Scenario of the formal part of the prom. Last Bell Script Ideas Modern Oscar-Style Last Bell

In 11th grade “Fairytale memories of a kolobok graduate”

8.30. Lyceum Square. The marking is “square”. Recorded music sounds (school theme). Installed: 3 microphones, a visor, a Russian flag, a coffee table, flowers in vases, a rug, a “Teremok” fence was installed behind the seats of 11 classes, garlands of balloons with a poster “Farewell to childhood!” were mounted on stands.

9.00. Students of grades 1, 2, 3, grades 9, 10 are lined up on the square according to the markings.

Musical signal “So we have become a year older.” Exit of presenters - 10th grade.

1st presenter. Lyceum students, attention! The main heroes of our celebration - lyceum students of 11th grade, graduates of 201_ are invited to the festive lineup of the Last Bell!

2nd presenter. Looking up to graduates!

March music “So we have become a year older.” Graduates come out of the doors of the lyceum and take their places.

1st presenter. The festive line dedicated to the graduation of the 201 _- 201 _ academic year is declared open!

Musical signal "Anthem".

2nd presenter. Dear graduates! Your last school spring has arrived... The ladder of classes has ended, one more step, one movement - and you will enter the high road of adulthood...

1st presenter. But this step is still ahead, it has yet to be taken. And today, now, you are saying goodbye to childhood, and, probably, each of you will remember something dearest, most cherished...

2nd presenter. Let's remember together!

Music is in the background.


Clear day. September. Daisies.

Bow. Braids. First graders.

Two by two. Primer. Five.

First class cleaning.

Agricultural practice. Heat.

Rake, mosquitoes, midges.

Pharaohs. Globe. Map.

Painted desk.

Alkali. Pythagoras. Acids.

Lev Tolstoy. Friends. Guitar.

Disco. For a quarter - a couple.

My last, farewell May.

Joy mixed with sadness.

2nd presenter.

We don’t know what’s ahead yet,

Everyone has their own path in life

The years of childhood cannot be returned to us, we understand this.

That's why everyone is a little sad!

1st presenter. But it’s too early to be sad. Our holiday has just begun. How many warm words and good wishes you, dear graduates, will hear addressed to you today. And here is the first of them. Perhaps the most important thing.

2nd presenter. The director of our lyceum is addressing you. (The presenters introduce the director of the educational institution to those present.)

Musical signal “Viva, Academy!” Speech by the director: results of the year, orders, awards, congratulations.

1st presenter. We thank the head of our municipal educational institution. And among the guests of our holiday ________

The guests of the holiday are introduced, then the guests congratulate the graduates.

Musical beat. Speech by representatives of the RUB, administration.

1st presenter. One wise man was asked: “What is happiness?”

2nd presenter. And the sage, without hesitation, answered: “This is when I am young at heart, when my beloved is next to me, when my parents are alive and well.”

Musical background: “Song of the Mammoth.”

1st presenter.

Do you remember? Of course, you all remember:

How your mothers took you to school by the hand,

You sat excitedly at your desk

And they couldn’t learn anything.

2nd presenter. Together with you at the holiday, as all these years, the one who reliably covered your rear is your parents. _____ is addressing you on their behalf. (Introducing a member of the parent committee and giving him the floor.)

Parents' speech. A fairytale melody is in the background.

1st presenter. What would it be like to say goodbye to childhood without a sweet, kind fairy tale?

2nd presenter. Absolutely right, none! Make yourself comfortable, fellow graduate! Listen!

1st presenter. There lived a great mother by the bluest river.

2nd presenter. And she went fishing every day to catch a goldfish.

1st presenter. I walked for a long time, but I still caught a fish.

2nd presenter. She fell on her knees in front of her and begged: “Have mercy, fish lady! I don’t want palaces or nobility, I have two tenth graders, make sure they get excellent grades!”

1st presenter. A quarter has already passed, another one is passing, the years have flown by, they have flown by. The cool mom comes to the fish again.

2nd presenter. She only had one request left, to save her from her torment!

1st presenter. The fish empress took pity: “Don’t be sad, go with God. The exams will end soon, all worries and anxieties will immediately go away. Because your children will leave you. Then you’ll cry to your heart’s content!”

2nd presenter. But this is a completely different fairy tale... And now, now it’s time to invite to the microphone the one whose soul hurts day and night for your successes and failures - this is your class teacher.

Musical accent.

Speech by the 11th grade class teacher.

1st presenter. And then I remembered another fairy tale - it’s called “Kolobok”.

2nd presenter. Remember? Kolobok rolled and rolled along the path. At first he encountered all sorts of animals. And then we had more interesting meetings - with different teachers...

1st presenter. And everyone was not averse to eating it.

2nd presenter. But our cunning graduate Kolobok was not easily given to anyone.

1st presenter. Where by honest work, and where by cunning, he received grades. But the day came and it was time for exams.

2nd presenter. And Kolobok thought: “This is where they’ll eat me!”

1st presenter. But this is a completely different tale that is yet to come. In the meantime... Fabulous memories of 11th grade! 11th grade performance.

Music from the film “Plasticine Crow” is playing. Windows and “teremka” doors open to the text.

1st participant.

One simple fairy tale, or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe it’s not simple, we want to tell you.

We remember her from childhood, or maybe not from childhood,

Or maybe we don’t remember, but we will remember!

Musical signal "Nightingale-bird". Group exit.

2nd participant.


There is a miracle house in the world!

The shutters are carved!

The windows are painted!

No, just to sleep in the morning,

So you have to run here

And don't just run away.

And surprise with your little mind!

On my feet are sneakers,

Girls in mind!

About the people in that house

We will also tell a fairy tale.

Sit and wait:

A fairy tale will come!

Music from the film "Plasticine Crow".


Recently here, at the Lyceum, or maybe not at the Lyceum

No, after all, the lyceum had a commission:

They checked us for a long time; everything they could cut off -

Well, in general, the certification drove us all crazy!

11th graders especially got it,

Who are the heroes of the celebration today.

We'll tell you about them,

Maybe we'll show you

Or maybe we’ll sing about them,

And we can dance.

E-eh! E-eh! (Dance “The Lady.”)

Bell - bell.

Teacher. On the agenda of the lyceum meeting (recitative) “Certification results!” Report the situation!

1. To the tune of the song “Hey, Sailor!” from the film "Amphibian Man".

Today, brothers, we need to discuss:

How to live in the world without certification.

After all, we were warned.

After all, we were trained

We asked you not to forget!

I remember the lessons until I drop,

I remember all the cuts as if in a dream,

I remember everyone was shaking as if from fear,

When they told me:


All. It's like a fairytale!

Teacher: We were born to make a fairy tale come true!

Girl. And I protest! What kind of fairy tale is this?! No princes for you, no princes for you - a complete training racket! By the way, about physics!

2. To the tune of Polad Bul-Bul ogly’s song “Call.”

You told me yesterday

What will you call today?

Having appointed an hour and place,

Whispered: Come!

I gave up all my worries

I ran away from home

Telling family and friends

The last "I'm sorry."

3. Based on the song “The Last Train”.

Again you failed the exam

I failed the polarity again.

2 points for you, 2 points again

And just for impudence!

Teacher. All clear! Next!

4. To the tune of the song “Kitten”.

I'm a normal little kid

I always listen to the teacher:

Kohl Mehedova will tell me

And Leontyev will order,

I solve everything one and two.

Mom and Dad, Aunt and Uncle Petya

I got screwed yesterday.

I was told that it was in vain

I'm dangerously tense

Kohl was born a complete fool!

All. Like this!

5. To the tune of the song “Black Cat”.

I'm standing around the corner smoking

I'm not in a hurry to go to classes.

Someone stood behind him and was silent;

I turned around and realized that I was in trouble.

They say: no luck

If the director crosses your path!

We've learned how to net,

We even learned how to put on a change of shoes!

The whole year there was a rush in our house:

We wash, we clean - I’m even tired!

Personally, I have already quit smoking,

I dream of earning her praise!

They say you'll have no luck

If the new principal comes to your school.

And here we have it the other way around:

All the people are having fun and rejoicing!

Director. So-so! I don’t hear the people’s rejoicing!

All. Hurray!!!

6. To the tune of the song “Oh My God” from the operetta “The Bat”.

For what, for what, oh my God?

For what, for what, oh my God?

For what, for what, oh my God?

For this certificate!

It's like a stone on my neck,

It's like a stone on my neck.

And not to say in words,

How hard life is for us, friends.

Which year, like nags,

We cry from the stress.

And our life is a dog's life,

And in the future, too, “no big deal!”

Teacher. I ask you not to express yourself! Great teacher here!

All. How? Where?

One of the students caught himself in time.

- “Hello _______!

7. To the tune of the song “Aleshkina Love”.

They say it's ugly, ugly, ugly

This is so, I know for sure

Bortkevich told me,

Well, Yuri Nikolaich confirmed it!

