Winning strategies for virtual football in bookmakers. Betting on virtual football Virtual football how to win

Each bettor has faced a situation where there is simply nothing to bet on at a bookmaker. Especially if we are talking in live matches. In such situations, there is a simple rule - do not give in to the temptation to bet at all costs. Your decision should be balanced, and the choice of event and bet should not be based on a naked desire to play.

Watching all this, the developers of gambling software were able to come up with a new gambling direction. Now let's talk about virtual sports. This niche should not be confused with esports . Virtual bets are bets placed on computer-generated virtual events. In esports, people still manage teams and characters.

The essence of virtual bets

Item virtual bets- these are virtual leagues, competitions, races that are formed by a computer algorithm in bookmakers. The process of making a bet is not too different from classic betting.

You can bet on virtual football, basketball, hockey, tennis, horse racing. You can bet on the outcome market, long-term markets (who will win the championship?), handicaps, totals, and so on. The difference is that these competitions are computer simulations. It can create more than 1000 different virtual events per day in the most different types sports.

And at the dawn of this type of betting and now, he has a lot of skeptics. Most pros agree that virtual betting is pure fun. And here it is only possible to play, but in the long run, nothing good will shine for the player anyway.

Many believe that the algorithm is designed in such a way that all participants will certainly be losers. In general, this product did not cause mass admiration in the community of players. Although he received some popularity.

Advantages of the direction

Maybe for some, virtual betting is also a way of entertainment, but this direction has a number of advantages.

different sports. Virtual bets can be made not only on football. More and more offices are adding other sports: tennis, horse racing, basketball, hockey and so on. Choice is always good. There are players who bet exclusively on tennis because of the nature of this sport. And at the time of the off-season or the absence of tournaments, virtual tennis is a great alternative.

New events added regularly. If the bookmaker has a section of virtual bets, then it will never be empty. Leagues, tournaments and competitions are generated every few minutes. Therefore, at any time of the day you will have something to bet on.

Availability. If a person has once made regular sports betting on a bookmaker's website, then switching to a virtual direction will not be difficult for him. Everything is almost the same here, you don’t have to learn anything new. Same markets, odds.

Bets ahead. What is good about virtual leagues is that you can bet on matches that are scheduled in round 35, although the first round has only recently ended. There is no such possibility in betting on real football.


But there are also a number of disadvantages, due to which virtual bets have not yet been able to become very popular.

Excitement factor. All virtual matches last a few minutes, and championships and competitions are formed in a non-stop format. All this means an unlimited number of possibilities for placing a bet. With very gamblers, this property of virtual betting can play into bad joke. This, in principle, is what bookmakers are counting on - to drag the player into the process.

Dubious algorithm. All results virtual matches and the course of events is a computer simulation. Until now, there is no certainty that everything is 100% clean and fair. Margin margin, but virtual betting very quickly became almost an integral part of the sites of most bookmakers.

Random factor. On the one hand, the randomness factor makes it possible to catch good odds. On the other hand, it is more difficult for players to predict the outcome of an event or even an entire league. Virtual bets can be compared in many ways to roulette or coin toss - there is little logic here.

Facts minimum. When we try to predict the outcome football match, then we can study the composition of the teams, read the news about them, assess the physical and moral condition of the players. In virtual sports, all you have is the past results of teams / athletes, as well as current quotes in the office itself. It is very difficult to analyze something. It remains to rely on intuition and luck.

To play or not to play?

In fact, virtual bets can be very useful if you need to quickly scroll through the money in your account. Sometimes this is necessary to wager the bonus, and sometimes in order to activate the ability to withdraw funds from the bookmaker.

Virtual markets are very fast and it is convenient when scrolling. If you are just interested in this direction, then you can make several bets. Just don't lose your head. Usually a person needs five attempts to understand whether it is him or not.

But in the long term, it is difficult to count on something in virtual bets. Yet His Majesty runs almost everything randomly here. Therefore, it is not worth talking about any strategies or smart approaches.


For a bookmaker, virtual betting is a real Goldmine. In fact, you only need to purchase software and run it on the site. The software will take care of the rest. Yes, sometimes inadequate coefficients can pop up.

