Why Meditate and How to Apply Meditation to Your Life. What is meditation and what is it for: a small overview of the practitioner

Do you feel like you get irritated often? We tell everything about meditation - especially for beginners. The editors of Woman’s Health made this text together with Viktor Shiryaev, an orientalist, teacher of mindfulness practice, mindfulness coach, author of the mind.space project, and kindly provided Zozhnik for publication.

Gisele Bundchen does this every morning - while the children are sleeping (by the way, she also meditated during childbirth). Miranda Kerr keeps up with her colleague. “I love starting with the practice of gratitude! she admits. “I mentally list everything for which I am grateful, and only then meditate on my mantra.” Eva Mendes claims that with practice, she has become easier to endure the ups and downs, keeping her mind in cool serenity.

Katy Perry sings the same song when she calls meditation the best vacation for brains. Natalia Vodianova compares 20 minutes of mental repetition of a mantra with 5 hours of sleep. And supermodel Raquel Zimmerman admits that this activity helped her quit smoking.

What is meditation

“Whatever you experience, simply paying attention to what is going on in your mind at any given moment, is meditation. Its Tibetan name, gom, translates as “getting used to something,” and Buddhist practice is actually about getting used to the nature of the mind, explains Tibetan monk Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche in The Buddha, the Brain and the Neurophysiology of Happiness. “It's like getting to know your friend more and more. The only difference is that the friend… is yourself.”

I almost hear objections that you already know yourself so well. I thought so, too, until I tried meditating a few years ago. I could not even think that there were so many thoughts in my head (not the smartest, I must admit). Getting up close and personal with my own brain was disappointing, because I just got my thoughts in bulk. But, fortunately, she did not give up.

Types of practices

From shavasana and lying kundalini meditation, where you need to concentrate on the chakras, to dance, walking, trataka (concentration on a candle flame) that is beneficial for the eyesight and the ancient Chinese energy practice “inner smile”. In general, there is a choice.

I do mindfulness meditation. This is perhaps the most popular technique in the world - clear and simple. With it, you can develop a super ability to manage emotions, learn how to easily switch between tasks, and become more attentive. No wonder mindfulness is a favorite of Google, Deutsche Bank, Procter & Gamble corporations; it is studied at Harvard and Oxford, respected on Wall Street and in the British Parliament.

Does not lose ground and the legendary transcendental meditation. Here you get a mantra and concentrate on it. The female stars that I mentioned at the very beginning practice exactly transcendental meditation and actively promote it.

The Buddhist metta, or, as it is also called, loving kindness meditation, aimed at developing empathy, also won its clan of fans. You mentally wish for various positive things like happiness and health, first for yourself, then for your relatives, friends and colleagues, and then - aerobatics! - to strangers and enemies, including ex-husbands. Miracles, but along with the rays of goodness you send out, you are doing good for yourself too. According to the research of psychology professor Barbara Lee Fredrickson and neuroscientist Richard Davidson, metta acts as a generator positive emotions, improves social connections, reduces self-criticism and helps to be happy just like that, regardless of circumstances.

And since we're talking about happiness. Do you know who is the happiest person in the world? French Buddhist monk Mathieu Ricard, a former molecular geneticist, now a writer, photographer and personal translator of the Dalai Lama. Lives in a Nepalese monastery, tours the world, teaches people to meditate. Monsieur Ricard became one of the participants in the daunting MRI study at the laboratory of affective psychophysiology at the University of Wisconsin. Scientists have recorded extremely high level optimism - "minus 0.45", best result among hundreds of other test subjects.

For comparison: the indicator "minus 0.3" in these experiments meant bliss (and "plus 0.3", respectively, depression). Can you imagine how Ricard feels? Me not. But I want. Mathieu claims that everyone is capable of learning to be happy, just like riding a bicycle. His advice: 15 minutes a day, sit and think positive. Immerse yourself in a state of happiness, bathe in it - and it will not leave you.

How meditation affects perception

Our brain is 80 billion nerve cells, and each one has thousands of relationships with others. Every time you, say, look out the window, a group of connections is activated: I look - I recognize rain and sadness, because I don’t like such weather. The likelihood that the next time you see a similar picture you will miss again increases - this is how the habit of perception is formed. It is worth once in a particular situation to mentally say: “I horrible man”, as when you repeat it, you are likely to think so again - the brain saves energy.