How to be, how to be

After all, without the “Russian” you can’t do it,

I can't do this, I can't!

I will teach, cram “zhi-shi”, “cha-sha” day and night,

So that our family teachers don’t let us down.

8. To the tune of the song “Girls Happen.”

Teachers are different:

Black, white, red.

But everyone wants the same

So that the student gets confused.

Not true! A teacher is a man's friend!

9. To the tune of the song “And in our yard.”

And in our yard

There is one teacher

Among noisy friends

She is very strict

But she is the only one for me in the whole world.

Photosynthesis is closer and dearer to her,

Brought to tears -

So much for symbiosis!

10. To the tune of the song “Moscow Windows”.

We will firmly know acids

Our alkaline balance is at “5”.

Having defeated laziness and stupidity,

Having conquered our souls,

For us, you are the best reagent!

Flowers on repeat.

11. To the tune of the song “By the Sea”.

In Berlin, Paris and the States

They dream about our girls.

They are kind, beautiful and smart,

They even know languages!

They taught us to squeal and spit,

Put the article in its place.

We will keep our love for you all

Without effort and problems!

Flowers on repeat.

12. Guitar. To the tune of the song “How Great.”

You were very strict

When we were taught

And a lot these years

You did for us:

You taught us to think,

The world of numbers was opened to us.

It's great that this

We learned from you!

We crammed formulas

And they drew graphs.

And on your tests

We trembled more than once

But with pride to each other

Every day we said:

“How great it is that with joy

We learned from you!”

Flowers on repeat.

3rd private owner.

I’m sitting in my office, a damp dungeon,

Busy with studies, the young eagle.

My sad comrade, who did not pass the test,

He'll bite the pie, otherwise he'll die...

And you are unapproachable, and you are far away,

And you don’t care about my torment.

Your Geiger counter is more expensive than me;

Einstein, Faraday - these are your friends!

Admiring Voltaire, you give me a “two”...

Enough of the torment, it's time, brother, it's time!

Take up physics, otherwise - khan!

13. To the tune of the song “What a delightful evening in Russia.”

And then suddenly a quarantine is announced (oh, yay!).

And we can all get some sleep and catch our breath,

And it will be possible to hold out until the holidays.

Well, quarantine comes just in time!

Let it all be a dream, let us wake up.

Well, what do you care about our moans and sobs?!

In this and this world we will remember

Your cute image amidst the hustle and bustle of school!

Flowers on repeat.

14. To the tune of the song “Bears”.

Somewhere in this world

Miracle is a country

Under a simple name


And this world is huge

You invited us.

So many discoveries

It wouldn't have happened without you!


This is the economy!

4th participant.

Do it once, do it twice, do it three!

Our physical education teacher has the most honest rules,

He couldn’t see the lazy people,

He made us all climb on the uneven bars.

And run cross-country as fast as you can!

It costs us nothing to jump over the bar,

If only the bar wasn't very high.

We love physical education, we love running,

And of course, there are more of you, our sports people!

The musical accent is flowers.

Teacher. A proposal was made: end the discussion and make your decision!

15. Based on the song from the film “Plasticine Crow”.

Recently here at the Lyceum, or maybe not at the Lyceum,

Of course, there was a commission at the lyceum.

And we were certified, but we already knew everything:

That our lyceum is the best -

Such are the things!

16. To the tune of the song “Cool, I got it!”

This is a joke, but seriously:

You, Lyceum, forgive us

For grievances and miscalculations,

For training "tails".

I am grateful to the lyceum

That he raised me.

Only today we understand:

I hit it and I hit it!

Cool, I got into our lyceum!

Number of times, number of times:

Let's impress the people! (2 times)

1st presenter. But in fact, it is you who amaze us every day, every lesson! You amaze with your perseverance and patience, your devotion and passion. With your nobility!

17. Guitar. To the tune of the song “Your Honor, Lady Luck.”

I. Your Honor, Madam Director!

You are always the most accurate vector for us in everything.

Don't worry, we won't let you down,

After all, for us the lyceum alone is like a home!

II. Your honor, head teachers and deputies,

It’s not in vain that our mothers and fathers are grateful to you.

You conducted business strictly and specifically,

Explaining to children what is possible and what is not. (Flowers.)

III. Your Honor, a great teacher!

For some, maybe you are a warden,

And for us, believe me, the first friends are

We remain them, once and for all.

IV. Your Honor, Mr. Teacher!

A kind patron of children's fragile souls;

The door to your heart is wide open for us,

If we upset you, it’s not out of malice, believe me!

V. Your Honor, Lady Luck!

For whom are you kind, and for others otherwise!

We fervently believe in our luck,

So as not to jinx her, “ugh” over your shoulder!

VI. The school days flashed by as one.

Imperceptibly we reached the last point.

Calm your heart, wait, don’t knock:

Let's cut down on the "states" - lucky in love!

VII. Your Honor, Lady Separation!

It crept up unnoticed, that's what it is!

Just don't get your hopes up, we'll come again

And we will bring our children to school!

Musical loss. 11th graders leaving for the hall.

2nd presenter. Thanks to our multi-talented graduates. These are, indeed, universal masters: they can write, count, and play the pipe... And in general, our line is some kind of musical...

What's happening?

Phonogram background "Dialogue at the New Year's tree." Leading the recitative.

2nd presenter. What's going on in the world?

1st presenter. It's just spring!

2nd presenter. Just spring? Are you sure?

1st presenter.

Yes, I am sure.

I already heard the school doors creaking,

And soon the last school bell will ring.

2nd presenter. Call again?

1st presenter.

Well, of course, but only a farewell one.

This is the law - yesterday's children grow up.

1st presenter.

Childhood has flown by

and the crystal ringing will ring

From school to school

On our huge planet...

A first-grader rings the bell.

1st presenter. Here he is, an indispensable hero and participant in all school events: joyful and sad, holidays and everyday life - our school bell!

2nd presenter. The time has come again to give him your voice. For you, and only for you, dear graduates, the school bell sings its farewell song. And we ask you to help him

Future first-grader,

Graduates of 11th grade.

1st presenter. Everyone froze for a few seconds and tried to realize: the bell was ringing for the last time! Goodbye, School childhood!

Walking with a bell. Music in the background.

1st presenter.

The last bell will ring,

And we will say goodbye to you

Last, farewell words.

And the school will be empty, the class will be orphaned,

And our lyceum will remain without you...

2nd presenter.

The bell rings sadly

And on the last note

Maybe you will understand:

That you have become more mature and your childhood is behind you,

But the best dates are yet to come.

Music in the background.

2nd presenter. And as a guarantee of future dates, as a reminder of today - the day of the last call, these tiny bells are for you, dear graduates.

Presentation of bells by 10th graders. Music in the background.

1st presenter. Well, it seems that’s all: the congratulations ended, the bell sang a farewell song.

2nd presenter. Do not be sad! After all, a new life begins! And therefore - wider than the door, the lyceum!

1st presenter. Applause to the lyceum students!

Welcome graduates of the new year 201____!!!

Music. Nursing 11th grade.

Scenario of the last bell in the 11th grade "Geniuses are not born, or Waiting for a miracle"

Good afternoon, dear guests of our holiday. Today is a special day for us. And we want to start it like this

Presenter 1

Once a first-grader boy,
Coming home from school for the first time,
The parents asked: “How are you doing?
Did you like your first class?”

Presenter 2
“I liked it, but these are all details,”

Presenter 1
The son sarcastically responded to his parents,

Presenter 2

So why didn't you tell me right away?
And why, answer me, have you been hiding all your life,
Why do they go to school for ten years?”

Presenter 1

And ten years passed faster than a fairy tale.
The boy didn’t have time to look back -
And there is no longer a teacher’s hint,
And the chalk was erased to the last crumb.

Presenter 3

The earth's mountains were handed over to teachers,
The celestial Andromeda nebula,
The spiritual appearance of Uncle Chernomor,

Presenter 4

Pants from the Pythagorean theorem,
And Archimedes, who displaced water.
And today in this hall

Presenter 3
We have gathered so that without further ado,
Congratulate them for this at the beginning
We invite all graduates.

Presenter 1

Let us greet our graduates with friendly applause:

Presenter 2

11th grade! Class teacher….(teacher's full name)! We welcome academic shock students, winners of school and city Olympiads, members of the school team, the best presenters of all holidays and events, active and cheerful children!

( Graduates enter the hall)

Presenter 1.

And again May in this world,
On the school joyful planet
Nature comes to life again
It rings, blooms, smells fragrant.
And this is a miracle in our hall,
What kind of people we have gathered here!

Presenter 2.

Here is a sea of ​​smart, clean eyes,
Here youth enchants us.
Here souls are full of anticipation,
An unexpected declaration of love...
Solemn excitement reigns...
Sounds like a normal intro
For those who have been waiting, counting the days...
Attention - graduates!

