Sports statuses for VKontakte for any occasion. Cool statuses about sports

Find sports status for your VK page is not difficult. Nevertheless, you need to choose only the best, so we will consider just such options.

Sports statuses for VK

If you make your body better every day, then you should not be silent about it. This way you will not only tell others about your respectful occupation, but also motivate others to new achievements.

Cool statuses in VK about sports

How about quotes from world athletes and coaches?

1. It's not a shame to get a good blow, it's a shame never to answer it.

2. Life is when you struggle in a hopeless situation. Everything else is just existence.

3. Watching the fight creates the illusion that you are being hit, when in fact the athlete on the other side of the screen is being defeated.

4. The main thing is not a celebrity, the main thing is the result.

5. Everyone has their own entertainment: alcoholics have vodka, drug addicts have salt, leaders have sports.

6. Looking for a way to get motivated to go in for sports? Find the desire first!

7. Pain can be pleasant, and this is definitely about muscle pain.

8. Many of us dreamed of the unattainable, few of us even did something for this.

9. Yes, sport makes the body strong and attractive, but its main task is focused on spiritual development and willpower.

10. You will definitely win if you are confident in yourself and confident in victory. But the most important thing is that your opponent does not do this.

Statuses in VK for boys about sports

The following options will appeal to those who would like to play a trick on another Vkontakte who does not share the views of athletes. Simply put, we are talking about the lazy and lack of initiative, which is just the time to visit the gym.

1. If the kid said that he would go for a run, then he will do it. It doesn't matter what he said a year ago.

2. Before getting into the low start position, check for a pole runner behind you.

3. Decided to go in for sports, started with dumbbells, already looked at them three times in a box.

4. Many underestimate the benefits of runners in case of a fight. But in vain, because if they are weaker, they will run away from the blow. But they are unlikely to run away if they are stronger.

4. Nothing tames the appetite like a handsome athlete sitting next to you.

5. Do not rush to get rid of persecution mania - it will come in handy in training.

6. Finding that you were the first to run to the finish line, look around and see if anyone was running with you at all.

7. Sports go well with alcohol only in bowling.

8. Did you celebrate Shrove Tuesday? It's time to fix it in the hall with pancakes from 5 to 15 kilograms.

9. With the help of training, you can run away from cirrhosis of the liver and, of course, from cellulite in all parts of the body.

10. Don't like extreme sports? Your opinion can be changed, for example, by Dobermans, who accidentally met on the street.

11. Please do not buy bicycles to ride them for vodka in the stall.

Statuses in VK about sports with meaning

1. How to intelligently stand out from the crowd? Go in for sports!

2. Losers drown in vodka, and the lucky ones disappear in training.

3. To be created for sports is impossible, but to create oneself for sports is difficult, but real.

4. Having overcome your own laziness and weakness, you understand how unlucky those who got everything effortlessly.

5. Don't take care of your own body? Where are you planning to live?

6. How long should I continue training? Until the only opponent is the person you admire. The next step is to work even harder.

7. Physical exercise should be joyful, and bad emotions should be given to the opponent during the fight.

8. In sports team there can be no colleagues: only brothers can be there.

9. Staying at home during the next workout, remember that even such a small mistake prevents you from winning.

10. You need to participate in competitions not only when you are confident in your own superiority, but also when you are afraid of failure.

Follow the above tips and of course don't forget to share them with your friends on Facebook or Vkontakte. Be original!

And you say sports. The boy, fully dressed in Adidas, could not escape from the Rottweiler.

Basketball is a non-stop game, it's the thump of the ball, it's the creak of the sneakers, it's the power and the speed.

Damn the Army is just a resort of some kind of sport in the morning and in general, diet food, friendly neighbors, and most importantly, no one from the ancestors itchs in the ear ... Ehhhh Golden time was...

The bout must last 13 seconds: 2 seconds for approaching, 1 second for striking and 10 seconds for the referee's score.

Boxing is an intellectual sport!

Anyone can offend a boxer, but not everyone has time to apologize!

Pain is a temporary phenomenon. It may last a minute, an hour, a day or a year, but in the end it will subside and give way to the plague of some other ... but if I quit sports, the pain will torment me forever!!!

The struggle begins only when all the forces end ...

In life, as in boxing: the main thing is not with what force you strike, but with what force you can withstand the blow.