As a result, connections between certain groups of neurons are strengthened, while between others, on the contrary, they worsen and disappear altogether. A semblance of highways is being formed - autobahns, neurotransmitters are driven along them - substances that neurons exchange with each other. This is how a habit is created. But only some automatisms are useful (there is no need to relearn how to walk if everything is in order), some (the habit of thinking negatively, for example) prevent us from living.

The practice of meditation gives you the opportunity to choose. At the moment when you become aware of what is happening to you - what emotion or thought arises, what is felt in the body - a tiny gap of freedom of action appears, and you can use it by choosing not the usual, but something else. This is how new neural connections are formed, and gradually they become highways: dysfunctional patterns of behavior change to useful ones.

How to start meditating

All you need is a quiet place. It is better not to lie down (so as not to fall asleep), but to sit comfortably: straighten your shoulders, straighten your back, relax your body, fold your arms. Set a timer for 10 minutes. Close your eyes and follow your breath. Are you distracted? It's okay - just remember to inhale and exhale.

According to our expert Viktor Shiryaev, mindfulness skills will improve over time. Even if the internal dialogue does not stop, but you managed to emerge from the conversation with yourself three times, the meditation is considered successful. When the timer rings, slowly open your eyes. Do this every day.

Mindfulness teacher Viktor Shiryaev recommends tying meditation to an established habit so it will be easier to integrate the practice into your everyday life.

I meditate immediately after doing surya namaskar plus as needed. Most often I just focus on breathing, and if I want to relax, I turn on the sounds of nature and dissolve in the forest for 20 minutes - it’s great refreshing and invigorating.

It is important to choose the right practice for yourself so that rejection does not occur. There are hundreds of exercises in the same mindfulness. The most popular are watching the breath, scanning sensations in the body and open presence - for this, just close your eyes and be in the moment, following everything that arises inside and around - thoughts, emotions, body, sounds, smells.

Note that following is not the same as thinking. (“Oh, it smells like potatoes, I wish I could fry them too, but there isn’t one in the house, but what is there?”) If you notice that you are involved in the thought process, go back to the selected object.

After 4 weeks of practice for 15-20 minutes a day, you will feel some changes. You will become more calm and satisfied. You will worry less about trifles and concentrate on the negative, it is easier to endure discomfort, it is better to focus.

According to Victor, it is good to complement some techniques with others. For example, breath + gratitude. And remember: practice wins through regularity. As the respected teacher Shinzen Yang likes to joke, the only meditation that didn't work is the one you didn't do.

Mobile Apps for Meditation

How do you evaluate the mental and physical health how you feel now - the service will analyze your answers and select options for practices. Convenient: you can set the time and track the results.
Headspace (iOS)

This popular app (users include Emma Watson) is developed by former Buddhist monk Andy Puddicombe, author of a book on mindfulness meditation. Design, exercises, tips and tricks - all five plus. 10 minutes a day - and hurry to open the door to miracles, Andy promises. Will you check? The first 10 days are free.

So that you do not forget about the practice, the service will carefully send a reminder. 60 seconds of inner silence in the company of a funny drawn coach will clear your mind during a difficult time of emergency and deadlines. You can not be afraid to fall asleep or daydream: when the minute of relaxation is over, you will be informed.

People who strive to improve spiritually, intellectually, physically, are interested in various practices that can realize these tasks. Meditation is the most well-known and widespread practice that can help a person achieve peace of mind, learn to step back from stress, improve emotional and physical health, and bring many other benefits. positive changes into your life.

Why does a person need meditation?

Human life is rarely simple and carefree. Most often, people have to overcome various trials and difficulties. Overcoming them, a person often experiences such conditions as: stress, anxiety, anxiety, irritability. In this state, it is difficult to enjoy life, effectively cope with daily tasks, achieve success in various aspects life. The practice of meditation allows a person to reach a state of consciousness in which he becomes able to take full control of his thoughts and emotions, sensations. The ability at the right time to discard unnecessary emotions that prevent you from achieving your goal, to control yourself in any situation, to lead normal life without stress and anxiety - this is an incomplete list of what meditation gives a person.

How to learn meditation?

There are several ways to learn meditation: with the help of books, a teacher, or on your own. The most important condition, following which you can learn this practice, is regularity.