But the problem with virtual bets is that the players have a minimum of information to analyze. And everyone is guided primarily by the quotes of the office.

Hello again)) In this topic, I want tell about the virtual football betting strategy, which, after two weeks of testing, showed a positive result and its effectiveness. I draw your attention to the fact that the experiment was carried out only with and I advise you to work on this strategy exclusively in !!!
I immediately warn you that I will only help those who have registered using my bonus code, since I myself will be interested in your victory


First "virtual football league" allows us to quickly win and win back our bets.

Virtual match time is only 3 minutes, the entire virtual league season takes approximately 120 minutes. And what lasts a year in real football, here it takes just a couple of hours. This is in our favor, because. no need to wait for months to place and calculate a 100% correct match. We can figure it out within 10-15 minutes just by watching how virtual matches play out.

So, we look at the standings going to this moment virtual championship (picture above).

Here we are only interested in those teams that are on 1-5 places.

We look at the average ratio of goals scored and conceded. It's good to have a lot of them.

Sometimes there are teams at the bottom that have the opposite picture and often lose by big scores. You can also pay attention to them, but I advise you to concentrate on those teams. who are in the TOP5.

Further - we follow the games for 3-4 draws of rounds. And we follow the teams from the TOP. It's very good when we watch the championship from the very beginning (from round 5-7) and follow the 2-3 favorites. (It's hard for me to keep track of a large number, because everything goes by very quickly. If you can, follow the first 5 teams at once.

When can I bet on my strategy?

So, as I already said - at first we don’t set. We just follow. The rounds must go at least until 14-15, so that the table clearly shows a picture of who is the favorite of the championship and who concedes/scores how many.

Among the favorites there are teams that almost always play at over 2.5 - they score 3 or more swords per game. A sort of "scorers" of the championship.

Throughout the series of games - make sure they play not like usual.

For example - the virtual command " Madrid”- almost always concedes a lot and scores even more. From the table we see that over 18 games - they scored and conceded 59 goals - this is an average of 3.2 goals per game. From which it follows that they almost always have 2.5 TB - in all games.

We watch how this team plays and wait until they play differently from how they usually play. Those. we are waiting for the match when she plays with a score, for example, 0:0 or 1:0 or at the edge 2:0

When she plays TM than usual.

After that, we bet on the next match of this team that there will be TB 2.5.

In 80-90% of cases, this is what happens - in the next match, the team smashes someone in full program. Especially if she lost in the previous match, which is usually not typical for her. Or if next she plays with an outsider of the table.

On the first bet - I bet no more than 5% of the pot.

The odds are usually from 1.2 to 1.6.


An example of the worst outcome for you:

Why do I choose the TB strategy, and not bets on wins or anything else?

I have tested win/loss bets.

This virtual football is very unpredictable in this regard. A favorite can lose to an outsider and I don't like it.

I also tried to bet AGAINST the bookmaker - at the very beginning of the season, I went through all the rounds that are there, chose kf. from 9.9 to 11.45 - and put $1 each on the victory of these teams. After the drawing of the season - there were 3 wins of outsiders, and I got back the original bank + 3.5$)))

If someone manages to predict victories, bet on them, no problem.

But so far I've "probed" only such a scheme. And if you are looking for how to win on online football bets - this is the only way.

After the tests, for which I spent about $200 - I started doing everything according to this strategy (without deviations) and I succeeded earn $379 in 2 days of play on this virtual sport. He recaptured the $200 that he spent on tests and earned $179 on top.

If you have a bank in the office in the amount of $ 200-500, then use my scheme without any problems. You will be positive.

I hope this manual was helpful to you.

If you have any more questions, please write to us!

I bring to your attention the strategy of playing on Virtual Football in the bookmaker Parimatch!

The strategy is based on the greed of bookmakers. After all, it is known that if the bookmakers did not profit from virtual football, they would simply remove it, as a rule, the bet with the average odds wins there, but the bookmakers are so insolent that the favorite loses to the outsider. This is exactly what this strategy is based on, we will look for matches where an outsider will win with odds from 3 to 10.