Getting off the couch and going to a workout is already half a workout.

You can only be a winner if you are willing to walk the edge.

You can learn more about a person in an hour of playing than in a year of talking.

Handball is the most best sport when it comes to throwing papers in class...

Where professional sports begin, health ends there.

It is foolish to try to explain something in words in the intervals between blows!

They say that sex is a sport. Well, here I am for healthy lifestyle life!

The motto of sambo wrestlers is to rest while you are flying.

Girls who have it. So go to bed and think everything, with tomorrow on a diet and in the gym, and the next day you forget about it??!

If life has knocked you down, remember: you have nine seconds to get up, catch your breath, and move on...

If it doesn't work the first time, then parachuting not for you. If it didn’t work out the second time, then the ghost of you is also xp#new.

If we go with the flow of life, then freestyle!!!

If you want to become smarter, you need to play with a smarter opponent...

If chess is a sport, then masturbation is weightlifting.

Hard pull, fast approach, no one will leave the rear footboard!

Life is sport. For one - weightlifting, for the other - figure skating.

Life is like a sport... In order to achieve a good result, everything must be on schedule and with increased workload.

Life is not a sport - the loser in the final does not receive second place.

Life is a struggle The sweeter the finish, the more winding and difficult the path to it...

Equestrian sport is the sport of the strongest, so horses do it!

Who does not smoke and does not drink - breathes evenly, hits hard!

Whoever didn't lose didn't win!

There are no easy paths to success!

Better an athletic figure than an athletic face!

Loving a wrestler, that's pride. To forget a wrestler, this is meanness, but to be with a wrestler, this is an honor, because not every girl has one ...

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In the ring, one boxer flailed his arms so hard that his opponent got pneumonia.

Don't spoil your ass with sports!

Hurdling would be a much more spectacular sport if the hurdles were rigid.

While the losers drown in the glass real people workout in the gym!

A sledgehammer, bars, horizontal bars - a medicine against sadness and melancholy.

Go in for sports together, and you will be interested.

I decided to shake the press, lay down on the floor. Lay, lay and fell asleep...

If the first time did not work out - parachuting is not for you ...

My first love is sports!

IN gym the children are doing the “bicycle” exercise, the teacher asks Vovochka: -Vovochka, why are you lying without moving your legs? - Mary Ivanna, and I'm coming from the mountain!

Stronger is not the one who hits, but the one who holds the blow!

Sport is a secret weapon that is always with you!

Gym Guy: “I want to impress a beautiful girl, what should I use to do this?” Coach: - "ATM."

Each athlete has that coach whose bullying he agrees to endure ...

Hi, count up downloaded the application on the phone so that I become a sportsman, it turns on 180 times a day, I do exercises for 10 seconds. - Isn't it easier to go to the gym? - Well, you're stupid, I can't go to the gym 180 times a day - go to the gym!

Exercise is the cure for all diseases!

Two tips for fast running: 1. Beautiful girl ahead of you. 2. Terrible behind you.

How nice it is to feel the pain in the muscles ... which makes you stronger.

There is no such thing as too much sports! And you sit near the computer and overgrown with fat.

The Olympic scandal continues to flare up. Hockey players also want gold medals in figure skating.

You will have a cool figure if you move as much as your mouth.

And I started watching football with my husband! I have already learned four teams - "Spartak", "Dynamo", "make it louder" and "bring beer" ...

The weak say: - "Not fate" The strong say: - "I'll try again."

To mitigate the effects of a fall, a mat is usually used.

If I still live without guys, then I can’t live without sports!

So that you don’t envy me too much, I hide my gorgeous abs under a layer of fat.

In Russia, such a sport as baseball somehow did not take root especially, but baseball bats are especially popular!

Mom, can I go play football? — Okay, just don't buy anyone.

Shot on goal! The ball hits the nine! And here is the angry driver of the "nine" ...

Cool, when at training with mineral water, and not at the entrance with beer.

Sport is a force that either breaks a person or elevates him to heaven.

Do you know why the Russian team defeated the England team in the second period? - No. - During the break, the Gazmyas coach came to them ...

One girl went to the gym and dropped 5 thousand rubles in a month.

I watched the Olympics - There is a suspicion that the same athlete is playing for the Chinese.

Football is not chess, you have to think here!