Graduates (speakers) rise to the stage, background.

1. We waited, worried, for this minute.

It's time to say goodbye!

But my heart, I don’t know, is beating for some reason

We will leave the yard tomorrow as adults.

2. He knocks, because it’s probably not easy -

Leave childhood on an unknown path

You can fly far even to the stars

But don’t forget the way to school, my friend.

3. What is our home school for us?

4. Desk,
Locker rooms
And a buffet.

5. Change, the one that was not worn,
The knowledge that was passed
Often just passing by.
And my favorite gym,
Our dear stadium,
And a large lawn with grass,
The one we tore
When the internship was completed.

6. And for all of us, school is
A sea of ​​controls,
Unexpected excitement
If suddenly there is a test in the morning
The teacher will give it to us!

7. KVNs and conversations,
Defeats and victories
The class where you strive again,
Our first love!

(Song about school.)

Presenter 1.

Here 11 years have flown by

There was everything: storms, calms, shallows, thunder.

And today we are almost there

Let's pass the exams and go out into the big world.

Presenter 2.

But before we raise the anchors.

We want to know for sure

Who is the head of children's life
In our native school, school No. 18

Counting from today?

Presenter 1: Are school activists ready to transfer school space into your hands?

8th, 9th, 10th grade:Ready!

1. As we were leaving, we wanted to tell you:

Now you have to live here without us.

Be no worse - we’ll come check it out

And I want to believe that we will find progress!

2. It’s not worse to be small!

We must be better!

Always be faithful to your school,

Swear to take care of her and glorify her everywhere!

On land, in flight, in fire and water!

3. Stop smoking, no more truancy.

Always come home without failing.

Be friends and laugh, because childhood passes,

He never finds his way back.

Active classes:

1. We understand you, we will do everything to the letter!

We listened to you, everything is reasonable and useful!

We wish you happiness and a successful journey

And the university is free and less worrying!

2. Oh, sweet life, love and care to you,

Good luck in everything and a prestigious job.

We will be no worse, we promise you

And we swear our words with an oath.

3. We swear allegiance to the school!

We swear to be better: both in word and deed!

Let's hold hands and shout together!

ALL: Long live the class of 2016!

Presenter 1.

Attention attention! Today in our hall there will be a presentation of a new serial film.

Presenter 2. 11 for years, 11 long years the filming took place. During this time, 150 kg of chalk, 2,300 pieces of 48-sheet notebooks, 2 million 300 thousand nerve cells, 150 cubic meters of ink were spent, 880 thousand rolls were eaten in our dining room, 120 thousand cubic meters of compote were drunk.

Presenter 1.

And now it’s ready, a masterpiece from the life of a modern schoolchild, a drama about years of torment, action-packed trips to the cafeteria, a poem of dedication to everyone who was nearby.

Presenter 3.

We present to you a new multi-part saga “Geniuses are not born or waiting for a miracle.”

Presenter 4.

Today we have gathered to remember how the filming of this series went, and who had the greatest influence on the creation of the masterpiece.

Presenter 1.

But first I would like to hear official information about the end of filming. To do this, we invite the deputy. director for educational work - ....

(the head teacher reads out the order for admission to the exams).

Presenter 2.

As we heard, the shooting ended successfully and today we will see not only the heroes of our film. But also people who are always behind the scenes.

Presenter 3.

If theater begins with a hanger, then film begins with the director. So, ... (full name of the school director)

Recently engaged in directing activities; stern with subordinates, but easy-going. During filming, he worked hard to improve the props; thanks to him, new film sets appeared (psychologists’ office, arboretum). Works hard with leading and non-leading actors, always strives for discipline. With the motto “Putin himself is not a decree for us,” he turned holidays into working days.

Presenter 4.

Now let’s listen to how our leading and non-leading actors worked with the director.

Presenter 4. Thank you , Thank you. In our harsh material present, immediately after the director in importance on the set are producers. Each of the actors has their own producer, they have a great influence on the emotionality, brightness, and acting talent of our heroes. We are speaking …

Presenter 3 . Of course about the parents. Sponsors are not only material, but also spiritual. Our graduates went to them for support, advice, and shared their sorrows and joys with them. What do they mean for our actors?

Presenter 4. Today the moment has come for them to come out of the darkness, to show their kind, sweet, affectionate faces and eyes sparkling with happiness. We invite you for a response from parents........

Thank you for these words.

(showing head teachers)

Presenter 1. You see footage from the harsh everyday life of our assistant directors: (full name of the head teacher)

Presenter 2. . Every day is like the last, all or nothing, that’s what our deputies wanted from the actors. Some could not stand the harsh life of an actor and heard from them: “You are not suitable for us.” Is it difficult for them?

Presenter 1. Yes. But they need to be stern, because they keep order on the set. Order in everything: clothes, coming to work and leaving it.

Presenter 2. Which actor hasn’t heard: “You need to sleep less,” “Where are you going to go to a bar like this?”

Presenter 1. But they also rejoiced at our successes. Victories of the entire project and its individual participants in competitions.

Presenter 2. With longing in our eyes and gratitude in our hearts, we remember our everyday life together.

And now about the film itself:

One simple fairy tale
Or maybe not a fairy tale,
Or maybe not simple
We want to tell you.
When we were 7 years old
Or maybe 8
Or maybe 6 years
We won't elaborate.
To our big school,
Or maybe not big,
Or maybe in the initial
We came to 1st grade.
We'll tell you about everyone,
Or maybe we won't tell
We'll show you something
Let's sing something.

Episode 1. School life "1st grade"

Graduate In those days when not a single foot of ours had yet set foot without a change of shoes along the noisy corridors of the school, when a simple student of the graduating class was not frightened by the monster from education with the formidable name of the Unified State Examination, aka a nightmare horror, aka a terrible nightmare

Fashion show. Phonogram of a call, noise in the corridor. General exit. Mise-en-scene: semicircle.

Graduate On this day, overly excited mothers, looking tenderly at us, first-graders, carefully straightened out the folds on the festive clothes, which had become quite wrinkled in just a few hours spent at school. And they asked the same question, while smiling nervously for some reason...

Together: Well, how? Did you enjoy your first day of school?

Graduate I liked it!

Graduate . What else could we answer?

Graduate For example, I didn’t say that the new shoes were too tight and weren’t even the color I wanted...

Graduate I also didn’t tell my mom that I didn’t need this tie “like dad’s” at all, since I couldn’t wipe my dirty hands on it...

Graduate And the main thing is that from sitting in one place for a long time, for example, I begin to tingle in certain parts of my body!

And so...

All (together). We really liked everything!

Graduate. And flowers, and noise, and turmoil on this day! But most of all we liked the beautiful, elegant auntie who came up to us. Everyone called her “teacher”!

Graduate. Or rather, we called it and still call it:

Together. Our Nesterenko Valentina Aleksandrovna, ....

Graduate The teacher smiled at us and our mothers as if they were family. Daily listening and communicating with our first teacher, we comprehended, in addition to the curriculum, simple truths.

Graduate That it wouldn't be a bad idea to come to class on time.

Graduate What should you write not on your desk, but only in your notebook...

Graduate That you can’t be rude to your elders, but you definitely need to protect your kids...

The response from the first teacher.

Presenter: - Yes, eleventh graders are experienced people. But our guests have no such experience yet.

Presenter - Guess who came to congratulate us? Small, small, smart, smart. Who? Of course, our shift is elementary school students!

Under Leaving music 11th grade no stage, and 1st grades they come in For speeches.

First-graders' performance!

    YouNowgraduates, And we are first-graders.

Let's turn it aroundWebackdays,

Aboutlifewe'll tell youours.

    In the firstclass - beauty. JustAmazing!

Just learn to write - this is a must!

    Well, in classinsecond




4. Are getting heavybackpacks. Textbooksincreased.

In third and fourth class

Everything is chatting, trying.

5. There's trouble in the fifth grade

Problems started:

Everyone sits and waits for

Change will come.

6. A year has passed and the sixth grade

Running around school

All teachers suffer from such grief.

7. Seventh grade and physics:

They introduced a new science.

According to the laws of acceleration

The class runs to the cafeteria.

8. Classeighth. Notbeforestudies -

Allaroundfall in love! Nothing likeniuchi,


19. At nineclasswiser. Wholeyeartaught.

Howexamspassed - ImmediatelyAllforgot.

10. In the tenthclass - hereattack.

Allchangeimage. You might faintfell,

Howschoolchildrenyou'll see.

11. Class last graduation.

Parting soon.

We wish you not to forget

Your home school.


1. But what is a holiday without gifts?

And as a souvenir from us

Good morning souvenirs.

So that you can do

You will need strength.

And believe us, friends -

Without native water,

you can't (show a bottle of water “Water Oktyabrskaya school “Graduation””).