Having decided to master the practice of meditation, you need to plan a time when you can be left to yourself, and no one and nothing will distract you. The ideal time for meditation is the time of sunrise and sunset. The temperature in the room should be comfortable as well as the clothes, during meditation you should not experience any inconvenience. Consider a position in which it will be convenient for you to meditate, it is good if you accustom yourself to meditate while sitting in a chair with a straight back or in. It is not entirely recommended to meditate lying down, as there is a risk of falling asleep during it. The optimal duration of meditation is 20 minutes.

The essence of any meditation is to bring your mind to a state of peace, but lead to this state in their own ways. We will look at two meditation techniques, concentration and mindfulness.

concentration meditation

The purpose of this meditation, as mentioned above, is to bring the mind to a state of calm. Your task during the execution of this technique is not to be distracted by the thoughts and sensations that arise. Thoughts cannot be turned off, they will appear, there is no need to resist it. Let them appear, let them go. There may also be images, sensations, the meaning of which you want to understand and appreciate. If to speak in simple words: you need to learn to stop thinking during meditation, learn to achieve inner and outer "silence". The main sign that you have succeeded in this practice will be the ability to turn off your active mind for even a few seconds. How to achieve such a state?

Choosing a subject to focus on

By concentrating your attention on something, it is easier to disconnect from thoughts. You can start meditation by focusing on your breath. Fix your attention on the sensations of inhalation/exhalation. Breathe deeply, evenly and calmly. Notice the sensation of air entering and exiting your lungs. As you focus on your physical sensations, you will begin to relax.

You can also select other objects to focus on, for example:

  • Image, think about which image is right for you. It can be fire, candle flame, sea waves, etc.
  • Point between the eyebrows. Close your eyes, imagine this point. Focus on her.
  • Darkness, black screen.
  • Breathing, you can continue to focus your attention on breathing throughout the meditation.

When, during meditation, thoughts or sensations come and distract you from the object of concentration, do not resist them, just let go. Of course, it will not be easy to achieve a state where you can turn off thoughts and still remain conscious even for a short time. But when you manage to do it, even for a few seconds or a minute, you can consider that you have succeeded. With each workout, this time will increase.

Conscious meditation - teaches you to perceive reality as it is, helps a person get rid of suffering, by realizing and understanding the reasons for their appearance. As a result of the practice of conscious meditation, a person’s sensitivity and intuition increase, the mind becomes calm and balanced, a person becomes able to make decisions correctly, act correctly, find harmony and happiness, this is a list of what meditation gives on a psychological level. At the physical level, conscious meditation has a beneficial effect on the psychosomatic state of a person: it relieves depression, sleep and appetite disorders; normalizes blood pressure; helps to get rid of alcohol and tobacco addiction; helps fight chronic pain.

The Mechanism of Mindfulness Meditation

All these positive changes will occur due to the fact that the mind is cleared of the "dirt" that forms when we evaluate and react to external and internal stimuli in the form of events, thoughts, feelings, images, etc. For example, an event occurred that we do not like, then we have a reaction to this event, in the form of negative feelings (anger, fear, resentment, etc.). As a result, we suffer, we think about how to avoid it. Even positive reactions can cause suffering. For example, as a result of our inability to access our attachments. Attachments are something or someone to which we have a strong attraction.

There are many situations in life that evoke negative feelings in us (situations at work, problems in the family, etc.), as well as attachments (comfort, food, sex, alcohol, cigarettes, the person we love, etc.). d.). Our main attachment is our ego, the image of our "I" and God forbid, if someone encroaches on what belongs to our "I", we have a storm of emotions and feelings and cause the most severe suffering.

Often this all happens to us on an unconscious level. That is, a person may not realize why he feels bad, where these feelings come from. The reasons that caused these states remain at the subconscious level and poison our lives, affect our feelings, mind, and health. Therefore, it is very important to keep our mind in balance.

So conscious meditation allows you to learn how to get rid of this mental rubbish and prevent its reappearance. This is achieved through an impartial observation of one's feelings and the lack of reaction to the stimuli of the inner and outer world.

You need to start mastering conscious meditation by choosing a way to do it, there are only three of them:

The first way is awareness of the actions of the body, mind, heart. Awareness of the actions of the body means to focus your attention on its movements. When we make any movements, we are not aware of them, we make them purely mechanically. When doing your daily activities, fix the movements, what does this mean? For example, while moving your hand, try to become aware of this movement. When you take a shower or bath, feel and be aware of the contact of water with the body. Being aware of the operation of the mind means simply observing the thoughts that appear in our head. Pay attention to them unapologetically. Also with emotions, one should not judge what is good or bad, this is not part of the task of this practice. To be just a witness to what is happening around, to accept currently the way it is, that's the point. Dedicate 40-60 minutes daily to the awareness of the above actions. Over time, such training will bring tangible benefits in everyday life.