Product description

virtual football- This special kind rates, which allows the bookmaker to play at any time of the day or night, 24 hours a day. The Virtual Football League (vfl) consists of 16 teams that play 30 virtual rounds. Each match consists of the first and second halves, each lasting one and a half minutes (the break is 10 seconds), as well as the pre-match (60 seconds) and post-match (10 seconds) periods, plus another 15 seconds are allotted for the completion of the round. In total, one game lasts 4 minutes 35 seconds, after which it immediately begins a new game. Such a system is common in online offices. Virtual office shows the user a cut of the moments of the game of football, but only one match in the round (the rest of the outcomes are "simulated"), so the league lasts only 141 minutes. After that it starts new season.

Virtual Football League- one of the favorite competitions of bookmakers. First of all, because of its regularity. Real football can be played only on certain days (unless, of course, we take into account the championships of far from the most football countries that have never been popular), while bets on virtual football are played daily and constantly. Offices also love this sport. Indeed, in betting on virtual football, the bookmaker chooses the coefficients on its own, and it does not need to take into account the shape of the teams, the transfer campaign, financial condition clubs and more. The outcome of the match occurs regardless of any side factors. Because vfl forecasts are harder than forecasts for real game, because there are not taken into account a bunch of factors. But at the same time, players do not lose heart, and betting on virtual football has long been overgrown with a wide variety of game strategies.

The game strategies in such a sport as virtual football (and not only) involve various bets that go in a series, but the reviews on the strategies of the game as a whole are very different. Abstracting from them, let's study what vfl bets a bookmaker can offer us?

Virtual Football Betting

The main types of bets in VFL are similar to bets in big football. There are the following types of bets:

The victory of one of the teams (P1, P2, X) is the most elementary bet that one of the teams will win, or there will be a draw. The office invites you to predict the winner. If you successfully cope with this task, you get your winnings.

Handicap (F1, F2). If you are sure that one of the teams is seriously superior to the other, this type of bet is for you. Handicap is a bet on the victory of one of the teams by a certain margin. If it is, for example, a difference of -1.5, a two-goal lead is required to win.

Total (TB, TM) – bet on total goals scored in the match. When betting on Total Over (TO), you need teams to score two more goals than your bet. With Total Under (TM) - it is necessary that the teams do not reach this total.

The exact score is a bet for especially risky players. The essence is as simple as anywhere else: you need to bet on the exact outcome of the meeting. But there are more options for the outcome than in any other event, and therefore the coefficient is higher. In addition, there vfl rates on halves (outcomes of halves), who will score first and others. It depends on the specific office.

Virtual football is an interesting and promising type of betting, which can also be learned. Experienced Player, who loves virtual football, makes bets already on the machine. And these bets often lead to winnings. Virtual football is the type of betting that allows bettors to earn money at any convenient time without leaving home.


Why sell if the strategy is profitable?
- According to this strategy, I bet when I need money! Passive income doesn't hurt!

How long will this strategy pay for itself?
-It all depends on your first bet, + multiply by the average odds of 4.00-5.00!

Can bookmakers cut your limit or block your account?
-If you are greedy, then you will certainly be cut the maximum bet limit up to 100 rubles, and they can also block your account without a refund!

How many bets per day can I make?
-There are a lot of suitable rates for the whole day! I advise you to make 3-5 bets per day, the amount of each bet is not more than 500 rubles, and it is advisable to make bets at different times!

Will I be able to place bets if I do not understand sports and betting in general?
-Bets can be made by a person who is generally not versed in this direction, in the manual everything is described in detail with pictures and examples + video example!

Today, almost every bookmaker has already installed software for betting on virtual football on their website. This business was not limited to virtual football, and in addition to it, you can already find bets on virtual basketball, tennis, EURO. The only thing missing is virtual esports :)
What is betting on virtual football and what strategy should be used to bet on it.
This is a virtual championship simulator that lasts 120-150 minutes. Each round lasts three minutes. During this time, you need to have time to place a bet. The schedule for such events is the same as for regular games. Each season is completely different from the previous one. Team with last place could be champion next season. All games are generated by a computer simulator. In such football there are yellow and red cards. Permanent team players. The removed player will not play in the next match. There are also weather conditions. Virtual football looks like you turned on the generation of a team match in FIFA, and then cut moments and goals three minutes long, one and a half for each half. Pretty good idea. Everything happens quickly and for people, just have time to make deposits.