Not just that ordinary water -

She's from school 18!

Half are tears of your joys and little troubles, and the other half is a supply of fresh water for a long swim.

2.And the second gift is for you

Unusual too(show an inflated balloon).

We give you the air of the school -

It might come in handy(they give a balloon).

Presenter: - Kids! Keep your ears on top! The luminaries of all school sciences will speak for you.

Presenter - Masters of tests and essays.

Presenter: - Professors for passing tests and exams.

Presenter - The older students are school graduates.

Order for eleventh graders: -

1st graduate:- Dear first graders!

We're a little older than you

And we are burning with desire

Convey your order

And our wishes.

Chew on science for later

Don't you leave

Then there will be cattle soup!

Read the classics!

2nd graduate: - So that conversations on the “carpet”

Were very rare

Don't fight in the yard

Don't bother your neighbor!

3rd graduate:- Be polite to everyone

Don't be rude to your elders!

Hurry up everyone for recess

Don't rush!

Love physical education -

It will be useful in life.

4th graduate :- And you all need to remember:

The strength of the mind is more important.

Faith, friendship – that’s what’s sacred!

You are stronger with them!

5th graduate: - Well, be brave on the long journey,

School-like, interesting.

And don’t forget on the road

Home, friends and song.

Music is playing.

Episode 2. Just one day.

Presenter1 - It all starts with the school bell.

The desks set off on a long journey.

There will be better starts ahead

And they will be more serious, but for now...

Presenter2: - In the meantime, school, lessons, lessons... Every day to school. 10 whole years!

Presenter3 - Unique years, where one day is different from the other, where there are not only lessons, tests, but also time for fun and jokes.

Presenter 4 - And all these years our teachers have been next to us.

The teacher will forgive us all our pranks and troubles.

And the fact that we were sometimes silent at the blackboard.

Perhaps there are more victories ahead of us.

Teacher, have faith in us and don’t judge us harshly!

Presenter1: - We want to say thank you to people who are hard as a diamond, hardy like an American mustang, calm like a South African boa constrictor, beautiful like Helen the Beautiful, wise like Socrates, kind like a fairy fairy.

Presenter 2- Thank you for your kindness and sensitivity, for your charm and beauty, for your patience, optimism, for your integrity, for your honor and dignity.

Presenter 3- We remember and will always remember those who did not rise to the last step with us, but taught us in the middle classes.

Presenter 4: - Our school is the best,

That the teacher is a star.

And all over Russia it’s better

It will never be found.

Presenter 1 - Thanks to everyone who taught us,

Who just came to our class,

To praise us, scold us

Or invite you to the library.

Presenter 2: - Thank you

On behalf of the 11th grade, we thank those who helped us over the years: fed, treated, warmed us in the winter and illuminated our classrooms in the evenings, and issued certificates.

Presenter 3: - A deep bow to those who cleaned our school on weekdays and holidays, guarded it, and repaired broken furniture. Thank you!

Song "School, I miss you."

Episode 3: “Wonderful school years!”

"Our poor parents"

Presenter: - You understand how talented we are! But, despite all our talents, they always tried to educate us. And our parents suffered the most.

Sveta: Scenes from family life:

Mother: - Why did you skip school yesterday?

Son: - I made a gift for the teacher!

Mother: - Which present?

Son:- And yesterday was her birthday. So I decided - let him take a break from me!

Mother: -By the way, when will you finally correct your grades?

Son: - Mom, I try to do this every day, but the teacher, as luck would have it, doesn’t leave the magazine unattended for a minute.

Daughter: - Mom, is today a beautiful day or not?

Mother: - Why do you ask this every morning?

Daughter: - Our teacher said that one day she will go crazy with us!

Verse 2: Children are our punishment.

Gave them an education.

The children became disobedient

And without them we are very bored.

Chorus: Such and such! They don't want to study!

So-and-so! Everything is on the sites!

- The Internet is more valuable to them than their own mother.

Presenter: - My God, how much our family had to endure: problems with studies, difficulties in mutual understanding, and sleepless nights because of our first love. They bravely bore it all on their shoulders.

: - Today we say thank you

Of course, to your parents.

Your care, attention, and patience

They always help us like that.

----------------- : - But we admit with regret,

Were deaf sometimes

We are here for your requests and concerns.

wall of misunderstanding

Suddenly it grew in front of us.

And sometimes it seems: she

Cannot collapse with a tsunami.

: - But we love, we love you,

Although we often keep our feelings secret,

And our restraint sometimes

It prevents us from admitting it.

Presenter – Thank you, our parents, and bow to you for your patience and work, kindness and responsiveness, devotion and love, without which we simply could not live! (Bow to parents)

Song "Mom is the main word."

Or the second option

- Our dear mothers and fathers! Admire it! Your kids have grown up! (Mise-en-scene: line). And what you see in front of you now is the result of your daily work!

- It was we who provided you with life in extreme situations all this time!

- It is to us that you owe the unbearable days that smoothly turn into sleepless nights!

- Yes! We didn’t always bring you only joy and diaries proudly swollen with A’s!

- Hand on heart, we are ready to admit that we cannot be called exemplary children!

- But we know that no matter what we do, you attribute everything to a protracted transitional age, and continue to love us even more!

- And we want to tell you a secret...

All : We love you very much too!

Episode 4. Only one day.

Several people turn around as they pronounce each phrase.

It was a very ordinary day.

Cold and cloudy.

And we were in the same mood.

That day we walked leisurely to school. “Suddenly it started to rain.”

Phonogram of the sound of rain. Participants play out the situation.

And we walked faster.

We looked at our watches. (Everyone looks at their watches). There was still time left until the bell...

Five minutes! (In unison.)

And we ran to school so as not to be late for the first lesson!

A student comes out with a mop stick. Every time he announces a lesson, he hits the floor with his mop stick and then leaves.

Scenes from school life

Sketch Class Teacher

Hello guys! Thank you for coming...
- Why are there so few of you today?
(Opens the magazine, begins roll call).
- Babenko?.. Here... Zhenya Zadorozhny?.. - Still sleeping. He came yesterday!
- Smooth?..
- What are you talking about, Natalya Ivanovna! Only the second lesson! She comes to the third!
- Ah! Yes Yes...
- Kostetsky?..
- Kostetsky goes to the center on Mondays, he has some business there.
- Good good...
- ?
- He can’t come, he’s running around the garage, trying to start the red Lada.

- But he lives in the next house?
- He’s stressed... He’s worried... Why some of our students are brought to school by car, but he has to walk.

-That’s also correct...
- ?..
- He had a headache, and Ryabinin, Albakhtina and Kursanova went to see the doctor to see him off...
- Well, it turns out everyone has good reasons.

scene 1. Literature lesson.

Scene 2. Unified State Exam

Scene 3. Somewhere in the depths of our school - in the technology room.

Scene 5. - Well, now you can rest thoroughly, because we have...

All . Big change!

Graduate During breaks we had time to visit the warmest place in our school - our canteen. UWe have everything accurately recorded:

    Graduate 11th grade students destroyed during their 2,244 days at school:

    1 ton of bakery products,

    drank compote, tea, juice - 2000 liters.

Performed to the tune “No Birds Sing Here”

They'll pour you some tea here

And they will give you buns,

No wonder we are shoulder to shoulder

We're growing into the ground here.

Pancakes and cutlets are smoking,

The bell is ringing inexorably,

And we only need five minutes of lunch.

Everyone needs to eat -

We will not stand behind the price!

A strict teacher is waiting for us,

And yet he is powerless.

Doubts away, otherwise we’ll stretch our legs

And we won’t live to see the exams.

: Episode 4. "To teachers with love"

Presenter 1. By the way, here’s what I came up with: what if you dedicate a poem to each teacher.

Presenter 2: Not bad, not bad, let's see?

Presenter1: - Mathematics is the queen of sciences!

Ships can't sail without it!

Without it you cannot divide an acre of land!

You can’t even buy bread, you can’t count rubles,

Why don’t you find out, and once you know, you won’t understand.

Our math teacher was _______________________. We invite you to the stage.

Presenter: - Not on an all-terrain vehicle, but at an old desk,

We will go around the seas and distant countries.

From Antarctica to Africa

Let's swim fearlessly

Together with _________________________. We are waiting for you on our stage.

Presenter – And we keep moving and moving forward.

And everyone learns a lot in the lessons.

After all, we teach history,

The one who doesn't say a word

and he won’t lie half a word.

It’s not for nothing that ______________________________ teaches it so well.

Presenter: - Red smoke billows in clouds,

Flames lick the ceiling.

Acid flows like a river -

There is a lesson in the experiments.

On the way to a great goal

Suffering is not terrible

Mendeleev would approve

Our research

Together with …____________________________________.

Presenter – We are “Speak English”, “Sprechendeutsch”

I can't forget,

Even the blood listened to them,

The one in our veins.