The second way is awareness of the breath. Watch the rise and fall of the abdomen as you inhale and exhale. Watch how the inhale raises the belly and the exhale lowers it. As you become aware of these movements, your mind and heart become calm and emotions disappear.

The third method is also based on breath awareness, but unlike the second, attention is fixed on the point of entry of air. Feel the air enter your nostrils, feel the coolness at the point of entry of the air.

Choose from these three ways for yourself the most suitable, i.e. the one that is easiest for you to do.

Mindfulness meditation can be done while sitting or walking.

Doing the practice sitting: take a comfortable position in which you can remain for 40-60 minutes without changing it. Keep your back straight, breathing should be even. The posture can only be changed if absolutely necessary. Watch how, at a point above the navel, inhaling and exhaling raises and lowers your belly. If during the practice there is any interference, in the form of a feeling, thought, irritant of the outside world, switch your attention to this interference, then switch back to breathing.

Walking: You will need to be aware of the movement of the legs that touch the ground. You can walk in a straight line or in a circle. Lower your eyes and look at the ground, a few steps ahead. Direct your attention to how each foot touches the ground in turn. If there is a hindrance, be aware of it, and then again switch your attention to the legs. Runtime 20-30 minutes.

The reasons that can prompt a person to start mastering the practice of meditation, as we see, are many. But each person has their own, albeit similar. Why he needs meditation, he will answer himself as a result of regular training.

What does meditation give? This question worries many people who are looking for their own path to freedom, tranquility and self-development. Does this method really work, how to meditate correctly, maybe it is more suitable for Buddhist monks than for an ordinary person. Meditation - the very word blows with the mysterious and mysterious wind of the east, hides behind itself the wisdom accumulated over thousands of years and passed down from generation to generation.

IN Lately meditation technique is actively used in the modern European world, modern ways its applications and methods of use. In the age of rapid development, mental stress increases, people lack peace of mind, it is meditation that helps to restore inner balance and harmony in a person without the use of medications, antidepressants.

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The calmness and tranquility of the eastern sages, who have known the world and are not in a hurry anywhere, have always amazed, just watching, enjoying life, every moment that is given to a person on Earth. What does meditation do ordinary person how to meditate properly?

According to spiritual sages and teachers, meditation is a way to higher powers, a way of understanding oneself, transforming one's personality, and gaining new qualities.

The positive impact of meditation is manifested in such areas:

  1. A person learns to be an observer, perceives himself and the world as a whole, begins to better understand his inner world - thoughts, emotions, feelings.
  2. There comes an understanding of how to manage emotions, feelings, restore spiritual harmony.
  3. The person becomes kinder, more loving and open to the world willing to share with others inner light. There is compassion for people and joy from life, internal state independent of external circumstances.
  4. Intelligence appears - the ability to think independently, not to depend on external views, to find an opportunity to overcome the barriers of society, freeing one's potential, opportunities, to find one's freedom.
  5. It teaches a person to find joy in solitude, being alone with himself, because if you find yourself and are comfortable alone, then it will be easier with another person than when hurricanes rage in your soul.
  6. Meditation allows you to realize your "I", your individuality. Society does not particularly support such people, it is easier to manage the crowd than a self-sufficient, confident person who has his own life principles. the main problem people - they depend on the opinion of society and do not listen to their inner intuition, they choose the wrong path in life, they cannot find their destination.
  7. It contributes to the development of intuition, a person better understands himself, the characteristics of the psyche, discovers his uniqueness, blooms like a flower.
  8. Meditation is the path of insight, knowledge of one's personality and the ability to observe the development of society from the outside.
  9. It helps to strengthen the human psyche - reduces the likelihood of mental trauma, increases self-confidence, performance, allows you to develop and improve your personality.
  10. Meditation is successfully used for medical purposes - it improves the condition in case of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, reduces anxiety, allows you to forget about depression, aggressiveness, increases attention, and the ability to work. It is indicated for disorders of the nervous system and mental overload.
  11. Develops Creative skills, helps in solving life issues, situations. It opens up internal reserves, promotes purposefulness in life, the search for non-standard solutions.

What meditation gives a person is a rather broad question. The use of meditation helps a person to find himself, the meaning of life, learn to manage himself, move to a new, better level of life, better understand the world. The path of enlightenment, liberation opens internal forces and potential.