Alcohol is entertainment for the poor, drugs are for the weak, Sport is for the strong!

Why do football players have short shorts, while hockey players have knee-length ones? Real men play hockey...

Valuev was suspected of doping, but so far no one dares to tell him about it.

If a hedgehog overtakes you while jogging, then it's time to stop drinking.

Fall in love with sport and it will love you back!

Pain is a temporary phenomenon. It may last a minute, an hour, a day or a year, but in the end it will subside and give way to another plague… but if I quit sports, the pain will torment me forever!!!

Sport is not a hobby... It's a lifestyle.

The most offensive defeats are those in which you gave everything to win.

Feelings for the sport were stronger than our love!

I was not created for sports, I was born for it!

Our players have learned how to score… and scored on the coach… and on the match in general.

My neighbor likes to talk in his sleep. Released today. He snored calmly, suddenly as he yells: “Kick!”. With all the dope, he kicks his foot against the wall in a dream, and then, almost crying: “For what? ..”

You train while others are walking, having fun, drinking and swimming. Dissatisfied with this. But terribly proud.

Getting off the couch and going to a workout is half the workout.

Bodybuilders dream of making their body a work of art. It is a pity that they have neither taste nor sense of proportion.

I will stop drinking, smoking, swearing - I will go in for sports.

Fishing is such a kind of folk sport, in which the adoption of doping known to everyone is always, well, simply necessary and necessary!!!

Life is like a sport... To achieve good result, everything should be on schedule and with an increase in load.

Sport makes us beautiful, slim and tired ...

The worst opponent in a fight is the runner. If you are stronger, then you will not catch up with him, if he is stronger, you will not run away from him.

Sport becomes a means of education when it? everyone's favorite activity!

Wrestling is life! Training is the place where the soul and body rest.

The coach says to the players: guys, I think. asked you to play like you've never played before. And you played like you never played at all!

No one understands Russian football players like Brazilian hockey players.

I was not created for sports, I was born for it!

After all, boxing is not a fight - it's a sport, brave ... - V.S. Vysotsky

You train while others are walking, having fun, drinking and swimming. Dissatisfied with this. But terribly proud.

Do not envy those who have by nature ideal figure. Do not envy those who eat a lot and do not get fat. Is not cool. Cool is willpower. The cool thing is to work on yourself. Cool is to fight and work on yourself.

Fall in love with sport and it will love you back!

Boxers rule, karatekas rule, and wrestlers sit in the back seat and show where to steer.

The hardest exercise in the gym is getting dressed back.

People without legs and without arms take the gold of the Paralympic Games, and two-legged and two-armed people complain about life.

Sport is a force that either breaks a person or elevates him to heaven.

If we do not take care of the body, then where will we live?

In sport, megalomania helps badly. But persecution mania helps a lot.

Sport is a secret weapon that is always with you!

Beauty does not require sacrifice, but regular exercise.

Who does not smoke and does not drink - breathes evenly, hits hard!

Each athlete has that coach whose bullying he agrees to endure ...

If the first time did not work - parachuting is not for you...

In life, as in boxing: the main thing is not with what force you strike, but with what force you can withstand the blow.

Oh, sport - you are life, and life is beautiful!

Life is like a sport... In order to achieve a good result, everything must be on schedule and with increased workload.

Sport is like a universe. It also lights up and fades the stars.

Your credo is not to be afraid of anything, fight with yourself and never give up!


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You can seek and find meaning not only in life or in spiritual practices, but also in sports. How many people found themselves in it, how many people wanted to change and make of themselves what they dreamed of: a strong, strong, skillful person. Someone dreamed of coping with the disease and found a way out in sports. Surprisingly, he overcame his illness and continued to practice further, because sport, like a drug, enters our lives and does not let go until the end. Some people are ready to train day and night, because they are constantly drawn to loads, to this feeling when you leave the gym and realize that life is good, and this is the most pleasant fatigue in the World! Or when you run 10 kilometers through a large stadium, which is located in the forest, and you are incredibly pleased to feel unity with nature and with all the people who run next to you. This is an indescribable feeling of delight and awareness that you live. Statuses with a meaning about sports can give you an idea about classes, or maybe about changing something in yourself, something that you have been dreaming of for so long. Create your image in your head and implement it day after day. Good luck.