And now we have no difficulty

Let's read "Snickers"

Where and when was it made?

Only then do we eat it.

And they taught us this _____________________________________________. We ask you to come on stage.

Presenter: - These meetings leave traces in my soul

They will stay for a long time.

The heart is reliable, like a motor,

He runs faster than a wolf.

With health like ours,

We will move mountains.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts

Physical education lessons

AND_____________________________________________. We invite you here.

Leading : Approaching the end of our speech, I would like to separately say a few words about our class teacher... (name, patronymic).
Presenter: How much effort she spent on uniting us into one friendly family! How much energy and patience it took for her to stop us from playing truant! But we did so many interesting things together!
Leading: And how many holidays we spent in class: New Year, and February 23, and March 8, and Birthday Days!
Presenter: And various school events!!! We had so many of them! Is it possible to remember everything we lived with these years?
Leading. But none of this would have happened if it weren’t for the class teacher... Thank her for all her care for us, for her patience, for her love, for everything, everything, everything.
Presenter: We have been waiting for this day for 11 years. But to be honest, it’s a pity to part with the school, with the teachers, with the guys with whom we studied all these years.

Episode 6 "Last Call"

Graduate Dear, dear, beloved teachers! We turn the last page of our miraculous book, after which we face the difficult process of parting. This happens at school every year, but you still worry!

Graduate We wish you health and all the best! And we hope that after parting there will definitely be new meetings!

: -The time has come to say goodbye to school

And our graduation year ended.

Forever into the distance along a cheerful path

Now our childhood will go away.

: – We look at everything

Sad-happy look

In anticipation of new paths and roads.

It will soon be heard throughout all the corridors

Sad, farewell last call.

: - We can't escape these moments.

And each of us is familiar with this feeling.

After all, how many friends from school childhood

Leaves us with this school bell.

: - Ring over the past and present,

Over everything that I saved and that I didn’t save.

Ring over my passing childhood

Cheerful sad last call.

Leading:- The right to give the last call is granted …………………………………

Presenter: - 11 years! Is this a lot or a little?! Now it seems to us that they flashed by in an instant. And yet we will never forget them.

Scenario of the Last Bell at School for 9th and 11th grades

This scenario is suitable for a school that has a pioneer organization. Goal: creating a festive atmosphere, instilling in graduates a sense of gratitude to the school staff for their care. Characters: 6 students. Equipment: pioneer ties, gifts for teachers, phonograms, bell. Duration - 40 minutes.

Scenario of the Last Bell in grades 1, 9-11 “News Release”

An interesting scenario for Last Call in the format of a “news broadcast” on television. Goal: creating a festive atmosphere among graduates. Characters: 2 presenters, correspondents, director, class teacher, parent representative, first-graders. Equipment: music, festively decorated hall.

Last bell script for grade 11 “Film shooting”

The original script for the last call is based on the fact that the presenters are supposedly making a film about graduates and their school years. Goal: fostering love and respect for school, teachers and parents. Characters: 2 presenters, director, understudy, class teacher, students. Equipment: music, camera and other props for filming.

Celebration scenario last call “At the crossroads”

This scenario for the last bell at school is playful - it consists of several scenes in which adults and children participate. Goal: forming pleasant memories of school. Characters: presenter, teachers, parents and children in the roles of heroes of the skits. Equipment: hall decoration, stage props, music.

Script of the last call "Alice and her friends" based on the book by Kir Bulychev

For those who are tired of the same type of last call scenarios, you can use this option. The script is based on the books by Kir Bulychev about Alice and her friends on Earth. Purpose: a fun way to remember your school days. Characters: Alice and her dad, teacher, Seleznev, Kusandra, dragon, doll, gnome, etc. Equipment: costumes for heroes, phonendoscope.

Scenario for the last bell at school

Script with poems for the line in honor of the last call. Suitable for formal events in schools. Purpose: farewell to school graduates. Characters: presenters - a girl and a boy, poetry readers - graduates and first-graders. Equipment: festively decorated stage, music.

Scenario of the last bell in 11th grade - show program

Instead of the usual Last Bell script, there is a show program that talks about graduates as heroes of skits. Goal: creating a festive atmosphere at school on this day. The characters are 2 presenters, performers of different roles as participants in the skits. Equipment: costumes of characters, props for the script, cheerful music.

Humorous scenario for the school holiday “Last Bell”

This action-packed, humorous Last Bell script is more of a prank than an official event, so it should only be used in consultation with graduates and school management. Goal: creating a good mood. Characters: dictator, prosecutor, witnesses, presenter. Equipment: special music, hero costumes.

Scenario of the ceremonial line for the last call

A classic, discreet scenario for a ceremonial assembly in honor of the Last Bell at school. Goal: creating a festive atmosphere at school on the last day of the school year. The script includes the graduate oath. Characters: 2 presenters, first-graders, graduates, parents, master. Equipment: music, festively decorated hall, master's outfit.

Scenario for the last bell ceremony in elementary school

The line script for Last Bell is suitable for students in grades 1 and 4. Goal: to develop in children a good attitude towards each other, teachers, and school. Characters: presenter, vocal group of children. Equipment: music for singing songs, a festively decorated school hall.

Last call script “From diapers to sheepskin coats”

A funny Last Bell scenario is suitable for those classes whose graduates are distinguished by creative abilities and creativity. Goal: to create a festive atmosphere for graduates, teachers and parents. Characters: 2 presenters, graduates, parents. Equipment: music, choir of graduates and parents, footage from family chronicles of graduates, video projector.

Script for hosts for Last Call

The Last Bell script involves speeches by students of different classes, parents and students, and memories of graduates’ school years. Goal: to form a respectful attitude towards the work of a teacher. Characters: 2 presenters, representatives of parents, teachers, graduates, students of other classes. Equipment: music, hall decoration.

Last call “Unscheduled lessons” for 9th grade

The original script for the Last Bell for a festive, not school-wide, but class event. Goal: forming positive memories of school. Characters: class teacher, participants in skits. Equipment: music, costumes for participants in skits and props, a festively decorated classroom.

Script for Last Bell in 11th grade “The Best Movie”

This very interesting Last One scenario can be used if you have enough time to prepare. The production is based on the parody film of the same name, “The Best Movie.” Characters: presenter, voice behind the stage, heroes of the skits (graduates). Equipment: screen across the entire “backdrop” of the stage, video projector.

Scenario for the last bell celebration at the "Benefit" elementary school

A kind of cheerful children's script for Last Call in verse. Oath of parents, honoring teachers. Goal: to create a festive mood among children who have completed the class. Characters: 2 presenters - a boy and a girl, the class teacher. Equipment: music, flowers and gifts, festively decorated hall.

Scenario for Last Bell in an orphanage-school

A touching script of the Last Bell for school leavers in orphanages. Goal: preserving school traditions and creating a festive atmosphere. In preparation for the last bell, you will need to come up with a quatrain about each graduate. Characters: 2 presenters, director, class teacher, teachers. Equipment: music, festively decorated assembly hall.

Scenario for the last bell celebration “Photo studio “For Memory”

An interesting Last Call scenario in the format of viewing photographs taken by the photographer during the event. In fact, pre-prepared footage is shown on a large screen. Goal: to create a solemn festive atmosphere of farewell to the school. Characters: 2 presenters, teachers, graduates. Equipment: video projector, special light in the hall, photo collages, photographs of students and teachers.

Celebration scenario Last call with watching a movie

An interesting scenario for Last Call in the format of a “news broadcast” on television. Goal: creating a festive atmosphere among graduates. Characters: 2 presenters, correspondents, director, class teacher, parent representative. Equipment: music, festively decorated hall.

Last call script “This will never happen again”

The creative script for the Last Bell consists of songs and poems that graduates themselves must compose about their teachers. Goal: to unleash the creative abilities of graduates for a memorable farewell to school. Actors: presenters, graduates, teachers, parents. Equipment: festively decorated hall, learned songs and poems, flowers for teachers.

Script for the last call “Our last lesson”

The scenario is built from five small holiday lessons, in which the children remember events from school life and say words of gratitude to their teachers. Goal: developing a positive attitude of children towards school. Characters: presenters, teacher performed by students. Equipment: cool magazine, music, festively decorated hall.

Line script for Last Bell for grades 9 and 11

Creative scenario for the Last Call with the active participation of graduates. Goal: to reveal the creative abilities of graduates as they leave school. Characters: presenter, graduates in the role of scientists. Equipment: costumes for scientists, music, flowers for teachers, a festively decorated hall, a school bell.

Scenario for the last call "Roulette"

An interesting game scenario for Last Call in the format of an intellectual game - roulette, which teachers play while answering questions. Goal: uniting teachers and graduates. Characters: presenter, teachers, head teacher. Equipment: table with tape measure, questions for teachers, flowers, gifts.