The mechanism of the impact of meditation on a person

Research scientists confirm the effect of meditation on the human brain at the biological, molecular level. We used modern equipment, studying electrophysiological, metabolic, biochemical processes. Surveys and psychological testing confirmed the improvement in mental health, positive changes in personality characteristics, self-development and implementation in society in people who actively use meditation, who were trained in techniques in groups.

Meditation, the impact on a person are topical and popular issues, a change was noticed at all levels - mental, molecular. A feature of the impact on the brain is a change in the dominance of the hemispheres. Scientists and thinkers have long noticed differences in people's characters, attitudes towards life, dividing them into artists and thinkers, creative people and adherents of science.

The differences are associated with the predominance of the development of the left or right hemisphere of the brain, the left is responsible for logic (reading, writing, problem solving, conservatism), the right is creativity ( figurative perception reality, the desire for discoveries, new things in life).

In people's lives, the development of one of the hemispheres usually prevails, over the years, preference is given to the right, which is involved in learning, it is necessary to obtain new information, knowledge, the right develops only with constant training, music, drawing, in normal cases, the connection with the creative side is lost, the help of the subconscious is lost.

Meditation allows you to balance the activity of both hemispheres, the activity of the left and right hemispheres is aligned, which affects the development of a person’s mental state, the manifestation of new abilities, the discovery creativity, improvement of self-regulation processes, personal development.

In the process of meditation, the integrity of the work of the human body is restored, reserves, internal possibilities are opened, the attitude towards oneself and the world around changes, changes occur at all levels. Now even scientists recognize the positivity of meditation practices. How to start practicing meditation, are there methods available to everyone?

To begin with, it is worth understanding that all methods of meditation lead to one goal, the ability of a person to look at the world differently, to become an observer, to escape from the cycle of life, to calm their mind. To use meditation, beginners need to be in a quiet, calm place, away from people, nature, better - in a private room.

Experienced practitioners can meditate in any environment, beginners need peace of mind. It is customary to use a sitting or lying position, relaxing the body and freeing the mind. However, meditation teachers suggest starting with catharsis. This is a method that allows you to release emotions, a person in the process of life constantly suppresses anger, fear, disappointment.

Such emotions do not allow the mind to calm down, in Buddhism it is customary to give vent to emotions in a safe way. So anger can be shown when you hit a pillow, a pear, the main thing is not to direct it at people. If you are sad, you can cry, you feel uplifted - laugh, dance, just be honest with yourself and give vent to emotions. And then go directly to the meditation exercises. Emotions are difficult to suppress, they need to be expelled, experienced and forgotten. What does meditation give? It also allows you to get rid of accumulated emotions using dynamic methods.

The basic rules of meditation are a state of relaxation, observation, no judgment, only contemplation and silence. It seems that the world freezes, all movements, thoughts stop, there is only pure space.

There are more than a hundred methods of meditation, the methods and structure are different, but the principles are the same. The most suitable method should be chosen and used for meditation. No need to invent new way, everything has already been studied and thought out before the smallest details, worked out for centuries in practice. You just need to choose the most convenient method. And most importantly - calmness and patience, haste will not help in the development and mastering of meditation techniques. Truth comes with time, as seedlings of planted seeds sprout for beginners. For beginners, consider the most simple techniques.

So, meditation, the effects of the methods, how to do it:

1. Meditation on a point - any meditation is associated with concentration, an object, it can be the external world or the internal one. Very simple is the technique of meditation on a point.

There is information that this method promotes eye health on a physical level and clears thoughts, calms and improves mindfulness and concentration on a mental (spiritual) level.

Execution method: a black dot is drawn on a sheet of paper, the sheet is located at eye level. It is necessary to look at the point for 3-15 minutes (gradually the time is brought up to 30 minutes), it is necessary to concentrate thoughts on this object (point), trying not to be distracted by other thoughts. After completing the exercise, you need to close your eyes and wait until it disappears. internal image points.

A similar method can be used only with observing the flame of a candle, concentrating on the fire. This exercise is considered basic in the process of mastering meditation.

What does point meditation give? Improves mindfulness, helps to calm thoughts, improves vision.

2. Transcendental Meditation, Transcendental Meditation (TM) - a technique developed by Maharishi Maher Yogi, involves the use of special mantras to go beyond reflection, to clear consciousness.

