%.

How to apply for discounted travel

Due to the fact that the budget pays extra for the travel pass, it is necessary to correctly register your benefit. To do this, you must present a package of documents at the railway ticket office.

It includes;

  • ID card (passport, for children - birth certificate);
  • document confirming the preferential category;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund (in some cases).

OJSC "Federal Passenger Company" ("FPK", a "subsidiary" of "Russian Railways", transporting long-distance passengers) from September 1 introduces 50% discounts for full-time students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions on the upper compartment compartments of all trains in domestic message, Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin wrote in his blog.

Students now have discounts on travel on electric trains, but there were no such discounts for them on long-distance trains. Yakunin spoke about plans to introduce discounts for students in early August.

“In Soviet times, there was a travel discount for students, then this benefit was canceled, today we decided to return it. From September 1, the Federal Passenger Company is introducing 50% discounts on train tickets for full-time students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. I would like to draw attention to Please note that tickets for the upper seats of compartment cars of all categories of trains traveling on domestic routes will be sold at half price,” wrote the head of Russian Railways.

Special tariffs, the Russian Railways press service clarified, will be valid from the date of sale - from September 1, 2011 to May 31, 2012.

“To issue tickets at a special rate, students will need to present to the box office a certificate of a full-time student of an educational institution of primary, secondary or higher vocational education, a student card and a document confirming Russian citizenship,” the company reports. At the same time, Russian Railways clarified that the discounts do not apply to trains of the Kaliningrad branch of FPK, since transportation in compartment and second-class cars in communication with the Kaliningrad region is subsidized. We are talking about trains No. 29/30 Moscow - Kaliningrad, No. 79/80 St. Petersburg - Kaliningrad, No. 147/148 Moscow - Kaliningrad, No. 360/359 Kaliningrad - Adler and No. 519/520 Moscow - Kaliningrad.

To ensure equal conditions for travel of citizens of the Russian Federation to (from) the Kaliningrad region, the Russian authorities reduced, from January 1, 2003, tariffs for transportation in reserved seat and compartment cars to the level of the cost of travel for similar distances at the domestic tariff, Russian Railways reminds. The railways involved in these transportations will be compensated for losses associated with tariff reductions from the federal budget.

Tariffs for travel in reserved seat and general carriages are set by the Federal Tariff Service (FTS), for compartment and luxury carriages - by FPC in agreement with the FST.

Over the years, school students have had the opportunity to take advantage of various benefits provided by the state. The year 2017 is no exception. This year, schoolchildren are also provided with a variety of discounts and benefits so that they have the opportunity to receive a decent education and choose their specialty in the future. To assess the level of state care for the younger generation, let's take a closer look at what benefits schoolchildren have and what is needed to take advantage of them.

Discounts on train tickets

All students of Russian schools have the right to discounted travel, that is, the cost of train tickets for schoolchildren is lower than the regular price. However, in order to get a discount and buy train tickets at a low cost, you must follow a number of rules. Firstly, students between the ages of ten and fourteen must provide a school or college certificate to receive travel benefits. If a teenager aged 14 years or older wants to take advantage of the discount, then together with a certificate he must provide a document confirming his right to do so.
These rules apply only during school hours, that is, from the first of September to the fifteenth of June. To buy a Russian Railways ticket at a discount in the summer, a student needs to pay fifty percent of the cost of a regular ticket. Discounted travel is not provided to students during the summer. This measure is forced. Previously, the discount was provided to schoolchildren all year round, but there were many cases of attempts to deceive Russian Railways employees - teenagers who had already graduated from school tried to buy train tickets at a discount or even travel for free.

What do you need to receive benefits?

Russian schoolchildren have the right to discounted travel on all types of public transport, be it buses, metro or trains. Between the ages of seven and ten, it is not difficult for students to get a discount on travel. But after ten years, schoolchildren are subject to special conditions for receiving a discount. To buy tickets in Moscow, Astrakhan, Volgograd or any other city at a discounted price, the student must provide Russian Railways employees with the following documents:

  • Passport (or other identity document);
  • Student certificate from the educational institution;
  • For students over fourteen years of age - a statement with a note indicating that the student has the right to receive the appropriate benefit.

To prevent attempts to deceive Russian Railways employees, a certain format has been introduced that the certificate provided by the student must comply with. The student document must contain the following:

  • Seal of the educational institution;
  • Full name of the student;
  • Signature of the responsible person (usually the school principal or his deputy);
  • Details of the educational institution and legal address.

Upon provision of the specified documentation and its compliance with the established format, the student has the opportunity to buy Russian Railways tickets at a special price determined by the standards for this year.

Read more about how to get a train ticket for a child.

Interesting information about benefits for schoolchildren for the current year

In 2016, schoolchildren had the right to enjoy benefits when purchasing tickets for all types of railway transport, including electric trains. But many experts agreed that this is not entirely advisable, since many regions are now inclined to decide to abandon this type of transport altogether. Therefore, it is still unknown whether schoolchildren will enjoy benefits for travel on electric trains this year. But it is obvious that students will be able to purchase tickets for long-distance trains at the usual low cost.
Please note that schoolchildren can only take advantage of discounted fares on standard long-distance trains. No types of discounts or benefits for students apply to trains and luxury carriages.

What other discounts can students of schools and other educational institutions expect?

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, students of schools, colleges and other educational institutions have the right to use all the benefits provided by the state to this category of persons. In addition to the reduced cost of train tickets, students have discounts on all types of ground public transport, with the exception of taxis. There is also a discount on air travel for schoolchildren under the age of fourteen. To receive discounts on air tickets and ground transportation, school and college students must provide all the documents listed above.
As for food benefits in educational institutions, there have been some changes. Previously, students in grades 1-11 were eligible to receive free meals. This year, only primary school students are eligible to use this benefit. Students in grades 5-11 cannot benefit from free meals.
However, all schoolchildren, regardless of age, have the right to buy discounted tickets to theaters and museums, as well as other cultural and educational institutions, regardless of whether they are commercial or public.