Script for the last call “An Extraordinary Journey”

Original script for Last Call on a maritime theme. Goal: creating a festive atmosphere among graduates. Characters: Presenters - graduates, captain of the ship, bandits - 3 people, natives - 3 people, excellent students - 2 people, passengers-graduates - 13 people, first-graders - 5 people.. Equipment: music, marine-themed props, decorated hall.

Script for the last call “When we leave the school yard”

Last call script in verse. Touching poems about school, teachers, students and life after school. Goal: creating a festive atmosphere at school on the day of the last bell. Characters: Graduates - 10 people, presenters, 2 boys and 2 girls. Equipment: music, flowers for teachers, festively decorated hall.

Scenario for the last bell line “School Years”

Last Call script in an official, restrained style. Poems about students, teachers, and school performed by graduates and first-graders. Goal:: formation of positive memories of school. Characters: presenters, graduates, first-graders. Equipment: music, flowers for graduates and teachers, festively decorated hall.

Scenario for the “Last Call 2015” series

The author of the script is the class teacher of the MBOU "Ushakovo Secondary School"
Art teacher Lyudmila Ivanovna Spitsina

The last bell is always a touching, exciting event, not only for school graduates, but also for parents and teachers. For graduates, these are hopes, worries, plans for the future. For parents - the realization that their children have grown up and that the usual rhythm of life is about to change; for teachers - farewell to dear people in whom they have invested as much spiritual strength as they have invested in their own children.
The script has an average level of complexity in preparation and production.
This material will help make the school holiday bright, emotional, and memorable. It is intended for class teachers of 11th grades, head teachers for educational work, and everyone who creates such holidays for schoolchildren.
Goals and objectives of extracurricular activities:
- develop the horizons and creative abilities of students;
- to unite a great team, to instill faith in each graduate in their future;
- cultivate a respectful attitude towards the traditions of the school, teachers, and parents.
Form: musical and literary composition.
Music about the school is playing, formation is underway. Fanfare.
Reader 1: Today is a holiday - joyful, cheerful:
The difficult, long school year is over.
The kids didn't come to school for class -
Hear the holiday bell.
Reader 2.Today is an unusual day
The sun rose, washed with dew,
To the last, farewell lesson,
Graduation class is leaving!
Reader 1.May day plays on the line,
The breeze whispers gently in the leaves,
Seeing off your pets on their way,
The school will give them a last call!
Reader 2.There will be a sea of ​​guests to worry,
There will be many poems and flowers -
Oceans of thunderous applause
We welcome...
Together. GRADUATES!!!
Reader 1: And this holiday, as always, is the last
For those who are the oldest among us.
Reader 2: Applause! They march victoriously
Graduates of 11th grade.
(music sounds as graduates exit)

Presenter1:Meet on our star path - 11th grade with your class teacher Spitsina L.I. The most important ones are talented, creative and hardworking graduates!
Presenter 2: This is your finest hour, our glorious graduates!

You yourself have become, although not the biggest yet, but already stars in our school firmament.
Presenter 1: Over the course of 11 school years, each of you has transformed from a tiny spark into a bright star.
Presenter 2: And there is not a single star among you that is similar to each other, because you are very individual and unique.
Presenter 1: Our holiday today, although not fully, will still show your skill and talent.
Presenter2: School! Attention! The ceremonial line “Last Bell 2015” is declared open.
Presenter1: The word on the reading of the school order on the admission of 11th graders to state exams is given to the school director V.N. Matshin.
Reads out the order.
Presenter2: The following guests of honor are present at our celebration today:
Presenter 1: Dear graduates!
How cute you are today -
With a smile, great mood!
And on this important and solemn day,
Let the words of greeting ring in your honor!
The floor is given to ROO________________
Presenter2: Graduates!
All your emotions, worries are understandable,
You have become adults, congratulations!
Let life, consisting of impressions,
Will give you the future and the present!
The floor for congratulations is given to the director of the Central Children's Institute, M.N. Zherdev.
Congratulations to the guests of honor_______________________________________________
Presenter1: I remember when for the first time you
These were the walls of the school,
Your first teachers
You were escorted to first grade with a smile
Presenter2: They were like your second mothers
They brought good, protected from evil.
Today they will see you off,
Those who were once met here
Leading: The word for congratulations comes from the first teachers of our 11th grades, Ledovskaya I.I.
Speech by the first teachers.

Issue 1. And if you remember that farewell day,
Moving into fifth grade,
We promised everyone something
Why don’t we remember, friends!
Issue 2: And such naughty people
We were once with you
And sometimes there were grievances
But the grievances were forgotten
- They told us then
(The class teacher comes out and says the words)
Nothing - everything is nonsense, your whole life is ahead of you, the main thing is you, hope and wait!
Dear graduate, you will forever remember the years spent in it,
All those who invested their knowledge, skills, and a piece of their soul into you.
I want to say one more thing: thank you to my heart that it is given to it to never know peace.
And remember, in your heart, your students, all so different forever!
Issue 1: What are the birds singing to us about today?
What did the breeze whisper about in the morning?
Issue 2:What event will happen at school?
What is our holiday?
Together: Last call!
Issue 1: What happens at school in the spring?
Something changes suddenly.
Issue 2: It’s just that this childhood is leaving us forever
And it doesn't come back.
Issue 3:And now, let's indulge in sweet, intoxicating, fabulous memories.
Where did it all begin?
Composition “Childhood”

Graduates (playing hopscotch, jump rope, ball, dolls, bicycle) first-graders come up and read in pairs with first-graders:
Graduate: The time has come to say goodbye to school, but I still remember my first steps in it.
Graduate: First bell, our first class, first school friends and first teacher.
Graduate: We tried very hard back then: we wrote beautifully in copybooks, wrote numbers in squared notebooks, recited poems expressively and sang songs loudly in music lessons.
Graduate: Then everything started spinning, flying, and now 11 years passed faster than one lesson. We are already graduates.
Graduate: We were so eager to become adults that we didn’t even notice how we became them and now we don’t really want to say goodbye to our school desk, blackboard, textbooks and our classroom.
Graduate: I really want to shout: stop a moment! But time is inexorable. We hurried him
They pushed, rather, rather, making a huge mistake, because childhood cannot be returned.
Graduate: Until you become adults, you need to enjoy every minute that the Magic Land gives us - the country of our Childhood. On the threshold of adulthood, let's try to look back at our country of Childhood, while it is visible in the smallest detail.
we give you, first-graders, our toys, our childhood toys

Key manager: Attention! Attention! Attention! The solemn ceremony of initiation into the graduate of 2015 begins. You, dear graduates, need to go through “fire”, “water” and “copper pipes”. To go through the fire is to go through the trials given to us by God. The Lord tests our deeds with fire - if the basis of deeds is straw, then the deed will burn. You must always make the right foundations and take care of yourself in order to be gold and so that the fire does not burn you.
Water is also a type of difficulty when tears flow. Everyone goes through fire, only a few go through water. But often we have to endure some hardships in order to achieve more. You can also compare water with such situations when you are “overwhelmed” and you are forced to stay afloat.
Copper pipes, initiation by air, you acquire magical properties - this is a test of glory. The hardest thing. Modesty test. Those who have passed will be given even more, and those who fail the test will slide down to the beginning. Go ahead, dear graduates, overcome all trials and difficulties, be persistent and courageous! (under testing)

“Elements” unfold in a line behind the graduates, read poetry)
1. Last call - farewell to childhood.
The last bell rings only once.
You will leave school with a huge inheritance,
What shines with knowledge from smart eyes.
2. Last call, how sad it is.
The last call is the crown of happiness.
You once came to school not by chance.
And know that life is not over yet.
3. The last call is just the beginning,
For those who are confident that they know their path.
And let your childhood already fade away,
You can look into your future.
Leading: The right to tie a graduate ribbon is granted to the teaching staff of the class.

Teachers read poems to graduates.
1. There are many roads in life
And falls in it and rewards.
But who could finish school,
He is no longer afraid of obstacles!
2. You move forward more boldly
Without fear of winds or bad weather,
Success in life is definitely waiting for you all,
There will be time for tears and for happiness!
3. Say goodbye to school tomorrow
A fighter jet will rush you through life,
But just don't forget one thing:
School is your first teacher in life!
Leading: When there are many children in a family, the mother is called a heroine. In our school family, Lyudmila Ivanovna is in her 3rd graduating class. The “Graduate Medal 2015” is presented by the school director V.N. Matshin.

Fireworks sound in your honor (Parents release firecrackers on both sides)

Key manager: My dears! The last call has come! Eleven times you stood on this line, seeing off graduates from school, and today, looking at the stairs of classes, you remember what you were like on each of the steps!
Presenter: The floor is given to the 11th grade class teacher to perform a song
(to the tune of "Snow")

Like a flock of white doves
Childhood will be carried upward
But let it be in the flow of days
Will come back to you in my thoughts again
And let him take away all troubles
Your dove is white-winged
You continue your flight
Let him be happy!
Return musical congratulations to the class teacher.