This meditation is considered the easiest to use, used all over the world, requires only 15-20 minutes of practice, 2 times a day for positive results. The technique allows you to reduce, slow down the process of thinking, promotes the transition to a state of calm and awareness. Such activities help reduce stress and have a beneficial effect on personal development.

Transcendental meditation involves thinking the opposite of the standard - in the process of meditation, a person paves the way to the inner consciousness, the source of thoughts, their origin, finds the foundation of conscious processes. It is advised to apply regularly to increase the level of concentration on the inner Self, gaining complete relaxation and peace of mind. This method has been studied by medicine and has established itself as a positive effect on the entire body and mental state of a person.

TM implementation technique consists in pronouncing a certain mantra, which affects certain parts of the brain, causing inhibition of thinking, leading to a transition to a relaxed state: breathing slows down, there is a feeling of the state of a baby, primary thinking, without a certain framework. Thoughts dissipate, there is peace close to the state of sleep, but this is not a dream, it is better to practice meditation in a cheerful state in the morning and evening.

Reaching desired state, the mantra is no longer pronounced, and in case of extra thoughts, they repeat it again. The transition to a state of meditation contributes to the purification of consciousness, internal reboot, stress relief, unity with the outside world, the Universe, receiving external energy. Anyone can master the TM technique, this does not require special training, only the desire and the presence of 15 minutes of free time.

It is possible to find a paid instructor or go to a group to study the TM method in more detail, or you can practice on your own, it is advised to use the “OM” mantra to begin with, which is considered a general use mantra. With personal training, the instructor can choose a personal mantra based on the characteristics of the person.

Let's take a closer look at the technique of performing transcendental meditation.:
  1. It is necessary to take a comfortable sitting position, relax all the muscles, breathe deeply, feel relaxation in the whole body, the muscles become heavier, a wave of relaxation passes through the whole body from head to toe.
  2. We exhale for a few seconds, we feel how the energy flows through the top of the head into the lungs, we accumulate energy in the solar plexus.
  3. We pronounce the mantra "OM" (aoum), moving attention to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest, throat, crown. Repeat the inhale and say the mantra as you exhale. Continue until a state of calm comes, and external thoughts cease to disturb.
  4. If thoughts do not go away, it is necessary to think about something pleasant, beautiful - to imagine nature, flowers, special happy moments of life. Try to let go of thoughts and illnesses with the exhalation, freeing the body and mind.
  5. We leave the meditation after 15-20 minutes, gradually including the muscles, we roll a wave of tension, from the legs to the head, we try to turn on the vision at the end. Again we begin to feel the whole body, every muscle, hear and see the world around us.

People often ask themselves: what does meditation give, what are the effects of practice? Mainly there is a reboot of thinking, cleansing of negative thoughts, stress relief, relaxation at the physical level, activation of internal forces. During periods of stress, meditation can be an effective helper to minimize the impact of overload on the body.

3. Practice "Inner smile" - the emotional state of a person has a huge impact on physical health.

Experiences lead to disorders of the nervous system, digestion, disorders in the work of the heart, and positive emotions and joy energize health, strengthening immunity and improving general state organism. It is recommended to use the "inner smile" to improve physical and mental health.


  1. Start the exercise with the eyes, they are interconnected with nervous system and all organs. It is necessary to close your eyes and imagine that they are smiling, as it usually happens with joy, fill them with relaxation and light.
  2. Mentally smile to all parts of the body and organs, starting from the head and going down, it is important to give a positive charge - to the brain, heart, stomach, liver and other important areas, especially the chakras.

What does meditation do this method? After practice, there is a surge of strength, energy, the general condition and mood improve.

4. Vapassana is one of the most common techniques, it has contributed to the enlightenment of the greatest number of people, since it contains the essence.

Anyone can do it, there are several ways:

  • Awareness of oneself, actions, thoughts - you need to follow and understand, be aware of the movements of the arms, legs when walking, learn to feel all the processes, excluding unconscious manifestations. At the same time, there is awareness of thoughts, actions, without evaluation, just observation. Exercise - walking around the room with a lowered gaze, concentration forward a couple of steps, feeling the touch of the ground with your feet. It is important to come to awareness of body movements, thoughts and emotions. Three main steps.
  • Awareness of breathing - you need to focus on breathing, feel how the stomach rises and falls as you inhale and exhale. As a result of concentration on the breath, the stomach, thoughts go away, emotions dissolve, the heart calms down. You can focus on how the air enters and exits if it is difficult to breathe in the stomach (concerns more men).