That is, the advantages of virtual football include the following:

  • continuity of events;
  • short breaks between matches;
  • the game lasts 3 minutes;
  • full description of events and coefficients.
But, the fact is that this football was created by bookmakers, who, in fact, will never be in the red and do nothing to their own detriment. If virtual machine games are generated by a machine, then who is stopping you from making the desired result. No, I don't believe that someone will sit and tweak the result of the game depending on the size of the bets so that the favorites who have bet the most lose. It's too troublesome. And it seems to me that all bookmakers simply rent the software of this virtual football from some company and cannot even get into its code. But, you can initially put some events into this generator based on the statistical actions of the players. For example, you can use the weakness of ludomans to bet on favorites and lower the odds on conditional favorites so that the ludomaniac enters, sees the favorite and bets on it. But this is all philosophy, I didn’t think much about it, but I’m sure that virtual football was created by bookmakers in order to make a profit and be always profitable. And what is the profit for the bookmaker, then the new deposit of our brother is "asshole".
Another thing I did not like in virtual football is that the seasons are not connected. This makes it impossible for us to analyze upcoming event to put. More precisely, there is such an opportunity, because within the framework of one season there are favorites and outsiders who are either in the top or lag at the bottom of the table, but there is little data. In the first rounds, we can't even guess who the favorite of the match is. And only by the middle of the draw, outsiders and favorites begin to emerge.

The disadvantages of betting on virtual football include:

  • lack of data for analysis
  • the possibility of twisting the software in the direction of the BC (but there is no evidence or refutation of this)
  • betting in the first rounds of the championship looks like roulette where the chances are 50/50
What about the virtual football betting strategy? Today was the time and I spent half a day just watching these matches and analyzing the statistics. Games are generated automatically, therefore it is impossible to find a strategy that would be explained in a logical way. Therefore, in search working strategy I got into the analysis of statistics by season. Fortunately, bookmakers have this. And here's what I found. Almost always, namely in 29 of the 30 draws I analyzed, I noticed this pattern.

These are the statistics of the teams in total 2.5.

There are always 1-2 teams that have played 15 matches on TB 2.5, and the same number on TU 2.5. What does this information give us? Having opened the statistics on the total of teams after the 29th round, we can see in it one team whose TO/TO indicator will be 14 vs. 15 or 15 vs. 14. What does this mean? In the last round, this team has a 96.6% chance of playing by total more if its score is 14/15 or by total less if it is 15/14. This is the essence of this strategy for virtual football. Please note that by opening the statistics after the 29th round, you can see several teams with the indicators that we need. In this case, the strategy does not work, because You will have to guess which of them will play TM and which TB or both with the same total. And then a big minus of this strategy immediately appeared. The virtual football season lasts 150 minutes. We are only interested in the 30th round, and then, not every one of them is suitable. It turns out you can sit all day at the computer without meeting the right conditions. But, on the other hand, the probability of 96.6% per pass is cooler than Aydin's agreements :)
The strategy is new and needs to be tested at a distance. I would be grateful if you write in the comments about your results or your strategies.

Summing up, we can say that looking for strategies for betting on virtual football is a difficult task, because. it was created by a bookmaker based on a simulator of actions described by mathematical formulas, but nothing is perfect, so maybe they exist.

Simulation games have become an interesting opportunity to compete in virtual world in terms of real competition. A prime example popularity serves virtual football in betting shops. At its core, this is a fictional (robot) tournament that has the full specifics of the real world. Automated bot using special programs and algorithms, develops a game plan, and the bettor can, with the help of virtual reality test your skills in serious sports prediction.

Fast passage

How to make predictions with computer applications correctly

Almost all known ones are used in betting shops virtual football, not only as an element of fun, but also as a simulator where the bettor can test his skills in sports prediction.