Issue 1: Dear, beloved mothers and fathers! So we finished school. Everyone says they have matured a lot. But for you we are still small, helpless, and you are worried, worried about how we will behave in our new life. Be calm, dear ones! We won't cause you any grief. Neither you nor our teachers will have to blush for us!
Issue 2: For eleven years we studied at school -
We learned and saw a lot here,
But it is unlikely that we would have achieved such victories,
If only our parents would help us.
Issue 3: They may not have solved the problems,
Perhaps they are weak in algebra and chemistry,
But they protected us with all their hearts
From failures, from laziness, from blues.
Issue 4:And now they look excited
For matured, grown-up guys
And we have our parental word
At a solemn moment they want to say.
Ved: On behalf of all 11th grade parents, I.V. Chaplygina speaks. and Denisova N.V.

Rod.1: Our dear children! We, your parents, are probably more worried today than you, because today you are saying goodbye not only to school, but also flying out of the warm parental nest. What lies ahead for you? What dangers lie in wait for you, what obstacles will you encounter along the way? Or will it be a runaway success?
We want you to overcome all obstacles with honor, while remaining decent and generous people.
Rod.2: Dear teachers! You are always in your work,
In your children's troubles and dreams.
All your efforts and worries
Our children will embody this in their deeds. Thank you very much!
Presenter: Dear graduates!
Today everyone is in great excitement.
Today everyone wants to congratulate you!
And he really wants to come here on stage
Our youngest is first grade!!!
I invite the youngest residents of our school - first graders - to join us here.

Music "Bells" sounds
1Once we were given a microphone -
Let him not be silent.
We will miss you.
But our time will come.
3. We, friends, give our word
The fact is that we will not let you down.
What good children!
Well, where else can you meet such people?
5. Everyone loves to study and listens to mom,
And they eat the porridge without leaving a single gram.
And there is one among them who, imagine, does not smoke,
Who cleans the classroom and is often on duty.
You didn't forget about the form:
The studs on the jeans shine,
Lipstick, rings have become the norm -
All the suitors are looking at you.
I'm not mad at you
Even though I'm not great now,
When I grow up I will too
Called “graduate”
2. You were an example for us,
Maybe even a lighthouse.
Personally, I will be proud
Because I knew you.
4. We sometimes envy you,
That you have finished studying,
But we feel a little sorry for you -
This won't happen again.
You come to us more often,
We will always be glad to see you.
And your last call at school
Never forget.
But cry in this bright hour
Don't, we won't let you
For you, for you and only for you
Now we'll arrange something.
(First graders perform a song to the tune of “WWW”.)
1. Well, you finished school, which institute should you go to?
We wish you patience, good luck, luck on your path!
Chorus: Pass the Unified State Exam well! Get the highest score! (2 times)
2. And we envy you very much! We have come to see you off
There is no energy left to study, we have another 10 years to work!
Chorus: To pass the Unified State Exam, get the highest score!
(Graduates are given bells.)
Today's lineup will also be the last for many ninth graders.
We invite you to present the 9th grade Graduate Ribbon. The right to tie ribbons is granted to the teaching staff of the classes.

1. The day has come to say goodbye to school
And the ninth year ended.
And from here along a cheerful path
Our childhood will be gone forever.
2. When we leave, we’ll take it with us on the road.
The most cherished dream
About relatives, mental anxiety,
Warmth, care, kindness.
3. We want to make you a promise
Don't forget this moment, this hour.
To our school at the moment of parting
Everyone will say: “Thank you!” - Now.
4. For meetings, for friendship, for knowledge -
We couldn't live without this.
Our school: goodbye to you
Today we say “Thank you!”
Words of parting words and congratulations are provided to the director of the Children's Art School U-Yun-Fu I.V.
Leading: Dear graduates, you now have the opportunity to congratulate your teachers!
Presentation of flowers to teachers
Dear eleventh-graders, accept the congratulations of those who brought you to the first line, graduates of 2005.

Leading: And now, by tradition, the floor is given to school graduates.
Alumni speech
Graduate: Today we say goodbye to school. And from now on, we ask you to consider the 10th grade as the head of children's life in our school! We ask you to take a place in 11th grade.
Graduate 1: 10th grade, are you ready to transfer the school space into your hands?
10th grade (choir). READY!
It's no worse to be small!
We must be better!
And you will always be faithful to the school!
2. Swear to take care of her and glorify her everywhere!
In the region, in the region and throughout the country!
3.And so that you become full-fledged owners of the school, we solemnly hand over to you this school treasury, which stores our memories and wishes for our entire school.

4. A sheet of light and dark paper (so that we do not forget that learning is light, and unlearning is darkness).
5. Balloons (to remember that in life there is always a place for... a holiday).
1. A set of paints (to remember: the brightness of life is in your hands; what you paint is what you get).
2. Diary (as a reminder that no matter how much the rope twists, there will still be an end, well, in terms of regular interaction between family and school)
3. A spare box of chalk (to keep in mind that the teacher may also need
your help and support)
4. Shoe covers (to keep our school house clean) and a can of Pemolux (for violators)
5. This postcard (and simply because it is beautiful).
1.And, finally, a calendar that marks February 6th - the day of the Evening of Meeting with Alumni (so that they don’t forget that we will be back)
Good luck! Let's meet in six months - we'll check whether we made a mistake in trusting you with the school.
(Graduates read and present to the 10th grade representative.)

Presenter 1: The answer is given to 10th graders.
(10th grade answer word.)
1. We understand you, we will do everything to the letter!
We listened to you, everything is reasonable and useful!
- On the way - we collected the road, we knitted knots for you.
- We give you memorable bundles,
Yes, not simple ones, but with a hint and a sentence.
- We put chalk so that they don’t forget school, but remember it kindly.
- Rusk, since bread is the head of everything,
Reinforce Silushka and satisfy her hunger on the road.
- We give a medal or a chocolate so that the road is not bitter,
So that things can be argued at the Unified State Examination.
- And so that the teeth do not become dull on the stone of knowledge, so that they become white and healthy -
The orbit lies in the nodule, it will freshen your breath.
- You will accept our bundle and keep it as a keepsake.
Your school house will be a reminder of what it was like.
- May this wonderful day be remembered by you forever.
We say goodbye to you. Good luck, success, friends!
Cake will sweeten the bitterness of parting for you!

Key manager Dear graduates, there were different moments in your school life: difficulties, failures, what with the relatives of the black cloud (heavy music sounds, raven dance)

- And ahead it’s dark, and ahead there’s an ambush.
- And ahead... But still, we must continue to study!
Were you taught to be birds? Birds soaring over the sea
Birds with magical faces - pure, tall and proud.
- A flying carpet across the blue sky: fluffy wings, a beautiful pattern.
- If you want to go higher, if you want to go faster, give command, don’t be afraid,
Fly and stare!
- And how many of you are still ahead! What should you be afraid of on your free path?
- You think it's raining, you think it's snowing!
- A thunderstorm is for a moment, but the sun is forever!
- Let it be a warm ray and a clear spark in silence
- May your graduates be remembered for a long time! (The dance group chases away the "crow")

Fairytale music sounds
In every home there is a guardian angel, meet your School Guardian Angels, they protected you, monitored your successes and failures, your successes, your victories.
To the melody they walk along a ruler with balls.

They take graduates by the hands, graduates stand on their “stars” and take balloons with ribbons of wishes from them.

Angels: The ball is a symbol of childhood, which you are parting with today...
The ball is your deepest dream...
Make a wish and let it come true...
So release your dreams, so release your hopes...
And may they definitely come true!

The school porch should be decorated according to the theme. Balloons, flowers, ribbons, interesting bright posters.

A graduate and a first-grader are sitting on the steps.

Why are you sitting there so sad?

First grader (sighing deeply):
My childhood is over, so I’m sad.

What are you doing? You still have everything ahead! Look how small you are!

First grader:
I was little, and now I am already an adult, independent.

You know, you are somewhat similar to me. I had a shirt like this in first grade too, and a belt like this...

First grader:
Not surprising. After all, I am you in childhood.

How so?

First grader:
I just came to say goodbye. Perhaps we will meet again in photographs and memories, but I cannot repeat myself again. Promise me something.


First grader:
Never lose hope!

I promise!

(The first grader gets up, shakes hands and leaves. The graduate also gets up and enters the school. The presenters appear)

Childhood is the most wonderful, most fun and interesting stage in the life of every person. It can be completely unpredictable, intriguing, exciting, but childhood is always filled with happiness and joy.

I never wanted to grow up. As a child, there were cartoons, games in the yard, naps at lunchtime, and delicious buns in the school cafeteria.

Do you remember the halabudas made from blankets on chairs? Do you remember how your mother taught you to first grade?