The exercise is performed as follows: you need to take a comfortable sitting position, close your eyes, relax your body and direct your attention a little above the navel, feeling how you inhale and exhale the air. Try not to be distracted, but when distracted, turn your inner gaze to the question for a while and return to conscious breathing again. It is important to observe calm breathing and feel the state.

What gives meditation, namely Vapassana? This method allows you to learn to observe the world, feel life with all your heart, find peace and open insight, find your peace of mind. The whole world is just a reflection of a person, his thoughts, calming the soul, we change our attitude to the world, otherwise we feel life, we see new facets and horizons.

5. Kundalini - meditation - this meditation is similar to dynamic, where a person must initially throw out energy, the following steps are used in this technique:
  • the body relaxes, there is a shudder, as a result of the impact of energy rising from the feet up (15 min.);
  • dance, the body moves at its own discretion, freeing itself from hidden emotions, stiffness (15 min.);
  • relaxation in a sitting or standing position, closing your eyes, we observe our feelings, the inner and outer world (15 min.).

What does kundalini meditation do? This meditation technique helps to cleanse the accumulated emotions, experiences, restore peace and balance in the soul and body.

6. "Be born again", Osho meditation- also involves dynamic and classical meditation.

It is believed that over the years a person ceases to enjoy life, loses immediacy, contact with the natural beginning, the natural beginning of life. Therefore, Osho proposed a meditation that returns to childhood - for 1 hour a person behaves like a child: he plays, sings, jumps, releasing energy, removing clamps, splashing out emotions, for another hour he remains in a calm state, in a sitting position.

What does meditation "be born again" give? As a result of the application of the technique, a feeling of childhood, immediacy, openness to the world arises, a person learns to feel life in all its glory, openly express feelings and emotions.

7. Laughter meditation - there are stories about a laughing Buddha who walked around the settlements and just laughed without telling people anything, while he helped to cleanse oneself spiritually and recharge with positive energy.

The simplest technique- in the morning, waking up, stretch with your eyes closed, after 3 minutes start laughing, continue for 5 minutes (do not open your eyes). Laughter helps to cleanse oneself of negative thoughts, fill the mind with light and positive charge, and makes the new day more successful.

An important rule of meditation- Learn to open your heart and fill it with peace. It is the heart that allows you to live real life, and problems are created by the mind, consciousness, complicating the world around us. Therefore, it is useful to move awareness to the region of the heart, to learn to feel the world. Do not complicate life, there are no problems, there are secrets and mysteries of life, everything else is a product of our thinking.

Meditation - this is a state in which we are involuntarily, without even noticing it. During periods of special concentration, activities such as drawing, creating music, contemplating the world, nature, drinking tea, running can cause a state of meditation: the harmony of body and spirit, the absence of unnecessary thoughts.

Each person is looking for his own ways to restore internal strength, even positive memories can fill the soul with light. Excellent help and breathing exercises during periods of stress, irritation, loss of calm.

We wish you to find your own method of meditation and live in harmony with the world around you!

For a very long time I myself could not understand why you need to meditate. Sometimes I did yoga meditation or at some kind of training: then, as part of the class, I liked it. I even went to Vipassana: a 10-day silence retreat where you do nothing but meditate for 10 hours a day.

But to introduce into daily practice - why, how? Meditation is clearly not the kind of practice from which you see the result instantly. And I wanted logical explanation and instant results. The stories of others were not particularly inspiring: well, yes, you become calmer, well, yes, your consciousness clears up. And I’m already calm and my mind is clear, so I won’t need all this.

But one day I did get the right amount of inspiration! I watched some interviews with successful entrepreneurs who also went in for sports and had just won a sports competition. In an interview, they were asked the question: what is your most basic secret to success? Two out of three answered: morning meditation. It's not that I want to be a winner sports competitions, but the idea of ​​becoming a successful entrepreneur really interests me. For some reason, I believed these athletes.

The decision to try was made: since then I have not missed a single time. Not everything went smoothly, but now I can say with confidence: meditation is the most favorite time of the day and yes, I fully realized its value, and the longer I practice, the more unexpected bonuses open up.

So why should you meditate?