The main advantages of the virtual simulator:

  • You can play an infinite number of matches, each of which lasts up to 5 minutes;
  • A bettor can count on instant winnings if he uses the actual calculation method;
  • If necessary, you can "practice" on the demo version, so that later you can successfully place bets in the actual forecasting;
  • There are no third-party factors inherent in real football - disqualification, match-fixing, damage or injury to players;
  • A high level of predictability, as well as a sufficient degree of regularity in the outcome of the tournament (you need to understand the structure of the program in detail).

To understand the practice of simulators and solve the problem how to win virtual football in betting counters, only need to be used. We go through the standard registration procedure on the service, we are looking for a special option from the organizer of the competition. Further general order making a bet is no different from a real prediction for real fights.

  1. We determine the betting option that suits you.
  2. We enter the desired amount in the form of a bank on the platform.
  3. We go through the process of confirming the transaction.
  4. The final settlement in case of an unsuccessful transaction or a win, passes through official channel TsUPIS.

In the simulator, the prediction system is much more complicated than in, but if you understand all the subtleties, then in the future you will be able to understand the basic principles of sports prediction for real competitions and events.

How can you win against a robot?

The developers of the programs have laid down a certain mathematical algorithm, which conditionally, according to certain parameters, determines the outcome of the match. Each invented club has its own programmed specifications. For one club, such characteristics may have the best parameters initially, while for another club, the virtual parameters are not very positive. The probability of goals scored, as well as the position in the standings, is determined based on previous results. However, all previous matches and games do not affect the event that is currently taking place in "computer sports".

The bettor has every chance to win the match against the bookmaker if he carefully studies the current parameters of the club in the “virtual season”. In order to have a certain idea of ​​how the current event will take place, it is necessary to carefully observe the progress of the teams in 2-3 previous competitions. Thus, you can develop for yourself certain patterns of prediction for computer programs.

If we consider which scenarios are used in computer football, then they are limited to the following categories:

  • Performance parameters of the meeting - P1 \ X \ P2;
  • Data for double chance - 1X \ 1 2 \ 2X;
  • Traditional odds, as well as standard totals;
  • Which of the players can score the ball first;
  • The exact outcome of the programmed game.

As you can see, the principle of monitoring is identical to real forecasting, but it is tied to software.

To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, we do not recommend using the exact score and betting on who will score first in the game. The remaining options are more or less safe for forecasting, as they have a similar structure to real forecasting. It is recommended to analyze the results of both teams both in the “guests” mode and in the conditional task “at home”. The most reliable bet in this case is Total, but you need to understand one thing simple truth– it all depends on pure chance. In the game, underdogs can easily beat the "programmed favorite" and teams that are famous for scoring matches can draw.

What strategies are chosen for virtual football

Consider the most popular real prediction strategies that can be easily applied to virtual reality:

  1. Option One. Flat or a certain parameter of the accounting scenario of the bet. We carry out the current analysis of the event, draw up real predictions, compare the available statistics. Guess with your own intuition which team can become the leader. Use a conditional certain percentage from your bank or a strictly fixed amount of money for future expenses. It is better to form several small forecasts than 3-5 large transactions at the same time. It is quite possible that they will win back, but this will become pure fortune for you, most often small portions of predictions are won back.
  2. Option Two. Chase mode. If there is some confidence in the effectiveness of the game, use a bet increase to cover the losses incurred. Thus, you will receive a small but sure profit. Such a scheme will be applicable if you observe defeat after defeat within 5-7 events. It is necessary to have a small bankroll for these purposes, at least based on 9-13 bets. Always be extremely careful with the catch. Increasing the maximum bet size, you will start to get nervous and then at some rash step you can get cold feet and blow the entire bankroll.
  3. Option Three. Martingale system. The scheme is identical to the catch-up, but with a doubled rate. For this technique, your bets that have a coefficient higher than two are suitable, this will allow you to get at least a guaranteed minimum of winnings.

What game strategies are suitable for football simulators

Now we will move on to small review on strategies that justify themselves in a programmed competition.