Certainly! You know, I overheard a little here. The graduates have a ship, and they are going to sail through the expanses of childhood, and then go to a new life. So I thought, maybe we are with them?

It will be interesting! Just where are our graduates? And who will be the captain?

And there will be several captains. I am pleased to invite graduates of class 11-A under the leadership of (Name of class teacher) take your place on the ship!

(Graduates exit to musical accompaniment. Depending on the number of classes, the phrase is repeated)

And so, dear graduates, are you ready to set sail?

(graduates answer in unison)

I heard that ships have their own oaths that bind the crew members! I suggest we get one too.

Graduate 1:
I vow to always help my classmates and like their posts on social networks!

Graduate 2:
I swear to always communicate with my school friends not only on the Internet, but also on the street!

Graduate 1:
I vow to regularly meet with my classmates and discuss the latest events!

Graduate 2:
I vow to always be beautiful to glorify our graduation!

Graduate 3:
I swear to be the smartest person in the university so that I can help my school friends if necessary!

Graduate 3:
I swear to be the most dexterous and fastest athlete in order to glorify my beloved school!

Graduate 4:
I swear that I will never forget my school days and will write memoirs about them!

Graduate 5:
I swear to always respect my classmates and adore my classmates!

Graduate 4:
I swear to always visit my teachers!

Graduate 5:
I swear to always come to visit dear (full name of the class teacher) for tea!

Graduate 6:
I swear to always congratulate my classmates on all holidays and birthdays!

Graduate 7:
I swear to always support my schoolmates in difficult times!

(All graduates in chorus: We swear! We swear! We swear!)

So, we decided on the oath. What's next?

(Graduates sing Tatyana Ovsienko’s song “The Sea is Worried Once”)

Graduate 1:
I remember when I was a child, my mother read fairy tales to me,
My mother and I sang songs together,
How quickly time has flown by,
Graduation is coming soon.
I remember how we laughed loudly,
On the swing in the yard,
We sewed diapers for the doll,
Childhood, I want to come to you!

Graduate 1:
I would like to plunge into childhood again,
Play football with dad
Before I had time to look back,
Everything in the past is now mine!

Graduate 2:
I miss toys
I want to go back to my childhood
Where are the cartoons, cheesecakes,
Where sometimes I sleep during the day!

Graduate 3:
I wave my hand to childhood,
I will always miss you
There was a golden time
Will never return!

Graduate 2:
You need to say goodbye to childhood,
We raised the sails
Wave your hand at him
Remember at least sometimes!

Graduate 4:
Our ship is ready
What awaits us ahead?
There's a lot to know
Childhood, come visit!
Come with memories
About happy bright days,
Childhood, I already miss it
We grew up so quickly!

The kids have come aboard! They have some very important business. Shall we listen to them before sending?

(First-graders lined up near the porch)

First grader 1:
We came to congratulate you,
Wish you success, happiness,
Please accept congratulations
We wish you to smile!

First grader 2:
You're leaving today
We want to promise you
That we will look after the school,
We will replace you!

First grader 1:
We will do all our homework,
We will always obey
You set an example for us
Come by sometimes!

First grader 3:
Go sailing today
It will probably not be easy for you,
But don't worry about school,
Everything will be fine here!

First grader 2:
We want to give you a souvenir,
We are the bell and the magic ball,
So that you don't go astray,
To smile more often!

(First-graders present small bells and balloons to graduates)

Graduate 1:
We want to thank you kids,
For your warm and kind words,
We would like to ask you too
May you always try!

Graduate 2:
We have prepared a charter for you,
We ask him to comply,
Love, take care of your class,
Never forget about friendship!

(Graduates present each class of first-graders with a charter, which they prepared in advance. It is better to make it on a large Whatman paper in the form of a bright poster. Roll it into a tube and tie it with a ribbon. You can “age” the paper to make it look more interesting. It’s a matter of imagination)

Guys, do you remember how you came to your first class? Do you remember who helped you overcome your fears, who introduced you to the Primer? Of course, these are your first teachers, and they could not let you set sail without their guidance.

(The first teachers read)

Graduate 1:
Thank you for your tenderness and warmth,
Bow to the floor to you, we will not forget you,
We had a good time in first grade
And we want to come back again now!

(Graduates sing a song to the tune of “Goodbye Moscow!”

Song .
1 verse.
The corridors are getting quieter
The school fairy tale of miracles is melting away,
Goodbye to our first teacher,
We leave the warmth of our hearts!

Let's part now
We'll part for a while,
We'll run to you,
Kiss, hug.

Verse 2
You'll forgive our first teacher,
That we sometimes offended you,
Sorry, we ask, forgive us,
But, you remember the combat class.

Friends break up
They break up for a long time,
We will remember you
Just don't forget your class!

I remember very often as a child I dreamed of distant countries and travel. I spent hours reading books and imagining a world full of adventures and events. So what’s the point, I propose to raise the anchors and set off on our first voyage!

Raise the anchors! Full front! Look, what an interesting island, oh, I see mermaids! Mermaids on the starboard side! Mermaids!

(A dance group appears in front of the porch (students of grades 4-5))

Student 1:
We won't let you through so easily,
We won't let you go without a gift,
You are talented, beautiful,
You are our graduates!

Student 2:
Don't judge the dance too harshly
After all, our tails are in the way,
Come to school more often
We will be waiting for you!

(Girls dance dance)

On the course of the parent island! We have more passengers on board!

Graduate 1:
I remember my mother taught me to first grade,
I held her hand tightly,
She carried a briefcase in her other hand,
And I was dragging my doll!

Graduate 2:
My mother tied me up with a bank then,
So huge and beautiful
There was fear in my eyes
But I didn’t tell my mother that I was afraid.

Graduate 1:
I remember dad gave instructions,
He asked me not to run and not to fight,
On the first day I gave a bruise,
I had to give up the console.

Graduate 2:
I remember how I did my homework
How my mother checked all the mistakes afterward,
I drew the map upside down
She scolded me a little.

Graduate 3:
We owe everything to our parents,
Bow for work, for understanding, education,
We always rush to you for advice,
And we share joys and sorrows with you!

(Several parents are invited to the porch and read)

It's always so touching, so beautiful. With what tenderness every word, every wish was spoken. And now we are sailing to Director's Island and Teachers' Island!

(Graduates, etc. The director, head teacher, several teachers say solemn speeches)

Have you noticed how fast our ship is sailing? Over the horizon you can see the island of Valsa!

(Graduates dance their last school waltz)

Look how unnoticed we landed on the island of the “Class Teachers.” I think we will drop anchor here, but only for a while, because a distant country called “Life” awaits us!

Graduate 1:
You protected our class from all adversity,
You saved us, always helped us,
A new horizon is calling us,
We will never forget you!

Graduate 2:
The last bell is ringing
Today he is calling us into the distance,
We won't go to class
And let's say goodbye to the school!

Graduate 3:
You are in our hearts forever,
We will always remember you,
You are our dear person,
We all shout “Hurray” to you!

(Graduates shout three times “Hurray” to their class teachers)

(Class teachers sing a song to the tune of “The earth is empty without you”)

Song .

The corridor and classroom will be empty,
The grass will also turn green,
Only I will be alone, without all of you,
And you, conquer life,
The sea of ​​your hopes and desires.
It was also empty here then,
When the last class went on its way,
I also cried for them,
My soul is torn apart by sadness!
How can I live without your eyes now?
How can we live without your smiles?
My best class has grown up,
A new life awaits you now!
The school yard will be empty without you,
If you can, then come in...

Graduate 1:
How much does our school mean?
How sad it is to leave,
We will return to it one day,
To teach your children!

Graduate 1:
Let's go back to childhood, we're at our desks,
Let's enter our beloved school yard,
Holding back my tears, we won’t cry,
Let's put things aside for later!

Graduate 2:
In time I will bring my son here,
Or maybe a daughter, it’s not up to me to decide,
I’ll show my child everything at school,
I will remember all the moments.

Graduate 2:
Maybe I'll come back here,
I can teach geography
I’ll instantly plunge into the world of childhood,
I will give homework lessons.

Graduate 3:
Or maybe I, or maybe we,
Let's keep warm
Those carefree days
It was so good when I was a child!

Graduate 4:
Our ship is already on its way,
Great things await us
And we are all ships,
It's time for us all to raise our sails!

Graduate 4:
We need to let go of childhood
Save the rest in memory,
The last bell will ring,
Farewell and see you again!

(According to tradition, the graduate places the first-grader on his shoulder, who rings the bell)

Graduate 5:
So the farewell bell rang,
You and I have grown up quickly,
I propose, in parting,
Give flowers to all teachers!

(All students hand over flowers and stand near the porch)

Graduate 5:
Are you ready to say goodbye to childhood?
Let him go for a while
Raise your balloons to the sky,
And release the thread into the sky!

(Graduates release balloons into the sky)