  1. Raise awareness! You know, it happens like this: you work like, write a quarterly report or new article, then woke up - and you've been sitting on Facebook for an hour. Or you drive and find that you don’t remember the road at all, how you got to your destination. Or you leave the house, and then you think: did I turn off the iron? Did I close the door? And you can't remember! This means that in those moments we were not in the present moment. With the practice of meditation, we are much more aware of ourselves: what we are doing, why, are we doing conscious choice or we function on the machine, out of habit.
  2. Better understand yourself and hear yourself. Certainty, understanding what you want and where you are going is almost the most important value in life. With meditation, it manifests itself faster. When you have to make choices in life, less and less time is spent on doubt and reflection: you will quickly recognize which answer is right for you.
  3. Calm down. When some event occurs that would normally unsettle you, it entails much less experience, it takes you less and less time to return to a state of calm and joy. The emotional background noticeably leveled off.
  4. Increase efficiency. This effect is noticeable from the first days! Concentration increases, the ability to focus on what you are doing, which means that you can function faster and more efficiently! And this applies to both work tasks that require mental stress, and creative processes, and banal things like washing dishes.
  5. Train the power of intention. In meditation, the mind and body are in their most effective state, in the most harmonious interaction. A great moment to remember your vision, to direct the focus of attention there. You can use this time to imagine your day ahead, to focus on the things you want to do today. If to be an important event, imagine in detail how great everything will go. And often that is exactly what happens!
  6. Make contact with your own body. Very often we generally forget about its existence until something hurts. How often do you stop and notice how it feels in your body right now? But there are always feelings! The habit of staying in touch with the body and listening to its voice is worth a lot. Through the body you can live and let go negative emotions, you can find out what is good for you and what is bad, when it's time to stop for dinner, when you sit up without moving and it's time to train, and many others.
  7. Hear your intuition. I really like the phrase that I heard from: “How can you hear your inner voice if you constantly yell at it?” Our mind is constantly busy with a million different things, and we have absolutely no time to stop and listen to ourselves. This chance comes when we create space for inner silence.
  8. Listen to insights straight from the universe. During meditation, ideas, awareness and insights come, puzzles are put together and the missing pieces are found. The ideas that come up during meditation are usually worth listening to, trusting, and acting on - the results will surprise you.

I will talk about how to learn to meditate in.

Do you meditate? Tell us how long ago and are there any other positive effects of meditation that I did not mention?

And there is someone who after this article decided to try? Write in the comments?

What is meditation for?

Many of us still have a poor idea of ​​what meditation is and what it is for. Let's try to clarify this issue.

Meditation (from Latin meditatio - reflection) is a type of attention concentration training exercise used for health purposes or for self-knowledge and improvement, to develop control over the flow of one's thoughts and emotions, or to enter a special state of consciousness.

There are many meditation techniques. During meditation, the practitioner is usually required to take a certain posture, sometimes a rosary and other auxiliary items are used. The object of concentration is usually sensations inside the body, internal images, less often emotions. Sometimes the object of concentration may be an external physical object. Meditation can be combined with breathing exercises. Depending on the goal, special meditation practices are used.

As a rule, meditation is associated with Indian yoga or Buddhism. But in fact, the history of meditation is much richer. Its traces can be found in ancient times, where among the Platonists meditation was a procedure that preceded theoretical thinking, and was called "philosophical ecstasy", it was practiced by the Jesuits in the form of "exercise", Sufi Muslims in the teaching "On the Path", Jews in the "Kabbalah" , Christians, including Orthodox Christians, in “smart work”, where the mental prayer of Jesus connects the mind and heart. In the 1960s, hippies, for whom meditation was a means of achieving harmony, made meditation popular not only in the United States, but throughout the world. In Russia, interest in meditation increased dramatically during perestroika times.

Meditation helps to relax, get rid of stress, unnecessary thoughts and experiences, find peace of mind and state inner harmony and understand life in its entirety.

To engage in or not to engage in meditation, whether it is useful or harmful - everyone decides for himself. Spiritual practice requires patience and long and hard work, does not promise any material benefits - it only improves the Soul, harmonizes the inner world, helps to move more confidently and efficiently through life.

Experienced instructors of our center will help you to comprehend one of the secrets and the greatest arts in life - meditation. We will teach various techniques and methods, but only the person himself can comprehend this art through his own experience.

So, let's sum it up:

  • Do you want to return inner comfort and peace of mind- meditate!
  • If you want to develop or strengthen your inner reserves and abilities, meditate!
  • If you want to restore peace within and around you, meditate!
  • If you want to improve your health, meditate!