  1. Strategy "Stomp for Madrid!". The essence of this strategy is that we bet on one team, which is on a conditional "departure". Remember that the bet will need to be made before the exact victory. Further, for the next prediction, we increase the size in such a way that we can cover the losses incurred (we use the same Dogon or the Martingale method).
  2. Methodology "First Goal!". We are looking for an average team in the list. We make a bet and indicate that this team will score the first goal in the competition. If there is a clear defeat, we again adjust the express bet in a balanced way, and if there is a certain win, we start all over again.
  3. Combination "Total more!". This technique has all the hallmarks of real football. You will need to carefully monitor the results, not forgetting to subject them to analytics and systematize them in a quality manner.

Important! For the first and second methods, luck plays a decisive role. But if you really rely on luck, then do not forget to structure the data you have.

Now we are waiting for the initial start-up of the season of sporting events. We miss about 4-5 matches. Then we turn our attention intently to the top five clubs in the standings. Thus, you will understand that the behavior of the favorites of the season is easy to predict. Now we turn to the study of the difference between goals scored in the match and goals conceded. There should be as many analyzed points as possible.

We turn to the systematization of the TOP table. We observe the favorites in the first 3-4 competitions. It is best to focus your attention on any 2-3 clubs in order not to “scatter” your strength on other TOP leaders. Then we watch them again, until about 15-17 of the tournament. In this case, there is a certain pattern in the trend of the clubs, and it is easier for you to predict the future game, since you initially have an idea about the clubs.

Please note that among the leaders there is always someone who scores more than 3 goals in 1 match. Thus, you can bet on TB (2.5), but you do not need to do it quickly.

Let's assume that the conditional team England, during 15 rounds, managed to lose almost 52 goals. We carry out statistics, this is approximately 3.5 goals for 1 tournament. Now we need to wait for a definitely non-standard situation, which assumes that with the participation of the same analyzed team there will be a fighting draw or negligible goals scored, for example, the score should be 0:1. Now we are going to make a bet on TB (2.5), this is important, because after an ineffective game, predictable quotes will have to increase. If the conditional club England is still meeting with a possible outsider of the tournament, then your probability of winning an express bet can increase to 75-80%.

When is the best time to make predictions?

In this case, keep in mind that the new season should not be related to the previous one. Please note that in the last "tournament season" the club became clear leader, The first in the TOP in this game combination, in our version, can become the last in the tournament lineup. If you still rely on this information for analytics, then it is best to start the prediction in the middle of the conditionally expected season.

Important! Watch about 12-17 rounds, then you can determine who can have the status of a group favorite, and who is a clear contender for an outsider.

No need to bet exclusively at the end of the season. With about a few matches left before the full end, stop betting and wait for the next season.


In a sports game simulator, the main thing for yourself is to determine the trend. For example, if a club has lost 7-8 matches, it is unlikely that it will win the 9th tournament. But this option is just an assumption, since the technical shell of the application cannot be predicted. Experienced bettors believe that it is possible to predict the behavior of a computer according to certain criteria, but it is very difficult.

And in conclusion, a few negative aspects of using programmed football for betting:

  • For analysis, you will always have a limited analytics base;
  • In some cases, you may develop gambling addiction;
  • To some extent, the football simulator resembles slot machines"one-armed bandits";
  • There is a certain probability that the software can be “twisted” for the sake of the margin for the bookmaker;
  • For stable earnings, the worst option, since there is no stability, compared to actual competitions.

In general, computer sport games, this is the same simulator that we meet in reality, for example, in entertainment venues. All programs are developed taking into account mathematical formulas, so it is difficult to predict what is next in the “head” of a computer. There are a number of cases when bettors actually beat the car, but such cases are negligible.

Simulators are most suitable for those who want to switch to real sports events for sports prediction in the future. Figuratively speaking, simulators are a kind of transition to the real plane. Remember that there is a danger of developing gambling addiction, and then losing large sums. Start playing carefully, and always keep a sound mind when making trades with a virtual machine. You have a robot in front of you, and it is very, very difficult to beat him. Playing with a simulator does not evoke such emotions, as it can be seen in the example of live sports, which allow to carry out sports forecasting in the actual time mode.
